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High frequency characterization of the Gsanger LM0202P eletro-optic [i.e. electro-optic] modulator PDF

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Preview High frequency characterization of the Gsanger LM0202P eletro-optic [i.e. electro-optic] modulator

NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey, California THESIS HIGH FREQUENCY CHARACTERIZATION OF THE GSANGER LM0202P ELECTRO-OPTIC MODULATOR by John R Tucker December, 1996 Thesis Advisors: S. Gnanalingam D. Scott Davis Andres Larraza Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Thesis T826 DUDLEYKNOXLIBRARY NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY CA 9394^5101 REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE FormApprovedOMBNo 0704-01* Publicreportingburdenforthiscollectionofinformationisestimatedtoaverage1 hourperresponse,includingthetimeforreviewinginstruction,searchingexistingdatasources,gatheringand maintainingthedataneeded,andcompletingandreviewingthecollectionofinformation Sendcommentsregardingthisburdenestimateoranyotheraspectofthiscollectionofinformation, includingsuggestionsforreducingthisburden,toWashingtonHeadquartersServices,DirectorateforInformationOperationsandReports, 1215JeffersonDavisHighway,Suite1204,Arlington, VA22202^302,andtotheOfficeofManagementandBudget,PaperworkReductionProject(0704-0188)WashingtonDC20S03 AGENCYUSEONLY (Leaveblank) 2. REPORTDATE 3 REPORTTYPEANDDATESCOVERED . December 1996. Master's Thesis 4. HighFrequency Characterizationofthe GsangerLM0202PElectro-OpticModulator 5. FUNDINGNUMBERS AUTHOR(S) Tucker, JohnR. PERFORMINGORGANIZATIONNAME(S)ANDADDRESS(ES) PERFORMINGORGANIZATION 7. Naval Postgraduate School REPORTNUMBER Monterey CA 93943-5000 SPONSORING/MONITORINGAGENCYNAME(S)ANDADDRESS(ES) SPONSORING/MONITORING 1 . AGENCYREPORTNUMBER 11. SUPPLEMENTARYNOTES The views expressed in this thesis are those ofthe author and do not reflectthe official policy orposition ofthe Department ofDefense orthe U.S. Government. 12a. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILrTY STATEMENT 12b. DISTRIBUTIONCODE Approvedforpublic release; distribution is unlimited. 13. ABSTRACT (maximum 200words) This thesisdocuments experiments conducted with the GsangerLM0202P electro-optic modulatorto achieve a high percentage modulation at 125MHz ofail argon-ion laser. The laserwas tuned to produce a single mode, linearly polarized light at 514.5 nm. The laser lightwas first passed through the electro-optic crystal modulatorwith no external electricfield applied, and the frequency spectrum was observedtobe the same as the frequency spectrum ofthe source laser. When an AC voltage witha frequency of 125 MHz was applied tothe modulator sidebandswere observedby using aFabry-Perot interferometer. Further measurementswere taken todetermine the suitability ofthe LM0202P modulatorovera large frequency range. 14. SUBJECTTERMS: HighFrequency,Electro-Optic,LaserModulation 15. NUMBEROFPAGES 54 16. PRICECODE 17. SECURITYCLASSIFICA- 18. SECURITYCLASSIFI- 19. SECURITYCLASSIFICA- 20. LIMITATIONOF TIONOF REPORT CATIONOFTHISPAGE TIONOFABSTRACT ABSTRACT UL Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified NSN7540-01-280-5500 StandardForm298 (Rev. 2-89) PrescribedbyANSIStd 239-18298-102 Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. HIGH FREQUENCY CHARACTERIZATION OF THE GSANGER LM0202P ELETRO-OPTIC MODULATOR John R. Tucker Lieutenant, United States Navy B.S., United States Naval Academy, 1989 Submitted in partial fulfillment ofthe requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN APPLIED PHYSICS from the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL S~\ December 1996 DUDLEYKNOXLIBRARY M^rl ^fGRADUATESCHOOL MONTEREY CA 93943-5101 ABSTRACT This thesis documents experiments conducted with the Gsanger LM0202P electro-optic modulator to achieve a high percentage modulation at 125MHz of an argon-ion laser. The laser was tuned to produce a single mode, linearly polarized light at 514.5 nm. The laser light was first passed through the electro-optic crystal modulator with no external electric field applied, and the frequency spectrum was observed to be the same as the frequency spectrum of the source laser. When an AC voltage with a frequency of 125 MHz was applied to the modulator sidebands were observed by using a Fabry-Perot interferometer. Further measurements were taken to determine the suitability of the LM0202P modulator over a large frequency range. VI 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION I. 1 ELECTRO-OPTIC MODULATION 3 II. A. ELECTRO-OPTIC MODULATION 3 1. Birefringence 3 2. Electro-Optic Crystals and Modulation 4 B. INTERFEROMETRIC SPECTROSCOPY 13 EXPERIMENTAL ARRANGEMENT 17 III. A. THE MODULATOR 17 B. THE LASER 19 C. THE MODULATOR MOUNT 20 D. THE HYBRID CIRCUIT 22 E. THE INTERFEROMETER 23 DRIVING AND DETECTIONS SYSTEMS 24 F. OBSERVATIONS AND MEASUREMENTS 29 IV. A. THE DC CURVE 29 OBTAINING THE SPECTRUM OF THE MODULATED LASER BEAM B. 34 V. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 41 LIST OF REFERENCES 43 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST 45 VI

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