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epl draft Heterogeneous pair approximation for voter models on networks Emanuele Pugliese1,2 and Claudio Castellano3 0 1 1 Dipartimento di Fisica, “Sapienza” Universita` di Roma, P.le Aldo Moro 2, I-00185 Roma, Italy 0 2 S. Anna School of Advanced Studies, P.za Martiri della Liberta` 33, I-56100 Pisa, Italy 2 3 SMC, INFM-CNR and Dipartimento di Fisica, “Sapienza” Universita` di Roma, P.le Aldo Moro 2, I-00185 Roma, n Italy a J 6 2 PACS 87.23.Ge–Dynamics of social systems PACS 64.60.aq–Networks ] h PACS 05.40.-a–Fluctuation phenomena, random processes, noise, and Brownian motion c e Abstract.- Formodelswhoseevolutiontakesplaceonanetworkitisoftennecessarytoaugment m the mean-field approach by considering explicitly the degree dependence of average quantities (heterogeneous mean-field). Here we introduce the degree dependence in the pair approximation - t (heterogeneous pair approximation) for analyzing voter models on uncorrelated networks. This a t approachgivesanessentiallyexactdescriptionofthedynamics,correctingsomeinaccurateresults s ofpreviousapproaches. Theheterogeneouspairapproximationintroducedherecan beappliedin . t full generality to many other processes on complex networks. a m - d n o c Introduction. – The voter model is one of the sim- this imitates a randomly chosen neighbor. In the reverse [ plest possible models of nonequilibrium dynamics, as wit- voter dynamics [13] or invasion process the order of selec- nessed by the number of different contexts where it has tion is opposite: it is the neighbor that imitates the node 3 v been considered, ranging from probability to theoretical selected first. An intermediate case is the link-update dy- 9 ecology and heterogeneous catalysis [1–3]. namics[12],whereonehastochooseatrandomfirstalink 8 andthenwhichofthetwonodesattheendofthelinkimi- 4 Eachnode ofagraphisendowedwitha binaryvariable tatestheother. Onlythelink-updaterulepreservesacru- 5 (a spin) s =±1. At each time step a node and one of its cial property of voter dynamics on lattices, conservation . neighborsarechosenatrandomandthefirstnodebecomes 3 onaverageofmagnetization[12],whereasotherquantities 0 equalto the second. This microscopicdynamics givesrise are conserved in the two other cases [11,13]. On regu- 9 to a nontrivial macroscopic phenomenology [3] with the lar geometries the three types of dynamics coincide, but 0 formationofcorrelateddomainsthattendtogrowintime. : when the topology is strongly heterogeneous important v In finite systems this eventually leads to one of the two differences arise: on scale-free networks [19] the scaling of i possible ordered states (consensus) with either all spins X averageconsensus time T with the systemsize N changes up (+1) or down (−1). In the thermodynamic limit full r depending on which of the three versions is considered. a order is reached only in euclidean dimension d≤2. From the point of view of statistical physics voter dy- Theoretical progress on the understanding of these is- namicshastheveryinterestingfeaturethatitsoverlysim- sueshasbeenmadepossiblebytheapplicationofahetero- plerulesallowforanalyticaltreatmentinmanycases. On geneousmean-fieldapproach[11,13,16]. The basic idea is euclidean lattices many exact results are available [4,5]. todefinethedensitiesσ ofupspinsrestrictedtonodesof k In the past few years, in the framework of the huge in- degree k and to write down evolution equations for them. terest around complex networks and dynamics on top of Inthiswayitispossibletopredictthatforthedirectvoter them[6–8], the effectof nontrivialtopologiesonvoterdy- the average time T to reach consensus grows sublinearly namics has been explored[9–18]. One interestingeffect of as a function of the system size N if the exponent γ of the presence of a disordered connectivity pattern is that the tail of the degree distribution is smaller than 3, while slightly different definitions of the model, perfectly equiv- it is linear for γ > 3. Instead, for the reverse and link- alentonlattices,becomeinequivalentonnetworks. Inthe update versions of the dynamics the growth is linear for direct voter case, one picks up a vertex at random and any γ > 2. Very recently, the theoretical picture for the p-1 E. Pugliese et al. voter model has been further refined by the application pothesis the equationofmotion for ρ is derived,involving of an improved mean-field approach, a homogeneous pair the magnetization m and the first moment of the degree approximation [20], taking into account dynamical corre- distribution µ. As mentioned before, the behavior pre- lations amongnearestneighbors. This approachallowsto dictedchangesdramaticallyasafunctionofµ. Forµ<2, follow in detail the temporal evolution of the system and ρgoestozeroexponentiallyfastintime,indicatingthata to compute with remarkable accuracy even the prefactor fullyorderedconfiguration(consensus)isquicklyreached: of the law that expresses the average consensus time as a theaveragetimeT toreachconsensusdoesnotdependon power of N. the system size N so that T/N →0. For µ>2 instead it Despite these achievements, some open problems re- ispredictedthat,overaveryshorttemporalscale,aquasi- main, calling for further improvement. The first has to stationary state is reached, characterized by a density of dowiththe predictionofatransitionforaveragedegreeµ active links µ−2 equalto 2. Accordingto Ref.[20], whileforµ>2consen- ρS = (1−m2). (1) 2(µ−1) sus is attained via a quasi-stationary intermediate state over a long temporal scale, when µ < 2 order is reached ThesuperscriptS indicates,throughouttheLetter,quan- exponentially fast. Contraryto this prediction, numerical titiesinthequasi-stationarystate. Theeventualbehavior simulations on an Erdo¨s-Renyi graph do not display any of the system consists in the erratic variation of m and singular behavior in correspondence of µ = 2 [20]. An- ρS that jointly fluctuate in time while obeying Eq. (1), other issue that requires a clarificationhas to do with the until a fluctuation leads to the absorbing state |m| = 1, use of the same approach for reverse voter dynamics. As ρ = 0, corresponding to full consensus. Other dynamical it will be explained below, the application is straightfor- observables,describingtheorderingprocess,areexpressed ward,buttheagreementwithnumericalsimulationsisnot using Eq. (1), as for example the average consensus time complete. that, for uncorrelated initial conditions with magnetiza- In this paper we go beyond the homogeneous pair ap- tion m=0, is proximation introduced in Ref. [20] by allowing correla- 2 2 µ N (µ−1)µ N tions between nearest neighbor nodes to depend on their T = ln(2)= ln(2), (2) 2ρS(m=0)µ2 (µ−2)µ2 degree (heterogeneous pair approximation). In practice welift the assumptionofRef. [20]thatthe probabilityfor whereµ2 isthe secondmomentofthedegreedistribution. a link between two nodes to be active (i.e. to connect While Eq. (1) agrees with remarkable precision with the nodes in different spin state) does not depend on the de- outcome of numerical simulations for large values of µ, gree of the nodes. This is analogous to the introduction significant discrepancies arise on many types of networks ofthe heterogeneousmean-fieldapproach[8,21]necessary whenµgetscloseto2. Forexample,consideringasasub- fordealingwiththeSISmodel(andmanyothers)onscale- strate an Erdo¨s-Renyi graph, the divergence of T/N for freenetworks. Withtheheterogeneouspairapproximation µ→2 predicted by Eq. (2) is not seen in numericalsimu- we find, for the direct voter dynamics, results in general lations [20] (Fig. 1). This indicates that, despite the very very close to those obtained with the homogeneous pair good performance for large values of µ, the homogeneous approximation but we get rid of the spurious transition pair approximation of Ref. [20] qualitatively fails in the at µ = 2, in agreement with computer simulations. Also limit µ→2. for the reverse voter and link-update dynamics we obtain The same indication emerges when the approach is results in very good agreement with numerics, showing applied to the reverse voter dynamics. For the quasi- that the heterogeneous pair approximation fully captures stationaryvalueofthedensityofactivelinksitisstraight- thebehaviorofvotermodels. Thesesuccessfulresultscall forwardto obtain for the application of the heterogeneous pair approach to ρS = µ2−2µ (1−m2). (3) other nontrivialdynamical processes on networks,includ- 2(µ2−µ) ingalsoepidemiologicalmodelsorevolutionarygames[22]. While the detailed implementation will differ depending Thisformulacoincides,asexpected,withtheresultforthe on the case, the idea is completely general and may lead direct voter model [Eq. (1)] when the degree distribution to substantial progress with respect to the heterogeneous is a delta-function so that µ2 = µ2. However, a care- mean-field approach. ful comparison with numerics shows that Eq. (3) is not correct when µ2 ≫ µ2 (see Figure 2). The parabolic de- Problems with the homogeneous pair approxi- pendence on magnetization remains (not shown), but the mation. – The homogeneous pair approximation intro- value for m = 0 predicted by Eq. (3) (diamond symbols) ducedinRef.[20]isbasedonthederivationoftheequation isconsiderablylargerthanwhatsimulationsgive(circles), of motion for the quantity ρ, the fraction of active links, unless γ is very large. Here, as in the rest of the paper i. e. edgesconnecting nodesinoppositespinstate. Inthe unless specified otherwise, we compare the results of the derivation, it is assumed that the probability for a link in theoretical treatment with simulations performed on the the system to be active does not depend on the degree of uncorrelatedconfigurationmodel(UCM) [23],thatgener- the nodes it connects, and is equal to ρ. Under this hy- ates graphs with power-law degree distribution P ∼k−γ k p-2 Heterogeneous pair approximation for voter models on networks 4 0.55 Heterogeneous mean-field approximation Homogeneous pair approximation Numerical, N = 1000 0.5 3 Numerical, N = 10000 0) Heterogeneous pair approximation = m 0.45 S( k ρ N T/2 0.4 NHuommeorgiecnaleous pair approximation Heterogeneous pair approximation 0.35 1 0.3 10 100 1000 k 0 1 2 3 4 5 µ Fig. 3: Plot of theprobability that alink connected to anode ofdegreek isactiveinthequasi-stationarystate(andform= 0) for reverse voter dynamics taking place on an uncorrelated Fig. 1: Average time to reach full consensus for direct voter networkwithγ =2.5andsizeN =106. Theblacksymbolsare dynamics on an Erd¨os-Renyi graph, as a function of the av- the results of a numerical simulation. The dashed red line is erage degree µ, starting from a symmetric uncorrelated ini- thepredictionofthehomogeneouspairapproximation,Eq.(3), tial configuration σk(t = 0) = 1/2. The curve for the het- the blue solid line is the prediction of the heterogeneous pair erogeneous mean-field approach is obtained using the formula approximation. T/N = µ2/µ2ln(2) from Ref. [11]. The curve for the homo- geneous pair approximation is obtained using Eq. (2). The curvefortheheterogeneouspairapproximationisobtainedus- andupperboundofthedegreedistributionequaltoN1/2, ing Eq. (10). For finite N and µ very close to 1, the network so that automatically there are no self-loops nor double- is separated in many nonextensive disconnected components. links . The lower-cutoff of the degree distribution is 3. Thisistheoriginofthediscrepancybetweennumericalresults TheoriginofthediscrepanciesinFigs.(1)and(2)isnot and the theoretical prediction in an interval that shrinks to hardtoidentify. Itissufficienttoevaluatenumericallythe zero as the system size diverges. Each point is the average quantityρS,definedasthe fractionofneighborsofanode over1000 realizations. k of degree k that are in a different spin state in the quasi- stationary state, and plot it as a function of k (Fig. 3). While the approach of Ref. [20] assumes this quantity to 0.5 be the same for all nodes, a substantial dependence on k shows up. Interestingly, a numerical check indicates that 0.45 also for direct voter dynamics ρSk has a sizeable depen- dence on the degree (Fig. 4). Based on this evidence, we now generalize the pair approximation approach by con- 0.4 0) sidering ρk,k′, i.e. allowing the density of active links to = depend explicitly on the degree on the connected nodes. m0.35 sρ( From ρk,k′ it is possible to determine all other quantities of interest. The density ρ of active links connected to a 0.3 k node ofdegreek is ρk = k′Qk′ρk,k′, where Qk =Pkk/µ is the degreedistributionPofthe neighboursofa randomly 0.25 Numerical chosennode. The totaldensityofactivelinksρislikewise Heterogeneous pair approximation 0.2 Homogeneous pair approximation given by ρ= kQkρk = k,k′QkQk′ρk,k′. 103 104 105 106 P P N Heterogeneouspairapproximation forthe direct voter model. – Thefirstgoalistodeterminetheequa- tion of motion for ρk,k′. This quantity is modified if the flipping node has degree k and one of its neighbours has Fig.2: Reversevoterdynamics: quasi-stationaryvalueρS(m= degree k′ (or vice versa). Let us assume that the flipping 0) as a function of the system size for three different values of (firstselected)nodehasdegreek andcallk′′ the degreeof γ (top tobottom, γ =2.5, γ =4, γ =8). the copied (second selected) node. It is useful to consider separately the two cases where k′′ 6=k′ or k′′ =k′. p-3 E. Pugliese et al. k’ 0.6 j=3 Numerical k k" Homogeneous pair approximation Heterogeneous pair approximation 0) 0.5 k’ = n=1 m S(k k’ ρ 0.4 Fig. 5: Direct voter dynamics: Illustrative representation of a 0.3 10 100 1000 configuration contributingto dρ3,7/dt. The first node selected k ′′ has degree k = 7 and the second has degree k = 4, different ′ fromk =3. Filled(empty)circlesdenotespinsinstates=+1 (s = −1). The variation to the density ρk,k′ is due to the j = 3 links that connect the flipping node to nodes of degree Fig. 4: Plot of theprobability that alink connected to a node ′ k. Before the flipping of the first node selected, n= 1 of the ofdegreek isactiveinthequasi-stationarystate(andform= links are active and j−n= 2 are inactive. After the flipping 0) for direct voter dynamics taking place on an uncorrelated the state of links is reversed and the variation in the number networkwithγ =2.5andsizeN =106. Theblacksymbolsare of activelinksbetween nodes of degreek and k′ is j−2n=1. the results of a numerical simulation. The dashed red line is thepredictionofthehomogeneouspairapproximation,Eq.(1), the blue solid line is the prediction of the heterogeneous pair 1/σ(s)=4/(1−m2)) the formula becomes s approximation. P ∆ρk,k′ (k−1) 2 ∆t = Qk′′ρk,k′′ k (cid:18)1− 1−m2ρk,k′(cid:19). kX′′6=k′ Inthefirstcasethevariation∆ρk,k′ forasingledynami- (5) calstep(occurringoveratime∆t=1/N)isdeterminedas When k′′ = k′, the value of ∆ρk,k′ is similar to Eq. (4) follows. The probabilitythatanode instate s anddegree with (obviously)Qk′ instead of Qk′′, no sum over k′′, and k flips is given by the probability P that the first node inthenumeratorofthelastfactorj+1−(n+1)−(n+1)= k selected has degree k times the probability σ(s) that it is j−2n−1,becausetherearej+1linkstonodesofdegreek, in state s, times the probability Qk′′ that the second has n+1ofwhichareactiveintheinitialstateandinactivein degree k′′ multiplied by the probability ρk,k′′/[2σ(s)] that the final. Summing up the two contributions and adding thelinkconnectingthetwoisactive. Onehasthentomul- the symmetric terms with k and k′ swapped, we get ttiiponlyotfhaisctqivueanlitnitkysbbyettwheeeansksoacinadtekd′v(aFriiga.t5io)n. Aofmthonegfrtahce- dρdkt,k′ =ρkk−k 1 +ρk′k′k−′ 1 + (6) k−1otherlinks ofthe flipping node, the number ofthose connecting to a node of degreek′ will be j distributed ac- −ρk,k′(cid:18)k1 + k1′ + 1−2ρmk 2k−k 1 + 12−ρkm′2k′k−′ 1(cid:19). cording to a binomial R(j,k−1) with probability of the singleeventequaltoQk′. Intheirturn,onlynoutofthese Fromthisequation,bysummingoverkandk′ oneobtains j links will be active, with n binomially distributed with the equation of motion for the total density ρ msinugltleipelyvebnyttphreobvaarbiialittiyonρok,fkρ′/k[,2k′σ(wsh)]e.nFninoaultlyofonjelinhkassgtoo dρ = QkQk′dρk,k′ dt dt from active to inactive as a consequence of the flipping of Xk,k′ thenodeink. Thisisgivenbythevariationofthenumber π 4 π∗ of active links [(j −n)−n] divided the total number of = 2(cid:18)ρ−2µ(cid:19)− 1−m2 (cid:18)ρ∗2− µ2(cid:19), (7) links between nodes of degree k and k′ (NµQ Q′). One has then to sum over k′′ 6=k′, s, j and n, obtakininkg where π = kPkρk, π2∗ = kPkρ2k and ρ∗2 = kQkρ2k. It is easy toPsee that, if onePassumes ρk =ρ, i.e.Pthat the ρk,k′′ density does not depend on the degree (and as a conse- ∆ρk,k′ = Pk σ(s) Qk′′2σ(s) · (4) quence π = ρ, ρ∗2 = π2∗ = ρ2), Eq. (7) coincides with the Xs kX′′6=k′ analogous equation of Ref. [20]. k−1 j j−2n After a time scale of order unity the quasi-stationary R(j,k−1) B(n,j) . Xj=0 nX=0 NµQkQk′ state is established. From dρk,k′/dt=0 we obtain ρSk−1 +ρS k′−1 By performing explicitly the summations (and using ρSk,k′ = 2 ρSkk−1k+ρSkk′′−k1′ + 1 + 1 (8) 1−m2 k k k′ k′ k k′ (cid:0) (cid:1) p-4 Heterogeneous pair approximation for voter models on networks From this equation it is evident that all ρS are pro- is slightly modified k,k′ portional to 1−m2. Imposing the consistency condition πS(k−1)+πS(k′−1) ρρkSk =forPakll′kQ.kT′ρhke,k′n,uwmeerhiacvaeliatesreattiovfecsoouluptleiodneoqfutahtiisonsestfoorf ρSk,k′ = 1−2m2 πkS(kk−1)+πkS′(k′k′−1) +µ/k+µ/k′.(12) equationsallowsthedeterminationofthequasi-stationary (cid:2) (cid:3) values of all ρS and hence of all ρS . where πk = k′Pk′ρk,k′. Much in the same way as for k k,k′ the direct voPter dynamics a set of consistency equations Fig.4showsthattheheterogeneouspairapproximation for πS is solved iteratively. The values of πS, inserted captures extremely well the detailed dependence of ρS on k k k into Eq. (12) provide ρS , from which in turn ρS and ρS k. Alsothecomparisonofthequasi-stationaryvalueofρS k,k′ k can be computed. Fig. 3 shows that the agreement with (recoveredby summing Eq. (8) over k and k′) with simu- the values of the ρS obtained numerically is very good. lationsforseveralvaluesofγ andN indicatesanexcellent k Moreover, Fig. 2 shows that the quasi-stationary value agreement (not shown). of ρS is in fully satisfactory agreement with numerics for The knowledge of the ρS allows to determine also the k severalvalues of γ and N. consensus time T to reach a fully ordered configuration. Also in this case the consensus time is computed us- Following the formalism of Ref. [16], using the backward ing the backward Kolmogorov equation for T [16]. The Kolmogorov equation, one simply needs to express the transition probabilities in the quasi-stationary state are transition probabilities R and L in terms of the ρ . k k k obtained from those of the direct case with the replace- In the quasi-stationary state the probability RS that the number of nodes of degree k in state s=+1 inkcreases by ment PkQk′′ →Pk′′Qk: 1 is πS RS = Q k (13) k k 2 ρS RkS =Pk(1−σk) Qk′′ρSk,k′′/[2(1−σk)]=Pk 2k. (9) LSk = RkS. Xk′′ Using these quantities and the fact [13,16] that the dy- TLSkhe=prRokSb.abUilsiitnygLtkhtehseatetxhperensusmiobnesroinsereodbutcaeindsisthesame, wnahmeriecsµc−o1n=serveksPtkh/ekq,uoannetiotbytaωi−ns1 = PkPkσkk−1/µ−1, P T =−τ(N)[(1−ω)ln(1−ω)−ωlnω] (10) T =−τ(N)[ω−1ln(ω−1)+(1−ω−1)ln(1−ω−1)], (14) where ω = Q σ (t =0) is conserved by the dynamics and the temporal scale is k k k and P Nµ2 τ(N)= Nµµ2−1 . (15) τ(N)= 2 kPkk2ρSk(m=0) (11) 2 k PkkπkS(m=0) P P sets the temporal scale over which consensus is reached. For uncorrelated initial conditions σ (t = 0) = 1/2 → k Noticethatwiththemean-fieldassumption,ρSk(m=0)= ω−1 =1/2, 1/2,Eq.(11)coincideswiththeresultofSoodandRedner T =τ(N)ln(2). (16) τ(N)=Nµ2/µ2. With the homogeneouspairapproxima- ThecomparisonofthepredictionsofEq.(16)withnumer- tionρS(m=0)=(µ−2)/[2(µ−1)]itreturnstheresultof k ical results is displayed in Fig. 6 and again confirms the VazquezandEgu´ıluz[20]. WithEq.(10),validforanyde- correctness of the theoretical treatment. greedistribution,wehavecomputedthe valueofthe ratio For link-update dynamics, all calculations proceed ex- T/N for an Erdo¨s-Renyi graph of average degree µ. The actlyasinthedirectvotercase,nowwiththereplacement plotinFig.1presentsthecomparisonofthisvaluewiththe predictionofpreviousapproachesandwiththeoutcomeof of PkQk′′ with QkQk′′. It is straightforwardto obtain numerical simulations. The singular behavior for µ=2 is ρS(k−1)+ρS(k′−1) an artifact of the homogeneous pair approximation, that ρSk,k′ = 2 ρkS(k−1)+ρkS′ (k′−1) +2. (17) isremovedbytheheterogeneouspairapproximation,lead- 1−m2 k k′ (cid:2) (cid:3) inginsteadtoasmoothbehavioraroundµ=2andavery The consistency condition ρk = k′Qk′ρk,k′ is solved it- good agreement between theory and simulations. eratively. Once again, the valuesPof ρSk and ρSk,k′ obtained inthiswayareinverygoodagreementwithnumerics(not Heterogeneous pair approximation for the re- shown). The transition probabilities for the Kolmogorov verse and link-update voter dynamics. – The ap- backward equation are RS = LS = Q ρS/2, that yield, plication of the heterogeneous pair approximation to the k k k k for the consensus time reverse voter model proceeds along the same lines of the direct dynamics. The only difference is that the factor T =τ(N)[ω0ln(ω0)+(1−ω0)ln(1−ω0)], (18) PkQk′′ is replaced by Pk′′Qk, because the role of the flipping and the copied nodes is swapped. As a conse- where the conserved quantity ω0 is σ(s = +1), the total quence, the formula for the quasi-stationaryvalue of ρk,k′ densityofnodesinstates=+1andτ(N)=N/[2ρS(m= p-5 E. Pugliese et al. 1e+06 a promising avenue for future work. In particular,its role Heterogeneous pair approximation could be crucial for understanding cases where heteroge- γ = 2.5 γ = 8 neous mean-field approaches do not work [24]. 1e+05 Heterogeneous mean-field approximation ∗∗∗ T10000 WethankA.BarratandR.Pastor-Satorrasforacritical reading of the manuscript. 1000 REFERENCES [1] Liggett T. M., Interacting Particle Systems (Springer, 100 100 1000 10000 1e+05 Berlin Heidelberg) 1985. N [2] Durrett R. and Levin S., J. Theor. Biol., 179 (1996) 119 [3] Castellano C., Fortunato S. and Loreto V., Rev. Mod. Phys., 81 (2009) 591. 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