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Volume contents Number 1 July 1996 1 Sandrine Trouve, Francois Renaud, Patrick Durand and Joseph Jourdane Selfing and outcrossing in a parasitic hermaphrodite helminth (Trematoda, Echinostomatidae) 9 D. Higuet, H. Mergot, S. Allouis and C. Montchamp-Moreau The relationship between structural variation and dysgenic properties of P elements in long-established /^-transformed lines of Drosophila simulans 16 A. Marchi, G. Addis, V. Exposito Hermosa and R. Crnjar Genetic divergence and evolution of Polyommatus coridon gennargenti (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) in Sardinia 23 J. C. Whittaker, R. Thompson and P. M. Visscher On the mapping of QTL by regression of phenotype on marker-type 33 Amitabh Joshi, Christopher D. Knight and Laurence D. Mueller Genetics of larval urea tolerance in Drosophila melanogaster 40 M. P Garcia Guerreiro Behaviour of the transposable elements copia and mdgl in hybrids between the sibling species Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans 47 J. Pereira, J. P Dujardin, R. Salvatella and M. Tibayrenc Enzymatic variability and phylogentic relatedness among Triatoma infestans, T. platensis, T. delpontei and T. rubrovaria 55 Delbert Wiens, Daniel L. Nickrent, Charles G Shaw III, Frank G Hawksworth, Paul E. Hennon and Edward J. King Embryonic and host-associated skewed adult sex ratios in dwarf mistletoe 64 Jeremy Bezant, David Laurie, Nicky Pratchett, Jan Chojecki and Mike Kearsey Marker regression mapping of QTL controlling flowering time and plant height in a spring barley {Hordeum vulgare L.) cross 74 Jaroslaw Burczyk Variance effective population size based on multilocus gamete frequencies in coniferous populations: an example of a Scots pine clonal seed orchard 83 Stewart H. Berlocher and Bruce A. McPheron Population structure of Rhagoletis pomonella, the apple maggot fly 100 Barbara J. Hager and Stephen A. Teale The genetic control of pheromone production and response in the pine engraver beetle Ips pini 108 Book reviews Number 2 August 1996 113 Annie Guiller, Marie-Agnes Coutellec-Vreto and Luc Madec Genetic relationships among suspected contact zone populations of Helix aspersa (Gastropoda: Pulmonata) in Algeria 130 Ning Huang, Brigitte Courtois, Gurdev S. Khush, Hongxuan Lin, Guoliang Wang, Ping Wu and Kangle Zheng Association of quantitative trait loci for plant height with major dwarfing genes in rice 138 Susan J Fuller, Peter B. Mather and John C. Wilson Limited genetic differentation among wild Oryctolagus cuniculus L. (rabbit) populations in arid eastern Australia 146 Marianne Rasmuson A case of abnormal sex-dimorphism for bristle number in Drosophila melanogaster 154 R. L. Blackman, J. M. Spence. L. M. Field, N Javed, G. J. Devine and A. L. Devonshire Inheritance of the amplified esterase genes responsible for insecticide resistance in Myzus persicae (Homoptera: Aphididae) 168 Edwin H. Bryant and Lisa M. Meffert Nonadditive genetic structuring of morphometric variation in relation to a population bottleneck 177 Gregory D. D. Hurst, Tansy C. Hammarton, John J. Obrycki, Tamsin M. O. Majerus, Linda E. Walker, Dominique Bertrand and Michael E. N. Majerus Male-killing bacterium in a fifth ladybird beetle, Coleomegilla maculata (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) 186 M. G Ennas, H. Suzuki, M. Menegazzi, A. Carcereri, F Hanaoka, F. Gremo, M. Nieddu and R. Mezzanotte On the presence of DNA polymerase a in human lymphocyte nuclei and chromosomes 192 Tovi Lehmann, William A. Hawley, Luna Kamau, Didier Fontenille, Frederic Simard and Frank H. Collins Genetic differentation of Anopheles gambiae populations from East and West Africa: comparison of microsatellite and allozyme loci 201 Francis R. Groeters Maternally inherited sex ratio distortion as a result of a male-killing agent in Spilostethus hospes (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae) 209 Jae Kyun Lee, Martin Lascoux and Erik V. Nordheim Number of lethal equivalents in human populations: how good are the previous estimates? 217 Stefan Andersson Floral vegetation in Saxifraga granulata: phenotypic selection, quantitative genetics and predicted response to selection 224 Book Reviews Number 3 September 1996 231 K. M. Ibrahim, J. B. R. Hayter and J. A. Barrett Frequency changes in storage protein genes in a hybrid bulk population of barley 240 C Gourmet and A. Lane Rayburn Identification of RAPD markers associated with the presence of B chromosomes in maize 245 A. F Raybould, R. J. Mogg and R. T. Clarke The genetic structure of Beta vulgaris ssp. maritima (sea beet) populations: RFLPs and isozymes show different patterns of gene flow 251 Jaroslaw Burczyk, W. T Adams and Jarbas Y. Shimizu Mating patterns and pollen dispersal in a natural knobcone pine (Pinus attenuata Lemmon.) stand 261 Barbara Mantovani, Fausto Tinti, Marina Barilani and Valerio Scali Current reproductive isolation between ancestors of natural hybrids in Bacillus stick insects (Insecta: Phasmatodea) 269 Susan J. Mazer and Veronique A. Delesalle Floral trait variation in Spergularia marina (Caryophyllaceae): ontogenetic, maternal family, and population effects 282 Kama! M. Ibrahim, Richard A. Nichols and Godfrey M. Hewitt Spatial patterns of genetic variation generated by different forms of dispersal during range expansion 292 Marvin Jon Ross, James W. Curtsinger and Robert O. Megard Development of population structure in Daphnia clones in a stratified lake 303 /. R M. Tomlinson and P O’Donald The influence of female viability differences on the evolution of mate choice 313 J. L Garcia-Marin and C. Pla Origins and relationships of native populations of Salmo trutta (brown trout) in Spain 324 Iain F. Wilson Application of ecological genetics techniques to test for selection by habitat on allozymes in Cepaea nemoralis (L.) 336 Book reviews Number 4 October 1996 341 C. Plomion and D. M. O’Malley Recombination rate differences for pollen parents and seed parents in Pinus pinaster 351 E. E. Nielsen, M. M. Hansen and V. Loeschcke Genetic structure of European populations of Salmo salar L. (Atlantic salmon) inferred from mitochondrial DNA 359 Stefano Leonardi and Paolo Menozzi Spatial structure of genetic variability in natural stands of Fagus sylvatica L. (beech) in Italy 369 R. K. Butlin Co-ordination of the sexual signalling system and the genetic basis of differentation between populations in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens 378 Adrian R. G Pugh and Michael G. Ritchie Polygenic control of a mating signal in Drosophila 383 Renata Hanusovd, Sai L. K. Hsam, Pavel Bartos and Friedrich J. Zeller Suppression of powdery mildew resistance gene Pm8 in Triticum aestivum L. (common wheat) cultivars carrying wheat-rye translocation TIBL-IRS 388 Chieh-Ting Wang, Wei-Young Wang, Chia-Hua Chiang, Ya-Nan Wang and Tsan-Piao Lin Low genetic variation in Amentotaxus formosana Li revealed by isozyme analysis and random amplified polymorphic DNA markers 396 Rob Dean and Jonathan Arnold Small sample properties for estimators of cytonuclear disequilibria 400 Claus Wedekind, Michel Chapuisat, Ervin Macas and Thomas Rulicke Non-random fertilization in mice correlates with the MHC and something else 410 Julia Merild, Mats Bjorklund and Allan J. Baker The successful founder: genetics of introduced Carduelis chloris (greenfinch) populations in New Zealand 423 J. A. Sanchez, C. Clabby, D. Ramos, G Blanco, F Flavin, E. Vazquez and R. Powell Protein and microsatellite single locus variability in Salmo salar L. (Atlantic salmon) 433 Xulio R. Maside and Horacio F. Naveira On the difficulties of discriminating between major and minor hybrid male sterility factors in Drosophila by examining the segregation ratio of sterile and fertile sons in backcrossing experiments 439 Robert B. O’Hara and James K. M. Brown Frequency- and density-dependent selection in wheat powdery mildew 448 Book reviews Number 5 November 1996 453 Massimo Pigliuccci Modelling phenotypic plasticity. II. Do genetic correlations matter? 461 Mikkel Heide Schierup and Freddy Bugge Christiansen Inbreeding depression and outbreeding depression in plants 469 Hidenori Tachida and Hiroshi Yoshimaru Genetic diversity in partially selfing populations with the stepping-stone structure 476 Trevor Hohls Setting confidence limits to genetic parameters estimated by restricted maximum likelihood analysis of North Carolina design 11 experiments 488 Xulio R Maside and Horacio F. Naveira A polygenic basis of hybrid sterility may give rise to spurious localizations of major sterility factors 493 Mart M. Ottenheim, Anique D. Volmer and Graham J Holloway The genetics of phenotypic plasticity in adult abdominal colour pattern of Eristalis arbustorum (Diptera: Syrphidae) 500 Juan J. Fanara, Esteban Hasson, Constantino Rodriguez, Mauro Santos and Antonio Fontdevila The evolutionary history of Drosophila buzzatii. XXXIII. Are Opuntia hosts a selective factor for the inversion polymorphism? 509 Judy Naylor, Mark R MacNair, Eirene N D. Williams and Paul R Poulton A polymorphism for phosphate uptake/arsenate tolerance in Holcus lanatus L.: is there a correlation with edaphic or environmental factors? 518 Massimo Copula Evolutionary genetics of the insular lacertid lizard Podarcis tiliguerta: genetic structure and population heterogeneity in a geographically fragmented species 530 M. W Humphreys and I. Pasakinskiene Chromosome painting to locate genes for drought resistance transferred from Festuca arundinacea into Lolium multiflorum 535 Thomas Guillemaud, Serena Rooker, Nicole Pasteur and Michel Raymond Testing the unique amplification event and the worldwide migration hypothesis of insecticide resistance genes with sequence data 544 Hans Peter Comes and Joachim W. Kadereit Genetic basis of speed of development in Senecio vulgaris L. var. vulgaris, S. vulgaris ssp. denticulatus (O.F. Muell.) P.D. Sell, and Senecio vernalis Waldst. & Kit. 555 Serena Rooker, Thomas Guillemaud, Jean Berge, Nicole Pasteur and Michel Raymond Coamplification of esterase A and B genes as a single unit in Culex pipiens mosquitoes 562 Book reviews Numbers December 1996 565 C. Lenney Williams, S. L. Goldson and D. W. Bullock Unusual mitochondrial genome in introduced and native populations of Listronotus bonariensis (Kuschel) 572 M. N Islam-Faridi, A. J. Worland and C. N. Law Inhibition of ear-emergence time and sensitivity to day-length determined by the group 6 chromosomes of wheat 581 Christopher G. Eckert, Domenica Manicacci and Spencer C. H. Barrett Frequency-dependent selection on morph ratios in tristylous Lythrum salicaria (Lythraceae) 589 Carlos Juan, Kamal M. Ibrahim, Pedro Oromi and Godfrey M. Hewitt Mitochondrial DNA sequence variation and phylogeography of Pimelia darkling beetles on the Island of Tenerife (Canary Islands) 599 Paul D. Rawson, Karen L. Joyner, Keith Meetze and Thomas J. Hilbish Evidence for intragenic recombination within a novel genetic marker that distinguishes mussels in the Mytilus edulis species complex 608 A. P Apostolidis, Y. Karakousis and C. Triantaphyllidis Genetic differientation and phylogenetic relationships among Greek Salmo trutta L. (brown trout) populations as revealed by RFLP analysis of PCR amplified mitochondrial DNA segments 619 Tigerin Peare and Patricia G Parker Local genetic structure within two rookeries of Chelonia mydas (the green turtle) 629 Agnes Legionnet and Francois Lefevre Genetic variation of the riparian pioneer tree species Populus nigra L. I. Study of population structure based on isozymes 638 Oleg A. Bubli, Tatyana A. Rakitskaya and Alexandra G Imasheva Variation of allozyme loci in populations of Drosophila melanogaster from the former USSR 646 Leo W. Beukeboom, Miriam Seif, Thomas Mettenmeyer, Amy B. Plowman and Nicolaas K Michiels Paternal inheritance of B chromosomes in a parthenogenetic hermaphrodite 655 Paloma Moran, A. M. Pendds, E. Beall and E. Garcia-Vazquez Genetic assessment of the reproductive success of Atlantic salmon precocious parr by means of VNTR loci 661 Book Reviews 665 Author index 669 Subject index

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