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BE 2003 Cumulative Index Authors Abraham PJ Bussone G 767 Eikermann A 19 Ackerson LM Buurma H 109 Einhaup] KM 96.694 Adelman JU Buzath A 878 El Hasnaoui A Adelman LC Buzzi MG 400.404 Eletriptan Steering Committee PAR PORAIE DS a5 2 scenice n scence pncbnasknrasioaipeontosane 1062 Cadaldini M Elin RJ Alderman J Calabresi P Empl M Allen C Calhoun A Eross EJ Alo KM Camarda C Ertas M Camarda R Evans RW Altintop L.... Campbell WW 809.811.820.917.975.1010.1113 Andersson G CANINE PAE OS Bs 5c sscxsivcvesescectvapencicavenevvin 1080 Evers S ......... 90.130.1102 Andrasik F 664 FabbriniG . 400 Antoniazzi AL ............. Fagan MA 1044 Aoki KR Carerj S Fariello G 407 Arai H Carpay JA Feldman SR PIS Es ki ccc ei akicatemmane 395 RNG BR noise cate svodavarneasvetaentace euasubasieneoes 638 Feleppa M Ares-Luque A Castillo CD 1080 POITANUC ES 2. cscvcnsssennss Arnold G Ceneviz C Ferrari MD Arrigo F Cervantes P PADTRS RNAS cs ask cep sacnsvksekasnesssandiwossannoessasteis 774 Asakura H Chapman KM Finkel AG Fel cite 2 iipen seaeieie aeeeese er ee et eT oie 8 451 Cheong YM Fleischer Jr AB Atriham AR 809 Cheshire WP FonzariM . Aygun D Chia YC Forderreuther § ....... Bagdy G Formisano R Bahra A Chow KM .... Fox AW 85.815.821 Bajwa ZH Claggett AL . Frese A 90,1102 SRN TI oecac cencsavtcccaned nrealesie . Clark DWJ Frigerio S 896 Coglitore S .. Fuh JL 470 Cologno D Galbaud du Fort G oan 940 Barakat M.. Colonnese C Gatlapner TOME iccsis cascsasicestcssaorsndsvssbontaces 36,991 Barbanti P Cook NR Gee JR. Baslo MB Cooper TG Géraud G Baydin A CORD BIC Y GE i 55sscsscs cosncsevosesssnsaveressesessde 999 Gibbs TS Bean J Cottrell CK Gibson JS... Becker WJ Coulter DM Gil Gouveia R Behmand RA Cupini LM Gilderman A Bejon P Cutrer FM 223.704 Gladstein J 767 Goadsby PJ 179,681,794.814.1118 [2| a.5 ,f e ener eM Ene Seat EONS SEIS 72 Goldman MD 85 Danesch U 76.822 Goldstein J ass 223 Berenbeim D Dayno J 223 Gonzaiez-Alger e Po. oisciccsisds cavcavessesassexensounten 72 Bernstein A De Pascale A 231 Goor-Aryeh I Bigal ME BCP EALIIO NEN 55 os cvascnestapcedeesiiciuavosseoreanticaeee 734 Gorgen-Pauly U Binder W Del Bianco P 835 Graff-Radford SB Biondi D del Carmen Tarin L 1080 Gramling SE Blanchard EB 755 Denaro J Granella F Blitzer A 884 Deregibus A Grazioli I Blonsky J 1026 Dermott KF Grazzi L Blumenfeld A 431.682.853.884 Di Monda V Green MW Blumenthal HJ 1026 Diener HC Greene A Boccuzzi S 44 Digre KB ... Greenough G Bordini CA 99.742 Dikshit M Guterman LR 1090 Boureau F 628 Dodick DW 282.415,.$25 Guven H 861 Brandes J 19 Doepp F 96 Guyuron B 1085 Budavari A 251 1013 Guzman J 774 Buenevar L 651 Doganay Z 861 Haas S 878 Biihler R 896 Dolly O S16 Hamilton WJ 86 Burchette R 441 Dora B 464 Hardiman O 638 Buring JE 696 Dowson AJ 14 Harpole LH 715 Burk CT 19] Dreier JP 96.694 Hernandez-Benjamin T .........cceeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 389 Burstein R 704 Dualde E 734 Hershey AD 362.490 Bussmann HBJ 845 Egberts ACG 109 Hess CW 896 BE 2003 Cumulative Index Authors Abraham PJ Bussone G 767 Eikermann A 19 Ackerson LM Buurma H 109 Einhaup] KM 96.694 Adelman JU Buzath A 878 El Hasnaoui A Adelman LC Buzzi MG 400.404 Eletriptan Steering Committee PAR PORAIE DS a5 2 scenice n scence pncbnasknrasioaipeontosane 1062 Cadaldini M Elin RJ Alderman J Calabresi P Empl M Allen C Calhoun A Eross EJ Alo KM Camarda C Ertas M Camarda R Evans RW Altintop L.... Campbell WW 809.811.820.917.975.1010.1113 Andersson G CANINE PAE OS Bs 5c sscxsivcvesescectvapencicavenevvin 1080 Evers S ......... 90.130.1102 Andrasik F 664 FabbriniG . 400 Antoniazzi AL ............. Fagan MA 1044 Aoki KR Carerj S Fariello G 407 Arai H Carpay JA Feldman SR PIS Es ki ccc ei akicatemmane 395 RNG BR noise cate svodavarneasvetaentace euasubasieneoes 638 Feleppa M Ares-Luque A Castillo CD 1080 POITANUC ES 2. cscvcnsssennss Arnold G Ceneviz C Ferrari MD Arrigo F Cervantes P PADTRS RNAS cs ask cep sacnsvksekasnesssandiwossannoessasteis 774 Asakura H Chapman KM Finkel AG Fel cite 2 iipen seaeieie aeeeese er ee et eT oie 8 451 Cheong YM Fleischer Jr AB Atriham AR 809 Cheshire WP FonzariM . Aygun D Chia YC Forderreuther § ....... Bagdy G Formisano R Bahra A Chow KM .... Fox AW 85.815.821 Bajwa ZH Claggett AL . Frese A 90,1102 SRN TI oecac cencsavtcccaned nrealesie . Clark DWJ Frigerio S 896 Coglitore S .. Fuh JL 470 Cologno D Galbaud du Fort G oan 940 Barakat M.. Colonnese C Gatlapner TOME iccsis cascsasicestcssaorsndsvssbontaces 36,991 Barbanti P Cook NR Gee JR. Baslo MB Cooper TG Géraud G Baydin A CORD BIC Y GE i 55sscsscs cosncsevosesssnsaveressesessde 999 Gibbs TS Bean J Cottrell CK Gibson JS... Becker WJ Coulter DM Gil Gouveia R Behmand RA Cupini LM Gilderman A Bejon P Cutrer FM 223.704 Gladstein J 767 Goadsby PJ 179,681,794.814.1118 [2| a.5 ,f e ener eM Ene Seat EONS SEIS 72 Goldman MD 85 Danesch U 76.822 Goldstein J ass 223 Berenbeim D Dayno J 223 Gonzaiez-Alger e Po. oisciccsisds cavcavessesassexensounten 72 Bernstein A De Pascale A 231 Goor-Aryeh I Bigal ME BCP EALIIO NEN 55 os cvascnestapcedeesiiciuavosseoreanticaeee 734 Gorgen-Pauly U Binder W Del Bianco P 835 Graff-Radford SB Biondi D del Carmen Tarin L 1080 Gramling SE Blanchard EB 755 Denaro J Granella F Blitzer A 884 Deregibus A Grazioli I Blonsky J 1026 Dermott KF Grazzi L Blumenfeld A 431.682.853.884 Di Monda V Green MW Blumenthal HJ 1026 Diener HC Greene A Boccuzzi S 44 Digre KB ... Greenough G Bordini CA 99.742 Dikshit M Guterman LR 1090 Boureau F 628 Dodick DW 282.415,.$25 Guven H 861 Brandes J 19 Doepp F 96 Guyuron B 1085 Budavari A 251 1013 Guzman J 774 Buenevar L 651 Doganay Z 861 Haas S 878 Biihler R 896 Dolly O S16 Hamilton WJ 86 Burchette R 441 Dora B 464 Hardiman O 638 Buring JE 696 Dowson AJ 14 Harpole LH 715 Burk CT 19] Dreier JP 96.694 Hernandez-Benjamin T .........cceeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 389 Burstein R 704 Dualde E 734 Hershey AD 362.490 Bussmann HBJ 845 Egberts ACG 109 Hess CW 896 Headache Hettiarachchi J 816,962,984 LuSR Patel P Heuberger B 878 Lundstrém P Peatfield RC Hickling EJ 755 Luzza F Pedersen NL Higashi S 678 MacGregor EA Petia D Holroyd KA 2.950.999 Machuca M Penzien DB Hopkins LN 1090 Magnusson JE Pesare M Hu XH... 223 Maimone-Baronello M Petzold GC ... Huang J 664 Maizels M Piccoli F Hufnagel A 672 Maloney G Pierelli F Husain M 103 Mandell K Pineda-Lucatero AG Husstedt IW 90.130,1102 Mannino M Pinney S Tani C 407 Manzoni GC Pitman V ligaya M 343 Marcus DA Ponz A lizuka Y 122 Martin V Popeney CA Isbruch K Martinez HR 1080 Powers SW Ishaq Y Matchar DB 715 Prick MJJ Jacobson DM BURSA DUE socio sass cscoconccnconce 214.924.962.1075 Pugliatti P Jager HR Mattsson P 27 Putnam DG Jamieson D Mayer RL 1026 Qureshi Al Juang KD McCool H Raak A Juhasz G McCrory DC Raak R Jull GA McGrady AV Rahimtoola H Jurgelski AE Meeran K Rahmann A 130.1102 Kabbouche MA Mehta N Ramadan N 309 Kaniecki RG Rankin 1032 Kaps M Mellick GA .... Ransil BI 704 Karagounakis D Mellick LB Rapoport AM Katelanis S Mendoza ND Raviola F Kaufman DI Menon S Rebar R Kelly KM 1026 MIGSEV Group Reince RH Kemetzhofer P 878 Millan-Guerrero RO Richard A Kessels AGH 1034 Miller VA Richardson MS Co | SR ee Bedscnloodsiues 376.815.1123 Miranda H Rigamonti A Khanna VK 103 Monastero R Rine DC Khatri A 790 Mongini F Rittinghausen R . WES So iteacces eiccvacane is scsanwedseinnenstneeecanssas 790 Mongini T Robinson G Kim SH 1090 Mueller L Rogers MP... Klingebiel R 694 Muelo-Molinero A . Rosengarten B Koehler PJJ 395 Muirhead N Rothner AD Kolodner KB . 258.343 Mulder LJMM Rothrock JF 86.1009 Kori S 923 Miiller N Rozen TD 819,901,928 Kunkel R 36,600 Nabavi DG Riischenschmidt J Kuritzky A Nachit-Ouinekh F Ryan R La Bella V Nag D Saenz V Labus JS Nakao S Sakai F Sakajiri K Lainez MJA Narbone MC Lake AE Nash JG Lamé I Nash JM Lampl C Nasir Jr N Salonen R Larsson B Nichol MB Salvador A Lasoasa S Nicholson RA Salvesen R LeCates SL Nicolodi M Sam MC Lee IM Nightingale S$ Samsa GP Leira R Nimgade A Sanders D Leniger T O'Donnell FJ Santonja JM Leone M O'Donovan CA 330 Santorelli FM Leufkens HG O’Keane V 638 Saper JR Levin M Olson K 1090 Sartori RJ Levy MJ Ong JC 651 Satana B Lim SH Ontachi Y 678 Sato K Linssen WHJP Oreto G 725 Savino A Lipchik GL Ormos G 693 Scher MS Lipton RB................0.. 258.336.343.419,636.814 Ortiz G Schoenen J LiuJ 309 Pacheco MF Schreiber SJ Lobo Lobo S$ 1060 Palermo TM Schulman EA Loder EW 80,135,697,904 Parada V Schwaag S Loftus BD 921 Parish JM Schwarz M Login IS 85,929 Pascual AM Scott A Selby M Londofio O 1080 Pascual J .. L6pez-Gil A 734 Passchier J Senard JM Low NCP 940 Passier JLM Serra S 1132 November/December 2003 Seth PK Pera 3k Suzuki M Vijayan N Sheftell FD .. 336.482.742.815 Svensson DA... Vitrai J... Shevel E Szczygielski BI Vockell ALB NEY Dh vnccscnuccsonsseane Szeto CC... Volcy M Shukla R Tandon R von den Driesch § Sicuteri F Tatrow K Von Seggern RL... Siddiqui AM ROI IGEN: << sssccokecccnsbvesatonusesspasiaeen Vos J LD, ReaD SET Re REN EI 214.816.924 RRP CSGRONA Sa cccacoxnsss seco sanasteroodusinisenter 804 Silberstein SD ene CB asicsses: Waldenlind E Tepper SJ Walsh Silverman DJ TOXCOR Bios Wang F Sjaastad O... Tfeit-Hansen P Wang PH . Smyth P Thomaides T Wang SJ 470.984 Snutch TP Tiedink HGM . 801 Sottile A Tietjen GE Warner JS ..... .. 296 Spacey SD Tijssen CC REINS vis ci vaisadesshneeGuesncnanscanccuberbsonaten 1034 Spanish Group for the Study MEAD sous sass accdaan Uansiooneortesinesnececapoeomnantne 72 Weiss HD ° 86 of Triptan Consumption in DAS TAIEY IVE vscociedsenncs encabuolannss sdusaeascseiresieeience s 431 Weisz MA 1026 Community Pharmacies .............seeeeee 734 Tkachuk GA Wernke S .. Spantideas A Wheeler SD 1010 Speciali JG White JR 69 Sperner J..... 294 Spierings ELH Winner PK 1118 Srimal RC Turner IM. Wirjo J ...... oe 621 RBIS sce ccccousaresecauccusseocnee Woolfenden A 892 Uslenghi C Yahia AM 1090 Stensland M ... Vaisman J Yankovsky AE Stewart WF Yarnitsky D OIE TS io chine cevecetniverasaceasn’ Yazdi K Stomp-van den Berg SGM van Dijk Azn R Yokoyama K Straube A van Puijenbroek EP Young WB Strom L ... van Suijlekom HA PATIO IED (555: soavanvantacvonasctecesenesehibaesitvotars 700 Stronks DL . Vanacore N Zawawi K 1060 Sturzenegger M Vasudeva S......... Zito C Sugano H Weoret Lk kiicscs RING iscik sccpndadsvaxccasavaspacqnesabacnreoeprasansiad 3 Suri FK Verhagen WIM Zsombok T Key Words 3H ketanserin childhood migraine 306 exertional headache 5-HT\g receptor COROIE ciniioaurses tesavatisnieadtaneadeanat s 362.1042 exocytosis 5-HTj p receptor chronic ... .. 638 expert consensus 5-HT> receptors chronic daily headache 336,482,682 facial pain .. abducens palsy chronic headache familial syndrome academic medicine chronic migraine family accidents chronic pain family history acetylcholine chronic tension-type headache .. 867 flunarizine .. .-. 464 acromegaly classification 2,99,322 frequency 638.1049 acute antimigraine therapy clinical trials functional impairment BUMS TRCAUIIONE 5 ocs-ecscnsésscussascusedes 214,962.984 cluster functional MRI . adolescent migraine 950 cluster headache gender adults ....... 956 cognitive-behavioral treatment genes hiss . 238 adverse effects 36,76 comorbidity gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists .... 309 allodynia 704 compliance great auricular nerve almotriptan confusional Migraine ............ccceeeeeseeeeseeeeee 5 greater occipital nerve ambulatory accelerometry consistency of response Guglielmi detachable coils American Headache Society consultation guidelines amitriptyline consultation rates H; receptors analgesic consumption survey headache: 02... 59, anger expression control system analysis 330.343 ,362.369,376.410.479.601.611. anisocoria coping 621.628.704.774.794.801.S25.892,940,956, anticonvulsants 1080 correlation 962.984.999_110409,2 160,90 , 1097.1 109 antimigraine drug 251 corrugator supercilii muscle headache burden antinociceptive S9 cortical spreading depression headache disability anxiety 49.651.878 costs headache education anxiolytic drug cranial tissue distribution headache pathophysiology Arnold-Chiari malformation craniotomy headache with neurologic arthritis CT deficits and cerebrospinal atrial septal aneurysm cyclic vomiting syndrome fluid lymphocytosis (HaNDL) atypical facial pain d2 test headache-related disability atypical odontalgia daily activities health resource utilization autogenic training deafferentation pain health services research .. autonomic nervous system depression 49,638.651.878,940,1049 health-related quality of life ... autonomic symptoms DHE 144 hemiplegic migraine balloon occlusion diagnosis hemodialysis barbiturate dihydroergotamine Horner syndrome behavioral . : disability .... hypnic benign episodic Mydriasis ..............cceeeeeeeeeeee 416 disability prevention hypnic headache DVRS SEMIN oc, sszeseascosaccecncnueceddenancxayae 376 disease management hypothalamus biofeedback disease management model IHS classification bipolar disorder disease modification improved outcomes botulinum disease progression indirect costs botulinum toxin ... .. 682. $16 droperidol indomethacin botulinum toxin type A ........... $25.853.88140,8 5 dropout inefficacy brain tumor 1007 drug interaction intensity breath-holding index drug rebound headache interleukin-6 burden drug therapy combination .. internal carotid artery dissection butterbur dural arteriovenous fistula .... Internet oa CACNAIA gene dural arteriovenous malformation intracranial aneurysm caffeine dysphonia intractable migraine carotid blood flow early intervention Japan carotid cavernous fistula echocardiography juvenile stroke carotidynia knowledge structure case-control study electrocardiographic chan light sensitivity cephalgia ... eletriptan lingual nerve cerebral blood flow emergency department locus of control 878.956 cerebral venous congestion emergency service, hospital lung cancer 499 cerebrospinal fluid endocytosis magnesium .. 601,901 cerebrovascular reactivity environment $ magnetic resonance angiography cervical injection epidemiology 231,330 Magnetic resonance iIMAING ...........eeeeeeeeeee 798 cervical spondylosis epilepsy 672 managed care 621 cervical sympathectomy episodic cluster headache .. 279.616 McGill Pain Questionnaire . 867 cervicogenic headache ergotamine 144.1102 mechanism $2.S9 channelopathies estrogen 309.470 medical informatics 790 chest radiograph evaluation medical OophorectOMY ............ccceceesseeeeeeeeees 309 child functioning event-related potentials .0.........ccceseeseeeeees 1102 medical practice 266 1133 1134 November/December 2003 PREUNCALION QVETUSS cos secsncescecsomsvccensvasdvesanese 2 pathophysiology . 389 sgp130 medications .. 1113 patient care ... 790 shared decision making .... menarche 27 patients 14 side effects menopause . 27.470 pediatric 601 single fiber EMG menstruation 27 pediatric headache 767 single recipient mental health status 103 percutaneous cervical zygapophyseal sinus metoclopramide 729 joint injection 279 sinus headache microsphere technique ............:cscecseeeeeeeeeees 410 peripheral nerve stimulation ........ eee 369 sinusitis MIDAS 258.336.343.038 Petasites hybridus 76 sleep MIDAS questionnaire 767 phantom tooth pain 1060 sleep apnea ... MIDAS score ........... 369 pharmacology 994 software reuse migraine ...............,69.76.80,99.96, pharmacovigilance . 994 soluble interleukin-2 receptors 109,135,168.171,179.191 202,214, phenobarbital-loading protocol ... soluble interleukin-6 receptors... 223.235, photoepilepsy somatostatin 369.376.400.404.407.416.441.458. SOUND oo cscso csdeseusassactoinesvescnbaseascoxbosts specialist clinic 470,490.61 1.628.638.645,664.672. physician-patient communication specialist consultation 682.704.715,725.729.734.742.774. pituitary .......... SPECT 809.811.S2.$25.835.853.878.884. placebo sphenopalatine ganglion ...........cccesseeeseeeee 917.940.962.984.991.994.1010,1026. platelet aggregation spontaneous intracranial 1042.1049.1075,1080,1085,1102,1109 platelet-activating faCtOT .............sccccsscesssoeee2 hypotension 127,678 migraine attack .. 861 platelets spreading depression 672 migraine aura .. 672 postherpetic neuralgia ...............ssccccsccssseees status migrainosus 991 migraine disability assessment posttrauma headache stratified care 742 Migraine Disability Assessment scale .. 336 posttraumatic 59 stress 1097 migraine headache ................csccsscssseeeee 309,322. posttraumatic headaches .............csccceseceeeeees 755 subarachnoid cyst 130 651 posttraumatic stress disorder .......... cece 755 subdural hematoma 127 Migraine MisdiagnOSIs .............ceeceseeseeseees 1010 potency .... 376 sumatriptan .., SPREE SVAN oon ccevssesasseesasosescssconstnbens 19 pregnancy 27.80 395.400.729,835,962.994,1102 migraine preventive therapy ...............sce0ce00 171 prescription event MONILOTIN .............eeeeeee 994 surgery 276 migraine prophylaxis ... PRC VANCES onc coicteccacacumntse 59,470,774 sustained pain-free 1075 migraine with aura ... prevention $25 sympathetic stimulation ............... a 410 migraine without aura . Preventive treatMENt ..........-sesscossssesceses 482.784 symptomatic cluster headache ss9 LOO migraine-related disability ..0............ceeeeeeee 1042 PECTIIET ONRE N ioc dvccicesnvesdssaavane 835.901 tension headache 251 SEIS MONIT i. , occccssapececcsisecssacccceets 395 prolonged exertional headache ................000 611 tension-type 999 mitochondrial dysfunction ............cccsecceeeeeee 490 prolonged Migraine AUTA 0.00... eeeeeeeeeeeeeee 901 tension-type headache ............. eee 103,168,179, mitochondropathies 407 prophylactic : 853 458,651.884 mixed headache prophylactic treatment .............ccseccessccceseeees 482 third molar removal 975 mood , prophylaxis $25 Tolosa-Hunt syndrome .... 22 MR myelography pseudomigraine with lymphocytic topiramate 784.1080 MRI pleocytosis (PMP): 5. csccssiesceesnicecssotseanosave 892 torsades de pointes 809 mutagenicity pseudosinus........ toxicity 76 N*-methylhistamine psychometrics .... trait anger 651 ON oc sccsseieeses tasauc ten scansacdposticaebeaenr public health system 742 transcranial Doppler ...........:c0:c0e0002 54 PURE RUTIMIND :ocsncansesecocesusrcespinessaonseose pupil 416 transcranial Doppler ultrasound ............ 458.464 ROAR oS cccsstince : OT prolongation 809.861 transformed migraine . 336,369,482 DECKHAOSNU E SYTATOMIE ..,c sscsyccescevesnesssscscesie 132 quality of life... 117.431,628,645,950,1034 treatment oe 3.276.779,956 a CS Ea eae EO Ce 1005 Queckenstedt’s Maneuver ....cc.e ee.ese.eee.see.eee e 96 trial 601 neurinoma ... 804 questionnaire ....... 19,1090 trigeminal 704 neuroleptics 811 randomized 601 trigeminal autonomic reflex .........cceeeeeeeeee 400 NeuUromuUSCuUlax JUNCTION ...........eeeeeeeteeeeeeeeee $16 rebound headache 904 trigeminal neuralgia ...........:.cseceeeeeeee 910.1109 neuromuscular tranNsMISSION ...........cceeeeeeees 616 recurrence 376 trigeminal nucleus Ee $2 neuropathic pain 975.1060 reference models 790 trigeminal tractotomy 479 PUDU REISUNNNETNARO 2355 52 a ccs enpepseesscarccmnanes 369 relaxation 168.245 trigeminovascular SyStOM .........eeeeeeeeeeeeee 1109 neurovascular headache .............sscceeeeeeee 1109 reliability 343 trigger point 1085 nitric oxide 272 RI cisternography 678 triggered headache 801 nocebo 1113 risk factor 90 triptan 44,202.214.330,376, nociceptors ........... 704 rizatriptan 223,734 734,742,962.984.991 non-IHS migraine attack ............:ecseesseeeeeees 395 safety 76,962 twins 235 nonpostural headache 127 safety and efficacy 389 usual clinical practice 223 nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs .......... 984 schwannoma .......... 804 vagus nerve 499 occipital neuralgia 804 screening 441 validity 343 octreotide 794 secondary headaches 99 vasospasm 72 ophthalmoplegic migraine . 798 self-help 353 visual activation 664 over-the-counter migraine medication ......... 191 self-management 36 visual distortion 664 pain 704,S2.S9 serotonin 144 visual imagery 168 pain activation 994 severity 628 water aerobics 678 pain-free period 861 sex hormones 27 withdrawal 904 parentification 1042 SF-36 Health Survey 715 workplace setting 1097 paroxetine 999 SF-36 questionnaire 1034 zolmitriptan 19.54.1102 Subjects 2003 Wolff Award “Demographic and Migraine Characteristics Anger Expression “Possible Parasympathetic Contributions to of Adolescents With Migraine: Glaxo Well- “Differences in Anger Expression Between Indi- Peripheral and Central Sensitization During come Clinical Trials’) Database” [Winner] 451 viduals With and Without Headache After Con- Migraine” [Yarnitsky] 704 (July/August) (May) trolling for Depression and Anxiety” [Nicholson] 651 (June) Abducens Palsy “Cerebrovascular Reactivity in Adolescents Brief Communication: “Onset of Ophthalmo- With Migraine and Tension-type Headache Anhidrosis plegic Migraine With Abducens Palsy at Middle During Headache-Free Interval and Attack Brief Communication: “Symptomatic Cluster Age?” [Verhagen] 798 (July/August) [Rosengarten] 458 (May) Headache in Internal Carotid Artery Dis- section—Consider Anhidrosis” [Frigerio] 896 Abnormal Neuromuscular Transmission “Use of the Migraine Disability Assessment (September) “Abnormal Neuromuscular Transmission in Questionnaire in Children and Adolescents With Cluster Headache” [Ertas] 616 (June) Headache: An Italian Pilot Study” [D° Amico] 767 Anisocoria (July/August) Expert Opinion: “Transient Anisocoria in a Abscess Migraineur™ [Evans/Jacobson] 416 (April) Images From Headache: “Bad Teeth, Bad “Factors Associated With Migraine-Related Headache, Brain Abscess” [Rothrock] 505 (May) Quality of Life and Disability in Adolescents: Annual Scientific Meeting A Preliminary Investigation” [Tkachuk] 950 Program Abstracts of the 45th Annual Scientific Abstracts (October) Meeting of the American Headache Society. June Program Abstracts of the 45th Annual Scientific 19-22, 2003, Chicago, Illinois 509 (May) Meeting of the American Headache Society, June Almotriptan 19-22, 2003, Chicago, Illinois 509 (May) “Almotriptan Verus Rizatriptan in Patients With Antiemetics Migraine in Spain” [Leira] 734 (July/August) Expert Opinion: ~“Droperidol and Other Academic Affairs Neuroleptics/Antiemetics for the Management of “Academic Headache Medicine in America: Brief Communication: “Early Intervention With Migraine™ [Evans/Young] 811 (July/August) Report of Academic Membership Survey of the Almotriptan Improves Sustained Pain-free Re- American Headache Society Special Interest Sec- sponse in Acute Migraine” [Mathew] 1075 Antimigraine Compounds tion on Academic Affairs” [Finkel] 266 (March) (November/December) Brief Communication: “Impact of Antimi- graine Compounds on Cognitive Processing: A Academic Headache Medicine American Headache Society Placebo-Controlled Crossover Study” [Evers] “Academic Headache Medicine in America: “American Headache Society Members’ Assess- 1102 (November/December) Report of Academic Membership Survey of the ment of Headache Diagnostic Criteria” [Nash] 2 American Headache Society Special Interest Sec- (January) Antinociceptive Activity tion on Academic Affairs” [Finkel] 266 (March) “Evidence for Antinociceptive Activity of Bo- “Academic Headache Medicine in America: tulinum Toxin Type A in Pain Management” Academic Membership Survey Report of Academic Membership Survey of [Aoki] S9 (Supplement 1) “Academic Headache Medicine in America: Re- the American Headache Society Special Inter- port of Academic Membership Survey of the est Section on Academic Affairs” [Finkel] 266 Anxiety American Headache Society Special Interest Sec- (March) “Differences in Anger Expression Between Indi- tion on Academic Affairs” [Finkel] 266 (March) viduals With and Without Headache After Con- Program Abstracts of the 45th Annual Scientific trolling for Depression and Anxiety™ [Nicholson] Acromegaly Meeting of the American Headache Society. June 651 (June) Brief Communication: “Acromegaly: <A 19-22, 2003. Chicago, Illinois 509 (May) Unique Human Headache Model” [Levy] 794 Atrial Septal Aneurysm (July/August) Amitriptyline “Prevalence of Atrial Septal Aneurysm in Pa- Brief Communication: “Treating Chronic tients With Migraine: An Echocardiographic Activation of Pain Tension-type Headache Not Responding to Study” [Carerj] 725 (July/August) Brief Communication: “Activation of Pain by Amitriptyline Hydrochloride With Paroxetine Sumatriptan™ [Coulter] 994 (October) Hydrochloride: A Pilot Evaluation” [Holroyd] Atrial Septal Defect 999 (October) Brief Communication: “Transformation Into Acute Treatment Daily Migraine With Aura Following Transcuta- “Efficacy of a Fixed Combination of In- Analgesics neous Atrial Septal Defect Closure” [Yankovsky] domethacin, Prochlorperazine, and Caffeine Ver- “Does Chronic Daily Headache Arise De Novo 496 (May) sus Sumatriptan in Acute Treatment of Multiple in Association With Regular Use of Analgesics?” Migraine Attacks: A Multicenter, Randomized, [Bahra] 179 (March) Atypical Odontalgia Crossover Trial” [Di Monda] 835 (September) Views and Perspectives: “Atypical Odontalgia: Anesthetic A Review of the Literature” [Melis] 1060 “Effects of Naratriptan Versus Naproxen on Daily Brief Communication: “Regional Head and Face Functioning in the Acute Treatment of Migraine: Pain Relief Following Lower Cervical Intra- (November/December) A Randomized, Double-Blind, Double-Dummy. muscular Anesthetic Injection” [Mellick] 1109 Aura Crossover Study” [Stronks] 845 (September) (November/December) Expert Opinion: “Migraine With Aura During Adjunctive Treatment Aneurysm Pregnancy” [Evans/Loder] 80 (January) Brief Communication: “Topiramate as an Ad- “Prevalence of Atrial Septal Aneurysm in Pa- Letter to the Editor: “Enalapril Prophylaxis for junctive Treatment in Migraine Prophylaxis” tients With Migraine: An Echocardiographic Migraine With Aura” [Camarda] 170 (February) [Martinez] 1080 (November/December) Study” [Carerj] 725 (July/August) “Familial Occurrence of Migraine With Aura in a Adolescents Brief Communication: “Effect of Endovascular Population-Based Study™ [Cologno] 231 (March) Letter to the Editor: “Chronic Daily Headache in Treatment on Headaches in Patients With Un- Children and Adolescents Presenting to Tertiary ruptured Intracranial Aneurysms” [Qureshi] 1090 Expert Opinion: “Is Cardiac Evaluation for Headache Clinics” [Bigal] 419 (April) (November/December) a Possible Right-to-Left Shunt Indicated in 1135 1136 November/December 2003 a Scuba Diver With Migraine With Aura?” Editorial: “Botulinum Toxin Type A: Myths. Migraine Attacks: A Multicenter, Randomized, {Evans/Wilmshurst/Nightingale |2 94 (March) Facts, and Current Research” [Silberstein] $1 Crossover Trial” [Di Monda] 835 (September) (Supplement 1) Brief Communication: “Transformation Into Calcium Channelopathy Daily Migraine With Aura Following Transcuta- “Evidence for Antinociceptive Activity of Bo- Brief Communication: “Pseudomigraine With neous Atrial Septal Defect Closure” [Yankovsky] tulinum Toxin Type A in Pain Management” Lymphocytic Pleocytosis:; A Calcium Chan- 496 (May) [Aoki] S9 (Supplement 1) nelopathy? Clinical Description of 10 Cases and Genetic Analysis of the Familial Hemi- Brief Communication: “Aborting a Prolonged “Synaptic Transmission: Inhibition of Neuro- plegic Migraine Gene CACNA/A™ [Chapman] Migrainous Aura With Intravenous Prochlor- transmitter Release by Botulinum Toxin” [Dolly] 892 (September) perazine and Magnesium Sulfate” [Rozen] 901 $16 (Supplement 1) (September) Cardiac Evaluation “Botulinum Neurotoxin for the Treatment of Expert Opinion: “Is Cardiac Evaluation for Autogenic Training Migraine and Other Primary Headache Disor- a Possible Right-to-Left Shunt Indicated in “Effect of Autogenic Training on Drug Consump- ders: From Bench to Bedside” [Dodick] $25 a Scuba Diver With Migraine With Aura?” tion in Patients With Primary Headache: An 8- (Supplement 1) {Evans/Wilmshurst/Nightingale] 294 (March) Month Follow-up Study” [Zsombok] 251 (March) *Botulinum Toxin Type A as an Effective Prophy- Carnitine Palmityltransferase If Deficiency Automated Medical Information System (AMIS) lactic Treatment in Primary Headache Disorders” “Carnitine Palmityltransferase I] (CPT2}) De- Brief Communication: “Software Reuse Refer- [Blumenfeld] 853 (September) ficiency and Migraine Headache: Two Case ence Model Approach in Developing an Auto- Views and Perspectives: “Procedures for Admin- Reports” [Kabbouche] 490 (May) mated Medical Information System (AMIS) for Improving Health Care Practice™ [Khatri] 790 istering Botulinum Toxin Type A for Migraine Carotidynia (July/August) and Tension-type Headache” [Blumenfeld] 884 Brief Communication: “Dysphonia Associated (September) With Carotidynia and Migraine Responding to Autonomic Symptoms Brief Communication: “Single-Site Botulinum Dihydroergotamine™ [White] 69 (January) Brief Communication: “Sumatriptan in Migraine With Unilateral Cranial Autonomic Symptoms: Toxin Type A Injection for Elimination of Cavernous Dural Arteriovenous Fistula An Open Study” [Barbanti] 400 (April) Migraine Trigger Points” [Behmand] 1085 Brief Communication: “Progression of Tolosa- (November/December) Hunt Syndrome to a Cavernous Dural Arteri- Letter to the Editor: “Trigeminal Autonomic Brain Abscess ovenous Fistula: A Case Report” [Sugano] 122 Cephalalgia: A New Variant?” [Turner] 419 Images From Headache: “Bad Teeth. Bad (February) (April) Headache. Brain Abscess” [Rothrock] 505 (May) Central Sensitization Benign Exertional Headache Brazil 2003 Wolff Award: “Possible Parasympathetic “Prolonged Benign Exertional Headache. “Burden of Migraine in Brazil: Estimaoft Ceos t of Contributions to Peripheral and Central Sen- The Vaga Study of Headache Epidemiology” Migraine to the Public Health System and an An- sitization During Migraine” [Yarnitsky] 704 [Sjaastad] 611 (June) alytical Study of the Cost-Effectiveness of a Strat- (July/August) Biofeedback ified Model of Care” [Bigal] 742 (July/August) Cephalalgia “Biofeedback-Assisted Relaxation in Migraine Burden Letter to the Editor: “Trigeminal Autonomic Headache: Relationship to Cerebral Blood “Factors Associated With Burden of Primary Cephalalgia: A New Variant?” [Turner] 419 Flow Velocity in the Middle Cerebral Artery~ Headache in a Specialty Clinic” [Cassidy] 638 (April) [Vasudeva] 245 (March) (June) Brief Communication: “Regional Head and Face Bipolar Disorder “Burden of Migraine in Brazil: Estimate of Cost Pain Relief Following Lower Cervical Intra- “Prevalence, Clinical Correlates. and Treatment of Migraine to the Public Health System and muscular Anesthetic Injection” [Mellick] 1109 of Migraine in Bipolar Disorder” [Low] 940 an Analytical Study of the Cost-Effectiveness of (November/December) (October) a Stratified Model of Care” [Bigal] 742 (July/ Cephalic Venous Congestion Blink Reflex August) “Migraine Aggravation Caused by Cephalic Ve- Letter to the Editor: “Female Migraineurs Are Butalbital nous Congestion” [Doepp] 96 (February) Much More Likely to Blink in a Flash Photograph Than Controls” [Evans] 820 (July/August) Brief Communication: “Oral Phenobarbital Letter to the Editor: “Migraine Headache In- Loading: A Safe and Effective Method of With- tensity and Intracranial Pressure” [Shevel] 1013 Blood Flow Study drawing Patients With Headache From Butalbital (October) “Biofeedback-Assisted Relaxation in Migraine Compounds” [Loder] 904 (September) Headache: Relationship to Cerebral Blood Letter to the Editor: “Response From Doepp” Flow Velocity in the Middle Cerebral Artery” Butterbur Root Extract [Doepp] 1013 (October) Brief Communication: “Safety cf a Patented Spe- [Vasudeva] 245 (March) cial Butterbur Root Extract for Migraine Preven- Cerebral Blood Flow Velocity Brief Communication: “Headache Following Cer- tion” [Danesch] 76 (January) “Biofeedback-Assisted Relaxation in Migraine vical Sympathectomy and Results of Blood Flow Headache: Relationship to Cerebral Blood Study in the Cat” [Spierings] 410 (April) CACNAIA Flow Velocity in the Middle Cerebral Artery” Brief Communication: “Pseudomigraine With [Vasudeva] 245 (March) Book Review Lymphocytic Pleocytosis:s A Calcium Chan- “Migraine Blues: CD-ROM” [Selby] 88 (January) nelopathy? Clinical Description of 10 Cases Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak and Genetic Analysis of the Familial Hemi- Images From Headache: “Postural Headache and “Heal Your Headache: The 1-2-3 Program for plegic Migraine Gene CACNAIA™ [Chapman] Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak: Believing is Seeing” Taking Charge of Your Pain” [Calhoun] 824 892 (September) [Goadsby] 681 (June) (July/August) Caffeine Cerebrospinal Fluid Pressure Syndrome Botulinum Toxin “Efficacy of a Fixed Combination of In- Letter to the Editor: “Worsening of Headaches Expert Opinion: “Botulinum Toxin Injections for domethacin, Prochlorperazine, and Caffeine Ver- on Topiramate? A Low Cerebrospinal Fluid Pres- Headache” [Evans/Blumenfeld] 682 (June) sus Sumatriptan in Acute Treatment of Multiple sure Syndrome?” [Rozen] 819 (July/August) Headache 1137 Cerebrovascular Reactivity “Exploring the Relationship Between Maternal “Platelet Aggregation Profiles in Cluster “Cerebrovascular Reactivity in Adolescents Migraine and Child Functioning” [Fagan] 1042 Headache” [D° Andrea] 272 (March) With Migraine and Tension-type Headache (November/December) During Headache-Free Interval and Attack” Brief Communication: “Refractory Episodic [Rosengarten] 458 (May) Chronic Cluster Headache Cluster Headache Responsive to Percuta- Brief Communication: “Long-term Follow-up neous Cervical Zygapophyseal Radiofrequency “Normalization of High Interictal Cerebrovas- of Chronic Cluster Headache Treated Surgi- Ablation: A Case Report” [Vaisman] 279 cular Reactivity in Migraine Without Aura cally With Trigeminal Tractotomy™ [Green] 479 (March) by Treatment With Flunarizine™ [Dora] 464 (May) (May) Brief Communication: “Long-term Follow-up Letter to the Editor: “Surgical Treatment of of Chronic Cluster Headache Treated Surgi- Cervical Sympathectomy Chronic Cluster Headache” [Goadsby] 1118 cally With Trigeminal Tractotomy” [Green] 479 Brief Communication: “ Headache Following Cer- (November/December) (May) vical Sympathectomy and Results of Blood Flow Study in the Cat” [Spierings] 410 (April) Letter to the Editor: “Response From Green” “Abnormal Neuromuscular Transmission in Clus- [Green] 1118 (November/December) ter Headache” [Ertas] 616 (June) Cervicogenic Headache Chronic Daily Headache Brief Communication: “Topiramate in the Pro- Letter to the Editor: “Cervicogenic Headache in “Does Chronic Daily Headache Arise De Novo phylactic Treatment of Cluster Headache™ Children” [Ormos] 693 (June) in Association With Regular Use of Analgesics?” [Lainez] 784 (July/August) “Cervicogenic Headache: Locus of Control and [Bahra] 179 (March) Brief Communication: “Symptomatic Cluster Success of Treatment” [Stanton] 956 (October) Letter to the Editor: “Tizanidine Is Not a Cure for Headache in Internal Carotid Artery Dis- “Quality of Life of Patients With Cervico- Chronic Daily Headache” [Warner] 296 (March) section—Consider Anhidrosis” [Frigerio] 896 genic Headache: A Comparison With Con- Letter to the Editor: “Response From Lake and (September) trol Subjects and Patients With Migraine or Saper™ 296 (March) Letter to the Editor: “Surgical Treatment of Tension-type Headache” [van Suijlekom] 1034 Chronic Cluster Headache” [Goadsby] 1118 (November/December) Letter to the Editor: “Chronic Daily Headache in (November/December) Children and Adolescents Presenting to Tertiary Chest Radiograph Headache Clinics” [Bigal] 419 (April) Letter to the Editor: “Response From Green” Brief Communication: “Facial Pain as the Pre- [Green] 1118 (November/December) senting Symptom of Lung Carcinoma With Nor- Images From Headache: “Nummular Erythema mal Chest Radiograph” [Abraham] 499 (May) in a Patient With Chronic Daily Headache” Cognitive Function [Campbell] 1112 (November/December) “Posttraumatic Headache: Biopsychosocial Com- Chiari- Associated Cough Headache parisons With Multiple Control Groups” [Tatrow] Brief Communication: “Chiari-Associated Exer- Chronic Headache 755 (July/August) tional, Cough. and Sneeze Headache Responsive “Headache Management Program Improves Out- to Medical Therapy” [Buzzi] 404 (April) come for Chronic Headache” [{Harpole] 715 Brief Communication: “Impact of Antimi- (July/August) graine Compounds on Cognitive Processing: A Chiari- Associated Exertional Headache Placebo-Controlled Crossover Study” [Evers] Brief Communication: “Chiari-Associated Exer- Chronic Migraine 1102 (November/December) tional, Cough, and Sneeze Headache Responsive “Assessment of Migraine Disability Using the to Medical Therapy™ [Buzzi] 404 (April) Migraine Disability Assessment (MIDAS) Ques- Confusional Migraine tionnaire: A Comparison of Chronic Migraine Expert Opinion: “Confusional Migraine or Pho- Chiari-Associated Sneeze Headache With Episodic Migraine” [Bigal] 336 (April) toepilepsy?” [Evans/Gladstein] 506 (May) Brief Communication: “Chiari-Associated Exer- tional, Cough, and Sneeze Headache Responsive “Peripheral Neurostimulation for the Treatment Congenital Predisposition to Medical Therapy” [Buzzi] 404 (April) of Chronic, Disabling Transformed Migraine™ Brief Communication: “Congenital Predisposi- [Popeney] 369 (April) tion to Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension: A Chicago, Illinois Case Report” [Ontachi] 678 (June) Program Abstracts of the 45th Annual Scientific Brief Communication: “Naratriptan in the Pre- Meeting of the American Headache Society, June ventive Treatment of Refractory Chronic Mi- Letter to the Editor: “Response to “More on Mi- 19-22, 2003, Chicago, Illinois 509 (May) graine: A Review of 27 Cases” [Rapoport] 482 graine and Coronary Artery Disease™” [Cook] (May) 696 (June) Children “Migraine Headaches and Sleep Disturbances in Chronic Pain Letter to the Editor: “More on Migraine and Children” [Miller] 362 (April) “Headache and Other Types of Chronic Pain” Coronary Artery Disease™ [Loder] 697 (June) [Marcus] 49 (January) Letter to the Editor: “Chronic Daily Headache in Cortical Electrical Depression Children and Adolescents Presenting to Tertiary Chronic Tension-type Headache Brief Communication: “Prolonged Cortical Elec- Headache Clinics” [Bigal] 419 (April) Brief Communication: “Treating Chronic trical Depression and Diffuse Vasospasm With- Tension-type Headache Not Responding to out Ischemia in a Case of Severe Hemiplegic Mi- “Oral Magnesium Oxide Prophylaxis of Frequent Amitriptyline Hydrochloride With Paroxetine graine During Pregnancy” [Gonzalez-Alegre] 72 Migrainous Headache in Children: A Random- Hydrochloride: A Pilot Evaluation” [Holroyd] (January) ized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial” 999 (October) [Wang] 601 (June) Cough Headache Cluster Headache Brief Communication: “Chiari-Associated Exer- Letter to the Editor: “Cervicogenic Headache in “Soluble Interleukin-2 Receptors Increase Dur- tional, Cough. and Sneeze Headache Responsive Children” [Ormos] 693 (June) ing the Active Periods in Cluster Headache” to Medical Therapy” [Buzzi] 404 (April) {Emp]] 63 (January) “Use of the Migraine Disability Assessment CPT2 Deficiency Questionnaire in Children and Adolescents With Brief Communication: “Cluster Headache After “Carnitine Palmityltransferase If (CPT2) Defi- Headache: An Italian Pilot Study” [D° Amico] 767 Removal of a Subarachnoid Cyst: A Case Report” ciency and Migraine Headache: Two Case Re- (July/August) {Rahmann] 130 (February) ports” [Kabbouche] 490 (May) 1138 November/December 2003 Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome sponse to Divalproex Sodium” [Levin] 801 Electrocardiograph Brief Communication: “Cyclic Vomiting Syn- (July/August) “Electrocardiographic Changes During Migraine drome, Migraine, and Epilepsy: A Common Un- Attacks” [Aygun] 861 (September) Doppler derlying Disorder?” [Cupini] 407 (April) “Transcranial Doppler in Migraine Attacks Be- Eletriptan Daily Migraine fore and After Treatment With Oral Zolmitriptan “Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of Oral Eletrip- Brief Communication: “Transformation Into or Sumatriptan” [Thomaides] 54 (January) tan for Treatment of Acute Migraine: A Multi- Daily Migraine With Aura Following Transcuta- center, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study Droperidol neous Atrial Septal Defect Closure” [Yankovsky] Conducted in the United States” [Sheftell] 202 Expert Opinion: “Droperidol and Other Neu- 496 (May) (March) roleptics/Antiemetics for the Management of Depression Migraine” [Evans/Young] 811 (July/August) “Comparative Efficacy of Eletriptan 40 mg Ver- “Differences in Anger Expression Between Indi- sus Sumatriptan 100 mg” [Mathew] 214 (March) Drug Consumption viduals With and Without Headache After Con- “Effect of Autogenic Training on Drug Consump- Letter to the Editor: “Eletriptan Issues” [Het- trolling for Depression and Anxiety” [Nicholson] tion in Patients With Primary Headache: An tiarachchi] 816 (July/August) 651 (June) 8-Month Follow-up Study” [Zsombok] 251 Letter to the Editor: “Response From Author™ Difficult Headache (March) [Tepper] 818 (July/August) ~Prevalence of Head Trauma in Patients With Dif- Dutch Society of Headache Patients ficult Headache: The North Norway Headache “Reduced Impact of Migraine in Everyday Life: Letter to the Editor: “Unilateral Time-Delayed Study” [Bekkelund] 59 (January) An Observational Study in the Dutch Society of Encapsulation Does Not Make for a Fair Race” Dihydroergotamine Headache Patients” [Vos] 645 (June) [Loftus] 921 (September) Brief Communication: “Dysphonia Associated Dysphonia Letter to the Editor: “Musing on Mathew et al” With Carotidynia and Migraine Responding to Brief Communication: “Dysphonia Associated [Kaniecki] 922 (September) Dihydroergotamine™ [White] 69 (January) With Carotidynia and Migraine Responding to Letter to the Editor: “Encapsulated Sumatriptan Views and Perspectives: “Ergotamine and Dihy- Dihydroergotamine™ [White] 69 (January) Is Not Equivalent to Commercial Sumatriptan” droergotamine: History, Pharmacology, and Effi- Echocardiograph [Salonen] 923 (September) cacy” [Silberstein] 144 (February) “Prevalence of Atrial Septal Aneurysm in Pa- Letter to the Editor: “Responses From Mathew tients With Migraine: An Echocardiographic Disability et al” [Mathew] 924 (September) Study” [Carerj] 725 (July/August) “Disability and Chronic Posttraumatic Headache” [Marcus] 117 (February) Economic Impact Views and Perspectives: “Tolerability and Safety of Eletriptan in the Treatment of Migraine: “Burden of Migraine in Brazil: Estimate of Cost of “Assessment of Migraine Disability Using the A Comprehensive Review” [Mathew] 962 Migraine to the Public Health System and an An- Migraine Disability Assessment (MIDAS) Ques- alytical Study of the Cost-Effectiveness of a Strat- (October) tionnaire: A Comparison of Chronic Migraine With Episodic Migraine” [Bigal] 336 (April) ified Model of Care” [Bigal] 742 (July/August) Brief Communication: “Efficacy of Eletriptan in Brief Communication: “Work Attendance De- Migraineurs With Persistent Poor Response to “Reliability and Validity of the Japanese Migraine spite Headache and Its Economic Impact: A Com- Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs” [Chia] Disability Assessment (MIDAS) Questionnaire” parison Between Two Workplaces” [Raak] 1097 984 (October) {ligaya] 343 (April) (November/December) Emergency Department “Peripheral Neurostimulation for the Treatment Efficacy Guest Editorial: “Migraine in the Emergency De- of Chronic, Disabling Transformed Migraine” Views and Perspectives: “Ergotamine and Dihy- partment: Not a Win-Win Situation” [Rankin] [Popeney] 369 (April) droergotamine: History, Pharmacology, and Effi- 1026 (November/December) “Use of the Migraine Disability Assessment cacy” [Silberstein] 144 (February) “Treatment of Primary Headache in the Questionnaire in Children and Adolescents With “Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of Oral Eletrip- Emergency Department” [Blumenthal] 1026 Headache: An Italian Pilot Study” [D° Amico] 767 tan for Treatment of Acute Migraine: A Multi- (November/December) (July/August) center, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study Enalapril “Factors Associated With Migraine-Related Conducted in the United States” [Sheftell] 202 Letter to the Editor: “Enalapril Prophylaxis for Quality of Life and Disability in Adolescents: (March) Migraine With Aura” [Camarda] 170 (February) A Preliminary Investigation” [Tkachuk] 950 “Comparative Efficacy of Eletriptan 40 mg Ver- (October) sus Sumatriptan 100 mg” [Mathew] 214 (March) Endovascular Treatment Brief Communication: “Effect of Endovascular “Migraine Frequency and Intensity: Relation- ~“N*-Methylhistamine Safety and Efficacy in Mi- Treatment on Headaches in Patients With Un- ship With Disability and Psychological Factors” graine Prophylaxis: Phase I and Phase II Studies” ruptured Intracranial Aneurysms” [Qureshi] 1090 [Magnusson] 1049 (November/December) [Millan-Guerrero] 389 (April) (November/December) Disease Modification Brief Communication: “Efficacy of Sumatriptan Epidemiology Views and Perspectives: “Disease Modification in Nasal Spray in Recurrent Migrainous Headache: “Prolonged Benign Exertional Headache. Migraine: A Concept That Has Come of Age?” An Open Prospective Study” [Carpay] 395 The Vaga Study of Headache Epidemiology” [Loder] 135 (February) (April) [Sjaastad] 611 (June) Disinhibition Letter to the Editor: “The Non-nocebo Re- Epidermal Hematoma Images From Headache: “Headache and Disin- sponse: Can Migraine Medication Efficacy Be En- Images From Headache: “Epidermal Hematoma hibition in an Elderly Woman” [Rothrock] 167 hanced?” [Evans] 693 (June) Sans “Lucid Interval” [Rothrock] 79 (January) (February) Brief Communication: “Efficacy of Eletriptan in Epilepsy Divalproex Sodium Migraineurs With Persistent Poor Response to Brief Communication: “Cyclic Vomiting Syn- Brief Communication: “Laughing Headache: A Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs” [Chia] drome, Migraine, and Epilepsy: A Common Un- Novel Type of Triggered Headache With Re- 984 (October) derlying Disorder?” [Cupini] 407 (April)

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