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Hawking radiation on a falling lattice Ted Jacobsona,b∗ and David Mattinglya† aDepartment of Physics, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742-4111, USA bInstitute for Theoretical Physics, UCSB, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 [4,5]). Quantizingthe soundfieldUnruharguedthatthe Scalarfieldtheoryonalatticefallingfreely intoa1+1di- horizon would radiate thermal phonons, in analogy with mensionalblack holeisstudiedusingbothWKBandnumer- theHawkingeffect,atatemperaturegivenbyh¯/2πtimes icalapproaches. Theoutgoingmodesareshowntoarisefrom the gradient of the flow velocity at the horizon. Since incomingmodesbyaprocessanalogoustoaBlochoscillation, the sound field has an atomic cutoff, and the physics of withanadmixtureofnegativefrequencymodescorresponding the fluid is completely understood in principle, the fluid to the Hawking radiation. Numerical calculations show that model may provide a source of insight into the Hawking the Hawking effect is reproduced to within 0.5% on a lattice 0 process. 0 whose proper spacing where the wavepacket turns around at The atomic cutoff produces dispersion of sound waves 0 thehorizon is 0.08 in unitswhere thesurface gravity is 1. ∼ leading to subsonic propagation at high frequencies. It 2 turns out that this dispersionis all that is needed to ob- n viate the need for a trans-Bohrian reservoir. In the lin- a earized theory, an outgoing short wavelength mode can J be draggedin by the fluid flow and redshifted enough so 2 I. INTRODUCTION that its increased group velocity overcomes the flow and 1 itescapestoinfinity. Investigationsofanumberoflinear 2 If nothing can emerge from a black hole then where fieldtheorymodels[6–11]andlatticemodels[12]incorpo- v doestheHawkingradiationcomefrom? Relativisticfield ratingsuchhighfrequencydispersionhavedemonstrated 9 theorytellsusthatitcomesfromatrans-Planckianreser- this mechanism of “mode conversion” and have shown 9 voir of outgoing modes at the horizon [1]. The existence thattheHawkingradiationisrecovered.2 Thedispersion 0 ofsuchatrans-Planckianreservoirisdoubtfulongeneral in these models is not locally Lorentz-invariant since a 8 physical grounds. It is the cause of the divergences in frameis pickedoutinwhichto specify whichfrequencies 0 9 quantum field theory which are expected to be removed are“high”. Inthe fluidmodelthis isthe localrestframe 9 inaquantumtheoryofgravity,andinparticularitwould of the fluid. A real black hole also defines a preferred / seem to imply an infinite black hole entropy unless can- frame but it does so in a non-local way. Perhaps quan- h celed by an infinite negative “bare entropy”. tum gravity produces a dispersion effect related to this t - String theory has produced an account of the Hawk- non-local notion of a preferred frame, or perhaps micro- p e ing radiation and black hole entropy which requires no physicsis just notlocally Lorentzinvariant. Inany case, h trans-Planckianreservoir,howeverinthatpictureinstead it seems worthwhileto understand the mechanismof the : of a black hole one has a stringy object in flat spacetime outgoing modes and Hawking radiation in these models v i that arises from a black hole as the string coupling con- for the hints it may provide about a correct quantum X stant tends to zero [2]. Thus gravitationalredshift plays gravity account. r no role in the string calculations and nothing is learned In [12] a falling lattice model was introduced to ad- a about the origin of the outgoing modes in a black hole dress the “stationaritypuzzle” [17,8]: how cana low fre- spacetime.1 If we could follow the theory as the string quency outgoing mode arise from a high frequency ingo- couplingbecomesstrongwewouldpresumablylearnhow ing mode when it propagates only in a stationary back- it is that string theory produces the outgoing black hole ground spacetime and hence has a conservedKilling fre- modes. quency? Inthecontinuumbaseddispersivemodelsthere Absent a quantum gravity description of the Hawking is nosatisfactoryresolutionofthis puzzle. As the outgo- process,Unruhinventeda fluidanalogofablackhole [3] ing modes are traced backwards in time their incoming in which an inhomogeneous flow exceeds the long wave- progenitors are squeezed into the short distance regime length speed of sound creating a sonic horizon (see also 2 Dispersion can also produce superluminal propagation, ∗[email protected] whichallowsoutgoingmodestoemergefrombehindthehori- †[email protected] zon. Thesuperluminalcasedoesnotseemveryhealthyfroma 1The fact that redshifting plays no role in producing the fundamentalpointofview,thoughitissurelyrelevantinsome stringyHawkingradiationispresumablytiedtothefactthat condensedmatteranaloguesofblackholehorizons[13–15]and thestringcalculationsapplyinthe“near-extremal”limitthat is capable of producingthe usual Hawking spectrum [16]. thesurface gravity tends to zero. 1 of the model which is not physically sensible. horizon. Alatticeprovidesasimple modelforimposingaphys- The precise choice of worldlines for the lattice points ically sensible short distance cutoff. It might seem at should not be important to the leading order Hawking first that the most natural choice would be to preserve effectaslongasthe groundstateevolvesadiabaticallyin the time translation symmetry of the spacetime with a the lattice theory. Our numerical results are consistent static lattice whose points follow accelerated worldlines. with this expectation, in that the particular worldlines Onastaticlattice,however,theKillingfrequencyiscon- depend on the lattice spacing yet the results convergeto served,sooutgoingmodesarisefromingoingmodeswith the continuum as the lattice spacing is decreased. More- the same frequency, and there is no Hawking radiation. over it was shown recently [10], in a continuum model Thein-vacuumthereforeevolvestoasingularstateatthe with high frequency dispersion, that when the preferred horizon. If the lattice points are instead freely falling, a frame is changed from the free-fall frame of the black discrete remnant of time translation symmetry can still hole to that of a conformally related metric there is no be preserved. On such a lattice there is still a frequency leadingorderchangeintheHawkingradiationunlessthe conservationlaw,andtheunsatisfactoryresolutionofthe acceleration of the preferred frame is very large. Pre- stationaritypuzzle is thatthe lattice spacingin this case sumablyallthatmattersisthatthepreferredworldlines goes to zero at infinity (if the lattice points are asymp- flow smoothly across the horizon. From a fundamental totically at rest) [12]. point of view, if there really is a cutoff in some preferred If we insist that the lattice spacing asymptotically ap- frame,itis plausible thatthis frame wouldcoincide with proaches a fixed constant and that the lattice points are the cosmic rest frame and would fall across the event at rest at infinity, we find a fascinating resolution of the horizons of any black holes that form by collapse. stationarity puzzle [12]: the lattice cannot have even a Theremainderofthispaperisorganizedasfollows. In discretetimetranslationsymmetry,sincethereisagrad- Section II the falling lattice model is set up, in Section ualspreadingofthe lattice pointsasthey falltowardthe IIIsomeresultsoftheWKBmethodareshown,illustrat- horizon. The timescale of this spreading is of order 1/κ ing the frequency shift and the mode conversion at the where κ is the surface gravity. This time dependence of horizon,and the role of the negative frequency branchis the lattice is invisible to long wavelength modes which explained. In Section IV the results of the full numer- senseonlythe stationarybackgroundmetric ofthe black ical evolution are presented, and Section V contains a hole, but it is quite apparentto modes with wavelengths discussion or the results and directions for further work. of order the lattice spacing. On such a lattice the long TheAppendixdescribesthefinitedifferencingofthetime wavelengthoutgoing modes come from short wavelength derivates used in the numerical calculations. ingoingmodes which startout witha high(lattice scale) We use units with h¯ = c = κ = 1, where κ is the Killingfrequencywhichisexponentiallyredshiftedasthe surface gravity. wavepacketpropagates to the horizonand turns around. This behavior of wavepackets in the (time-dependent) fallinglatticemodelwasdeterminedin[12]withthehelp II. FALLING LATTICE MODEL of the WKB approximation in which the frequency is usedasaHamiltoniantosolveforthewavepackettrajec- In this section we set up the field theory on a lattice tory. It was also argued that, since the time dependence falling into a black hole in two spacetime dimensions. of the lattice is adiabatic for those modes with wave- length short enough to know they are on a lattice, these modes will remainunexcited ontheir wayto the horizon A. Black hole spacetime and the ground state condition for the Hawking effect will be met. However, since the wavelength is of order We assume the spacetime metric is static, so [18] co- the lattice spacing and the wavepacket can vary wildly ordinates can be chosen (at least locally) such that the onthe lattice nearthe horizon,itis not obviousthatthe line element takes the form WKB approximation is reliable nor that the adiabatic argument really applies. ds2 =dt2 dx v(x)dt 2. (2.1) − − The primary motivation for the work reported here (cid:0) (cid:1) In these coordinates the Killing vector is given by was to check the WKB and adiabatic assumptions by carrying out the exact calculation numerically using the χ=∂ , (2.2) t latticewaveequation. Wefoundthatindeedthefieldbe- haves this way, and the Hawking radiation is recovered with squared norm to within half a percentfora lattice spacingδ =0.002/κ which corresponds to a proper spacing 0.08/κ where χ2 =1 v2(x). (2.3) ∼ − the wavepacket turns around at the horizon. We also For v(x) we choose studiedthedeviationsfromtheHawkingeffectthatarise as κδ is increased, and our simulations reveal an inter- vmax v(x)= , (2.4) estingpictureofhowthewavepacketsturnaroundatthe −cosh(βx) 2 w+her,ev(vxm)axvaannisdheβs, saorethpeosliintieveelecmonesnttanbtesc.omAesst|hxa|t→of ∂ta/a= βvmcoasxhs2i(nβhx(β)x) (2.13) ∞ Minkowski spacetime. Provided v >1 there is an er- max goregion centered on x = 0 in which the Killing vector whose maximum outside the horizon (cosh(βx) > vmax) is spacelike, and the boundaries of this region are black isκ(atthehorizon)ifv √2andκv2 /2 v2 1 max ≥ max max− and white hole horizons at if v √2. Thus ∂ a/a < O(κ) everywhepre outside max t ≤ | | the horizon as long as v >∼1 is not too close to unity. x = β−1cosh−1(v ). (2.5) max H max ± The surface gravity of the horizons is given by B. Lattice κ=v′(x )=β 1 v−2 . (2.6) H max − The lattice is defined by discretizing the z coordinate p The surface gravity sets the length scale for our space- with spacing ∆z =δ. That is, we have only the discrete time, andwe will keepit fixed. Hence it willbe useful to values zm = mδ. We will consider values of κδ which employ units for which κ=1. rangefrom0.002to0.128. Togiveafeelingforthelattice We now introduce a freely falling “Gaussian” coordi- we plot in Fig. 1 the (t,x) coordinates of lattice point natez whichwillbediscretizedtodefineafallinglattice. worldlines at intervals of 50 lattice points. The worldlines with dx = v(x)dt are geodesics of the metric (2.1) with proper time t, at rest as x , | | → ∞ and they are orthogonal to the surfaces of constant t. On these curves the quantity t dx/v is con- − 30 stant, so if z is constant on these curvesRwe must have W(z(x,t))=t dx/v forsomefunctionW. Wechoose − this function so tRhat z = x at t = 0, which implies that z W(z)= dx/v =sinh(βz)/βv , hence max − 20 R sinh(βz)=sinh(βx)+βv t. (2.7) max In terms of z, the line element (2.1) takes the form 10 ds2 =dt2 a2(z,t)dz2, (2.8) − with cosh(βz) a(z,t)= . (2.9) 0 1+(sinh(βz) βv t)2 max − p We calla(z,t)the “scalefactor”,eventhoughitdepends 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 on z as well as t. It can also be expressed as FIG. 1. Every 50th lattice point, t vs. x, for the case v(x(z,t)) a(z,t)= . (2.10) δ = 0.004 and vmax = √2. In the black region of the plot v(z) thepointsaretooclose toresolve. Thehorizon isat x 0.6. ≃ In (t,z) coordinates the Killing vector (2.2) is given by Since dx = a(z,t)dz at constant t, the separation ∆x ofthelatticepointsinFig. 1givesadirectrepresentation v(x(z,t)) χ=∂ v(z)∂ =∂ ∂ . (2.11) ofthescalefactor. Theproperlatticespacingisgivenby t z t z − − a(z,t) a(z,t)δ which, according to (2.12), grows approximately linearly with time at the horizon. Thescalefactorisunityatt=0,andoutsidetheblack Note that there is a region where the lattice spacing holeitgrowstowardsthefuture. Itisimportanttoknow becomes very small. This happens because we chose the how rapidly the scale factor is changing in time, since in spacing to be uniform at t = 0. If the points did not the lattice theory that time dependence is not merely a bunch up outside the black hole before t=0, they could coordinate effect and can therefore excite the quantum not wind up equally spaced at t = 0, since they are all field. At the horizon the scale factor takes the value on unit energy free-fall trajectories. (The line element is a(zH,t)=q1+2κt+κ2t2/(1−vm−a2x), (2.12) suypmamlseotroiuctusinddeetrh(et,wxh)it→e h(o−let,h−oxr)iz,osnoatfhteerptoi=nt0s.)bunch To get a better idea of how sparse the lattice is near so a(z ,t) κt for κt > 1. Thus the fractional rate of H ∼ the horizonatthe turning point ofa typicalwavepacket, change ∂ a/a is of order∼κ. In general, we have t 3 we plot in Fig. 2 the velocity function v (2.4) for every hence there is no wave scattering. The discretization lattice point near the horizon at time t = 27, for the breaks this conformal invariance, however there is still case v = √2 and κδ = 0.004. In this case there essentially no scattering on the lattice providing the lat- max are only 6 points in the region between v(x) = 0.5 and ticespacingismuchsmallerthantheradiusofcurvature. the horizon, and the proper spacing at the horizon is Thereasonisthatmodeswithwavelengthlongcompared √2κδt 0.15/κ. tothe lattice spacingcannottellthey arenotinthe con- ∼ ∼ tinuum, while modeswithwavelengthcomparableto the -2 -1 1 2 3 lattice spacing cannot tell that the spacetime is curved. Thus, when we compute the Hawking occupation num- -0.2 bers, there is no “greybody factor”. -0.4 -0.6 D. Quantization and the Hawking effect -0.8 Thefieldisquantizedasacollectionofself-adjointop- -1 erators ϕˆm(t) satisfying the equation of motion (2.16) and canonical commutation relations. For each complex -1.2 solution to the equations of motion we define the oper- ator a(f) = (f,ϕˆ) using the inner product (2.17). The -1.4 commutation relations are equivalent to the relations FIG.2. v(x) for every lattice point at t=27, for the case vmax =√2 and δ=0.004. [a(f),a†(g)]=(f,g) (2.18) for all f and g. C. Scalar field Forapositivenormsolutionp,a(p)actslikealowering operator, while for a negative norm solution n, the con- We consider a massless,minimally coupled scalarfield jugate n∗ has positive norm, so a(n)= a†(n∗) acts like − on the lattice. In the continuum the action would be a raising operator. The Hilbert space of ingoing modes is just the Fock space built from solutions with positive 1 S = d2x√ ggµν∂ ϕ∂ ϕ frequency with respect to t (hence positive norm), and cont µ ν 2Z − similarly for the outgoing Hilbert space. We assume the = dtdz (a(z,t)(∂ ϕ)2 1 (∂ ϕ)2 . (2.14) boundary condition that the ingoing positive frequency t z Z (cid:18) − a(z,t) (cid:19) field modes are all in their ground state, where we substituted the metric (2.8) in the secondline. a(p )0 =0. (2.19) in On the lattice we adopt the same action except that the | i partial derivative ∂zϕ is replaced by the finite difference The occupation number 0a†(p)a(p)0 of an outgo- Dϕm := (ϕm+1 ϕm)/δ and am(t) is replaced by its ing normalized positive freqhu|ency wave|piacket p in the − average over the relevant lattice sites: in-vacuum 0 is is just minus the norm of the negative | i frequency part of the ingoing wavepacket that gives rise 1 2(Dϕ (t))2 S = dt a (t)(∂ ϕ (t))2 m top. Toseethis,supposetheingoingwavepacketq +q m t m + − 2Z (cid:18) − a (t)+a (t)(cid:19) Xm m+1 m evolvesto p accordingto the fieldequation(2.16),where q haspositivefrequencyandq hasnegativefrequency. (2.15) + − Then a(p)=a(q )+a(q )=a(q ) a†(q∗), hence + − + − − Varying the action (2.15) gives the equation of motion for ϕ (t), 0a†(p)a(p)0 = (q ,q ), (2.20) m − − h | | i − 2Dϕm−1(t) where we used the in-vacuum condition (2.19) and the ∂ (a (t)∂ ϕ (t)) D =0. (2.16) t m t m − (cid:18)a (t)+a (t)(cid:19) commutationrelations(2.18). Ifpisnotnormalizedthen m+1 m toobtaintheoccupationnumberwemustdivideby(p,p). Thereisaconserved(notpositivedefinite)innerproduct Hawking’sresult[19]instandardfieldtheoryyields,fora between complex solutions: wavepacketp= dωc exp( iω(k)t+ikz), the thermal ω − (ψ,ϕ)=i a (t)(ψ∗ (t)∂ ϕ (t) ϕ (t)∂ ψ∗ (t)). occupation numbRer m m t m − m t m Xm ω c 2 ω N = dω | | , (2.21) (2.17) Hawking Z eω/TH 1 − In two dimensions the continuum action (2.14) is con- where T =κ/2π is the Hawking temperature. H formally invariant, and all metrics are conformally flat, 4 III. WKB ANALYSIS (inthefreefallframe)changessignandthewavevectoris equivalentto +π/δ. Fromthere it continues to decrease, The motionofwavepacketsin the falling lattice model winding up small and positive. This reversal of group canbe studied using the WKB approximation[12]. This velocity by a monotonic change of the wavevector on a amounts to using Hamilton’s equations for the position latticeisanalogoustotheBlochoscillationofanelectron z and momentum k with a Hamiltonian determined by in a crystal acted on by a uniform electric field. the dispersion relation Thustheinterval( π/δ, kc )ismappedontothein- − −| | terval (0,π/δ). The map is onto since every outgoing 2/δ wavevector arises from some ingoing wavevector. This H(z,k,t)=ω = sin(kδ/2) (3.1) ±a(z,t) dynamical stretching of the k-space interval of length π/δ k to one of length π/δ is not problematic in a c which is obtained by inserting a mode of the form parti−cle| p|hase flow, but if we think about the wavepack- exp( iωt+ikz)into the field equationand keeping only etsthatarebeingapproximatedbythisWKBanalysisit − thetermswiththehighestderivativesorfinitedifferences is disturbing since there really are more outgoing modes ofthefield[20]. Aplotofthisdispersionrelationisshown than ingoing modes which produced them. It seems the in Fig. 3 for a(z,t) = 1. Wavevectors differing by 2π/δ waveevolutionissomehownotconservingthe numberof are equivalent, so only the range ( π/δ,π/δ) (the “Bril- wave degrees of freedom. − louin zone”) is plotted. TheresolutionofthispuzzleistheessenceoftheHawk- ing effect. The wave evolution mixes positive and nega- 2 tivefrequencymodes,soapurelypositivefrequencyout- going wavepacket arises from a mixture of positive and negative frequency ingoing wavepackets. WKB evolu- 1 tionbreaksdownattheturingpoint,henceitmissesthis mode mixing. AnexampleofapositivefrequencyWKBtrajectoryis -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 showninFig. 4. Thegraphshowsseveraldifferentquan- tities as functions of t (in units with κ = 1): the static -1 position coordinate of the wavepacketx and the horizon x (solid lines), the free-fall frequency ω (3.1) (dashed H line), the Killing frequency ω (3.2) (dot-dashed line), -2 K and 50sin(kδ/2) (sparsely-dashed line). The positions FIG.3. Dispersion relation ωδ = 2sin(kδ/2) plotted vs. are scaled up by a factor of 10 so they can be seen on ± kδ. the same graph. In this example the lattice spacing is δ = 0.004, v = √2, and the trajectory has z(34)= 6 max The frequency ω is not conserved, even when kδ 1, and k(34)=1. ≪ simply because it is not the Killing frequency. Using (2.11)weseethatinthecontinuumtheKillingfrequency 50 would be given by 40 v(x(z,t)) ωK =ω+ k, (3.2) sin(kd /2) a(z,t) 30 free-fall frequency with which the dispersion relation can be expressed as 20 Killing frequency packet trajectory a(z,t)ω v(x)k =(2/δ)sin(kδ/2). (3.3) K − 10 horizon Note however that this relation is only valid when kδ is not too large, otherwise the fact that the Killing fre- 20 22.5 25 27.5 30 32.5 quency involvesa partialderivative in a directionthat is Time not along a lattice point worldline renders the relation meaningless. FIG.4. WKBevolution. Itwasshownin[12]thattheWKBtrajectoryofanin- goingpositivefrequencywavepacketbouncesoffthehori- Notice first the behavior of sin(kδ/2). Backwards in zon and comes back out provided the ingoing wavevec- time this starts out very small, rises to the maximum, tor is greater in magnitude than some critical value k . and comes back down but not to zero. The group veloc- c (This critical value depends on the time and place f|rom| ity in the frame falling with the lattice vanishes at the which the packet is launched.) The wavevector evolves top, when kδ/2 = π/2, corresponding to a wavelength fromnegativevalues to positivevalues bydecreasingun- equal to two lattice units. This rise and fall happens tilitislessthan π/δ,atwhichpointthegroupvelocity via a monotonicchange ofk, andis the Blochoscillation − 5 mentioned above. B. Wavepackets and parameters The wavepacket that ends up with ω = ω = 1 at K late times starts out at early times with ω = ωK 43. If the Killing frequency were conserved as it is in ∼ The maximum possible lattice frequency is 2/δ = 500 the dispersive continuum models the entire Hawking in this case,so the ingoing frequency is certainly“high”. spectrum could be probed just by propagating one Whereasthefree-fallfrequencycontinuestoredshift(for- wavepacket and decomposing it into is Fourier compo- ward in time) as the wavepacket climbs away from the nents, each of which would pick up a negative frequency horizon,the redshifting ofthe Killing frequency is essen- part appropriate for the corresponding frequency. This tially complete by the time the wavepacket reaches the is how Unruh checked the spectrum in his model [6]. turningpoint. Thus,pasttheturningpoint,eachKilling SincetheKillingfrequencyisnotconservedonourlattice frequency componentpropagatesautonomously,moreor we cannot avail ourselves of this option.3 Thus instead less as it would in the continuum. As described in the we compute the occupation numbers for a sequence of Introduction, this, together with the fact that the evolu- wavepacketsϕ (k) with different profiles: s tion of ω at the lattice scale is adiabatic, is the reason why the usual Hawking effect is reproduced. ϕ (k)=k eexp[ (k 0.05s)2], s=1,...,9 (4.1) s − − (ineunits with κ = 1, as usual). The form of these IV. LATTICE WAVE EQUATION ANALYSIS wavepacketswas dictated by the need to have them well enough localized to be contained in the flat region of In this section we discuss the results of our numerical the spacetime (so we could construct the correspond- calculations. The basic method is to take an outgoing ing positive frequency initial data) while at the same positive frequency wavepacket and evolve it backwards time containing enough power at low frequencies of or- in time. After it has “bounced” from the horizon and der κ to have a measurable Hawking occupation num- propagatedback into the flat regionof the spacetime we ber. To shift the wavepacket to the desired starting po- decompose it into positive and negative frequency parts. sition the Fourier transform (4.1) was multiplied by a Since it is a purely left moving wavepacket at this stage phase factor exp( ikzinitial). The positive frequency ini- − the negative frequency part is just the part composed tial data was constructed by evolving each Fourier com- of positive wavevectors. The occupation number (2.20) ponent one time step ∆t by multiplying with the phase of the original outgoing packet is then given by minus factor exp( iω(k)∆t) and Fourier transforming the re- − the norm of this negative frequency part divided by the sult back into position space. total norm. We typically computed the total norm in The time dependence of the lattice (illustrated in Fig. positionspaceusing(2.17). Sincethe negativefrequency 1) means that the results will not be independent of part ϕ(−) was projected out in the wavevector space we the “launch time” of the wavepacket from a given lo- used an alternate expressionfor its norm, (ϕ(−),ϕ(−))= cation. If we start our backwards evolution too far in 2 ω(k) ϕ(−)(k)2, where the frequency ω(k) is the future then when the wavepacket nears the horizon g−ivePnkb>y0(|3.1).|| | the lattice points will be pathologically sparse. On the e other hand if we launch backwards at too early a time thenthewavepacketcanbecomepartiallytrappedinthe A. Numerical issues region where the lattice spacing gets very small. This happens because a sufficiently high frequency wave is turned around when it tries to propagate into a region Our system of equations (2.16) is a coupled set of or- of larger lattice spacing. We encountered this “chan- dinarydifferentialequations,whichis tobe solvedinthe neling” phenomenon in our simulations, and avoided it limit that time is continuous but the spatial lattice is just by launching later. The runs reported here were all fixed. In order to satisfy the Courant stability criterion done with wavepackets that reached the horizon around the time step ∆t must satisfy ∆t < a(z,t)δ. (In this t = 27, and were launched from far enough away to be 1+1dimensionalsetting theCourantconditioncoincides contained in the flat region of the spacetime. Typically, withtheconditionthatcausalityberespectedbythedif- ferencing scheme.) In the asymptotic region a(z,t) = 1 so the stability condition there is ∆t < δ. For a fixed ∆t/δ the general condition would be violated wherever a(z,t)<∆t/δ. Since this only happens deep behind the 3We studied the possibility that the WKB evolution could horizon (for t > 0) we just modified a(z,t) inside the be used to establish a mapping between in and out frequen- black hole so that it is never less than ∆t/δ. We used a cies,thusallowing ustochecktheentirespectrumofparticle timediscretizationscheme(writtenoutintheAppendix) creation just by propagating a single wavepacket. This turns witherrorsoforder(∆t)2,andfoundthat∆t=0.4δ was out to be a flawed idea however since the modes are mixed by the evolution and, moreover, such a map misses the role adequately small to obtain very good accuracy. of the negativefrequency piece. 6 the launchtime wasaroundt=56 when the wavepacket A sample of the comparisons for κδ = 0.002 is listed was centered at x=28. in Table I. The typical relative difference in this case is All of the calculations reported here were done using of order half a percent. the line element (2.1), with v (2.4) ranging from √2 max to 30. 3. Lattice dependence C. Results To study the dependence on the lattice we ran the s=1 wavepacketbackward at several different values of 1. Generalities the lattice spacing and for several values of v (2.4) max from √2 to 30. The change of v produces only a max The behavior of a typical wavepacket throughout the rather small change in the shape of the function v(x) process of bouncing off the horizon is illustrated in Fig. outside the horizon, however it produces a shift of the 6. The real part of the wavepacket is plotted vs. the position of the horizon (2.5). For large vmax the horizon static coordinate x at several different times. Following is given approximately by xH ln(2vmax). The horizon ≃ backwardsintime, the wavestartsto squeezeupagainst positionrangesfromabout0.6for v =√2 to about4 max the horizon and then a trailing dip freezes and develops for v =30. Thus a wavepacketlaunched backwardin max oscillationsthatgrowuntiltheyballoonout,forminginto time from a givenposition at a giventime will reachthe a compact high frequency wavepacket that propagates horizon later in time for larger v , so that the proper max neatly away from the horizon backwards in time. lattice spacing at the horizon will be larger, though not This ingoing wavepacket contains both positive and by a very large amount for the wavepackets considered negative frequency components, in just the right combi- here. nation to produce only an outgoing wave when sent in In Fig. 5 we plot the occupation numbers for lattice towardsthe black hole, with no wave propagatingacross spacings δ ranging from 0.002 to 0.128, and for several thehorizon. Toillustratethiswehavetakenoneofthese values of v (2.4), v = √2,2,2.5,3,4,5,10,20,30. max max ingoing wavepackets,decomposedit into its positive and In all cases the late time wavepacket was launched from negative frequency parts, and sent them separately back the same position and time. All wavepackets had the toward the horizon forward in time (Fig. 7). The nega- same envelope for their Fourier transform, however for tive frequencypart(whichis the smallerofthe twosince different lattice spacings the wavepacket is necessarily the surface gravity is fairly low compared to the typical different. frequencies in the outgoing wavepacket), mostly crosses 0.025 the horizon,with justa bit bouncing backout. The pos- itivefrequencypartmostlybounces,withjustalittle bit 0.02 going into the black hole. # n Thermal Value o 0.015 ti a 2. Spectrum p u 0.01 c c The“observed”occupationnumbersforthewavepack- O 0.005 ets (4.1) all agree well with the integrated thermal pre- dictions (2.21)ofthe Hawkingeffect providedthe lattice 0 spacing is not too large. 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 Delta TABLE I. Comparison of the black hole radiation on the latticetothethermalHawkingoccupationnumbers(2.21)for FIG.5. Occupation numbersfor s=1wavepacketfor var- thewavepackets(4.1)forthecasevmax =√2andκδ=0.002. ious values of δ and vmax. Higher occupation numbers corre- spond to larger values of vmax. s Thermal Lattice Rel. Diff. 1 0.01563 0.01557 0.0038 For all values of v , the occupation number con- 2 0.01409 0.01404 0.0035 max vergesto the Hawkingpredictionasthe lattice spacingδ 3 0.01266 0.01262 0.0034 decreases. 4 0.01135 0.01130 0.0041 The pattern of deviations from the thermal prediction 5 0.01014 0.01009 0.0045 appears to depend quite strongly on the value of v , a 6 0.00903 0.00899 0.0039 max result which we do not understand at present. The best 7 0.00801 0.00797 0.0051 wecandoistolistvariouseffectswhichwouldcontribute 8 0.00709 0.00705 0.0052 to the deviations: (i) the WKB turning point is mov- 9 0.00625 0.00622 0.0046 ing away from the horizon as δ grows, so one might ex- 7 pect thatthe effective surfacegravityv′(x ) andhence in others, which requires at least two dimensions to be t.p. theeffectiveHawkingtemperaturefeltbythewavepacket possible. At the atomic level such a volume-preserving woulddecrease;(ii)atlargerv theproperlatticespac- flow involves erratic motions of individual atoms. One max ing at the horizon is larger at the time this particular possible improvement of the lattice model is to make a wavepacket reaches the horizon; (iii) the lattice points latticethatmimicsthissortofvolumepreservingflow. It are rather sparse near the horizon for the larger values isnotclearwhether the motionsofthe lattice points can of δ, and their precise positions will be significantly dif- be slow enough to be adiabatic on the timescale of the ferent for different values of v . Effect (i) would lead high frequency lattice modes. If they cannot, then the max to a decreaseinthe occupationnumber, while onemight time dependence of this erratic lattice background will expect that effect (ii) would lead to a relative increase excite the quantum vacuum. due to the extra particle creation associated with time In a fluid the lattice is a part of the system, not just dependence ofthe lattice. Perhaps what we are seeing is a fixedbackground. The averageflow couldbe adiabatic just a delicate balance between these two effects. for the fully coupled ground state of the system but not for the field theory of the perturbations on the “back- ground lattice”. Similar comments apply in quantum V. DISCUSSION gravity: surely if in-out mode conversion is at play the incoming high frequency modes are strongly coupled to Wehaveshownthatlinearfieldtheoryonafallinglat- thequantumgravitationalvacuum. Ideally,therefore,we tice reproduces the continuum Hawking effect with high shouldtrytofindamodelinwhichthebackgroundisnot fidelity, thus verifying earlier expections [12]. For the decoupled from the perturbations. smallest lattice spacing we studied, δ =0.002/κ,the de- As a first step in this direction one could study a one viations from the thermal particle creation in wavepack- dimensional model in which the lattice points are non- ets composed of frequencies ω < O(κ) were of order relativistic point masses, coupled to each other by near- half a percent. This is remarkable∼,particularly since the estneighborinteractions,and“falling”orpropagatingin proper lattice spacing encountered by the wavepacket at abackgroundpotential(withorwithoutperiodicbound- the horizon was 0.08/κ. When κδ is pushed to higher ary conditions). The perturbations of such a lattice are values eventually∼we see significant deviations from the the phonon field, and the back reaction to the Hawking Hawking prediction. radiationisincluded(althoughthe backgroundpotential There are several directions in which this work could isfixed). Inamodellikethisonecouldpresumablyfollow be developed. One idea is to include self-interactions for in detail the nonlinear origin of the outgoing modes and the quantum field theory. There are general arguments the transferofenergyfromthe meanflow tothe thermal [21,22]that the thermalHawkingeffectholds alsoforin- radiation. teracting fields. There are also perturbative calculations [23] and calculations exploiting exact conformal invari- ance of certain 1+1 dimensional field theories [24]. Also ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS the “hadronization” of Hawking radiation from primor- dial black holes has been analyzed by matching to high WearegratefultoMattChoptuikandDavidGarfinkle energycollisiondata[25],butthephysicsofhowthether- for advice on numerical matters and to Steve Corley for mal Hawking radiation is “dressed” by interactions as it many helpful discussions. This work was supported in redshiftsawayfromthe horizonhasnotbeenstudied. In part by the National Science Foundation under grants a 1+1 dimensional model it should not be prohibitively No. PHY98-00967 at the University of Maryland and difficulttonumericallystudyHawkingradiationofinter- PHY94-07194at the Institute for Theoretical Physics. actingfields, nowthatwe seeit canbe doneonalattice. The falling lattice model has provided a satisfactory mechanism—the Bloch oscillation—for how to get an outgoing mode from an ingoing mode in a stationary background, but there is a serious flaw in the picture: thelatticeisconstantlyexpanding. Inthefluidmodelby contrastthelatticeofatomsmaintainsauniformaverage density. In a fundamental theory we might also expect the scale of graininess of spacetime to remain fixed at, say, the Planck scale or the string scale (since presum- ably the graininess would define this scale) rather than expand. Can the falling lattice model be improved to share this feature? Afluidmaintainsuniformdensityinaninhomogeneous flow by compressing in some directions and expanding 8 APPENDIX: FINITE DIFFERENCING SCHEME The equation of motion (2.16) for ϕ (t) is m 2Dϕ (t) m−1 ∂ a (t)∂ ϕ (t) =D . (A1) t m t m (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:18)am+1(t)+am(t)(cid:19) We used a time discretization scheme for the left hand side arising from the replacement of f˙ by f(t+∆t/2) f(t ∆t/2) /∆t=f˙+(1/24)f(3)(∆t)2+O((∆t)4), (A2) h − − i which yields ∂ (a (t)∂ ϕ (t)) a(n+1/2) ϕ(n+1) ϕ(n) a(n 1/2) ϕ(n) ϕ(n 1) /(∆t)2, (A3) t m t m →h (cid:16) − (cid:17)− − (cid:16) − − (cid:17)i where the spatial index is omitted and the argument n stands for n∆t. We could have used this replacement, since a(z,t) is a prescribed function that can be calculated at any t, but for some reasonwe substituted a(n 1/2) by the ± average a(n)+a(n 1) /2. This yields the approximation (cid:16) ± (cid:17) a(n)+a(n+1) ϕ(n+1) ϕ(n) a(n)+a(n 1) ϕ(n) ϕ(n 1) /2(∆t)2 (A4) h(cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:16) − (cid:17)−(cid:16) − (cid:17)(cid:16) − − (cid:17)i 1 1 1 1 =∂ (a∂ ϕ)(n)+ aϕ(4)+ a˙ϕ(3)+ a¨ϕ¨+ a(3)ϕ˙ (n)(∆t)2+O((∆t)4). (A5) t t 12 6 4 4 (cid:16) (cid:17) With (A4) in place of the left hand side of (A1) we solve for ϕ(n 1) in terms of ϕ(n) and ϕ(n+1) to obtain an − equation for evolving ϕ backwards in time by one time step given the following two steps. [1] T. Jacobson, Phys. Rev. D44, 1731 (1991). [2] Fora review see A.W. Peet, Class. Quant. Grav. 15, 3291 (1998). [3] W.G. Unruh,Phys.Rev.Lett. 46, 1351 (1981). [4] V.Moncrief, Astrophys.J, 235, 1038 (1980). [5] M. Visser, Class. Quantum Grav. 15, 1767 (1998). [6] W.G. Unruh,Phys.Rev.D 51, 2827 (1995). [7] R.Brout, S. Massar, R.Parentani and Ph.Spindel, Phys.Rev. D 52, 4559 (1995). [8] S.Corley and T. Jacobson, Phys.Rev. D 54,1568 (1996). [9] S.Corley, Phys.Rev.D 57, 6280 (1998). [10] Y.HimemotoandT.Tanaka,“AgeneralizationofthemodelofHawkingradiationwithmodifiedhighfrequencydispersion relation”, gr-qc/9904076. [11] H.Saida and M. Sakagami, “Black hole radiation with high frequency dispersion”, gr-qc/9905034. [12] S.Corley and T. Jacobson, Phys.Rev. 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