PART 1 HARYANA GOVT GAZ., MARCH 12, 1996 (PHGN. 22, 1917 SAKA) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, B & R BRANCH JIND CIRCLE The 23rd January, 1996 No. it appears to thi Govirnor of Haryana that land is likely to be required to be taken by Government at public expense, for a public purpose, namely constg a Road from Gusain Khera to Buradchar in Jind Disrict, it is hereby notified that the land in the locality described below is likely to be acquired for the above purpose. Ttis notification is rut& under the provision of section 4 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 to all whom It may concern. In exercise cf the prwers conferred by the aforesaid section, the Governor of Haryana is pleased to authorise th cifiter,, for the time being engaged in tht undertaking with ihtir servants and workmen to enter upon and survey any land in the locality and do other acts required or permitted by that secticn. Any person interested who has any objection to the acquisition of any land in the locality may within thirty d..ys of the publication of this notification, file an objection in writing before the Land Acquisition Collector, Public Works Department, Building and Road Branch, Hissar. SPECIFICATION District Tehsil LOCAlity Area in aer.'s Rema rks 1 2 3 4 5 Jind Jind Gatauli, 0.38 11 12 H. B. No. 49 25 13, 19, 21 Total 0.38 Acres (Sd.) . . Supthntending Engineer, Jind Circle, P.W.D., B. if R., Branch, And. at filibi formiit TM' all lili 41MIT irl ar 14-rit 23 g961), 1996 No. gfiznart * trarcriff q cr;r1Fr4 t fT Vir ERIER Ira Bicrit q i cr7, r-rmit straw9 9161: 4T61 IIM 7111471 4 ariqi. frcer, fqffr 7.1.1 iTdirk ..-T I, 11 ,441 6-059 t, c 197 rr.14.. :Tr! giftnif1/4 f#gt Slal t fw 41-'4 19Mtz mr* if ilfzr st1a-49 srzrl-qq it hit!: qr4ci9: cifau a I zix 9;616.461 lig STf61Zur 6ffErf61117, 1894 it 11171 4 * 39-47lit *MN' 36 94 't VirT, ',/ith t d k, f7q4 zig. ;ii-41ruff .7) i TtTiqa UM P r ACEff illgazfl ¶1 Sitli lra r ekuun # truzpiT9 via artraftif Ti, 7) feMiq r t, \ \1V6crti TifIlft9.1 971 T1fr i' it; gPLI'.*174 if Fr:I v-ir* ii firer saw FzIT 611101 T'<4 IN Vz41 FO *MI -1 ri,774 * f97 ,:rfiry..? #74 t, 4i' lz: 6RT att1 Telf60 zr1 9761 t I 90 HARYANA GOVT GAZ., MARCH 12,1996 (RHGN 22, 1917 9AKA) (PART! lErza zatiti N 4 1Tui VW' iftt RFATRIT at -in 4 ef Tc1 r, 2-4 Trfire_awt 5p0-17a 4 30 fkg 5.717Ct-Wk7 151 Vt1P4'cirr 714Tit 449 am Trri 1771M IF.JITK "1'7 a. feca 4 iircew Inu IrK t cal-Trani fr-47 nrtfPr d$1661' ezta9A1 (747C1 1/441rg a'R' TITria'), 0. 38 11 12 go to 0 ____, 49 25, 13, . 19, 21 0.38 ( arr.) . 9:10161* idled 4}7-4 la, trT fxatirr Rad' atir rifir vmr, tt-4Fa fa A.ra zr0,4 qrzrIT fkf 22,t5Td.0. 1996 *-11,1V 121-7-2-9 6/5 "cur Fac-T, kinTa, faargr IT 1.4 17. R6tafq aiTnirfr, ftwr qii,Triftn, VT cf-411' 1KTWR lifflifatiff, 1948 da Eau 2(R) (17) am 3 ( ir) j REN 4-crt t ("farm iftrfr 477 a' -1-76/11566 fq'91-4, 16 419., 1976 :TV 100 affiff tat dia 4 0 -4199T 3511tqr 5041-417T-111-70/29506, fcc11- 8 faRTV., 1970 ;171 150 474 alrisn sn'T ir ATa Vf911737 1789-71-1-79/44040, frgten 30 Rdlat, 1979 gT(7 150 ddit qa.TER 300 stri zarqn. ct w4t7.4.1.-K ;it 4t 2. Ra t Tor 9T t fk9tzn 16 Tiat, 1995 0' Ut Tr! 7fkaITR FEMd* 1-7.z4r41 31ri1!3 90 -81-4711 (4ut fir 74- qfwvin r,7tr 4 gwqmzrr Trzrr lar T34 tual azo kfinlio from rnr ) itet WV 4 Rtha Fiala 41 171 zfoql 511T111 g7, Iftc 111.1'K 1541 Tcoi AGO Wet fff9r4T e Rig grrf41 Ulitqft1 tt6, 1995 1,000 sti4 qritru iT 4, dr lit vral c7341 7,7%Q---1 VEZdtro 26 qR U, 1996 dR1-0 263-74-2- 90222.-41' ga 9-41 ;EraTOT, f q.i/St Till Pa 7,77i Off kW'fr, f3(9T Tit;.:nli (v45111-0 et gal liara svsr.RfElfilid, 1948 4:} EIRT 2(q) (1Q,) MIT 3( IR) Rita atT7T 9;rfdRd'al 'aqtrri 8.)0.1 --;14 -ITT- 66/12134, fdd'i5 16 7,,9, 1966 ii17 100 7± TIFTT 9;11T iT