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Harlequin - Fallen Angels 3 - Caught In The Act PDF

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Synopsis: COINCIDENCE? Not. Mick Dawson, undercover cop. He’s got his hands full with a pushy broad who claims she’s just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Except all the perps seem to know everything there is to know about her. Who’re you going to believe? Only one way to find out. Get real close. Del Piper, mystery writer. She’s as confused as he is, but mostly because he’s got the sweetest smile, when he smiles. Still, he’s sticking with her twenty-four/seven-is this love or duty? Is he her protector or her captor? Dear Reader, When Mick Dawson first appeared in Beguiled, he was a sixteen-year-old stud with a grown-up’s sense of responsibility and a heart begging for love. I loved him, and many of you must have, too, based on the number of letters I received asking for Mick’s story. Now, in Caught in the Act, Mick is all grown up, still very much a stud and, yep, he’s still looking for love, whether he realizes it or not. Of course, I had just the right woman for him! Between me and Mick’s two friends Zack and Josh (pretty hunky heroes themselves), we gave Mick everything he deserved—and more. Poor Mick didn’t stand a chance. I hope you enjoy reading Caught in the Act as much as I enjoyed writing it. And be sure to check back next month for Treat Her Right, Zack’s story, Harlequin Temptation #852, and then again in November to see what Josh has gotten into in Mr. November, Harelquin Temptation #856. Happy reading! Lori Foster Caught in the Act Lori Foster Fallen Angels 3 HARLEQUIN® TORONTO • NEW YORK • LONDON AMSTERDAM • PARIS • SYDNEY • HAMBURG STOCKHOLM • ATHENS • TOKYO • MILAN • MADRID PRAGUE • WARSAW • BUDAPEST • AUCKLAND If you purchased this book without a cover you should be aware that this book is stolen property. It was reported as “unsold and destroyed” to the publisher, and neither the author nor the publisher has received any payment for this “stripped book.” ISBN 0-373-83469-1 CAUGHT IN THE ACT Copyright © 2001 by Lori Foster All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher, Harlequin Enterprises Limited, 225 Duncan Mill Road, Don Mills, Ontario, Canada M3B 3K9. All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention. This edition published by arrangement with Harlequin Books S.A. ® and TM are trademarks of the publisher. Trademarks indicated with ® are registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office, the Canadian Trade Marks Office and in other countries. Visit us at www.eHarlequin.com Printed in U.S.A. I want to give a very special thanks to Officer LaDon Laney, who exemplifies the types of heroes I enjoy writing about. While helping me with my research, Officer Laney spoke of his family, his community, his co-workers and his job with admirable love and respect. His help was invaluable to me. And to Kathy McCutter for medical assistance, and Lynda Sue Cooper for answering “cop” questions. You’re all wonderful! Contents CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER TWO CHAPTER THREE CHAPTER FOUR CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER ELEVEN CHAPTER TWELVE CHAPTER THIRTEEN CHAPTER FOURTEEN CHAPTER ONE Contents - Next Rain drubbed the window sluggishly, but Mick Dawson could still see out, still see all the different people milling around with colorful umbrellas and hats. He was so intent on watching for her he listened to the conversation with only half an ear. But then, half an ear was the most required when his friends got started on that particular topic. “See that gorgeous blonde?” Josh Marshall said, deliberately baiting as usual. “The one who just came in? She’s wearing a push-up bra.” “Is that right?” Zack Grange kept his tone dry. “How can you tell?” “I know women.” Josh’s reply held an overdose of world-weary cynicism. “And I especially know women’s breasts.” He added, “At your age, I’d think you would, too.” “Yeah, and at your age,” Zack retorted, “I’d have thought you’d outgrown your adolescent obsessions.” The three of them sat in the corner booth at Marco’s, a casual Italian restaurant they’d first discovered five years ago. It was central to where they each worked, in the downtown area. in the downtown area. They came often, more so every year, it seemed, until now they met almost daily for lunch and often for dinner, too. None of them was married. Josh remained a confirmed bachelor, Zack was now a widower and Mick… well, Mick hadn’t met the right woman. His criteria were strict, but to his mind, marriage was forever. He’d seen the worst quite often, marriages made in hell and sustained with sarcasm and cheating and drink. He’d also witnessed that elusive best, unions overflowing with love and trust and support. No way would he settle for less than what he knew could and should be. Because of their different jobs—each of them stressful—and their lack of romantic ties, meeting at Marco’s was about as close to a domestic routine as the three men ever saw. The restaurant served as a place for celebration— a promotion, a new house, whatever came up that seemed celebration worthy. They also commiserated with each other there, as when Zack’s young wife had died and he’d wanted to retreat from life, not seeing anyone, not doing anything except coddling his little girl. Or after Mick had gotten shot in the leg and missed several weeks of work, making him edgy. Mick’s life was all darkness and threats and caution. Ugly. Except here at Marco’s, and with the people he trusted—his two friends, his family. No one else. At least, not yet. No woman had ever snagged his attention long enough to build a trust, certainly never for anything serious. Until now. Now he was intrigued. “Mick, tell this fool that breasts don’t lift to the sun like a flower.” Josh laughed at his own jest “If they’re damn near touching her chin, she’s wearing a push-up bra.” Mick glanced at Zack and grinned. “Josh is an idiot where women are concerned —including his insane fascination with breasts, which, I agree, he should have outgrown years ago.” Josh shook his head in a pitying way. “Men do not outgrow their fascination Josh shook his head in a pitying way. “Men do not outgrow their fascination with breasts. You two are just weird.” “A real woman,” Mick told him, “would chew you up and spit you out.” “A real woman?” Zack asked, feigning confusion. “You mean someone with an IQ higher than ten? Why would Josh date anyone smarter than he is?” Josh said, “Ha-ha. You’re just jealous.” He grinned and added, “Besides, the ladies have better things to do with their mouths when they’re around me. Chewing is definitely out.” All three men laughed. “So,” Josh said, “if you two abnormal specimens aren’t turned on by a woman’s breasts—which should be soft and natural, not shoved heavenward—then what does do it for you?” Mick groaned. “Didn’t we have this discussion back in high school?” “Yeah, but it’s still interesting.” “Bellies,” Zack blurted. Josh raised a brow. “Excuse me?” For the moment, Mick felt content to just listen. “I love a woman’s belly.” Zack leaned back, smiling to himself. “Not all muscled up the way some women want to do these days. Just a nice soft smooth woman’s belly.” He nodded, confirming his own conclusions. “Very sexy.” Josh considered that, then nodded, too. “Okay, I’ll give you that one. Bellies are hot. But not belly button rings.” “No,” Zack agreed. “A good belly doesn’t need decoration.” “What about you, Mick?” Josh prodded. “Long legs? Great ass? What?” Mick took another bite of his BLT, almost by rote, not because he was hungry. He considered his reaction when he’d seen her for the first time. What had he noticed? What had caught his eye and kept him so interested, to the point he almost felt obsessed? He glanced out the dim window again. It was a miserable, dank July day, breezy, with fat purple clouds hanging low in the sky. She should be coming along any minute now. He’d first noticed her at his old neighborhood. He’d been there to rent out the upstairs apartment of the building he still owned, the same building he’d once lived in as a child. There were a lot of… unpleasant memories for him there, along with a few special ones. He kept the building as a reminder to himself that his life had changed, he had changed, but he was still a product of his upbringing. Evidently, she rented from the building next door, because she had come down the walkway to the street and headed toward the post office, letters in her hand. It worried Mick, because no one traipsed around unprotected in that area. To call it rough would be a gross understatement. But there she’d been, strolling along without a care. He hadn’t hesitated to follow her, making certain she remained safe, enjoying the back view of her as she strutted along, her stride long and sure and almost cocky. The sun was blistering hot that day, shining down on her blue-black, shoulder- length hair, hair so silky it appeared fluid when she moved. Soft, light blue eyes looked beyond everything and everyone, including Mick, as if a great distraction held her. He’d been nearly spellbound by her tall, willowy body with its incredibly long, slim legs and broad, fragile shoulders. Strangely enough, even when she came back out of the post office and went past him, again oblivious to her surroundings, he hadn’t noticed her breasts. All his attention had been on her face, with its strong jaw, straight nose, pale eyes. Mick wondered for an instant what Josh would think of his oversight. Because he wanted to meet her, wanted to get to know her and have sex with her until he passed out from sheer exhaustion, he wasn’t about to discuss her with Josh or Zack. So he merely shrugged. “It’s a combination of things, and it’s different with every woman.” Before either Josh or Zack could respond to that obscure reply, Mick saw her. Blindly, he laid his sandwich aside and twisted in the booth to better see out the window. Regardless of the drizzling rain, the gray sky, he’d expected her. A little rain wouldn’t chase her inside. No, not this lady. She jogged every day little rain wouldn’t chase her inside. No, not this lady. She jogged every day around the same time, the same place. Or at least she had for two weeks now. It felt like fate, seeing her first in an area where he owned property, and then here again, where he routinely visited. Zack, being a reasonable sort, hadn’t complained much when Mick had made him move so he’d have the window seat. Josh, though, was unreasonable, always. Outrageous bordering on obnoxious. He’d demanded, all with laughter and taunting grins, for Mick to admit who he was watching for. Mick had refused, but now it didn’t matter. The second he shifted his attention, going on alert, Josh noticed. “Aha! There you go, Zack. I think we’ll get to see this mystery lady any second now.” Mick told him, rather succinctly, what he could do with his speculations. But that didn’t deter Josh; if anything, it made him more curious. Both Josh and Zack twisted around, and they, too, watched through the window. The streets were crowded during the lunch hour. Open umbrellas jumped with the breeze as people milled up and down the sidewalk. And there she was, weaving in and out of human traffic as she jogged, her head uncovered, her clothes better suited to a bright spring day than drizzling rain. Funny thing was, she went right past them, inky-black ponytail bouncing, rainwater dripping off her nose and darkening her sweatshirt, and still Josh and Zack looked, searching the crowds. They hadn’t realized she was the one. Mick’s body knew that she was. Just seeing her now, bedraggled and wet and distracted, he wanted her. His muscles felt tight, his blood hot, his flesh prickly. Damn, if just watching her jog did this to him, how would it feel to kiss her, touch her, to slide deep inside her and hear her moan out a climax? He felt the stirrings of an erection and muttered a curse. Insanity, he decided, but it couldn’t be helped. To hide his reaction, he grinned and leaned into the corner of the booth. Now that she’d gone by, he could face Zack and Josh and still keep an eye on her for

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