Hamilton PH. 1981. The Leopard and the Cheetah in Kenya Part 1. Keywords: 1Afr/1KE/Acinonyx jubatus/cheetah/Leopard/status/survey Abstract: Part 1: Report about the leopard. The related "endangered species" the Cheetah is included in Chapter 4 and 5. A survey and discussion about the status of the species. , I ( t t t\ THE LTOPARPDa nthera pardus I -t AND THt CFEEIAPA ci llllif jubatus I N KENYA ECOLOGY STATUS c0Ns€RvAlT0 li fiANACE14EIJT R€PORTF ON T H EU . S . F I S H6 V I L D L I F ES € R V I C E TIE AFRICAVNI LDLIFEL EADERSHFIPO UIIDATION Al{f) THE 6OVERNHTNOTF K€NYA P. H.H AII4 L TON r 9 8 r ALL RI GHTSR ESERVED includingt he . ishi of reproduction in wholeo r in part in any form without the permisslono f the author or other the colyright holder for the t imeb eing. t' - t _ TAELI OF COIITENTS L IST Oi FI GURES I ( LI ST OFI A8LES ACK}IOI'LEDGEI'IEIITS !r4Ilr -I INTRODUCI TO N CHAPTT?R ECOLOGOYF T HE! EOPARO 4 2 .1 | tiTRoDUIC 0Tll tr 2.2 STUDAYR EAS L 2.3 }IATIRIA LSA NDX ETHODS 2 .\ P.ESULTS 6 2.!.1. capturea nd radio-trackingr esults 2.\ .2. PoPIua tI o n densi t Y e 2.! .3. Reproduction 2.\.\. Extent of riovcmnet t c 2.\.5. 0ccuPancYof the hc'ner ange 1 l 2 .. .6. ActlvitY Peraods l l Z.!.7. Rets i rg Pleces 2.{ .8. Feedi n 9 ecologY 2.1.9. P-r ternso f dlgPersion 1 7 2.4.10. Pat ter ns of association rB 2.!.ll' Soclalo rganisaticn t9 2- 5 DT S CUSI0SN ChAPTER3 TRAIiSLOCATIOII ?l I l{TR0DU|C 0Tll tlEiH 0D s ).2.1. CaPturea nd taanslocaito n 3.2.2 - tffnobIi isation 3.2.3. Capitv e leoPards 3.2.\. Radlo -tracking RISULTS 3.3.1. Radio_trackin9g! cce9s j.t.2- f{ovetnentosf trsnslocatcd leoPard5 2t) 3.3.1. Othcr traislocations in Kenya Drscussl0N 5.1 35 3.1.1. Translocation: criteria for succes5 3-\.2, the lleru study 39 3.1r.3. Reasonsfo r fai lure t.t,t. Translocationi hoh,n ot to do it r13 3.\.5. Ttan5ol cati oni guide-lincs i.l.e. Conclusion: to translocateo r not? 7 : . CHAPTERtr STATU0SF TH€ SPECIESiA SURVEY {.1 tNTBooucTt0N \.2 r.rtTHoos \7 I 4 . ]. STATUSSURVTV 4.31. . tormat I 4i \.1.2. TurkanaD istrlct tti ,t.i.3. 8erI ngo Dist r ict tt. 3.It, Vest Pokot t Elgeyo-llarakr'reDti strlcts .{.J.>. UasinG irhu, TransN zoia, 6l{andi Dist.ic!s 5: {.3.6. Nyanza6 Vest e rn P.ovinces \.3.7. Nakuru 6 KerichoD istrlcts 5? 4.3.8. NarokD istrict Kaji 6do 0 is t|'l ct !.3.10N. ai robi P.ovince 5t ! . 3 . . llachakoEs Klt!i 0istricts \,3-12.Centr a I Kenya L1 4.3.1)i.a it. Di 5t . ict 64 4.3I.! . TsavoN atlonal Park 4.3.r5G. ala na 6 Kulalu Ranches 65 {.r.r6. Kwale,K ilifi, tlombasa,6L an! Dis!ricts 61 4.3.r7T.ansR iv er Distric! 6e {.3.r8C. ari ssa Distrlcr 69 4.3.r9V.aji r 6 HanderaD istricts q. 3. 20. lsi olo Distrlct 71 \.3.21.Sambur0ui strict 12 harsabti 0istrict TBEL TOPARADS A STOCK.RAIDER 4.{.1. Introd'.rction 4.4.2, Theo ccurrenceo f stock-raiding 75 4. {.l. lecpard control 7t 4.4,1. Sex .atlo of stock-raidingt eopards 1i it.4.5. Discussion CHAPTE5R STATU0SF THES PECIESD: ISCUSSI0N 5.1. THEI .EOPARIID{ KENYA 5.1.1. TheP asr 6l 5.1. 2, The oecli ne E] 5.1.3, Extento f thc Decllne 84 5.1 .4, Where,U h€n, and Uhy? 5.1. 5. P.egcn!5 ta!us 5.!.6. The Leopard'sF uturel n Kcnya 5.2 THEI EOPARIDII AFRICA 9: J.3 STATUOS F THTC 8EETAIHN KENYAAN DA FRTCA CHAPTER6 THEL EOPARAD5 A HUNTINTGR OPHOY T OURISATT TRACTION r02 I NTROOUIOCNT LEGIS LATIVEH IsTORY 102 BACKGROUTNOD T HI HUNTINGII IDUSTRIYN KENY-A, lc3 ( 5 .lr THg LEOPARADS A IIUNTINGTR OPHY 105 5.5 THE LEOPARAOS A TOURISTA TTRACTION 107 EFFTCTOSF SPORHTU NTIIIOCN L EOPARPDOPULIAOTN S 108 Drscussr0N 6.7.1. To hunt or not to hunt? ll2 l t l 6.7.2. tthcre? I llr 6.7.3 . llhen? 5.7.t ,. Howm any? I 1/{ 6.7 .5. For ho!/m uch? 124 6.7.6, By whoma nd under rvhatc onditions? t2l 6.7.7. u,s . legislation t2J 5.7.8. The problemo f stock-raiders 12\ t25 6.7,9, Concluslon CHAPTE7P CoNStRvl0ANT o I4ANAGET4OEFN TTH EL IOPARDIN KENYA 1)1 A POI!C Y f1 REFER€NCE5 APPEI.IiXi' I LIST OF FIGURfS observedr angeso f tcn radlo'collared T3avo leopards, as determinedb y the nininufi area ( oethod uslng all locations. - t Ft 6.2.2.Adjustedh omer angeso f nine radlo-collsred Tsavo leopard9. 9-1 0 Ft G,2.3 . llovernentosf adult nale Leopard3 during the peri od l7-21 June 1973. Facin 9 I l Fr6.3.1l.'leru tlational Park 6nd ru.rounding area. racrn g zo FrG.3.2l,.lovementosf Leopard9 9 In first fortnight after release on 22 Dec 77. Faci ng 29 FI G ..33 . l,lovenent5o f tuo translocated leoPards re- leased in Tsavol /est Nati onal Park in 197C. Faci ng 31 FlG.r.l.Schematicd lagramo f the digPersal of trans- iocated lropatds rel€ased in lleru National P.rk, Faci n9 39 Frc.!.1.Adninistratived istricts of Kenya. Ir9- 5o Fl G. Ii.2. Huntingm apo f Kenya( 1970)s howingc ontrolled \9'5a area block5. FrG.{.1.The leoparda s a stock-raider. tac Ing /o F r G . 5 . 1R.eletived ensi!ie5o f the leopardp opulations 87-88 F1 G.5..2 Relative densiti€s of the hlnan Populationso f 87-88 Kenyai n 1980. Fr G.53.. Distribution of the leoPard in Kenyai n 1963. Faci ng 88 Fr G.5 . 4. oistribution of the cheetahi n Kenyai n 1953. racI nq >o :{ L IST OF TAELES TASLE2 . Observedr angesa hd hooe rangeso f ten radio- col I ared Tsavo lcopards. Facingl0 _l TABLE!.r Numbeor f leopardss hot on licence In Kajiado: t7 District in 1965-1973. TA8L E \.2 Leopard5 i9htin95 recordedi n Nairobi National Pa.k 1912-75. TABLE1 r.3. The cheetahp opulation of Nairobi National Park {c 1973-75. 1ABLEtr .4. Stock-rai d i n9 questi onnair e survey of tli I dl i fe conservation and l'lanagemenot ePartnent game stations. TASLE{. 5. cames tctions (.r'ith correction for !eopard) I ist ing carnivoresa s gtock-raiders. TABLE4 .5. Leopardsg hot .nd traPPedb y GovcrnDenat gencie5 1957-55a nd 1977-80. 1ABLE4 .7. Analyssi of carnivorec ontrol. IAELE4 .8. Sexeso f 83 leopsrds trapped for transloca!ion. n1-n! Status of the leop€rd in the distrlcts of l(enya. IASL€ 5.2. Numberso f special licences bought for leoPards in 1958-73a nd nuhberso f leopards ehot in con- trol led aleas. a5 TAEEL 5.3. Asses5eds tatus of leopard populations in Kenya 88 groupedi o Censi t y categories. lABL€ 5.{ . Assessedg tatus of the leopard PoPUlationso f Kenyarsd istricts groLipeidn density categorleg. Faci n9 89 lABL[ 5. 5. E5timatedd istrlbution of Kenya'9l eoPards. 89 TAEEI 5.1. Contribution of the leopard to sPecial licence revenuea nd controlled area fees in 1965, 1972' 105 and 1973. TAB!€ 5.2. Relativec ontributlonso f different 3Peciest o revenuef rom ggeclal licences. r 05 TABLE5. ] . Reletivec ontributlonso f different Speciest o local authoritv revenuef ron controlled area fee5. 106 TABLE5 .q . Con!ribution of the Ieopard to control led area fees earnedb y Naroks nd r€jiado county councll5 106 ln 1965. TABrE6 .5. liumbero f general and special huntlng I lcences issued.nd revenle derived therefrom in 3elected 107 Years betvreen1 959a od 1974. TA8!E6 .5. Numbero f perrnits and licences of various cete_ gorie5 i95uedb y the GameD epartmenbt etween1 950 1 l l and 1974. ACK NOVTLD GE}IENTS So manyp eople have glven n|ev alued help one way o. another durlng my leopard gtudies ln Tsavoa nd l,lerul ilational Parkga nd durino ny leopard gtatus survey 3lnce then that lt ls dlfficult to knoel where !o begln. 8ut as full acknowledgementtos a1! those whoh etped ne in Tsavoh ave already been glven In Hamilton (1976) lt would be superfluous to repea! themh cre, and lack of space lmposesf urther constraints. I must, holrever,r ecord once agaln rnyg pecial apprecae- tion of the help and co-operation recelved from the 0irector and Trusteeso f the forfi,erK enyal ,lationalP arks, the Vardena ,]ds taff of Tsavol ,/ets NationalP ark, Dr. L.D. flecho f the U.S. Fish andV ildllfe Servlce, Dr. J,f,1.K lng of Nairobl, and my tracker/assistant Elui Nrnen!i whov rasv ltal to the difflcult task of 3tudylng leopards. The Tsavoa nd l.lerus tudles were both hade possible by ttre genercJsf inencial support of the Afric.n t{rildlife LeadershlgF o!n- dation of Vashingtor,0 .C.i supportw hichn ot only Drovidedn e nith a vehicle but al50 the use of ltr Cessna1 85. I am grateful for help received fron all the Foundatlonrss taff In !,/ashingtona nd Naiaobi, but eepecially rhe late J,E. Rhea,t he late F. l,tinot,t he late R.K. Poole, R. l'lcllvaine, and SandraP rlce. Thelr constant support ano encourager,rehnat ve be!n deeply appreclated€ nd I amo nly 50rry that not all of thema re here to 5ee the fln6l results. Their contributior,s ate not forgotl en. TheU ^ltedS tates Flsh andW ildlife ServiceO fflce of En- dangeredS pecie5, to b/hicht hls report is contracted, provided funding for expaision of r,rys tudies to include e detailed survey of the stat.r5 of rhe leopard and has patlently awaited the results. I em grateful for both its financial supporrd nd lts patience. In KenyaI om grateful to the office of the Preiident and to J,K. llutinde, fortner Director of yildllfe Conservatlona nd lianage- nen!, for permisslont o caray out this research; to D.|.1.S indlyo, presentD irector, for his co-operatlonI n organislnga questlonnaire surveyo f the Departhen!rg5a mes tations; to P.R. Jenkins,f .l.B.E. who ra5 Vardeno f ileru Natlonal Park during ny translocation gtudy anC r{hosec o-operation, advlce, hospltal lty, and frl€ndshlp are especial! i appreciated; to F.V. Voodley,f 4.C.,1 ,1.8,Ea.n d P.M,S nyder,w hoa s Vardenso f the llountain l'/ationelP irks at ltfieigap rovided vlrtually al I the leopards I recelved for translocatlon; to V.H.V. Ngonze, Vardeno f the Nairobl Anlrnalo rphanage,a nd all the Departmentrso ther wardens! too numero{,rtso oention by narne,w ho provlded infolrnation on leopard5 tatus, depredatlonsa, nCt ranslocations; and to the Vil dlife FundT rusteesw ho handledm y researchf unds, lam Indebtedt o the followlng past and presento fficers, nogt of thah very senlor, of l(enyaN ationel Parks, the GameD epartftent, and the lrildllfe Conservatlona nd ]lanagemenDt epartnentf o. provlding lnformation on leopardsf or ny gtatus survey and allovringo e to bene_ fit from their experlcnce, ln manyc ases exceedingt hlrty years, of all aspect5o f wildlife conservatlona nd managenenltn Kenya: G.A.G.A drn- son, 11.8,E.J, . Barreh,0 .8.t., J, B.xendale,it ajor R.T. Elliott, E.L. Gos5,l4ajorl .R. Grip{ood,l . HughesP, .R. Jenkins,r '1.lo dhe, l.S.C. Parker, K.A. Slnlth,1 4.0,u ebley, F.V. Woodley. | .lso wiEh to thank Dr. 0.R.fl. Stev/arto f the Natal Parks, ce$e and Fish PreservationB oarda nd Dr. S.C.J. Joubert of the Kruger Nar.ionalP ark, Repuhilc of SouthA frica, for the lrouble they took to sendn e Informationo n the trenslocatlon of carnivores. The infor- mation frornD r, Joubert arrlved too late for IncorPoration in this ( report but i! serves only to relnforce llly conclusionso il transloca aon. Diicussions$ itt' Dr. J' Andersoonf lhe Nat.alP arks5 nd! r. A.D. Hall- ,lartin of the Kruger Park vrerea lso helPful. liy survey of the status of the leopard In Kenyac ould not have been donew ithout the excellen! co_operationI received from the colniry's profesgionahl unters. Theyg aveg enerouslyo f their tine and knowledge,a nd Chapterl t ls as mr:chi heir vtorka s it i3 mine. Chap!er6 , on hunting, alto benefitted froin thelr sounda nd construc_ tive criticlsm, SeveralP rofessiooahl untersh ad al50 beeni n the GarneD eoartrcnt a! one tlme and were usefull y sble to vlevr the hurtinc Industry fron different aspects. 8ut v/ithout any doubt the Profese:ot wa5r y mostv aluables ourceo f informationo n leoPardd istribu!ions and relative numberg,a nd I record v,/ltha pPreciation the contributions mBdeb y the following nenrberso f the fortnerE ast African Professioi.l Hunters'A5sociation:D . Allen, A.L. Archer, R. ' BaLault,J .t'{.C hef- fings, l. Crai9, P.R,A.D .vey,s .P, DolrneyA, .D'G.D yer' H.H. Henley, .1.H essel,R .A. Hurt, t'l.St.J.L a!,JrencDe., flccallun,J . tlcKeandT,. 0. Itathev/sl',1 .GP. retlejohn,A .G Roberts,A . '0. Scth-SmlthJ, .C. Su!tr' ' i.F. Veller,0.fl. Villlems,V .H.V inter. llanyo thcr people also helped me in various waYs. I owe a special debt to the farmers and ranchergo f l4erua nd LaikiPia who wereg enero!3n ot only in Providings tock-raidingl eopardsf or treas- lo.ation end hospitali ty for meb ut also ail ing sheept o feed the leopardsh eld In captivi'.y before release. I efi onlY gorry that thelr co-operationh a! not been rewardedb y a happier ending to the tranilocetlon3 tudy, foa noneo f thehw antedt o kill a sto.k_raiding leopardi f they coulda vold it, and their exemplaryc o_operatlodni d muci.t o offset th€ lack shoernb y the GameU arden( Nanyuki). I would especially Iike to thank the l'llcholsonso f Bu.guret, the Vebbso f Cedarvale,l he Fernandeso f Kl!ima, the Cralgs of LewaD owns,t he l.{innso f Loldaiga, the }lurrayso f Lolomarike nd llarania, the ValI in9- tons of llbori, ihe Dyerso f l{gareN dare, the carnegleso f Ngobil, th' Stonerriggso f Sugurol, and the Fernandeso f Tharua. Their friendly help ano supporti 5 greatly aPpreciated' I ama lso grateful to th. following for their help anc in- for|ration: T.J, 86rnley,D .E. Brown,C .R. F;eld, B.A. Heath,P . Henp- hill, Alison Harris, A.D. t{ackayP, .S. l4awsonC, ynthial {os-sN, . l1vers, C.E. l{orris, B. Nyebet,R . Paterson,9 . Roberts,K arenR o;s, J.5cort, O. [3stern, and numerousg amer angersa nd herdsmenin variou' Parts of th! colntry whoscn arnesI cannot list here individuelly. Hamiltor' Harrison0 f4athev/As,. l'/.L.F.,a nd the Vi ldlife PlanningU nlt kindiy providedo ffice spacea nd facilitles. Stetionary0 SystemsL td. and !he AcmeP ress Ltd. of Nairobi producedt he report. Finally I nru5tc speclally thank all of the twenty or mor' pe.rle nameda bovev rhok tndly agreedt o read varlous Portions of my iraft and greatly helpedm e to improvel t. I ame sPeclallyg rateful, however,t o lan Parker, Rodney€l 1lott, Tony Seth-Smitli,a nd John Suttonf or giving up 9o mucho f thelr time and for their invaluable cri!ici5m and conrnents. Theseh elPedt o glve the repor! any nerit it lnayh av€, but any rraors tha! remaina re my responsibillty. alone. t alro wlsh to thank D.. D.R.t4.S tewarto f the l{atal Parks, Garea nd Firh PrcservatlonB oards nd Dr. S.C.J, Joubert of the Kruger ti3:ionel Perk, RePubilc of SouthA frica, for the trouble they took to sendr .e inforBa!ion on the translocatlon of carnivoa€s. The infor- mation from Dr. Joubcrt aarlved too late for incorPoratlon'in lhis r€oort but it serves only to reinforce my conclugionso n transloca'-ior. Diic,,rssionws ith Dr. J. Andersono f the t'latal Park5 and Dr. A.D. Hall - f1artin of the Kruger Park were also helPful. l1ys urvey of the statua of the leoPard In Kenyec ould not haveb een doner lthout the excetlent co_oPerationI received fron the coun:ryts profe5sional hunters. TheYg ave generouslyo f thelr tirne and knowledge,e nd Chapte.I is as mr:cht helr brorka s it i5 riine Chapter6 , on hunting, also benefitted from thelr sounda nd construc- rive criticism. Several professiontslh unters had also been in the cane Departfi,enatt one time and were usefully able !o view the hunling industry fron dlfferent aspects. 8ut wlthout any doubt thc Profcsg:on vr6sr y most valuable 5ourceo i information on leoPardd igtributions 6nd relatlve numberg,a nd I record wlth appreciatlon the contributions nade by the following memberos f the forner East African Ptofestiona: Hunters'A ssociation: D. Allen, A,L, Archer, R.|'1B. abault,J .H. Chef- fin9s, l. Cral9, P.R.A.D avey,S .P. DowneyA, .D.G.D yer' H,H. Nenley' ,1.i esset, R.A. Hurt, f.St'J. LavtrenceD,' l'lcCallunJ, . ficKcandT' .O. fiathe!/s,I '1.G.P rettejohn, A.G Robetts, A.H'0' Seth-Snlth, J.C' s!ttor,, i.F, veller, D.H.F llllams,v .H. trinter. llanyo ther people also helpcd |ne in various r0ays. I ov/e a spccial debt to the farme.l and rancherso f t4erua nd LaikiPia vihc were generousn o! only in providing 5tock-raiding leoPar,rsf or trer9- lo--.tion and hospitality for me but also alling ehecPt o feed the leopardsh eld tn captivity before release. I amo nly gorry that their co-oper€tion has no! been rewardedb y a haPPiere ndlng to the translocetlon ttudy, for noneo f themh ,antedt o klll a stock-ralding leopard if they coutd avold lt, and thelr exehplery co_oPeralto n cld rnuci.t o offset the lack shownb v the Gamev arden (NanYUki). I would esgeciallv like to thankt he Nlcholsonso f Burguret,t he vebbso f Cedarvale,t he Fernandeso f Klsima, the Cralgs of Lcwao onns' tne llinns or loldal9a, the fllrrays of Lolornarika nd Naranla, the Vall ing_ tons of l4bori, ih. Dyer: of NgareN dare, the Carnegle5o f Ngobit, the Stonewiggso f Sugurol, and the Fernandeso f Tharua. Thelr friendly help ano support i5 greatly aPPreciated. I ama lso grateful to thc following for their help and in- foriiation: T,J. garnley, D.E. Brown,C .R. Field, B.R. Heath,P ' HeftP- hill, Al lson Harris, A.D, f'{ackayP, 'S. l'lawsonC, ynthia },tos-sN, . l'lyerE' C.€. t{orris, B, Nyebet,R . Paterson,V . Roberls,K arenR o;s, J' sco:t, D. llestern, lnd numerousg alner angersa nd herdsmenI n various parts of the country uhosc namesI cannot ligt here Individually' tlamiltor. Harrison6 tlatheus,A .v.L.F', and the vildlife PlanningU nlt kindiy provlded office spacr snd feclllties. St.tlonary E SystemsL td. and the AcmeP rcss Ltd. of l,laI rob I Produced the rePort. Finally t ..utt rsPeclally thank all of the tbrentyo r mor? pecple namedlb ove $rhok lndly agreed to read various Portlons of my irait anag reatly helpedn e to lmptovel t. I ame sPeclallyg rateful, however,t o lan P.rker, RodneyE lllott, Tony seth-smith' and John S,.rttonio r giving !p 30 rlucho f thelr tlme and for thelr invaluable criticism aid co'nnents. Theseh elPed to glvr the report any fterit it fl'ayh ave, but any errors tha! remaina re my responslbillty alone'