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GYRODYNAMICS AND ITS ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS BY RONALD N. ARNOLD Regius Professor of Engineering University of Edinburgh AND LEONARD MAUNDER Professor of Applied Mechanics University of Durham AN ACADEMIC PRESS REPLICA REPRINT ® 1961 ACADEMIC PRESS New York San Francisco London A Subsidiary ofHarcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers This is an Academic Press Replica Reprint reproduced directly from the pages of a title for which type, plates, or film no longer exist. Although not up to the standards of the original, this method of reproduction makes it possible to provide copies of books which otherwise would be out of print. COPYRIGHT© 1961, BY ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS, ELECTRONIC OR MECHANICAL, INCLUDING PHOTOCOPY, RECORDING, OR ANY INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEM, WITHOUT PERMISSION IN WRITING FROM THE PUBLISHER. ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. Ill Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10003 United Kingdom Edition published by ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. (LONDON) LTD. 24/28 Oval Road, London NW1 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOG CARD NUMBER: 60-16905 ISBN 0-12-063852-5 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 79 80 81 82 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 PREFACE At first sight the behaviour of a gyroscope may appear incongruous. It seems to take a mischievous delight in flouting the accepted laws of nature. But bewilderment, in time, gives place to reason; what appears an affront to intuition is theoretically predictable. With bodies of high rotation one must learn to accept the apparent irrationality of rational motion. But beyond its purely scientific interest, the gyroscope has attributes of great utility. Never before have gyroscopic devices been used so extensively, yet the number of works on the subject is surpris- ingly small. This book may help to remedy the situation. It is intended primarily for engineers, but its approach is mainly analytical, emphasis being placed on scientific design rather than constructional detail. Based on lectures given in the Post-Graduate School of Applied Dynamics at Edinburgh University, it should prove of value to University teachers, research workers and all who, from time to time, wrestle with gyroscopic problems. The book consists of sixteen chapters, of which the first seven are concerned with classical dynamics. Vector notation is introduced as a convenient method of representing generalities but, being used sparingly, should cause little difficulty. The initial aim is to assemble certain fundamental ideas governing the movement of bodies in three dimen- sions. Motion with respect to moving axes is discussed in detail, particular attention being given to the intangible Coriolis acceleration which pervades gyroscopic theory. Thereafter, a study is made of inertial characteristics of bodies and certain dynamical theorems, followed by the historic problems of the motion of a free body and of a symmetrical gyroscope under gravity. The remaining nine chapters deal with gyroscopic applications, mainly of a mechanical nature. They begin with a group of miscel- laneous problems before embarking on a study of gyroscopic mechan- isms. Complete chapters are devoted to stabilizers, the gyro-compass, rate and integrating gyroscopes, gyro-verticals and gyroscopic suspen- sions. Emphasis then moves to an examination of inertial navigation while the closing chapters discuss the whirling of shafts and aircraft gyrodynamics. Appendices are added, together with a group of problems and answers intended for organized study. v VI PREFACE An attempt has been made throughout to present the material in a manner which stresses the physical concepts. Moreover, many sections have been developed specifically for inclusion in this book and will not be found in other literature. Many publications, too numerous to mention, have been consulted during the preparation and we wish to thank the following for their courtesy in allowing us to reproduce information and diagrams : The Ministry of Aviation for information included in Sections 11.2 and 12.7 to 12.9 (see footnote p. 323) and for Figs. 12.7, 12.9 (a) and 12.10 to 12.17. The Institution of Mechanical Engineers for Figs. 9.2 to 9.4, 9.6 to 9.11 and 11.15to 11.20. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers for Figs. 15.5 and 15.7. The Royal Aeronautical Society and Dr. W. Cawood for Fig. 13.5. Ferranti Ltd. for Fig. 13.8. Dr. A. L. Rawlings for Fig. 10.12. Many others have been of assistance in the publication of the book. Our colleagues, particularly Prof. G. B. Warburton, Dr. J. D. Robson and Dr. A. D. S. Barr, read and discussed much of the text, Miss Nora Liddell dealt most efficiently with the burden of typing while Graham Arnold, son of one of the authors, designed the book-jacket. The publishers, moreover, were most helpful in consulting us during the publication and in meeting our many requests. To all these we extend our thanks. Being conscious of human frailty, we realize that some errors must inevitably have escaped detection in a work of this character. It will be a kindness if readers will notify us of any mistakes which may come to their notice. Edinburgh, August 1961. CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1.1 HISTORY In a memoir read before the Academy of Sciences in Paris, 1852,f which describes experiments relating to the movement of the Earth, Foucault concludes: "Comme tous ces phénomènes dépendent du mouvement de la Terre et en sont des manifestations variées je propose de nommer 'gyroscope' l'instrument unique qui m'a servi à les constater." Fig. 1.1. Diagrammatic illustration of a free gyroscope. In this manner the word "gyroscope" was first introduced. To-day it denotes a variety of mechanisms each having in common a rotating mass. The conventional gyroscope, however, consists of a symmetrical rotor spinning rapidly about its axis and free to rotate about one or more perpendicular axes. Freedom of movement about an axis is normally achieved by supporting the rotor in a gimbal and complete freedom can be approached by using two gimbals, as illustrated in Fig. 1.1. Friction at the pivots is always present in any practical case. We shall see later that even the most delicate bearings introduce errors in directional gyroscopes which can only be compensated by elaborate t J. B. L. Foucault, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sei., Paris, 35, 1852, 421. 1 2 GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1.1 equipment. But the field of application of the gyroscope is wide and an increasing variety of navigational instruments and control systems are making use of its unusual characteristics. At first sight the behaviour of a gyroscope may appear strange if not indeed contrary to natural laws. But our increduUty arises mainly from lack of experience. Had we been born to a world in which high- speed rotation was a normal attribute of material bodies, gyroscopic behaviour would have become intuitive. The gyroscope holds no mysteries; it obeys meticulously the same dynamical laws which govern the universe. To present an adequate history of the gyroscope by way of intro- duction is beyond the scope of this book. We shall attempt, however, to outline the main theoretical contributions which explain its behaviour and describe a few inventions which make use of its characteristics. Much of the theoretical background is interwoven with the general dynamics of rigid bodies which, though not directly concerned with gyroscopes, forms the basis of gyroscopic theory. The earliest appreciation of gyroscopic phenomena appears to date to the time of Newton (1642-1727). It arose from a study of the motion of our planet, which is itself a massive gyroscope. A description of its motion will, in fact, help in understanding some of the essential characteristics. The Earth approximates closely to a free gyroscope for its axis remains almost fixed in the direction of the North Star, Polaris, irrespective of its transit around the Sun. The direction of the axis, however, had been changing slowly throughout the centuries, a phenomenon known as ''precession of the Equinoxes". Its polar axis is in the process of sweeping out a cone of 46° 54' 16" apex angle, one circuit of which occupies 25,800 years (Fig. 1.2). Though extremely slow, this motion is similar to the precession of a spinning top. It arises from the gravitational moment to which the Earth is subjected by the Sun as a combined result of its lack of sphericity and the inclination of its axis to the ecliptic plane. A further periodic move- ment is also present in which the Earth's axis describes a much smaller cone whose diameter at the North pole is approximately 26 ft. This, known as Eulerian motion, has an observed period of 428 days and corresponds to the free oscillation or nutation of a gyroscope. The above phenomena, illustrated in Pig. 1.2, are superposed on the orbital motion of the Earth around the Sun. They would appear as described only to an observer situated at the centre of the Earth who continued to look in a fixed direction in space.| f For an analytical treatment of the motion of the Earth see A. Gray, "Gyrostatics and Rotational Motion", Macmillan, London, 1918, Chapters X and XI. 1.1 HISTORY 3 From the above we may identify three gyroscopic attributes, namely directional stability, precession and nutation. It would, in fact, be difficult to find any application of the gyroscope which does not depend on one or more of these properties. For example, directional stability, which may be regarded as the reluctance of a body to change its orientation, provides a datum which is the basis of modern inertial , \_23}27'8· ! /^ 26 ft die. ^-precession of equinoxes ^ ^ ^/ / ^ ^/ ^<^(period 25,800yrs.) ^/ ^ ^^ polar rotation ^ ^ \^ ^ "1 ""^^^Ζ^><ίΓ (period 1day) / ^^^^^^yy ^ ^. ^^celestial pole ^>. /^ ^ Γ \ > / \^ y^^Eulerian motion jf*. //^ \v \ (period 428 days) I \ ^ \. / \ y^path of geometric ^v / >/ ^^ equator Fig. 1.2. Gyroscopic motion of the Earth. navigation. Also, it is found that rate of precession is proportional to applied moment, and as the latter may be produced by the acceleration of an offset mass, linear acceleration may be measured by angular velocity and consequently linear velocity by angular displacement. This integrating ability of the gyroscope is made use of in instruments carried by rockets for recording their position in space. A further characteristic depends on the reversible nature of action and reaction. If forced to precess, a gyroscope exerts a reactive moment proportional to the product of the velocities of spin and precession. Moments of immense magnitude may thus be produced by the pre- cession of high-speed rotors, a feature utilized in gyroscopic vibration absorbers and in some ship stabilizers. 4 GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1.1 The mathematical foundation of gyroscopic behaviour must un- doubtedly be ascribed to Euler (1707-1783). His initial work in this field concerned the general motion of a rigid body for which he derived a set of dynamical equations involving relations between applied moment, inertia, angular acceleration and angular velocity. These, known as Euler's equations, were stated with reference to axes fixed in the body. Later he established the independence of rotation and translation of a rigid body and devised what are termed the Eulerian angles to define its orientation with respect to a fixed point. From this background came his first direct contribution to gyrodynamics, the general motion of a rigid body, fixed at a point and free from external force.f This problem includes that of the free gyroscope and was to occupy the attention of mathematicians for many years. The general displacement of the body is, in fact, only expressible in terms of elliptic functions which are mainly associated with the name of Jacobi ( 1804- 1851). Euler's later contributions included the inertial properties of bodies, which led to the concepts of principal axes and momental ellipsoid. We may note here an important concept which first appears to have been recognized by Clairaut in 1742, though credited much later to Coriolis. This concerns the force to which a particle is subjected when moving along an axis which is itself subjected to rotation. Although this had not been neglected in earlier work, Clairaut indicated its application to a moving frame of reference. Thus the force on the particle may be considered as having three components, one which it would have if attached to the rotating frame, another due to motion relative to the frame and finally the so-called Coriolis component. We shall see later that this conception has considerable importance in gyrodynamics. From the death of Euler in 1783 until the early part of the eighteenth century, little was added to the theory of the gyroscope. A revival of interest, however, is evident in the work of Poinsot (1777-1859) who approached the subject by way of analogy. He demonstrated theoreti- cally that if a free body, fixed at a point, were replaced by its momental ellipsoid, the path of motion of the ellipsoid when rolled on a fixed plane was identical to that of the body4 In this representation, the distance of the plane from the fixed point was a function of the energy and momentum of the body. At a later date, Sylvester§ showed that f L. Euler, "Mémoires de Berlin", 1758, and "Theoria motus corporum solidorum seu rigidorum", Rostock, 1765. | L. Poinsot, "Théorie nouvelle de la rotation des corps", J. de Louisville, 16, 1851. § J. J. Sylvester, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1866. 1.1 HISTORY 5 if a solid homogeneous ellipsoid were used not only the path but the time of its transit at eaoh position would be identical to that of the actual body. Many contributions of Poisson (1781-1840) are associated with gyrodynamics. In particular, he appears to have been the first to investigate the motion of the spinning top,f a much more complex problem than that of the free gyroscope. Due to gravitational force a top may perform a large variety of complicated motions and during the latter half of the nineteenth century, much thought was devoted to this subject. Poisson also made a comprehensive study related to the work of Poinsot, which dealt with the rolling of bodies of various shapes on a plane. The years which followed provided new approaches to gyroscopic problems. Haywardf rewrote the Euler equations in terms of momen- tum about a set of moving axes, Tait§ investigated the motion of the free gyroscope by vector methods, while Routh studied the stability of gyroscopic motion and gave a geometrical construction for determin- ing the rise and fall of a spinning top.|| The contributions of Kelvin were both practical and theoretical. He made a suggestion for using a gyro-compass as early as 1883 and later developed analogies between gyroscopic motion and the motion of electrons in magnetic fields. The work of Klein may also be mentioned. He approached the motion of a top by using parameters which later became known as the Cayley- Klein parameters. By the turn of the century gyroscopic theory was virtually com- plete and since then emphasis has shifted to gyroscopic applications. This has involved much theoretical work involving the solution of specific problems rather than the discovery of new phenomena. The gyroscope has become the province of the inventor rather than of the mathematician. The first practical application of the gyroscope appears to be due to Serson who in 1744^f constructed a spinning rotor for indicating the position of the horizon at sea. It was supported so as to be free from disturbance by the motion of the ship and was the forerunner of the gyroscopic horizon used in modern aircraft. f S. Poisson, "Traité de Mécanique", 2nd ed., Paris, 1833. J R. B. Hayward, "On a Direct Method of Estimating Velocities with Respect to Axes Movable in Space", Camb. Phil. Trans., 10, Feb. 25, 1856. § P. G. Tait, "On Rotation of a Body about a Fixed Point", Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 25, 1869, 279. || E. J. Routh, "Dynamics of a System of Rigid Bodies", Part II, 6th ed., 1905, Articles 201-204. Macmillan, London. (Reprinted Dover Publications Inc., 1955.) i[ "Gentleman's Magazine", 24, 1754. Also James Short: "An account of an Horizontal Top Invented by Mr. Serson", Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 47, 1752. 6 GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1.2 The early part of the nineteenth century saw gyroscopes being used in the teaching of dynamics and in 1819 Troughton produced an im- proved gyroscopic horizon in which the centre of gravity of the rotor could be adjusted accurately by means of screwed plugs. Many years later such an instrument came into the possession of Sang. He per- ceived that if the centre of gravity were made to coincide precisely with the point of suspension, the rotor, free from gravitation torque, would retain its orientation in space. By this means he hoped to show the rotation of the Earth and read a paper on the subject in 1836 although not published until 1856.f Unfortunately, Sang had not the resources to construct a sufficiently accurate rotor and his experiments were inconclusive. Some years later, however, in 1852, FoucaultJ constructed a gyroscope with which he successfully demonstrated the Earth's rotation. Since that date the gyroscope has been used in a variety of ways. It has been used to navigate ships and rockets, to stabilize the rolling of ships, to counter vibration and to operate innumerable control mechanisms. Moreover, it is not limited by size or function. The small directional unit of the gyro-compass operates by the same principles as the massive rotor of the ship stabilizer. It is clear that an appreciation of gyroscopic behaviour requires some acquaintance with basic dynamical laws. Some patience will, therefore, be required by the reader during the preliminary approach. Our immediate objective will be to discover the torque which must be exerted on a spinning rigid body to give its axis of spin some prescribed motion. For this purpose, the body will be considered as made up of a large number of small particles, each of which, due to the combined motion, traces out some complicated path in space. At the outset, therefore, it will be necessary to study the dynamics of a single particle of matter and for this purpose we first consider the elements of vector analysis. 1.2 INTRODUCTION TO VECTORS The physical quantities used in gyroscopic theory normally fall into two groups.§ In the first are the scalar quantities such as mass, time, energy which can be completely defined by a given number of units, e.g. 10-2 Kg.; 5-6 sec; 22 ft. lb. The second group contains the vector quantities. These require in addition a statement of direction t E. Sang, Trans. Roy. Scot. Soc. Arts, 4, 1856, 416. X Compt. Rend. Acad. Sei., Paris, 35, 1852. § A third group including stress, strain and inertia may be represented by tensors.

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