Geld gece VoL-2 Lfbrartan Prtarpars 30, kcishovs Hootie Libragp Govt. of Wea Beogal GWELYGORRD. CHAPTER L ONE fine morning, Miss Chamont , off with Mr. Arthur to walk to an adjoli ing harolet, about a mile distant, wh was @ large inn by the roadside, Red which all the letters were left. ‘They had not procceded fur, before they met the pa- vish-clerk running towards them—‘ Ah, Giles! what is it? where do you come from?” “ They wanted a man to brew at the George and Dragon, ydur reverence, so I undertook it; and a. gentleman traveller is taken dangerously ill, so his friends wished VoL. 1, B 4 27 GWELYGCRDD. for the parson, and so, while the wort was cooling, I took a run over.” A parish-clerk in the country is a cha- racter of some celebrity, and necessarily * requires a variety of talent. Mr, Ap- reuth’s object was to get a sober man, for sobriety is a much scarcer virtue in the country then honesty; end in this he was, in a ‘great degree, successful; for Giles Bredford had so many temptations, he was entitled to no little credit for his victories , over them. Giles was a short man, no older than his master: he was a thatcher ‘by trade, which, as i¢ cannot always be in gfiise, or is always in request (und he had * from his youth up followed other avoca- tions}, he was glad to remit ; of course, to his derkship he added singing and ring- ing; he was at the season of sheep- shearing a shearer, and at harvest-time areaper; and indee? he could apply his hand to any point of agriculture, and to any trade carried on in the parish; more- over, be undertook refractory clocks and watches; and there was not a musical in- GWELYGORDD. 8 strument he had ever seen, that he would not attempt to play on, and also to clean, repair, and. tune. ‘To say in what his forte lay was impossible, for in the last novelty he most excelled by more earnest application. Now, to be the principal in deaning out the great fish-pond once in five years, or to remove the sacrifices from the temple of that goddess whose idolatry was so long unknown among our northern brethren, or to ascend, in a case of neces-, sity (for the regular practitioner lived at a, distance) the interior of a chimney, were. ever employments eagerly caught at: in short, if a pig or a sheep were to be killed, or on an emergency a neighbogy wanted a little blood-letting or tooth- ing, not to add his weekly employme' hair- cutting and shaving, Giles was rat hand; and though unrced to riding, he amounted a young squire ‘faymer's fine hun; ter at a moment's warning, to fetch the midwife ; and he would as willingly haye acted as midwife, if the young squire had Ba