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TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE 1 THE NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION BOARD 1 Purpose of this Guide 1 GUIDE TO INTERVENER FUNDING 2 The Purpose of Intervener Funding 2 The Purpose of an Intervention 3 Are You Eligible to Apply for Intervener Funding? 4 Eligibility for Intervener Funding 4 1. The /nfent of Individuals or Groups of Individuals 4 2. Directly Affected. 5 3. What About Public Interest Groups? 6 4. Reasonableness 6 5. Preliminary Determination of Eligibility and Cost Advances 7 Procedure for Awarding an Advance of Costs 8 Final Cost Awards 8 Issues Interveners Should Consider 8 1. Preparation and Presentation of a R easonable Intervention 8 2. Coordination of Effort Among Interveners 8 3. Pre-Hearing Conference 9 4. Voluntary Intervener Funding 9 5. Joint Federal-ProvinciaL Reviews 9 What Costs Can Be Recovered 9 How to Make a C laim for Intervener Funding 10 The Process 10 Questions Respecting Interveners' Costs 11 Appendix A - S ummary of Costs 12 Types of Costs That May be Awarded 12 1. Costs for an Individual Eligible Intervener 12 a. Costs of Preparing a S ubmission on Direct Effects 12 b. Reasonable Expenses 12 2. Costs for a G roup of Eligible Interveners (A Coalition). 12 a. Costs of Forming a G roup 12 ^ b. Costs of Preparing a G roup Submission 13 •c. Reasonable Expenses 13 d. Cost of Appearing at a P ublic Hearing 13 3. Legal Costs 13 4. Costs of an Expert 14 5. Costs of Other Witnesses 14 Application Forms 1. Advance Award of Costs ADV.l 2. Final Costs Claim FIN.l P R E FACE THE NATURAL RESOURCES • Recreational and tourism Purpose of this Guide CONSERVATION BOARD projects, metallic or quarriable This guide provides applicants mineral projects, and lumber or The Natural Resources Conservation and potential interveners with a wood product projects for Board Act (the act) was proclaimed summary of the process and which an environmental into law on June 3, 1991 and procedures used in awarding impact assessmerit has been created a, Board and a mechanism intervener funding: who qualifies, directed under the . . t o p rovide for an impartial process how to submit a request for Environmental Protection and to review projects that will or may affect funding, how that request will be Enhancement Act. the natural resources of A lberta in order handled and the costs that are to determine whether/in the Board's • Any other type of project likely to be judged acceptable for opinion, the projects are in the public referred to the NRCB by reimbursement. interest," having regard for the social Cabinet. (An example would This guide expands upon the and economic effects of the project be the importing of hazardous Board's Intervener Funding Regulation as well as its effects on the waste to the Swan Hills Special first issued in 1991, and reflects environment. Waste Treatment Facility). input received from the public and Basically, projects which fall other interested parties. . The mandate of the Board is . under the N R GB's jurisdiction are not confined solely to the This booklet is n ot the law. It i s a major natural resource-related: environment. The Board must also consider the social and economic summary guide of t he regulations • Projects to construct a f acility to and past Board decisions respecting manufacture pulp, paper, effects of a p roject in conjunction newsprint or recycled fibre. with environmental effects. calwaairmdss .f o rF o erl i gmiobrlee idnettearivleende r's cost The Board sees the role of • Water management projects information consult the Natural both interveners and applicants as that include a d am more than Resources Conservation Board Act, essential within the context of its 15 metres high, or a' canal or • review process. Partieipation of the Funding for Eligible Interveners water diversion capable of Regulation and the Rules of P ractice both parties is critical to assist the conducting more than 15 cubic Board in reaching its decision. of t he Natural Resources metres per second. Conservation Board. GUIDE TO INTERVENER FUNDING The Purpose of Intervener The NRCB's review process, adversely affected may find it Funding including notice provisions, public difficult, without legal or technical access to information and the assistance, to furnish relevant The NRCB Act provides the procedures for a p ublic hearing, evidence, to contradict or explain legislative framework for a f air and ensures these requirements are met. the facts or allegations, or to make impartial process for the review of representations by way of Section 10 of the NRCB Act projects that may affect the natural resources of Alberta. The Board makes provision for individuals or argument. . groups of Individuals who, in the The Board has taken the operates in a q uasi-judicial manner as required by the NRCB Act and the opinion of the Board, are or may be position that the primary purpose of the intervener funding provisions of Administrative Procedures Act. The ' "directly affected" by a revlewable Board is required to ensure that project to apply for Intervener the act is to ensure that "directly individuals or groups of individuals funding to assist their participation affected" parties are able to in the review process. effectively and efficiently participate who are or may be "directly in the review. In meeting its affected" by a revlewable project The Board has interpreted the have; statutory duty to conduct its review provisions of section 10 as intending in a f air and impartial manner, the to ensure that individuals or groups Board believes that it m ay be • reasonable opportunity to of individuals, who are or may be review information necessary, in established cases, that "directly affected" by a revlewable certain resources are available to submitted by the applicant project are in a p osition to Individuals or groups of individuals and other parties; participate effectively in the review process. The concept of directly who are or may be "directly • reasonable opportunity to affected Is discussed in detail later in affected" by a p roposed revlewable provide evidence relevant to this document. project, to assist in the preparation the application; and presentation .of an intervention. The Board has recognized that most of the projects that are subject • when appropriate, an to the NRCB Act are relatively opportunity to cross- examine persons submitting complex resource development information relevant to the projects. It h as also recognized that the economic, social and application; and environmental effects of the • an opportunity to make proposed projects are not arguments before the Board necessarily easily understood. ' regarding the project. A p arty whose rights may be The Board has interpreted the provisions of s ection 10 of t he act in a m anner that ensures that individuals or groups of i ndividuals who are or may be "directly affected" by a r evlewable project are able to effectively and fairly participate in the review process. 2 GUIDE TO INTERVENER FUNDING The Purpose of an participation is encouraged from Intervention any party who has an established interest in a review and can provide The mandate of the Board is to relevant information. The NRCB stresses the determine the "public interest" Intervener funding may be importance of seeking having regard for the social, economic and environmental granted to assist "directly affected" direction from the Board at individuals to provide the Board effects of a reviewable project. Your with information regarding those the Pre-Hearing Conference intervention should be relevant to issues which have a d irect effect on to determine your eligibility the reviewable project and should them and the nature of those direct for intervener funding and provide information that will assist effects. The Board has not granted the Board in reaching its decision. the nature of the costs which intervener funding for the more An intervention can either oppose general purpose of allowing other or support a reviewable project. may be awarded. interested parties to express their Not everyone is eligible for views on whether the project is in intervener funding. However, the public interest. Our goal as identified in our Business Plan, is t o contribute toward the achievement of the sustainable development of A lberta's natural resources through determining the public interest in p rojects reviewed by the NRCB. 3 GUIDE TO INTERVENER FUNDING Are You Eligible to Apply for EFluingidbiinligt y for Intervener the legislator's intention was to Intervener Funding? make it p ossible to consider financial assistance for an Introduction There are two broad criteria set Individual or a g roup of Are you eligible to apply for an out in section 10 of the Act which indiyidual people (coalition) to award of costs as an intervener? the Board addresses in order to assist in p reparing an . , Intervener funding is dependent on determine eligibility. You must intervention in an effective a number of circumstances specific establish that you: manner. Therefore, the to the application being reviewed by • are Individuals or groups of initiative for an intervention the NRCB in which you want to should come from the intervene. In terms of its legislation, individuals"', and individuals whose interests and section 10 of the NRCB Act is the • "are or may be directly activities may be directly defining section which the Board affected” by the proposed affected and not from groups in will use to guide its determination as to who may be eligible for project. funding. It s tates: 1. The /ntenf of Individuals or g(1e)n eY roaul . may qualify as an Groups of Individuals "individual or groups of 10( 1) I ndividuals, or groups of Based on its reviews of Individuals" if y ou are: individuals who, in the opinion of . applications to date, the NRCB has • an individual or a g roup the Board, are or may be directly interpreted the intent and meaning of individuals sharing affected by a r eviewabie project are eligible to apply for funding of the phrase "individuals or groups a p otential for being of individuals" in section 10(1) of the directly affected by a under this section." act, in the following way: Because the Board interprets proposed project. section 10 on a p roject-by-project a. Use of the phrase "individual or (2) Y ou may not qualify as an basis, the NRCB cannot offer groups of individuals" rather "individual or groups of potential interveners a clear and than the word "person" by individuals" If y ou are: legislators was intentional. precise set of rules as to who is a n • an entity, such as a eligible intervener and who is n ot. The (1 ) I n legislation the word for-profit corporation, Board, however, has devised a set "person" is comrnonly used that has its own financial of criteria from projects it h as to denote human beings resources, reviewed to date. It o ffers guidance and human organizations, to assist you in understanding how including corporations, • a g overnment, the Board makes its decisions and associations and other government organization whether you may qualify for entities in which people or other publicly funded funding as a d irectly affected formally band together. body that has access to intervener. financial resources b. The Board’s interpretation of through mechanisms , t he legislation has been that funding, other than intervener The Board encourages individuals or groups of i ndividuals considering . • an on-going not-for-profit intervener funding to apply early in the review process for a r uling as to entity which has goals their eligibility to receive intervener funding as a d irectly affected party. and objectives not This is normally done at the Pre-Hearing Conference stage of t he review specifically related to ah process. ■ 0. application. . c . 2. Directly Affected "Closeness Test" yeloiugi b Ti"lahirete y on rie sx m ttao y s cto ebneps i didiner re dc te lwtyhe reamtf fihenecirtn egd" Thewc" aoo wfnrfosdericsdtd "se r a ea"ndrddei r emtccotao lym yr "me to abanneildn y t heuisr ed ddierteecrtAlmsyi n aai f n cfgre ic ttieefr dia on n b y it no at e brp evr oe jnueescret d, i sti hne asbhy.o u t lhTIdeno po bdrreodo e p crsoo osn, fe so dtirhd ee y pro refuodo j:le ltcoot w. ienstga b pliosihn t sa tglmheeeegnasienesril aa nltwglioysor nd .su w nh dTewehniert sh timuoneso ea ddtn hi eni gn s of teBuefnosfiatenr.ct"dt e r Tmhrouau ssp tq tu eaa deld xioi fpscytth ea udibnn ed te awor fe " e c tcnlha oiuss s eae nt ee ssats n dan direct effect, a p roject would context of past NRCB review Tpohtee n tiinatle r viennteerr v emnuesrt asnadt is afy p rtohjee ct. ehfafveec t t oon c ayuosue --a idn e teietchtearb l ae pinrtoecrepsrseetse d h atvo e b eb:e e n. Board that: positive or negative manner. (1 ) " directly"; ". . .following an a chain of causality exists, Potential direct effects might uninterrupted chain of an effect would probably include those on health or occur, and cause and effect." bodies, sustenance, livelihood, property or statutory rights. (2) "affect"; "...produce a the effect would not be trivial. (material) effect on...." b. The Board has interpreted the term "directly" to exclude the You May be Judged as Directly In applying these criteria, the broad public who may be Affected if Y ou: Board has placed the burden of indirectly affected by a proof on the intervener to • are an adjacent property project. The effects must be owner; demonstrate direct effects exist in of a p ersonal and individual the intervener's particular nature and therefore are • live or work in the vicinity circumstances. It i s not sufficient for different, special or unique of a p roposed project, or an intervener to simply express from effects that would apply are able to see or hear the concern that in the event of a series to any other citizens living in (proposed facility or the of highly unlikely occurrences, there Alberta. traffic which may pass into is a s light chance the intervener or out of it; could be directly affected. • For example, a p otential argument could be used • would experience direct . Other Considerations that all of the tax-paying financial effects (i.e. loss of "Are or May Be" citizens of Alberta, or land or the use of land to In the interpretation of the perhaps even Canada, are which you are legally affected by a p roject entitled, or a l oss of words "are or may be" the Board believes that it w ill normally be constructed in Alberta employment or business); reviewing applications for projects which pays taxes, employs or that have been proposed but not workers, utilizes public • regularly use air, water, constructed. Consequently, most of infrastructure or affects the land or living organisms its attention will be directed to the public purse in any which would be affected manner. While such words "may be." As such, the Board by the proposed project likely will not be considering effects effects exist, they would exposing your body or that have occurred but effects that not be "direct" effects as health to an elevated risk will or might occur. There must be envisioned by section 10 of of adverse effects. a reasonable and foreseeable the act. chance that the individual or group will be directly affected. 5 GUIDE TO INTERVENER FUNDING 3. What About Public Interest those costs required to represent An intervener who is eligible Groups? only the eligible interveners and the to apply for intervener funding The Board has not directed aspects of the project that would and who is, i n the opinion of the intervener funding to public interest affect these members. If t he Board, an individual or group of individual chooses to be individuals who are or may be groups unless the criteria of "directly affected individuals or groups of represented by a f ormal association, directly affected by a reviewable individuals" has been met. the submission should include project, is not necessarily or . The Board recognizes that written authorization from the automatically entitled to an award some individuals Or groups of "directly affected" Individual or, of intervener costs. If t he Board individuals may have a special group of individuals requesting the makes a d etermination that the interest in a reviewable project association to represent his or her intervener is eligible the Board which can be somewhat more concerns and outline the specific may make an award of costs that- focussed and specific than the impacts on those individuals is reasonable and is d irectly and general public, and this interest may believed to be at issue. The necessarily related to the be personal or individual in nature submissions should substantiate a preparation and presentation of and therefore different, special or conclusion by the Board that direct the submission with respect to the unique from that of other citizens. effects are likely to occur if t he direct effects of the reviewable The Board believes that this type of project were to proceed. project on the eligible intervener. interest is relevant to the The Board may deny a claim, determination of whether standing 4. Reasonableness in whole or in p art: should be given to participate fully Cost applications rnust be • if t he Board determines as an intervener in a p roceeding. reasonable and have regard for the that the intervener is not Having a special interest in a following circumstances: an eligible intervener; reviewable project does not a. the nature, complexity and size necessarily mean the reviewable • ‘ i f t he claim is incomplete; of the project being considered project will have direct effects on an .and the degree of direct effect, • if t he Board is h ot satisfied intervener or that the intervener or risk to which a cost claimant that the costs are would be eligible for an award of would be subjected; reasonable and directly costs. and necessarily related to b. the level of detail contained in An existing "association" that is a submission. The emphasis the preparation and corporate-like in structure, which was established before a p articular should be on information not spurebsmeinstsaitoino;n of the project was proposed, and which brought forward by other has. goals and objectives that are interveners that will assist the • if t he Board is not satisfied not specifically and exclusively Board in making its decision as that the eligible intervener related to an application under opposed-to information which is in need of legal or consideration by the Board would is. o f specific interest to the technical assistance in the intervener but not necessarily not normally qualify as ah eligible . intervener. preparation and relevant to the Board's presentation of the consideration of the project Eligible interveners who are or • under review; and may be directly affected may submission; ‘ • if t he Board is not satisfied choose to be represented by an c. . t he Board will normally require that the intervention was association in which they are all interveners to pay a conducted economically; members. In this case, the Board significant portion of the cost of could recognize as eligible costs. •their intervention. 6 GUIDE TO INTERVENER FUNDING • if, i n the opinion of the the type of expenses which might b. The Board will provide costs Board, the intervention and be considered in a f inal cost claim. only for those portions of an its p resentation is Obtaining direction from the Board eligible intervener's preparation unnecessary, irrelevant, at the time of the.Pre-Hearing and hearing work which it improper, or intended to Conference will facilitate the review believes that the project delay the proceeding or the of final cost claims. Parties are proponents should provide. a claim is excessive, having encouraged to come forward at this ■ In g eneral, this would be regard to the nature of the stage in the review process. confined to: proceeding and the • T he Board may award an . ' i ntervention; or advance of costs to eligible (a) w ork necessary to assess interveners and the following points potential direct effects; • for any other reason the should be considered before making Board considers appropriate. (b) w ork which would not a request: needlessly duplicate The Board may, in determining efforts by th.e applicant or if i t w ill award costs or deny the other interveners; and cohfla av iceom s •• t rso e rgww a pIta nnhhrihr teenea d ettste rd ehhl ve ineefsegtotrrhniree obe rd ul rtmtt el hihh d ebee nr i yie n f nbpeito gelronelir etrlg s vea oiteeorwbwhnnvnliaeete enr rsn g bd;t a:e ei m hadoaonn,l u fC n oit ssot f a dvances a r.e i p(lrranee1elrttg)qleaaeu opilniA wschan rd orehd e eeva ov da eru e as tnrill sonei nfid cgcia gs ien ates bs aa lts, nnsneut cao cbi re tecamwy nolii i s dsi tn tasntn ine(ce oiarerclsfnsvx euess. eprdq i neeesuer qt rfteuaasse istn c er tc oesseds, )t a w sna hdn ottdto oo c. Awyeinxott uhe ( anc fd)st rvih wpBoveauhom enbia chlcr eeidhwdca o o r i r idwiinkionnng l teg l eds iroe neaatt sstnh tesc eo.iro y rtsmnot in u pn mertrioc hen rtecogie lw o u nndt hee interest that should be other similar items. These expense. represented before the would be included in the • The Board believes it i s Board; final cost awards. However, reasonable to expect each . the Board does expect intervention to include a • whether the representation of such an interest advance cost requests to , self-funding component. It identify the amount the also recognizes that some contributed to the intervener expects to be interveners may have other proceeding; and included in a f inal cost sources of funding that may • whether the eligible claim. be appropriately used to, intervener attempted to assist in the preparation and (2) A dvances are considered by bring related interests . the Board on the basis of a presentation of together and pool resources. interventions. request for an advance made in accordahce with the 5. Preliminary Determination of Eligibility and Cost Advances regulations. (3) Any advance is subject to At the Pre-Hearing Conference the intervener satisfying the the Board can make a p reliminary Board that it h as adequate determination on the eligibility of a expenditure controls in party to receive intervener funding and provide some guidance about place. 0 GUIDE TO INTERVENER FUNDING Procedure for Awarding an An advance ruling by the Board (5) a summary of the issues the Advance of Costs regarding eligibility to receive Board is being requested to consider and the evidence intervener funding at the Pre- 1. As soon as you are aware that Hearing Conference stage, will an application has been filed expedite review of final cost claims. scounpcplourstiionngs . the intervener's a with the Board and you have Issues Interveners Should b. A s ubmission should not determined you may be an Consider Include: eligible intervener and will require financial assistance to If y ou believe that you are or (1) arguments of a g eneral prepare an intervention, you nature, about issues not may be "directly affected" by a should notify the Board. proposed project, you should being considered, or not • related or relevant to the . 2. The Board will keep you consider the following when advised of how it w ill be preparing your cost request: application; dealing with intervener funding • should it b e a single (2) arguments about matters on that application. submission or a j oint already decided; submission with Other 3. The Board will give you interested individuals (3) arguments about direction as to those costs that government policy or are likely to be recognized in sharing similar concerns? legislative changes that the final cost awards. should more properly be • do you require financial assistance to intervene? Final Cost Awards placed before the government; or 1. Preparation and Presentation Final cost awards will be made of a R easonable Intervention (4) a d uplication of material upon submission of a f inal cost claim fo llowing the hearing and will provided in the proponent's application. . ibnec u brarseedd a onnd. rtehcee i mpetrsi tfso r o ef x hpoenws es (in1c )l u di es:s ues specifically related to c. Verbal submissions should effectively and efficiently you have highlight and address major the direct effects of the presented your case: issues in a cost-effective proposed project on the manner. • Oamhcenata kur eatil hnleg y ,a b ctatorshsaietsn s Bpaoiowfra ae rwrsdhd a A a t mwt ar aig ttyathei nsen u sbm t.i ssiosnh o uld (2) t wihinett en recvsoessntee-sre ;f faencdt i veex p eurstes ; o f 2. CAIson ot rendroivtenenda et riison n th eo f F Eufnfdoirntg A fmoor ng the proponent for an (3) material that the intervener Eligible Interveners Regulation, when amount greater or less than or witness has prepared; making advance funding or cost provided for in its Pre- awards, the Board will consider (4) a d escription of efforts rhade Hearing assessment. to resolve issues with the "whether the interest was adequately • If t he final cost claim does Applicant and of points of represented by other interveners" and not equal or exceed the agreement/disagreement "whether the eligible intervener amount of an advance, you with the Applicant (for any attempted to bring related interests would be required to return unresolved issues, a the difference. description as to the reason Ttohgee t hBeora r adn d b eploioelv e rse s otuhrecsees . a"r e the issues remain important considerations and has, in unresolved); and. general, encouraged interveners 8

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