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PART B SUPPLEMENTARY SCHEDULES BUDGET, SDBIP a Table of Contents 2010/11 IDP Budget Document PART 2 - SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION 1 (OVERVIEW OF ANNUAL BUDGET PROCESS 1.4. Overview of process used to prepare the IDP, annual budget and SDBIP 1.2 Planning and Consultation Process 1.3. Schedule of Key Deadtines (OVERVIEW OF ALIGNMENT OF ANNUAL BUDGET WITH IDP- 2.1. Detalls of proposed amendments tothe IDP 2.2. Breakcown on Revenue, operating expenditure and capital expencitue aligned to the goals ofthe IDP 2.3. The capital budget per IDP strategic pronty reflects te following: MEASURABLE PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES AND INDICATORS. 3.4. Key Financial Indicators 32 Measurable Performance objectives 33. Free Basic Services OVERVIEW OF BUDGET RELATED POLICIES. OVERVIEW OF BUDGET FUNDING LEGISLATION COMPLIANCE STATUS. ‘ANNUAL SOBIP - CITY OF EXURHULENI ‘ANNUAL BUDGET AND SDBIP OF MUNICIPAL ENTITIES MUNICIPAL MANAGER'S QUALITY CERTIFICATION ‘SUPPORTING SCHEDULES 10.1. Departmental operating budgets 102 Departmental capital budgets 103 Cepital budget per ward 104 Departmental measurable performance indicators 10.5 Budgeted Financial Statements 106 Key Financial Indicators 10.7 Expenditure on allocations and grant funding 410.8. Alocations or grants made by the municipality 10,9 Councilors & board member allowances and employee benefis 10.10 Monthy targets for revenue, expenditure and cash fow 410.11 Contracts having fture budgetary implications: 10.12 Reconelation between the GDS /IDP and Budget PAGE Supplementary Schedules 4. OVERVIEW OF ANNUAL BUDGET PROCESS 1.4 Overview of process used to prepare the IDP, annual budget and SDBIP ‘The review of the inegrated Development Pian (IDP) in torms ofthe Municipal Systems Act has been guided and Informed by he folowing principles: tmust support and work towards achieving the Vision, Mission, Values and the Seven ‘Stratogic Priors of EMM. Working towards the achievement ofthe EMM GDS 2025 Outcomes and Mlestones (Strategie Objectives). Focus on service delivery in terms ofthe eradication of backiogs infrastructure, ‘Addross community prices (noeds) as identified inthe IOP as well as newly dentiiod priories. ‘Adsressing the deliverables set atthe Mayoral Lekgot Provincial plans and programmes applicable tothe speciic department. Budget allocations by the respective provincial sector departments to these projects should also be reflected a8 far as possi. ‘The review ofthe IDP focused on formulating measurable performance indicators and targets set forthe 5, 3 and 4 year. These targets informed the muli-year budgets prepared es wells the SDBIP. the maintenance of In addin to the above, Departments were requested to ensure thatthe numbers of the various wards, in which projects identified inthe budget wil be Implemented, are correct as this has been a ongoing problem over the last number of years. “There are also diferent categories of wards in terms of level of development. The categorising of wards is as follows: Undordeveloped Wards Developed, Residential Developed, industriaCommercialCBD Moced Wards Mult: Wards 1.2 Planning and Consultation Process Community participation focused on a ane day workshop in each ofthe twenty ferent Customer Gare Areas which took place and had the folowing approach Review Process. ‘The process entailed a full one day workshop per CCA with a focus around the following + Consider content of Departmental Service Delivery Plans and Projects (IDP) per CCA area, per ‘ward (ll wards in the CCA area tobe part ofthe workshop): © Capital projects por CCA and per ward (© —-Maintonance projects per CCA and per ward © CBP ward plan: © IDP Capital projects © S prlortized objectives. © Discretionary Funding project: be a Supplementary Schedules + 08/09 — feedback on implomentation * 09/10— planning and implementation © 49/12 project planning ‘The purpose ofthe process was, iter alia to sensitize departments to visibly reflect ward priors in departmental plans and budgets and to indicate assistance and support with CBP discretionary funds projects. Departmental Service Delivery Plans and Projects Feedback per Customer Care Area Departments o provide foodhack on departmental plans and projects per CCA are, per ward (capital and maintenance). (cBP ward plan: DP Capital projects ‘The objective was to determine the three top capital prories per ward. To do this consideration was glven to: Current financial year capita projects ‘Long list of ward needs as contained in IOP. + Ustofproetizad ward needs as per gap analysis contained in the annexure; and + Linkage between the above mentioned and the § proriized objectives inthe CBP plan, Priortized objectives ‘© Roaffrmationvrfinement and possible amendments where required tothe § prortized objectives er ward pian, + Ensure that amendments and rfinoments are captured. * Linkage o above. Discrationary funding projects + 08109 — feedback on implomentaton. + 09/10 projects. 10/1 projects. ‘The objective is to evaluate completion and non complation ofthe discretionary fund for 08/09 and to plan forthe Implementation ofthe discretionary funds inthe curentfancil yaar and futher to dent projects forthe discretionary funds forthe 2010/2011 financial year. + Once projects have been identified, the process on procedure for developing the projects and accessing funds as attached must be followed. + Each project must be captured in a project schedule. * _Disereonary fund projects should ot lake over existing services and must be once-off's ony, as faras possible. + Costing ofthe projects to be clearly developed, calculated and stipulated ‘The above process had various rle-players that included th fellowing: +The Ward Counetor CCA Managers. Ward Commitee Members. Representatives from Social Groupe within the ward, + Offical from the EMM service delivery departments * Community Development Workers; and Supplementary Schedules Public Participation Officials. ‘As part ofthe Public Participation Process, the community was given an opportunity to provide comments on the IDP ‘The main issues raised by the community through the process confirmed the IDP prionty areas: Grass Cutting ‘hogal Dumping and Dumping Site. CCloan Up Campaigns. Waste Management Rodents. Pollution to Guides. Environmental Heath Environmental Training Infrastructure Services Health 2010 General Stormwater Challenges. Gravel Roads. Maintenance of RoadsiPotholes. ‘Speed Humps. ‘Street Lights (impact on crime). ‘ARV Treatments. Health/Clinie Needs Indigont Management. Social Support. Need for Ambulances, Mobile Cine Youth Development. Care Giver. Economie Development. ‘Opportunies for Business during the Werldcup, Development of Soccer Grounds. Public Viewing Areas. Review of Housing Policy Building of Now Houses. Corruption in Housing Matters Development of Existing RDP Houses. evelopment of Informal Settlements Tile Deeds Complaints Sport, Recreation, Arts and Culture Building of Art ContrefEntertainment Contre. be Supplementary Schedules Building of Halls and Multi-Purpose Centres. ‘Swimming Pools. ‘Sport and Recreational Facies. Building of Now Parks and Maintonance of Existing Parks. Building and Maintenance of Stadiums. * Library Needs (shortage of media, extension of hours, shortage of equipment, mobile libraries) Local Economic Development ob Creation. Business Opportunites forthe Community Poverty Aliviation. Food Gardens. Co-Operatives. Touriem, Economie Development. General Complaints against Councilors and Saf, Ware Commitee Eempowerment. ‘kis Development Provision of Bursaries. Recrultment Processes. ‘Account Compan, Schoo's. New Police Stations, © Community Media. 13° Schedule of Key Deadlines ‘The compilation of the IDP and Budget forthe 2010/11 financial year followed the key deadlines as approved by CCaunelon the 28" May 2009, ‘Action Due Date Finalist of 2010/2011 Performance Agreements 30 June 2009 — Excluding [MFMA: Sec 63(8) employees Finalisation of Performance Assessments - Directors and Contract Workers 10 July 2009 Finalization of Performance Assessments - Executive Directors, SPMS, 24 duly 2008 Goneral Managers and employees directly reporting to the City Manager. Finaisation of Performance Assessments - Deputy Cty Managers 31 suty2009 Finalization of Performance Assessment Cily Manager 7 August 2008 Public Patcipation Process Ongoing ‘SMT Discussion regarding 2010/2011 IDP and Budget Process, 21 September 2008 and particularly growth parameters 3 November 2008 Supplementary Schedules ‘Action Due Date Finance Portfolio workshop on 2010/2011 IDP and Budget Process: 21 October 2009 and 4 November Issued Budget Instructions to departments ‘3 November 2009 ‘Compilation of Draft IOP and Capital and Operating Budgets by Departments | November 2008 ~Allinputs tobe provided to Budget Office /IDP Office Finalisation of 1* Quartr Performance Reviews ‘30 October 2008 Public Patcpation ‘Ongoing through CBP — November 2008 ‘SMT scrutiny of Budget (to finalise recommendations ta Finance Portfolio) ‘30 November 2009, and 14 December 2009 Finance Portfolio scrutiny of Budget (to consider recommendations of SMT) _|_ 5 February 2010 Workshop with all Councilors 12 February 2010 Finalisaton of 2% Quarter Performance Reviews 29 January 2010 Cty Development and Finance Portiolo Commitlaes considered Dra IOP 17 February 2010 ‘and Budgot ‘Mayoral Commitioe considered Draft IDP and Budget 25 February 2010 Draft IDP and Budget tabled to Council 25 February 2010 ‘Submit Draft IDP to MEC for comments 41 Mareh 2010 Publish Draft IDP for comments 41 March 2010 IDP and Budget Public Conference 18 March 2010 Finalisation of 3 Quarter Performance Reviews ‘30 Api 2010 ‘Amendments to Tabled IDP / Budget to be considered by Budget Stoering 28 April 2010, Committee Final IDP / Budget and Tarifs considered by Corporate Services and 4 May 2010 Finance Portilo committees Final IDP, Budget and Tare to be considered by Mayoral Committee 19 May 2010 Final Tarts Approved by Counc! 27 May 2010 Final IDP / Budget Approval by Council 27 May 2010 Individual Performance agreements finalised May 2010 MFMA: See 89(3) ‘employees Information on website “June 2010 MFMA: Sec 63(3) ‘employees Public Participation Feedback meetings) June 2010 ‘Submit reviewed IDP to MEC ‘June 2040 ‘Submit Budget, IDP, SOBIP, Performance agreements to National and June 2010 Provincial Troasury a Supplementary Schedules 2. OVERVIEW OF ALIGNMENT OF ANNUAL BUDGET WITH IDP 24, Details of proposed amendments tothe IDP “The review ofthe Integrated Development Plan (IDP)in terms ofthe Municipal Systems Act was guided and informed by the following principles: It must support and work towards achieving the Vision, Mission, Values and the Seven Strategic Priorities of EMM. ‘Working towards the achievement of the EMM GDS 2025 Outcomes and Milestones (Strategic Objectives). Focus on service delivery in tems ofthe eraccaton of backlogs and the maintenance of infrastructure, ‘Address community priorities (needs) as identified in the IDP as well as newly identified prirites. ‘Adsressing the delverabes seta the Mayoral Lekgota. Provincial plans and programmes applicable tothe specific department with addtional focus onthe 20 Priority Township Programme (PTP), Budget allocations by the respective provincial sector {epartmens to these projects should also be reflected as far as possible During the 1 Quarterly review fr 2009/2010 it was estabshed that a number of Departmental Indicators and Targets ‘were weak, irrelevant as well as unmeasurabl, AS part ofthe review ofthe IDP this assessment was utilised and it (uided the review of te diferent departmental pans which contain Sratagic Objecives, Key Performance Indicators fad targets. The departmental plans were reviewed to reflect improved Strategic Objectives, Key Performance Inceators and Targets. ‘The review ofthe IDP focussed on formulating measurable performance indicator targets set forthe 5,3 and year, ‘These targets informed the muit-year budgets being prepared as well a tne SDBIP. in terms of the above, all ‘departments reviewed thei departmental IDPs, This aso informed the SDBIP in terms of the Annual indicators and ‘argts that were set or 2010/2011, 22 Breakdown on Revenue, operating expenditure and capital expenditure aligned tothe goals ofthe IDP. Operating Budget ~ Expenditure “The operating budget has been categorised to indicate which focus areas ofthe Ekurhuleni Growth and Development Strategy wil be contributed towards through the incurring ofthe expenditure. ‘The deals are contained in Supporting Tables SA¢ and SAS ofthe Budget Documentation, Capital Budget ‘The Capital Budget categorised per GDS landscape confirms tht the bulk of the resources ae allocated towards ‘the physical landscape as part ofthe backlog eradication strategy. GDS Landscape Budget 2010/2011 Budget 2011/2012 Budget 2012/2013 R R R Economie 181,465,000 “44,950,000 42,700,000 {Good Governance 246,191,474 169,530,849 192,812,915 Physical 1,298,885,636 1,264,330,702 4,259,512,672 Social (66,578,200 Grand Total 2,161,603,787 Supplementary Schedules 2010/11 Capital Budget per GDS Landscape Good 23 The capital budget por IDP strategic priority reflects the following: IP Strategie Priority Budget 2010/2011 | Budget 2011/2012 et 201272013 R R R Cinies £2,570,000 82,082,400 96,458,400 Facies fr disabled, aged and youth 0,275,000 8,710,000 45,700,000 Housing development 304,127,900 188,506,000 | _314,646,000 Operational requirements 369,797,534 301,197,261 | 824,508,027 other 37,400,000 23,100,000 22,700,000 Pollan 165,600,000 107:878.100 | _ 119,000,000 Poverty alleviation and economic 45,785,000 24,540,000 22,530,000 Roads 441,030,057 | _420,884,000 | _ 389,208,400 Safety and security 60,661,184 96,381,800, 97,700,000 Electicty 334,148,933, 360,184,190 | 838,287,760 ‘Spots facies, ibraries, cometerios 109,184,913, 119,400,000 96,980,000 Bart conters Water and sanitation 179,623,588 | __ 258,500,000 | _ 294,926,200 Grand Total 2,160,001,107 | 2,118,150,751 | 2,161,603,787 be a Supplementary Schedules 2010/11 Capital Budget per IDP Strategic Osaatord a a\ ras MEASURABLE PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES AND INDICATORS 34 Key Financial Indicators ‘Tho key financial indicators are contained inthe Supporting Schedules Section — budgeted financial statements are compiled and used as a bass forth kay fnancal indicators. 32 Measurable Performance Objectives The measurable performance indicators of the departments are contained in the SDBIP section. ‘The measurable performance indicators show both an annual target as well as quartery targets tobe achieved. The actual performance against the targets willbe reported to Council on a quarterly basis as required by section 52(4) ofthe MFMA. 33 Froe Basie Services (Cost, details of services, number of households, budgeted cost, Budgeted income foregone) ‘The following socal package wil be provided during 2010/1 Water Residential Users 8 per month Water Indigonts 9X1 per month Sewerage Residential Users i per month Sewerage Indigonts 9X1 per month Electra Residential Users on Tarif A 4100 kWh per month Retuse Removal —_Inaigents First stop ree ‘Assessment Rate Rebates are granted in terme of the newly adopted Municipal Property Rates Policy.

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