Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,000–000 (0000) Printed5February2008 (MNLATEXstylefilev2.2) Gravitational microlensing of quasar Broad Line Regions: the influence of fractal structures Geraint F. Lewis1 & Rodrigo A. Ibata2 1Institute of Astronomy, School of Physics, Universityof Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia: [email protected] 6 2Observatoire de Strasbourg, 11 Rue de l’Universite,F-6700Strasbourg, France: [email protected] 0 0 2 5February2008 n a J ABSTRACT 6 Recent models for the emission clouds within the Broad Line Region of quasars sug- gest that they are due to transient overdensities within an overallturbulent medium. 1 v Ifthiswerethecase,thebroadlineemissionwouldspatiallyappearfractal,possessing 0 structureonarangeofscales.Thispaperexaminestheinfluence ofsuchfractalstruc- 4 ture when a quasar is microlensed by a population of intervening masses. It is found 1 that while the highest fractal levels can undergo significant microlensing magnifica- 1 tion, when these light curves are superimposed to create an emission line profile, the 0 resultant emission line profile remains relatively constant for physical models of the 6 BroadLine Region.It is concludedthat the detectionofthe possible fractalstructure 0 of Broad Line Regions via gravitationalmicrolensing is not practical. / h Key words: gravitational lensing – quasars: emission lines – quasars: absorption p - lines o r t s a : 1 INTRODUCTION ever, have found evidence for a smaller BLR, more than v an order of magnitude smaller than suggested by ionisa- i Whilequasarsareamongstthemostluminousobjectsinthe X tionmodels(Peterson, Crenshaw, & Meyers1985).Further- Universe,themajority of theiremission isgenerated within more, Wandel, Peterson, & Malkan (1999) and Kaspi et al. r aregiononlyparsecsinextent.Atcosmological scales,such a (2000) have demonstrated that the size of the BLR scales regions are well below theresolving powerof eventhemost with quasar luminosity, with RBLR ∝L0.7, and BLRs were powerfultelescopes,andsothespatialstructurewithinthese also found to possess significant ionisation stratification, inner regions cannot be directly observed and must be in- withhigh-ionisationlinesarisinginaregionanorderofmag- ferred by other, more indirect means. nitudesmaller than low-ionisation lines. In recent years, a general picture for quasar central re- gions has emerged, with a hot accretion disk surrounding a The origin of the BLR has proved problematic to supermassive black hole being responsible for the extensive understand, with suggestions that the emitting mate- continuum emission characteristic of quasars. Beyond this, rial could be the debris from star-disk collisions at on the scale of ∼ 1pc, this accretion disk is surrounded by the heart of the quasar (Zurek,Siemiginowska, & Colgate a large population of clouds which are illuminated by the 1994; Armitage, Zurek,& Davies 1996), supernova explo- central engine and produce the broad emission lines, with sions within quasar outflows (Pittard et al. 2001, 2003), widthsofthousandsof kms−1,alsocharacteristicofquasar or even the bloated atmospheres of irradiated stars spectra1. (Alexander& Netzer 1997). However, the BLR must pos- Initial studies of the Broad Line Region (BLR) sess significant substructure, with line emission arising were based on simple ionisation models, with predicted from dense clouds embedded in a lower density medium BLR sizes of 0.1 to a few parsecs in extent (e.g. (Capriotti, Foltz, & Byard 1981), with the smoothness of Davidson & Netzer 1979). Recent studies, utilising rever- emission lines suggesting that there must be of order 108 beration mapping to measure the scale of the BLR, how- emittingclouds(Arav et al.1998),effectivelyrulingoutthe picture of the BLR being composed of a relatively small number of large clouds or bloated stars. Nevertheless, such asituation isphysicallyproblematic,asthesecloudsshould 1 It should be noted that alternative models for the source of rapidly dissipate, with various mechanisms suggested for the broad line emission exist, including the accretion disk wind theirconfinement [e.g. magnetic fields Rees(1987)]. model of Murrayetal. (1995) which occurs on a considerably smallerscale. Recently,Bottorff & Ferland (2001) suggested that the 2 Geraint F. Lewis & Rodrigo A. Ibata ‘clouds’ within the BLR are not isolated, individual enti- ties embedded within a confining medium, but rather rep- resented transient knots of higher density within an overall turbulent BLR. One conclusion of this study was that the BLR would not appear as a smoothly-varying emitting re- gion.Instead,theturbulentnatureoftheBLRwouldresult inthespatialemission fromtheregionpossessinganoverall fractal structure. Gravitational microlensing provides an opportunity to ‘see’thestructureinthecentralregionsofquasars,utilising differential magnification effects (Wambsganss & Paczynski 1991).Recently,Lewis(2004)demonstratedthatsmall-scale fractal structures within quasars, arising in an x-ray emit- tinghotcoronaabovetheaccretiondisk,imprintthemselves onthelightcurveofamicrolensedquasar.Hence,thispaper considerstheinfluenceofmicrolensingonanextended,frac- tal BLR.However,as thisis moreextensivethan theX-ray emitting region, it is important to compare it to the natu- ral scale length for gravitational microlensing; the Einstein radius. In the source plane, this is given by GM D D Figure 1. A realisation of a fractal BLR as described in η=r4 c2 lDs os (1) Bottorff&Ferland(2001).Clearlyclumpsandsubclumpscanbe ol seen, but the smallest structures in this picture (∼ 10−6pc) are where M is themass of themicrolensing body,and Dij are toosmalltobeseenbyeye. angular diameter distances between the observer (o), lens (l) and source (s).For typical cosmological lensing configu- rations, with microlensing stars with mass M ∼< 1M⊙, this Togenerateafractaldistribution,aregion Rmax isdefined; scale length is η∼< 0.1pc,and is often substantially smaller. this is the zeroth level of the hierarchy with h=0. Within thisregion,N locationsarechosenatrandomandrepresent The X-ray emitting region considered in Lewis (2004) is thecentresofthefirstlevelofthehierarchy(withh=1)and smallcomparedtothisscaleandhencesignificantmicrolens- assignedaradiusgivenbyEquation2.Withineachindivid- ingmagnificationisexpected.AsdiscussedinLewis & Ibata ual subregion, a further N centres are scattered at random (2004),however,theextensivenatureoftheBLRensuresit and are assigned a radius corresponding to thesecond level must lie across a substantialportion of thecomplex caustic of the hierarchy,with h=2. The process is continued until networkthatisseenathighopticaldepths,andtheeffectsof the highest level of the hierarchy, h = H is reached; each microlensingcannotbeapproximatedbytheinfluenceofin- point in this upper-most hierarchy corresponds to the lo- dividualcausticstructures.Thestructureofthispaperisas cation of a cloud with a radius given by Equation 2. This follows;Section2describesthenumericalapproachadopted in this study, while Section 3 discusses the resultant mi- procedure results in a total of ntot =NH clouds being dis- tributedoveraregion.Forthepurposesofthisstudy,eachof crolensing light curves and their statistical properties. The thesefinalcloudswasassumedtohavethesameluminoisty, conclusions to thisstudy are presented in Section 4. although a more realistic model would probably require a distribution of luminosities throughout the region. In considering a realistic model for the BLR 2 METHOD Bottorff & Ferland (2001) determined the fractal param- eters required to reproduce known physical properties of 2.1 Cloud Distributions the region, such as its column density and covering fac- The argument that BLRs possess fractal structure was ex- tor. These values are employed in this current study, with pounded by the turbulence model of Bottorff & Ferland Rmax =5.12RBLR,whereRBLRisthenominalradiustothe (2001), and it is this procedure for defining a fractal cloud BLR, L=3.2 and N =14 (see footnote 2). The maximum distribution thatis utilised in thispaper.Thefractal struc- hierarchywhichwillbeemployedisrelatedtotheresolution ture occupies a region with an overall scale size of Rmax. ofthemicrolensingmagnificationmap,whichisdiscussedin Within this radius there are a series of hierarchies whose Section 2.2. radius is given by In choosing RBLR, the scale relation between the BLR radius and the luminosity of the quasar, R(h)=Rmax L−h (2) as derived from reverberation mapping is employed where h=0,1···H is thelevel of the hierarchy,H denotes (Wandel,Peterson, & Malkan 1999; Kaspi et al. 2000). As the maximum fractal hierarchy in the structure and L is a discussed in the next section, this study will focus on the geometric factor. Each hierarchy possesses N substructures (themultiplicity)andtheoverallfractaldimensionisdefined 1 InthestudyofBottorff&Ferland(2001),N =14.62,andfrac- to be talstructurescouldbegeneratedbydrawingthenumberinapar- logN ticularhierarchywiththis beingthemean value. FixingN =14 D= . (3) logL doesnotsignificantlyinfluencetheresultingfractalstructure. Microlensing of Fractal BLRs 3 ing region is taken to be 28 Einstein radii (∼ 1.68pc) on a side. The resulting magnification map used in this study is presented in Figure 2. 2.3 Image pixelation Clearly, the fractal clouds outlined in Section 2.1 possess structure on a range of scales and this must be reflected in the magnification map. Hence the magnification map utilised in this study possesses a pixel scale of 1000 pixels per Einstein Radius, with one pixel physically correspond- ing to 6×10−5pc, and thetotal map presented in Figure 2 is 28000 pixels on a side. If a pixel in this map represents a single cloud in the fractal BLR, then the maximum hier- archy in the fractal distribution corresponds to H ∼ 7 and the total number of clouds in the BLR is Ntot ∼1.5×109. Note that the model of Bottorff & Ferland (2001) consid- ered a maximum fractal hierarchy of H = 11, with a total of NTot ∼ 4×1014 individual clouds; with this, the scale of each cloud would be ∼ 1.4×10−6pc and the magnifica- tion map presented in Figure 2 would have to be 1.2×106 Figure 2. The magnification map employed in this study. Rep- pixels along each side, a very challenging prospect. As dis- resentingimageAofthemicrolensedquasar,Q2237+0305, adi- cussedlater,thelowerresolutionmapadoptedheredoesnot mensionless surface density of κ = 0.36 and external shear of significantly influencetheconclusions of this paper. γ = 0.41 were employed. The units are in Einstein radii for a solarmassstarandthescaleoftheimagematchesthatpresented inFigure1. 2.4 Generating light curves In typical gravitational microlensing problems, magnifica- microlensed images of the quasar Q2237+0305, which pos- tion maps are convolved with the surface brightness profile sess an absolute magnitude of M ∼ −26 [accounting for a of a preferred source, providing a map from which the mi- magnification of ∼ 16 (Schmidt,Webster,& Lewis 1998)]; crolensing light curve from that source can be drawn. Such as shown in (Lewis & Ibata 2004) this corresponds to a a convolution, utilising Fourier transform techniques, was RBLR ∼ 0.05pc for high-ionization emission (e.g. C IV ) found to be computationally too expensive,given thenum- and RBLR ∼ 0.4pc for low-ionisation emission (e.g. Mg II ber of pixels used in the magnification map. Hence, in this ). For the purposes of this study, RBLR = 0.1pc, a value presentstudy,lightcurvesweresimplygeneratedbyextract- between the high and low emission scale sizes. Using these ing a single column of pixels along a magnification map at parameters,atypicalfractalBLRcanbegenerated,withan thelocationofaBLRcloud.Summingeachofthesecolumns example presented in Figure 1. foracollectionofcloudstogetherthengivestheoveralllight curve of the BLR region of interest. With this approach, each individual BLR cloud (the smallest structure within 2.2 Gravitational Microlensing theentireBLR) hasasize of asingle pixelin themap,cor- AsnotedinSection1,thesubstantialsizeoftheBLRimplies responding to 6×10−5pc. that the influence of gravitational microlensing cannot be approximatedasasimplepoint-masslensorisolatedcaustic structure.Tothisend,thebackwardray-tracingapproachof 3 RESULTS Kayser et al.(1986)andWambsganss et al.(1990)wasused to generate the magnification map employed in this study. Figure 3 presents a series of light curves derived from this The macrolensing parameters were chosen to represent analysis. Each panel presents subsections of the fractal hi- Image A of Q2237+0305, the most intensively-studied mi- erarchy, from h = 7 in the top-left, consisting of a total of crolensed quasar,withadimensionlesssurfacemassdensity 14 sources), to h = 0 in the bottom-right, with a total of of κ = 0.36 and an external shear of γ = 0.41; this surface 1.5×109 clouds. The background of each panel presents a massdensitydescribesthefocusingduetomatterwithinthe greyscale map of the fractal structure (note in h = 7 and beamoflighttraversingthegalaxy,whereastheshearisthe h = 6 the structure is too small to see). Each subpanel distortionofthebeamduetothelargerscaledistributionof presents the microlensing light curve for the fractal hier- matter (Kayseret al. 1986). All of the mass is distributed archy; the x-axis is in units of Einstein radii, whereas the in microlenses with masses of 1M⊙. Given that the lens- y-axis corresponds to the magnification of the region. The inggalaxyinthissystempossessesaredshiftofz =0.0395, expected crossing time of an Einstein radius in this system l whilethesourcequasarisatzs=1.695,theEinsteinRadius (assuming a transverse velocity of the lens of ∼ 600km/s) (Equation 1) for a solar mass star is ηo ∼0.06pc, adopting is ∼ 8 yrs (e.g. Lewis & Irwin 1996). The degree of vari- the current concordance cosmology. To accommodate the ability changes quite strongly with fractal hierarchy h = 7 model BLR described in Section 2.1, the entire ray trac- displayingthestrongvariability,withcausticcrossingsquite 4 Geraint F. Lewis & Rodrigo A. Ibata Figure3.Examplelightcurvesforthefractalhierarchiespresentedinthispaper,fromthesmallest(h=7top-left)tothelargest(h=0 bottom-right).Eachpanelpresentstheclouddistribution(notethatthesmalleststructuresarenotvisibleonthescaleofthesefigures), with the resulting light curve arising from the magnification map presented in Figure 2. Each light curve is 1 Einstein radii in extent, withthelocationofthecloudsinthefigurerepresentingthe centreofthepositionatthecentreofthelightcurve. Microlensing of Fractal BLRs 5 of the emission line [see earlier studies by Nemiroff (1988) and Schneider& Wambsganss (1990)]. As noted in Bottorff & Ferland (2001), however, the fractal BLR model they present is purely geometrical and doesnotconsiderthekinematicaspectsoftheBLR.Forthe purposesofthispaper,atoymodelforthekinematicproper- ties is considered, with clouds of a particular fractal hierar- chyassignedavelocitydrawnfromaKepleriandistribution withrandomprojections(i.e.allcloudsataparticularfrac- talhierarchyandaboveareassignedthesameprojectedve- locity). This velocity structured BLR was then microlensed and the light curves summed into kinematic bins. The re- sultsofthisexercisearepresentedinFigure5;theleft-hand panels present the emission line profile, comprised of 1000 velocityelements,whereastheright-handpanelpresentsthe lightcurvesforsampledvaluesofthevelocityelementsover one Einstein radius. The spread in the emission line profile represents the superposition of all emission lines along the one Einstein radius. The pairs of panels arranged vertically represent the the various velocity models; i.e. in the h = 7 model, each of the 14 clouds within the highest fractal hi- Figure4.Themagnificationdistributionsfor250realisationsof erarchyareassigned thesame Keplerian velocity,for h=6, fractal BLRs combined with the magnification map displayed in Figure2. 142 within the second highest are assigned the same Kep- lerian velocity, etc. Clearly, the h = 7 emission line profile displays very little variability. Even at this high resolution, similar to point-like sources2. Clearly these source sizes at eachvelocityelementmustbethesumofofthelightcurves fractal hierarchies of h > 7 are substantially smaller than of many small sources, averaging out to give an overall flat the fractal structure seen in Figure 2 and hence the result- lightcurve.Inmovingtolowerfractalhierarchies,theemis- ing light curves for individual sources at this level would sionlineprofilesdisplaymoreandmorevariability.However, appear qualitatively the same as the h = 7 case, although itisclearthatbulkmotionsofthelowestfractalhierarchies the peak magnifications would be larger. Considering lower result in very “choppy” structure, with the h = 2 emission values of h, it can be seen that the light curve fluctua- line breaking down into a series of spikes. The smoothness tions are smoothed out, as expected as the source size in- of observed emission lines suggest that such a situation is creases (Wambsganss & Paczynski 1991), while at the base unphysical (e.g. Arav et al. 1998) and hence the kinematic fractal level(h=0),whichconsiderstheentirecloudpopu- propertiesmustbedefinedbythehigherfractalhierarchies. lation, thelight curveis quite flat. Itcanbeconcluded,therefore,thatthefractalstructurewill To examine this further, 250 light curve samples were be virtually impossible to detect by studying the emission generated with differing realisations of the fractal hierar- line profiles of microlensed quasars. chy. Figure 4 presents the magnification probability distri- butionsfor eachof thefractal hierarchies intheentiresam- ple. These confirm the properties of the light curve seen in Figure3,with thehighestfractal hierarchydisplayingmag- 4 CONCLUSIONS nifications of 10−20%. This distribution is quite different The nature of the broad line emission regions of quasars to the lower fractal hierarchies which display typical light has remained a subject of discussion for a numberof years, curves for small sources. Here the magnification probabil- with recent models suggesting that the emitting clouds are ity distribution is dominated by a peak at a magnification temporary density enhancements in an overall turbulent of 0.5, corresponding to extensive periods of demagnifica- medium. Such a scenario predicts that these density en- tion inthelight curve,with ahigh magnification tail repre- hancementsshouldhaveafractal distributionofstructures. senting the periods of caustic crossing (Wambsganss 1992; This paper has investigated the influence of gravitational Lewis & Irwin 1995). microlensingonthisextensivefractalstructure,findingthat A simple interpretation of thisresult, therefore, is that differentlevelsofthefractalstructureundergodifferingmag- if BLRs do indeed possess the fractal structure outlined, nifications,withthesmallersectionsofthesubstructuresuf- then, on thewhole, they should not be significantly magni- fering stronger magnification. It was found, however, that fied by gravitational microlensing. While this is true, what while individual clouds in the fractal hierarchy displayed it actually implies is that the total fluxin the emission line quite dramatic variability due to microlensing, the combi- will not vary as the quasar is microlensed, but it must be nation of light curves from the entire population of clouds rememberedthataswellasspatialstructure,BLRsalsopos- within theBLR resulted in an overall constant light curve. sess kinematic structure which is responsible for the width While the overall magnification of the BLR appears to beconstant,moresignificantmagnification ofsubstructures 2 The slight fuzz visible in the light curve is due to low-level could be apparent when examining the form of the emis- numericalnoiseinthemagnificationmaps.Itspresencedoesnot sion line profile, i.e. substructures within the BLR could influencetheresultsofthisstudy. possess coherent velocities and hence may contribute to a 6 Geraint F. Lewis & Rodrigo A. 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