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Preview Gramática inglesa: the english grammar in a nutshell

HAIM DIAMANT GRAMÁTICA INGLESA THE ENGLISH GRAMMAR IN A NUTSHELL Herder ... PRÓLOGO El objeto de este volumen es ayudar a los estudiantes y, en general, a todos los que deseen aumentar su conocimiento del inglés ya sea háblado o escrito. No pretende sustituir el normal estudio de la gramáti ca inglesa, sino que, por e! contrario, podrá ser uti Diseño de la cubiena: CLAUDIO BADO y MÓNICA BAZÁN lizado para refrescar los temas ya estudiados por el lector en el pasado. H.D. © 2002, Haim Diamant © 2002, Empresa Editorial Herder, S.A., Barcelona La reproducción total o parcial de esta obra sin el consentimiento expreso de tos titulares del Copyright está prohibida al amparo de la legislación vigente. Imprenta: REINBOOK Depósito Legal: B -32.801 -2002 Printed in Spain ISBN: 84-254-2244-2 Herder Código catálogo: ID02244 Provenza, 388. 08025 Barcelona -Teléfono 93 476 26 26 -Fax 93 207 34 48 e-mail: [email protected]://www.herder-sa.com ÍNDICE Prólogo. ... . . . . . . . . ... . . .. . . .. . . . . . . 7 TIEMPOS VERBALES ••...• •• •.. •••••• •••• • 11 1. Present simple tense. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2. Present progressive tense . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 3. Present perfect tense .;. ............. 14 4. Present perfect progressive tense ... .. . 16 5. Past simple tense .......... . ...... . . 20 , 6. Past progressive tense ...... ... .•. ... 21 7. Past perfect tense .......... ......... 22 8. Past perfect progressive tense ..... .. .. 23 9. Past participle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 10. Future tense ............. .... .. .. . 30 CAMBIOS ORTOGRÁFICOS EN LOS PLURALES DE ALGUNOS SUSTANTIVOS . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . 33 ADJETIVO . ••• • • • • • • • • . • • • • . • • • • • . • • • . •• 36 ADVERBIO • • • • . . • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 40 PRONOMBRE • . . .. •. • .••• • ••. ••••• .• •• ••• 43 Pronombres relativos .. . . . . . . . • • . • . . . .. 45 Pronombres interrogativos . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 48 DISCURSOS DIRECTO E INDIRECTO .. • • • • . • • •• 52 VOCES ACTIVA Y PASIVA 58 9 FRASES CONDICIONALES . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . . . 62 LA PREPOSICIÓN . • . . . • . . • . . . . • • • • . . . . • • . . 63 LA FORMA -ing ... .................... .. 68 TIEMPOS VERBALES REGLAS ÚTILES 70 A continuación presentamos los principales tiempos verbales y su uso apropiado. Soluciones a los ejercicios . , .. , . . • . . . . • . .. 79 1. PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE Usamos este tiempo en los siguientes casos: • a) Cuando queremos expresar un hábito o una cos- tumbre, por ejemplo: 1 sometimes eat breakfast at work. 1 read the newspaper every day. He always drinks water with his meals. She never smokes in publico You ofien shout at me. 1 seldom drink líeer. We usually go home together. 1 generally go home afier work. Las palabras que señalan este tiempo son: always generally never I ofien seldom sometimes usually 10 11 b) Cuando queremos expresar una verdad general e 2. PRESENT PROGRESSIVE TENSE indiscutible: Cold winds blow in the Aretie zone. Usamos este tiempo cuando una acción se está rea The sun rises in the east. lizando en este momento; lo construimos agregan Tbe moon sbines at night. do al verbo en cuestión "el sufijo -ing, por ejemplo: 1 am eating now. e) Cuando queremos expresar sentimientos o el uso You are pushing too hard. de los sentidos, por ejemplo: He is running too fast. I see you. He laves her. Este tiempo siempre aparece precedido pof: We believe him. I am They like you. you are he is d) Después de las palabras: she is as soon as it is befare we are if you are until theyare when Por ejemplo: If you see him tomorrow (y no: Ifyou will see him. .. ). When you come to Rome (y no: When you will come ... ). Let me know before you speak to him (y no: before you will ... ). He will start as soon as 1 arrive (y no: as 1 will arrive ... ). , You may play until the bus arrives (y no: the bus will arrive ... ). " 12 J3 He has rung his mother today. (El día aún 3. PRESENT PERFECT TENSE no ha concluido.) Danny has eaten too mueh this week. (La Este tiempo aparecerá siempre precedido por: semana no ha terminado.) 1 have 1 have not se en him lately. (El período you have he has "lately" QO ha terminado aún -última she has mente.) He has not spoken to me sinee last week. it has (El período "sinee" -desde- no ha termi we have nado aún. Ambos períodos se prolongan youhave they have hasta el presente.) 1 have given it to him already. y lo usaremos en los casos siguientes: He has ealled me twiee reeently. 1 have never se en it. She is the most intelligent woman 1 have a) Para expresar una acción iniciada tiempo atrás pero que aún continua en el presente, por ejemplo: ever met. 1 have lived in this house for 5 years. Viendo las oraciones precedentes usaremos este SIGNIFICADO: Vivo en esta casa desde hace tiempo cuando se relacione con las palabras: 5 años. already 1 have be en married for 10 years. ever SIGNIFICADO: Estoy casado desde hace lately 10 años. never reeently b) Para expresar una acción realizada en un tiempo since desconocido o, por lo menos, no mencionado, por this week ejemplo: \ this month The groeer has closed his shop. (¿Cuándo? this year No lo sabemos.) today 1 have broken the ehair. (¿Cuándo? No lo sabemos.) e) Para expresar una acción comenzada en un tiempo o período no concluido aún: , 1 have written to my father 4 times this year. (El año no ha terminado aún.) 15 14 d 4. PRESENT PERFECT Exereise No. 1 PROGRESSIVE TENSE Rewrite Ihe senlences in Ihe following exereises no. 1-2-3-4 Usaremos este tiempo para expresar la continuidad using Ihe correclfonn oflhe verb in brackels (presenl simple. de una acción desde un cierto momento en el pasa present progressive, present perfect and present peifect pro do hasta el presente, por ejempl9: gressive). 1 have been taking English lessons for 6 months. 1. We sometimes (lo drive) lo Ihe beach on Sundays. SIGNIFICADO: Empecé a estudiar inglés 6 me 2. My brolher sometimes (lo come) home lale. ses atrás y aún lo estoy estudiando. 3. Dan and David somelimes (lo go) lo school logelher. 4. 1 always (lo visil) my falher on Salurdays. She has be en using the phone a lot today. 5. He always (to drink) wine wilh his dinner. SIGNIFICADO: Ella hoy ha usado mucho el 6. They atways (lo eal) brealifasl in the moming. teléfono y aún lo sigue haciendo. 7. 1 never (to walch) TV during meals. 8. She never (lo smoke) in publico We have been selling our furniture this 9. Simon never (lo run) on an empty slornach. month. 10. He often (lo ride) his bicycle in the moming. SIGNIFICADO: Este mes hemos comenzado a 11. Dan often (lo drive) his car on Sundays. vender nuestros muebles y aún los 12.1 (nol lo go) to Ihe thealre very often. vendemos. 13. We seldom (lo eal) fish in Ihe moming. 14. David lives in London bul he seldom (to visil) the ZOO. 15. He seldom (10 shout) al his son. 16. She usually (lo go) lo the library after schaol. 17. Judy usually (lo visil) her grandfalher twice a week. Exercise No. 2 1. 1 usually (lo wear) short lrousers. 2. lf she (lo arrive) tomorrow we will go lo Ihe ZOO. 3. lfit (lo rain) lomorrow we will cancel the Irip. 4. He will get high marks ifhe (lo sludy) hard. 5. When you (10 come) lo Paris do nol hesitale lo call me. • 6. Do nolforgel to send me Ihe book when you (lo gel) il. 7. When you (lo write) to your brolher remind hirn lo wrile tome. 16 17 8. Let me know before you (to send) the money. 13. The teaeher (to enler) the class already. 9. The game will start not before the president (lo arrive). 14. The boy (lo break) his lego 10. You will eat the soup before you (lo eat) Ihe ice eream. 15. The prisoner (lo break) oulfromjail. 11. The show will start as soon as the lights (to gol off. 16. My aunt (to get) married. 12. I will pay you as soon as I (to reeeive) sorne money. 17. I (to pass) my examinalion in history. 13. I will call you as soon as I (to arrive). 14.1 will stay here until the bu. (to leave). 15. He will not leave the room until he (tofinish) his work. Exereise No. 4 16. They will not oeeupy Ihe house until he (to repair) the roo! 1. We (to be) in Europe a few limes this year. 17. Why you (to eat) bread now? You never (to eat) bread in 2. My friend (lo be) here sinee early morning, he usually • the morning. ,. (to stay) wilh me the whole day. 3. He (lo behave) funny sinee yesterday morning. 4. We (lo plant) trees for Ihree weeks. Exerei.e No. 3 5. We nol yet (lo finish) our study whieh (to gol on all day. 6. We (to wail) here for them sinee midday, but Ihey nol (to 1. 1 cannot leave the house now because it (to snow) out arrive) yet. side. 7. I (to study) hislory for seven years. 2. They generally (to play) tennis but today they (lo play) 8.' Whal (lo do) wilh yourself all this time? cricket. 9. He (to play) his guitar for Ihree monlhs. 3. The driver who (lo drive) ear number eight seldom (lo I 10. She not yet (to finish) Ihe painling whieh she (10 paint) win) a race. all day long. 4. The sun always (lo rise) in Ihe easl. Look, il (lo rise) 11. It (to snow) all aftemoon. now. 12. He (lo look) for his pen all day, bul he nol (to find) il 5. I usually (lo eat) bread in the morning but today I (lo yel. eat) a cake instead. 13. The mother is worried beeause her ehild not (to eat) 6. Your molher (lo wait) for you at the gale. properly for Ihe lasl Ihree days. He never (to make) any 7. Dan (to eat) dinner now. He will eall you after he (lo sueh problems before. finish). 14. That book (to be) on your deskfor days and you nol (to 8. He seldom (to wrile) letlers, bul this week he (lo write) read) it yet. four letlers . 15. Although he (to play) tennis for only four months, he (lo . 9. I nol (lo speak) to him this month, allhough I usually (to play) il quite well. speak) lo him every week. 10. He (lo live) in Paris for four years. 11. She (to eall) me twiee reeenlly. 12. He (to be) ill sinee Ihe beginning ofthe week. 18 19 5. PAST SIMPLE TENSE 6. PAST PROGRESSIVE TENSE Usamos este tiempo en los siguientes casos: Usamos este tiempo para expresar una acción que se ejecutaba en el pasado, al mismo tiempo que a) Cuando expresamos una acción acaecida y com otra: pletada en el pasado, por ejemplo: He was washing his car when we arrived. Dannyate fish yesterday. SIGNIFICADO: Cuando llegamos, él estaba 1 spoke to him last week. lavando su coche (llegamos mientras lavaba su coche). b) Cuando nos referimos a varias acciones acaecidas una después de la otra, por ejemplo: We were walking along the beach when When he was in París last year, he went to the storm started. the Louvre, but found it closed. SIGNIFICADO: La tormenta se desencadenó mientras estábamos caminando a lo largo de la playa. I 20 21 7. PAST PERFECT TENSE 8. PAST PERFECT PROGRESSIVE TENSE Este tiempo siempre va precedido por la palabra had y se usa cuando dos acciones se desarrollan en el Este tiempo expresa la continuidad de una acción pasado y una de ellas se completa antes que la otra desarrollada en el pasado durante un lapso determi se inicie, por ejemplo: nado de tiempo (limitado entre un principio y un fin), When 1 met her, she had already eaten din por ejemplo: ner: He had been running for two hours She had already eaten (primera acción when 1 told him to stop. completada). Befare we came to Florence we had been When 1 met her (se realizó la segunda living in Na ples for 5 years. acción). 1 had be en workin¡¡; for nearly 3 hours when you arrived. The bus had already left the station when We had been living in the same town for we arnved. 10 years before we decided to move .. The bus had left (primera acción comple elsewhere. , tada). We had been driving for 5 hours when we We arrived (se realizó la segunda acción). finally found a place to stay for the night. He went to bed after he had read a book. He had read a book (primera acción com pletada). He went to bed (se realizó la segunda acción). NOTA: Usamos el participio pasado (had been) cuan do la primera acción ha sido completada antes de que la segunda se realizara: Had eaten. Had left the station. Had read a book. Pero para la segunda acción usamos el pasado ' simple: 1 met her. We arrived. He went to bed. 22 23

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