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GRADED COMPONENTS OF LOCAL COHOMOLOGY MODULES 7 1 0 TONY.J.PUTHENPURAKAL 2 Dedicated to Prof. Gennady Lyubeznik b e F Abstract. Let A be a regular ring containing a field of characteristic zero 5 and let R=A[X1,...,Xm]. Consider R as standard graded with degA=0 1 and degXi = 1 for all i. In this paper we present a comprehensive study of gradedcomponentsoflocalcohomologymodulesHi(R)whereIisanarbitrary I homogeneous idealinR. Ourstudyseemstobethefirstinthisregard. ] C A . h Contents t a m 1. Introduction 2 2. Preliminaries 6 [ 3. Generalized Eulerian modules 9 2 4. Graded holonomic modules 13 v 5. Vanishing 20 0 6. Tameness and Rigidity 21 7 2 7. Examples and Proof of Theorem 1.5 25 1 8. Infinite generation 27 0 9. Bass numbers 28 . 1 10. Proof of Theorem 1.9 30 0 11. Growth of Bass numbers 31 7 12. Associate Primes 34 1 13. Dimension of Support and injective dimension 35 : v References 36 i X r a Date:February16,2017. 1991MathematicsSubjectClassification. Primary13D45,14B15,Secondary13N10,32C36. Key words and phrases. local cohomology, graded local cohomology, ringof differential oper- ators, Weyl Algebra, De Rham (and Koszul) cohomology of holonomic modules over the Weyl algebra. 1 2 TONY.J.PUTHENPURAKAL 1. Introduction Let S = S be a standard graded Noetherian ring and let S be it’s n≥0 n + irrelevant ideal. The theory of local cohomology with respect to S is particularly + L satisfactory. Itiswell-known(cf. [2,15.1.5])thatifM isafinitelygeneratedgraded S-module then for all i 0 ≥ (1) Hi (M) is a finitely generated S -module for all n Z. S+ n 0 ∈ (2) Hi (M) =0 for all n 0. S+ n ≫ Itisnaturaltoexpectwhetherlocalcohomologywithrespecttootherhomogeneous ideals exhibit similar results (or predictable results). It has been well-known for many years that the answer to the latter question is clearly in the negative (even in the case when S =B[X ,...,X ] is a polynomial ring). Even in the case of S 1 n + the local cohomology module Hi (M) need not be tame, i.e., Hi (M) = 0 for S+ S+ n 6 infinitely many n<0 does not imply that Hi (M) =0 for all n 0, see [4, 2.2]. S+ n 6 ≪ The purposeofthis paperisto showthatifAisaregularringcontainingafield ofcharacteristiczeroandifR=A[X ,...,X ]isstandardgraded(withdegA=0) 1 n then the theory of local cohomology of R with respect to arbitrary homogeneous ideals of R exhibit striking good behavior. We should note that local cohomology modules over regular rings does indeed show good behavior. For instance see the remarkable papers [5], [7] and [8]. However there has been no previous study of graded components of graded local cohomology modules of polynomial rings over regular rings. 1.1. StandardAssumption: FromhenceforthAwilldenotearegularringcontaining a field of characteristic zero. Let R = A[X ,...,X ] be standard graded with 1 m degA=0anddegX =1foralli. Wealsoassumem 1. LetI beahomogeneous i ≥ ideal in R. Set M = Hi(R). It is well-known that M is a graded R-module. Set I M = M . n∈Z n We first give a summary of the results proved in this paper. L I: (Vanishing:) The first result we prove is that vanishing of almost all graded components of M implies vanishing of M. More precisely we show Theorem 1.2. (with hypotheses as in 1.1). If M =0 for all n 0 then M =0. n | |≫ II (Tameness:) In view of Theorem 1.2, it follows that if M = Hi(R) = I M is non-zero then either M =0 for infinitely many n 0, OR, M =0 n∈Z n n 6 ≪ n 6 for infinitely many n 0. We show that M is tame. More precisely L ≫ Theorem 1.3. (with hypotheses as in 1.1). Then we have (a) The following assertions are equivalent: (i) M =0 for infinitely many n 0. n 6 ≪ (ii) M =0 for all n m. n 6 ≤− (b) The following assertions are equivalent: (i) M =0 for infinitely many n 0. n 6 ≫ (ii) M =0 for all n 0. n 6 ≥ We complement Theorem 1.3 by showing the following Example 1.4. There exists a regular ring A and homogeneous ideals I,J,K,L in R=A[X ,...,X ] such that 1 m (i) Hi(R) =0 for all n m and Hi(R) =0 for all n> m. I n 6 ≤− I n − GRADED COMPONENTS OF LOCAL COHOMOLOGY MODULES 3 (ii) Hi(R) =0 for all n 0 and Hi(R) =0 for all n<0. J n 6 ≥ I n (iii) Hi (R) =0 for all n Z. K n 6 ∈ (iv) Hi(R) =0 for all n m, Hi(R) =0 for all n 0 and Hi(R)=0 for all L n 6 ≤− L n 6 ≥ L n with m<n<0. − An easy way to construct examples of type (ii) above is as follows: Choose an ideal Q in A with Hi (A)=0. Then Hi (R)=Hi (A) R will satisfy (ii). The Q 6 QR Q ⊗A authorwasalsoableto constructexampleofahomogeneousidealJ inRandideal Q in A with J QR such that (ii) is satisfied and √J = √qR for any ideal q in 6 A. Surprisingly the following general result holds: Theorem 1.5. (with hypotheses as in 1.1). Further assume A is a domain. Sup- pose J is a proper homogeneous ideal in R such that Hi(R) = 0 for all n 0 J n 6 ≥ and Hi(R) = 0 for all n < 0. Then there exists a proper ideal Q of A such that J n J QR. ⊆ III(Rigidity:) Surprisinglynon-vanishingofa singlegradedcomponentofM = Hi(R) is very strong. We prove the following rigidity result: I Theorem 1.6. (with hypotheses as in 1.1). The we have (a) The following assertions are equivalent: (i) M =0 for some r m. r 6 ≤− (ii) M =0 for all n m. n 6 ≤− (b) The following assertions are equivalent: (i) M =0 for some s 0. s 6 ≥ (ii) M =0 for all n 0. n 6 ≥ (c) (When m 2.) The following assertions are equivalent: ≥ (i) M =0 for some t with m<t<0. t 6 − (ii) M =0 for all n Z. n 6 ∈ IV (Infinite generation:) Recall that each component of Hm (R) is a finitely R+ generated R-module, cf., [2, 15.1.5]. We give a sufficient condition for infinite generation of a component of graded local cohomology module over R. Theorem1.7. (withhypothesesasin1.1). FurtherassumeAisadomain. Assume I A=0. If Hi(R) =0 then Hi(R) is NOT finitely generated as an A-module. ∩ 6 I c 6 I c V (Bass numbers:) The jth Bass number of an A-module E with respect to a prime ideal P is defined as µ (P,E)=dim Extj (k(P),E ) where k(P) is the j k(P) AP P residue field of A . We note that if E is finitely generated as an A-module then P µ (P,E) is a finite number (possibly zero) for all j 0. In view of Theorem 1.7 j ≥ it is not clear whether µ (P,Hi(R) ) is a finite number. Surprisingly we have the j I n following dichotomy: Theorem1.8. (withhypotheses as in1.1). LetP beaprimeideal inA. Fix j 0. ≥ EXACTLY one of the following hold: (i) µ (P,M ) is infinite for all n Z. j n ∈ (ii) µ (P,M ) is finite for all n Z. In this case EXACTLY one of the following j n ∈ holds: (a) µ (P,M )=0 for all n Z. j n ∈ (b) µ (P,M )=0 for all n Z. j n 6 ∈ (c) µ (P,M )=0 for all n 0 and µ (P,M )=0 for all n<0. j n j n 6 ≥ 4 TONY.J.PUTHENPURAKAL (d) µ (P,M )=0 for all n m and µ (P,M )=0 for all n> m. j n j n 6 ≤− − (e) µ (P,M ) = 0 for all n m, µ (P,M ) = 0 for all n 0 and j n j n 6 ≤ − 6 ≥ µ (P,M )=0 for all n with m<n<0. j n − We also give easy examples where (i) and (ii) hold. The only examples where the author was able to show (i) hold had m 2. Surprisingly the following result ≥ holds. Theorem 1.9. (with hypotheses as in 1.1). Assume m = 1. Let P be a prime ideal in A. Then µ (P,M ) is finite for all n Z. j n ∈ Remark1.10. AnintriguingconsequenceofTheorem1.8isthefollowing: Suppose M =Hi(M)=0 but M =0 for some c. Then for any prime ideal P and j 0 we I 6 c ≥ have µ (P,M )=0 is finite. So µ (P,M )< for all n Z. j c j n ∞ ∈ VI ( Growth of Bass numbers). Fix j 0. Let P be a prime ideal in A such ≥ that µ (P,Hi(R) ) is finite for all n Z. We may ask about the growth of the j I n ∈ function n µ (P,Hi(R) ) as n and when n + . We prove 7→ j I n →−∞ → ∞ Theorem 1.11. (with hypotheses as in 1.1). Let P be a prime ideal in A. Let j 0. Suppose µ (P,M ) is finite for all n Z. Then there exists polynomials j n ≥ ∈ fj,P(Z),gj,P(Z) Q[Z] of degree m 1 such that M M ∈ ≤ − fj,P(n)=µ (P,M ) for all n 0 AND gj,P(n)=µ (P,M ) for all n 0. M j n ≪ M j n ≫ By 1.10 if M = 0 for some c then µ (P,M ) is finite for all n Z, j 0 and c j n ∈ ≥ prime P of A. In this case we prove: Theorem 1.12. (with hypotheses as in 1.1). Let P be a prime ideal in A. Fix j 0. Suppose µ (P,M )=0 for some c (this holds if for instance M =0). Then j c c ≥ fj,P(Z)=0 or degfj,P(Z)=m 1, M M − gj,P(Z)=0 or deggj,P(Z)=m 1. M M − VII (Associate primes:) If E = E is a graded R-module then there are n∈Z n two questions regarding asymptotic primes: L Question 1:(Finiteness:) Is the set Ass E finite? n∈Z A n Question 2: (Stability:) Does there exists integers r,s such that Ass E = A n S Ass E for all n r and Ass E =Ass E for all n s. A r A n A s ≤ ≥ For graded local cohomology modules we show that both Questions above have affirmative answer for a large class of regular rings A. Theorem 1.13. (with hypotheses as in 1.1). Further assume that either A is local or a smooth affine algebra over a field K of characteristic zero. Let M =Hi(R)= I M . Then n∈Z n (1) Ass M is a finite set. L n∈Z A n (2) Ass M =Ass M for all n m. A n A m S ≤− (3) Ass M =Ass M for all n 0. A n A 0 ≥ VIII (Dimension of Supports and injective dimension:) Let E be anA-module. Let injdim E denotes the injective dimension of E. Also Supp E = P E = A A { | P 6 0 and P is a prime in A is the support of an A-module E. By dim E we mean A } the dimension of Supp E as a subspace of Spec(A). We prove the following: A GRADED COMPONENTS OF LOCAL COHOMOLOGY MODULES 5 Theorem 1.14. (with hypotheses as in 1.1). Let M =Hi(R)= M . Then I n∈Z n we have L (1) injdimM dimM for all c Z. c c ≤ ∈ (2) injdimM =injdimM for all n m. n −m ≤− (3) dimM =dimM for all n m. n −m ≤− (4) injdimM =injdimM for all n 0. n 0 ≥ (5) dimM =dimM for all n 0. n 0 ≥ (6) If m 2 and m<r,s<0 then ≥ − (a) injdimM =injdimM and dimM =dimM . r s r s (b) injdimM min injdimM ,injdimM . r −m 0 ≤ { } (c) dimM min dimM ,dimM . r −m 0 ≤ { } Techniques used to prove our results: Weusethreemaintechniquestoproveour results: 1.15. (a) For the first technique A is arbitrary regular ring containing a field of characteristiczero. LetR=A[X ,...,X ],gradedwithdegA=0anddegX =1 1 m i for all j. Let be the mth Weyl-algebra on A. We consider it a graded ring with S degA=0,degX =1anddeg∂ = 1. WenotethatRisagradedsubringof . If i i − S E is a graded -module and e is a homogeneous element of E then set e =dege. Consider thSe Eulerian operator = m X ∂ . If f R is homoge|ne|ous then E i=1 i i ∈ it is easy to check that f = f f. We say a graded -module W is Eulerain if E | | P S w = ww for each homogeneous element w of W. Notice R is an Eulerian - E | | S module. We say W is generalized Eulerian if for each homogeneous w of W there exists a depending on w such that ( w)aw =0. E −| | The notionofEulerianmodules wasintroducedinthe caseAis a fieldK by Ma andZhang[9](they alsodefinedthenotionofEulerianD-modulesincharacteristic p>0,whereDistheringofK-lineardifferentialoperatorsonR=K[X ,...,X ]). 1 m Unfortunately however the class of Eulerian D-modules is not closed under exten- sions(see3.5(1)in[9]). Torectifythis,theauthorintroducedthenotiongeneralized Eulerian D-modules (in characteristic zero), see [12]. One can define the notion of graded Lyubeznik functors on ∗Mod(R) the cat- egory of all graded R-modules, see 2.5. Our techniques in [15, Theorem 1.7] generalize to prove the following: Theorem 1.16. [with hypotheses as in 1.15.] Let be a graded Lyubeznik functor G on ∗Mod(R). Then (R) is a generalized Eulerian -module. G S 1.17. (b) For the second technique we look at A = K[[Y ,...,Y ]] where K is a 1 d field of characteristic zero. Let R = A[X ,...,X ], graded with degA = 0 and 1 m degX = 1 for all j. Let D (A) = A < δ ,...,δ > (where δ = ∂/∂Y ) be i k 1 d j j the ring of k-linear differential operators on A. Furthermore set = A (D (A)) m k D be the mth-Weyl algebra over D (A). We can consider a graded ring with k D degD (A) = 0, degX = 1 and deg∂ = 1. We note that R is a graded subring k i i − of . D It is well-known that the global dimension of is d+m, see [1, 3.1.9]. Fur- D thermorethere is a filtration of suchthat the associatedgradedgr ( ) is the T D T D polynomial ring over A with d+2m-variables, [1, 3.1.9]. Thus a -module M is D holonomic if either it is zero or there a compatible filtration of M such that T F gr M is a finitely generated gr -module of dimension d+m. F T D The main technical result we show is 6 TONY.J.PUTHENPURAKAL Theorem 1.18. [with hypotheses as in 1.17.] Let be a graded Lyubeznik functor G on ∗Mod(R). Then (R) is a graded holonomic generalized Eulerian -module. G D 1.19. (c)The finaltechniquethatweuse isthetechnique ofdeRhamcohomology, Koszul homology of generalized Eulerian modules (when A=K, a field). We also prove Theorem1.20. LetK beafieldofcharacteristiczero. LetA=K[[Y ,...,Y ]]and 1 d R = A[X ,...,X ] and is as in 1.17. Let E be a graded holonomic generalized 1 n D Eulerian -module. Then for all i 0 the Koszul homology H (Y ,...,Y ;E) is i 1 d D ≥ a graded holonomic generalized Eulerian A (K)-module (here A (K) is the mth- m m Weyl algebra over K). Our technique to prove all our results is as follows: Localize A at an appropri- ate prime ideal and complete it. Then we use Theorem 1.16, Corollary 1.18 and Theorem 1.20 to reduce to the case A is a field. Remark 1.21. A natural question is what happens when A contains a field of characteristic p > 0. We note that technique (a) and (b) have analogues in this case. Howeverwedo notknowanyanalogueofourtechnique (c). So ourproofsdo not work in this case. Acknowledgment: In 2008, I started learning about applications of D-modules in local cohomology theory. At that time Prof. G. Lyubeznik visited IIT-Bombay. I asked him whether de Rham cohomology of local cohomology modules will be interesting. He told me that it will be of interest. I (and co-authors) developed techniques to study de Rham cohomology and Koszul cohomology of local coho- mologymodulesinaseriesofpapers[11],[12],[13], [14]and[15]. Thesetechniques have proved to be fantastically useful in this paper. I thank Prof. G. Lyubeznik for his advice and to him this paper is dedicated. 2. Preliminaries In this section, we discuss a few preliminary result that we need. 2.1. Lyubeznik functors: Let B be a commutative Noetherian ring and let X =Spec(B). Let Y be a locally closed subset of X. If M is a B-module and Y be a locally closed subscheme of Spec(R),wedenotebyHi (M)theith-localcohomologymoduleofM withsupport Y inY. SupposeY =Y Y whereY Y aretwoclosedsubsetsofX thenwehave 1 2 2 1 \ ⊆ an exact sequence of functors Hi ( ) Hi ( ) Hi ( ) Hi+1( ) . ···→ Y1 − → Y2 − → Y − → Y1 − → ALyubeznikfunctor isanyfunctoroftheform = whereevery 1 2 m T T T ◦T ◦···◦T functor is either Hi ( ) for some locally closedsubset ofX or the kernel,image Tj Y − or cokernel of some arrow in the previous long exact sequence for closed subsets Y ,Y of X such that Y Y . 1 2 2 1 ⊆ 2.2. Lyubeznik functor under flat maps: We need the following result from [7, 3.1]. Proposition2.3. Let φ: B C be a flat homomorphism of Noetherian rings. Let → be a Lyubeznik functor on Mod(B). Then there exists a Lyubeznik functor on T T Mod(C) and isomorphisms T(M ⊗BC)∼=T(M)⊗B C which is functorial in M. b b GRADED COMPONENTS OF LOCAL COHOMOLOGY MODULES 7 2.4. Graded Lyubeznik functors: Let B be a commutative Noetherian ring and let R= B[X ,...,X ] be standard 1 m graded. We say Y is homogeneous closed subset of Spec(R) if Y = V(f ,...,f ), 1 s where f′s are homogeneous polynomials in R. i WesayY isahomogeneouslocallyclosedsubsetofSpec(R)ifY =Y′′ Y′,where − Y′,Y′′ are homogeneous closed subset of Spec(R). Let ∗Mod(R) be the category of graded R-modules. We have an exact sequence of functors on ∗Mod(R), (2.4.1) Hi ( ) Hi ( ) Hi ( ) Hi+1( ). Y′ − −→ Y′′ − −→ Y − −→ Y′ − Definition 2.5. A graded Lyubeznik functor is a composite functor of the form T = ... , where each is either Hi ( ), where Y is a homogeneous T T1◦T2◦ ◦Tk Tj Yj − j locally closed subset of Spec(R) or the kernel of any arrow appearing in (2.4.1) with Y′ = Y′ and Y′′ = Y′′, where Y′ Y′′ are two homogeneous closed subsets j j j ⊂ j of Spec(R). 2.6. Graded Lyubeznik functors with respect to some standard operations on B. (a) Let S be multiplicatively closed set in B. Set R =R B =B [X ,...,X ]. W B W W 1 m ⊗ If Y is a homogeneous closed subset of Spec(R), say Y = V(f ,...,f ), set Y = 1 s W V(f /1,...,f /1) where f /1 is the image of f in R . We note that Y is a 1 s i i W W homogeneous closed subset of Spec(R ). Furthermore it is clear that we have W a homogeneous isomorphism HYi (−)⊗B BW ∼= HYiW(−). If Y is a homogeneous locally closed subset of Spec(R), say Y = Y′′ Y′. set Y = Y′′ .Y′ , a − W W − W homogeneous locally closed subset of Spec(R ). Furthermore localizing (2.4.1) at W W yields a homogeneous isomorphism HYiW(−)∼=HYi (−)⊗BBW. More generally if is a graded Lyubeznik functor on R then B is a graded Lyubeznik B W T T ⊗ functor on ∗Mod(R ). W (b)AssumeB islocalwithmaximalidealm. LetB bethecompletionofB with respect to m. Set R=R B =B[X ,...,Xb ]. B 1 m ⊗ If Y is a homogeneous closed subset of Spec(R), say Y = V(f ,...,f ), set Y = b b b 1 s V(f ,...,f ) where f is the image of f in R. We note that Y is a homogeneous 1 s i i closed subset of Spec(R ). Furthermore it is clear that we have a homogenebous W isomborphisbm HYi (−)b⊗B B ∼= HYi (−). If Y isba homogeneous lbocally closed subset b of Spec(R), say Y = Y′′ Y′. set Y = Y′′ Y′, a homogeneous locally closed b− − subset of Spec(R). Furthermore applying the functor ( ) B to (2.4.1) yields a B − ⊗ homogeneousisomorphismHYi (−)∼=bHYi (−c)⊗BBc. MoregenerallyifT isagraded Lyubeznik functbor onR thenb B is agradedLyubeznik fubnctor on ∗Mod(R). B T ⊗ b 2.7. Weyl Algebra’s: b b Let Γ be a ring (not necessarily commutative). The first Weyl algebra over Γ is denoted by A (Γ) and it is the ring Γ < x,y > /(xy yx 1). Alternatively we 1 − − can consider the polynomial ring Γ[X] and let δ be the derivation on Γ[X] defined by formal differentiation with respect to X (treating elements of Γ as constants): δ γ Xi = iγ Xi−1. i i (cid:16)X (cid:17) X 8 TONY.J.PUTHENPURAKAL ItcanbeeasilyshownthatthedifferentialpolynomialringΓ[X][Y;δ]isisomorphic to the first Weyl algebra over Γ, see [6, p. 12]. We note that YX =XY +δ(X)= XY+1. ThusY canbethoughtas∂/∂X. TheidentificationofA (Γ)asΓ[X][Y;δ] 1 also yields that a Γ basis of A (Γ) is given by 1 XiYj: i,j 0 as well as by YjXi: i,j 0 . { ≥ } { ≥ } Itfollows that if Z(Γ), the center of Γ, containsa field k then A (Γ)=Γ A (k). 1 k 1 ⊗ ThehigherWeylalgebra’saredefinedinductivelyasA (Γ)=A (A (Γ). For m 1 m−1 us the ring Γ will always contain a field K of characteristic zero in its center. So A (Γ)=Γ A (K). The description of A (K) can be found in [1, Chapter 1]. m K m m ⊗ 2.8. Koszul homology: Let Γ be a not-necessarilycommutative, Z-gradedring. We assume that Γ has a commutative field K in its center with degK = 0 Let u ,...,u be homogeneouscommuting elements in Γ. Consider the (commutative) 1 c subring S =K[u ,...,u ] of Γ. 1 l LetM beagradedΓ-module. LetH (u ,...,u ;M)betheith Koszulhomology i 1 c module of M with respect to u ,...,u . It is clearly a graded S-module. (with its 1 c natural grading). The following result is well-known. Lemma 2.9. Let u = u ,u ,...,u and let u′ = u ,...,u . For each i 0 r r+1 c r+1 c ≥ there exists an exact sequence of graded S-modules. 0 H (u ;H (u′;M)) H (u;M) H (u ;H (u′;M)) 0. 0 r i i 1 r i−1 → → → → 2.10. Examples (1) Γ = A (K), the mth-Weyl algebra over K. The operators ∂ , ,∂ m 1 m ··· commutewitheachother. Inthis caseH (∂;M)isusuallycalledtheith de i Rham homology of M. (2) Γ = A (K), the mth-Weyl algebra over K. The elements X ,...,X m 1 m commute with each other. We can consider the usual Koszul homology modules H (X,M). i 2.11. We willrecallthefollowingcomputationofKoszulhomologywhichweneed. Let A=K[[Y ,...,Y ]]. Let E be the injective hull of K as an A-module. Then 1 d K if ν =d H (Y,E)= ν (0 otherwise. Althoughwe believe thatthis resultis alreadyknown,we givesketchof aprooffor the benefit of the reader. Set A = K[[Y ,...,Y ]] and E to be the injective hull i 1 i i of K as an A -module. We have an exact sequence i 0 A Yi A A 0 i i i−1 → −→ → → Taking Matlis dual’s with respect to E yields i 0 E E Yi E 0. i−1 i i → → −→ → Now an easy induction of Koszul homology ( compute H (Y ,Y , ,Y ;E )) j i i+1 d d ··· yields the result. 2.12. Wewillusethefollowingwell-knownresultoften. LetB beaNoetherianring and let M be an A-module not necessarily finitely generated. Let P be a minimal prime of M. Then the B -module M has a natural structure of an B -module P P P c GRADED COMPONENTS OF LOCAL COHOMOLOGY MODULES 9 (here B is the completion of B with respect to it’s maximal ideal PB . In fact P P P MP ∼=MP ⊗BP BP. c c 3. Generalized Eulerian modules The hypotheses in this section is a bit involved. So we will carefully state it. 3.1. Setup: In this section (1) B is a commutative Noetherian ring containing a field K of characteristic zero. (2) We also assume that there is a not necessarily commutative ring Λ con- taining B such that K Z(Λ), the center of Λ. Furthermore we assume ⊆ that (a) Λ is free both as a left B-module and as a right B-module. (b) N = B is a left Λ-module such that if we restrict the Λ action on N to B we get the usual action of B on N. (3) Set R = B[X ,...,X ]. We consider R graded with degB = 0 and 1 m degX =1 for all i. i (4) SetΓ=Λ[X ,...,X ]. WeconsiderΓgradedwithdegΛ=0anddegX = 1 m i 1 for all i. Notice (a) R is a graded subring of Γ. (b) Γ is free both as a left and right R-module. (c) N′ =R is a gradedleft Γ-module such that if we restrict the Γ action on N′ to R we get the usual action of R on N′. (5) We also assume that for each homogeneous ideal I of R and a graded Γ- module E the set H0(E) is a graded Γ-submodule of E. Here I H0(E)= e E Ise=0 for some s 1 . I { ∈ | ≥ } (6) Let be the mth-Weyl algebra over Λ. Note =Λ A (K) where m m K m D D ⊗ A (K) is the mth-Weyl algebra over K. We can consider graded by m m D giving degΛ=0, degX =1 and deg∂ = 1. Notice i i − (a) Γ is a graded subring of . m D (b) is free both as a left and right module over Γ. Thus is free m m D D both as a left and right R-module. (c) Theoperators∂ actasderivationsonR. ItfollowsthatRisagraded i -module. m D 3.2. Examples where our hypotheses 3.1 hold: (1) K =B =Λ. (2) B =K but Λ=B. 6 (3) B = K[[Y ,...,Y ]] and Λ = D (B) is the ring of K-linear differential 1 d K operators on B, i.e., Λ = B < δ , ,δ > where δ = ∂/∂Y . We have 1 d j j ··· to verify hypotheses (5) of 3.1. We note that in the action of Γ on R the elementsδ actasderivationsonR. LetI beahomogeneousidealofRand j letE beagradedΓ-module. WenotethatH0(E)isagradedR-submodule I of E. Let e H0(E). Say Ise=0. ∈ I (a) Wefirstshowthatδ e H0(E). We claimIs+1δ e=0. Letu Is+1. j ∈ I j ∈ Noticeuδ =δ u+δ (u). We notethatδ (u) Is. Thus uδ e=0. So j j j j j ∈ our claim is true. 10 TONY.J.PUTHENPURAKAL (b) We now note that Γ is a free left R-module with generators δi1δi2 δid i ,i , ,i 0 . { 1 2 ··· d | 1 2 ··· d ≥ } It follows that H0(E) is a Γ-submodule of E. I 3.3. Generalized Eulerian -modules: m D The Euler operator on , denoted by , is defined as m m D E m := X ∂ . m i i E i=1 X Note that deg = 0. Let E be a graded -module. If e E is homogeneous m m E D ∈ element, set e =dege. | | Definition 3.4. Let E be a graded -module Then E is said to be Eulerian if m D for each homogeneous element e of E. e= e e. m E | |· We note that R is an Eulerian -module. m D Definition 3.5. A graded -module M is said to be generalized Eulerian if for m D each homogeneous element e of E there exists a positive integer a (depending on e) such that ( e)a e=0. m E −| | · The main result of this section is Theorem 3.6. Let be a graded Lyubeznik functor on ∗Mod(R). Then (R) is T T a generalized Eulerian -module. m D The first step in proving Theorem 3.6 is that (R) is a graded -module. m T D Notice that (R) is a graded R-module. So we have to show both that (R) is T T a -module and that this action is compatiable with the grading on (R). We m D T isolate this fact as a seperate Lemma 3.7. [with hypotheses as in Theorem 3.6] (R) is a graded -module. m T D Remark 3.8. If = is a graded but not-necessarily commutative ring S n∈ZSn then the category ∗Mod( ) of graded left -modules has enough injectives (the L S S proof given in Theorem 3.6.3 of [3] in the case is commutative extends to the S non-commutative case). The following result is an essential ingredient in proving Lemma 3.7. Proposition 3.9. Let V be a ∗-injective left -module. Then V is a ∗-injective m D R-module. Proof. We note that ∗Hom ( ,V)= ∗Hom ( , ∗Hom ( ,V)), R − R − Dm Dm = ∗Hom ( ,V). Dm Dm⊗R− As is free as a graded right R-module we have that is an exact m m R D D ⊗ − functor from ∗Mod(R) to ∗Mod( ). Also by hypothesis V is a ∗-injective m D -module. Itfollows that ∗Hom ( ,V)is anexactfunctor. So V is ∗-injective m R Das a R-module. − (cid:3)

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