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Gortania. Atti del Museo Friulano di Storia Naturale. Geologia, Paleontologia, Paletnologia (ISSN 2038-0410) Dal numero/from No. 31 (2009) Gortania. Atti del Museo Friulano di Storia Naturale (ISSN 0391-5859) si è scisso in/splits in: Gortania. Atti del Museo Friulano di Storia Naturale. Botanica, Zoologia (ISSN 2038-0402) e /and Gortania. Atti del Museo Friulano di Storia Naturale. Geologia, Paleontologia, Paletnologia (ISSN 2038-0410) COMITATO SCIENTIFICO -ADVISORY BOARD Pietro BRANDMAYR -Università della Calabria Giovanni Battista CARULLI -Università degli Studi di Trieste Franco FRILLI -Università degli Studi di Udine Boris KRYSTUFEK -Univerza na Primorskem, Koper (Slovenia) Walter LEITNER -Universitat, Innsbruck (Austria) Alessandro MINELLI -Università degli Studi di Padova Elisabetta MoTTES -Soprintendenza per i Beni Librari e Archeologici di Trento Marco PERESANI -Università degli Studi di Ferrara Livio P0LDINI -Università degli Studi di Trieste Graziano RossI -Università degli Studi di Pavia Giovanni SBURLINO -Università degli Studi "Ca' Foscari" di Venezia Gerhard TARMANN -Tiroler Landesmuseen Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck (Austria) Ian TATTERSALL -American Museum ofNatural History, New York (Stati Uniti) Andrea TINTORI -Università degli Studi di Milano Franco VAIA -Università degli Studi di Trieste Rupert WrLD -Stuttgart (Germania) Adriano ZANFERRARI -Università degli Studi di Udine CONSULENTI EDITORIALI -CONSULTING EDITORS • Geo-Paleontologia: Alberto CASTELLARIN, Bologna; Carlo CORRADINI, Cagliari; Claudio D'AMICO, Bologna; Alessandro FONTANA, Padova; Paolo FORTI, Bologna; Maurizio GAETANI, Milano; Paolo MIETTO, Padova; Giulio PAVIA, Torino; Oliver RIEPPEL, Chicago (IL USA); Benedetto SALA, Ferrara; Corrado VENTURINI, Bologna. · Paletnologia: Giovanni BoscHIAN, Pisa; Michele LANZINGER, Trento; Cristina LEMORINI, Roma; Mauro ROTTOLI, Como; Ulrike TòcHTERLE, Innsbruck (Austria); Alenka ToMAz, Koper (Slovenia). · Botanica: Michele ALEFFI, Camerino (MC); Gabriella BUFFA, Venezia; Michele CoDOGNO, Trieste; Igor DAKSKOBLER, Ljubljana (Slovenia); Romeo D1 PIETRO, Roma; Giorgio HONSELL, Udine; Nejc JoGAN, Ljubljana (Slovenia); Harald N1KLFELD, Wien (Austria); Pierluigi N1MIS, Trieste; Filippo PROSSER, Rovereto; Roberto VENANZONI, Perugia; Thomas WILHALM, Bolzano. · Zoologia: Giovanni AMORI, Roma; Paolo Aumsro, Roma; Carlo BELFIORE, Viterbo; Guido CttELAZZI, Firenze; Romolo FoCHETTI, Viterbo; Paolo FONTANA, San Michele all'Adige (TN); Giulio GARDINI, Genova; Folco Grusn, Siena; Ernst HE1ss, Innsbruck (Austria); Peter HUEMER, Innsbruck (Austria); Manfred A. ]ÀCH, Wien (Austria); Franz KRAPP, Bonn (Germania); Benedetto LANZA, Firenze; Hans MALICKY, Lunz Am See (Austria); Luigi MASUTTI, Padova; Tone NovAK, Maribor (Slovenia); Fabio PERCO, Trieste; Fabio STOCH, Roma; Luciano Suss, Milano; Augusto VIGNA-TAGLIANTI, Roma; Pietro ZANDIGIACOMO, Udine; Marzio ZAPPAROLI, Viterbo. Referee di questo volume A. Aspes, P. Càssola Guida, F. Cucchi, R. Feldmann, M. Gnoli, E. Serpagli DIREZIONE E REDAZIONE -EDITORIAL OFFICE Comune di Udine -Museo Friulano di Storia Naturale Via Marangoni 39/41, 1-33100 UDINE -Te!. 0432/584711 -Fax 0432/584721 www.mfsn.it [email protected] Direttore Giuseppe Muscio Redazione Massimo Buccheri, Maria Manuela Giovannelli, Paolo Glerean, Paola Visentini Redazione e cura tipografica di questo volume Giuseppe Muscio, Luca Simonetta, Paola Visentini Riproduzione anche parziale vietata. Tutti i diritti riservati. GORTANIA GEOLOGIA PALEONTOLOGIA PALETNOLOGIA VOL. 35 -2013 EDIZIONI DEL MUSEO FRIULANO DI STORIA NATURALE UDINE GORTANIA. GeGoloOgRiaT, PAaNleoIAntologia, Paletnologia 35 (20133)5 (2013) 5-10 Udine, 10.IX.2014 ISSN: 2038-0410 Geologia, Paleontologia, Paletnologia Paolo serventi First DEsCriPtiON OF thE gENus Carlo Corradini NuClEOCEras KOlEbaba FrOm thE luca simonetto siluriaN OF thE CarNiC alPs, N.E. italy Prima DEsCriZiONE DEl gENErE NuClEOCEras KOlEbaba Dal siluriaNO DEllE alPi CarNiChE, italia NOrDOriENtalE Riassunto breve - Vengono descritti in dettaglio il genere Nucleoceras e la specie Nucleoceras cf. obelus trovati per la prima volta al di fuori dell’area tipo, la Boemia. I caratteri interni tipici del genere, vale a dire gli anelli di connessione aperti sul lato dorsale e i depositi camerali ipo/episettali ben sviluppati e dalla conformazione caratteristica, consentono un buon riconosci- mento sistematico. Il campione studiato proviene dal Siluriano del versante italiano delle Alpi Carniche ed è stato rinvenuto lungo il Costone Lambertenghi presso Passo Volaia. Parole chiave: Nautiloidi, Siluriano, Nucleoceras, Italia, Alpi Carniche. Abstract - The genus Nucleoceras and the species Nucleoceras cf. obelus are here described for the first time outside of Bohe- mia, their type-area. Critical internal features of the genus, such as the open connecting rings on dorsal side and well developed hyposeptal and episeptal cameral deposits, are well preserved in the studied material, which were collected from the Silurian of the Carnic Alps (Italian side). Key words: Nautiloids, Silurian, Nucleoceras, Italy, Carnic Alps. introduction few years later Flower (1939, 1941, 1955, 1962, 1964) introduced the term “cameral mantle” for this tissue. Many Palaeozoic nautiloids have orthoconic longi- Later studies (for examples see Holland 1965, Fischer conic conchs and, although, some of the genera are & Teichert 1969, Kolebaba 1974) accepted the idea of similar in external features, there are many differences cameral deposit secretion by a mantle tissue; however, in their internal morphologies. These differences are other cephalopod specialists reject the “cameral tissue” evolutionarily and taxonomically important, and they hypothesis in favour of inorganic precipitation of the have important implications in how they solved buoy- mineral deposits inside the phragmocone. For Mutvei ancy and equilibrium problems (i.e. to balance the shell (1956, and reproposed later in 2002a, 2002b) is adamant into the horizontal position with venter down). Some that these structures are inorganic and that the “cameral important internal features are represented by carbon- mantle” does not exist because no openings are present ate deposits in the chambers and within the siphon in in the connecting ring that would allow a tissue con- the adapical part of the phragmocone (e.g., see Fig. 2, nection between the siphuncle and the interior of the Teichert et al. 1964). Today, specialists generally ac- cameral opening where cameral deposits are found. In cept the purpose of the cameral deposits as controls of 1969, Fischer & Teichert attempted to resolve this buoyancy and equilibrium. debate using exceptionally preserved aragonite material The organic origin of siphuncular and cameral from the famous Buckhorn Asphalt (Carboniferous) deposits was recognized for the first time by Bar- of Oklahoma. However, resolution of this controversy rande (1855, 1859, 1877). Debate as if and how these remains with Dzik (1984) and Crick (1988) sup- mineral deposits were organically deposited within porting inorganic deposition and Kolebaba (1999a, the phragmocone chambers and within the siphuncle 1999b) supporting the “mantle tissue” hypothesis by is still unresolved. More than 75 years ago Teichert demonstrating the presence of dorsally open connect- (1933) proposed the presence of a tissue inside the gas ing rings (troughs) enabling the possible connection of chambers that was able to secrete cameral deposits. A the siphuncle and cameral tissues. 5 P. SERVENTI, C. CORRADINI, L. SIMONETTO GORTANIA. Geologia, Paleontologia, Paletnologia 35 (2013) Fig. 1 - a) Location of the Carnic Alps; b) map of the “Passo di Volaia” (Wolayer Pass) area outcrop, showing a the location (indicated by an asterisk: Costone Lambertenghi) where the specimen of Nucleoceras cf. obelus was recovered; C) Lithology of Silurian sediments of the four different lithofacies of the Carnic Alpsshowing the presumed palaeoenviromental transitions from shallow marine to deep marine (after Wenzel 1997). - a) Posizione delle Alpi carniche; b) mappa dell’area del Passo di Volaia (Wolayer Pass), con indica- zione dell’affioramento (Costone Lambertenghi, indicato dall’asterisco) dal quale proviene l’esemplare descritto di Nucleoceras cf. obelus; c) litologia delle 4 diverse litofacies siluriane che mostrano il possibile passaggio da ambienti di mare basso ad ambienti di mare profondo (da Wenzel 1997). b c Limestones Radiolarites Graptolites shales Cherts We support the concept of the presence of a cameral However, the dabate on the validity of order Palliocer- mantle rather than inorganic precipitation for the ori- atida is still debated: Kröger & Isakar (2006: p. 142) gin of cameral deposits, and therefore, we utilize that pointed out that the use of the shape of endosiphuncular hypothesis in the following discussion and analysis. deposits is problematic and the deposit development Teichert (1961) erected the Family Lamellorthocer- depends on the growth age, and Kröger (2008: p. 52) atidae for cephalopods with “original presence of a noted that the presence of a cameral mantle is only cameral mantle which consisted of a system of radially a “physiological hypothesis”, and concluded that the arranged lamellae with respect to the axis of septal fora- order is not valid because all the different genera “that mens” and again “connecting rings in most of the genera have been assigned to the Pallioceratida display strong unknown, supposedly open dorsally to form connecting differences in conch morphology”. troughs…”. Later, Marek (1998: p. 181) established the Considering that we do not have enough material to Order Pallioceratida, with “longiconic or subcyrtoconic contribute to the discussion on the high taxonomic at- shells with a soft tissue in the gas chambers. Connecting tribution of genus Nucleoceras, in this paper we follow rings are not a closed structure, but open so that their the classification proposed by Kolebaba (2002), who internal space is joined with cameral one”. Furthermore, first described the genus. Marek (1998) indicates that the cameral deposits in In the Carnic Alps the presence of Nucleoceras have the adapical part of the shell are well developed but been reported by Serventi (2002), but the specimen some space of the chambers remains open. The order was not described. In this paper the specimen collected Pallioceratida includes cephalopods in which the from the Kok Formation at Costone Lambertenghi (Pas- morphological features indicating the presence of an so di Volaia [Wolayer Pass] area; Fig. 1b) is discussed internal cameral mantle has been detected. According and illustrated; also this study increases the knowledge to Marek (1998) it is possible to recognize two different on nautiloid faunas of the Carnic Alps area and the groups on the basis of the morphology of the cameral paleobiogeographic links between the terranes of the mantle: if it is “like a pouch” then the specimen should northern Gondwana margin during Silurian times. be placed in the Family Leurocycloceratidae Sweet, 1964, and if it is in radially arranged lamellas, more or less longitudinal, then the specimen should be placed geological settings in the Family Lamellorthoceratidae Teichert, 1961. Kolebaba (2002) emended the ordinal diagnosis of The Carnic Alps are located across the Italian-Aus- Marek (1998), pointing out that “…at least in the trian border. One of the best exposed and most com- adapical part of the phragmocone” the connecting rings plete Palaeozoic succession in the world, ranging from are not closed structure. Upper Ordovician to Upper Permian, occurs. 6 GORTANIA. Geologia, Paleontologia, Paletnologia 35 (2013) FIRST DESCRIPTION OF THE GENUS NuCLEOCErAS FROM THE SILURIAN OF CARNIC ALPS Silurian outcrops are irregularly distributed in the gastropods and rarer ostracods, brachiopods, chitino- region. The main types of rocks exposed here include zoans, graptolies are also present (Schönlaub 1997; shallow water bioclastic limestones, nautiloid-bear- Histon & Schönlaub 1999; Schönlaub & Histon ing limestones, limestones interbedded with shales, 2000; Corradini et al. 2010, 2014). and black graptolitic shales and cherts (“lydites”). The In the deeper part of the basin, the Silurian cor- overall thickness of Silurian strata does not exceed responds to the up to 60 m thick Bischofalm Fm. It 60m. Four main lithofacies (Fig. 1c), representing dif- consists of black siliceous shales with interbeds of chert ferent depths and hydraulic conditions of deposition, and clayish alum slate, mainly deposited in a euxinic en- have been described In the Silurian of the Carnic Alps vironment. Graptolites are generally abundant in these (Wenzel 1997). The Wolayer-facies is characterised rocks (Schönlaub 1997). Alternating black graptolitic by proximal sediments, the Bischofalm-facies by deep shales, marls and limestones of the Nölbling Fm. were water euxinic deposits; the Plöcken-facies and the deposited in conditions intermediate between calcare- Findenig-facies are intermediate between these two. In ous and shaley facies, (Schönlaub 1997). rough approximation, the four facies seem to replace each other from north-west to south-east in the western and central sectors of the Carnic Alps. The depositional systematic palaeontology features suggest an overall transgressional regime from Llandovery to Ludlow. The formation of uniform cal- Class Cephalopoda Cuvier, 1798 careous deposits in the Prídoli indicates that stable Order Pallioceratida Marek, 1998 (= Lituitina Dzik, conditions were developed in the region at that time 1984, partim) (emended Kolebaba 2002) (Schönlaub 1997). Family Lamellorthoceratidae Teichert, 1961 (emended In terms of the recently established new, still unpub- Kolebaba 1999b) lished, lithostratigrapical subdivisions, three units follow Genus Nucleoceras Kolebaba, 1999a each other in the succession in the proximal (calcareous) Type species: Orthoceras obelus Barrande, 1870 parts of the basin: the Kok Fm. (Llandovery-lower Lud- (partim) low), the Cardiola Fm. (Ludlow) and the Alticola Fm. (upper Ludlow-Pridoli). The last unit corresponds to Diagnosis (after Kolebaba 1999a): longiconic the former Alticola Limestone and Megerella Limestone. orthoconic shell with compressed in cross-section; All three units are represented mainly by “Orthoceras surface lacking ornamentation except for growth lines limestone”, a wackestone-packstone with high bioclastic and fine lirae or striae. Connecting troughs well devel- content. Nautiloid cephalopds are very abundant; tri- oped; intrasiphonal deposits confined to ventral part lobites, bivalves and conodonts are common; crinoids, of the conch. ED ED HD P HD P SD SD Fig. 2 - Schematic drawings of Nucleoceras obelus, N.? sp. A and N.? sp. B (after Kolebaba 1999a) comparing with N. cf. obelus in this paper (right). Used symbol: ED - episeptal deposit; HD - hyposeptal deposit; P - pseudoseptum; SD - siphonal deposit. - Disegno schematico di Nucleoceras obelus, N.? sp. A e N.? sp. B (da Kolebaba 1999a) in confronto con N. cf. obelus qui de- scritto (a destra). Abbreviazioni: ED - deposito episettale; HD - deposito iposettale; P - prseudosetto; SD - deposito sifonale. 7 P. SERVENTI, C. CORRADINI, L. SIMONETTO GORTANIA. Geologia, Paleontologia, Paletnologia 35 (2013) c a b Fig. 3 - Specimen MFSNgp 20824: a) polished longitudinal section view, x3; b) enlarged detail of the first 6 chambers, showing the inner features, x7; c) enlarged detail of the second chamber showing the orthocoanitic septal necks. - Esemplare MFSNgp 20824; a) sezione lungitudinale lucida, x3; b) dettaglio delle prime 6 camere che mostra le caratteristiche interne, x7; c) dettaglio della seconda camera che mostra il colletto settale ortocoanitico. Species included: Nucleoceras obelus (Bar- lano di Storia Naturale, under catalog number MFSNgp rande, 1870); Nucleoceras ? sp. A Kolebaba, 1999a; 20824. Nucleoceras ? sp. B Kolebaba, 1999a; Nucleoceras hol- Description: the specimen is an orthoconic and landi Kolebaba, 1999b. longiconic nautiloid fragment 42mm long, bearing 18 Occurrence: Silurian, Barrandian Area, Czech chambers, only eight of which are completely intact. Republic; Carnic Alps, Italy. The apical part of the conch is broken. Diameters of the conch are 3 mm apicad reaching a maximum diameter Nucleoceras cf. obelus (Barrande, 1870) of 4.5 mm orad. The angle of expansion of the shell is Fig. 2, Fig. 3 close to 4.5 degrees. The depth of the chambers is about 2/3 their own diameter. Siphuncle has a sub-central po- 1870 Orthoceras obelus Barrande, Pl. 366, figs 16- sition and the septal foramen (Fig. 2) is shifted ventrally 17 by about 37% (calculated at first camera). Septal necks 1999a Nucleoceras obelus (Barrande, 1870) - Koleba- are orthochoanitic and reach about 4% of the height of ba, Pl 4, figs 1-4; Pl. 5, figs 1-8; Fig. 5c the corresponding gas chamber. Connecting rings are 2002 Nucleoceras sp. - Serventi, fig. 1 open on the dorsal side, and there is a dark (organic?) line marking the position of the connecting rings along Material: one fragment of phragmocone, deposed the ventral side of the conch. Hyposeptal and episeptal in the geo-palaeontological collections of Museo Friu- cameral deposits are well developed (Fig. 2, HD and 8 GORTANIA. Geologia, Paleontologia, Paletnologia 35 (2013) FIRST DESCRIPTION OF THE GENUS NuCLEOCErAS FROM THE SILURIAN OF CARNIC ALPS Tab. I - List of species belonging to the genus Nucleoceras Kolebaba; ØSF/ØSd = Septal Foramen diameter/Shell diameter; Ls/ØSd = Length of the Septal necks/Shell diameter. - Elenco delle specie appartenenti al genre Nucleoceras Kolebaba; ØSF/ØSd = diametro del forame settale/diametro della conchiglia; Ls/ØSd = lunghezza del colletto settale/diametro della conchiglia. ED); the presence of a pseudoseptum (P in Fig. 2) is men for study. The authors are indebted to prof. Annalisa outlined by darker material. The internal surface of the Ferretti and dr. Kathleen Histon for constructive suggestion connecting trough is ventrally marked by a continuous and critical reading. This paper is a contribution to IGCP Project 591 “The Early to Middle Palaeozoic revolution”. lining of dark endosiphonal deposits (Fig. 2, SD). Discussion: since the only available surface of the specimen is the longitudinal section. Therefore it is not references possible to see the ornamentation on the external sur- face of the shell. Nevertheless the longitudinal section barrande, J. 1855. Note sur le remplissage organique du permits to study some aspects of the inner morphology. siphon dans certain Céphalopodes paléozoiques. Bulettin de la Societé Géologique de France 2ème Série, 12: 441-89. The studied specimen has been attributed to Nucleoceras Barrande, J. 1859. Dépot organique dans les loges aériennes cf. obelus on the basis of the presence of orthochoanitic des Orthoceres. Bulettin de la Societé Géologique de France septal neck configuration and similar degree of septal 2ème Série, 14: 828-55. foramen shifting (Tab. I) and by close morphology of Barrande, J. 1877. Système Silurien du centre de la Bohéme: deposits (Figg. 2, 3). Additional details on differences recherches paléontologiques. 2, Classe des Mollusques, in morphology are provided in Table I. It should be Ordre des Céphalopodes: Pls 351-460 (1870), pts 4-5 noted that many features are not comparable across (1877). Published by author: Prague. taxa because of differences in preservation. Corradini, C., M.G. Corriga, P. Männik & H.P. Schön- laub. 2014. Revised conodont stratigraphy of the Cellon Stratigraphy: it is not possible give a precise section (Silurian, Carnic Alps). Lethaia, 16 pp. doi:10.1111/ age for the studied specimen, however the Kok Fm let.12087 at Costone Lambertenghi is dated to the mid-Ludlow Corradini, C., M.G. Corriga, M. Pondrelli, P. Serventi (Schönlaub 1980). & L. Simonetto. 2010. Il Siluriano di Monte Cocco (Alpi Geographic occurrence: beside the Carnic Carniche). Gortania Geologia, Paleontologia, Paletnologia Alps, the taxon has been reported only from Bohemia. 31: 23-30. Crick, R.E. 1988. Buoyancy regulation and macroevolution Manuscript received on 21.VII.2014, accepted on 1.IX.2014. in nautiloid cephalopods. Seckenbergiana lethaea 69, n. 1-2: 13-42. Dzik, J. 1984. Phylogeny of the Nautiloidea. Palaeontologia acknowledgements Polonica, 45: 3-203. Fischer, A.G., & C. Teichert. 1969. Cameral deposits in Thanks are due to dr. Giuseppe Muscio, director of Museo Cephalopod Shells. The university of Kansas Paleontological Friulano di Storia Naturale in Udine for providing the speci- Contributions 37: 1-30. 9 P. SERVENTI, C. CORRADINI, L. SIMONETTO GORTANIA. Geologia, Paleontologia, Paletnologia 35 (2013) Flower, R.H. 1939. Study of the Pseudorthoceratidae. Pal- Austrian side. In Southern Alps Fiel Trip Guidebook, Ecos aeontographica Americana 2, n. 10: 1-214. VII, cur. M.C. Perri & C. Spalletta, 59-68. Giornale di Flower, R.H. 1941. Revision and internal structures of Geologia s. 3, 60, Spec. Issue. Leurocycloceras. American Journal of Science 239, n. 7: Schönlaub, H.P., & Histon K. 2000. The Palaeozoic Evolu- 469-88. tion of the Southern Alps. Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Flower, R.H. 1955. Cameral deposits in orthoconic nauti- Geologischen Gesellschaft 92: 15-34 loids. Geological Magazine 92, n. 2: 89-103. Serventi, P. 2002. Nuova segnalazione di Cefalopode Flower, R.H. 1962. Notes on the Michelinoceratida. New ortocono dal Siluriano delle Alpi Carniche. Giornate di Mexico Institute of Mines and Technology, State Bureau of Paleontologia 2002, Abstracts: 50. Mines and Mineral research, Memoir 10: 21-42. Sweet, W.C. 1964. Subfamily Leurocycloceratinae. In Trea- Flower, R.H. 1964. Nautiloid shell morphology. New Mexico tise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part K, Mollusca 3, cur. Institute of Mines and Technology, State Bureau of Mines R. Moore, K230. Lawrence: The Geological Society of and Mineral research, Memoir 13: 1-75. America and The University of Kansas Press. Histon, K., & H.P. Schönlaub. 1999. The Palaeozoic of the Teichert, C. 1933. Der Bau der actinoceroiden Cephalo- Southern Alps. In V International Symposium, Cephalopods poden. Palaeontographica Abt. A 78: 111-230. - Present and Past, Carnic Alps Excursion Guidebook, cur. Teichert, C. 1961. Les nautiloides des genres Arthrophyllum K. Histon, 6-30. Berichte der Geologisches Bundesan- Beyrich et Lamellorthoceras Term. and Term. Annales de stalt, 47. Paléontologie 47: 91-113. Holland, C.H. 1965. On the nautiloid Leurocycloceras Teichert, C., B. Kummel, W.C. Sweet, W.M. Furnish, F. from the Ludlovian of Wales and the Welsh Borderland. Glenister, H.K. Erben, R.C. Moore & D.E. Nodine Palaeontology 7, n. 4: 525-40. Zeller. 1964. Descriptions of Subclasses and Orders. In Kolebaba, I. 1974. A new Orthocerid with the cameral Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part K, Mollusca mantle. Vestnik ustredniho ustavu geologickeho 49: 293-7. 3, cur. R. Moore. Lawrence: The Geological Society of Kolebaba, I. 1999a. Sipho-cameral structures in some America and The University of Kansas Press. Silurian cephalopods from the Barrandian area (Bohemia). Wenzel, B. 1997. Isotopenstratigraphische Untersuchungen Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae 55, n. 1/2: 1-15. an silurischen Abfolgen und deren paläozeanographisce In- Kolebaba, I. 1999b. Gradual opening of the siphonal tube terpretation. Erlanger geologischen Abheilung 129: 1-117. in an orthoconic cephalopod from the Silurian of Central Bohemia (Czech Republic). Journal of the Czech Geological Society 44, n.1-2: 131-6. Kolebaba, I. 2002. A contribution to the theory of the cameral mantle in some Silurian Nautiloidea (Mollusca, Cephalopoda). 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The perspective from the e-mail: [email protected] 10 GORTANIA. GeGoloOgRiaT, PAaNleoIAntologia, Paletnologia 35 (20133)5 (2013) 11-18 Udine, 10.IX.2014 ISSN: 2038-0410 Geologia, Paleontologia, Paletnologia Alessandro Garassino ACANTHOCHIRANA TRIASSICA N. Sp. Günter Schweigert AND ANTRIMpOS COLETTOI N. Sp. Giuseppe Muscio (DECApODA: AEGERIDAE, pENAEIDAE) FROM THE UppER TRIASSIC (NORIAN) OF NORTHERN CARNIC pRE-ALpS (UDINE, NORTHEASTERN ITALY) ACANTHOCHIRANA TRIASSICA N. Sp. E ANTRIMpOS COLETTOI N. Sp. (DECApODA: AEGERIDAE, pENAEIDAE) DAL TRIASSICO SUpERIORE (NORICO) DELLA pREALpI CARNICHE SETTENTRIONALI (UDINE, ITALIA NORDORIENTALE) Riassunto breve - I crostacei decapodi del Triassico superiore (Norico) della Dolomia di Forni sono stati descritti da Ga- rassino et al. (1996). La recente scoperta di un piccolo campione, rivenuto nella Valle del Rio Seazza e in quella del Rio Rovadia, ha permesso un aggiornamento relativo ai crostacei decapodi delle Prealpi Carniche. Gli esemplari studiati sono stati assegnati a Acanthochirana triassica n. sp. (Aegeridae Burkenroad, 1963) e Antrimpos colettoi n. sp. (Penaeidae Rafinesque, 1815). Acanthochirana triassica n. sp. estende il range stratigrafico di questo genere nel Triassico superiore, mentre Antrimpos colettoi n. sp. rappresenta la seconda specie di questo genere segnalata nel Triassico superiore d’Italia. La scoperta di queste due nuove specie incrementa il numero delle specie di peneidi conosciuti nel Norico dell’alta Val Ta- gliamento (Prealpi Carniche settentrionali). Parole chiave: Crustacea, Decapoda, Aegeridae, Penaeidae, Triassico superiore, Prealpi Carniche. Abstract - The decapod crustaceans from the Upper Triassic (Norian) of the Dolomia di Forni Formation were reported by Garassino et al. (1996). The recent discovery of a small sample from this Formation between Seazza and Rovadia brooks allowed updating the decapod assemblages from the Norian of Carnic Pre-Alps. The studied specimens have been assigned to Acanthochirana triassica n. sp. (Aegeridae Burkenroad, 1963) and Antrimpos colettoi n. sp. (Penaeidae Rafinesque, 1815). Acanthochirana triassica n. sp. expands the stratigraphic range of this genus back to the Late Triassic, whereas Antrimpos colettoi n. sp. represents the second species of this genus from the Upper Triassic of Italy. The report of these new species increases the number of known penaeid species from the Norian of high Tagliamento Valley in the northern part of Carnic Pre-Alps. Key words: Crustacea, Decapoda, Aegeridae, Penaeidae, Late Triassic, Carnic pre-Alps. Introduction Reptile remains - among them some of the most primitive pterosaurs - have been subject of numer- The southern part of the high Valley of Tagliamento ous publications, but half of the more then 3,000 river, between Villa Santina and Forni di Sopra (Car- specimens coming from the Dolomia di Forni and nic Pre-Alps, Udine, Friuli-Venezia Giulia) is mainly stored in the Museo Friulano di Storia Naturale of constituted by the Dolomia di Forni (Forni Dolostone), Udine, are crustaceans (Muscio 2000, L. Simonetto an Upper Triassic (Norian) lithological unit. It is a pers. com.). geological formation rich in fossils of great scientific The Dolomia di Forni crops out in an elongated east- interest (Dalla Vecchia 2012, cum bibl.), such as ter- west oriented area (40 km). There are a couple of dif- restrial and flying reptiles, fishes, decapod crustaceans, ferent sites of great palaeontological interest. The main thylacocephalans, and plants remains. Other important locality is Preone - Rio Seazza Valley; it includes several but less abundant taxa have been found, i.e. a specimen fossiliferous outcrops along the Seazza brook incision, of an arachnid (Dalla Vecchia & Selden 2013). south of Preone village (note: the name “Preone Valley” 11

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