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GORENSTEIN PROPERTIES OF SIMPLE GLUING ALGEBRAS MING LU Abstract. Let A = KQA/IA and B = KQB/IB be two finite-dimensional bound quiver algebras, fix two vertices a ∈ QA and b ∈ QB. We define an algebra Λ = KQΛ/IΛ, which is 7 called a simple gluing algebra of A and B, where QΛ is from QA and QB by identifying a and 1 b, IΛ = hIA,IBi. We prove that Λ is Gorenstein if and only if A and B are Gorenstein, and 0 describe the Gorenstein projective modules, singularity category, Gorenstein defect category 2 and also Cohen-Macaulay Auslanderalgebra of Λ from thecorresponding ones of A and B. n a J 1 1. Introduction 3 InthestudyofB-branesonLandau-GinzburgmodelsintheframeworkofHomological Mirror ] T Symmetry Conjecture, D. Orlov rediscovered the notion of singularity categories [28, 29, 30]. R The singularity category of an algebra A is defined to be the Verdier quotient of the bounded . derived category with respectto the thick subcategory formed by complexes isomorphicto those h t consisting of finitely generated projective modules, [10]. It measures the homological singularity a of an algebra in the sense that an algebra A has finite global dimension if and only if its m singularity category vanishes. [ The singularity category captures the stable homological features of an algebra [10]. A fun- 1 damental result of R. Buchweitz [10] and D. Happel [21] states that for a Gorenstein algebra v A, the singularity category is triangle equivalent to the stable category of Gorenstein projec- 4 7 tive (also called (maximal) Cohen-Macaulay) A-modules. Buchweitz’s Theorem ([10, Theorem 0 4.4.1]) says that there is an exact embedding Φ : GprojA → D (A) given by Φ(M) = M, sg 9 where the second M is the corresponding stalk complex at degree 0, and Φ is an equivalence if 0 . and only if A is Gorenstein. Recently, to provide a categorical characterization of Gorenstein 1 algebras, P. A. Bergh, D. A. Jørgensen and S. Oppermann [8] defined the Gorenstein defect 0 7 category Ddef(A) := Dsg(A)/ImΦ and proved that A is Gorenstein if and only if Ddef(A) = 0. 1 In general, it is difficult to describe the singularity categories and Gorenstein defect categories. : v Many people are trying to describe these categories for some special kinds of algebras, see e.g. i [14, 15, 16, 22, 12, 17]. In particular, for a CM-finite algebra A, F. Kong and P. Zhang [24] X proved that its Gorenstein defect category is equivalent to the singularity category of its Cohen- r a Macaulay Auslander algebra. Recently, X-W. Chen [16] described the singularity category and Gorenstein defect category for a quadratic monomial algebra. For a triangular matrix algebra A M Λ = , the relations between these categories of Λ and the corresponding ones of A (cid:18) 0 B (cid:19) and B are decribed clearly in some sense [14, 24, 34, 36, 27]. Inspired by the above, we define a new algebra (called simple gluing algebra) from some algebras. Explicitly, let A = KQ /I , B = KQ /I be two finite-dimensional algebras. For A A B B any two vertices a ∈ Q , b ∈ Q , we define a new quiver Q from Q and Q by identifying A B A B a and b. In this way, we can view Q and Q as subquivers of Q. We call Q the simple A B 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 18E30, 18E35. Keywordsandphrases. Gorensteinprojectivemodule,Singularitycategory,Gorensteindefectcategory,Simple gluing algebra. 1 2 LU gluing quiver of Q and Q . Denote by v ∈ Q the glued vertex. Let I be the ideal of KQ A B generated by I and I . Then Λ = KQ/I is called a simple gluing algebra of A and B A B if Λ is finite-dimensional. Similar to the triangular matrix algebras, first we prove that Λ is Gorenstein if and only if A and B are Gorenstein, see Proposition 3.4; second we prove that D (Λ) ≃ D (A) D (B) (see Theorem 3.10), Gproj(Λ) ≃ Gproj(A) Gproj(B) (see sg sg sg Theorem 3.14) and Dde`f(Λ) ≃ Ddef(A) Ddef(B) (see Corollary 3.16). In`particular, if we know the Gorenstein projective modules`over A and B, then we can get all the Gorenstein projective modules over Λ. Finally, we prove that the Cohen-Macaulay Auslander algebra of Λ is a simple gluing algebra of the Cohen-Macaulay Auslander algebras of A and B, see Theorem 4.8. As applications, we redescribe the singularity categories for cluster-tilted algebras of type A and endomorphism algebras of maximal rigid objects of cluster tube C . n Acknowledgments. The work was done during the stay of the author at the Department of Mathematics, University of Bielefeld. He is deeply indebted to Professor Henning Krause for his kind hospitality, inspiration and continuous encouragement. The author thanks Professor Liangang Peng very much for his guidance and constant support. The author was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 11401401 and No. 11601441). 2. preliminary In this paper, we always assume that K is an algebraically closed field and all algebras are finite-dimensional algebras over K and modules are finitely generated. Let A be a K-algebra. Let modA be the category of finitely generated left A-modules. With D = Hom (−,K)wedenotethestandardduality withrespecttothegroundfield. ThenD(A ) K A isaninjective cogenerator formodA. For anarbitraryA-module X wedenoteby proj.dim X A A (resp. inj.dim X) the projective dimension (resp. the injective dimension) of the module X. A A A complex P• : ··· → P−1 → P0 −d→0 P1 → ··· of finitely generated projective A-modules is said to be totally acyclic provided it is acyclic and the Hom complex Hom (P•,A) is also acyclic [6]. An A-module M is said to be (finitely A generated)Gorenstein projective providedthatthereisatotally acycliccomplexP• ofprojective A-modules such that M ∼= Kerd0 [19]. We denote by GprojA the full subcategory of modA consisting of Gorenstein projective modules. An algebra is of finite Cohen-Macaulay type, or simply, CM-finite, if there are only finitely many isomorphism classes of indecomposable finitely generated Gorenstein projecitve modules. Clearly, A is CM-finite if and only if there is a finitely generated module E such that GprojA = addE. In this way, E is called to be a Gorenstein projective generator. If A is self-injective, then GprojA= modA, so A is CM-finite if and only if A is representation-finite. An algebra is called CM-free if GprojA= projA. If A has finite global dimension, then GprojA = projA, so it is CM-free. Let A be a CM-finite algebra, E ,...,E all the pairwise non-isomorphic indecomposable 1 n Gorenstein projective A-modules. Put E = ⊕n E . Then E is a Gorenstein projective gener- i=1 i ator. We call Aus(GprojA) := (End E)op the Cohen-Macaulay Auslander algebra(also called A relative Auslander algebra) of A. Let X be a subcategory of modA. Then ⊥X := {M|Exti(M,X) = 0, for all X ∈ X,i ≥ 1}. Dually, we can define X⊥. In particular, we define ⊥A:= ⊥(projA). The following lemma follows from the definition of Gorenstein projective module easily. GORENSTEIN PROPERTIES OF SIMPLE GLUING ALGEBRAS 3 Lemma 2.1. (i) [7] Gproj(A) = {M ∈ Λ-mod|∃ an exact sequence 0 → M → T0 −d→0 T1 −d→1 ··· , with Ti ∈ projA,kerdi ∈ ⊥A,∀i ≥ 0}. (ii) If M is Gorenstein projective, then Exti (M,L) = 0, ∀i> 0, for all L of finite projective A dimension or of finite injective dimension. (iii) If P• is a totally acyclic complex, then all Imdi are Gorenstein projective; and any truncations ··· → Pi → Imdi → 0, 0→ Imdi → Pi+1 → ··· and 0 → Imdi → Pi+1 → ··· → Pj → Imdj → 0,i <j are Hom (−,projA)-exact. A Definition 2.2 ([21], see also [2, 3]). A finite-dimensional algebra A is called a Gorenstein algebra(alsocalledIwanaga-Gorenstein algebra)ifAsatisfiesinj.dimA < ∞andinj.dim A < A A ∞. Given an A-module X. If Exti (X,A) = 0 for all i >0, then X is called a Cohen-Macaulay A module of A. Observe that for a Gorenstein algebra A, we have inj.dim A = inj.dimA , see [21, Lemma A A 6.9]; the common value is denoted by GdA. If GdA ≤ d, we say that A is d-Gorenstein. Furthermore, since proj.dim D(A ) = inj.dimA , we get that A is Gorenstein if and only if A A A proj.dim D(A )< ∞ and inj.dim A< ∞. A A A Theorem 2.3 ([10, 19]). Let A be a Gorenstein algebra. Then (i) If P• is an exact sequence of projective left A-modules, then Hom (P•,A) is again an A exact sequence of projective right A-modules. (ii) A module G is Gorenstein projective if and only if there is an exact sequence 0 → G → P0 → P1 → ··· with each Pi projective. (iii) GprojA= ⊥A. For a module M, take a short exact sequence 0 → ΩM → P → M → 0 with P projective. The module ΩM is called a syzygy module of M. For each i ≥ 1, denote by Ωi the i-th power of Ω and then for a module X, ΩiX is the i-th syzygy module of X. For details, see [4]. Theorem 2.4 ([6]). Let A be an finite-dimensional algebra and d ≥ 0. Then the following statements are equivalent: (i) the algebra A is d-Gorenstein; (ii) GprojA = Ωd(modA). In this case, we have GprojA= ⊥A. So for a Gorenstein algebra, the definition of Cohen-Macaulay module coincides with the one of Gorenstein projective. Recall that for an algebra A, the singularity category of A is the quotient category D (A) := sg Db(A)/Kb(projA), which is defined by Buchweitz [10], see also [21, 28]. Theorem 2.5 (Buchweitz’sTheorem,seealso[23]foramoregeneralversion). LetAbe an Artin algebra. Then Gproj(A) is a Frobenius category with the projective modules as the projective- injective objects, and there is an exact embedding Φ : GprojA → D (A) given by Φ(M) = M, sg 4 LU where the second M is the corresponding stalk complex at degree 0, and Φ is an equivalence if and only if A is Gorenstein. Let A be an Artin algebra. Inspired by Buchweitz’s Theorem, the Gorenstein defect category is defined to be Verdier quotient D (A) := D (A)/Im(Φ), see [8]. From [24], we know that def sg D (A)is triangle equivalent toDb(A)/hGproj(A)i, wherehGproj(A)i denotes thetriangulated def subcategory of Db(A) generated by Gproj(A), i.e., the smallest triangulated subcategory of Db(A) containing Gproj(A). Lemma 2.6 ([8, 24]). Let A be an Artin algebra. Then the following are equivalent. (i) A is Gorenstein; (ii) Gproj(A) is triangle equivalent to D (A); sg (iii) D (A) = 0; def (iv) Db(A) = hGproj(A)i. 3. Simple gluing algebras Let Q = (v(Q),a(Q)) be a finite quiver, where v(Q) is the set of vertices, and a(Q) is the set of arrows. For any arrow α in Q, we denote by s(α),t(α) the source and the target of α respectively. The path algebra KQ of Q is an associative algebra with an identity. If I is an admissibleidealof KQ, thepair (Q,I) is saidto beaboundquiver. Thequotient algebraKQ/I is said to be the algebra of the bound quiver (Q,I), or simply, a bound quiver algebra. Denote by e the idempotent corresponding to the vertex i ∈Q. i In this paper, we shall freely identify the representations of (Q,I) with left modules over KQ/I. Recall that a representation M of (Q,I) is of form (M ,M ) , or (M ,M ). i α i∈v(Q),α∈a(Q) i α So for any representation M, we always use M to denote the vector space associated to the i vertex i. As the beginning, let us recall the definition of simple gluing algebras. Let A = KQ /I , A A B = KQ /I be two finite-dimensional algebras. For any two vertices a ∈ v(Q ), b ∈ v(Q ), B B A B we define a new quiver Q from Q and Q by identifying a and b. In this way, we can view A B Q and Q as subquivers of Q. We call Q the simple gluing quiver of Q and Q . Denote by A B A B v ∈v(Q) the glued vertex. Let I be the ideal of KQ generated by I and I . A B The following lemma follows directly from the definition of bound quiver algebras. Lemma 3.1. Keep the notations as above. Then Λ = KQ/I is a finite-dimensional algebra if and only if each non-trivial path in Q from a to a is in I or each non-trivial path in Q from A A B b to b is in I . B In the following, we always assume that the above condition holds, and call Λ the simple gluing algebra of A and B. Inductively, from finitely many bound quiver algebras A ,...,A , 1 n we can define simple gluing algebra (which is finite-dimensional) of A ,...,A . 1 n Without loss of generality, we always assume that each non-trivial path in Q from a to a A is in I . Denote by e = e the idempotent of Λ. Obviously, A and B are subalgebras (and aAlso quotient algBebrasP) oi∈fQΛB, aind B ∼= eBΛeB. Since B = e Λe is a subalgebra of Λ, there exists an exact functor j : modΛ → modB, B B µ which maps M to e M. Note that j = e Λ⊗ −. In fact, j restricts the representation of B µ B Λ µ (Q,I) to the representation of (Q ,I ). j admits a right adjoint functor j := Hom ( Λ,−) : B B µ ρ B B modB → modΛ, andadmits aleftadjoint functorj := Λ⊗ − = Λe ⊗ − :modB → modΛ, λ B B B see e.g. [18]. Similarly, since A is also a subalgebra of Λ, there exists a natural exact functor i : modΛ → µ modA. i admits a right adjoint functor i := Hom ( Λ,−) : modA → modΛ, and admits a µ ρ A A left adjoint functor i := Λ⊗ − : modA → modΛ. λ A GORENSTEIN PROPERTIES OF SIMPLE GLUING ALGEBRAS 5 From the structure of Λ, obviously, Λ is projective both as left (also right) modules over A and B. So we have the following lemma immediately. Lemma 3.2. Keep the notations as above. Then all the functors j ,j ,j , i ,i ,i are exact λ µ ρ λ µ ρ functors. Inparticular, i , i , j and j preserve projectives, i , i , j and j preserve injectives. λ µ µ λ ρ µ µ ρ For any vertex i ∈ v(Q ), we denote by P(i) (resp. S(i), I(i)) the projective (resp. simple, A A injective) A-module corresponding to i. For any vertex i ∈ v(Q ), we denote by Q(i) (resp. B S(i), J(i)) theprojective (resp. simple, injective) B-modulecorrespondingtoi. For anyvertex B i ∈v(Q),wedenotebyU(i)(resp. S(i), V(i))theprojective (resp. simple,injective) Λ-module Λ corresponding to i. Notethati (P(i)) = U(i),i (I(i)) = V(i)foranyi∈ Q ,andj (Q(i)) = U(i)andj (J(i)) = λ ρ A λ ρ V(i) for any i ∈ Q . B In the following, we describe the actions of all these functors on representations. First, from the structure of indecomposable projective modules [1], we can assume that Q(v) is locally as the following left figure shows, where j ,...j ∈ Q , k ,...,k ∈ Q and each of them is the 1 q A 1 r B ending point of some arrow starting at v. Then j ( S(b)) and i ( S(a)) are as the following λ B λ A middle and right figures show respectively. v v v (cid:0)✄❈❅ (cid:0)✄ ❈❅ (cid:0) ✄ ❈ ❅ (cid:0) ✄ ❈ ❅ (cid:0)✠ ✄✎ ❈❲ ❅❘ (cid:0)✠ ✄✎ ❈❲ ❅❘ j ··· j k ··· k j ··· j k ··· k 1 q 1 r 1 q 1 r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 1. The structures of Q(v), j ( S(b)) and i ( S(a)). λ B λ A Let M = (M ,M ) be a representation of (Q ,I ). We assume that M is locally as the i α A A following left figure shows, where i ,...i are the starting points of arrows ending to v = a in 1 p Q . Then i (M) is as the following right figure shows, where the submodule in the dashed box A λ is i ( S(a))⊕dimMv. λ A . . . . . . . . . . . . M ··· M M ··· M i1 ip i1 ip ❅ ❈ ❅ ❈ ❅❅❘❈❈❲ ❅❅❘❈❈❲ iλ(AS(a))⊕dimMv M M v v ❍ (cid:0) ✄ (cid:0) ✄ ❆ ❍ ❍ (cid:0) ✄ (cid:0) ✄ ❆ ❍ (cid:0)✠ ✄✎ (cid:0)✠ ✄✎ ❆❯ ❍❥ M ··· M M ··· M M ··· M . j1 . jq . j1 . jq . k1 . kr . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 2. The local structures of M ∈ modA and i (M). λ The action of j is similar, and i , j are the restriction functors. For i and j , their actions λ µ µ ρ ρ are dual to these of i and j . λ λ For any M ∈ modA and N ∈modΛ, we denote by ∼ α :Hom (i (M),N) −→ Hom (M,i (N)) M,N Λ λ A µ 6 LU the adjoint isomorphism. For any M ∈ modA, we denote by µ = α (1 ) the M M,iλ(M) iλ(M) adjunction morphism, and for any N ∈ modΛ, we denote by ǫ = α−1 (1 ). N iµ(N),N iµ(N) Similarly, for any L ∈ modB and N ∈ modΛ we denote by ∼ β :Hom (j (L),N) −→ Hom (L,i (N)) L,N Λ λ B µ the adjoint isomorphism. For any L ∈ modB, we denote by ν = β (1 ) the adjunction L L,jλ(L) jλ(L) morphism, and for any N ∈ modΛ, we denote by ζ = β−1 (1 ). N jµ(N),N jµ(N) It is easy to see that for any M ∈ modA, i i M = M ⊕P(a)⊕m for some m, and µ is the µ λ M section map. Furthermore, for any morphism f = (f ) :M = (M ,M ) → N = (N ,N ) x x∈v(QA) x α x∈v(QA),α∈a(QA) x α x∈v(QA),α∈a(QA) in modA, we get that i i (f) is of form µ λ f 0 (1) :M ⊕P(a)⊕m → N ⊕P(a)⊕n, (cid:18) 0 h (cid:19) where h: P(a)⊕m → P(a)⊕n can be represented by a n×m matrix with its entries h : P(a) → ij P(a) in K. In particular, h is determined by the map f . v For any morphism g = (g ) :M = (M ,M ) → N = (N ,N ) y y∈v(QB) y β y∈v(QB),β∈a(QB) y β y∈v(QB),β∈a(QB) in modB, it is similar to get the form of j j (g). Besides, we also get that i j (M) = P(a)⊕m µ λ µ λ for some m, and i j (N) = P(a)⊕n for some n. Then i j (g) is of form µ λ µ λ (2) h :P(a)⊕m → P(a)⊕n, where h: P(a)⊕m → P(a)⊕n can be represented by a n×m matrix with its entries h : P(a) → ij P(a) in K. In particular, h is determined by the map g . v Similarly, we can describe j i (f) for any f :M → N in modA. µ λ For any N ∈ modΛ, we denote by l(N) its length. Lemma 3.3. Keep the notations as above. Let M = (M ,M ) be a Λ-module. Then we have a i γ short exact sequence (3) 0→ U(v)⊕dimMv → i i M ⊕j j M −(µ−M−−,ν−M→) M → 0. λ µ λ µ Proof. First, suppose that M = S(i) is a simple Λ-module. Without loss of generality, we Λ assume that i ∈ v(Q ). If i 6= v, then i i ( S(i)) = S(i) and j j ( S(i)) = 0, which satisfies A λ µ Λ Λ λ µ Λ (3). If i = v, then i ( S(v)) = S(a), and j ( S(v)) = S(a). From the structures of Q(v), µ Λ A µ Λ B j ( S(b)) and i ( S(a)) in Figure 1, it is easy to see that there exists a short exact sequence λ B λ A 0 → U(v) → i i S(v)⊕j j S(v) → S(v) → 0, λ µ λ µ which satisfies the requirement. For general M, we prove it by induction on its length. If l(M) = 1, then M is a simple module, and the result follows from the above. If l(M) >1, then there exists M ,M such that 1 2 0 < l(M ) < l(M) for i = 1,2, and there is a short exact sequence i f g 0→ M −→ M −→ M → 0. 1 2 Obviously, dimM = dim(M ) +dim(M ) for the glued vertex v ∈ v(Q). v 1 v 2 v Since i ,i ,j ,j are exact functors, there are two short exact sequences λ µ λ µ 0 → i i M −i−λi−µ−(f→) i i M −i−λi−µ−(g→) i i M → 0, λ µ 1 λ µ λ µ 2 GORENSTEIN PROPERTIES OF SIMPLE GLUING ALGEBRAS 7 and 0 → j j M −j−λj−µ−(f→) j j M −j−λj−µ−(g→) j j M → 0. λ µ 1 λ µ λ µ 2 The inductive assumption yields the following short exact sequences: 0 → U(v)⊕dim(M1)v → i i M ⊕j j M −(−µ−M−1−,ν−M−1→) M → 0, λ µ 1 λ µ 1 1 and 0 → U(v)⊕dim(M2)v → i i M ⊕j j M −(−µ−M−2−,ν−M−2→) M → 0. λ µ 2 λ µ 2 2 From thenaturality of theadjoint pairs(i ,i )and(j ,j ), weget the following commutative λ µ λ µ diagram U(v)⊕dim(M1)v // iλiµM1⊕jλjµM1 (µM1,νM1) // M1 iλiµ(f) f jλjµ(f) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) (µM,νM) (cid:15)(cid:15) N // iλiµM ⊕jλjµM // M iλiµ(g) g jλjµ(g) (cid:18) (cid:19) U(v)⊕d(cid:15)(cid:15)im(M2)v // iλiµM2⊕(cid:15)(cid:15) jλjµM2 (µM2,νM2) // M(cid:15)(cid:15)2, where N is the kernel of (µ ,ν ). It is obvious that all the sequences appearing in the rows M M andcolumnsof theabove commutative diagram areshortexact sequences. From theshortexact sequence in the first column, we get that N ∼= U(v)⊕dim(M1)v+dim(M2)v = U(v)⊕dimMv since U(v) is projective, and then there is a short exact sequence 0→ U(v)⊕dimMv → i i M ⊕j j M −(µ−M−−,ν−M→) M → 0. λ µ λ µ (cid:3) Similar to Gorenstein property of the upper triangular matrix algebras obtained in [14], we get the following result. Proposition 3.4. Let Λ be a simple gluing algebra of the two finite-dimensional bound quiver algebras A and B. Then Λ is Gorenstein if and only if A and B are Gorenstein. In particular, max{GdA,GdB}≤ Gd(Λ) ≤ max{GdA,GdB,1}. Proof. Keep the notations as above. If Λ is Gorenstein, then for any indecomposable injective Λ-module V(i), it has finite projective dimension. Let 0→ U → ···U → U → V(i) → 0 m 1 0 be a projective resolution of V(i). Apply i to the above projective resolution. Since i is exact µ µ andpreservesprojectives, wegetthatproj.dim (i (V(i))) ≤ m. Itiseasytoseethati (V(i)) = A µ µ I(i) ⊕ I(a)⊕s for some integer s. Then proj.dim (I(i)) ≤ m, and proj.dim D(A) < ∞. A A Similarly, we can get that inj.dim A < ∞ and so A is Gorenstein. Furthermore, GdA≤ GdΛ. A Similarly, B is Gorenstein with GdB ≤ GdΛ. Then max{GdA,GdB} ≤GdΛ. 8 LU Conversely, for any indecomposable injective Λ-module V(i), i (V(i)) and j (V(i)) are in- µ µ jective as A-module and B-module respectively. Since A and B are Gorenstein, i (V(i)) and µ j (V(i)) have finite projection dimensions. From i and j are exact and preserve projectives, µ λ λ we get that i i (V(i)) and j j (V(i)) have finite projection dimensions. In particular, λ µ λ µ proj.dim i i (V(i)) ≤ proj.dim i (V(i)) ≤ GdA and Λ λ µ A µ proj.dim j j (V(i)) ≤ proj.dim j (V(i)) ≤ GdB. Λ λ µ B µ So proj.dim (i i (V(i))⊕j j (V(i))) ≤ max{GdA,GdB}. Λ λ µ λ µ From the short exact sequence (3) in Lemma 3.3, it is easy to see that proj.dim V(i) ≤ max{GdA,GdB,1}. Λ So proj.dim DΛ≤ max{GdA,GdB,1}. Λ Similarly, we can get that inj.dim Λ≤ max{GdA,GdB,1}. Λ So Λ is Gorenstein, and max{GdA,GdB} ≤ Gd(Λ) ≤ max{GdA,GdB,1}. (cid:3) From the above Proposition, if A and B are Gorenstein, then we have the following: if GdA= 0 = GdB, then Gd(Λ) ≤ 1; otherwise, Gd(Λ) = max{GdA,GdB}. Example 3.5. Let A and B be self-injective (0-Gorenstein) algebras, and Λ be the simple gluing algebra of A and B. In general, Λ is 1-Gorenstein, and is not self-injective. For an example, please see the algebra Λ in Example 4.9. Example 3.6. For simple gluing algebra Λ = KQ/I of A and B, the condition that I is generated by that of I and I is necessary to ensure the above proposition. A B α Let QΛ be the quiver 1 hh (( 2 oo γ 3 , QA be the full subquiver of QΛ containing vertices β 1,2, and Q be the full subquiver of Q containing the vertices 2,3. Then Q is a simple gluing B Λ Λ quiverof Q and Q . Let I = hαβ,βαi, I =0. Then both A and B are Gorenstein. However, A B A B if we take Λ= KQ /I , where I is generated by αβ,βα and βγ, then Λ is not Gorenstein any Λ Λ Λ more. Werecalltwobasicfactsconcerningfunctorsbetweentriangulatedcategories, whichareuseful to prove our main results. Lemma 3.7 (see. e.g. [15]). Let F : A → B be an exact functor between abelian categories 1 which has an exact right adjoint F . Then the pair (Db(F ),Db(F )) is adjoint, where Db(F ) 2 1 2 1 is the induced functor from Db(A) to Db(B) (Db(F ) is defined similarly). 2 Since all the six functors defined above are exact, so they induces six triangulated functors on derived categories, and (Db(i ),Db(i ),Db(i )) and (Db(j ),Db(j ),Db(j )) are adjoint triples. λ µ ρ λ µ ρ Since i , i , j and j preserve projectives, they induce triangulated functors on singularity λ µ λ µ categories, which are denoted by˜i ,˜i , ˜j and ˜j respectively. λ µ λ µ The second one on adjoint functors is well-known. Lemma 3.8 ([28,14]). Let M and N be full triangulated subcategories in triangulated categories C and D respectively. Let F : C → D and G : D → C be an adjoint pair of exact functors such that F(M) ⊂ N and G(N) ⊂M. Then they induce functors F :C/M → D/N, G: D/N → C/M which are adjoint. e e GORENSTEIN PROPERTIES OF SIMPLE GLUING ALGEBRAS 9 Lemma 3.9. Keep the notations as above. Then the following hold: (i) (˜i ,˜i ), (˜j ,˜j ) are adjoint pairs; λ µ λ µ (ii)˜i and ˜j are fully faithful; λ λ (iii) ker(˜j ) ≃ Im(˜i ) and ker(˜i ) ≃ Im(˜j ). µ λ µ λ Proof. (i) follows from Lemma 3.8 directly. (ii) we only need to prove that˜i is fully faithful. λ For any A-module M, we have that i i (M) = M⊕P(a)⊕s for some integer s. So˜i ˜i (M) ∼= µ λ µ λ M, in particular, this isomorphism is natural which implies that˜i ˜i ≃ id since modA is µ λ Dsg(A) a generator of D (A). Therefore,˜i is fully faithful. sg λ (iii)forany A-moduleM, wehavethatj i (M) = Q(b)⊕t forsomeinteger t. So˜j ˜i (M) ∼= 0, µ λ µ λ and then˜j ˜i = 0. It follows that Im(˜i )⊆ ker(˜j ). Similarly, we can get that Im(˜j )⊆ ker(˜i ). µ λ λ µ λ µ For any M ∈ ker(˜j ), the adjunction˜i ˜i (M) −ǫ−M→ M is extended to a triangle in D (Λ): µ λ µ sg X →˜i ˜i (M) −ǫ−M→ M → X[1] λ µ where [1] is the suspension functor. Applying˜i to the above triangle, we get that X ∈ ker(˜i ) µ µ since˜i (ǫ ) is an isomorphism. Also applying˜j to the above triangle, we get that X ∈ ker(˜j ) µ M µ µ since M ∈ ker(˜j ) and ˜j ˜i = 0. µ µ λ From Lemma 3.3, it is easy to see that X ∼= ˜i ˜i (X)⊕˜j ˜j (X) in D (Λ). Together with λ µ λ µ sg X ∈ ker(˜i ) ker(˜j ), we get that X ∼= 0 in D (Λ) and then M ∼= ˜i ˜i (M), so M ∈ Im(˜i ). µ µ sg λ µ λ Therefore, kTer(˜jµ) ≃ Im(˜iλ) since ˜iλ is fully faithful. Similarly, we can get that ker(˜iµ) ≃ Im(˜j ). (cid:3) λ It is worth noting that i and j are faithful functors (in general, not full), which can be λ λ obtained from the proof of Lemma 3.9. Theorem 3.10. Let Λ be a simple gluing algebra of the two finite-dimensional bound quiver algebras A and B. Then D (Λ) ≃ D (A) D (B). sg sg sg ` Proof. For any L ∈ D (A),N ∈ D (B), Hom (˜i (L),˜j (N)) ∼= Hom (L,˜i ˜j (N)) = sg sg Dsg(Λ) λ λ Dsg(A) µ λ 0 since˜i ˜j = 0. Similarly, Hom (˜j (N),˜i (L)) = 0. µ λ Dsg(Λ) λ λ For any M ∈ D (Λ), from Lemma 3.3, we get that M ∼= ˜i ˜i (M) ⊕˜j ˜j (M) in D (Λ). sg λ µ λ µ sg Together with the fully faithfulness of ˜i and ˜j , we get that D (Λ) ≃ Im(˜i ) Im(˜j ) ≃ λ λ sg λ λ Dsg(A) Dsg(B). ` (cid:3) ` Example 3.11. For simple gluing algebra Λ = KQ /I of A and B, the condition that I is Λ Λ Λ generated by I and I is necessary to ensure the above theorem. A B Let Q ,Q and Q be the quivers as the following figure shows. Then Q is a simple gluing A B Λ Λ quiver of Q and Q . Let A = KQ /hε2i, B = KQ /hε2i. If Λ = KQ /I , where I is A B A 1 B 2 Λ Λ Λ generated by ε2,ε2,ε α−αε , then all these algebras are Gorenstein algebras. It is easy to see 1 2 1 2 that D (A) ≃ D (B), and D (Λ) ≃ Db(KQ)/[1], where Q is a quiver of type A , and [1] is sg sg sg 2 the suspension functor, see [32]. However, D (Λ) is not equivalent to D (A) D (B). sg sg sg ` ε ε ε ε 1 2 1 2 ✠✛ ✠ ✠✛ ✠ 1 a b 1 2 α α Figure 3. The quivers Q , Q and Q in Example 3.11. A B Λ 10 LU Lemma 3.12 ([27]). Let A and A be Artin algebras. If F : modA → modA has the 1 2 1 1 2 property that it is exact, preserves projective objects, and admits a right adjoint functor F , then 2 (i) for any X ∈ modA and Y ∈ modA , we have that Extk (F (X),Y) ∼= Extk (X,F (Y)) 1 2 A2 1 A1 2 for any k ≥ 1. (ii) if proj.dimF (Q) < ∞ or inj.dimF (Q) < ∞ for any indecomposable projective A - 2 2 2 module Q, then F (Gproj(A )) ⊆ Gproj(A ). 1 1 2 Lemma 3.13. Keep the notations as above. Then i , i , j and j preserve Gorenstein projec- λ µ λ µ tive modules. Proof. We only prove that for i and i . λ µ Since (i ,i ) is an adjoint pair, and both of them are exact and preserve projectives, Lemma λ µ 3.12 implies that i preserves Gorenstein projective modules. λ For i , first, we claim that i M ∈ ⊥A for any Gorenstein projective Λ-module M. In fact, µ µ for any indecomposable Gorenstein projective Λ-module M, Lemma 3.3 shows that there is a short exact sequence 0 → U(v)⊕dimMv → i i M ⊕j j M → M → 0, λ µ λ µ which is split since M ∈ ⊥Λ, and then i i M ⊕ j j M ∼= M ⊕ U(v)⊕dimMv. Note that λ µ λ µ both i i M and j j M are Gorenstein projective. Since M is indecomposable, we get that λ µ λ µ M ∈ add(i i M) or M ∈ add(j j M). If M ∈ add(j j M), then i i M is projective, which λ µ λ µ λ µ λ µ implies that i i i M ∈ projA. On the other hand, i i i M = i M ⊕P(a)⊕s for some integer µ λ µ µ λ µ µ s, so i M is also projective. µ If M ∈ add(i i M), then for any indecomposable projective Λ-module U(i) with i ∈ v(Q ), λ µ A Lemma 3.12 shows that Extk(i M,i U(i)) ∼= Extk(i i M,U(i)) = 0 A µ µ Λ λ µ for any k > 0, since i i M is Gorenstein projective. Furthermore, i U(i) = P(i)⊕P(a)⊕t for λ µ µ some integer t, which implies that Extk(i M,P(i)) = 0 for any k > 0 and any indecomposable Λ µ projective A-module P(i), and then i M ∈ ⊥A. µ Second, for any Gorenstein projective Λ-module Z, there is an exact sequence 0 → Z → U −d→0 U −d→1 ··· 0 1 with U projective and ker(d ) ∈Gproj(Λ) for any j ≥ 0. By applying i to it, we get that there j j µ is an exact sequence 0→ i Z → i U −iµ−d→0 i U −iµ−d→1 ··· µ µ 0 µ 1 with i U projective for any j ≥ 0 since i is exact and preserves projectives. Additionally, since µ j µ ker(d ) ∈ Gproj(Λ), from the above, we know that i ker(d ) ∈ ⊥A for any j ≥0, and then i Z i µ j µ is Gorenstein projective. (cid:3) For any additive category A, we denote by IndA the set formed by all the indecomposable objects (up to isomorphisms) of A. Theorem 3.14. Let Λ be a simple gluing algebra of the two finite-dimensional bound quiver algebras A and B. Then Gproj(Λ) ≃ Gproj(A) Gproj(B). Furthermore, for any indecom- posable Λ-module Z, Z is Gorenstein projective `if and only if there exists an indecomposable Gorenstein projective A-module X or B-module Y such that Z ∼= i (X) or Z ∼= j (Y). λ λ Proof. Lemma 3.13 shows that i ,i ,j ,j induce four exact functors on the stable categories λ µ λ µ of Gorenstein projective modules, which are also denoted by˜i ,˜i ,˜j ,˜j respectively. Note that λ µ λ µ ˜i and ˜j are fully faithful. λ λ

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