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GOLDEN WORDS OF SRI SAI BABA OF SHIRDI DEDICATED TO THE ANTARYAMIN SRI SRI SAI GANESH COMPILED BY RAMALINGASWAMY, MUNJA BABA STHAN SHIRDI 1983 (THIS BOOK IS PUBLISHED WITH THE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE OF TIRUMALA TIRUPATHI DEVASTHANAMS UNDER THEIR SCHEME “AID TO PUBLISH RELIGIOUS BOOKS”) FOREWORD "A WRITTEN WORD IS THE CHOICEST OF RELICS' I feel the greatest pleasure in offering this foreword to this book in the English garb to the devotees of Shri Sai Baba and to the public in general. In the preface, in the book and in the preflex, the author has not only selected the teaching of Shri Sai Baba but very well depicted whether Baba is alive and effecting (he welfare of His devotees and how a devotee has to deserve the blessings of Shri Sai Baba. Besides this, the well intentioned efforts of the author in revealing the nature of Illusive Power and the Divine power is worth mentioning here and this will be very much useful to the readers of this book. I earnestly pray to Shri Sai Baba that He may lead all His devotees on the path of salvation. Ellora, 1-2-1980, Maharashtra, SANT JANARDANSWAMY ON SHRI SAINATHAYANAMAHA PREFACE (BY THE AUTHOR) SHRI SATCHIDANANDA SAMARTHA SADGURU SAINATH MAHARAJKI JAI The world now a days becoming Topsy-Turvey and hanker behind the illusive chamatkar in order to attain temporal needs and fell a pray to hypnotic powers without regarding their own value in them and the mode of developing it to attain the goal of their life. The Chamatkar of two types. One is of hypnotic or otherwise called mantric powers and the other is fully saturated with Spiritual Powers in Reality. The former can be acquired by any man by training his mind in a few concen- trative exercises and these powers are often harmful to the practioner, unless they are practiced in a pure selfless service and these powers are no more than the effect of mental light on a single point for the time being. If any sort of self interest comes, their powers will fly away and turn back upon themselves to their 2 utter misfortune as well as upon those who want to gain temporal benefits from those who are saddled with those powers. As regards the latter, (Spiritual) or Divine Powers, they came slowly and in natural course to those who neither aspire nor care for them and to those who do not want to benefit by them by any means and their motive always will be the welfare of others. To the Ascetics, they came at a certain stage of their development, when they are completely purified their inner Self from the clay of selfishness. To gain any decree or control over the Nature, we must gain a full and complete control over our inner Nature. This is the first and the foremost indespensable and unchangeable rule, to obtain power over ourselves first. It is about these pure and unsought powers, we have to surrender ourselves completely to attain the goal of our life. It is therefore, we have to surrender ourselves completely to such a Sadguru Shri Sainath Maharaj of SHIRDI, who is God incarnate (Dattatreya) and respectfully pray Him with love and devotion to have our temporal desires fulfilled and to lead us on in the righteous path to attain the object of our life. A question may arise "Is Shirdi Sai Baba is God or not" This can only have one answer, that is, that He is certainly God or a "Vibuthi". Those who know enough of facts about Him find that He knows everything, everywhere at anytime, that He has power to do anything everywhere, that He has power to control the movements and the hearts of creatures and even the elements of nature like rain, fire etc. that He had a mastery of the knowledge of the past, present and the future, even innumerable centuries away from the present and that He had the highest moral principles of selflessness, service and love to all including the meanest beings. So they treat them as God, for our notion of God is one with vast unlimitted power equally listening to the prayers of all and responding all as a Universal Mother should do. God is the Universal Soul and the Universal Mother. Therefore Sai Baba was and is rightly termed God as worshipped as God by those who noted His "Antaryamitwa" (i.e.) acting as the soul of various creatures. And He was not termed God by those who did not have such 3 experience. So Baba was both God and not God, just as Tirupati Venkatesa is both God and not God. Venkatesa is God to the vast masses of Hindus and is nothing to the people aboard. Sai is sure to equal Venkatesa in the matter of attraction of people. Incidentally it may be noted that Tirupati Venkatesa and Sai are not different. A biography of a Saint like Baba may be bighly illuminating, elevating, inspiring and in every way practical. Taking the question of practicality we note the fact that a very wonderful and unique personality like Sai Baba is yet unknown even to many people in and out India. Baba's great purpose in life was and is now also to benefit humanity. Many a person who for some reason or other is unable to treat Baba as God is still able enough to perceive some of the highest elements in Baba e.g. miraculous powers and 5 beneficence and approach Him either for aid or for any other purpose, and will undoubtedly derive benefit alround, temporal and spiritual like. We should certainly not dissuade any person who thinks that Baba is a sort of powerful saint though not God from approaching Him for obtaining various temporal benefits, e g., urgent relief from various troubles that make life bitter. There are numerous persons of this sort who want very urgent relief and Baba is the person who will grant the relief to them. The method of receiving such relief can be easily discovered by going through books on Baba. Generally by reading about Baba, more information is obtained, as also faith, but such faith, in Him as a Sadguru or as a Satpurusha, or simply as a Mahatma, will suffice. That will benefit the public. Such is Sai Baba's nature. It is not the wish of Baba to hide His light under a bushel, but to place it on a hill top so that everyone all round may share the benefits and have light, life and love. The original sense of the word ought to be restored and everyone must feel that he has a duty to propogate and publish all useful and inspiring facts such as those that have been already set forth about Baba. A great soul like Baba appears in this world in order that His life, light and love may be absorbed by all and not only by particular section or classes or individuals. Sadguru like Sai Baba is like a monsoon cloud. He pours down profusely (i.e.) scatters widely His nectar-like teachings. These we should 4 enjoy and assimilate to our hearts content and then serve others without any reserve. Hence the question of writing and publishing this book may easily dealt with for purposes of His propaganda. This book "The Golden words of Shri Sai Baba, Shirdi", (Selected from Shri Sai Baba's literatures), Now we have is therefore being placed amongst us, by the author with a whole hearted aim, to know the Leelas of Shri Sai Baba and to get His bliss even by an ordinary devotee in a meagre price and to gain both ends by His blessings. Sri P. V. R. K, Prasad, I. A. S., Executive Officer, Tirumala Tirupati Qevasthanams, Tirupati has kindly sanctioned an amount of Rs. 1,458-00 as financial assistance to print 1000 copies of this book under their scheme "Aid to publish religious books". Apart from this aid, the author feels very much grateful to those who have helped him in printing and publishing this book total 5000 copies and pray Baba for His blessings to them. The price of this book is fixed with no gain and no loss and the net sale proceeds will be utilised for further editions of this book. Now, with concentration of mind and with due devotion to Shri Sai Baba, we begin to read the book. OM SRI SAI RAM 1. Allah Achha karega (God will do good). 2. Allah (God) Malik is the sole Proprietor, nobody else is our Protector. 3. Allah (God) is the sole Dispenser and Protector. Think of Him always. He will take care of you. Surrender to His feet with body, mind, wealth and speech (i. e.) completely and then see what He does. 4 Allah (God) will give you plenty and He will do you all good. 5. Allah (God) is My Doctor. 6. All the insects, ants, the visible, movable and immovable world is My body or Form. 7. All persons do not see or realize Brahma in their life time. 8. Alright let Me know whether you both had a chitchat, and if so, tell Me all that you talked about. 5 9. As you go on doing My meditation, your Vrittis (thoughts) will be one pointed and the distinction between the Dhyata (Meditator), Dhyana (Act of Meditation), Dhyeya (Thing meditated upon) will be lost and the meditator will be one with the Brahma. 10. Alright, do not go, we should mean well and do well. Whatever is destined to happen, will happen. 11. Am I not always with you ? Then do you offer Me anything before you eat ? 12. Are not your thoughts, doubts and apprehensions calmed down now ? (Hari) Lord will protect him who has got faith and patience. 13. As I have given it (Vishnu Sahasranama) to you, better keep it with you for safe custody; it will be of use to you. 14. A true Ramadasi should have no "Mamata'' (attachment) but have "Samata'' (equality) towards all. 15. As a Fakir, I had nothing to do (or gain) with the Ganges Water. 16. All My senses left their places and concentrated themselves in My eyes, and My eyes concentrated on Him. Thus was My Guru, the sole object of My meditation and I was conscious of none else. 17. At first he was poor, and took a vow to his God that he would pay his first month's salary if he got an appointment. He got one on Rs. 15/- P. M. Then he steadily got promotions from Rs. 15/- he got Rs. 30; 60; 100; 200 and ultimately Rs. 700/- P. M. But in his prosperity, he forgot to clean the vow. The force of his Karma has driven him here and I asked that amount (Rs. 15/-) from him as dakshina. 18. As Krishna knows that there were such Bhaktas and Gurus, He refers Arjuna to them so that their greatness May increase and be known. 19. After the temple is complete, I will come there to stay. 20. After the wada is complete, we shall use it ourselves, we shall live, move and play there, embrace each other and be very happy. 21. Ah, he says that I promised to come but deceived him. Inform him that I did attend his dinner with two others, but he failed to recognize Me. 6 22. As he committed the theft, he could not but speak out. 23. After doing Benaras and Prayag we would be ahead of Shama. 24. As a result, of their past actions, they were both born as goats. 55. As they passed by Me, I at once recognized them. Remembered their past history. Taking pity on them, I want to feed them and give them rest and comfort and for this reason, I spent all the money for which you reprove Me. 26. As you did not like my bargain, I sent them back to their owner (Shepherd). 27. As I was tired, I rested there, washed My hands and feet and had a bath and felt refreshed. 28. As I was preparing to smoke chillim pipe, I heard the croaking of a frog. 29. After a large amount was collected, arrangement for worship was made and plans with estimates for repairs were prepared. 30. A rich local man was appointed as the Treasurer and the whole work was entrusted to him. 31. After some days, God (Mahadev) appeared in his wife's dream and said to her " You get up, build the doom of the temple, I will give you a hundredfold of what you spend". 32. All were agreed to this transaction, but began to quarrel over the money. 33. As she thus sought My protection, I gave her a pledge that I would cross seven seas to help her. 34. All this is God's Leela or sport. 35. Abdul, your clay is (being) transferred into gold, you will cross the seven oceans; high mansion is erected for you. 36. Avoid needless disputations and avoid falsehood. 37. All of you clear off. You must remain inside your lodging and not wander about in the open place and you must come again when I sent for. 38. Apply heated aloe over the affected part and the pain will be subsided. 39. After he gets well, bring him to Me. 40. Am I not in the place where you go to ease yourself ? Why do you fear ? 7 41. Anna, if I delayed an instant, then this man would have indeed perished. The mad man has seized with his hands his very throat. But I extricated him. What is to be done? If I do not save My own children who else will? 42. A man had a very beautiful horse. Inspite of all his efforts, it would not go in pair. A Vidwan suggested that it should be taken back to the place whence it was bought. This was done. Then it became controllable and useful. 43. According to Prarabdha of each, one get delicacies (Panchamrita), one, stale crumbs and one mere bran-gruel. The latter fancy themselves unhappy at that, and the former fancies he lacs nothing. But the result of eating any of these is merely the satisfaction of hunger. 44-. As long as the body remains. Samsara remains. 45. All mental and bodily process are Samsara. 46. All persons, all creatures differ in form etc., why ? Because of previous karma of each. 47. Abdul, place some buckets of water ( next to the Akhandam ) in the Lendi garden and see that the lamp (Akhandam) is perpetually burning. Feed it always with oil. 48. Always take your meals before you start for a journey. 49. A few friends will gather together and talk "Divine wisdom,'' and sit and contemplate. 50. Believe Me that if anybody sings My Leelas, I will give him infinite joy and ever-lasting Contentment. 51. Be wherever you like, do whatever you choose, remember well that all what you do is known to Me. 52. Blessed and fortunate indeed is he who knows Me. 53. Blessed is he who knows the greatness of his Guru and thinks Him to be Hari, Kara and Brahma (Trimurti) incarnate. 54. Being quite desire less, you should meditate on the Lord who is in all the creatures and when the mind is concentrated, the goal will be achieved. 8 55. Behold, how that (Pointing to a pig) was eating filth, with what relish it is gorging dung. Your conduct is similar. You go on reviling your own brothern to your heart's content. After performing many deeds of merit, you are born a man and if you act like this, will Shirdi help you in any way, 56. Bapu, I do not want to be entangled in any such wordly things. (Sharing profits). 57. But what My Sircar (God) gives lasts to the end of time. 58. Bapu, I had given you before Rupees two, now I give you Rupees three. Keep these in your shrine for worship and you will be benefited. 59. Believe Me, though I pass away, My bones in My tomb will give you hope and confidence. 60. Brahma is the only "Reality" and the universe is ephemeral and that no one in this world, be he a son, father or wife, is really ours. 61. Bring him here on somebody's back and let us work and finish his sufferings once for all. 62. Build the wada with the temple, I shall fulfill the desires of all. 63. Both were very wicked in their past life and were now reaping the fruit of their action in these bodies. 64. By Gouri's good luck, there was a great demand for land and the endowment land was sold for one lakh of rupees (100 times worth of her ornaments). 65. Be entirely pride less and egoless in all things and thus your spiritual progress will be rapid. 66. Barring your name and form, there exists in you, as well as in all beings, a sense of Being or consciousness of Existence. That is Myself. 67. Be contented and cheerful!. 68. Boy, why do you behave like this ? See, I give you this first warning that you should give up drink. If you do not heed this, I will not warn you again but leave you to your fate. 69. Bhagat, there is in the village a bitch sickly like Myself and every one is hitting it. 9 70. Bhagat, you had a fine pilgrimage. You sat leaning against a palki. At that time, I had come there. 71. Bhagat, when you came here tonight, come with a lamp. You will meet thieves at the village gate. 72. Bhimabai, take this leper woman home and attend to her. 73. Bala, do not go home; stay and attend on this Dagdu Bhav (a moslera leper). 74. Bhagat, Go and live in your house, you will get a son. A son is a mango fruit. A daughter is a tamarind fruit. 75. Be my me and keep quiet. I will do the rest, (to Upasani Maharaj). 76. Be not obsessed by the importance of wealth. 77. Be liberal and munificent but not lavish or extravagant. 78. By the action of Karma, I got embroiled and came to a body. 79. Brahman is My father and Maya My mother. 80. By their interlocking, I got this body. 81. By going away to a forest, you cannot escape Samsara. 82. Be quiet. Do not fear. 83. Babu (taking the child in Baba's hand), where have you been ? Were you vexed with or weary of Me ? 84. Certain qualifications are absolutely necessary to see Brahma in their life time. 85. Consider yourself as the seeker after the truth and be anxious and eager to collect or cultivate "Loving Devotion,” then you will attain stability and peace of mind. 86. Come what may, but leave not, but stic; to your bolster (support (ie.) Guru) and ever remain steady, always at-one-ment (in-union) with Him. 87. Can you not speak soft and sweet words ? You read daily these books (Vishnu-Sahasranama etc.,) and still your mind is impure and your passions un-controlled. 88. Cunning fellow, he does bhajan on the way and enquires ethers. Why ask others ? 10

As I have given it (Vishnu Sahasranama) to you, better keep it with you . Don't be anxious, you will be improving from to-morrow, and within a week.
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