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Preview Geological Society of America Bulletin 1996: Vol 108 Index

The Geological Society of America Bulletin Subject Index to Volume 108, No. 1-12, 1996 absolute age see also Ar/Ar; C-14; K/Ar; Alleghany Orogeny anticlines Rb/Sr; Sm/Nd; U/Pb New Brunswick, structural ge- Basin and Range Province _12: 1580-1593 Kentucky, sedimentary petrol- ology 11: 1467-1480 British Columbia 2: 208-224 ogy 1: 120-125 Quebec, structural geology 11: 1467-1480 Italy 8: 966-977 West Virginia, sedimentary Virginia, Proterozoic 11: 1481-1491 Antilles see Lesser Antilles petrology 1: 120-125 alluvial deposits see alluvium Aoga Shima Canyon 2: 225-234 abyssal fans see submarine fans alluvial fans Apache County Arizona abyssolith see batholiths Arizona, Quaternary 1: 3-19 Quaternary 10: 1225-1241 Acadian Phase alluvium apatite New Hampshire, structural ge- Arizona, Quaternary 1: 3-19 Indonesia, geochronology 11: 1438-1449 ology 4: 417-436; 7: 872-882 California, Quaternary 4: 379-391 aplite accretionary wedges environmental geology 10: 1342-1355 California, geochemistry 4: 437-453 Atlantic Ocean, Quaternary 1: 78-100 Alps Appalachian Basin Manitoba, structural geology 5: 602-629 tectonics, Pennine Alps 9: 1120-1133 sedimentary petrology 1: 120-125; West Indies, Quaternary 1: 78-100 aluminum 3: 303-317 acoustical surveys Washington, petrology 4: 471-488 Appalachian Mountains see Appalachians Zaire 3: 253-269 Amazon River Appalachian Phase actinides see plutonium geomorphology 9: 1089-1107 Newfoundland, structural ge- active faults Amazonas Brazil ology 1: 101-116 California, Quaternary 6: 735-746 geomorphology 9: 1089-1107 Nova Scotia 2: 127-140 Kyrgyzstan, Quaternary 8: 1004-1021 amber mica see phlogopite Ordovician, Valley and Ridge Oregon, Quaternary 7: 843-860 amino acids Province 3: 355-371 Washington, Quaternary 3: 334-354; Mississippi Valley, Quater- Proterozoic, Piedmont : 1481-1491 9: 1182-1191 nary 7: 892-903 sedimentary petrology 1: 120-125; active tectonics see neotectonics Amisk Group 3: 303-317 stratigraphy 1: 40-77 actual age (absolute age) see absolute age structural geology 5: 602-629 Africa see also Central Africa ammonoids structural geology 11: 1467-1480 Great Appalachian Valley 7: 815-829 Congo River 3: 253-269 California, stratigraphy 2: 235-250 Valley and Ridge Province 7: 815-829 Agnotozoic see Proterozoic amphibole group see clinoamphibole apparent polar wandering Al see aluminum amphibolites Appalachians, structural geol- Alabama see also Valley and Ridge Province Colorado Plateau, geochronol- ogy 7: 815-829 stratigraphy, Baldwin County ogy 7: 757-767 aquifers Alabama 1: 117-119 Amundsen Basin Korea, volcanic features 10: 1199-1211 Alaska Proterozoic 4: 454-470 Massachusetts, geomorphol- geochronology 6: 722-734 analogues, modern see modern analogs ogy 10: 1314-1327 Proterozoic 4: 454-470 analogues, natural see natural analogs Ar/Ar Quaternary, Alaska Peninsula 7: 861-871 anastomosing streams see braided streams Antarctica, stratigraphy 2: 181-194 Alaska Peninsula anchimetamorphism California, geochronology 12: 1515-1527 Quaternary 7: 861-871 California 5: 578-601 Colorado Alberta andesites Oligocene 5: 545-561 geochemistry > 1108-1119 Oregon, geochemistry 3: 285-302 petrology : 1039-1055 Albian angiosperm flora Denmark, geochemistry 4: 489-504 California 2: 235-250 Colorado, Oligocene 5: 545-561 Mexico, structural geology 5: 505-525 Alexander Terrane angular unconformities Montana, stratigraphy 6: 653-668 geochronology 6: 722-734 Canada, Proterozoic 4: 454-470 Nevada, geochronology 12: 1515-1527 algae United States, Proterozoic 4: 454-470 New Mexico, Quaternary 12: 1549-1566 nannofossils Aniakchak Newfoundland, structural ge- Atlantic Ocean 1: 78-100 Quaternary 7: 861-871 ology 1: 101-116 Italy 8: 966-977 anorthosite Nicaragua, stratigraphy 7: 830-842 West Indies 1: 78-100 Virginia, Proterozoic 11: 1481-1491 Norway, geochronology : 1425-1437 Western Interior 8: 941-952 Antarctic Continent see Antarctica Nova Scotia, Silurian 2: 127-140 algal flora Antarctic Ocean Archaean see Archean diatom flora Quaternary 12: 1626-1644 archaeological sites Antarctic Ocean : 1626-1644 Antarctic Peninsula Arizona, Quaternary 1: 3-19 Oregon 2: 141-154 Quaternary 12: 1626-1644 Belize, Quaternary 7: 883-891 Mexico, stratigraphy 6: 708-721 Antarctica Archean nannofossils Cretaceous 9: 1192-1196 Amisk Group, structural geol- Atlantic Ocean 1: 78-100 Quaternary, Antarctic Penin- ogy 5: 602-629 Italy 8: 966-977 sula 12: 1626-1644 Nepal 7: 904-911 West Indies 1: 78-100 stratigraphy arcs, island see island arcs Western Interior 8: 941-952 Pensacola Mountains 6: 685-707 Arctic Archipelago alkali basalts see mugearite Transantarctic Mountains 2: 181-194 Proterozoic 4: 454-470 alkali feldspar see sanidine Victoria Land 2: 181-194 arenite see quartz arenite alkaline earth metals see strontium structural geology : 1450-1466 Argentina see Precordillera Geological Society of America Bulletin, December 1996 argon-argon * C-14 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 108 argon-argon see Ar/Ar Bald Hill Member bitter spar see dolomite Arizona stratigraphy 2: 235-250 bivalves Proterozoic, Coconino Baldwin County Alabama Mexico, stratigraphy 6: 708-721 County Arizona 9: 1167-1181 stratigraphy 1: 117-119 Blackhawk Formation 10: 1275-1294 Quaternary Bandelier Tuff Blair River Complex Apache County Arizona 10: 1225-1241 Quaternary 12: 1549-1566 Silurian 2: 127-140 Coconino County Arizona 1: 3-19 barometry, geologic see geologic barometry bloating shale see shale Navajo County Arizona : 1225-1241 barrier beaches block structures structural geology, Coconino Panama, Quaternary 7: 794-814 Oregon, Quaternary 7: 843-860 County Arizona : 1149-1166 basaltic domes see shield volcanoes Washington, Quaternary 3: 334-354 Arkansas basalts see also alkali basalts; tholeiitic basalt Blountian geochemistry Mexico, structural geology 5: 505-525 Ordovician 3: 355-371 Garland County Arkansas 8: 978-991 Basin and Range Province see also Great bogs Montgomery County Ar- Basin Panama, Quaternary 7: 794-814 kansas 8: 978-991 geophysical surveys 10: 1242-1255 Book Cliffs Polk County Arkansas 8: 978-991 structural geology 12: 1580-1593 stratigraphy 10: 1275-1294 Pulaski County Arkansas 8: 978-991 basins see also back-arc basins; fore-arc ba- bottom load see bedload Saline County Arkansas 8: 978-991 sins; foreland basins; intermontane basins Bouguer anomalies Quaternary 7: 892-903 Alberta, geochemistry 9: 1108-1119 California, geophysical sur- Articulata see Spiriferida Basin and Range Province, veys 10: 1242-1255 ash falls structural geology 12: 1580-1593 boundaries, stratigraphic see stratigraphic Washington, Quaternary 7: 786-793 California, paleomagnetism 6: 643-652 boundary ash-fiow tuff New Jersey, stratigraphy 1: 40-77 Brachiopoda Colorado 8: 1039-1055 New Mexico, Quaternary 8: 953-965 Spiriferida, Paleozoic : 1393-1403 Asia see also Far East; Himalayas; Indian Russian Federation, geochem- brachiopods Peninsula istry 8: 992-1003 Paleozoic : 1393-1403 geochemistry Texas, Quaternary 8: 953-965 Brahma Schist Olenek River 8: 992-1003 basins, drainage see drainage basins structural geology : 1149-1166 Siberian Platform 8: 992-1003 batholiths braided streams California, geochronology 12: 1515-1527 Victoria Australia, geomor- geochronology, Main Central Nevada, geochronology 12: 1515-1527 phology 10: 1212-1224 Thrust 7: 904-911 Washington 4: 471-488 Brazil Quaternary Bay Minette geomorphology Fergana Basin 8: 1004-1021 stratigraphy 1: 117-119 Amazonas Brazil : 1089-1107 Talas Range 8: 1004-1021 Bear Lake County Idaho Para Brazil : 1089-1107 stratigraphy structural geology 12: 1580-1593 Breathitt Formation Indus-Y arlung Zangbo su- bedded volcano see stratovolcanoes sedimentary petrology 3: 303-317 ture zone 6: 631-642 bedload breccia Main Central Thrust 6: 631-642 environmental geology 10: 1342-1355 Colorado 5: 526-544 Atlantic Ocean see also North Atlantic belemnites Oligocene 5: 545-561 2: 225-234 Antarctica, Cretaceous 9: 1192-1196 Bridge River Terrane Cretaceous 9: 1192-1196 Belgian Congo see Zaire structural geology 7: 768-785 geochemistry 4: 489-504 Belize brines Gulf of Guinea 3: 253-269 Quaternary 7: 883-891 Alberta, geochemistry 9: 1108-1119 Quaternary, Scotian Shelf 8: 1056-1067 belts, fold see fold belts Appalachians, structural geol- Atlantic-type margins see passive margins belts, greenstone see greenstone belts ogy 7: 815-829 atmosphere see paleoatmosphere benmoreite British Columbia see Canadian Cordillera; Ca- Atoka County Oklahoma Arizona, Quaternary 10: 1225-1241 nadian Rocky Mountains; Coast Ranges; geochemistry 8: 978-991 Bergen Arcs Methow Basin; Selkirk Mountains Atoka Formation geochronology 11: 1425-1437 British Honduras see Belize sedimentary petrology 1: 120-125 Big Timber Stock brown mica see phlogopite Australasia see New Zealand magmas 11: 1404-1424 bryozoans Australia see Victoria Australia bioclastic sedimentation Mexico, stratigraphy 6: 708-721 Austria Utah, stratigraphy 10: 1275-1294 Buck Lake tectonics, Vorarlberg Austria 9: 1120-1133 biogeography Quaternary 10: 1328-1341 Austroalpine Nappe California, paleomagnetism 6: 643-652 burial diagenesis tectonics 9: 1120-1133 biological zones see biozones Alberta, geochemistry 9: 1108-1119 Baca County Colorado biostratigraphy see ammonoids; biozones; dia- C-13/C-12 geochemistry 12: 1567-1579 tom flora; foraminifers; graptolites; inver- Alberta, geochemistry 9: 1108-1119 back-arc basins tebrates; nannofossils; paleoecology; California, Quaternary 4: 379-391 Atlantic Ocean, Quaternary 1: 78-100 palynomorphs; radiolarians Russian Federation, geochem- West Indies, Quaternary 1: 78-100 biotite istry 8: 992-1003 Bahamas California, geochronology 12: 1515-1527 Tennessee, diagenesis 2: 155-167 Quaternary 2: 168-180 Montana, siratigraphy 6: 653-668 C-14 Baja British Columbia Nevada, geochronology 12: 1515-1527 Arizona, Quaternary 1: 3-19 petrology 4: 471-488 Newfoundland, structural ge- California, Quaternary 4: 379-391 Baja California Norte Mexico ology 1: 101-116 India, Quaternary 9: 1134-1148 stratigraphy 6: 708-721 biozones Kyrgyzstan, Quaternary 8: 1004-1021 structural geology 5: 505-525 Appalachians, Ordovician 3: 355-371 Maine, Quaternary 9: 1073-1088 Geological Society of America Bulletin, December 1996 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 108 Cache Valley * Clarno Formation Mississippi Valley, Quater- Canada see also Eastern Canada; Western Quaternary 7: 786-793; 10: 1328- nary 7: 892-903 Canada 1341 New Mexico, Quaternary 8: 953-965 structural geology Cascadia subduction zone Nova Scotia, Quaternary 8: 1056-1067 Canadian Cordillera 1: 20-39 Quaternary 2: 141-154; 7: 843-860 Panama, Quaternary 7: 794-814 Canadian Rocky Moun- Castlegate Sandstone 10: 1275-1294 Texas, Quaternary 8: 953-965 tains 2: 208-224 cataclasis Cache Valley tectonics, Canadian Rocky Nepal, structural geology 12: 1594-1607 structural geology 12: 1580-1593 Mountains 11: 1372-1392 Catalonia Spain see Lerida Spain Cadwallader Terrane Canadian Cordillera catchments see drainage basins structural geology 7: 768-785 structural geology 1: 20-39 cathodol i ence 2: 155-167 calc-sinter see travertine Canadian Rocky Mountains cation exchange capacity 10: 1314-1327 calcarenite structural geology 2: 208-224 cement Italy, structural geology 8: 966-977 tectonics 11: 1372-1392 Tennessee, diagenesis 2: 155-167 calcareous clay see marl canyons Cenomanian calcareous nannofossils see nannofossils environmental geology 10: 1342-1355 California 2: 235-250 calcareous sinter see travertine Cape Breton Island Western Interior 8: 941-952 caicite Silurian 2: 127-140 Cenozoic see Quaternary; Tertiary Alberta, geochemistry 9: 1108-1119 Cape Ray fault zone Central Africa see Congo River; Zaire Tennessee, diagenesis 2: 155-167 structural geology 1: 101-116 Central Alps see Pennine Aips calderas Capitan Mountains Central America see Belize; Nicaragua; Pan- Alaska, Quaternary 7: 861-871 rare earth deposits 3: 318-333 ama Colorado Caradocian Central Asia see Fergana Basin petrology : 1039-1055 Tennessee 2: 155-167 Central Europe see Austria; Switzerland sedimentation 5: 526-544 carbargilite see coal central granite see batholiths New Mexico, Quaternary : 1549-1566 carbon Central Siberian Plateau see Siberian Platform Washington, Quaternary 7: 786-793 C-13/C-12 cephalopods see ammonoids; belemnites Caledonian Orogeny Alberta 9: 1108-1119 Cerro Toledo Rhyolite Norway : 1425-1437 California 4: 379-391 Quaternary 12: 1549-1566 California Russian Federation 8: 992-1003 chain silicates see amphibole group; pyroxene geochemistry Tennessee 2: 155-167 group C-14 chambers, magma see magma chambers Inyo Mountains 12: 1528-1548 Arizona 1: 3-19 Changuinola Deposit Panamint Range 4: 437-453 California 4: 379-391 Quaternary 7: 794-814 geochronology India 9: 1134-1148 channels see also braided streams Inyo County California 12: 1515-1527 Kyrgyzstan 8: 1004-1021 Brazil, geomorphology 9: 1089-1107 Mono County California 12: 1515-1527 Maine 9: 1073-1088 Zaire 3: 253-269 Sierra Nevada Batholith 12: 1515-1527 Mississippi Valley 7: 892-903 Chaves County New Mexico geophysical surveys, San Ber- New Mexico 8: 953-965 geophysical surveys 6: 747-756 nardino County California 10: 1242-1255 Nova Scotia 8: 1056-1067 Cheju Island paleomagnetism, Santa Bar- Panama 7: 794-814 volcanic features 10: 1199-1211 bara County California 6: 643-652 Texas 8: 953-965 Chelan County Washington petrology carbon-14 see C-14 petrology 4: 471-488 Merced County California 5: 578-601 carbonate platforms chemical weathering San Benito County Califor- Alberta, geochemistry 9: 1108-1119 Massachusetts 10: 1314-1327 nia : 578-601 Nevada, Devonian 4: 392-416 chemically precipitated rocks see chert; iron- Santa Clara County Califor- Tennessee, diagenesis 2: 155-167 stone nia : 578-601 carbonate rocks see also dolostone; lime- chemostratigraphy Stanislaus County Califor- stone; travertine Atlantic Ocean, Quaternary 1: 78-100 nia : 578-601 Canada, Proterozoic 4: 454-470 Russian Federation, geochem- Quaternary Russian Federation, geochem- istry 8: 992-1003 Los Angeles County Cali- istry 8: 992-1003 West Indies, Quaternary 1: 78-100 fornia : 735-746 United States, Proterozoic 4: 454-470 chert Mojave Desert : 379-391 carbonate sediments California, paleomagnetism 6: 643-652 San Bernardino County Atlantic Ocean, Quaternary 1: 78-100 Chickabilly Member California : 379-391 New Mexico, Quaternary 8: 953-965 stratigraphy 2: 235-250 San Gabriel Fault : 735-746 Texas, Quaternary 8: 953-965 China see Xizang China stratigraphy, Tehama County West Indies, Quaternary 1: 78-100 Chiquito Peak Tuff California : 235-250 carbonates see calcite; dolomite petrology 8: 1039-1055 structural geology Carboniferous see also Pennsylvanian chloride ion Mono County California : 926-940 Arkansas 8: 978-991 Hawaii, hydrogeology 5: 562-577 Tuolumne County Califor- Oklahoma 8: 978-991 chlorite group nia 8: 926-940 Caribbean region see also West Indies California, petrology 5: 578-601 Cambrian see also Ross Orogeny Quaternary 7: 794-814 chorology see biogeography Argentina 3: 372-375 Caribbean Sea chronosequences Russian Federation 8: 992-1003 Quaternary 1: 78-100 California, Quaternary 4: 379-391 Campanian carst see karst Chulung La Formation Utah 10: 1275-1294 Carteret Canyon 2: 225-234 stratigraphy 6: 631-642 Campito Formation Cascade Range Clarno Formation geochemistry 12: 1528-1548 petrology 4: 471-488 geochemistry 3: 285-302 Geological Society of America Bulletin, December 1996 clastic rocks ¢ debris flows SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 108 clastic rocks see also arenite; breccia; common mica see muscovite crater lakes claystone; conglomerate; diatomaceous Commonwealth of Independent States see Alaska, Quaternary 7: 861-871 earth; flysch; marl; red beds; sandstone; Fergana Basin craters see volcanic features shale; siltstone; tonstein composite volcano see stratovolcanoes Crazy Mountains Alaska, geochronology 6: 722-734 conglomerate magmas 11: 1404-1424 clastic sediments see alluvium; clay; Alaska, Quaternary 7: 861-871 Creede Formation diamicton; gravel; loess; mud; sand; silt; Antarctica, stratigraphy 6: 685-707 sedimentation 5: 526-544 till China 6: 669-684 Cretaceous clastic wedges Congo River 3: 253-269 Albian, California 2: 235-250 India, stratigraphy contact metamorphism Antarctica 9: 1192-1196 Pakistan, stratigraphy British Columbia, tectonics 11: 1372-1392 Blackhawk Formation 10: 1275-1294 clay see marl California, geochemistry 12: 1528-1548 British Columbia 7: 168-785 clay mineralogy Washington 4: 471-488 California 4: 437-453 Atlantic Ocean, Quaternary contamination, magma see magma contamina- 8: 926-940; 12: 1515- West Indies, Quaternary tion 1527 clay minerals see illite continental crust Campanian, Utah 10: 1275-1294 claystone Arizona Castlegate Sandstone 10: 1275-1294 Oregon, geochemistry 3: 285-302 Proterozoic 9: 1167-1181 Cenomanian climatology, paleo- see paleoclimatology structural geology 9: 1149-1166 California 2: 235-250 clinoamphibole see hornblende California Western Interior 8: 941-952 clinopyroxene geochemistry 4: 437-453 China 6: 669-684 Colorado Plateau, geochronol- geophysical surveys 10: 1242-1255 Mancos Shale 10: 1275-1294 ogy : 757-767 Canada, structural geology 1: 20-39 Mexico 6: 708-721 coal Colorado, geochemistry 12: 1567-1579 Montana 6: 653-668 Appalachians : 303-317 Colorado Plateau, geochronol- Nevada 12: 1515-1527 California, petrology : 578-601 ogy 7: 757-767 New Zealand 11: 1450-1466 Panama, Quaternary : 794-814 Manitoba, structural geology 5: 602-629 Turonian, Western Interior 8: 941-952 stratigraphy 2: 195-207 Nepal, structural geology 12: 1594-1607 Washington 4: 471-488 coal gaps Norway, geochronology 11: 1425-1437 Crook County Oregon stratigraphy 2: 195-207 United States, structural geol- geochemistry 3: 285-302 Coast Range Ophiolite 6: 643-652 ogy 1: 20-39 cross-bedding Coast Ranges continental drift see also Gondwana; Antarctica, stratigraphy 6: 685-707 petrology : 578-601 Laurentia crust see also crustal thickening structural geology : 768-785 New Zealand 11: 1450-1466 Austria, tectonics 9: 1120-1133 coastal features see shore features Washington, petrology 4: 471-488 continental crust coastal sedimentation continental margin Arizona 9: 1149-1166; 9: 1167- Bahamas, Quaternary 2: 168-180 Washington, Quaternary 3: 334-354 1181 Panama, Quaternary 7: 794-814 continental margin sedimentation California 4: 437-453; 10: 1242- coastlines see also marine terraces Alaska, geochronology 6: 722-734 1255 Maine 9 : 1073-1088 Cobweb Swamp Zaire 3: 253-269 Canada 1: 20-39 Quaternary 7: 883-891 continental migration see continental drift Colorado 12: 1567-1579 Coconino County Arizona continental shelf Colorado Plateau 7: 757-767 Proterozoic : 1167-1181 Nova Scotia, Quaternary 8: 1056-1067 Manitoba 5: 602-629 Quaternary 1: 3-19 continental slope see continental margin sedi- Nepal 12: 1594-1607 structural geology : 1149-1166 mentation; submarine canyons Norway 11: 1425-1437 coelenterates see corals continental type see continental crust United States 1: 20-39 Colorado Coos Bay lower crust, Colorado Plateau 7: 157-767 geochemistry, Baca County Quaternary 2: 141-154 middle crust, Arizona 9: 1149-1166 Colorado : 1567-1579 Coos County New Hampshire Switzerland, tectonics 9: 1120-1133 Oligocene structural geology 4: 417-436 Virginia, Proterozoic 11: 1481-1491 Saguache County Colorado 5: 545-561 Coos County Oregon see Coos Bay crustal shortening Sawatch Range 5: 545-561 corals Spain, structural geology 12: 1608-1625 petrology Mexico, stratigraphy 6: 708-721 crustal thickening Rio Grande County Colo- Corbin Sandstone China, heavy minerals 6: 669-684 rado : 1039-1055 sedimentary petrology 3: 303-317 crystal growth San Juan volcanic field : 1039-1055 Cordilleran ice sheet Tennessee, diagenesis 2: 155-167 sedimentation Washington, Quaternary 7: 786-793; crystalline limestone see marbles Mineral County Colorado 5: 526-544 9: 1182-1191 Cumberland County Maine San Juan volcanic field 5: 526-544 Cordilleran Orogeny Quaternary 8: 1022-1038 Colorado Plateau British Columbia, tectonics 11: 1372-1392 dacites geochronology 7: 757-7167 Canada, structural geology 1: 26-39 Mexico, structural geology 5: 505-525 Proterozoic > 1167-1181 United States, structural geol- dams Quaternary : 1225-1241 ogy 1: 20-39 natural dams structural geology : 1149-1166 coseismic processes Alaska 7: 861-871 Colorado River Oregon, Quaternary 2: 141-154 New Mexico 11: 1492-1507 Quaternary 1: 3-19 Panama, Quaternary 7: 794-814 dating, fission-track see fission-track dating Colorado River basin Coyol Group debris flows geophysical surveys : 1242-1255 stratigraphy 7: 830-842 Arizona, Quaternary 1: 3-19 Geological Society of America Bulletin, December 1996 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 108 decollement ¢ fault-bend folds decollement diatomaceous earth engineering geology see earthquakes; waste Canada, structural geology 1: 20-39 Denmark, geochemistry 4: 489-504 disposal Italy, structural geology 8: 966-977 diatremes environmental geology see geologic hazards; Spain, structural geology 12: 1608-1625 Colorado Plateau, geochronol- pollution; waste disposal United States, structural geol- ogy 7: 757-167 Eocene ogy 1: 20-39 dikes Clarno Formation, geochemis- Deep Spring Formation Arizona, Proterozoic 9: 1167-1181 try 3: 285-302 geochemistry 12: 1528-1548 California Colorado 12: 1567-1579 deep-sea fans see submarine fans geophysical surveys 10: 1242-1255 Denmark 4: 489-504 deformation see also fractures; petrofabrics structural geology 8: 926-940 Montana 11: 1404-1424 Arkansas, geochemistry 8: 978-991 Colorado, geochemistry 12: 1567-1579 Moodys Branch Formation 1: 117-119 ductile deformation, New Montana, stratigraphy 6: 653-668 Pyrenean Orogeny, Spain 12: 1608-1625 Hampshire 4: 417-436 diorites see also monzodiorite; quartz dio- epeirophoresis theory see continental drift Oklahoma, geochemistry 8: 978-991 rites; tonalite erosion see also denudation; planation deglaciation California Brazil, geomorphology 9: 1089-1107 Maine, Quaternary : 1022-1038 geophysical surveys 10: 1242-1255 New Jersey 2: 225-234 Nova Scotia, Quaternary : 1056-1067 structural geology 8: 926-940 erosion surfaces see planation Washington, Quaternary : 1182-1191 dip-slip faults eruptions see also volcanoes Denmark see Jutland Oregon, Quaternary 7: 843-860 Arizona, Quaternary 10: 1225-1241 denudation displacement theory see continental drift Colorado, petrology 8: 1039-1055 Massachusetts, geomorphol- disposal, waste see waste disposal New Mexico, Quaternary 12: 1549-1566 ogy : 1314-1327 District of Mackenzie see Mackenzie District eruptive rocks see volcanic rocks depressions . Northwest Territories Esmeralda County Nevada Belize, Quaternary 7: 883-891 dolerite see diabase geochronology 12: 1515-1527 New Mexico, Quaternary 8: 953-965 dolomite estuaries Texas, Quaternary 8: 953-965 Alberta, geochemistry > 1108-1119 Zaire 3: 253-269 Descon Formation dolostone estuarine sedimentation geochronology 6: 722-734 Alberta, geochemistry : 1108-1119 Appalachians 3: 303-317 detachment see decollement British Columbia, structural Eurasian Plate detachment faults geology 2: 208-224 Pakistan, stratigraphy 10: 1295-1313 Austria : 1120-1133 domes Eureka County Nevada Nepal : 1594-1607 New Hampshire 7: 872-882 Devonian 4: 392-416 Switzerland > 1120-1133 New Mexico, Quaternary : 1549-1566 Europe see also Alps; Central Europe; South- detrital fan see alluvial fans New Zealand 11: 1450-1466 ern Europe; Western Europe detrital sedimentation drainage basins geochemistry, Jutland 4: 489-504 China 6: 669-684 India, Quaternary > 1134-1148 European Plate see Eurasian Plate India, stratigraphy 6: 631-642 drainage patterns eustasy Oregon, geochemistry 3: 285-302 Victoria Australia, geomor- Appalachians, sedimentary pe- Pakistan, stratigraphy 6: 631-642 phology : 1212-1224 trology 3: 303-317 Devonian dry delta see alluvial fans exhumation Acadian Phase, New Hamp- dry valleys Austria, tectonics 9: 1120-1133 shire 4: 417-436; 7: 872-882 Antarctica, stratigraphy 2: 181-194 British Columbia, tectonics 11: 1372-1392 Alberta 9: 1108-1119 ductile deformation Littleton Formation, struc- New Hampshire 4: 417-436 California, petrology 5: 578-601 tural geology 4: 417-436 Dudh Khola Nepal Indonesia, geochronology 11: 1438-1449 Nevada 4: 392-416 structural geology 12: 1594-1607 Norway, geochronology 11: 1425-1437 dextral faults see right-lateral faults Dutch New Guinea see Irian Jaya Indonesia Switzerland, tectonics 9: 1120-1133 diabase dykes see dikes exogenous inclusions see xenoliths Montana, stratigraphy 6: 653-668 dysaerobic environment explosive eruptions see also phreatomagma- Diablo Range stratigraphy 2: 195-207 tism petrology 5: 578-601 earth, diatomaceous see diatomaceous earth New Zealand, Quaternary 8: 915-925 diachronism earthquakes see geologic hazards; pale- extension faults Appalachians, Ordovician 3: 355-371 oseismicity Basin and Range Province 12: 1580-1593 diagenesis Eastern Canada see Maritime Provinces; New- extension tectonics Arkansas, geochemistry 8: 978-991 foundland; Quebec Canada 1: 20-39 burial diagenesis, Alberta : 1108-1119 echo sounding United States 1: 20-39 California, petrology 5: 578-601 Zaire 3: 253-269 facies see granulite facies Mississippi Valley, Quater- eclogite Far East see China; Korea; Mongolia nary 7: 892-903 Colorado Plateau, geochronol- fault blocks see block structures Oklahoma, geochemistry 8: 978-991 ogy 7: 757-767 fault zones Oregon, Quaternary 10: 1328-1341 Norway, geochronology 11: 1425-1437 Basin and Range Province, Tennessee 2: 155-167 economic geology see brines; coal; peat; peg- structural geology 12: 1580-1593 diagonal-slip faults see oblique-slip faults matite; rare earth deposits; shale British Columbia, structural diamicton Eddy County New Mexico geology 7: 768-785 Maine, Quaternary 8: 1022-1038 geophysical surveys 6: 747-756 California, Quaternary 6: 735-746 diatom flora eggstone see oolite fault-bend folds Antarctic Ocean, Quaternary 12: 1626-1644 Emery County Utah British Columbia, structural Oregon, Quaternary 2: 141-154 stratigraphy 10: 1275-1294 geology 2: 208-224 Geological Society of America Bulletin, December 1996 faults * geologic barometry SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 108 faults see also folds; foliation; nappes; shear Victoria Australia, geomor- West Indies, Quaternary 1: 78-100 zones phology 10: 1212-1224 foreland basins active faults fluid inclusions see geologic thermometry Appalachians, Ordovician 3: 355-371 California 6: 735-746 fluids, ore-forming see ore-forming fluids Mongolia, tectonics 10: 1256-1274 Kyrgyzstan 8: 1004-1021 fluvial features see floodplains; meanders; riv- Pakistan, stratigraphy 10: 1295-1313 Oregon 7: 843-860 ers fossil soils see Paleosols Washington 3: 334-354;9 : 1182- fluvial sedimentation see also fluviolacustr- fractional crystallization 1191 ine sedimentation; glaciofluvial sedimenta- California, geochemistry 4: 437-453 detachment faults tion Wyoming, petrology 11: 1357-1371 Austria : 1120-1133 Alaska, Quaternary 7: 861-871 fractures Nepal : 1594-1607 Appalachians 3: 303-317 California 8: 926-940 Switzerland > 1120-1133 Arizona, Quaternary 1: 3-19 framework silicates see feldspar group dip-slip faults, Oregon 7: 843-860 Brazil, geomorphology 9: 1089-1107 Franciscan Complex extension faults, Basin and environmental geology 10: 1342-1355 petrology 5: 578-601 Range Province : 1580-1593 India, Quaternary 9: 1134-1148 Franklin County Idaho India, stratigraphy 6: 631-642 fluvial transport see stream transport structural geology 12: 1580-1593 left-lateral faults, Oregon 7: 843-860 fluviolacustrine environment Franklin County Massachusetts normal faults Mongolia, tectonics 10: 1256-1274 geomorphology 10: 1314-1327 Austria 9: 1120-1133 New Zealand, Quaternary 8: 915-925 Franklin District Northwest Territories see Basin and Range Province 12: 1580-1593 fluviolacustrine sedimentation Arctic Archipelago Canada 1: 20-39 New Mexico, Quaternary 11: 1492-1507 fumaroles Mexico 5: 505-525 flysch Hawaii, hydrogeology 5: 562-577 Switzerland : 1120-1133 Arkansas, geochemistry 8: 978-991 Fur Formation United States 1: 20-39 Oklahoma, geochemistry 8: 978-991 geochemistry 4: 489-504 oblique-slip faults, Antarctica 6: 685-707 fold and thrust belts gabbros see also anorthosite overthrust faults, Newfound- Alberta, geochemistry 9: 1108-1119 Montana 11: 1404-1424 land 1: 101-116 Appalachians, structural geol- Newfoundland, structural ge- Pakistan, stratigraphy 6: 631-642 ogy 7: 815-829 ology 1: 101-116 reverse faults, Washington 3: 334-354 British Columbia, tectonics 11: 1372-1392 Gambacorta Formation right-lateral faults, British Co- Canada, structural geology 1: 20-39 stratigraphy 6: 685-707 lumbia 7: 768-785 Italy, structural geology 8: 966-977 Garland County Arkansas strike-slip faults Spain, structural geology 12: 1608-1625 geochemistry 8: 978-991 British Columbia 7: 768-785 United States, structural geol- garnet group California 6: 735-746 ogy 1: 20-39 Colorado Plateau, geochronol- Kyrgyzstan : 1004-1021 fold belts ogy 7: 7157-767 Mexico 5: 505-525 Indonesia, geochronology 11: 1438-1449 gastropods Oregon 7: 843-860 folds see also decollement; foliation; nappes Mississippi Valiey, Quater- Washington 3: 334-354 anticlines nary 7: 892-903 tear faults, Newfoundland 1: 101-116 Basin and Range Province 12: 1580-1593 general circulation models thrust faults British Columbia 2: 208-224 Paleocene 3: 270-284 British Columbia : 208-224 Italy 8: 966-977 GENESIS model California : 735-746 Appalachians 7: 815-829 stratigraphy 8: 941-952 Nepal : 904-911 California, Quaternary 6: 735-746 geobarometry see geologic barometry New Hampshire 4: 417-436 Oregon, Quaternary 7: 843-860 geochemical anomalies Fe see iron synclines, Mongolia 10: 1256-1274 Denmark, geochemistry 4: 489-504 features, shore see shore features synclinoria, British Columbia 11: 1372-1392 geochemical controls features, volcanic see volcanic features foliation New Mexico, rare earth de- feeding ground see drainage basins Arizona : 1149-1166 posits 3: 318-333 feldspar group see alkali feldspar; plagioclase Proterozoic > 1167-1181 geochemistry Fergana Basin Nepal : 1594-1607 lithogeochemistry Quaternary 8: 1004-1021 New Hampshire 7: 872-882 Arkansas 8: 978-991 Fifteenmile Group Newfoundland 1: 101-116 California 12: 1528-1548 Proterozoic 4: 454-470 schistosity, California : 1528-1548 Colorado 12: 1567-1579 fireclay foraminifera Oklahoma 8: 978-991 Kentucky, sedimentary petrol- Lepidocyclina, Alabama 1: 117-119 Russian Federation 8: 992-1003 ogy 1: 120-125 foraminifers geochronology see absolute age; Archean; West Virginia, sedimentary Alabama, stratigraphy 1: 117-119 Cambrian; Carboniferous; Cretaceous; petrology 1: 120-125 Antarctic Ocean, Quaternary 12: 1626-1644 Devonian; Eocene; Holocene; Jurassic; fission-track dating Antarctica, Cretaceous 9: 1192-1196 Miocene; Neogene; Oligocene; Ordovi- Indonesia, geochronology 11: 1438-1449 Atlantic Ocean, Quaternary 1: 78-100 cian; Paleocene; Paleozoic; Permian; New Zealand, Quaternary 8: 915-925 California, stratigraphy 2: 235-250 Phanerozoic; Pleistocene; Pliocene; Pro- Flin Flon Manitoba Italy, structural geology 8: 966-977 terozoic; Quaternary; Silurian; Tertiary; structural geology 5: 602-629 Maine, Quaternary : 1073-1088 Triassic flood tuff see ignimbrite Oregon, Quaternary 2: 141-154 geodesy floodplains West Indies, Quaternary 1: 78-100 Maine, Quaternary 9: 1073-1088 Brazil 9: 1089-1107 Western Interior, stratigraphy 8: 941-952 Panama, Quaternary 7: 794-814 floods fore-arc basins geologic barometry Alaska, Quaternary 7: 861-871 Atlantic Ocean, Quaternary 1: 78-100 British Columbia, tectonics 11: 1372-1392 India, Quaternary 9: 1134-1148 China, heavy minerals 6: 669-684 Washington, petrology 4: 471-488 Geological Society of America Bulletin, December 1996 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 108 geologic hazards * hurricanes geologic hazards see also floods; pale- Grafton County New Hampshire Gulf Coastal Plain oseismicity; seismic risk; volcanic risk; structural geology 7: 872-882 stratigraphy 1: 117-119 volcanoes Grand Canyon Gulf Extensional Province Arizona, Quaternary 10: 1225-1241 Proterozoic 9: 1167-1181 structural geology 5: 505-525 geologic thermometry see also geologic ba- Quaternary 1: 3-19 Gulf of Guinea 3: 253-269 rometry structural geology 9: 1149-1166 Gulf of Mexico California, petrology 5: 578-601 Grand County Utah stratigraphy 1: 117-119 Mississippi Valley, Quater- stratigraphy 10: 1275-1294 half grabens nary 7: 892-903 Grande River see Rio Grande Basin and Range Province, geological barometry see geologic barometry granite see granites structural geology 12: 1580-1593 geological reasoning 11: 1508-1510 granite gneiss Canada, structural geology 1: 20-39 geomorphology see glacial geology; mass New Hampshire, structural ge- United States, structural geol- movements; sea-level changes; shore fea- ology 7: 872-882 ogy 1: 20-39 tures; volcanic features; weathering Granite Gorge metamorphic suite Hall Canyon Pluton geophysical logging see well-logging structural geology 9: 1149-1166 geochemistry 4: 437-453 geophysical profiles see seismic profiles granites see also aplite; granodiorites; pegma- Hampshire County Massachusetts geophysical surveys see acoustical surveys; tite; two-mica granite geomorphology 10: 1314-1327 gravity surveys; seismic surveys California Hancock County Maine Georgia see Valley and Ridge Province geochronology 12: 1515-1527 Quaternary 9: 1073-1088 geotectonics see tectonics geophysical surveys 10: 1242-1255 Hawaii geothermal gradient Nevada, geochronology 12: 1515-1527 hydrogeology, Kilauea 5: 562-577 Antarctica, Cretaceous 9: 1192-1196 New Mexico, rare earth de- Hawaii Island see Kilauea California, petrology 5: 578-601 posits 3: 318-333 hazards, geologic see geologic hazards geothermal surveys see heat flow Newfoundland, structural ge- heat flow see temperature logging geothermometry see geologic thermometry ology 1: 101-116 heavy minerals glacial geology see glaciation; ice movement; granitic gneiss see granite gneiss China 6: 669-684 moraines; till heterochrony see diachronism granodiorites glacial maximum, last see last glacial maxi- California, geochemistry : 437-453 High Plains see Great Plains mum Highland Mountains Nova Scotia, Silurian : 127-140 glacial recession see deglaciation stratigraphy 6: 653-668 Washington : 471-488 glacial sedimentation see glaciofluvial sedi- Himalaya Mountains see Himalayas granulite see granulites mentation; glaciomarine sedimentation Himalayan Orogeny granulite facies glaciated terrains India, stratigraphy 6: 63 1-642 Nova Scotia, Silurian : 127-140 Massachusetts, geomorphol- Nepal, geochronology 7: 904-911 granulites ogy 10: 1314-1327 Pakistan, stratigraphy 6: 631-642 Colorado Plateau, geochronol- glaciation see deglaciation; ice movement Himalayas see also India; Main Central ogy 7: 757-767 glaciofluvial sedimentation Thrust; Nepal Maine, Quaternary 8: 1022-1038 graptolites geochronology, Lesser Hima- glaciology see glacial geology Appalachians, Ordovician 3: 355-371 layas 7: 904-911 glaciomarine sedimentation Graubunden Switzerland stratigraphy 10: 1295-1313 Maine, Quaternary 8: 1022-1038 tectonics 9: 1120-1133 Holocene Nova Scotia, Quaternary 8: 1056-1067 gravel Alaska 7: 861-871 glasses see volcanic glass Maine, Quaternary 8: 1022-1038 Antarctic Ocean 12: 1626-1644 glassy feldspar see sanidine gravity anomalies see Bouguer anomalies Arizona 1: 3-19 global circulation models see general circula- gravity faults see normal faults Bahamas 2: 168-180 tion models gravity surveys Belize 7: 883-891 glomerocrysts California, geophysical sur- India 6: 631-642;9 : 1134-1148 Montana, magmas 11: 1404-1424 veys 10: 1242-1255 Kyrgyzstan 8: 1004-1021 gneisses see also granite gneiss New Hampshire, structural ge- Maine 9: 1073-1088 Antarctica, stratigraphy 6: 685-707 ology 7: 872-882 Oregon 2: 141-154 Newfoundland, structural ge- Great Appalachian Valley Pakistan 6: 631-642 ology 1: 101-116 structural geology 7: 815-829 Zaire 3: 253-269 Norway, geochronology : 1425-1437 Great Basin hornblende Nova Scotia, Silurian 2: 127-140 Devonian 4: 392-416 California, geochronology = 12: 1515-1527 Virginia, Proterozoic : 1481-1491 Great Plains see New Mexico Montana, stratigraphy 6: 653-668 Gondwana Greenough Spring Fault Nevada, geochronology 12: 1515-1527 Argentina, tectonophysics 3: 372-375 structural geology 4: 417-436 Newfoundland, structural ge- New Brunswick, structural ge- greenstone belts ology 1: 101-116 ology 11: 1467-1480 Manitoba, structural geology 5: 602-629 Norway, geochronology : 1425-1437 Newfoundland, structural ge- Grenvillian Orogeny Washington, petrology 4: 471-488 ology 1: 101-116 Nova Scotia 2: 127-140 hornstone see chert Quebec, structural geology 11: 1467-1480 Grisons Switzerland see Graubunden Switzer- Hudsonian Orogeny Goochland Terrane land Manitoba, structural geology : 602-629 Proterozoic 11: 1481-1491 ground water see also aquifers; thermal wa- Hunterdon County New Jersey Gosport Formation ters stratigraphy i: 40-77 stratigraphy 1: 117-119 New Mexico, geophysical sur- Hurricane Andrew Gotlandian see Silurian veys 6: 747-756 Quaternary : 168-180 gouge Gujarat India hurricanes California, Quaternary 6: 735-746 Quaternary 9: 1134-1148 Bahamas, Quaternary : 168-180 Geological Society of America Bulletin, December 1996 hydrogeological controls * isotopes SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 108 hydrogeological controls syenites, Nova Scotia : 127-140 British Columbia 11: 1372-1392 Panama, Quaternary 7: 794-814 tholeiitic basalt, Hawaii : 562-577 California 4: 437-453 hydrogeology see ground water; thermal wa- tonalite 8: 926-940; 10: 1242- ters Newfoundland : 101-116 1255; 12: 1515-1527; hydrology see also floods; rivers Washington : 471-488 12: 1528-1548 Hawaii 5: 562-577 tuff Manitoba 5: 602-629 Massachusetts, geomorphol- Colorado : 1039-1055 Nevada 12: 1515-1527 ogy 10: 1314-1327 Korea > 1199-1211 New Hampshire 7: 872-882 Panama, Quaternary 7: 794-814 Washington 7: 786-793 New Mexico 3: 318-333 hypabyssal rocks two-mica granite, California 4: 437-453 sills Mexico, structural geology 5: 505-525 volcanic glass, New Zealand 8: 915-925 Colorado 12: 1567-1579 Iberian Peninsula see Spain volcanic rocks Montana 6: 653-668 ice movement Antarctica 6: 685-707 Newfoundland 1: 101-116 Nova Scotia, Quaternary 8: 1056-1067 Manitoba 5: 602-629 stocks, Montana 11: 1404-1424 Washington, Quaternary 7: 786-793 ignimbrite Virginia, Proterozoic 11: 1481-1491 Idaho Nicaragua, stratigraphy 7: 830-842 Wyoming 11: 1357-1371 structural geology 1: 20-39 Washington, Quaternary : 786-793 intrusive mountain see batholiths Bear Lake County Idaho 12: 1580-1593 Ilecillewaet Synclinorium Invertebrata see Brachiopoda Franklin County Idaho 12: 1580-1593 tectonics : 1372-1392 invertebrates see also brachiopods; bryozo- igneous processes Illinois see Peoria Loess ans; corals; foraminifers; graptolites; mol- New Mexico, rare earth de- illite lusks; radiolarians posits 3: 318-333 California, petrology 5: 578-601 Nevada, Devonian 4: 392-416 igneous rocks see also plutonic rocks inclusions see also fluid inclusions Inyo County California see also Inyo Moun- andesites, Oregon 3: 285-302 Kentucky, sedimentary petrol- tains; Panamint Range anorthosite, Virginia 11: 1481-1491 ogy 1: 120-125 geochronology 12: 1515-1527 aplite, California 4: 437-453 West Virginia, sedimentary Inyo Mountains ash-flow tuff, Colorado 8: 1039-1055 petrology 1: 120-125 geochemistry 12: 1528-1548 basalts, Mexico 5: 505-525 xenoliths, Colorado Plateau 7: 757-767 Ir see iridium benmoreite, Arizona 10: 1225-1241 India see also Indus-Yarlung Zangbo suture Irian Jaya Indonesia dacites, Mexico 5: 505-525 zone; Main Central Thrust geochronology 11: 1438-1449 diabase, Montana 6: 653-668 Quaternary iridium diorites, California 8: 926-940; 10: 1242- Gujarat India 9: 1134-1148 Denmark, geochemistry 4: 489-504 1255 Madhya Pradesh India 9: 1134-1148 iron gabbros Narmada River 9: 1134-1148 Russian Federation, geochem- Montana 11: 1404-1424 Indian Ocean istry 8: 992-1003 Newfoundland 1: 101-116 Cretaceous 9: 1192-1196 ironstone granites Indian Peninsula see India; Nepal; Pakistan Oregon, geochemistry 3: 285-302 California 10: 1242-1255; 12: Indian Plate irruption (intrusion) see intrusions 1515-1527 Pakistan, stratigraphy 10: 1295-1313 island arcs see also back-arc basins; fore-arc Nevada 12: 1515-1527 Indonesia basins New Mexico 3: 318-333 geochronology, Irian Jaya In- Arizona, structural geology 9: 1149-1166 Newfoundland 1: 101-116 donesia 11: 1438-1449 Island County Washington granodiorites Indus Group Quaternary 3: 334-354 California 4: 437-453 stratigraphy 6: 631-642 island-arc areas see island arcs Nova Scotia : 127-140 Indus-Yarlung Zangbo suture zone isostasy Washington 4: 471-488 stratigraphy 6: 631-642 New Zealand 11: 1450-1466 hypabyssal rocks, Mexico : 505-525 intermontane basins isothermal remanent magnetization ignimbrite Canada, structural geology 1: 20-39 Oregon, Quaternary 10: 1328-1341 Nicaragua : 830-842 United States, structural geol- isotopes Washington : 786-793 ogy 1: 20-39 C-13/C-12 kimberlite, Colorado Plateau 7: 757-767 Intermontane Belt Alberta 9: 1108-1119 minette tectonics 11: 1372-1392 California 4: 379-391 Colorado : 1567-1579 intrusions Russian Federation 8: 992-1003 Colorado Plateau 7: 757-767 batholiths Tennessee 2: 155-167 monzodiorite, Montana : 1404-1424 California 12: 1515-1527 C-14 monzonites, Wyoming : 1357-1371 Nevada 12: 1515-1527 Arizona 1: 3-19 mugearite, Arizona > 1225-1241 Washington 4: 471-488 California 4: 379-391 pumice diatremes, Colorado Plateau 7: 151-167 India 9: 1134-1148 New Mexico : 1549-1566 dikes Kyrgyzstan 8: 1004-1021 Washington 7: 786-793 Arizona 9: 1167-1181 Maine 9: 1073-1088 pyroclastics, New Zealand 8: 915-925 California 8: 926-940; 10: 1242- Mississippi Valley 7: 892-903 quartz diorites, Washington 4: 471-488 1255 New Mexico 8: 953-965 rhyodacites Colorado 12: 1567-1579 Nova Scotia 8: 1056-1067 Oregon 3: 285-302 Montana 6: 653-668 Panama 7: 794-814 Washington 7: 786-793 Mexico, structural geology 5: 505-525 Texas 8: 953-965 rhyolite tuff, Colorado : 1039-1055 plugs, Nicaragua 7: 830-842 Nd-144/Nd-143 rhyolites plutons California 4: 437-453 New Mexico : 1549-1566 Arizona 9: 1149-1166; 9: 1167- Colorado 12: 1567-1579 Nicaragua 7: 830-842 1181 Colorado Plateau 7: 157-167 Geological Society of America Bulletin, December 1996 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 108 Italy ¢ lithostratigraphy Nepal 7: 904-911 Kentucky see also Appalachian Basin; lava Wyoming 11: 1357-1371 Breathitt Formation; Kanawha Formation Arizona, Quaternary 10: 1225-1241 O-18/0-16 Quaternary 7: 892-903 Washington, Quaternary 7: 786-793 Alberta 9: 1108-1119 Kharaulakh Mountains lava domes see shield volcanoes Arkansas 8: 978-991 geochemistry 8: 992-1003 Lea County New Mexico Atlantic Ocean 1: 78-100 Kilauea geophysical surveys 6: 747-756 Oklahoma 8: 978-991 hydrogeology 5: 562-577 lead Russian Federation 8: 992-1003 kimberlite Pb-206/Pb-204 Tennessee 2: 155-167 Colorado Plateau, geochronol- Colorado 12: 1567-1579 West Indies 1: 78-100 ogy 7: 757-167 Nepal 7: 904-911 Pb-206/Pb-204 King County Washington see Seattle Wash- Pb-207/Pb-204, Colorado 12: 1567-1579 Colorado 12: 1567-1579 ington Pb-208/Pb-204, Colorado 12: 1567-1579 Nepal 7: 904-911 King River Pb-208/Pb-206, Nepal 7: 904-911 Pb-207/Pb-204, Colorado 12: 1567-1579 geomorphology 10: 1212-1224 left-lateral faults Pb-208/Pb-204, Colorado 12: 1567-1579 Kittitas County Washington Oregon, Quaternary 7: 8343-860 Pb-208/Pb-206, Nepal 7: 904-911 petrology 4: 471-488 lehm see loess Sr-87/Sr-86 Klakas Orogeny Lepidocyclina Alberta 9: 1108-1119 geochronology 6: 722-734 Alabama, stratigraphy 1: 117-119 California 4: 437-453 Klamath County Oregon Lerida Spain Colorado 12: 1567-1579 Quaternary 10: 1328-1341 structural geology : 16018-1625 Colorado Plateau 7: 157-167 Klawak Formation Lesser Antilles Wyoming 11: 1357-1371 geochronology 6: 722-734 Quaternary 1: 78-100 Italy Knox County Tennessee Lesser Himalayas structural geology, Sicily diagenesis 2: 155-167 geochronology 7: 904-911 Italy : 966-977 Kohat Plateau Lewis thrust fault JIazcuk-aBsosn inL akAersc Pluton : 225-234 KKoosrntegraaot igRriavpehry see Congo River 10: 1295-1313 lisAmtlerbsuetcrtotunar,ea l gseegeoe coahlleosmgoiy s ctarlcya renite : 11018: -2101-1399 Jesftfreurcstuorna l Cogueonltoyg yO regon 8: 926-940 vollacnadn ic features, Cheju Is- 10: 1199-1211 ABrnittairscht iCcao,l umstbriaat,i grsatprhuyc tural 6: 685-707 geochemistry 3: 285-302 Kulshan Caldera geology 2: 208-224 Jefferson County Washington Lincoln County Nevada Quaternary 7: 786-793 Quaternary 3: 334-354 Devonian 4: 392-416 Kyrgyzstan Jemez Mountains see Valle Grande Mountains Lincoln County New Mexico Quaternary, Talas Range 8: 1004-1021 Jemez volcanic field rare earth deposits 3: 318-333 lacustrine sedimentation see fluviolacustrine Quaternary 12: 1549-1566 Lincoln County Oregon sedimentation John Day Formation Quaternary 7: 843-860 lakes see crater lakes geochemistry 3: 285-302 Lincoln County Wyoming laminations Joulters Cays structural geology 12: 1580-1593 Colorado 5: 526-544 Quaternary 2: 168-180 Lindenkohl Canyon 2: 225-234 lamprophyres see minette Juan de Fuca Plate lineation see foliation land canyons see canyons Oregon, Quaternary 7: 843-860 lineations see lineation landslides Jurassic see also Passaic Formation liquid inclusions see fluid inclusions Austria 9: 1120-1133 New Mexico, Quaternary 11: 1492-1507 lithogeochemistry British Columbia 11: 1372-1392 Lane County Oregon Arkansas 8: 978-991 California 12: 1515-1527 Quaternary 7: 843-860 California 12: 1528-1548 Coast Range Ophiolite 6: 643-652 Laramide Orogeny Colorado 12: 1567-1579 Alberta, geochemistry 9: 1108-1119 Oklahoma 8: 978-991 Mongolia 10: 1256-1274 Laramie anorthosite complex Russian Federation 8: 992-1003 Nevada 12: 1515-1527 petrology 11: 1357-1371 Lithoprobe Switzerland 9: 1120-1133 last glacial maximum Alberta, geochemistry 9: 1108-1119 Jutland Mississippi Valley, Quater- lithostratigraphy geochemistry 4: 489-504 nary 7: 892-903 Antarctica 6: 685-707 K/Ar lateral faults see left-lateral faults; right-lateral Appalachians 3: 355-371 Arizona, Quaternary 10: 1225-1241 faults sedimentary petrology 3: 303-317 California, geochronology 12: 1515-1527 latitude, paleo- see paleolatitude Belize, Quaternary : 883-891 Colorado, geochemistry 12: 1567-1579 Laurentia British Columbia, structural Nevada, geochronology 12: 1515-1527 Argentina, tectonophysics 3: 372-375 geology 2: 208-224 Nicaragua, stratigraphy 7: 830-842 Canada, Proterozoic 4: 454-470 Canada 4: 454-470 Kanawha County West Virginia New Brunswick, structural ge- India, Quaternary : 1134-1148 sedimentary petrology 1: 120-125 ology 11: 1467-1480 Kentucky, sedimentary petrol- Kanawha Formation Newfoundland, structural ge- ogy 1: 120-125 sedimentary petrology 1: 120-125 ology 1: 101-116 Manitoba, structural geology 5: 602-629 Karheen Formation Quebec, structural geology 11: 1467-1480 New Hampshire, structural ge- geochronology 6: 722-734 United States, Proterozoic 4: 454-470 ology 4: 417-436 karst Virginia, Proterozoic 11: 1481-1491 New Jersey 1: 40-77 Belize, Quaternary 7: 883-891 Laurentide ice sheet New Mexico, Quaternary 8: 953-965 Katakturuk Dolomite Maine, Quaternary : 1022-1038 Nicaragua 7: 830-842 Proterozoic 4: 454-470 Nova Scotia, Quaternary : 1056-1067 Oregon, Quaternary 2: 141-154 Geological Society of America Bulletin, December 1996 Littleton Formation * metamorphic rocks SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 108 Pakistan 10: 1295-1313 magmatic differentiation see also fractional marl Texas, Quaternary 8: 953-965 crystallization Belize, Quaternary 7: 883-891 United States 4: 454-470 Montana, magmas 11: 1404-1424 marshes see salt marshes West Virginia, sedimentary magnesian spar see dolomite Marsyandi Nepal petrology 1: 120-125 magnetic susceptibility structural geology 12: 1594-1607 Littleton Formation Antarctic Ocean, Quaternary 12: 1626-1644 Maryland see Valley and Ridge Province structural geology 4: 417-436 California, structural geology 8: 926-940 Masonic Park Tuff Livingston Conglomerate Oregon, Quaternary 10: 1328-1341 petrology 8: 1039-1055 sedimentary petrology 3: 303-317 magnetism, paleo- see paleomagnetism mass extinctions loam magnetization see remanent magnetization stratigraphy 2: 195-207 New Mexico, Quaternary 8: 953-965 magnetostratigraphy mass movements see debris flows; erosion; Texas, Quaternary 8: 953-965 New Jersey 1: 40-77 landslides Lockatong Formation 1: 40-77 Spain, structural geology 12: 1608-1625 mass wasting see mass movements loess Main Central Thrust Massachusetts Mississippi Valley, Quater- geochronology 7: 904-911 geomorphology nary 7: 892-903 stratigraphy 6: 631-642 Franklin County Massachu- Los Alamos Canyon Maine seits 10: 1314-1327 environmental geology 10: 1342-1355 Quaternary Hampshire County Massa- Los Alamos County New Mexico Cumberland County Maine 8: 1022-1038 chusetts 10: 1314-1327 Quaternary 11: 1492-1507; 12: Hancock County Maine 9: 1073-1088 Worcester County Massa- 1549-1566 Sagadahoc County Maine 9: 1073-1088 chusetts 10: 1314-1327 Los Angeles County California Washington County Maine 9: 1073-1088 Matagalpa Group Quaternary 6: 735-746 York County Maine 8: 1022-1038; stratigraphy 7: 830-842 low-grade metamorphism 9: 1073-1088 Mayan Arkansas, geochemistry 8: 978-991 Mancos Shale Quaternary 7: 883-891 Oklahoma, geochemistry 8: 978-991 10: 1275-1294 McCurtain County Oklahoma manganese geochemistry 8: 978-991 Lower Cretaceous see Albian Russian Federation, geochem- meanders lower crust istry 8: 992-1003 Victoria Australia 10: 1212-1224 Colorado Plateau, geochronol- Manitoba Medicine Butte thrust fault ogy 7: 7157-767 structural geology, Flin Flon structural geology 1: 20-39 Lower Devonian see Littleton Formation Manitoba 5: 602-629 Merced County California lower Neogene see Miocene mantle petrology 5: 578-601 lower Precambrian see Archean Austria, tectonics 9: 1120-1133 Mercer County New Jersey Lubbock County Texas Colorado, geochemistry 12: 1567-1579 stratigraphy 1: 40-77 Quaternary 8: 953-965 Colorado Plateau, geochronol- Mesozoic see also Cretaceous; Jurassic; macerals see vitrinite ogy 7: 757-767 Triassic Mackenzie District Northwest Territories Montana, magmas 11: 1404-1424 Franciscan Complex, petrol- Proterozoic 4: 454-470 Switzerland, tectonics 9: 1120-1133 ogy 5: 578-601 Mackenzie Mountains Supergroup mantle plumes Passaic Formation 1: 40-77 Proterozoic 4: 454-470 New Zealand, structural geol- meta-anorthosite Madhya Pradesh India ogy 11: 1450-1466 Nova Scotia, Silurian 2: 127-140 Quaternary 9: 1134-1148 maps metabasite Madison County Montana structural maps, New Hamp- Montana, stratigraphy 6: 653-668 stratigraphy 6: 653-668 shire 4: 417-436 metagraywacke Madrid Formation marbles California 5: 578-601 structural geology 4: 417-436 Nepal, structural geology 12: 1594-1607 metaigneous rocks see also meta-anortho- magma see magmas Marcasita Anticline site; metabasite magma chambers structural geology 8: 966-977 Arizona, Proterozoic 9: 1167-1181 California margin, continental see continental margin Manitoba, structural geology 5: 602-629 geochemistry 4: 437-453 marine sedimentation see also glaciomarine metal ores see rare earth deposits structural geology 8: 926-940 sedimentation metals see actinides; alkaline earth metals; magma contamination Atlantic Ocean, Quaternary 1: 78-100 aluminum; iron; manganese; platinum Wyoming, petrology 11: 1357-1371 West Indies, Quaternary 1: 78-100 group magma reservoir see magma chambers marine sediments metamorphic rocks magmas see also fractional crystallization; Alabama, stratigraphy 1: 117-119 amphibolites, Colorado Pla- magma chambers; magmatic differentia- Antarctic Ocean, Quaternary 12: 1626-1644 teau 7: 157-767 tion Antarctica, Cretaceous 9: 1192-1196 eclogite Antarctica, stratigraphy 6: 685-707 Atlantic Ocean, Quaternary 1: 78-100 Colorado Plateau 7: 7S7-767 Arizona, Quaternary 10: 1225-1241 Nova Scotia, Quaternary 8: 1056-1067 Norway : 1425-1437 California, geophysical sur- West Indies, Quaternary 1: 78-100 gneisses veys 10: 1242-1255 Zaire 3: 253-269 Antarctica 6: 685-707 Colorado, geochemistry 1567-1579 marine terraces Newfoundland 1: 101-116 Korea, volcanic features 1199-1211 Mexico, stratigraphy 6: 708-721 Norway : 1425-1437 New Mexico Oregon, Quaternary 7: 843-860 Nova Scotia 2: 127-140 Quaternary : 1549-1566 marine transport Virginia : 1481-1491 rare earth deposits 3: 318-333 Zaire 3: 253-269 granite gneiss, New Hamp- Nicaragua, stratigraphy 7: 830-842 Maritime Provinces see New Brunswick; shire 7: 872-882 Washington, Quaternary 7: 786-793 Nova Scotia granulites, Colorado Plateau 7: 157-767 Geological Society of America Bulletin, December 1996

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