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Genetica (2005) 123: 327-328 © Springer 2005 Contents Volume 123 2005 Volume 123 No. 1-2 February 2004 Natura non facit saltum R. Mauricio Theories of adaptation: what they do and don’t say H.A. Orr Testing hypotheses regarding the genetics of adaptation P.C. Phillips QTL mapping and the genetic basis of adaptation: recent developments Z.-B. Zeng Sex differences in recombination and mapping adaptations P.D. Lorch Genetics and adaptation in structured populations: sex ratio evolution in Silene vulgaris M.S. Olson, D.E. McCauley, D. Taylor Studying genetics of adaptive variation in model organisms: flowering time variation in Arabidopsis Iyrata M. Riihimäki, R. Podolsky, H. Kuittinen, H. Koelewijn, O. Savolainen Ontogenetics of QTL: the genetic architecture of trichome density over time in Arabidopsis thaliana R. Mauricio Epistasis and genotype-environment interaction for quantitative trait loci affecting flowering time in Arabidopsis thaliana T.E. Juenger, S. Sen, K.A. Stowe, E.L. Simms Evolution in heterogeneous environments and the potential of maintenance of 107-124 genetic variation in traits of adaptive significance D.L. Byers The genetic basis of adaptation: lessons from concealing coloration in pocket mice 125-136 M.W. Nachman The genetics of adaptation in Drosophila sechellia 137-145 C.D. Jones Back to the future: genetic correlations, adaptation and speciation 147-156 S. Via, D.J. Hawthorne Parallel genotypic adaptation: when evolution repeats itself 157-170 T.E. Wood, J.M. Burke, L.H. Rieseberg Hybridization as a source of evolutionary novelty: leaf shape in a Hawaiian 171-179 composite S. Jorgensen, R. Mauricio Discovery and utilization of QTLs for insect resistance in soybean 181-189 H.R. Boerma, D.R. Walker Polyploidy, evolutionary opportunity, and crop adaptation 191-196 A.H. Paterson 328 Quantitative trait loci and the study of plant domestication 197-204 J. Ross-Ibarra Can ecology help genomics: the genome as ecosystem? 205-209 R. Mauricio Volume 123 No.3 March 2004 Conserved 5S and variable 45S rDNA chromosomal localisation revealed by FISH in 211-216 Astyanax scabripinnis (Pisces, Characidae) M. Mantovani, L.D.d.S. Abel, ©. Moreira-Filho Polytene chromosomes of an archipelagic subgenus, Inseliellum (Diptera: 217-226 Simuliidae) M. Spironello, F.F. Hunter Chromosomal diversification of reef fishes from genus Centropyge (Perciformes, 227-233 Pomacanthidae) P.R.A. de Mello Affonso, P.M. Galletti Jr. GENEHUNTER versus SimWalk2 in the context of an extended kindred and a 235-244 qualitative trait locus S. Romero-Hidalgo, E.R. Rodrigues, E. Gutierrez-Pena, L. Riba, M.T. Tusie-Luna Molecular and chromosomal analysis of ribosomal cistrons in two cartilaginous 245-253 fish, Taeniura lymma and Raja montagui (Chondrichthyes, Batoidea) L. Rocco, D. Costagliola, M. Fiorillo, F. Tinti, V. Stingo Quantitative assessment of heteroplasmy levels in Senecio vulgaris chloroplast 255-261 DNA J.E. Frey, B. Frey, D. Forcioli Microclinal variation for ovariole number and body size in Drosophila melanogaster 263-270 in ‘Evolution Canyon’ M.L. Wayne, A. Korol, T.F.C. Mackay Allozyme relationships in hypostomines (Teleostei: Loricariidae) from the Itaipu 271-283 Reservoir, Upper Rio Paranä basin, Brazil C.H. Zawadzki, E. Renesto, R.E.d. Reis, M.O. Moura, R.P. Mateus Evidence for introgression in differentiated North-American and Finnish Drosophila 285-293 montana populations S. Päällysaho, C.P. Vieira, A. Hoikkala, J. Vieira CAG repeat length in an infertile male population of Irish origin 295-302 R. Lavery, J.A. Houghton, A. Nolan, M. Glennon, D. Egan, M. Maher Secale cereale inter-microsatellites (SCIMs): chromosomal location and genetic 303-311 inheritance M.V. Camacho, M. Matos, C. González, V. Pérez-Flores, B. Pernaute, O. Pinto-Carnide, C. Benito Cchobo, a hobo-related sequence in Ceratitis capitata 313-325 C. Torti, L.M. Gomulski, M. Bonizzoni, V. Murelli, D. Moralli, C.R. Guglielmino, E. Raimondi, D. Crisafulli, P.C apy, G. Gasperi, A.R. Malacrida Volume Contents 327-328 Author Index 329 Instructions for authors 331-334 =

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