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Generalized true- and eccentric-anomaly parametrizations for the perturbed Kepler motion PDF

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GENERALIZED TRUE- AND ECCENTRIC-ANOMALY PARAMETRIZATIONS FOR THE PERTURBED KEPLER MOTION LA´SZLO´ A´. GERGELY1,2, ZOLTA´NI. PERJE´S1 ANDMA´TYA´S VASU´TH1 1 KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, Budapest 114, P.O.Box 49, H-1525 Hungary 7 2 Astronomical Observatory and Department of Experimental Physics, 0 University of Szeged, Szeged, D´om t´er 9, H-6720 Hungary 0 2 The true- and eccentric-anomaly parametrizations of the Kepler motion are gen- eralized to quasiperiodic orbits by considering perturbations of the radial part of n kineticenergyasaseriesinthenegativepowersoftheorbitalradius. Atoolboxof a methods foraveraging observables interms of the energy E andangular momen- J tumLisdeveloped. AbroadrangeofsystemsgovernedbythegenericBrumberg 7 force, as well as recent applications of the theory of gravitational radiation in- 2 volveintegralsoveraperiodofmotion. Theseintegralsareevaluatedbyusingthe residuetheorem. Itisshownthatthepoleoftheintegrandislocatedintheorigin 1 andthatundercertaincircumstances anadditionalpoleemerges. v 1 5 In our previous works 1,2 we have analyzed the motion of a compact binary 1 system with rotating components in order to provide realistic signal templates for 1 theinterferometricgravitational-waveobservatories. Wehavecalculatedthecumu- 0 lative radiation reaction effects on the motion of the spinning binary. In obtaining 7 secular changes one has to evaluate integrals of type 0 / c T ω q dt , (1) r2+n - Z0 r g where T is the radialperiod, n aninteger andω a function with no manifest radial v: dependence. For example T is determined by n = −2, while averaging instanta- i neous radiative losses of quantities characterizing the orbit of a binary system one X calculates this type of integrals with n = 1,...,7. During the computations it is r convenient to use the generalized true- and eccentric-anomaly parameters defined a as follows. The radial equation of a perturbed Kepler problem is considered as 2E 2m L2 p ϕ r˙2 = + − + i , (2) µ r µ2r2 µ2ri i=0 X wherethesmallcoefficientsϕ coupletheperturbationstothe system. The conser- i vationofenergyE andmagnitudeoftheorbitalangularmomentumLareassumed to hold from symmetry considerations. A wide class of perturbed Kepler motions 3 accomplishtheseconditions,forinstancesystemsdescribedbytheBrumberg force and the dynamics of spinning binaries. The generalized true- and eccentric-anomaly parametrizations are introduced by the relations dr dr =−γr2 , =−κ , (3) d(cosχ) d(cosξ) MG9: submitted to World Scientific on February 28, 2001 1 where γ and κ are positive constants. The scale of the parameters is adjusted to the turning points r(0) = r , r(π) = r , which are solutions of the radial min max equation r˙ =0. To firstorder one has p−2 unphysicalroots (even if real, they are muchsmallerthantheradiusr)andr andr ,whichdifferfromtheKeplerian min max turning points in linear terms in ϕ . With the above properties the familiar form i of the parametrizations is obtained : 2 1+cosχ 1−cosχ 1+cosξ 1−cosξ = + , 2r= + . (4) r r r r−1 r−1 min max min max The most remarkable properties of these parametrizations are summarized in the following theorems: Theorem 1: The integral r−(2+n)dt , n ≥ 0 is given by the residue located in the origin of the plane of the complex true-anomaly parameter z =eiχ. Theorem 2: The integral R r−(2+n)dt with n < 0 is given by the sum of the residuesintheoriginofthecomplexparameterplanew =eiξ and[forperturbative R terms with powers i≥2−n of r in the radial equation (2)] at 1/2 mµ2− −2µEL2 w = . 1 mµ2+p−2µEL2! Theabovestatementsareprovedbyppassingtothe true-andeccentric-anomaly parameters in the integral (1) and examining this expression in linear order of the perturbations ϕ . In doing so one can specify the possible ω functions which will i not destroy the advantageous property of the integrand. It turns out, that ω can be any polynomial in sine and cosine of the parameters. In particular, it can have the form ω =ω +ϕ(ψ,r˙) , (5) 0 whereω isconstantandtheperturbingtermϕ(ψ,r˙)isapolynomialinsinψ,cosψ 0 andr˙. Tofirstorderthe expressionsofthe azimuthalangleψ andr˙ intermsofthe true- and eccentric-anomaly parameters are needed to Keplerian order. The two types of generalized Keplerian parametrizations studied here are ca- pable of describing a wide variety of systems (2). They do not give a complete parametrization of the motion, but are suitable for handling radial effects. When using them and the residue theorem the evaluation of various integrals (1) turns out to be a simple task. They have been tested in computing the secular radia- tive changes of a compact binary system1,2. In our view the solution of the radial motion presentedhere is at least a viable candidate amongstother approaches4,5. References 1. L.Gergely, Z.Perj´es and M.Vasu´th, Phys. Rev. D 58, 124001 (1998). 2. L.A´.Gergely, Phys. Rev. D 61, 024035 (2000). 3. Brumberg,V.A.: Essential Relativistic Celestial Mechanics, Bristol: Adam Hilger, 1991. 4. R. Rieth and G. Scha¨fer, Class. Quantum Grav. 14, 2357 (1997). 5. Gopakumar,A. and Iyer,B.R., Phys. Rev. D 56, 7708 (1997). MG9: submitted to World Scientific on February 28, 2001 2

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