© SociedadEspañola deMalacalogia Iherus, 22 (1): 43-75, 2004 Gastropods collected along the continental slope of the Colombian Caribbean during the INVEMAR-Macrofauna campaigns (1998-2001) Gasterópodos colectados en el talud continental del Caribe colom- biano durante las campañas INVEMAR-Macrofauna (1998-2001) Adriana GRACIA C, Néstor E. ARDILA andJuan Manuel DÍAZ* Recibidoel26-111-2003.Aceptadoel5-VII-2003 ABSTRACT Among the biological material collected during the 1998-2001 "INVEMAR-Macrofauna" cannpaigns aboard the R/V Ancón along the upper zone of the continental slope of the Colombian Caribbean, at depths ranging from 200 to 520 m, a total of 104 gastropod species were obtained. Besides 18 not yet identified species, but including one recently described new species [Arm'ina juliana Ardila and Díaz, 2002), 48 species were not pre- viously known from Colombia, 18 of which were also unknown from the Caribbean Sea. Of the 36 families represented, Turridae was by far the richest in species (26 species). An annotated list of the taxa recorded is provided, as well as illustrations of those recorded for the firsttime in the área. RESUMEN Entre el material biológico colectado en 1998-2001 durante las campañas "INVEMAR- Macrofauna" a bordo del B/l Ancón, a profundidades entre 200 y 520 m, se obtuvo un total de 104 especies de gasterópodos. Aparte de 18 especies cuya identificación no ha sido completada, pero incluyendo una especie recientemente descrita (Armina juliana Ardila y Díaz, 2002), 48 especies no habían sido registradas antes en aguas colombia- nas y 18 de ellas tampoco en el mar Caribe. De los 36 familias representadas, Turridae fue la más numerosa en especies (26 especies). Se ofrece una relación anotada de las especies colectadas, así como ilustraciones de aquellas que se registran por primera vez para el área. KEYWORDS: Gastropoda,shelfslope,Colombia,CaribbeanSea. PALABRAS CIAVE: Gastropoda, taludcontinental, Colombia, MarCaribe. INTRODUCTION Knowledge of the composition and the course of the past three decades, distributionofthegastropodfaunainthe mostlybased onmaterialcollected inthe coastaland shelfáreas ofnorthernSouth littoral zone and shallow shelfáreas less m America has considerably increased in than 100 in depth (e.g. Altena, 1975; * InstitutodeInvestigacionesMarinasyCosteras, INVEMAR, CerroPuntadeBetín,SantaMarta, Colombia. E-mail: [email protected] 43 Iberus, 22 (1), 2004 Petuch, 1981, 1987;Princz, 1982;Cosel, Urabá (09^02'N-76202'W), ranging in 1986; JONG AND CooMANS, 1988; Díaz depth from 200 to about 520 m (Fig. 1). AND GÓTTING, 1988; DÍAZ, 1985, 1989, Abottom área of about 25,000 m^ was 1990, 1994, 1995; Díaz and Puyana, swept at each station using a semi- 1994).Bycontrast,mostrecordsofgastro- balloon trawl net (ca. 9 x 1 m mouth pod species from deeper settings offthe opening, 20 min. trawling at a speed of northernmostSouthAmerican coasts are about 3 knots). The material collected basedonthematerialtrawledbytheR/V was preliminarily sorted by groups and Pillsbury (cf. Bayer, Voss and Robins, preserved in 70% ethanolonboard. 1970; Bayer, 1971)incertaináreasoffthe TaxonomicIdentificationwas carried Colombian coast and the R/V Nisshin- out at INVEMAR, Santa Marta, and the maru N- 201 off Surinam (cf. Okutani, U.S. National Museum of Natural 1982,1983).Wecanthussaythatthemol- History, Washington D.C. Voucher spec- luscanfaunafromdeepershelfzonesand imens of the collected material were the continental slope in this región, like deposited in the Museo de Historia that of many other áreas of the Natural Marina de Colombia, at Santa Caribbean, remained so far under- Marta, Colombia. The taxonomic explored. The fact thatalmost all ofthe arrangement follows Vaught (1989). about740gastropod speciesknownfrom Taxa recorded for the first time for Curacao, Bonaire andAruba, and 630 of Caribbean or Colombian waters are the722speciesrecordedfromtheColom- illustrated. Shell measurements of the bian Caribbean (cf. Diaz and Puyana, largestspecimenofeachtaxa aregiven. 1994)have been recorded exclusively from water depths ranging from inter- Abbreviations: tidal to 100 m (cf. Jong and Coomans, 1988), demonstrates this situation elo- MHNMC: Museo de Historia Natural quently.Thus,asignificantincreaseofca. Marina de Colombia (INV), Santa 20% in the current inventory of gastro- Marta pod species occurring in Colombian LACM: LosAngelesCountyMuseum Caribbean waters canbe expected when NMNH: National Museum of Natural exhaustive collecting in deeper zones is History, U. S. NationalMuseumCol- carried out in this área (cf. DÍAZ, lection (USNM), Smithsonian Insti- CanteraandPuyana,1998). tution,Washington, D.C. Between 1998 and 2001, a series of L.: Length cruises were conducted aboard the R/V W.: Width Ancón of the Instituto de Investiga- H.: Height ciones Marinas y Costeras, INVEMAR, Al.:Aperturelength along the upper shelfslope (-200 to -520 St.: Station m) off the Caribbean mainland coast of Colombia, as part of an ambitious program for inventorying the benthic RESULTS macrofauna of this under-explored zone. The purpose of this paper is to FamilyFissurellidaeFlemming, 1822 report the gastropod species collected Comisepta acuminata (Watson,1883) duringthese campaigns, many ofwhich (Fig.2) havenotbeenrecordedfromColombian Referenees: orevenfromCaribbeanwatersbefore. Puneturella (Fissurisepta) triangiilata: Dall, 1889: 404. Puneturella (F.) aeiiminata: Pérez-Far- MATERIALANDMETHODS fante, 1947: 145,pl. 64,figs. 1-3. Material: One living specimen, INV During the cruises, 80 stations were MOL2385 (L. 7.24, W. 5.45, H. 5.07 mm), sampled between the Guajira Península St.03;450m. (12e34'N-71250'W) and the Gulf of Previous Colombian records: None 44 Gracia ETAI..-. Colomhian (^arihbcan gastropods froni ilic /NV/'MARcAmpsiigns x-á VENEZUELA Figure 1. Location ofthesrationswhere material was collected alongthe continental shelfslope of theColombianCaribbean. Figura 1. Localizacióndelasestacionesdecolectadematerialalo largodeltaluddelaplataformacon- tinentaldelCaribecolombiano. Distribution: SouthCarolina, Georgia, Material: One living specimen, INV Louisiana, México, Puerto Rico: Culebra MOLÍ649 (L. 4.36, W. 2.95, H. 2.65 mm), Island (Dall, 1889; Pérez-Farfante, St. 30;270m. 1947; OdÉ, 1988) and northernmost Previousrecordsin Colombia:None Colombiancoast;depthrange291-713m. Distribution: Florida Keys, México, Reinarks: This record extends the dis- Cuba, Barbados, Brazil (Dall, 1889; tribution range of the species to the Pérez-Farfante, 1947; Ríos, 1994), Southern Caribbean. The shell features Colombia; depthrange 150-1935 m. of the Colombian specimen are consis- tent with those of the holotype (USNM Diodora sayi (Dall, 1889) 61236) ofP. triangulataDall, 1889. References: Fissurella altérnala var. sax/i: Dall, Cranopsisgranúlala (Seguenza,1863) 1889: 407. (Fig.3) Diodora sayi: Pérez-Farfante, 1943: Referenees: 8-9,pl. 3,figs.'l-8. Punctiirella ,Punctiirella) watsoni: Diodora sayi: Díaz and Puyana, Dall, 1889:403-404. 1994: 110,fig. 330. Puncturella (Cranopsis) granúlala: Diodorasayi: Ríos, 1994: 26,fig.59. Pérez-Farfante, 1947: 124-126, pl. 54, Material: One empty shell, INV figs. 4-7. Puncturella granulata: Ríos, MOL1724 (L. 11.85, W. 7.13, H. 4.3 mm), 1994: 24, fig. 47. St. 33; ca. 285m. 45 Iberus, 22 (1), 2004 Previous records in Colombia: Díaz Olsson, 1971; Abbott, 1974), Colombia; AND PuYANA (1994), northernmost depthrange260-1067m. Colombiancoast. Remarks: This record extends the dis- Distribution: North Carolina, Florida, tribution range of the species to the Texas, Puerto Rico, Panamá, Colombia, Southern Caribbean. The shell features Curacao, Cuba, Barbados to extreme of the Colombian specimens were com- Southern Brazil (Warmke and Abbott, pared and are consistent with those of 1962; Espinosa, 1984; Díaz and material from diverse localities Puyana, 1994); depthrange 15-1449m. deposited in the NMNH (USNM Remarks: The shell features of the 801799-800, 95094 (syntype), 126810 Colombianspecimenareconsistentwith (syntype),888703,811804). those of the paralectotype ofF. altérnala var. sayi (USNM 95158, off Havanna, FamilyPseudococculinidae Cuba, 144m). Hickman,1983 NotocrateryoungiMcLeanand Diodora tanneri(Verrill,1882) (Fig.4) Harasewych,1995 (Fig.6) References: Reference: Diodora tanneri: Pérez-Farfante, Notocrater youngi: McLean and 1943: 19-20,pl. 6,figs.12-14. Harasewych, 1995: 26-27, figs. 66-69. Diodora tanneri: Okutani, 1983: 237 + Material: One living specimen, INV fig- MOL1660 (L. 3.14, W. 2.57, H. 1.33 mm), Material: One living specimen, INV St. 39;300m. MOL1650 (L. 35.86, W. 25.32, H. 13.99 Previous records in Colombia: Ardila mm), St. 24; one empty shell, INV ANDHarasewych (2002). MOLÍ652,St. 32;480-520m. Distribution: Bahamas (type locality), Previousrecords in Colombia: None. (McLean and Harasewych, 1995), Distribution: Delaware, Virginia, Colombia;depthrange300-518m. North Carolina, Georgia, México, Cuba, Barbados, Surinam (Pérez-Farfante, NotocraterhotibrickiMcLeanand 1943; Espinosa, 1984; Okutani, 1983), Harasewych,1995 (Fig. 7) Colombia;depthrange 180-730m. Reference: Remarks: The shell features of the Notocrater houbricki: McLean and Colombianspecimenareconsistentwith Harasewych, 1995:24-26,figs. 58-65. those of the type material of Fissurella Material: Two living specimens INV tanneri Verrill, 1883 (USNM 43765, off MOL2364 (L. 1.8, W. 1.3 H. 1 mm), 2603, DelawareBay, 187m). St. 33;270m. Previous records in Colombia: Ardila FamilyAcmaeidae Carpenter,1857 andHarasewych (2002). Pectinodonta arcuata Dalí,1882 (Fig. 5) Distribution: Bahamas: Grand References: Bahama Island (McLean and Pectinodonta arcuata: Dall, 1889: 411, Harasewych, 1995), Colombia; depth pl. 25,figs. 3-3a,b. range270-412m. Pectinodonta arcuata: Olsson, 1971: 87-88. Copulabyssia sp. (Fig. 8) Pectinodonta arcuata: Abbott, 1974: Material: Three specimens, INV 34,fig. 185. MOL2366, 2367 (L. 3.6, W. 2.6 H. 1.7 Material: 23 living specimens and mm),2616,St. 11,33;270-300m. empty shells, INV MOL1653 (L. 19.59, Previous records in Colombia: Ardila W. 13.99, H. 12.88 mm), 1654-1659, 2600- andHarasewych (2002). 2602,St. 30,32-34,36;260-520m. Distribution: Colombia (Southern Previousrecords in Colombia: None. Caribbean). Distribution: Cuba, St Lucia, St. Remarks: Copulabyssiasp. differsmor- Thomas, Guadeloupe, Dominica, St. phologically from the other five species Vincent, Nicaragua (Dall, 1889; allocated in this genus and reviewed by 46 Gracia F.Tai..-. Colombian Caribbcan gastropods from thc /A^K/;'A//1/^campaigns Leal and Simone (2ÜÜÜ). This appar- Cocculina messingi McLean and ently unnamed species is the first Harasewych, 1995 (Fig. 11) member of the genus known for the Reference: Caribbean. Itsdescription is in process. Cocculina messingi: McLean and Harasewych, 1995: íl-13, figs. 12-14. Family CocculinidaeDalí,1882 Material: +40 specimens, INV Coccocraterportoricetisis (Dalí and MOL1661-1663, 1664 (L. 5.45, W. 4.05, H. Simpson, 1901) (Fig. 9) 1.78 mm), 1665, 2321-2327, 2605, 2606, References: St. 09, 11, 14, 15, 16, 21, 39, 30, 29; 260- Cocculina portoricensis: Dall and 504m. Simpson, 1901: 440-441, pl. 53, figs. 18- Previous records in Colombia: Ardila 19. ANDHarasewych (2002). Cocculina portoricensis: Díaz and Distribution: Bahamas (type locality) PUYANA, 1994: 113,fig. 344. (McLean and Harasewych, 1995), Coccocrater portoricensis: McLean Colombia;depthrange260-504m. ANDHarasewych, 1995: 17,fig. 50. Material: Six specimens, INV Cocculina rathbuniDall,1882 MOL1686 (L. 11.62, W. 8.59, H. 3.71 References: mm), 1685, 1687, 1689; St. 35, 33; 286-321 Cocculina rathbuni: Dall, 1889: 347, m. pl. 25, figs. 5,7, 7a. Previous records in Colombia: Ardila Cocculina rathbuni: DÍAZ and ANDHarasewych (2002). PUYANA, 1994: 113,fig. 345. Distribution: Puerto Rico (Dall and Cocculina rathbuni: McLean and Simpson, 1901), Colombia (Díaz and Harasewych, 1995: 8-10, figs. 2-5. PuyanA, 1994);depthrange286-558m. Material: +30 specimens, INV Rernarks: The morphological features MOL1673 (L. 6.55, W. 4.85, H. 1.79 mm), of the Colombian specimens are consis- 1666-1674, 2611, 2612, 3243, 3324, 3431, tent with those of the holotype (USNM 3432, 3467, 3510, St. 11-16, 28, 29, 31, 34, 160496, Puerto Rico). However, the 35,39;290-519m. periostracum in the rediscovered mater- Previous records in Colombia: Dall ial differs from the eroded holotype. Its (1889); Ardila and Harasewych redescription and a new nomenclatural (2002). combinationisinprocess. Distribution: Massachusetts, Ba- hamas, Martinique, St. Vincent, Barba- Cocculina emsoniMcLeanand dos, Colombia (Dall, 1889; Díaz and Harasewych, 1995 (Fig. 10) PuYANA, 1994; McLean and Ha- Reference: rasewych, 1995); depth range 124-1127 Cocculina emsoni: McLean and m. Harasewych, 1995: 13, figs. 25-35. Rernarks: The morphological features Material: 34 living specimens, INV of the Colombian specimens are consis- MOL2320 (L. 3.88, W. 2.27, H. 1.53 mm), tent with those of the lectotype (USNM INVMOL2604,St. 15,33;270-302m. 126807, Martinique) and the paralecto- Previous records in Colombia: Ardila type(USNM333750, Barbados). ANDHarasewych(2002). Distribution: Off New Providence Cocculina sp. 1 (Fig. 12) Island, Bahamias (type locality), Material: +70 specimens, INV (McLean and Harasewych, 1995), MOL1677-1679 (L. 10.9, W. 8.9, H. 3.3 Colombia; depthrange270-518m. mm), 2607-2610, 2891, 3124, 3168, 3260, Rernarks:Thisrecordextendsthegeo- 3339, 3379, 3433, 3480, 3497, St. 07, 09, graphic range of the species consider- 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19,26,33,35,39. ablytothesouthernmostCaribbean.The Previous records in Colombia: Ardila morphologicalfeaturesoftheColombian andHarasewych (2002). specimens are consistent with those of Distribution: Colombia (Southern theholotype(USNM860355). Caribbean); depthrange200-488m. 47 Iberus, 22 (1), 2004 Remarks: This, apparently unnamed (Dall, 1889; McLean and Ha- species, differs from C. rathbuni and C. rasewych, 1995), Colombia; depth messingi in its shell sculpture and the range210-1049m. radular features. Its description is in process. FamilyTrochidaeRafinesque,1815 Calliotropis lissocona (Dall, 1881) (Fig. Cocculina sp.2 (Fig. 13) 15) Material: Eight specimens, INV References: MOL2370, 2371 (L. 3.2, W. 2.2, H. 1.2 Margarita lissocona: Dall, 1881: 41- mm), 2613, 2614, St. 52; 504 m; INV 42. MOL2613,2614,St.32,in500m. Solariella lissocona: Dall, 1889: 381, Previous records in Colombia: Ardila pl. 21,figs. 8-8a. ANDHARASEWYCH (2002). Material: Nine living specimens and Distribution: Colombia (Southern empty shells, INV MOLÍ690 (L. 4.81, W. Caribbean). 4.03, AL. 2.25 mm), 2328-2333, 2618, St. Remarks: This, apparently unnamed 03, 07, 11, 12, 16,27,67;274-500m. species, differs from another congeneric Previous recordsfor Colombia: QuiNN species occurring in the Western (1979),offtheGuajira Península. Atlantic in its sculpture of raised radial Distribution: Louisiana, Horida, Gulf ribs and the radular features. Its of México, Colombia (Dall, 1881; descriptionisinprocess. QuiNN, 1979); at depths ranging from 250to600m. Fedikovella beanii(Dalí,1882) (Fig.14) Remarks: The shell features of the Referenees: Colombian specimens are consistent Cocculina beanii: Dall, 1889: 347-348, with those of the holotype (USNM pl.25,figs.2,4,8. 214282, Louisiana, 596 m) ofM. lissocona Fedikovella beanii: McLean and Dall, 1881. This record extends the geo- Harasewych, 1995: 19-21, figs. 51-57. graphic range of the species to the Material: Three living specimens and southernmostCaribbean. three shells, INV MOL2372 (L. 4.2, W. 2.5,H. 2.2mm),2615,St. 32;500-516m. Cataegis toreuta McLeanand Quinn, Previous records in Colombia: Ardila 1987 ANDHarasewych(2002). References: Distribution: New Jersey Guade- Cataegis toreuta: McLean and loupe, Martinique, St. Vincent, Barbados Quinn, 1987: 113-115,figs. 1-2. (Right page) Figure 2. Corniseptaacuminata, dorsal andventralviews, L. 7.24 mm. Figure 3. Cra- nopsisgranulata, dorsal and ventral views, L. 4.36 mm. Figure 4. Diodora tanneri, dorsal view, L. 35.86 mm. Figure 5- Pectinodontaarcuata, dorsal and lateral views, L. 13.17 mm. Figure 6. Noto- crateryoungi, L. 3.14 mm. Figure 7. Notocraterhoubricki, L. 1.80 mm. Figure 8. Copulabyssiasp., dorsal and lateral views, L. 3.6 mm. Figure 9. Coccocraterportoricensis, dorsal view, L. 11.62 mm. Figure 10. Cocculina emsoni, dorsal and lateral views, L. 3.88 mm. Figure 11. Cocculina messingi, dorsa,lateralandventralviews, L. 5.45 mm. Figure 12. Cocculinasp. 1, dorsalandlateralviews, L. 10.9 mm. Figure 13. Cocculina sp. 2, dorsal and lateral views, L. 3.2 mm. Figure 14. Fedikovella beanii, dorsal, lateralandventralviews, L. 4.2mm. (Páginaderecha)Figura2. Corniseptaacuminata, vistadorsalyventral L. 7,24mm. Figura3. Cranopsis granulata, vistadorsaly ventral L. 4,36mm. Figura4. Diodora tanneri, vistadorsal L. 35,86mm. Figura5. Pectinodontaarcuata, vistadorsalylateral L. 13,17mm. Figura 6. Notocrateryoungi, L. 3,14mm. Figura7. Notocraterhoubricki, L. 1,80mm. Figura8. Copulabyssiasp., vistadorsalylate- ral L. 3,6mm. Figura9. Coccocraterportoricensis, vistadorsal L. 11,62mm. Figura 10. Cocculina emsoni, vistadorsalylateralL.3,88mm. Figura 11. Cocculinamessingi, vistadorsal lateralyventral L. 5,45mm. Figura 12. Cocculinasp. 1, vistadorsalylateral L. 10,9mm. Figura13. Cocculinasp.2, vistadorsalylateral L.3,2mm. Figura 14. Fedikovellabeanii, vistadorsal lateralyventral L. 4,2mm. 48 GllACIA ETAL.: Coloinbian C^aiibbcan gastropods froni thc INVIiMARcjLmpg^i^ns 49 Iberus, 22 (1), 2004 Homalopomafinkli: Petuch, 1987: 92, 3361, 3377, 3386, 3504, 3513, 3527; St. 02, pl. 26,figs. 13-14. 03, 05, 07, 10, 12, 13, 16-18, 20, 22-25, 28, Cataegis. toreuta: Díaz and Puyana, 31,32,68;402-520m. 1994: 118,fig. 368. Previous recordsfor Colombia: Quinn Material: 11 living specimens and (1991): N ofCabo de la Vela, offGuajira emptyshells,INVMOLÍ695(L.21.46,W. Península. 20.54, AL. 14.68 mm), 1691-1694, 2619, Distribution: Panamá, Colombia, 3084,St. 05,25,36,34,28,32;461-516m. Venezuela, French Guyana (Quinn, Previous records for Colombia: 1991; DÍAZ and Puyana, 1994); depth McLean and Quinn (1987), west of range204-808m. PuntaPiedras. Remarks: The morphological features Distribiition: Mississippi, Florida, of the Colombian specimens are consis- Texas, México, Panamá, Colombia and tent with those of the holotype (USNM Venezuela (McLean and Quinn, 1987; 752369,Colombia,470m). Petuch, 1987);depthrange337-1283m. Remarks: The morphological features Gaza watsoni (Dalí,1881) (Fig,16) of the Colombian specimen are consis- References: tent with those of the holotype (USNM Callogazazvatsoni: Dall, 1881: 50. 784755, Colombia) and the paratype Callogaza zvatsoni: Dall, 1889: 356- (USNM801816, Mississippi). 357, pl. 22, figs. 7-7a; pl. 23, figs. 1-la;pl. 24, figs. 2-2a. Gaza (Callogaza) zvatsoni: CalUostoma rosewateriClenchand Clench and Abbott: 1943a: 5-6, pl. 2, Turner,1960 fig. 3-4. References: Material: Two living specimens, INV CalUostoma (Kombologion) rosewateri: MOL1715 (L. 10.36, W. 14.27, AL. 6.86 ClenchandTurner, 1960: 41-42, pl. 26, mm), 1716;St. 33;269-321 m. figs. 1-3. Previous recordsforColombia: None. CalUostoma rosewateri: Díaz and Distribution: Cuba, Virgin Islands, Puyana, 1994: 115,fig. 357. Lesser Antilles, North Brazil (Dall, Material: 13 living specimens and 1881; Clench and Abbott, 1943a; Ríos, emptyshells,INVMOLÍ697(L.33.04,W. 1994),Colombia;depthrange66-1170m. 38.25, AL. 13.98 mm), 1698-1702, 3428, Remarks: The shell features of the 3435,3448,St.14,27,26,35,30;260-326m. Colombian specimens were compared Previous records for Colombia: Bayer and areconsistentwiththoseofmaterial (1971),WofCartagena. from various localities deposited in the Distribution: Lesser Antilles, NMNH (USNM 431008, 431009, 94989). Trinidad, Colombia, Surinam (Bayer, This record extends the range of the 1971;Okutani, 1983;DíazandPuyana, speciestothesouthernmostCaribbean. 1994);depthrange270-641 m. Remarks: The morphological features Solaríella lubrica (Dall,1881) (Fig. 17) of the Colombian specimens are consis- References: tent with those of the holotype (USNM Margarita lubrica: Dall, 1881: 44. 612704, LesserAntilles,270m). Margarita {Solariella) lubrica var. iridea: Dall, 1889: 382,pl. 21,figs. 9-9a. Gaza olivácea Quinn,1991 Solariella lubrica: Ríos, 1994: 36, References: fig.109. Gaza olivácea: Quinn, 1991: 166-168, Material: 28 living specimens and figs. 1-3. empty shells, INV MOL1717, 1718 (L. Gaza olivácea: Díaz and Puyana 5.03, W. 4.08, AL. 3.2 mm), 1719-1723, 1994: 117,fig. 366. 2334-2337;St. 18,09, 11,21, 27, 26,36,35, Material: +650 living specimens and 33;269-500m. shells, INV MOLÍ703 (L. 37.83, W. 42.6 Previous recordsforColombia: None. mm), 1704-1714, 2620, 2838, 2843, 2866, Distribution: Florida, Texas, Cuba, St. 2881, 2934, 2980, 3092, 3127, 3194, 3326, Lucia, South Brazil (Dall, 1881; Ríos, 50 Gracia r.Tai..-. Colombian Caribbean gastropods from thc /A'l//;A<//í/<'campaigns 1994; Bullís, 1956a; Quinn, 1979), turc than any other species of Colombia;depth range73-1450m. Cyclostremiscus previously recorded in Rcmnrks: The shell features of the Colombian waters. We have been Colombian specimens are consistent unable to identify this species with the with those of the lectotype (USNM available literature. 95061, Cuba, 1450 m). This is the first record for the species in the southern Pseudorotella cf. cocolitoris (Pilsbry Caribbean. and McGinty,1945) References: FamilySkeneidaeThiele, 1929 Teinostoma (Ellipetylus) cocolitoris: Parvitiirbo sp. (Fig. 18) PilsbryandMcGínty,1945:8,pl. 1,fig.3. Material: One living specimen, INV Teinostoma cocolitoris: Díaz and MOL1726 (L. 3.28, W. 3.63, AL. 2.69 PuyanA, 1994: 133, fig.443. mm.),St.35. Material: Five empty shells, INV Previous recordsforColombia: None. MOLÍ727 (L. 3.42, W. 3.75 mm, AL. 2.81 Distribution: Colombia; depth range mm) 2621, 3100, 3275, St. 07, 11, 36, 032; 286-310m. 308-514m. Rernarks: According to the shell fea- Previous records for Colombia: Díaz tures of the specimen coUected, we AND PuYANA (1994), empty shell picked didn't hesitate to place it in the genus from beach sand near Punta Espada, Parviturbo, but they are not at all consis- Guajira Península. tent with those of other known Distribution: North Carolina, Florida, Caribbean species. Further material and Colombia, to central coast of Brazil an exhaustive revisión of literature (Pilsbry and McGinty, 1945; Ríos, wouldbenecessaryforaccurateIdentifi- 1994); depthrange 18-122m. cationofthisspecies. Rernarks: Since the shell material col- lected isbroken and rather eroded, most FamilyTurbinidae Rafinesque,1815 of the characteristic shell sculpture of Cantrainea macleaniWarénand thespeciescould notbeobserved. " Bouchet1993 Reference: FamilyRissoidae Gray,1847 Cantrainea macleani: Warén and Microstelmagabbi (Dalí,1889) (Fig. 20) Bouchet,1993:8-10,figs.4a-c,5b,5f-g,6a. References: Material: One empty shell, INV Dolophanes {Melanoides var?) gabbi: MOL1696 (L. 13.45, W. 13.79, AL. 8.76 Dall, 1889: 270-271,pl.29,fig. 7. mm),St. 32;ca. 520m. Crepitacella gabbi: Abbott, 1974: 77- Previous records for Colombia: Warén 78,fig. 702. ANDBouchet(1993),Pillsburysta. P394. Material: One empty shell, INV Distribution: Louisiana, Colombia MOL1728 (L. 7.35, W. 3.65, AL. 3.67 (Warén and Bouchet, 1993); depth mm),St. 26; ca. 320m. range421-1033 m. Previous recordsforColombia: None. Distribution: St. Vincent(Dall, 1889), FamilyVitrinellidae Bush, 1897 Colombia;depthrange320-1436m. Cyclostremiscus sp. (Fig. 19) Remarks: The features of the single Material: Four living specimens, INV shell collected are consistent with those MOL1725, (L. 4.38, W. 6.28, AL. 3.19 of the holotype (USNM 508719, St. mm; L. 4.03, W. 6.28, AL. 3.19 mm; L. Vincent). mm 3.73, W. 5.62, AL. 3.36 and L. 3.26, W.4.86,AL. 3.04mm),St. 36. FamilyCerithiidaeFleming,1828 Previous recordsforColombia: None. Varicopeza crystallina (Dall, 1881) (Fig. Distribution: Colombia; depth range, 21) 490-500m. References: Rernarks: The shell of this species Cerithiopsis (?) cn/stallina: Dall, 1881: exhibits a much stronger spiral sculp- 89-90. 51 Iberiis, 22 (1), 2004 Cerithiopsis crystallina: Dall, 1889: rialfromelsewhereintheAtlantichasto 254,pl.20,fig. 3. beaccomplishedtodeterminethetaxon- Cerithiopsis crystallina: Dall and omyofthisspecies. SlMPSON, 1901:424. Previous recordsforColombia: None. FamilyXenophoridaeTroschell,1852 Material: +50 shells and living speci- Xenophora longleyi (Bartsch,1931) mens, INV MOLÍ729-1736, 1737 (L. References: 16.52, W. 3.61, AL. 2.62 mm) 1738, 2625; Tugurium longleyi: Clench and St. 29,30,33-35,37,39;260-498m. Aguayo, 1943:5-6,pl. 1,figs.5-6. Distribution: Florida, México, Tugurium longleyi: Díaz and Bahamas, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Mar- PUYANA, 1994: 162,fig. 594. tinique, Dominica, Guadeloupe, St. Material: +400 shells and living spec- Croix, Barbados (Dall, 1881; Houbrick, imens INV MOL1751-1757, 1758 (L. 1987),Colombia;depthrange 11-1605m. 45.05, W. 107.74 mm), 1759-1765, 2867, 2877, 2900, 2915, 2921, 2928, 2965, 3000, FamilyCapulidaeFleming, 1822 3073, 3094, 3105, 3160, 3179, 3193, 3259, Hyalorisiagalea (Dall, 1889) (Fig. 22) 3323,3357,3417,3441,3515;St. 01-18,20, Refereríce: 25,28-30,32-38;269-520m. Capulus (Hyalorisia) galea: Dall, PreviousrecordsforColombia: Bayeret 1889: 288-298,pl. 14,fig. 3. AL. (1970),GulfofDañen, offIslaFuerte. Material: Nine living specimens and Distribution: North Carolina, South empty shells, INV MOLÍ739-1742, 1743 Carolina, Florida, Cuba, Barbados, (L. 22.74, W. 18.47, H. 6.92 mm), 1744, Colombia, Venezuela, Surinam, South 2626;St. 28,32,34,36;461-520m. Brazil (Clench and Aguayo, 1943; Previous recordsforColombia: None. Bullís, 1956a; Okutani, 1983; Ríos, Distribution: Louisiana, Texas, 1994);depthrange 125-823m. México, Cuba, Barbados (Dall, 1889; Abbott, 1974; Warén and Bouchet, FamilyOvulidaeFleming,1822 1993),Colombia;depthrange329-768m. Pseudosimniavanhyningi (M. Smith, Remarks: This record extends the dis- 1940) (Fig. 24) tribution range of the species to the References: southernmost Caribbean. The shell fea- Primovula vanhyningi: Ríos, 1994: 76, turesofthecoUected materialareconsis- pl. 25,fig. 291. tent with those of the holotype (USNM Primovula vanhyningi: Sunderland 508724, Barbados,392m). ANDSunderland, 1994: 14 +fig. Material: One living specimen, INV Capulus sp. (Fig.23) MOL2338 (L. 13.44, W. 7.5 mm); St. 19, Material: +60 living specimens and 200m. shells, INV MOL1745 (L. 11.64, W. 10.92, Previous recordsforColombia: None. H. 5.9 mm), 1746-1750, 2916, 2998, 3018, Distribution: Florida, Louisiana, Bar- 3027, 3064, 3150, 3153, 3264, 3288, 3380, bados, Brazil (Smith, 1940; Ríos, 1994), 3481; St. 01, 03, 04, 08, 11, 13, 15, 20, 27, Colombia;depthrange 125-200m. 26,24,39;282-505m. Remarks: Various octocorals,on PreviousrecordsforColombia: None. which this species presumably feeds Distribution: Colombia; depth range (Cate, 1972),were found among the 282-505m. material collected at this station. This Remarks: The shell features of this record extends the distribution range of species are not consistent with those of the species considerably to the southern C. iingaricus (Linné, 1767), another Caribbean. Atlanticdeep-waterspeciesofthegenus, ñor with other material of Capulus from FamilyNaticidaeForbes,1838 elsewhere in the Caribbean deposited at Polinices sp. (Fig. 25) theNMNH.Athoroughrevisiónofliter- Material: Eight living specimens and atureandcomparisonwithfurthermate- six shells, INV MOLÍ766 (L. 9.27, W. 52