FUTURES Volume Contents and Author Index Volume 29, 1997 @) perGamon FUTURES Futures® is a multidisciplinary journal covering the methods and practice of long-term forecasting for decision and policy making on the future of mankind, culture and society, economics, technology, politics and environment. Futures® provides opportunities for the publication of material which may represent divergent ideas and opinions. The editors do not necessarily agree with the views expressed in the pages of Futrures®. Those wishing to submit articles (which are refereed before acceptance for publication), essays or reports should send three copies to the Editor. EDITOR Colin R Blackman 13 High Street, Cottenham, Cambridge CB4 4SA, UK (Tel: +44 (0)1954 206236; fax: +44 (0)1954 206237; e-mail: [email protected]) CONSULTING EDITORS Professor Sam Cole lan Miles Center for Regional Studies, SUNY, PREST, University of Manchester, UK Buffalo, USA Richard A Slaughter Ziauddin Sardar Futures Study Centre, Victoria, Faculty of Technology, Middlesex Australia University, London, UK INTERNATIONAL EDITORIAL BOARD Igor Bestuzhev-Lada Institute of Sociology, Sohail Inayatullah Queensland University of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Technology, Brisbane, Australia Russia Hugues de Jouvenel Association Internationale James Dator Hawaii Center for Futures Studies, Futuribles, Paris, France HI, USA Bruce Lloyd South Bank University, London, Yehezkel Dror Department of Political Science, UK The Heberew University, Jerusalem, Israel Magda Cordell McHale Center for Integrative E Fontela Geneva, Switzerland Studies, SUNY, Buffalo, USA Simon Forge Cambridge Strategic Management Michael Marien Future Survey, Bethesda, Group, Paris, France MD, USA Steve Fuller Department of Sociology, Eleonora Masini Rome, Italy University of Durham, UK Ashis Nandy Centre for the Study of Johan Galtung Geneva, Switzerland Developing Societies, Delhi, India Martha J Garrett Uppsala, Sweden Jim Northcott Policy Studies Institute, London, UK Katrin Gillwald Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, Germany Qin Linzheng Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, China Michel Godet Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Paris, France Jerome R Ravetz Research Methods Consultancy, London, UK Peter Hall University College, London, UK Hazel Henderson Florida, USA Francisco Sagasti President, FORO Nacional/Internacional, Lima, Peru David Hicks Bath Spa University College, Bath, UK Trevor Williams London, UK Sonne aD LIST OF CONTENTS Volume 29 Number 1 February 1997 Editorial Ignorance and the future Trevor Williams and Eleonora Barbieri Masini Papers Knowledge, skill, and education in the new global economy John A Alic Regulatory science—towards a sociological framework Alan Irwin, Henry Rothstein, Steven Yearley and Elaine McCarthy Intangibles. The soft side of innovation Pim den Hertog, Rob Bilderbeek and Sven Maltha Environmental flows. Telecommunications and the dematerialisation of cities? Simon Marvin Environmental labels—the German ‘Blue Angel’ Jens Hemmelskamp and Karl Ludwig Brockmann Essay The nature and value of futures studies or do futures have a tuture? Geoff Coyle Book Reviews The Knowiedge Base of Futures Studies, Vols 1-3 Richard A Slaughter (Series Editor) (Jordi Serra and Antoni Ventural): Educating Beyond Violent Futures Francis Hutchinson (David Hicks); New Infotainment Technologies In the Home: Demand- Side Perspectives Ruby Roy Dholakia, Norbert Mundorf and Nikhilesh Dholakia (Simon Forge) Volume 29 Number 2 March 1997 Papers Risk society and ecological modernisation. Alternative visions for post-industrial nations Maurie J Cohen Technological globalisation or national systems of innovation? Daniele Archibugi and Jonathan Michie Scenario workshops. A participatory approach to sustainable urban living? Penny Street Exploring the future for pensions pillarisation Roger Charlton, Roddy McKinnon and Harry T Munro The role of controversy in engineering design Oliver Todt Book Review The Future is Ours: Foreseeing, Managing and Creating the Future Graham May (Brian Burrows) Volume 29 Number 3 April 1997 Papers | The case of the newspaper \/fonso Molina The city summit. The lessons of Istanbul Jér6me Bindé The Sisyphus factor or a learning approach to the future Graham H May Portraits of youth. Understanding young people’s relationship with the future Richard Eckersley Finally: a withering away of cities? \lan R Winger Thinking futures. How to survive and thrive in a fast changing business) world David Paskins Book Reviews 267 CYBERFUTURES: Culture and Politics on the Information Superhighway Ziauddin Sardar and Jerome R Ravetz (Editors (Sean Cubitt); The Future of Britain and Europe Jim Northcott (Ken MacTaggart); L’Eau, nouvel enjeu strategique mondial (Water, A New Stake in Global Strategy) Jacques Sironneau; Le Prix de |’eau The Price of Water) Francoise Nowak; Valorisation des usages de l’eau (Improving the Value of Water’s Uses) Jean-Pierre Amigues Francois Bonnieux, Philippe Le Gotte and Patric Point; Gestions urbains de |’eau (Urban Water Management) Dominique Lorrain Fditor) jacques Richardson); The Futures Research Directory: Individuals, 1995-96; OSCAR: Future Studies in Western Europe: Directory of Individuals and Organizations (1996); OCTAVE: Analytical Bibliography of Future Oriented Studies in Western Europe (1993-1995) (Colin Blackman Volume 29 Number 4/5 May/June 1997 Special Issue: TIME AND SPACE GEOGRAPHIC PERSPECTIVES ON THE FUTURE Guest Editors: Michael Batty and Sam Cole Time and space. Geographic perspectives on the future Michael Batty and Sam Cole Perspectives of a political geographer on the future Walter Isard Long waves and geography in the 21st century Brian J L Berry the post-industrial city Wi(h)ither spatial science and spatial analysis R J Johnston Virtual geography Michael Batty Self-organizing cities Juval Portugali The future of global population modeling Peter A Rogerson Futures in global space/\WWW.models.GIS.media [BBR]1|/BBR Sam Cole Food futures to sustain Chinese cities Richard L Meier China’s infrastructure and economic development in the century Peter J Rimmer Volume 29 Number 6 August 1997 Special Issue: RETHINKING SCIENCE Guest Editors: Ziauddin Sardar and J] R Ravetz Papers 467 Rethinking science Jerome R Ravetz and Ziauddin Sarda The twilight of science—last of the ‘gods Rustum Roy he secularization of science and a new deal for science policy Steve Fuller Changing science and ensuring our future S AH eal) The Zeno event. Science and the acceleration of history Juan Grompone The science of ‘what-if? Jerome R Ravetz Research by the people, for the people Richard Sclove Reframing science and other local knowledge traditions David Turnbull! Blackfoot physics and European minds F David Peat B3o0o0kk RR eviews ) B3lalcakcfokofto ot P Physics FEB )Da vid 1 PePaeatt (¢ (Gail Boxwell); Science Steve Fuller (Jerome R Ravetz) tetere reet h Volume 29 Number 7 September 1997 Papers 581 Defining indicators to assess socially responsible enterprises Michael Hopkins 605 International trade in narcotic drugs. Implications for global security Okon Akiba Near-future landscapes as a futures tool Richard A Slaughter Confronting the culture of progress in the 21st century Randy Chafy Essays A futurist beyond futurists: the a, b, c, d (and e) of Ashis Nandy Ziauddin Sardar Technology that liberates Alan Fricker Second Thoughts Valuelessness and the plastic personality James Allen Dator Valuelessness and the plastic personality: a 30-year retrospective Devin Nordberg The value of valuelessness Jordi Serra Plastic fantastic future? Christopher Burr Jones On provocation, youth and dystopia Richard A Slaughter Book Reviews Foundations of Futures Studies—Human Science for a New Era. Volume 1: History, Purposes and Knowledge; Volume 2: Values, Objectivity, and the Good Society Wendell! Bell (Trevor Williams); The State to Come Will Hutton (Perri 6); Decolonizing Knowledge: From Development to Dialogue Frederique Apffel- Marglin and Stephen A Marglin (Editors) (Victoria M Razak) Report The complexity fad Richard Hull Obituary Dr Willis W Harman Trevor Williams Volume 29 Number 8 October 1997 Special Issue: LEARNING AND TEACHING ABOUT FUTURE GENERATIONS Guest Editors: Richard A Slaughter and Allen Tough Introduction 695 Learning and teaching about future generations Allen Tough Learning and teaching about future generations. Work in progress Richard A Slaughter Papers Future generations thinking Sohail Inayatullah What future generations might say to us Allen Tough Experiencing the needs of future generations with adults and children Oliver W Markley and Sandy Burchsted A foresight strategy for future generations Richard A Slaughter Psychological and ethical considerations when teaching futures studies Jerome C Glenn The future begins today. Nature as teacher in environmental adult popular education Budd L Hall and Darlene E Clover Paths of learning, grieving and transforming Margaret Fisher Brillinger Trusting future generations, trusting life Anja, Light Learning about the future. From the learner’s perspective Martha Rogers Volume 29 Number 9 November 1997 Papers 769 Cyberspace as product space. Interactive learning about interactive media lan Miles The poetry of thermodynamics. Energy, entropy/exergy and quality Silvio O Funtowicz and Jerome R Ravetz Maintaining the roots of economic development in an era of globalized production Joan Hoffman The tyranny of light. The temptations and the paradoxes of the information society Haridimos Tsoukas Climate in the making. Using Delphi for Finnish climate policy Markku Wilenius and Juhani Tirkkonen Second 1 The long term impact of Bertrand de Jouvenel Fleonora Barbieri Masini Bertrand de Jouvenel: a futures thinking open mind Fabienne Goux-Baudiment Bertrand de Jouvenel for Latin America Javier Medina Vasquez Factor Four: Doubling Wealth, Having Resource Use Ernst von Weizsacker, Amory B Lovins and L Hunter Lovins (james Robertson); Plagues: Their Origin, History and Future Christopher Wills (David Rooney); Scenarios: The Art of Strategic Conversation Kees van der Heijden (Lutz E Schlange); Our Country: Our Choices NZ Futures Trust (Alan Fricker) Volume 29 Number 10 December 1997 Special Issue: SOUTH ASIA: FIFTY YEARS ON Guest Editor: Ziauddin Sardar South Asia: fifty years on Ziauddin Sardar Coming home. Sex, lies and all the I’s in India Ziauddin Sardar The fantastic India—Pakistan battle Ashis Nandy South Asia: before and after S P Udayakumar A post-nationalist South Asia Imtiaz Ahmed Futures for Pakistan. Deluge or destiny Khurshid Ahmad The futures of democracy in Pakistan. A liberal perspective Inayatullah, Sarah Inayatullah and Sohail Inayatullah Sri Lanka. Futures beyond conflict Purnaka L de Silva Discipline and authority. Some notes on future histories and epistemologies of India Vinay Lal we grr er eee en -