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Functionality and adaptability of low cost apartment space design PDF

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Functionality and adaptability of low cost apartment space design : a case of Surabaya Indonesia Citation for published version (APA): Kisnarini, R. (2015). Functionality and adaptability of low cost apartment space design : a case of Surabaya Indonesia. [Phd Thesis 1 (Research TU/e / Graduation TU/e), Built Environment]. Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. Document status and date: Published: 01/01/2015 Document Version: Publisher’s PDF, also known as Version of Record (includes final page, issue and volume numbers) Please check the document version of this publication: • A submitted manuscript is the version of the article upon submission and before peer-review. There can be important differences between the submitted version and the official published version of record. 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FUNCTIONALITY AND ADAPTABILITY OF LOW COST APARTMENT SPACE DESIGN A CASE OF SURABAYA INDONESIA PROEFSCHRIFT ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, op gezag van de rector magnificus prof.dr.ir. C.J. van Duijn, voor een commissie aangewezen door het College voor Promoties, in het openbaar te verdedigen op: woensdag 23 September 2015 om 16.00 uur door Rika Kisnarini geboren te Surabaya, Indonesië Dit proefschrift is goedgekeurd door de promotoren en de samenstelling van de promotiecommissie is als volgt: Voorzitter: prof. ir. E.S.M. Nelissen 1epromotor: prof. ir. J.M. Post 2epromotor: prof. dr. B.J.F. Colenbrander Co-promotoren: dr. ir. M. Mohammadi dr. ir. E.L.C. van Egmond de Wilde de Ligny Leden: prof. ir. J. Silas (Institute of Technology Sepuluh Nopember) prof. dr. ir. H.Ratna Sumartinah (Institute of Technology Sepuluh Nopember) prof. dr. ir. B. de Vries Functionality and Adaptability of Low Cost Apartment Space Design. A Case of Surabaya Indonesia (cid:34)(cid:34)(cid:60)(cid:52)(cid:52)(cid:41)(cid:57)(cid:64) This research concerns the floor plan designs of affordable housing units. In particular, the study considers the spatial arrangements and suitability of space based on household activities both in and around the homes of houses offered in the public housing schemes in developing countries (DC’s). Although there are various publications of research regarding spatial arrangements and floor plan designs, there is still a lack of research concerning households’ spatial demands. While adding to the existing literature that deals with the spatial arrangements and floor plans, this study also address the issue of spatial demands. As a consequense of trends towards urbanization and population growth in general, the increased demand for housing, especially of the urban poor, has resulted in an increase in urban slums, marginal housing and shanty towns. Resettlement of low income households to low cost rental apartments is necessitated by a scarcity of urban land in big cities such as Surabaya, Indonesia. Land costs have been risen while urban green and open spaces have decreased over the last decade. To accommodate these rising numbers of housing backlog, it is necessary that the housing for the urban poor be developed in multi-storied complexes as single-family detached or ground bound individual housing can no longer be accommodated given scarce land resources in urban environments. Apartments for low income households in order to solve urban problems have been developed in a fast pace particularly in Asian developing countries such as in Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Korea, including Indonesia (Laquian, 1979). Millions of tower housing complexes have been developed in recent decades. However, problems regarding this type of housing for the urban poor have become evident: given the low-income households result in small space housing. In spite of the increase in the unit size of the public apartments (from 18m2initially to upwrads of 32m2more recently in Surabaya), the recent unit size is still considered below acceptable standards especially when such units should house more than four household members. Moreover, the space design (dimensions) should also accommodate the users’ changing needs over the course of the time. In view of sustainability, functionality and adaptability of space design is a premise. Improving the functionality means sustaining the building function to cater to a households’ demand for space. Following Tipple (2000), it is nearly impossible to determine the actual space shortage of housing in the developing worlds, as not only insufficient data is available, but there is also little agreement amongst the countries relating to the unitsof measurement used or what constitutes adequacy (i.e. functionality). This research has attempted to fill the identified gap in knowledge by using the activity based approach. This approach is based on the reasoning that household demands for space become apparent in their activities and the way they use space within the apartment unit. A household’s demand for space is achieved when adequate space has been provided for their activities. Improving the adaptability of housing units means sustaining the functionality of the apartment through the capability of the design to change (a) the use or function of the functional areas and /or (b) changing the dimensions of the space either vertically or horizontally, as well as through the capability of the households to adapt to the available space to cover their changing space demands. Through intensive field survey using questionnaires and in-depth interviews, this research investigated which, where and when each household activity is carried out by users, and identifies how much space is required for these activities to be performed. It aims to gain knowledge and understanding of the particular users’ demands for functionality and adaptability of space designs of low cost apartments relative to how and to what extent the current and adjusted space designs will continue to meet the demands. Of all fourteen low cost rental apartment complexes in Surabaya, 300 families contributed as respondents to this study, as the total amount of units in Surabaya was 3459, therefore 21-27 units at each of the fourteen locations were used as samples. Questionnaires were formulated according to a list of household activities applicable for low income families in Surabaya based on the findings of a literature search and on interviews with local academic and cultural experts. The supporting checklist containing blocked plan of each unit was prepared to record the users’ response indicating where and which areas Rika Kisnarini i Functionality and Adaptability of Low Cost ApartmentSpace Design. A Case of Surabaya Indonesia were needed for conducting each activity. Functionality of current spacedesign is assessed by standards that primarily relied on the national rather than international standards, therefore SNI, the Indonesian national standards, are prioritized. The adapting capability of users was evaluated by the use of space. The adaptability of the space was assessed vertically with the possibility for mezzanine construction. Horizontally the adaptability was evaluated with the possibility for corridor occupation, as well as for changing the balcony to a bedroom. The resultssuggest that there are seven activities that are missing from the national standards. These include: drying, storing of food, praying, studying, child-caring, relaxing, and playing. The sizes of spaces required for these activities were determined by referring to international standards and anthropometric studies and were also based on the scale of furnishing typical to the unit type. With the average size of the provided whole unit space of 23.14m2, the national standard, whose original size is 29.76m2, is adapted to44.94m2, and ultimately adjusted further upwards to 48.41m2. Based on the proposed national standard, only the balcony meets the standard (100%), while the median size of space measure 52%. On average, the provision of spaces in the subject units falls significantly behind the national standards except for the balcony: whole unit (51%), multi-functional space (50%), kitchen (55%), and bathroom / toilet (75%). The median size of spaces measure 55% of the national standard in terms of space provided. According to the findings of this study, the actual space used by the households is 41.91m2on average. To meet their needs for functional space, many households had undertaken some adaptations to their apartment unit. The most widely found adaptation was horizontal partitioning. 214 families divided their multi-functional space, followed by corridor occupations that were done by 97 households. Changes of balcony in function were performed by 29 households. Balcony extensions were carried out by 22 families, while 16 families added mezzanines. The primary motivations for adaptation were privacy, changes in activities, changes in family structure, and the presence of income generation. Of all adaptation types, only the installation of a full mezzanine is capable ofmeeting the space demands. This upward adaptation can make all the LCRA meet the households’ requirements except Tanah-Merah that only meets 81% of the household’s need for space. Accordingly, this researchrecommendsstandard revisions for: a. Multi-functional space of low cost rental apartmentsthataccommodatesfourfunctional areas: (1) living room, (2) bedroom, (3) dining room, and (4) ironing room. The standardized space is originally only 29.76m2, then it is adapted to 34.89m2 by adding the activities that were not included; and is finally revised to 37.38m2 b. Kitchen whose original standard is between3.08m2and 4.4m2is revised to 4.52m2. c. Bathroom /toiletthatoriginally standardized at 1.92m2is combined with washing whose standard is 1.5m2. Thecombined standard 3.42 m2is finallyrevised to 3.78m2. d. Balcony size is suggested to maintain the average provided area 2.73m2, in order to cover the needs of larger space or changing spatial needs in the future. Regardingcontribution to the theory, this research found that consciousness as an internal activity of a subject is not only inseparable from the external activity, but also determines the implementation of (external) activity. Meanwhile, with regard to the media or tool in the Activity Theory,it is found that space as a medium or tool in the daily activities of the household in this study is less significant or not appreciably influential. Households keep conducting their daily activities without caring whether the space is adequate or not. However, in order to realize the need for privacy and adaptation, the space as a tool as well as an outcome is highly needed as no privacy and adaptation can be realized without space. Furthermore, LCRA as products for the public has to be analyzed by involving society. The developer must implement an activity based plan and should consider the requirements not only from the supply side but also from the demand side, so that the resulting space design can meet the needs of all parties. The problem regarding the daily functional adaptation that occurs in the public sub-space in this research cannot be solved by using Activity Theory. There is no part of the theory that takes into account when two or more conflicting activities should occur simultaneously in the same space. In fact, the operation of actions of each activity could potentially disturb each other. In addition, the influence of individual households in this research played a more significant role in determining the final outcome patterns of space design than did the larger public or society in general. ii RikaKisnarini Functionality and Adaptability of Low Cost Apartment Space Design. A Case of Surabaya Indonesia (cid:24)(cid:29)(cid:38)(cid:32)(cid:39)(cid:46)(cid:29)(cid:44)(cid:44)(cid:36)(cid:39)(cid:34) DutchVersionSummary Dit onderzoek richt zich op het ontwerp van de ruimtelijke plattegrond van wooneenheden. De studie houdt in het bijzonder rekening met de ruimtelijke ordening enis uitgevoerd op basis van huishoudelijke activiteiten in en rond de bewoonde woningen in typische locaties van ontwikkelingslanden. Hoewel er meerdere publicaties zijn verschenen met betrekking tot de plattegrondontwerpen is er nog steeds gebrek aan goed onderbouwd onderzoek naar de feitelijke ruimtelijke eisen. Deze studie dient als toevoeging aan de bestaande literatuur op het gebied van de ruimtelijke ordening en plattegrondontwerpen en pakt ook het probleem van de ruimtelijke eisen aan. Ten gevolge van de enorme bevolkingsgroei, heeft de toenemende vraag naar huisvesting vooral in de stedelijke gebieden geleid tot een steeds groter aantal sloppenwijken. Verplaatsingen van deze huishoudens met lage inkomens naar sociale huurwoningen zijn dringend noodzekelijk met name in grote steden zoals Surabaya, Indonesië.. Om het toenemende huisvestingstekort aan te pakken is het noodzakelijk dat de huisvesting voor de sociaal zwakkeren ontwikkeld wordt in stapelbouw complexen met meerdere verdiepingen. Immers de schaarste aan grond in stedelijke omgevingen maakt het niet langer mogelijk om in eengezinswoningen of grondgebonden woningen te voorzien. Appartementen voor huishoudens met lage inkomens zijn in een snel tempo ontwikkeld. In het bijzonder in de Aziatische landen, zoals in Singapore, Maleisië, de Filippijnen, Korea, maar ook Indonesië (Laquian, 1979). De bouw van miljoenen hoogbouwhuisvestingen zijn daar in de afgelopen decennia gerealiseerd. De betaalbaarheid van deze woningen is een onoverkomelijk probleem,. dit ging ten koste van de grootte van de wooneenheid. Ondanks de toename in de laatste jaren van de grootte van de appartementen in de sociale woningbouwsector van oorspronkelijk 18m2 naar recentelijk 32m2 in Surabaya blijken deze afmetingen nog steeds onder de norm te zijn, in het bijzonder bij gebruik van meer dan 4 leden van het huishouden. Bovendien moeten het appartement in de loop der tijd tegemoet kunnen komen aan de veranderende behoeften van de gebruikers. Met het oog op duurzaamheid zijn zowel de functionaliteit als het aanpassingsvermogen van het ruimtelijke ontwerp uitgangspunt in dit onderzoek. Het verbeteren van de functionaliteit betekent het behoud van de functies van het gebouw. Volgens Tipple (2000) is het bijna onmogelijk om het daadwerkelijke tekort aan woningen in de ontwikkelingslanden te bepalen. Dit komt doordat er niet alleen onvoldoende gegevens beschikbaar zijn maar ook omdat onder die landen er weining overeenkomst is met betrekking tot de maatvoering van de ruimte of de mogelijkheid om huishoudens een functionele woonomgeving te bieden die bij de vraag past. Dit onderzoek vult het gat in deze kennis door de activity based-benadering toe te passen. Deze aanpak is gebaseerd op de redenering dat de huishoudelijke vraag naar ruimte zichtbaar wordt in hun activiteiten en de manier waarop ze gebruik maken van het appartement. Het gaat uiteindelijk om het bieden van voldoende ruimte teneinde de activiteiten van het huishouden te voldoen. De flexibiliteit en uitbreidbaarheid van de woning betekent het behoud van de functionaliteit van het appartement. Door het mogelijk te maken in het bestaande ontwerp om (a) het gebruik of de functie van de ruimte te wijzigen en / of (b) de ruimtelijke dimensie horizontaal of verticaal te wijzigen, wordt het mogelijk voor de huishoudens om de gebruiksbehoefte aan te passen aan de beschikbare ruimte. Tijdens het intensieve veldonderzoek met behulp van vragenlijsten en diepgaande interviews is in dit onderzoek onderzocht waar en wanneer welke activiteiten door de huishoudens in de apartementen worden uitgevoerd, en hoeveel ruimte daarvoor nodig is. Het doel is om kennis en inzicht van de eisen van de gebruikers te krijgen ten behoeve van zowel de functionaliteit als het aanpassingsvermogen van het ruimtelijke ontwerp van de appartementen. Van alle 14 goedkope huurwoningen in Surabaya zijn 300 families als respondenten genomen. Het totale aantal eenheden in Surabaya is 3459, waardoor 21-27 huishoudens van elke locatie als steekproef werden gebruikt.Vragenlijsten zijn opgemaakt op basis van een inventarisatie van huishoudelijke activiteiten die met name van toepassing zijn op gezinnen met lage inkomens in Surabaya. Deze lijst is gebaseerd op literatuuronderzoek en interviews met plaatselijke academische-en cultuurdeskundigen. Een ondersteunende checklist met daarin de plattegrond van elke eenheid werd gebruikt om de reacties van de gebruikers vast te leggen waar en welke ruimte nodig was voor het uitvoeren van elke activiteit. De functionaliteiten van het huidige ruimtelijke ontwerp werden hoofdzakelijk beoordeeld op basis van de nationale, namelijk de SNI (Indonesische nationale standaard) in plaats van de Internationale normen. Het aanpassingsvermogen van de Rika Kisnarini iii

us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Technische Universiteit . their multi-functional space, followed by corridor occupations that were . mengakibatkan makin banyaknya permukiman liar serta kawasan kumuh.
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