ISNM International Series of Numerical Mathematics Vol.147 Managing Editors: K.-H. Hoffmann, Bonn D. Mittelmann, Tempe Associate Editors: R. E. Bank, La Jolla H. Kawarada, Chiba R. J. LeVeque, Seattle C. Verdi, Milano Honorary Editor: J. Todd, Pasadena Free Boundary Problems Theory and Applications Pierluigi Colli Claudio Verdi Augusto Visintin Editors Springer Basel AG Editors: Pierluigi Colli Augusto Visintin Dipartimento di Matematica Dipartimento di Matematica Universitä di Pavia Via Sommarive, 14 Via Ferrata, 1 38050 Povo di Trento 27100 Pavia Italy Italy e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Claudio Verdi Dipartimento di Matematica Universitä di Milano Via Saldini, 50 20133 Milano Italy e-mail: [email protected] 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification 35R35, 35Qxx, 35Dxx A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress, Washington D.C., USA Bibliographic information published by Die Deutsche Bibliothek Die Deutsche Bibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data is available in the Internet at <>. ISBN 978-3-0348-9613-9 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in other ways, and storage in data banks. For any kind of use whatsoever, permission from the copyright owner must be obtained. © 2004 Springer Basel AG Originally published by Birkhäuser Verlag,Basel in 2004 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 2004 Printed on acid-free paper produced of chlorine-free pulp. TCF °° ISBN 978-3-0348-9613-9 ISBN 978-3-0348-7893-7 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-0348-7893-7 98765432 1 www.birkhasuer- science. com Contents Preface ...................................................................... vii Gregoire Allaire, Frantyois Jouve and Anca-Maria Toader Structural Optimization by the Level-Set Method ........................ 1 Luigi Ambrosio and Simon Masnou On a Variational Problem Arising in Image Reconstruction ............. 17 Daniele Andreucci, Giovanni Caruso and Emmanuele DiBenedetto Ill-Posed Hele-Shaw Flows ............................................. 27 Eberhard Biinsch, Pedro Morin and Ricardo H. Nochetto Finite Element Methods for Surface Diffusion ........................... 53 Martin Burger Crystal Growth and Impingement in Polymer Melts .................... 65 Vincenzo Capasso, Ramon Escobedo and Claudia Salani Moving Bands and Moving Boundaries in an Hybrid Model for the Crystallization of Polymers ..................................... 75 Zhiming Chen and Xingye Vue Upscaling of Well Singularities in the Flow Transport through Heterogeneous Porous Media ................................... 87 Pierre Degond, Celine Parzani and Marie-Helene Vignal On plasma expansion in vacuum ...................................... 103 Wolfgang Dreyer and Frank Duderstadt Towards the thermodynamic modeling of nucleation and growth of liquid droplets in single crystals ..................................... 113 Joachim Escher and Kazuo Ito On the Intermediate Surface Diffusion Flow ........................... 131 Antonio Fasano, Alberto Mancini and Riccardo Ricci Solid Core Revisited ................................................... 139 Takesi Fukao, Nobuyuki Kenmochi and Irena Pawlow Transmission-Stefan Problems Arising in Czochralski Process of Crystal Growth ..................................................... 151 Martin E. Glicksman, Afina Lupulescu and Matthew B. Koss Quasi-static Melting of Crystals: Experiments and Analysis ............ 167 VI Reiner Henseler, Barbara Niethammer and Felix Otto A reduced model for simulating grain growth .......................... 177 Danielle Hilhorst, Masayasu Mimura and Remi Weidenfeld On a Reaction-Diffusion System for a Population of Hunters and Farmers .......................................................... 189 Alessandra Micheletti and Vincenzo Capasso The Stochastic Geometry of the Crystallization Process of Polymers ... 197 Ricardo H. N ochetto A Posteriori Error Control of Free Boundary Problems ................ 207 Matteo N ovaga The Total Variation Flow ............................................. 225 Oliver Penrose and J. W. Cahn A Mathematical Model for Diffusion-induced Grain Boundary Motion .237 Mario Primicerio and Boris Zaltzman Continuation of the Solution to the Chemotaxis Problem Beyond its Blow-up ................................................... 255 Fernando Reitich Shape Deformations and Analytic Continuation in Free Boundary Problems .............................................. 265 Giuseppe Savare Error Estimates for Dissipative Evolution Problems ................... 281 Alfred Schmidt A Multi-mesh Finite Element Method for 3D Phase Field Simulations . 293 Andres Sole, Vicent Caselles, Guillermo Sapiro, and Francisco Anindiga Morse Description and Geometric Encoding of Digital Elevation Maps . 303 Victor N. Starovoitov Behavior of a Rigid Body in an Incompressible Viscous Fluid Near a Boundary ...................................................... 313 Stephen J. Watson Crystal Growth, Coarsening and the Convective Cahn-Hilliard Equation ............................................... 329 List of Participants ......................................................... 343 Preface This volume collects the proceedings of a conference on free boundary problems that took place in Trento (Italy) in June 2002. Many phenomena of interest for applications are represented by differential equations which are defined in a domain whose boundary is a priori unknown, and is accordingly named a "free boundary"; a further quantitative condition is then provided in order to exclude indeterminacy. Free boundaries are often related to discontinuities in constitutive relations; this raises a number of interesting math ematical issues: existence of solutions in function spaces, uniqueness, regularity properties, numerical approximation procedures, and other questions have been extensively investigated. Examples of free boundary problems include the classical Stefan problem and more general models of phase transitions: here the free boundary is represented by the moving interface between the phases. Free boundaries also occur as fronts between saturated and unsaturated regions in filtration through porous media, between plastic and elastic phases in continuous mechanics, between magnetic domains in ferromagnetism, just to mention a few cases. Relevant examples also come from reaction-diffusion, fluid dynamics, biomathematics, and so on. Several of these problems are of interest for applications in industry and offer opportunities of collaboration among mathematicians, physicists, engineers, ma terial scientists, biologists, and other researchers. A large community of applied scientists spread over the world has been formulating and studying these prob lems for many years. They have also been meeting in major conferences every three years or so; the first appointment was held at Montecatini in 1981, and was followed by Maubuissons, Irsee, Montreal, Toledo, Zakopane, Crete, Chiba. The next conference is planned for 2005 in Portugal. The proceedings of these con ferences provide a comprehensive picture of the development of research on free boundary problems in the last decades. The Trento conference saw the participation of more than 150 scientists, coming from a long list of countries. Talks included twenty plenary addresses, and seven focus sessions were devoted to selected topics: free boundary problems in polymer science, image processing, grain boundary motion, numerical aspects of free boundary problems, free boundary problems in biomathematics, modelling in crystal growth, and transitions in anisotropic materials. A poster session open to the contribution of all participants was also organized. Post-dinner entertainment included two concerts performed by professional and semi-professional musicians. Following the tradition of the series, the contributions concern problems which are either directly related to free boundaries, or may be so in perspec tive. Special emphasis was put on interdisciplinarity and on issues of applicative relevance. This variety is obviously reflected in these proceedings, which are likely to meet the interests of a large spectrum of readers. Vlll Preface The editors thank the co-organizers C. Dziuk, A. Fasano, K.-H. Hoffmann, and J. Sprekels. Scientific assistance by the other members of the scientific com mittee, M. Fremond, A. Friedman, S. Luckhaus, M. Niezg6dka, J. Ockendon, M. Primicerio, J.F. Rodrigues, and the collaboration of M. Paolini, are also grate fully acknowledged; R. Rossi also carefully contributed to the revision of these proceedings. The conference was financially supported by the Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica (through C.N.A.M.P.A., C.N.F.M., C.N.C.S.), by three national re search projects of the Italian Ministry for University, by the University of Trento, by the C.A.E.S.A.R. Institut (Bonn), and by the Weiestrass Institut (Berlin). Pavia, Milano, Trento, May 2003 P. Colli, C. Verdi, A. Visintin International Series of Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 147, 1-15 © 2003 Birkhauser Verlag Basel/Switzerland Structural Optimization by the Level-Set Method Gregoire Allaire, Fran<;ois Jouve, and Anca-Maria Toader Abstract. In the context of structural optimization, we describe a new numer ical method based on a combination of the classical shape derivative and of the level-set method for front propagation. We have implemented this method in two and three space dimensions for models of linear or non-linear elastic ity, with various objective functions and constraints on the volume or on the perimeter. The shape derivative is computed by an adjoint method. The cost of our numerical algorithm is moderate since the shape is captured on a fixed Eulerian mesh. Although this method is not specifically designed for topology optimization, it can easily handle topology changes. 1. Introduction Shape optimization of elastic structures is a very important and popular field. The classical method of shape sensitivity (or boundary variation) has been much studied (see e.g. [13], [16], [20], [21]). It is a very general method which can han dle any type of objective functions and structural models, but it has two main drawbacks: its computational cost (because of remeshing) and its tendency to fall into local minima far away from global ones. The homogenization method (see e.g. [1], [2], [5], [7], [8], [12]) is an adequate remedy to these drawbacks but it is mainly restricted to linear elasticity and particular objective functions (compli ance, eigenfrequency, or compliant mechanism). Yet, another method has recently been proposed in [14], [18], [4J relying on the level-set method which has been devised by Osher and Sethian [15], [17J for numerically tracking fronts and free boundaries. The level-set method is versatile and computationally very efficient: it is by now a classical tool in many fields such as motion by mean curvature, fluid mechanics, image processing, etc. The paper [14J studied a two-phase optimization of a membrane (modelled by a linear scalar partial differential equation), i.e. the free boundary was the interface between two constituents occupying a given domain. It combined the level-set method with the shape sensitivity analysis framework. On the other hand, the work [18J focused on structural optimization within the context of two-dimensional linear elasticity. In that setting, the free boundary was the shape of the structure, which was captured on a fixed mesh using the immersed interface method. However, 2 G. Allaire, F. Jouve, and A. Toader [18] did not rely on shape sensitivity analysis: rather, the structural rigidity was improved by using an ad hoc criterion based on the Von Mises equivalent stress. In [4], we have generalized these two previous works in several aspects. We give here a brief review of our approach, based on a systematic implementation of the level-set method in which the front velocity is derived from a shape sensitivity analysis. We focus on shape optimization rather than two-phase optimization, and we replace the immersed interface method by the simpler "ersatz material" approach which amounts to filling the holes by a weak phase. This is a well known approach in topology optimization, and it can be rigorously justified in some cases [1]. We compute a shape derivative by using an adjoint problem. Then, the shape derivative is used as the normal velocity of the free boundary which is moved during the optimization process. Front propagation is performed by solving a Hamilton-Jacobi equation for a level-set function. Acknowledgements: This work has been supported by the grant CNRSjICCTI n° 2002-12163 of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France) and the Instituto de Coopera<;ao Cientffica e Tecnologica Internacional (Portugal). 2. Setting of the problem We start by describing a model problem in linearized elasticity. There is no concep tual difficulty in choosing another model, and in particular a nonlinear elasticity problem. Let n c JR.d (d = 2 or 3) be a bounded open set occupied by a li near isotropic elastic material with Hooke's law A. Recall that, for any symmetric matrix ~, A is defined by A~ = 2Jl~ + )'(Tr~) Id, where Jl and), are the Lame moduli of the material. The boundary of n is made up of two disjoint parts an = rN ur D, with Dirichlet boundary conditions on rD, and Neumann boundary conditions on r N. The two boundary parts r D and r N are allowed to vary in the optimization process, although it is possible to fix some portion of it (see the numerical examples below). We denote by ! (g) the vector-valued function of the volume forces (of the n surface loads, respectively). The displacement field u in is the solution of the linearized elasticity system n -div(Ae(u))=! in { u=O on rD (1) r (Ae(u))n = g on N. Since n is varying during the optimization process, ! and g must be known for every possible configuration of n. We therefore introduce a working domain D (a bounded open set of JR.d) which contains all the admissible shapes n.