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Preview Fracture Propagation Driven by Fluid Outflow from a Low-permeability Aquifer

Fracture Propagation Driven by Fluid Outflow from a Low-permeability Aquifer 3 1 Gennady Yu. Gora,1, Howard A. Stoneb, Jean H. Pr´evosta 0 2 aDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Princeton University, n Princeton, New Jersey 08544, United States a bDepartment of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University, J Princeton, New Jersey 08544, United States 2 ] h p - Abstract o e Deep saline aquifers are promising geological reservoirs for CO seques- g 2 . tration, iftheydonotleak. Theabsence ofleakageisprovidedbythecaprock s c integrity. However, CO injection operations may change the geomechanical i 2 s stresses and cause fracturing of the caprock. We present a model for the y h propagation of a fracture in the caprock driven by the outflow of fluid from a p low-permeability aquifer. We show that to describe the fracture propagation, [ one needs to solve the pressure diffusion problem in the aquifer and in the 3 fracture. The difference between permeability of the aquifer and permeabil- v 3 ity of the fracture allows us to solve the problem analytically, by virtue of its 4 self-similarity. We obtain an analytical expression for the fracture length as 5 4 a function of time. Using the obtained expression we estimate the length of a 3. hypothetical fracture at the In Salah CO2 injection site to be of the order of 0 25 35 m within 10 years after fracture initiation. This result shows that if 2 − a fracture appears it is likely that it will become a pathway for CO leakage. 1 2 : v i X 1. Introduction r a Use of fossil fuels for satisfaction of current energy needs has an inherent waste product – carbon dioxide. Since the beginning of the technological Email addresses: [email protected](Gennady Yu. Gor), [email protected](Howard A. Stone), [email protected](Jean H. Pr´evost) 1 Corresponding author, Tel.: +1 (609) 258-1619,Fax: +1 (609) 258-2760 Preprint submitted to arXiv.org January 3, 2013 revolution the amount of CO released in the atmosphere has grown mono- 2 tonically, causing a substantial increase of its concentration. Within the last decade, a significant effort has been expended on identifying ways to avoid CO release in the atmosphere utilizing CO sequestration. Various geo- 2 2 logical formations are considered as options for long-term storage of CO : 2 depleted oil aquifers, unmineable coal seams, deep saline aquifers, etc. The latter are especially promising because they are widespread and have high capacity. Deepaquifersareseparatedfromtheshallowfreshwateraquifersbycaprock – a formation with extremely low permeability (often shale). When CO is 2 injected into an aquifer, the integrity of the caprock prevents CO leakage. 2 However, buildup of the fluid pressure caused by CO injection changes the 2 stresses in the caprock, and can lead to reactivation of preexisting faults [1] or even fracturing of the caprock [2]. Recent studies have shown that when CO is injected at a temperature 2 lower than the ambient temperature of the formation, additional thermal stresses develop around the injection well and the risk of fracturing increases [3], [4], so that even the caprock can be fractured [5], [6]. However, fracturing does not necessarily lead to leakage; CO will leak out of the aquifer only if 2 the fractures are long enough to reach an abandoned well [7] or connect to a network of natural fractures [8]. The initial length of a fracture can be small, but under high pressure the fracture may propagate. Therefore, the rate of fracture propagation and the characteristic length of fractures are crucial for assessing the possibility of CO leakage from a deep aquifer. 2 Multiple physical processes are involved in fluid-driven fracture propaga- tion: fracture mechanics, flow in the fracture and flow in the porous aquifer. However, when an aquifer has low permeability, the fluid outflow from it is slow and therefore it is the rate-limiting process for fracture propagation. This feature allows us to reduce the problem of fracture propagation to solv- ing the pressure equation in the aquifer and inside the fracture. Even when considering the pressure diffusion only in the vertical direc- tion, the problem is non-trivial since it includes two regions with different permeabilities and has a moving boundary condition at the fracture tip, due tothefracturepropagation. However, weshowherethatwhenthepermeabil- ity of the aquifer is significantly lower than the permeability of the fracture, the solution to the diffusion problem is self-similar. In this case, we reduce the original partial differential equation to an ordinary differential equation, which we solve analytically. Our model allows us to obtain an analytical 2 expression for the fracture length as a function of time. Using our analytical solution we make estimates based on the parameters for the Krechba aquifer (In Salah, Algeria) from [9], [5]. This site is of significant technological interest because is has been used as a pilot project forCO injectionsince2004. Weshowthatalthoughthefracturepropagation 2 is slow, a model fracture still extends up to 25 35 meters within 10 years ∼ − after initiation. On such a length scales a fracture may easily reach a leaky fault, a system of natural fractures or an abandoned well and become a pathway for CO leakage from the aquifer into potable aquifers or even into 2 the atmosphere. 2. Problem Formulation and Model We consider the physical system to consist of a porous aquifer filled with fluid(brineandinjected supercritical carbondioxide) andthecaprock(shale) that constrains the aquifer from above. We assume that the aquifer has relatively low permeability ( 10 100 mD), which is the case, for example, ∼ − for the sandstone aquifer at the Krechba field (In Salah, Algeria). Injection of CO leads to a pressure buildup in the aquifer and therefore to tensile 2 stresses in the caprock. When tensile stresses exceed the caprock strength, the caprock fractures. We consider a single vertical 2D fracture originating at the boundary between the aquifer and the caprock, and we assume that the fracture has an elliptical geometry [10]; a schematic of the system is represented in Figure 1. High pressure in the aquifer pushes the fluid into the fracture, which may cause it to further propagate. There are several physical mechanisms controlling the behavior of a fluid-driven fracture. For a typical well-driven hydraulic fracturing operation, the injected flow rate is high and the fracture propagation rate is limited by two dissipative processes: fracturing of the rock (controlled by the rock toughness) and pressure dissipation in the fluid (controlled by fluid viscosity) [11]. However, the case considered here differs substantially. The source of fluid is the aquifer, which has low permeability, and therefore the outflow of fluid from it is slow. The rate of fracture prop- agation cannot be faster than the flow of fluid that causes this propagation. Since the fluid outflow from the aquifer is the rate-limiting process for the fracture propagation, it is the only process considered below. If a fluid-driven fracture propagates in a permeable media, the fluid may seep into the rock through the walls of the fracture. When permeability of 3 the rock is high, this effect may noticeably affect the rate of propagation [12], but in our case a fracture propagates in shale with typical permeabilities of the order of 10−6 mD [13], so the leak-off effects can be neglected. We denote the fracture length L and the aperture (maximum width) w, which are both functions of time t when the fracture propagates. We assume that the initial length of the fracture L(0) is negligibly small compared to its length as it propagates. When describing hydraulic fractures different authors have used different relations between w and L. For example, [10] and [14] used w L and [15] and [16] used w √L. We represent these ∝ ∝ dependences as w(t) = aLγ(t), (1) where a is the constant multiplier and γ is either 1 or 1 depending on which 2 model we consider. The results derived below are applicable to both cases. We note by y the direction into the aquifer, so that y is the direction − of fracture propagation and y = 0 denotes the interface between aquifer and caprock. At each time the fracture is filled with fluid, which originated in the aquifer and flowed into the fracture. Therefore the length and aperture of the fracture satisfy the material balance equation for fluid dV(t) = w(t) q(t) , (2) dt |y=0 where V(t) is the fracture ’volume’ and q(t) is the Darcy flux. Assuming an elliptical geometry of the fracture [10], we have V(t) = πw(t)L(t). Then, 4 using Eq. (1), and Darcy’s law, we can rewrite Eq. (2) as dL(t) 4 k ∂p(y,t) = . (3) dt π(γ +1)µ ∂y (cid:12)y=0 (cid:12) (cid:12) Here k is the aquifer permeability and µ is the flu(cid:12)id viscosity. Therefore, in order to determine the evolution of the fracture length L(t) we need to solve for the pressure distribution in the system consisting of the aquifer and the fracture. In the model problem considered here, the pressure distribution can be considered in only one, vertical, direction (see Figure 1). Below when making approximations and estimates, we use the geome- chanical parameters and material properties for the aquifer on the Krechba field (Joint Industry Project, In Salah, Algeria) summarized in Table 1 with the corresponding references. 4 3. Analytical Solution The complex multi-physics problem of fracture propagation could be re- duced to consideration of the rate-limiting process because of the low perme- ability of the aquifer, which allows us also to solve the problem analytically. In particular, we assume that the permeability of the aquifer k is much lower ˜ than the permeability k inside the fracture, i.e. ˜ k k. (4) ≪ When the fracture propagate its aperture w(t) increases in time according to Eq. (1). The increase of aperture causes the increase of permeability k˜ = k˜(t) w2(t)/12 [17]. However it makes the strong inequality (4) even ≃ stronger. For k = 50 mD the strong inequality (4) is valid when the fracture aperturew 2.5 10−6 m. Using theparametersfromTable 1, ourestimates ≥ × fortheinitial fractureaperturebased onthework [10] give theinitial fracture aperture w(0) 10−5 m, so the strong inequality (4) is fulfilled from the ≥ fracture initiation. A fracture propagates if the fluid pressure at its tip exceeds the confining total stress [10]. Therefore, we need to consider the pressure change both in the aquifer (providing fluid outflow) and in the fracture (providing fracture propagation). Below we consider the problem in two approximations. First we assume that due to the strong inequality (4), the pressure in the fracture is established instantaneously, so pressure change is considered just in the aquifer. In the second approximation, while still employing strong inequal- ity (4), we do not assume instant equilibration of pressure in the fracture. Thus, the pressure equations have to be solved in both the fracture and the aquifer, which complicates the problem. Another complication is related to the boundary condition at the moving tip of the fracture. However, using the self-similarity of the problem, we are still able to obtain an analytical solution. 3.1. Solution with a Constant Pressure at the Fracture Opening The pressure evolution is governed by a diffusion equation [18] ∂p(y,t) ∂2p(y,t) = c , (5) ∂t f ∂y2 where k 1 c = (6) f µφC 5 is the diffusion coefficient for pressure, φ is the porosity of the aquifer, and C is the compressibility of the fluid. According to our assumptions the initial and boundary conditions to the diffusion problem are the following: initially the pressure is uniform, p(y,t) = p , (7) |t=0 0 the pressure in the aquifer far from the fracture remains constant p(y,t) = p , (8) |y=∞ 0 and the pressure at the opening of the fracture (and inside the fracture) is equal to the confining stress in the caprock p(y,t) = σ. (9) |y=0 In such a formulation the diffusion equation is solved only inside the aquifer (y > 0), and the role of the fracture is reflected only in the boundary condi- tion Eq. (9). The solution of this diffusion problem is given by [19], y p(y,t) = σ +(p σ)erf . (10) 0 − 2√c t (cid:20) f (cid:21) Calculatingthepartialderivativeofpressureusingthesolution(10)weobtain ∂p(y,t) (p σ) y2 0 = − exp . (11) ∂y 2√c t −4c t f (cid:20) f (cid:21) Finally, substituting Eq. (11) into Eq. (3), we have dL(t) 4 k (p σ) 0 = φC − . (12) dt π(γ +1)sµ √t Integration of the latter equation in time, with the initial condition L(0) = 0, gives L(t) = β t1/2, (13) 0 where 4(p σ) k 0 β − Cφ. (14) 0 ≡ π(γ +1) sµ When there is no limitation related to the slow outflow, propagation of hy- draulic fracture in non-permeable rock has a different exponent: 2 [20]. The 3 square-roottimedependencehasbeenpredictedforahydraulicfractureprop- agation with a large fluid-loss rate [16]. 6 3.2. Coupling the Aquifer and the Fracture Once we do not use the assumption of instantaneous pressure equilibra- tion inside the fracture, we have to consider its evolution in both regions – the aquifer and the fracture. Since the permeabilities of these regions differ significantly [Eq. (4)], the pressure diffusion coefficients differ as well; there- fore the diffusion problems should be considered separately. We start from the aquifer (y 0). ≥ While the diffusion equation (5) still holds, the boundary conditions are subject to change. The pressure value at the aquifer-fracture boundary de- viates from the value at the tip, so boundary condition (9) does not hold anymore. Therefore, we solve Eq. (5) with conditions (7), (8) and the out- flow condition provided by material balance, Eq. (3), which is equivalent to ∂p(y,t) dL(t) = b , (15) ∂y dt (cid:12)y=0 (cid:12) where (cid:12) π(cid:12)(γ +1)µ b . (16) ≡ 4 k Since boundary condition (15) includes L(t), it couples the diffusion problem in the aquifer with the one in the fracture. Thus, the diffusion problem in the aquifer cannot be solved separately, unless additional assumptions are made. The results of Subsection 3.1 revealed that when the pressure in the fracture changes instantaneously, the fracture grows proportional to the square-root of time [Eq. (13)]. In the current Subsection we use the same assumption, L(t) = βt1/2, (17) which will lead us to a self-similar solution of the problem2. Note that the coefficient β, which determines the fracturepropagationrate, may differ from the coefficient β in Eq. 13. Therefore, calculating the coefficient β is our 0 main goal. The diffusion equation in one space dimension, with constant coefficients, isself-similar [21], andcanberewrittenintermsofonedimensionless variable proportional to y/√c t. Eq. (17) makes the boundary condition (15) self- f similar as well, thus the entire problem can be reduced to a single variable. 2Eq. (17) and even the expression for parameter β (except for a numerical multiplier) can be obtained from a scaling analysis of the problem, presented in the Appendix. 7 The convenient dimensionless variable is ρ y/L(t), (18) ≡ then p(y,t) = p(ρ). (19) Using Eqs. (17) – (19), the diffusion equation (5) can be rewritten as d2p(ρ) β2 dp(ρ) + ρ = 0. (20) dρ2 2c dρ f Eq. (8) gives boundary condition p(ρ) = p (21) |ρ=∞ 0 and, substituting Eq. (17) and Eq. (18) into Eq. (15), we obtain dp(ρ) b = β2. (22) dρ 2 (cid:12)ρ=0 (cid:12) (cid:12) Eq. (20) with boundary conditions ((cid:12)21) and (22) gives a self-similar pressure profile in the aquifer b β p(ρ) = p β√πc erfc ρ (y 0), (23) 0 f − 2 2√c ≥ (cid:18) f (cid:19) where the coefficient β is not known yet. The pressure diffusion in the fracture is determined by the equation ∂p(y,t) ∂2p(y,t) = c˜ , (24) ∂t f ∂y2 where coefficient c˜ differs from the corresponding parameter in Eq. (5). f Unlike the diffusion coefficient c , the pressure diffusion coefficient c˜ inside f f the fracture changes in time c˜ = c˜ (t) because permeability of the fracture f f ˜ ˜ k = k(t) increases with the fracture aperture. The fracture is in mobile equilibrium, therefore the boundary condition at the tip is p(y,t) = σ. (25) |y=−L(t) 8 Another boundary condition, necessary for solving Eq. (24) is Eq. (15). Since the assumption (17) makes the boundary condition (25) consistent with self-similarity, then analogous to the diffusion problem in the aquifer, considered above, the problem (24), (25) and (15) can be rewritten in terms of the variable ρ [Eq. (18)]: d2p(ρ) β2 dp(ρ) + ρ = 0, (26) dρ2 2c˜ dρ f p(ρ) = σ (27) |ρ=−1 and Eq. (22). Eq. (26) with the boundary conditions (27) and (22) leads to the following solution bβ β β p(ρ) = σ + √πc erf κρ +erf κ , (28) f 2κ 2√c 2√c (cid:20) (cid:18) f (cid:19) (cid:18) f (cid:19)(cid:21) where the parameter κ is defined as c f κ . (29) ≡ c˜ f r The pressure in the aquifer (y 0), given by Eq. (23), at the boundary ≥ y = 0+ has the value b p(0+) = p β√πc , (30) 0 f − 2 while the value given by the pressure in the fracture [Eq. (28)] at y = 0− is bβ β p(0−) = σ + √πc erf κ . (31) f 2κ 2√c (cid:18) f (cid:19) The continuity of pressure at y = 0 provides p(0−) = p(0+), which, in accor- dance with Eqs. (30) and (31), gives b β p σ = β√πc 1+κ−1erf κ . (32) 0 f − 2 2√c (cid:20) (cid:18) f (cid:19)(cid:21) Eq. (32) can be rewritten as ξ 1+κ−1erf(κξ) = δ, (33) (cid:2) (cid:3) 9 where ξ is the new dimensionless variable defined as β ξ , (34) ≡ 2√c f and δ is the constant dimensionless parameter (p σ) 0 δ − (35) ≡ √πbc f To solve the transcendental equation (33) we need to estimate character- istic values of parameters κ and δ for our system. Eqs. (35), (16), (6) and Table1giveδ = 10−3 andδ = 1.5 10−3 forγ = 1 andγ = 1correspondingly, × 2 therefore δ 1. (36) ≪ The pressure diffusion coefficient in the fracture c˜ is determined by the f expression similar to Eq. (6), so κ = kφ˜, which provides k˜φ q κ 1. (37) ≤ ˜ even when the fracture porosity φ = 100%. Inequality (37) becomes even ˜ ˜ stronger with time due to the increase of k = k(t). Since the error function is positive for any positive argument, the expression in the square brackets on the left-hand side of Eq. (33) is 1. Therefore, the strong inequality ≥ (36) provides ξ 1, then, due to Eq. (37), κξ 1 and, thus, erf(κξ) 1. ≪ ≪ ≪ Finally we have ξ δ, which, using Eqs. (34), (35) and (16), gives ≃ 2 4(p σ) k 0 β = − Cφ. (38) √π π(γ +1) sµ The latter expression differs from Eq. (14) only by the numerical coefficient. Note that since Eq. (38) does not contain κ, it does not depend on time. Figure 2 presents the results of calculations of the fracture length evolu- tion L(t) obtained using Eq. (13) and Eq. (17) with the values of physical parameters from Table 1. Note that Eq. (13) predicts slightly slower frac- ture propagation than Eq. (17). The assumption of constant pressure in the fracture, used when deriving Eq. (13), leads to lower pressure gradient at the aquifer-fracture boundary; to slower outflow; and therefore to a lower propagation rate. 10

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