TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan uetth 77ans,1opidSoa Japan 53 (4):185-192, September 2002 Four new species and one new subspecies of the genus Ourmpterur Leach (GeometridaEenn,ominae) from SoutheastAsia HiroshiINouE 31t-2,Bushi,Iruma City,SaitamaPrefi3,58-oo53Japan Abstract The fbllowin gfour new species and one new subspecies of Ourapter:p axre described: OL cordijbra from Sulawes iand F]ores ,O, nonmarginata from Palawan, Philippines ,O. suiphun ea from Negros, Philippines ,O. diluculu mfrom Sulawesi and O. picticaudota paldwanensis from Palawan. Moth specimens and genitalia ofboth sexes are Mustrated. Key words Ourcrptet: yfxu,rca, Sulawesi ,Flores, Philippines, Palawan, Negros. Ouraptetl,x contij2rra sp. noy. (Fig 1s, 2)' Wingspan: dZ 49-51mm, ? 57rnm. Very similar to apodoiZFiata Guenee (Holloway, 1994 :57, fig .79 (mal egenitalia p)l, ,3: 1) ,but hindwing with tai lbroader ,with spatulate or a litt lexepanded apex, shoulder at the end of yein 6 weaker. Colour and maculation of identical wings almost with potlainTinta. Male (Fig1.5). Gnathos Valva genitali a with central scobinate area obleng. with costa weakly curved, apex triangularl yproduced, valvula with fla tapex. Furca at right side straight, scarcely reaching gnathos . Cornuti two masses of spines, the caudal spines much longer and large rthan the basal ones. In podofikia ttahe characteristic stick-like process of furca is replaced by a broad apical plate ,an exceptional structure fbr 0urapter:yx. Female genitali (aFig 2,0). Ductus bursa estrongly sclerotized, les sslender than in poclaIZ}L iata ,almost straight, a litt lleonger than double the width. Cerpus bursae spherical, densely wrinkled, signum absent. Material examined. Holotype, dZ, S. W. Celebes ,Pangean near Maros, 2,ooO ft M,arch 1938 (J P., A. Kalis) ,Rothschil dBequest ,B. M. 1939-1 ,"Ouropte,:vx poclaiZtia tacordij7etzz Prout, MS", in coll, BMNH. Paratypes .S, Sulawesi ,Quarl eMsountains, ca 30km N Rantepao, Polo Polo, 2,OOO m, xii. 1995, 1 6i (loc acolllector); S. Sulawesi, Stree tPalopo to Rantepao, Puncak Palopo, 1,1o om, 25. ix .1995,1g (H. Schnitzler )F;lores (W) ,Prov. Nusa Tenggar- Timur,15km E Labohanbajo,2oo fbrest9,-12,/22.iv,1996,2 (R.Brechlin), a m, pr{mary c7 in coll. ZFMK. S. Sulawesi, Puncak Palopo, 900-I,3o om, iv .199& l di (nloc acolllector), in M. SchaarschrnidtL,eipzig. C.Sulawesi,Sampuraga,1,300m,23, 1994,3 (T. coll, viii. cii Masui),2c7 in coll. TM and1cln in coll. HI. Locality as above, x-xi. 1985 ,1cl (local collector), in coll, HI, DistributionS.ulawesi,Flores. Although the male genital ioaf this new species are quite distin cftrom those ofpociatidata, it sshape of wings, colour and maculation apd female genital iaare very similar to it .The absence of signum and strongly wrinkled surface of corpus bursae shared between the two species are unique in OurapteT:yx. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 186 Hiroshi INouii Figs I-6. 0urapteil, sxpp. 1. 0, eordijZ?ra sp, nov., paratyp e[li. 2.Ditto, paratype c?n, 3. O, nonmatginata sp.nov., paratype dl, 4. Ditte,paratype 4. 5. 0, marginata Hamp- son, din . 6. Ditto ,\. Ounaptet (Fig3s,4) vxnonmargi'nata sp. nov. Wingspan: cl 48-53 mm, ? 67 rnm. Closely related to OL margz'nata Hampson (189 11:04, pl.150: 17) (Figs5, 6fr)om Southwest India ,but wings pure white, not thinly hued with yellow as in margi'nata. Transvers eline snarrower, forewing with subterminal striae thinner. Hindwing with two red spots at the base oftail, while in marginata there are two black dots and a much smaller red spot at the shoulder, Also simi]ar to a claretta Holloway (1976 :79, fig ,589 (mal egenitalia )a,s OL clara Butler; NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgleitycal Society oofJfap anJapan Four New Specte sand One NeswSubspecies of Ourcrptet:}x 187 Figs7-t4 Ouraptet);xspp 7 O suiphureasp nov,paratypecl 8 Ditto,paratype9 9 O versuta Prout, di IO Ditto , 9 11 O dlrincui nmsp nov paratyp eciT 12 Ditto, paratype 4 13 Opicticaudota pala"anensrs subsp nov, paratype [P 14 Dttto, paratyp e4 id,1982 250, id,1994 57, fig 80 (mal egenitalia )p,l 3 3) from Sundaland, but transverse lmes narrower, fbrewmg with funge darker ,hindwing with tail a litt lmoere slender, termen from the shoulder oftatl to near tornus more cledrly black In claretta the spots at the base NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 188 Hiroshi INouE of tai lare replaced by a bluish streak. OL ckira Butle r(Yazak i1,992 :40, pl. 12 :23) from Northeas tIndia to North Vietnam is also a similar species, but in it almost always the bluish streak at the base of the tai lis divided into two. Male genital i(aFi g1.6). Very sirnilar to marginata, but furca at righ tside almost straight, while in marginata (Fig 1.7) it is strongly curved inward, Female genitali a(Fig.2 1)B.oth in this species and marginata (Fig, 2d2u)ctus bursae is extremely long ,coiled, strongly ribbed excepting the membranous posterior (o rcaudal) part. Materia lexamined. Holotype ,[3i, S.Palawan, Mt Mantalingajan ,6oo-8oom, 2-12, viii. 2000 (D. Mohagan), in coll. ZFMK. Paratypes. Type-locality ,Tagemburg, 1,150 m, 15, ix. 1961,16n (Noon aDan Exp. 61-62) ,in coll. ZMUC. S.Palawan, Brookes Point ,21. iv. 1990 ,1 cin (loc aclollector), in coll. C.G.Treadaway, late rtranferre dto Senckenberg- Museum. Data as holotype ,16 c3n, in coll. ZFMK and in coll, M, Schaarschmidt L,eipzig. Type-localty, 6-13, i ,2000, 1cl (D. Mehagan); cfitto, Brookes Point ,8oo m, i ,2oo2, 3cin (loc acolllector), in coll. Schaarschmidt .Type-localit 6y-,14. i .20oo, 1 0 1 9 (loc acolllec- tor) ,ex coll. TM, in coll. HL DistributionP.hilippines(Palawan). Ouraptnet:y sxuiphunea sp. noy. (Fig 7s, 8) Wingspan: cfn 37-42 mm, \ 40-43 mm. Very similar to sulphur-yellow winged spocimens of O, versuta Prout (192 82:08) (Fig 9s, 10) from Sulawesi ,but hindwing with tai1 more sharply po{nted . Forewing with discocellul abrar more conspicuous. Hindwing with costal area to dorsa lmargin of cell and vein 6 widely white, unmarked, while in versuta the unmarked area is confined to a narrow dorsa lmarginal area. Postmedian lin estarting from near dorsa langle of discecellula rresa,ching vein 2, then incurve dand graduall yvanishing to near tornus, while in versuta postmedian line starting from vein 8, runnjng midway between discocellul abrar and termen lik epodoliiri aatnda cordijrera, vanishing at vein 2 or running into hindmargin near tornus. In both species there are two red spots surrounded by a dark grey shade at the base of the, tail ,but the dorsa lone in this new species is smaller than in versuta. Male genital i(aFi g1,8) . Uncus much longer than in versuta. Furca at righ tside gently incurved ,reaching near middle of gnathos like the preceding species, while in versuta furca at lef tside is very slender, almost straight to the middle of uncus. Aedeagus broader and shorter, spines of cornutus much thicker than in versuta. Female genitali a(Fig 2.1) . Ductus bursae very broad, nearly as long as corpus bursae ,thinly ribbed. In versuta ductus bursae is much shorter, continuing to ovate corpus bursae ,the caudal part of which is sclerotized as a broad and irregul abrand, an unusual structure fbr Ouraptet:yx. Materia lexamined, Holotype, c7i, Negros, Prov. Negros Occidenta lM,t Canlaon, 2,050m, W-route Mambucal, Primaryforest, 1998(lecal in ZFMK. Paratypes, via vi. collector), coll, Data as holotype, 73 c7 20 \ in coll, ZFMK and in coll, M, Schaarschid tL,eipzig ,and 2 cl 2 9 in coll, HL Negros, Mt Canlaen, 2,550m, 26-29. iii .1998, 3 cl 7 \ in coll. TM and ditto 2, ci' T1 f ilin coll,, HI. "Negros, 1993" ,1 cln, in coll, HI, DistributionP.hilippines(Negros). NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan Four New Species and One New Subspecies of Ourapteny).'x 189 -xt ,,11,#/// /ejsik/ iil}/y' 'mm rvtt・, ・i,IS yes, /l/t//tt///////t/tt ///ullglii/'i//1' S A ma g7 ,- rf t tt/ ttt/tttttt t/t tttt 1mu i"1" /ttttt/tt/ ',k,iill,, gsktttt/tt//t/tt-'ige1.S.' tc, ".・x gg .m.4"/' "' Figs15-19. Male genital iaof Ourapteiyx spp. 15. 0. cordijlera (HI SIide 17271) . 16 .0, nonmarginata (ZMC) . 17, 0, marginata (Hl Slide 2627), 18. 0. suiphttrea (HI SIide 15487). 19. 0. diluculu m(HI SIid e12274). Ouraptei:l tdtilucuinm sp. noy. ApparentlySulawesian a Walker (Hollowa1y9,94:57,figs81, representative of picticaudata 82 (mal geenitalia p)l, .3: 2) from Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra and Borneo. Shape of wings and maculation very similar to picticaudota, but hindwing with termen incurve dbefore the shoulder oftail, tai lmore slender, forewing wjth brownish grey striation denser. Male genital i(aFi g1.9) , Gnathos not gpecialized as in pictieaucla tbau,t noumal with flat central process .Furca much shorter, tip rounded, Cornuti represented by fewer and longer NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 190 Hiroshi INouE / "s,';t '/1・ ,g/,・ ・ts'!?Iili/ti'' g ,,, ' s. ;/ / //,,t,/ :, / ,, ,,, 1.1 t.t t/t' 24 i{i,,geww.ifi,t,gs''' ' 'Wi9i -i22 Figs20-24 . Female genitalia of Ourapte-'x spp. 20. 0, cordijlera (ZFMK). 21. 0. non- marginata (HI SIide 17277) .22. 0. mat:ginata (HI SIide 17363) .23. 0. suiphurea (HI SIide 17275). 24. 0. dthicuin m(HI SIide 12297). splnes.Female genitali a(Fig.24 ),Corpus bursae much longer than in picticauclat a,strongly bursae ribbed, corpus and signum much smaller, Materia lexamined. Holotype, c{n, W, Celebes ,G, Tompoe, Paloe ,2,700' F,eb. I937 ,(J P.. A, Kalis), Rothschild Bequest B. M. 1939-1 ,"Oumptei:vx dtiucuin mProut, MS", in coll, BMNH. Paratypes.W, Celebes,data holotype,1 W, Celebes,Koelawi Paloe,3,1oo'F,ebruary as c7; 1937,1 W. Celebes,Lindoe Paloe,3,700',April1937,2 (JP,.A,Kalis),Rothschild ci"; ciZ Bequest B, M. 1939-1 ,in coll. BMNH, S. Sulawesi ,street from Palopo to Rantepao, Puncak NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan Four New Species and One New Subspecie sof Ourapteny)av 191 Palolo ,1,10 0m, 25, ix .1995, 7 cl (H, Schnitzler )C;. Sulawesi ,street from Tentena to Taripa, Pompangeo Mts, ca 5 km N Taripa ,7oo m, 24, ix .1995 ,1 9 (a sabove); S. Sulawesi ,Quarles Mts, ca 30km N Rantepao, Polo Polo, 2,2oom, 26-28 ,ix .1995 ,8 6i 3 9 (a sabove); C. SulawesL vic. Mamasa, 2J57' S119'24'E ,15-16. x. 1995, 7 c{n (Gala )C;. Sulawesi, Latimojong, 10-11 .x. 1995 ,3 6Z (Johan )C.; Sulawesi ,Tambusisi Mts, 1,8o om, 1045' S121C27'E i,i .1996, 2 Sl (loc acolllector); S. Sulawesi ,Col de Batas, 1,100 m, 26, viii, 1991, 1 cl (B.Turlin )S.; Sulawesi ,Rte de Rantepao a Paropo, 1,700 m, x. 1995 ,5 di (G. Lecourt) ;ditt ox,. 1996 ,2 cl; C.Sulawesi ,Sampuraga, 1,500-1,7com, vi. 1996, 4cl (a sabove), in coll, ZFMK. S, Sulawesi, Puncak Palopo, 900-1,OO Om, xii .1998 (loc acolllector), in coll, ZSM, Sulawesi, Sampuraga, I,50 0m, 3. xii. 2000, 2 di n1 9 (G. Orhant) ,in coll. Orhant, France . S. Sulawesi, Puncak Palopo, 900-1,30 0m, i .1997, 11 cl 2 4 (loc acolliector); ditto v,ii, 1997 ,4 cpu 2 \; ditt oi,v .1998 ,7 [{i 1 4; ditt ov,i, 1998, 6 (ii; C. Sulawesi ,Taripa ,8oo m, xii, 1997 ,9 6' i2 9; ditto,ii,1998,7cin (local in M.Schaarschmidt,Leipzig.C.Sulawesi, collector), coll. Samplaga, x-xi. I985, 1 di; ditto i,v. 1994, 1 ciZ 1 4; ditt ox,. 1995, 5 cl; Puncak Dingin, 7- 10. v. 1985 ,1 di; ditt ox,-xi, 1985 ,5 cl 1 9; Pulu Pulu, 700-1,OO em, 25 km N ofPartepac, iv .1995 ,I c?n ] \ (loc acolllector); S. Sulawesi ,north border ,Palolo ,7oo m, x. 1985 ,2 cln (S. Nagai) ,in colt. HI. Distribution,Sulawesi, Ouniptev:yx (Fig1s3,14) pictieaudata palawanensis subsp. nov. In appearance this subspecies is almos tidentic awlith the nominotypical subspecies (Holl- 1994,loc. but furcalonger female ductus oway, cit), male genitalia with and genitali awith bursae more strongly sclerotized, Material examined, Holotype ,cJ, Palawan, Mt Matalingajan ,8oo m, xii, 1997 (le, [e xcoll. Dr. R. Brechli ne,x Museum Witt] ,in coll. ZFMK. Paratype s.Type-localit 6y0,0 m, 3 & 10. ix .I961, 2 c{i (Noon aDan Exp. 61-62) ,in coll. ZMUC, Palawan, Lanquan, 21. ix ,1984, 1 di (C .G. Treadaway), in coll. Treadaway. Type-localit 6y0,0-800 m, 2-10. viii. 2000, 1 cli 1 ? (D .Mohagan); Brookes Point ,800 rn, i ,2oo2, 2 c7 (loc acolllector), in coll. M. Schaars¢hmidt, Leipzig. Type-localit y6,oo-7o om, 6-14. i .2ooO, 2 cl (loc acolllector), ex coll, TM, in coll. HI, Palawan, Napson, Mt Salakot ,700 m, 18 ,iii .1996, 4 di n2y \ (J S.. Petersen)i,n HI. coli. Distribution.Philippines(Palawan). Acknowledgements In writing this paper I acknowledge my indebtnes tso Dr D. StUning, Zeologisches Forschun- gsinstit uuntd Museum Koenig Bonn (acronym :ZFMK) fbr his advice, gif tand loan of spocimens. I also express my gratitude to Mr O, Karsholt, Zoologica lMuseum, Copenhagen (ZMC) for loan of specimens, to MrT.Masui, Takamatsu, Japan (TM) for his gi fotf specimens, and to MrG.Martin, The Natural History Museum, London (BMNH) for informatio nabout specimens under his curation. My thanks also go to DrM.Owada, National Science Museum, Tokyo, fbr taking microphotographs of the male and female genitali aillustrat iend this paper. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegiroaollogical SSoooiceityety ooff JJaapapnan 192 HiroshiINOUE References H a m ps正olnete, rGoc, eF r.C,aot18l9n 1B. r. TMhusζ.L8ep. iidv,Qp1t4e4r aPP .o, fp lts hle 3 9N−i1l5g6i, r iLDoinsdtornic .t∬伽 乙 りPpical Spec〃nens Leρid. Holloway , J. D .,1976,ルioths qズ Borneo,”・餉 sρecial Reference to Mount .Kinabatu .264 pp. Kuala Lumpur . ,1982,Taxonomic appendix . In Barlow , H . S.,肋 枷 尸oぬ c加η to酌e M ∂剏 qプSouth East .4応α: 174−269. Kuala Lumpur , ” ,1994 (no ビ 1993 ). The moths of Borneo : Famlly Geometridae, Subf毎mily Ennominae . [= The MQths of Borneo, Part l 1]. Malay. Nat 議 47; 1−309, pls l−19,593 丘gs. Prout, L. B.,1928. New and litt lkenown Geometridae frem Cclebes. BulL Hi l Mus .〃7晦y 2;247・−253. Yazaki, KJ992 , Geometridae.加 Haruta, T.(Ed.), Moths of Nepal , Part L Tinea l3 (Suppl.2):5− 46 pls 2−12. , 摘 要 東南アジアか らの 0脚 ρ効 w 属 (シ ャ クガ科エ ダシ ャク亜科)の 4新種 と 1新亜種の記載 (井上 寛) Ouraρteryx cordifera (ス ラウェ シ 。プロ レ ス), O. nonmarginata (フ ィ リッ ピンの パ ラワ ン),(λsul− phurea (フィ リッ ピ ン の ネ グ ロ ス),0. diluculum(ス ラ ウェ シ)の 4新 種 と 0. pictieaudata pal− amanensis (パ ラワン)とい う 1新亜種を記載 した. (Accepted June 18,2002) Published by the Lepidopterologic aSlociety of Japan, 5−20,Motoyokoyama 2 Hachioji Tokyo 192−0063 Japan , , , 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotniroonic LLiibrbarryary Service