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Studies in Systems, Decision and Control 117 Hussein A. Abbass Jason Scholz Darryn J. Reid Editors Foundations of Trusted Autonomy Studies in Systems, Decision and Control Volume 117 Series editor Janusz Kacprzyk, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland e-mail: [email protected] The series “Studies in Systems, Decision and Control” (SSDC) covers both new developments and advances, as well as the state of the art, in the various areas of broadly perceived systems, decision making and control- quickly, up to date and withahighquality.Theintentistocoverthetheory,applications,andperspectives on the state of the art and future developments relevant to systems, decision making,control,complexprocessesandrelatedareas, asembeddedinthefieldsof engineering,computerscience,physics,economics,socialandlifesciences,aswell astheparadigmsandmethodologiesbehindthem.Theseriescontainsmonographs, textbooks, lecture notes and edited volumes in systems, decision making and control spanning the areas of Cyber-Physical Systems, Autonomous Systems, Sensor Networks, Control Systems, Energy Systems, Automotive Systems, Biological Systems, Vehicular Networking and Connected Vehicles, Aerospace Systems, Automation, Manufacturing, Smart Grids, Nonlinear Systems, Power Systems, Robotics, Social Systems, Economic Systems and other. Of particular valuetoboththecontributorsandthereadershiparetheshortpublicationtimeframe and the world-wide distribution and exposure which enable both a wide and rapid dissemination of research output. More information about this series at http://www.springer.com/series/13304 Hussein A. Abbass Jason Scholz (cid:129) Darryn J. Reid Editors Foundations of Trusted Autonomy Editors HusseinA.Abbass Darryn J.Reid Schoolof Engineering andIT Defence Science andTechnology Group University of NewSouthWales JointandOperations Analysis Division Canberra,ACT Edinburgh,SA Australia Australia Jason Scholz Defence Science andTechnology Group JointandOperations Analysis Division Edinburgh,SA Australia ISSN 2198-4182 ISSN 2198-4190 (electronic) Studies in Systems,DecisionandControl ISBN978-3-319-64815-6 ISBN978-3-319-64816-3 (eBook) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-64816-3 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2017949139 ©TheEditor(s)(ifapplicable)andTheAuthor(s)2018.Thisbookisanopenaccesspublication. Open Access This book is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits use, sharing, adap- tation,distributionandreproductioninanymediumorformat,aslongasyougiveappropriatecreditto the originalauthor(s)and the source, providealink tothe CreativeCommonslicense andindicate if changesweremade. The images or other third party material in this book are included in the book’s Creative Commons license,unlessindicatedotherwiseinacreditlinetothematerial.Ifmaterialisnotincludedinthebook’s CreativeCommonslicenseandyourintendeduseisnotpermittedbystatutoryregulationorexceedsthe permitteduse,youwillneedtoobtainpermissiondirectlyfromthecopyrightholder. Theuse ofgeneraldescriptivenames,registerednames,trademarks,servicemarks,etc. inthis publi- cationdoesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfromthe relevantprotectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authorsortheeditorsgiveawarranty,expressorimplied,withrespecttothematerialcontainedhereinor for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictionalclaimsinpublishedmapsandinstitutionalaffiliations. Printedonacid-freepaper ThisSpringerimprintispublishedbySpringerNature TheregisteredcompanyisSpringerInternationalPublishingAG Theregisteredcompanyaddressis:Gewerbestrasse11,6330Cham,Switzerland To a future where humans and machines live together in harmony. Foreword Technology-dependent industries and agencies, such as Defence, are keenly seek- inggame-changingcapabilityintrustedautonomoussystems.However,behindthe research and development of these technologies is the story of the people, collab- oration and the potential of technology. The motivation for Defence in sponsoring the open publication of this exciting new book is to accelerate Australia’s Defence science and technology in Trusted Autonomous Systems to a world-class standard. This journey began in July 2015 withafirstinvitationalsymposiumhostedinAustraliawithsomeoftheworld-class researchersfeaturedinthisbookinattendance.Sincethattime,engagementacross the academic sector both nationally and internationally has grown steadily. In the near future in Australia, we look forward to establishing a Defence Cooperative Research Centre that will further develop our national research talent and sow the seeds of a new generation of systems for Defence. Looking back over the last century at the predictions made about general pur- poseroboticsandAIinparticular,itseemsappropriatetoask“sowhereareallthe robots?”Whydon'tweseethemmoreembeddedinsociety?Isitbecausetheycan't dealwiththeinevitableunpredictabilityofopenenvironments—inthecaseforthe military, situations that are contested? Is it because these machines are simply not smart enough? Or is it because humans cannot trust them? For the military, these problemsmay well bethehardest challenges ofall, asfailure may comewithhigh consequences. Thisbookthenappropriatelyinthespiritoffoundationsexaminesthetopicwith an open and enquiring flavour, teasing apart critical philosophical, scientific, mathematical, application and ethical issues, rather than assuming a stance of advocacy. vii viii Foreword The full story has not yet been written but it has begun, and I believe this contribution will take us forward. My thanks in particular to the authors and the editors, Prof. Hussein A. Abbass at the University of New South Wales for his sustained effort and art of gentle persuasion, and my own Defence Scientist, Research Leader Dr. Jason Scholz and Principal Scientist Dr. Darryn J. Reid. Canberra, Australia Dr. Alex Zelinsky April 2017 Chief Defence Scientist of Australia Preface Targeting scientists, researchers, practitioners and technologists, this book brings contributions from like-minded authors to offer the basics, the challenges and the state of the art on trusted autonomous systems in a single volume. On the one hand, the field of autonomous systems has been focusing on tech- nologies including robotics and artificial intelligence. On the other hand, the trust dimension has been studied by social scientists, philosophers, human factors spe- cialistsandhuman–computerinteractionresearchers.Thisbookdrawsthreadsfrom thesediversecommunitiestoblendthetechnical,socialandpracticalfoundationsto the emerging field of trusted autonomous systems. The book is structured in three parts. Each part contains chapters written by eminent researchers and supplemented with short chapters written by high calibre and outstanding practitioners and users of this field. The first part covers founda- tional artificial intelligence technologies. The second part focuses on the trust dimension and covers philosophical, practical and technological perspectives on trust.Thethirdpartbringsaboutadvancedtopicsnecessary tocreatefuturetrusted autonomous systems. The book is written by researchers and practitioners to cover different types of readership.Itcontainschaptersthatshowcasescenariostobringtopractitionersthe opportunities and challenges that autonomous systems may impose on the society. Examples of these perspectives include challenges in Cyber Security, Defence and Space Operations. But it is also a useful reference for graduate students in engi- neering, computer science, cognitive science and philosophy. Examples of topics coveredincludeUniversalArtificialIntelligence,GoalReasoning,Human–Robotic Interaction, Computational Motivation and Swarm Intelligence. Canberra, Australia Hussein A. Abbass Edinburgh, Australia Jason Scholz Edinburgh, Australia Darryn J. Reid March 2017 ix Acknowledgements The editors wish to thank all authors for their contributions to this book and for their patience during the development of the book. AspecialthanksgototheDefenceScienceandTechnologyGroup,Department of Defence, Australia, for funding this project to make the book public access. ThanksalsoareduetotheUniversityofNewSouthWalesinCanberra(UNSW Canberra) for the time taken by the first editor for this book project. xi

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