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Preview Formulae relating the Bernstein and Iwahori-Matsumoto presentations of an affine Hecke algebra

Formulae relating the Bernstein and Iwahori-Matsumoto presentations of an affine Hecke algebra Thomas J. Haines, Alexandra Pettet 2 0 0 2 Abstract n Weconsiderthe“antidominant”variantsΘ−λ oftheelementsΘλ occurringintheBernsteinpresenta- a tion of an affine Heckealgebra H. Wefind explicit formulae for Θ− in terms of the Iwahori-Matsumoto λ J generators Tw (w ranging over the extended affine Weyl group of the root system R), in the case (i) R 8 is arbitrary and λ is a minuscule coweight, or (ii) R is attached to GLn and λ = mek, where ek is a 1 standard basis vectorand m≥1. Intheabovecases, certain minimalexpressions forΘ−λ playacrucialrole. Suchminimal expressions T] exist in fact for any coweight λ for GLn. We give a sheaf-theoretic interpretation of the existence of a R minimalexpression forΘ−λ: thecorrespondingperversesheafontheaffineSchubertvarietyX(tλ)isthe push-forwardofanexplicitperversesheafontheDemazureresolutionm:X˜(tλ)→X(tλ). Thisapproach h. yields, for a minuscule coweight λ of any R, or for an arbitrary coweight λ of GLn, a conceptual albeit at less explicit expression for thecoefficient Θ−λ(w) of the basis element Tw, in terms of thecohomology of m a fiberof the Demazureresolution. AMS Subject classification: 20C08, 14M15. [ 1 1 Introduction v 6 7 Let be the affine Hecke algebra associated to a root system. There are two well-known presentations H 1 of this algebra by generators and relations, the first discovered by Iwahori-Matsumoto [7] and the second 1 by Bernstein [12], [14]; cf. 2.2.1 below. The Iwahori-Matsumoto presentation reflects the structure of the 0 Iwahori-Hecke algebra C∞(I G/I) of the split p-adic group G attached to the root system: the generators 2 c \ 0 Tw correspondtothecharacteristicfunctionsofIwahoridoublecosetsIwI,wherewrangesovertheextended / affineWeylgroup. TheBernsteinpresentationreflectsthedescriptionoftheHeckealgebraasanequivariant h K-theoryofthe associatedSteinbergvariety,whichplaysa roleinthe classificationofthe representationsof t a , see [9], [2]. The Bernstein presentation has the advantage that one can construct a basis for the center m H of by summing the generators Θ over Weyl-orbits of coweights λ; the resulting functions are known as λ H : Bernstein functions. v i It is of interest to give an explicit relation between the generators in these two presentations. More X precisely, one would like to write each Θ as an explicit linear combination of the Iwahori-Matsumoto basis λ r elements T . A direct consequence would be the explicit description of the Bernstein functions (and thus a w the center of ) in terms of the Iwahori-Matsumoto basis. This problem was considered earlier by the first H author[4],[5]becauseofcertainapplicationstothe studyofShimuravarieties,andwascompletely answered there for the case where λ is a minuscule coweight. More recently, O. Schiffmann [16] has given explicit formulae for all elements in a certainbasis for the center Z( ) of anaffine Hecke algebra of type A; from H H this one can derive a formula for the Bernstein function z , where µ is any dominant coweightof a groupof µ type A. In this paper we consider the “antidominant” variants Θ− of the elements Θ . The support of these λ λ functions is somewhatmore regularthan the originalfunctions Θ , cf. Lemma 2.1. In section 3 we consider λ the case where λ is a minuscule coweight, and we prove the following explicit formula for Θ−. λ Theorem 1.1 Let λ X be minuscule. Then ∗ ∈ Θ− = R˜ (Q)T˜ . λ x,tλ x {x:λX(x)=λ} 1 Here λ(x) is the translation part of x “on the left” defined by the decomposition x = t w (w W ), λ(x) 0 ∈ T˜ is a renormalization of the usual Iwahori-Matsumoto generator T , Q = q−1/2 q1/2, and R˜ (Q) is a x x x,y − variant of the usual R-polynomial of Kazhdan-Lusztig [8]. The formula above is analogous to the expression for Θ found by the first author in Proposition 4.4 of λ [5]: Θ = R˜ (Q)T˜ . λ x,tλ x {x:t(x)=λ} X Here t(x) is the translation part of x “on the right” defined by the decomposition x = wt (w W ). t(x) 0 ∈ However our proof is simpler and more direct than that of loc.cit., and the same arguments appearing here also give a short proof of the formula for Θ . In fact one can derive the formula for Θ− from that for Θ , λ λ −λ athnednvιi(cΘe-ver)s=a.ΘIn−deaendd,ιifiιnt:eHrch→anHgesdetnhoetfeosrmthuelaaentfio-rinΘvolutaionnddΘe−te.rmWienerdembayrqk1t/h2a7→t Tqh1/e2oraenmd1T.x17→remTax−in1s, −λ λ −λ λ valid for Hecke algebras with arbitrary parameters. InthefourthsectionwestudycoweightsofGL oftheformλ=me ,wheree isthek-thstandardbasis n k k vector and m Z . The case m = 1, studied in [4] and [5], has relevance to a certain family of Shimura + ∈ varieties with bad reduction, known as the Drinfeld case. The general case is referred to as multiples of the Drinfeld case. We prove the following formula for Θ− . mek Theorem 1.2 Let 1 k n and m 1. Then ≤ ≤ ≥ Θ− = R˜ (Q)T˜ . mek x,tmek x {x:λ(Xx)(cid:22)mek} Here denotes the usual partial order on the lattice X . ∗ (cid:22) Theorems 1.1 and 1.2 yield explicit expressions for the Bernstein functions z (µ minuscule) and z , µ me1 respectively; see Corollary 3.6 and 4.2. The expressions in these special cases seem much simpler than the corresponding ones given by Schiffmann [16]. Theorems 1.1 and 1.2 rely on the existence of certain minimal expressions for Θ−: these are expressions λ of the form Θ− =T˜ǫ1 T˜ǫrT˜ , λ t1 ··· tr τ where t = t t τ (t S , τ Ω) is a reduced expression and ǫ 1, 1 for every 1 i r. In λ 1 r i a i the final two se·c·t·ions, we∈discuss∈how one can approach a general form∈ul{a fo−r Θ}− when λ is≤an a≤rbitrary λ coweightof GL , through minimal expressions (which always exist in this setting, cf. section 5). The result n is much less explicit than Theorems 1.1 and 1.2, and involves the geometry of the Demazure resolution X(t ) X(t )ofthe affineSchubertvarietyX(t ). We defineaperversesheafΞ− onthe affineflagvariety whoλse→correspλonding function in the Hecke algebλra is ε Θ−. It turns out that Ξλ− is supported on X(t ). λ λ λ λ Wee see thatthe existenceofa minimalexpressionforΘ− is analogousto the existence ofa certainexplicitly λ determined perverse sheaf on X(t ) whose push-forward to X(t ) is Ξ−. More precisely, we conclude the λ λ λ paper with the following result (cf. Theorem 6.7, Corollary6.8 for a completely precise statement). e Theorem 1.3 Let λ be a minuscule coweight of a root system, or any coweight for GL . Choose a minimal n expression for Θ− and let m : X(t ) X(t ) denote the corresponding Demazure resolution for X(t ). λ λ → λ λ Then there exists an explicit perverse sheaf on X(t ) (determined by the choice of minimal expression for λ Θ−) such that e D λ Rme( )=Ξ−. ∗ D λ Consequently, if we denote the coefficient of T in the expression for Θ− by Θ−(x), then we have x λ λ Θ−(x)=ε Tr(Fr ,H•(m−1(x), )), λ λ q D for any x t in the Bruhat order. Here the right hand side denotes the alternating trace of Frobenius on λ ≤ the ´etale cohomology of the fiber over x X(t ) with coefficients in the sheaf . λ ∈ D Given a coweight λ for an arbitrary root system, let λ denote the dominant coweight in its Weyl-orbit. d WeremarkthatthereisasimilarformulaforΘ−,provided thatλ isasumofminusculedominant coweights. λ d 2 2 Preliminaries 2.1 Affine Weyl group Let (X∗,X ,R,Rˇ,Π) be a rootsystem, where Π is the set ofsimple roots. The Weyl groupW is generated ∗ 0 by the set of simple reflections s :α Π . α { ∈ } We define a partial order on X (resp. X∗) by setting λ µ whenever µ λ is a linear combination ∗ (cid:22) (cid:22) − with nonnegative integer coefficients of elements of αˇ :α Π (resp. α:α Π ). We let Π denote the m { ∈ } { ∈ } set of roots β R such that β is a minimal element of R X∗ with respect to . ∈ ⊂ (cid:22) In section 4 we will use the following description of the relation for coweights of GL : (λ ,...,λ ) n 1 n (cid:22) (cid:22) (µ ,...µ ) if and only if λ + +λ µ + +µ for 1 i n 1, and λ + +λ =µ + +µ . 1 n 1 i 1 i 1 n 1 n ··· ≤ ··· ≤ ≤ − ··· ··· Let W be the semidirect product X ⋊W = t w : w W ,x X , with multiplication given by ∗ 0 x 0 ∗ { ∈ ∈ } txwtx′w′ = tx+w(x′)ww′. For any x W, there exists a unique expression tλ(x)w, where w W0 and ∈ ∈ λ(x) Xf. ∗ ∈ Let f S = s :α Π t s :α Π W. a α −αˇ α m { ∈ }∪{ ∈ }⊂ Define length l:W Z by → f f l(txw)= α,x 1 + α,x . |h i− | |h i| α∈R+:wX−1(α)∈R− α∈R+:wX−1(α)∈R+ LetQˇ be the subgroupofX generatedbyRˇ. The subgroupW =Qˇ⋊W ofW is a CoxetergroupwithS ∗ a 0 a the set of simple reflections. The subgroup is normal and admits a complement Ω= w W :l(w)=0 . { ∈ } For w W denote ε =( 1)l(w) and q =ql(w) (for q any parameter). f w w ∈ − The Coxeter group (W ,S ) comes equipped with the Bruhat order . We extend it fto W as follows: a a ≤ we say wτ fw′τ′ (w,w′ W , τ,τ′ Ω) if w w′ and τ =τ′. a ≤ ∈ ∈ ≤ Let µ X be dominant. Following Kottwitz-Rapoport [10], we say x W is µ-admissiblefif x t ∗ w(µ) ∈ ∈ ≤ for some w W . We denote the set of µ-admissible elements by Adm(µ). 0 ∈ f 2.2 Hecke algebra 2.2.1 Presentations The braid group of W is the group generated by T (w W) with relations w ∈ f TwTw′ =Tww′ whenever l(fww′)=l(w)+l(w′). The Hecke algebra is defined to be the quotient of the group algebra (over Z[q1/2,q−1/2]) of the braid H group of W, by the two-sided ideal generated by the elements (T +1)(T q), f s s − for s S . The image of T in is again denoted by T . It is known that the elements T (w W) form a w w w ∈ H ∈ a Z[q1/2,q−1/2]-basisfor . The presentationof using the generatorsT andthe aboverelationsis called w H H the Iwahori-Matsumoto presentation. f For any T , define a renormalization T˜ = q−l(w)/2T . Define an indeterminate Q= q−1/2 q1/2. The w w w elements T˜ form a basis for , and the usual relations can be written as − w H T˜ , if l(sw)=l(w)+1, T˜ T˜ = sw s w QT˜ +T˜ , if l(sw)=l(w) 1, (cid:26) − w sw − for w W and s S . There is also a right-handed version of this relation. Note that T˜−1 =T˜ +Q. We∈will denote∈T˜a (λ X ) simply by T˜ . s s tλ ∈ ∗ λ For λf X , define ∗ ∈ Θ =T˜ T˜−1 λ λ1 λ2 3 where λ = λ λ , and λ ,λ are dominant. The elements Θ generate a commutative subalgebra of . 1 2 1 2 λ − H It is known that the elements Θ T (λ X , w W ) form a Z[q1/2,q−1/2]-basis for . These generators λ w ∗ 0 ∈ ∈ H satisfywell-knownrelations(seeProp. 3.6,[14]);incasetherootsystemissimplyconnected,thesearegiven by the formula Θ Θ λ s(λ) Θ T T Θ =(q 1) − , λ s− s s(λ) − 1 Θ −αˇ − where s=s and α Π. The presentationof with generatorsΘ T and the above relations is called the α λ w ∈ H Bernstein presentation. We also define Θ−λ =T˜λ′1T˜λ−′21 where λ=λ′ λ′, and λ′,λ′ are antidominant. 1− 2 1 2 The involution a a of Z[q1/2,q−1/2] determined by q q−1 extends to an involution h h, given by → 7→ → a T = a¯ T−1 . w w w w−1 X X ItisimmediatethatΘ =Θ−. ClearlytheBernsteinpresentationgivesrisetoananalogouspresentation λ λ using the generators Θ−T in place of Θ T . λ w λ w 2.2.2 Bernstein functions For each W -orbit M in X , define the Bernstein function z attached to M by 0 ∗ M z = Θ . M λ λ∈M X When the W -orbit M contains the dominant element µ, this function is denoted by z . 0 µ From Corollary 8.8 of Lusztig [12], we have z =z . Consequently, µ µ z = Θ−. µ λ λ∈XW0(µ) 2.2.3 A support property The preceding formula implies that when one studies Bernstein functions there is no harm in working with the functions Θ− instead of the functions Θ . We do so in this paper because their supports enjoy a nice λ λ regularity property, given by the following lemma. Lemma 2.1 For λ X , we have ∗ ∈ supp(Θ−) x : λ(x) λ . λ ⊂{ (cid:22) } Proof. Write Θ− = a (Q)T˜ , λ y y yX≤tλ where a (Q) Z [Q] (see Lemma 5.1 and Corollary 5.7 of [4]). y + Choose a∈dominant coweight µ′ such that µ′ +λ(x) is also dominant for any x in the support of Θ−. λ Thus we have T˜−1 =Θ− =Θ−Θ− = a (Q)T˜−1T˜ . −(µ′+λ) µ′+λ µ′ λ y −µ′ y y X Let y ∈ supp(Θ−λ). We claim that tµ′y belongs to the support of T˜−−µ1′T˜y. Indeed, under the specialization map H→Z[W] determined by q1/2 7→1, the element T˜−−µ1′T˜y maps to tµ′y. Since no cancellation occurs on the right hanfd side above, we see from this that tµ′y ∈ supp(T˜−−(1µ′+λ)), and thus tµ′+λ(y)wy =tµ′y tµ′+λ, ≤ 4 where y = t w . Since µ′ + λ(y) and µ′ + λ are both dominant, it is well-known that this implies λ(y) y µ′+λ(y) µ′+λ. The lemma follows. (cid:22) In the case where λ is minuscule, this statement can be considerably sharpened; see Corollary 3.5. We remark that Lemma 2.1 plays a key role in the proof of Theorem 4.1. 2.2.4 R-polynomials For any y W, let y = s s τ (s S ,τ Ω) be a reduced expression for y. Then for any x, we can 1 r i a ∈ ··· ∈ ∈ write f T˜−1 = R (Q)T˜ . y−1 x,y x xX∈W e where Rx,y(Q) Z[q1/2,q−1/2]. These coefficients Rfx,y(Q) can be thought of as polynomial expressions in ∈ Q (as the notation suggests) because of the identity e e T˜−1 =(T˜ +Q) (T˜ +Q)T˜ . y−1 s1 ··· sr τ 3 The minuscule case We sayλ X is minuscule if α,λ 0, 1 ,for everyrootα R. Suchcoweightsare the concernof this ∗ ∈ h i∈{ ± } ∈ section. The purpose of this section is to present an analogue of Proposition 4.4 from [5] using Θ− instead of λ Θ . For simplicity, the theorem is given here for affine Hecke algebras with trivial parameter systems. The λ generalization to arbitrary parameter systems is straightforward (see [5] for notation and details). Similar arguments to those appearing here apply to Θ , giving a short proof of Proposition 4.4 from [5]. λ Theorem 3.1 Let µ− be minuscule and antidominant, and λ W (µ−). Then 0 ∈ Θ− = R (Q)T˜ . λ x,tλ x x :Xλ(x)=λ e We begin with some lemmas. For a proof of the first lemma, refer to Proposition 3.4 of [5], where a similar result is given (see also the proof of Corollary 6.6). Lemma 3.2 Let µ− be an antidominant and minuscule coweight, and let τ Ω be the unique element such ∈ that tµ− ∈ Waτ. Let λ ∈ W0(µ−). Suppose that λ−µ− is a sum of p simple coroots (0 ≤ p ≤ l(tµ−) = r). Then there exists a sequence of simple roots α ,... ,α such that the following hold (setting s =s ): 1 p i αi (1) α ,s s (µ−) = 1, 1 i p; i i−1 1 h ··· i − ∀ ≤ ≤ (2) there is a reduced expression for tµ− of the form tµ− =s1···spt1···tr−pτ; (3) there is a reduced expression for t of the form t =t t (τs ) (τs )τ; λ λ 1 r−p 1 p ··· ··· (4) Θ− =T˜ T˜ T˜−1 T˜−1T˜ , λ t1··· tr−p τs1 ··· τsp τ where t S , j 1,... ,r p . j a ∈ ∀ ∈{ − } Lemma 3.3 Let x W, and suppose that xs >x for all α Π. Then l(xw)=l(x)+l(w) for all w W . α 0 ∈ ∈ ∈ Since µ− is antidominfant, this lemma applies to the expressiontµ− =s1···spt1···tr−pτ. It then applies to the expression t t τ as well. It follows that we can think of the formula in Lemma 3.2(4) as 1 r−p ··· Θ− =T˜ T˜−1 T˜−1 =T˜ T˜−1 λ wλ s1 ··· sp wλ w−1 wheret =wλw,withw W andwλtheminimallengthrepresentativeforthecosett W . Thisobservation λ 0 λ 0 ∈ is helpful towards proving the main result of this section. 5 Lemma 3.4 For λ, s ,... ,s , and t ,... ,t as in Lemma 3.2, the mapping 1 p 1 r−p y : y s s x : λ(x)=λ and x t 1 p λ { ≤ ··· } −→ { ≤ } defined by y t t τy =wλy 1 r−p 7→ ··· is bijective. Proof of Theorem 3.1. Let w = s1···sp, and wλ = t1···tr−pτ, so that tµ− = wwλ and tλ = wλw. We have T˜−1 T˜−1 = R (Q)T˜ s1 ··· sp y,w y y : y≤w X e The expression for Θ− of Lemma 3.2, together with the fact that T˜ T˜ = T˜ for all y W (since λ wλ y wλy ∈ 0 l(wλy)=l(wλ)+l(y)), implies Θ− = R (Q)T˜ . λ y,w wλy y : y≤w X e Using the recursion formula of Lemma 2.5 (1) from [5], we obtain R (Q) = R (Q). In view of the y,w wλy,tλ bijection given in Lemma 3.4, we have e e R (Q)T˜ = R (Q)T˜ , wλy,tλ wλy x,tλ x y X: y≤w x :Xλ(x)=λ e e which completes the proof. For the minuscule case, Theorem 3.1 yields the following improvement on Lemma 2.1. Corollary 3.5 Let λ X be minuscule. Then ∗ ∈ supp(Θ−)= x : λ(x)=λ and x t . λ { ≤ λ} Here we have used Lemma 2.5 (5) of [5], which asserts that R˜ (Q)=0 if and only if x y. x,y 6 ≤ The Bernstein function z has a very simple form when µ is minuscule (cf. Theorem 4.3 of [5]): µ Corollary 3.6 If µ is dominant and minuscule, then z = R˜ (Q)T˜ . µ x,tλ(x) x x∈AXdm(µ) 4 Multiples of the Drinfeld case Fix positive integers n and m, and an integer 1 k n. In this section, we establish in Theorem 4.1 a formula for the Θ− functions of GL when λ =≤me≤(where e denotes the coweight of GL with kth λ n k k n coordinate equal to 1, and all other coordinates equal to 0). In this section, we adopt the following notation: for 1 i n 1, let α = αˇ = e e , and let i i i i+1 ≤ ≤ − − s =s . We single out the element τ Ω given by τ =t s s . i αi ∈ (1,0,...,0) 1··· n−1 Theorem 4.1 For the coweight me of GL , we have k n Θ− = R (Q)T˜ . mek x,tmek x x : λX(x)(cid:22)mek e 6 Consequently, we have a result for me analogous to that of Corollary 3.5 for λ minuscule, that is, k supp(Θ− )= x : λ(x) me and x t . mek { (cid:22) k ≤ mek} We also get the following explicit formula for the Bernstein function z , analogous to Corollary 3.6: me1 Corollary 4.2 z = R˜ (Q) T˜ , me1  x,tλ  x x∈AXdm(µ) λ(x)(cid:22)Xλ,x≤tλ   where the inner sum ranges over λ W (me ) such that λ(x) λ and x t . 0 1 λ ∈ (cid:22) ≤ Werequirethreelemmasbeforetheproofofthetheorem. Inthefollowingargumentsweusethenotation to denote products even though we are working in a non-commutative ring. We will use the following convention: n a will denote the product a a a (in that order). Q i=1 i 1 2··· n Lemma 4.3QFor the coweight me of GL , we have k n Θ− =(T˜ T˜ T˜ T˜−1 T˜−1)m. mek sk−1··· s1 τ sn−1··· sk Proof. From Lemma 3.2, we have Θ− =T˜ T˜ T˜ T˜−1 T˜−1. ek sk−1··· s1 τ sn−1··· sk Then the formula for Θ− follows from the fact that Θ− =Θ−Θ− for all ν ,ν X . mek ν1+ν2 ν1 ν2 1 2 ∈ ∗ Lemma 4.4 Let w,y W˜. Then ∈ T˜ T˜ = a T˜ w y x x x=wy X where w and y range over certain subexpressions of w and y, respectively. ee Proof. This is an easy induction on the length of y. e e Lemma 4.5 Let x be a subexpression of t =(s s τs s )m mek k−1··· 1 n−1··· k such that for some 1 i k 1, at least one s is deleted. Then λ(x)(cid:14)me . i k ≤ ≤ − Proof. We can write x=u τv u τv 1 1 m m ··· for suitable subexpressions u ,... ,u and v ,... ,v of s s and s s , respectively. Suppose 1 m 1 m k−1 1 n−1 k ··· ··· that p is the least index such that u =s s . Then p k−1 1 6 ··· p−1 m x= t s s v (t u s s v ) u τv , ek k··· n−1 i ej p 1··· n−1 p i i (cid:18)i=1 (cid:19) (cid:18)i=p+1 (cid:19) Y Y for some j with 1 j <k. Since s s v(e )=e for any subexpression v of s s , k n−1 j j n−1 k ≤ ··· ··· p−1 p−1 −1 t s s v (t ) t s s v =t . ek k··· n−1 i ej ek k··· n−1 i ej (cid:18)i=1 (cid:19) (cid:18)i=1 (cid:19) Y Y 7 It follows that the translation part λ(x) is the sum of e and a non-negative integral linear combination of j vectors e (i=1,...,n). Indeed, the translation part of i p−1 m t s s v (u s s v ) u τv ek k··· n−1 i p 1··· n−1 p i i (cid:18)i=1 (cid:19) (cid:18)i=p+1 (cid:19) Y Y is necessarily a vector (b ,...,b ) where b Z for every i. 1 n i + ∈ We thus see that one of the first k 1 coordinates of λ(x) is positive (namely the j-th coordinate is), − and this implies that λ(x)(cid:14)me . k Proof of Theorem 4.1. LetE =( 0,1 n−1)m ( 1 k−1 0,1 n−k)m. UsingT˜−1 =T˜ +Qandexpanding { } − { } ×{ } s s the left hand side, we can write m T˜−1 =Θ− + Qm(n−1)−σ(ǫ) T˜ǫik−1 T˜ǫi1T˜ T˜ǫin−1 T˜ǫik. (1) −mek mek sk−1 ··· s1 τ sn−1 ··· sk ǫ∈E i=1 X Y Here ǫi 0,1 and we denote ǫ = (ǫ1,... ,ǫm), and ǫi = (ǫi,... ,ǫi ), i = 1,... ,m, and σ(ǫ) = j ∈ { } 1 n−1 m n−1ǫi. i=1 j=1 j From Lemma 2.1, we know that supp(Θ− ) x : λ(x) me . Thus we need only prove that if T˜ P P mek ⊂{ (cid:22) k} x is in the support of the second term on the right hand side, then λ(x) (cid:14) me . Indeed, then the first and k second terms on the right hand side of (1) have disjoint supports, and so the coefficients of like terms will be equal in T˜−1 and Θ− . −mek mek Let ǫ=(ǫ1,... ,ǫm) E, and consider ∈ m T˜ǫik−1 T˜ǫi1T˜ T˜ǫin−1 T˜ǫik. sk−1 ··· s1 τ sn−1 ··· sk i=1 Y By Lemma 4.4, if x is in the support of this product, then x is a subexpression of m sǫik−1 sǫi1τsǫin−1 sǫik. k−1 ··· 1 n−1 ··· k i=1 Y SinceE excludestheelementsof( 1 k−1 0,1 n−k)m,weknowthatforsome1 i mand1 j k 1, { } ×{ } ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ − that ǫi = 0. But this is equivalent to the deletion of some s (1 j k 1) from the expression j j ≤ ≤ − t = (s s τs s )m. By Lemma 4.5, we have λ(x)(cid:14)me , and the proof is complete. mek k−1··· 1 n−1··· k k 5 Minimal expressions We say Θ− has a minimal expression if it can be written in the form λ Θ− =T˜ǫ1 T˜ǫrT˜ , λ t1 ··· tr τ where t = t t τ (t S , τ Ω) is a reduced expression and ǫ 1, 1 for every 1 i r. Such λ 1 r i a i ··· ∈ ∈ ∈ { − } ≤ ≤ expressions played a key role in Theorems 3.1 and 4.1. Lemma 3.2 asserts that Θ− has a minimal expression whenever λ is minuscule. If λ is any coweight for λ GL , then we may write n λ=λ + +λ 1 k ··· where each λ is minuscule and j l(t )=l(t )+ +l(t ). λ λ1 ··· λk 8 It follows that for any coweight λ of GLn, there is a minimal expression for Θ−λ. Letting wλi denote the minimal representative for the coset tλiW0 and writing tλi = wλiwi (wi ∈ W0), we may recover a minimal expression for Θ− =T˜ T˜−1 T˜ T˜−1 λ wλ1 w−1··· wλk w−1 1 k by choosing reduced expressions for every wλi and wi. ClearlyasimilarresultwouldfollowforanyrootsystemwiththepropertythatΘ− hasaminimalexpres- ω sion for every Weyl conjugate ω of every fundamental coweight. It seems to be an interesting combinatorial problem to determine the root systems (besides that for GL ) which satisfy this property. n In principle, a minimal expression for Θ− allows one to write it as an explicit linear combination of the λ Iwahori-Matsumoto generators T , simply by using the formula T˜−1 =T˜ +Q and expanding the product. w s s The result is a linear combination of certain products T T T s1··· sg σ (s S , σ Ω), where s s σ ranges over certain subexpressions of t (which subexpressions occur is i a 1 g λ ∈ ∈ ··· governedbythesignsǫ intheminimalexpression). Thesemayinturnbesimplifiedbyusingthewell-known j formula T T = N(s,w,q)T , s1··· sg w w X (cf. [11],Lemma3.7). Heres=(s ,...,s )andN(s,w,q)isthenumberofF -rationalpointsonthevariety 1 g q Z(s,w)consistingofallsequences(I ,...,I )wherethe I areIwahorisubgroupsofGsc(F¯ ((t))) (hereGsc is 1 g i q the simply connected groupassociatedto the givenroot system) suchthat the relativepositions of adjacent subgroups satisfy inv(I ,I )=s i−1 i i for all 1 i g, and I =wI w−1, where I is a fixed “standard” Iwahori subgroup. g 0 0 Wefo≤rgo≤thecumbersometaskofdescribingmorecompletelytheresultingexpressionsforΘ− intermsof λ thegeneratorsT . ThecombinatoricsarebestdescribedinthegeometricframeworkofDemazureresolutions. w We explain this in the following section. Remark. Let λ be a coweightfor GL , and write λ=m e + +m e . One finds a similar expression for n 1 1 n n Θ− starting from ··· λ Θ− =Θ− Θ− , λ m1e1··· mnen and making use of Theorem 4.1. 6 Sheaf-theoretic meaning of minimal expressions The goal of this section is to describe a sheaf-theoretic interpretation of a minimal expression for Θ−: the λ corresponding perverse sheaf on the affine flag variety is the push-forward of an explicit perverse sheaf on a Demazure resolution of the Schubert variety X(t ). We proceed to illustrate this statement in more detail. λ 6.1 Affine flag variety Let k =F denote the finite field with q elements, and let k¯ denote an algebraic closure of k. Let G be the q split connected reductive group over k whose root system is (X∗,X ,R,Rˇ,Π). Choose a split torus T and ∗ a k-rational Borel subgroup B containing T, which give rise to R and Π. Denote by l the affine flag variety for G. This is an ind-scheme over k whose k-points are given by F l(k)=G(k((t)))/I , k F where I =I G(k[[t]]) is the Iwahori subgroup whose reduction modulo t is B. k Fix a prim⊂e ℓ=char(k), and make a fixed choice for √q Q¯ℓ (for Tate twists). LetDb( l)den6 otethecategoryDb( l,Q¯ ). Bydefinition∈Db( l,Q¯ )istheinductive2-limitofcategories Db(X,Q¯ )wFhereX lrangesovercalFlprojℓectivek-schemeswchiFchareℓclosedsubfunctorsoftheind-scheme c ℓ ⊂F 9 l. The category Db(X,Q ) is the “derived” category of Deligne [3]: Q the projective 2-limit of the cFategories Db (X,Z/cℓnZ). ℓFor any finite extension E of Q contained in Q¯ℓ⊗, the definition of Db(X,E) is ctf ℓ ℓ c similar, and by definition Db(X,Q¯ ) is the inductive 2-limit of the categories Db(X,E). c ℓ c For f : X Y a morphism of finite-type k-schemes, we have the four “derived” functors f ,f : ∗ ! Db(X,Q¯ ) D→b(Y,Q¯ ) andf∗,f! :Db(Y,Q¯ ) Db(X,Q¯ ). This notationshouldcause no confusion,since c ℓ → c ℓ c ℓ → c ℓ we never use the non-derived versions of the pull-back and push-forward functors in this paper. We define the category P ( l): it is the full subcategory of Db( l) whose objects are I-equivariant I F F perverse sheaves for the middle perversity (by definition the latter have finite dimensional support). The I-orbits on l correspond to W. Given w W, we denote by Y(w) = IwI/I the corresponding Bruhat cell, and weFdenote its closure by X(w) = Y∈(w). Further, let Q¯ denote the constant sheaf on ℓ,w Y(w), and define =Q¯ [l(w)](l(w)f/2). This is a seflf-dual perverse sheaf on Y(w). w ℓ,w A Let j : Y(w) ֒ X(w) denote the open immersion. We define J = j and J = j . These w w∗ w∗ w w! w! w → A A are perverse sheaves in P ( l) satisfying D(J )=J . (Here D denotes Verdier duality.) I w∗ w! F Given P ( l) we may define the corresponding function [ ] on l(k), which we may identify with I G ∈ F G F an element in : H [ ](x)=Tr(Fr , ), q x G G where Frq denotes the Frobenius morphism on Flk¯ (raising coordinates to power q). We have [J ]=ε q−1/2T w! w w w [J ]=ε q1/2T−1 . w∗ w w w−1 6.2 Convolution of sheaves Following Lusztig [15], one can define a convolution product ⋆ :P ( l) P ( l) Db( l). We formulate I I F × F → F this in a way similar to [6]. Given P ( l), i = 1,2, we can choose X(w ) such that the support of i I i i G ∈ F G is contained in X(w ), for i = 1,2. We may identify l with the space of all “affine flags” for G(k((t))); i F L there is a base point whose stabilizer in G(k((t))) is the “standard” Iwahori subgroup I. Then X(w) is 0 L identified with the space of all affine flags such that the relative position between the base point and 0 L L satisfies L inv( , ) w 0 L L ≤ in the Bruhat order on W. The “twisted” product X(w )˜X(w ) is the space of pairs ( , ′) l l 1 2 × L L ∈ F ×F such that f inv( , ) w 0 1 L L ≤ inv( , ′) w . 2 L L ≤ Wecanfindafinite-dimensionalprojectivesubvarietyX lwiththepropertythat( , ′) X(w )˜X(w ) 1 2 ⊂F L L ∈ × ⇒ ′ X. The “multiplication” map m:X(w )˜X(w ) X given by ( , ′) ′ is proper. 1 2 L ∈Now (i = 1,2) determine a well-defined×pervers→e sheaf ⊠˜ oLnLX(w7→)L˜X(w ) (see e.g. [6]). We i 1 2 1 2 G G G × define ⋆ =m ( ⊠˜ ). 1 2 ∗ 1 2 G G G G The convolution ⋆ Db( l) is independent of the choice of X(w ) and X. 1 2 i G G ∈ F The object ⋆ is I-equivariantin a suitable sense, so that we can regardits function Tr(Fr , ⋆ ) 1 2 q 1 2 G G G G as an element of the Hecke algebra . H It is well-known that this product is compatible with the function-sheaf dictionary: [ ⋆ ]=[ ]⋆[ ]. 1 2 1 2 G G G G Here ⋆ on the right hand side is just the usual product in . H Later we shall use the following fact, referred to in the sequel simply as associativity: if (i = 1,2,3) i G areobjectsofP ( l)suchthat ⋆ P ( l)and ⋆ P ( l),thenthereisacanonicalisomorphism I 1 2 I 2 3 I F G G ∈ F G G ∈ F ⋆( ⋆ )˜( ⋆ )⋆ (the “associativity constraint”). This is provedby identifying eachcanonically 1 2 3 1 2 3 G G G → G G G with the “triple product” ⋆ ⋆ , whose construction is similar (see section 6.3). 1 2 3 G G G 10

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