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Forest Ecology and Management Forest Ecology and Management 200 (2004) 361-362 www.elsevier.com/locate/foreco Contents of Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 200 VOLUME 200, ISSUES 1-3 25 OCTOBER RE. ob ox o.oo ind o4ce hh SOM CAS OOD Hook OS ke ee OE a id bible 382 Ob 5 eae beens Ons eee ea l Regular articles Response of artificial acid irrigation, liming, and N-fertilisation on elemental concentrations in needles, litter fluxes, volume increment, and crown transparency of a N saturated Norway spruce stand ’. Huber, K. Kreutzer (Freising, Germany), H. Rhle (Tharandt, Germany) and A. Rothe (Miinchen, Germany) ............ 3 Bark beetle (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) diversity in spaced and unmanaged mature lodgepole pine (Pinaceae) in southeastern British Columbia L. Safranyik, T.L. Shore, A.L. Carroll and D.A. Linton (Victoria, Canada)... ......0 0.0... cece eee eee eee 23 Regeneration of timber trees in a logged tropical forest in North Bolivia H.M.P.J.B. (Jacaranda) van Rheenen, R.G.A. Boot (Utrecht, The Netherlands and Riberalta, Bolivia), M.J.A. Werger (Utrecht, The Netherlands) and M. Ulloa (Riberalta, Bolivia) ....0..00..00 .c.e.e. .ee e 39 Truffle abundance and mycophagy by northern flying squirrels in eastern Washington forests J.F. Lehmkuhl (Wenatchee, WA, USA), L.E. Gould and D.R. Hosford (Ellensburg, WA, USA)... ..........000.0000005. 49 Influence of ozone and nitrogen deposition on bark beetle activity under drought conditions M. Eatough Jones, T.D. Paine, M.E. Fenn and M.A. Poth (Riverside, CA, USA). .....0..... cc.c e0e.e0 .0ee e 67 Resin canal traits relevant for constitutive resistance of Norway spruce against bark beetles: environmental and genetic variability S. Rosner (Vienna, Austria) and B. Hannrup (Uppsala, Sweden)... 6. cece cc ccc ee ener eer eeeseeeevess 77 Effects of undisturbed canopy structure on population structure and species coexistence in an old-growth subalpine forest in central Japan me PRT TT ee eee RUT ORCC ERE CULE TERETE TEETER LOT TT TT 89 Evaluating effects of nursery and post-planting nutrient regimes on leaf chemistry and browsing of eucalypt seedlings in plantations D.C. Close, C. McArthur, E. Pietrzykowski, H. Fitzgerald and S. Paterson (Hobart, Australia). ..............0 00000005 101 Evaluation of a portable chlorophyll meter to estimate chlorophyll and nitrogen contents in sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) leaves AR. Veh GOR BOG GE TEP. FURes Ces GI, Vy WD occ ewe ere ree ncrreresnccresasedeeecens 113 Effects of opening size and stand characteristics on light transmittance and temperature under young trembling aspen stands PCT TEST TS CELI LULOLU TTL CUEL LETC eee 119 Forest cover changes in the Oregon Coast Range from 1939 to 1993 CERT E REPEC TC CUEETE TATU CEE ELETT TLE EEE 129 Variation in stand mortality related to successional composition PP TEE, OEE COTE TUE RTE TUTTE LECCE CC CLC CTT REET ELE TT Le 149 Wolves, elk, willows, and trophic cascades in the upper Gallatin Range of Southwestern Montana, USA es ee Ce es EE, GE, ED ko boss cce cee s ese vase es eb ea hew eee eee SENS oe beeen eareses 161 Changes in soil properties and vegetation characteristics along a forest-savanna gradient in southern Venezuela N. Dezzeo, N. Chacn (Caracas, Venezuela), E. Sanoja and G. Picn (Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela).............. 0000000005 183 Mapping the risk of establishment and spread of sudden oak death in California R. Meentemeyer (Rohnert Park, CA, USA), D. Rizzo (Davis, CA, USA), W. Mark (San Luis Obispo, CA, USA) and er Kt SS eee Se eee eee Tee TT eee TOT ETON TET TCC TUR AS TEC CL CC COEEEEES 195 Comparison of two coniferous plantations in central Japan with respect to forest productivity, growth phenology and soil nitrogen dynamics T. Yamashita (Shimane, Japan), N. Kasuya (Kyoto, Japan), S. Nishimura (Kepong, Malaysia) and H. Takeda (Kyoto, Japan)... 215 doi: 10.1016/S0378-1127(04)0063 1-0 362 Contents of Volume 200 Species composition, similarity and diversity in three successional stages of a seasonally dry tropical forest M. Kalacska, G.A. Sanchez-Azofeifa (Edmonton, Canada) , J.C. Calvo-Alvarado (Cartago, Costa Rica), M. Quesada (Morelia, México), B. Rivard (Edmonton, Canada) and D.H. Janzen (Philadelphia, PA, USA) Linkages between silviculture and ecology: examination of several important conceptual models J.N. Long (Logan, UT, USA), T.J. Dean (Baton Rouge, LA, USA) and S.D. Roberts (Mississippi State, MS, USA) Growth responses, physiology and decay associated with pruning plantation-grown Eucalyptus globulus Labill. and E. nitens (Deane and Maiden) Maiden E.A. Pinkard (Hobart, Australia and Tasmania, Australia), C. Mohammed, C.L. Beadle, M.F. Hall, D. Worledge (Hobart, Australia) and A. Mollon (Tasmania, Australia) Carbon and nitrogen dynamics under windrowed residues during the establishment phase of a second-rotation hoop pine plantation in subtropical Australia A : T.J. Blumfield, Z.H. Xu and P.G. Saffigna (Nathan, Australia) Changes in forest vegetation and arbuscular mycorrhizae along a steep elevation gradient in Arizona M.A. Fisher and RZ. Fule (Flagstaff, AZ, USA) Sweet trees, sour circumstances: the long search for sustajnability.in the Nerth American maple products industry G.G. Whitney (Meadville, PA, USA) and M.M. Upmeyer (Brown Mills, NJ, USA) Intensive management modifies soil CO, efflux in 6-year-old Pinus taeda L. stands L.J. Samuelson (Auburn, AL, USA), K. Johnsen (Research Triangle Park, NC, USA), T. Stokestand W. Lu (Auburn, AL, USA) Canopy tree development and undergrowth bamboo dynamics in old-growth Abies—Betula forests in southwestern China: a 12-year study A.H. Taylor (University Park, PA! USA), H. Jinyan and Z. ShiQiang(¥Sichuan, China) Contents of Forest Ecology and Management, Volume. 200 Author index Subject index

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