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FOREIGNIZATIONANDDOMESTICATIONOFINDONESIAN CULTURALLY-BOUNDEXPRESSIONS OFPRAMOEDYAANANTA TOER’S BUMI MANUSIA INMAXLANE’S THIS EARTH OF MANKIND ATHESIS Presented as a Partial Fulfilmentof theRequirements fortheAttainmentof aSarjanaSastra Degree in English Languageand Literature Hari Ratih Fitriyani 08211144022 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ANDLITERATURE STUDYPROGRAM ENGLISH EDUCATIONDEPARTMENT FACULTYOFLANGUAGES ANDARTS YOGYAKARTASTATE UNIVERSITY 2013 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Following the sacred hadith of Prophet Mohammed, “Whoever does not thank people (for their favours) has not thanked Allah (properly), Mighty and Glorious is He!” (Musnad Ahmad, Sunan At-Tirmidhi), I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the kind and beloved people who have encouraged and supportedmethroughthis painful but gainful years. The very first people to whom my sincere thanks go to are Asrudin Barori Tou, M.A., Ph.D and Yosa Abduh Alzuhdy, S.S., M.Hum whose guidance and advice were the assets to accomplish this thesis. As my supervisors, they have shared their valuable knowledge by reading, criticizing, and discussing my thesis with me over their priceless time. They have been dutifully patient and enlighteningthewritingprocess ofmythesis. The second group of people who are always in my heart’s list of gratitude are all of the lecturers who have always been reliable teachers for encouragement and enlightenment. Special gratitude goes to my academic consultant, Andy Bayu Nugroho S.S., M.Hum. who has always cared with every student’s academic issues in detail. Special thanks go to Donald Juply Nababan S.S., M.Hum. who has given somemainreferences dealingwiththetopicofmythesis. Librarians have always played a quiet but crucial role. I would single out particular thanks for helpful and professional staffs of the libraryin the Facultyof Languages andArts. On this special occasion, I would also like to express my sincerest gratitude to whom I have been unpayably indebted. Thousands of kisses go to my dearest mother who has never been absent supplying the delicious snacks while I was working on mythesis, mybeloved father who has always turned his favourite Javenese songs off to comfort me while I was working on my thesis, and my two naughty little brothers who have kept asking when I would graduate. Their prayers are always onmysidetodomybest. v I also owe particular debt of gratitude to my comrades, Nastiti Trisnowati and Anggie Ray Salvatore who were generous enough to be my debriefing peers and commented my thesis in detail. Other big thanks go to my best friends who have always listened to me with sympathy when I went to them with disheartened frameofmindofmythesis. This thesis is the result of years of study whereby I was fortunately accompanied and supported. There are many more names without whose support this thesis would not have been accomplished. To all of them, named or not, I offermythanks. Yogyakarta, November2013 Hari RatihFitriyani 08211144022 vi MOTTOS “Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. therefore, love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who don’t and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance,takeit. If it changes your life,letit. Nobody said it’d beeasy, they just promised it would beworthit.” -Unknown Sometimes I just look up, smile, and say ‘I know it was You, God. Thank you!’ -Unknown vii DEDICATIONS Lovinglydedicated toTeoKianCheow, a‘father’whotaughtmehowtobefriendlife and toAyahandIbu fortheirreplaceablelove viii TABLE OFCONTENTS TITLE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- i APPROVALSHEET----------------------------------------------------------- ii RATIFICATIONSHEET ----------------------------------------------------- iii SURAT PERNYATAAN--------------------------------------------------------- iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS--------------------------------------------------- v MOTTOS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ vii DEDICATIONS----------------------------------------------------------------- viii TABLEOFCONTENTS------------------------------------------------------ ix LISTOF FIGURES ------------------------------------------------------------ xi LISTOFTABLES-------------------------------------------------------------- xii ABSTRACT--------------------------------------------------------------------- xiii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ------------------------------------------- 1 A. BackgroundoftheProblems --------------------------------------- 1 B. Focus oftheResearch------------------------------------------------- 2 C. Objectives oftheResearch ------------------------------------------ 4 D. SignificanceoftheResearch ---------------------------------------- 4 CHAPTER II LITERATUREREVIEW------------------------------------ 6 A. Theoretical Review---------------------------------------------------- 6 1. Translation --------------------------------------------------------- 6 a.Notions ofTranslation ---------------------------------------- 6 b.Types ofTranslation------------------------------------------ 8 c.Translationas aProcess -------------------------------------- 9 d.Translationas aProduct -------------------------------------- 11 2. Culture-------------------------------------------------------------- 11 a.Notions ofCulture--------------------------------------------- 11 b.Culturally-BoundExpressions ------------------------------- 13 3. Meaning ------------------------------------------------------------ 17 a.Notions ofMeaning------------------------------------------- 17 b.Types ofMeaning--------------------------------------------- 18 c.MeaningEquivalence ----------------------------------------- 20 4. ForeignizationandDomestication------------------------------ 22 a. Notions ofForeignizationandDomestication----------- 22 b. Foreignizingand DomesticatingTranslationTechniques 23 5. TheNovel of Bumi Manusia--------------------------------- 28 B. ReviewofRelevant Studies------------------------------------------ 30 C. Conceptual Framework and Analytical Construct---------------- 32 1.Conceptual Framwork --------------------------------------------- 32 a.Culturally-BoundExpressions AdoptedintheStudy------ 33 b.Foreignizingand DomesticatingTranslationTechniques Adoptedinthestudy-------------------------------------------- 40 c.Concept ofMeaningEquivalenceAdoptedintheStudy--- 50 ix CHAPTER III RESEARCHMETHODS---------------------------------- 56 A. Research Approach---------------------------------------------------- 56 B. DataType--------------------------------------------------------------- 57 C. DataSource------------------------------------------------------------- 57 D. DataCollection--------------------------------------------------------- 58 E. Research Instruments-------------------------------------------------- 62 F. Trustworthiness ------------------------------------------------------- 62 G. DataAnalysis -------------------------------------------------------- 64 CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION------------------------- 66 A. Findings ---------------------------------------------------------------- 66 B. Discussion -------------------------------------------------------------- 78 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONANDSUGGESTIONS----------------- 132 A. Conclusions------------------------------------------------------------- 132 B. Suggestions ------------------------------------------------------------ 134 REFERENCES------------------------------------------------------------------ 136 APPENDICES------------------------------------------------------------------- 141 A.Appendix 1: DataFindings ofthe IdentificationofCulturally- BoundExpressions, Foreignizingand DomesticatingTranslationTechniques, and Degree OfMeaningEquivalence----------------------------- 142 B.Appendix 2: Surat PernyataanTriangulasi-------------------------- 143 x

Following the sacred hadith of Prophet Mohammed, “Whoever does not songs off to comfort me while I was working on my thesis, and my two TT: “Ya, Sis,” she said to Nyai, the future mother-in-law of her son, “a child so .. Islamic calendar) in order to restore the magical power of the heirl
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