CISM COURSES AND LECTURES Series Editors: The Rectors of CISM Sandor Kaliszky -Budapest Mahir Sayir - Zurich Wilhelm Schneider -Wien The Secretary General of CISM Giovanni Bianchi -Milan Executive Editor Carlo Tasso -Udine The series presents lecture notes, monographs, edited works and proceedings in the field of Mechanics, Engineering, Computer Science and Applied Mathematics. Purpose of the series is to make known in the international scientific and technical community results obtained in some of the activities organized by CISM, the International Centre for Mechanical Sciences. INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR MECHANICAL SCIENCES COURSES AND LECfURES -No. 396 FLUID-STRUCTURE INTERACTIONS IN ACOUSTICS EDITED BY DOMINIQUE HABAULT C.N.R.S. - L.M.A., FRANCE ~ Springer-Verlag Wien GmbH This volume contains 135 iIIustrations This work is subject to copyright. AII rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned specifically those of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction by photocopying machine or similar means, and storage in data banks. © 1999 by Springer- Verlag Wien Origina11y published by CISM, Udine in 1999. SPIN 10728749 In order to make this volume available as economically and as rapidl)' as possible the authors' typescripts have been reproduced in their original forms. This method unfortunately has its typographical limitations but it is hoped that they in no way distract the reader. ISBN 978-3-211-83147-2 ISBN 978-3-7091-2482-6 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091-2482-6 PREFACE Nowadays, environmental pollution by noise and vibration is an important nuisance. The necessity of reducing this pollution has increased during the last decades. Silence is now one of the main qualities for a car, a train, a plane, a building ... A great number of studies are conducted (in universities and in industry) on the noise radiation phenomena which are responsible for this kind of pollution. Generally speaking, noise radiation is caused by the coupling between a structure which vibrates because or mechanical and/or flow excitations and the surrounding fluid. The expressions "fluid-structure interactions" and "Vibro-Acoustics" are also used to refer to these phenomena. The course presents an advanced overview on interaction phenomena between a structure and a fluid, including nonlinear aspects. Chapters 1 and 2 are mainly dedicated to the description of the phenomena and provide the basic equations. Chapter 1 is concerned with the description or the vibrations or thin bodies immersed in a fluid and submitted to deterministic or random excitations. Chapter 2 is concerned with the des.cr_iption or the fluid flow (turbulent flows, turbulent boundary layer, wall-pressure fluctuations) and or the vibro-acoustic response or a flexible structure to the adjacent turbulent wall-pressure field. Chapters 3 to 5 are dedicated to analytical and numerical methods to compute the displacement on the structure and the sound pressure radiated in the fluid. They include the description or methods such as transform techniques, the Wiener-Hop/ method, integral equations, perturbation techniques and finite element and finite difference methods. Chapter. 6 is dedicated to the modeling or nonlinear dynamics of structures excited by flows (quasi-steady fluid cases). Examples such as pendulum structures in a windfield and a suspension bridge are examined in detail. Chapter 7 describes some or the noise radiation phenomena in the car-industry. Several metheds such as structural acoustic analysis and noise transfer path analysis are presented and applied to these noise and vibration problems. It is my pleasure to thank again the C.J.S.M. board and secretariat who gave us the opportunity to organise the summer school in September 1998 and publish this book. Thanks again also to all the lecturers who have carefully prepared the texts published in this book. Dominique Habault CONTENTS Page Preface Chapter 1 Modelling of Fluid/Structure Interactions by P.J. T. Filippi ..................................................................................................................................................................................... I Chapter 2 Vibroacoustics of Flow-Excited Structures by D. Juve, Ch. Bailly, Ch. Durant and G. Robert ......................................................................... 51 Chapter 3 Some Analytical Methods for Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems by N. Peake ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 87 Chapter 4 Some Computational Methods for Sound Radiation Problems by D. Habault ........................................................................................................................................................................ 135 Chapter 5 Finite Difference and Finite Element Methods by U.R. Kristiansen, M. Dhainaut and T.F. Johansen .......................................................... 179 Chapter 6 Nonlinear Dynamics of Structures Excited by Flows: Quasi-Steady Modelling and Asymptotic Analysis by A.H.P. van der Burgh .................................................................................................................................................. 221 Chapter 7 Acoustic Applications in Vehicle Engineering by R. Freymann ............................................................................................................................................................................... 261 CHAPTER 1 MODELLING OF FLUID/STRUCTURE INTERACTIONS P.J.T. Filippi Laboratoire de Mecanique et d' Acoustique, Marseille, France Abstract This chapter is devoted to the basic equations of Vibro-Acoustics. Only thin elastic bodies are considered. First, the approximate equations governing the linear vibrations of thin plates, thin circular cylindrical shells and spherical shells are established. The approximation is based on the hypothesis that the elastic body has one dimension which is small compared to the other two ones and to the wavelengths of the vibrations. Then, the theory of 'tn vacuo thin plates and cylindrical shells under har monic excitations is rapidly summarized (resonance mode series expansion, boundary integral representation). The other sections deal with the response of fluid-loaded plates and shells, excited either by deterministic forces (harmonic or transient) or by random forces. The fluid load is represented by a boundary integral. Dif ferent representations of the solution are developed: boundary integral rep resentation of the structure displacement and of the sound pressure field; fluid-loaded eigenmode series and fluid-loaded resonance mode series. These different theoretical aspects are developed on canonical examples with in creasing complexity. 2 P.J.T. Filippi 1.1 Introduction Vibro-Acoustics phenomena occur in many real-life situations. In most cases, thin elastic or visco-elastic bodies are involved; the generation or the transmission of sound by three-dimension bodies is much less common. Vibro-Acoustics phenomena can be classified into two reciprocal groups: the gener ation of sound due to the vibrations of an elastic body and the vibrations of an elastic body due to an incident acoustic wave. The combination of these two aspects results in the transmission of acoustic energy through an elastic structure. Noise pollution comes from house equipments like washing machines, coffee grinders, vacuum cleaners, etc ... in which the motor induces vibrations of the external struc tures, creating so an acoustic (mainly noisy) wave. The origin of outdoor noise pollution is the same phenomenon: the hull of a car or a truck, being set into vibrations by the engine and by the contact wheels/road, generates noise. Inside an enclosure, like a house, a car, a plane, etc ... , noise can be due to external force sources which set into vibrations a part of the enclosure boundary (windows, ceilings and floors; the elastic shell and the windows of a vehicle, . . . ) : the external force can have any sort of origine (the motor in a car or a plane, for example) or a wall pressure (incident acoustic wave, wall pressure due to a turbulent or a vortex flow). Lots of other noise sources which imply Vibro-Acoustics phenomena could be cited. It can be remarked that most of the classical noise sources involve the coupling between a fluid and a thin body (plate or shell). This is the motivation for paying attention in this course to Vibro-Acoustics phenomena which involve thin plates and shells. It must be mentioned that the ba sic results and methods which are presented here remain valid for three-dimensional bodies. In the next section, approximate equations governing the vibrations of thin struc tures (plates, circular cylindrical and spherical shells) are established. The method is first based on the following hypothesis: a structure is said to be thin if one of its dimensions - called its thickness - is small compared to both the other two ones and the vibration wavelengths involved. The second hypothesis is that every mechanical quantity which describes the structure motion can be expanded into a formal Taylor like series of the transverse coordinate. By keeping a finite number of such terms in the strain/stress law and in the subsequent energy density, one gets an approximated equation of energy conservation, or, equivalently, an approximated equation of motion. Here, the lowest order terms are kept: this leads to the plate equation (as it has been developed in particular by Kirchhoff) and the Donnell and Mushtari shell equations. In section 3, elementary results of the theory of in vacuo plates and cylindrical shells are recalled: resonance mode and resonance frequencies; resonance mode series representation of the forced vibrations; Boundary Integral Equations equivalent to the initial boundary value problem. Section 4 starts with a general presentation of the load that a fluid exerts on a vi- Modelling of Fluid/Structure Interactions 3 brating structure: various integral representations of the fluid influence are proposed, which depend on the complexity of the structure. This is illustrated by several exam ples. First, baffled plates and baffled cylindrical shells are considered: for both cases, the fluid load is expressed by a Green's formula and it is shown how the initial boundary value problem can be reduced to a system of Boundary Integral Equations. The eigen modes and resonance modes of the fluid-loaded structure are then defined. Finally, the response of the system to either a deterministic excitation (harmonic or transient) or a random one (mainly, a turbulent wall pressure) is expanded into a series of the resonance modes. Then an example of structure immersed in a first fluid and containing a second fluid is examined: the importance of the internal resonance modes is pointed out. The more complex structure is a Line-2 shell (finite length circular cylinder with semi-spherical end-caps). The radiated acoustic pressure- and, consequently, the fluid load - is expressed as a boundary integral, but no simple Green's representation of the shell displacement exists: we are, thus, left with a system of integra-differential equations to solve. The numerical solutions of these problems, together with comparisons between predictions and experiments, are presented in chapter 4. 1.2 Equations governing the vibrations of thin bodies We are interested in the vibrations of an elastic (or visco-elastic) thin body: by thin we mean that one of the dimensions of the domain occupied by the elastic solid, which is called its thickness, is small compared with the other two ones, and equally small compared with the wavelengths of the vibration waves. It must be expected that the various mechanical quantities which describe the motion of such a solid -in particular the stress and the strain tensors - do not vary very much within the thickness of the solid. This suggests that the general three-dimensional equations of motion can be simplified and reduced to two-dimensional equations defined over a mean surface.The aim of this section is to show on three examples - a plate, a circular cylindrical shell and a spherical shell - how such equations can be established. 1.2.1 Overview of the method proposed here Let I:, with boundary 8I:, be a surface which can be parameterised by a coordinate G system (6, 6). It is assumed that a unit vector exists everywhere on this surface. A point in the neighborhood of I: can be defined by local coordinates (6, 6, 6), where 6 is counted along the normal vector G. Let h(6,6) be a function varying between