Fluctuation and low transverse momentum 7 0 correlation results from PHENIX 0 2 n a J 1 3 Jeffery Mitchell† 1 ∗ v BNL,USA 0 E-mail: [email protected] 8 0 1 ThePHENIXExperimentattheRelativisticHeavyIonColliderhasconductedasurveyoffluctu- 0 7 ationsinchargedhadronmultiplicityinAu+AuandCu+Cucollisionsat√sNN =22,62,and200 0 GeV.Auniversalpowerlawscalingformultiplicityfluctuationsexpressedass 2/m 2isobserved / x asafunctionofN forallspeciesstudiedthatisindependentofthetransversemomentumrange e part - of the measurement. PHENIX has also measuredtransversemomentumcorrelationamplitudes l c inp+p,d+Au,andAu+Aucollisions.Atlowtransversemomentum,significantdifferencesinthe u n correlationsbetweenthebaselinep+pandd+AudataandtheAu+Audataarepresented. : v i X r a CorrelationsandFluctuationsinRelativisticNuclearCollisions July7-92006 Florence,Italy Speaker. ∗ †forthePHENIXCollaboration. (cid:13)c Copyrightownedbytheauthor(s)underthetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlikeLicence. http://pos.sissa.it/ FluctuationsandlowtransversemomentumcorrelationresultsfromPHENIX JefferyMitchell 1. A Survey ofChargedHadron MultiplicityFluctuations The topic of event-by-event fluctuations of the inclusive charged particle multiplicity in rela- tivistic heavy ioncollisions hasbeen revivedbytheobservation ofnon-monotonic behavior inthe scaled variance asafunction ofsystem size atSPSenergies [1]. Thescaled variance isdefined as s 2/m ,wheres 2representsthevarianceofthemultiplicitydistributioninagivencentralitybin,and m isthemeanofthedistribution. Forreference,thescaledvarianceofaPoissondistribution is1.0, independent of m . PHENIX has surveyed the behavior of inclusive charged particle multiplicity fluctuations asafunctionofcentrality andtransverse momentumin√sNN =62GeVand200GeV Au+Au and 22, 62, and 200 GeV Cu+Cu collisions in order to investigate if the non-monotonic behavior persists atRHICenergies. Details about thePHENIXexperimental configuration can befound elsewhere [2]. Allofthe measurements described here utilize the PHENIXcentral arm detectors. The maximum PHENIX acceptance of h <0.35 in pseudorapidity and 180o in azimuthal angle is considered small for | | event-by-eventmeasurements. However,theevent-by-eventmultiplicitiesarehighenoughinRHIC heavyioncollisionsthatPHENIXhasacompetitivesensitivityforthedetectionofmanyfluctuation signals. Forexample,adetailedexaminationofthePHENIXsensitivitytotemperaturefluctuations derivedfromthemeasurement ofevent-by-event mean p fluctuations isdescribed in[3]. T Ithasbeendemonstratedthatchargedparticlemultiplicity fluctuationdistributions inelemen- taryandheavyioncollisionsarewelldescribedbynegativebinomialdistributions (NBD)[4]. The NBDofanintegermisdefinedby (m+k 1)! (m /k)m P(m)= − (1.1) m!(k 1)! (1+m /k)m+k − whereP(m)isnormalizedfor0 m ¥ ,m <m>. TheNBDcontains anadditional parameter, ≤ ≤ ≡ k, whencompared toaPoisson distribution. TheNBDbecomes aPoisson distribution inthelimit k ¥ . ThevarianceandthemeanoftheNBDisrelatedtokby1/k=s 2/m 2 1/m . ThePHENIX → − multiplicity distributions arewelldescribedbyNBDfitsforallspecies,centralities, andtransverse momentumranges. ThedatapresentedhereareresultsofNBDfitsofthemultiplicitydistributions, anexampleofwhichisshowninFig. 1. Each 5% wide centrality bin selects a range of impact parameters. This introduces a com- ponent to the multiplicity fluctuations that can be attributed to fluctuations in the geometry of the collision. Itisdesireabletoestimateandremovethisknownsourceoffluctuationssothatonlyfluc- tuations due tothe dynamics ofthe collision remain. The contribution of geometrical fluctuations isestimatedusingtheHIJINGeventgenerator[5],whichwellreproduces themeanmultiplicityof RHICcollisions[6]. Theestimateisperformedbycomparingfluctuationsfromeventswithafixed impactparametertofluctuationsfromeventswitharangeofimpactparameterscoveringthewidth of each centrality bin, as determined from Glauber model simulations. TheHIJING estimates are confirmedbycomparingtheHIJINGfixed/ranged fluctuationratiostomeasured1%/5%binwidth fluctuation ratios. The magnitude of the scaled variance is reduced by this correction. A 15% systematic errorforthisestimateisincluded intheerrorsshown. Bymeasuringthescaledvarianceinsuccessivelywiderazimuthalranges,alineardependence on azimuthal acceptance is observed, with the scaled variance increasing with azimuthal accep- tance. Inordertofacilitatedirectcomparisonswithotherexperiments,themultiplicityfluctuations 2 FluctuationsandlowtransversemomentumcorrelationresultsfromPHENIX JefferyMitchell N d /Nevents d104 103 102 0 20 40 60 80 100 N Figure1: PHENIXPreliminary. Theevent-by-eventinclusivechargedhadronmultiplicitydistributionfor 0-5% central200 GeV Au+Au collisions with transverse momentumin the range 0.2< p <2.0 GeV/c. T ThedashedlineisaNegativeBinomialDistributionfittothedata. quoted here have been linearly extrapolated to 2p acceptance by fitting the azimuthal dependance within the detector acceptance. Systematic errors due to the extrapolation have been included in thetotalerrorsshown. TheresultsofthesurveyareshowninFig. 2through5,wherethecorrected scaledvariance isplottedasafunction ofcentrality andtransverse momentumrange. In the Grand Canonical Ensemble, the variance and the mean of the particle number can be directly related to the compressibility: s 2/m 2 =k (T/V)k , where k is Boltzmann’s constant, B T B T is the system temperature, and V is its volume [7]. The multiplicity fluctuations in terms of s 2/m 2=1/k +1/m areshowninFig. 6asafunctionofcentralityforAu+Aucollisionsat200 NBD and 62 GeV and Cu+Cu collisions at 200, 62, and 22 GeV. In order to demonstrate their scaling propertiesasafunctionofcentrality,eachcurvehasbeenscaledtothe200GeVAu+Aucurve. All fourdatasetscanbedescribed byapower-lawfunction asfollows: s 2/m 2(cid:181) N 1.40 0.03. p−art ± Itisexpectedthatthecompressibilitydivergesasoneapproachesthecriticalpoint,andtherate g of divergence is described by a power law, k =A((T T )/T ) , where T is the value of the T C C − C − temperature at the critical point, and g is the critical exponent for isothermal compressibility [7]. However,itisnotprudenttointerprettheobservedscalingascriticalbehaviorsinceithasnotbeen established that the temperature varies significantly as a function of N . A more robust critical part exponentstudycouldbeperformedwithaRHICscanatlowenergywherethefreeze-outtempera- turecould beestimated from identified particle spectra andHanbury-Brown Twisscorrelations, as outlined in[9]. Figures 6 and 7 show the multiplicity fluctuations as a function of centrality for different p ranges. In each case, the exponent of the power law function describing the data remains T unchanged. Hence, theinfluence of p -dependent processes athigher p ,such ashard scattering, T T have little effect on the scaling properties. The scaling also applies to the low energy 22 GeV Cu+Cudata. 3 FluctuationsandlowtransversemomentumcorrelationresultsfromPHENIX JefferyMitchell 2. Low Transverse Momentum Correlations Thetechnique oftwo-particle correlations has demonstrated itseffectiveness inextracting in- formation about jet production in reference (p+p and d+Au) and heavy-ion collisions at RHIC. Some features of the correlations are dependent on the p of the trigger and associated particles. T It is important to examine and understand the evolution of correlation functions from high to low p in heavy ion collisions with comparisons to reference collisions. Examining the p evolution T T ofthecorrelations mayprovide information thatcanaidintheinterpretation ofsuchfeatures such asexcessjetproduction atlow p oreventually theobserveddisplaced awaysidepeaks. T Interpreting correlation functions at low p (in this context, with both the trigger and associ- T ated particle below 1 GeV/c) is complicated by several factors: a) the hard scattering correlation becomesreducedinamplitudeanddilutedinazimuthalseparation,b)correlationsduetocollective flow are present, although the magnitude of elliptic flow is much reduced at low p , c) Hanbury- T Brown Twiss correlations are also present, and d) correlations due to resonance production are present. Inordertohelpdisentangle thelattertwocontributions, allcorrelations areseparated into only like-sign or only unlike-sign pairs. Here, only the like-sign results, which should not have a significant resonance contribution, arepresented. Theminimumbiasdatasetsanalyzedherecontain10millioneventsfromtheRHICRun-3p+p run,10millioneventsfromtheRun-3d+Aurun,2millioneventsfromtheRun-4200GeVAu+Au run, and 750,000 events from the Run-4 62 GeV Au+Au run. All correlation functions are con- structed using astrict mixedevent procedure withall cuts, including track proximity cuts, applied identically tothe data andmixed event samples. Mixed events areconstructed from identical data classes (distinguished by centralities within 5% and event vertex z coordinates within 10 cm) by directlysamplingthedatachargedparticlemultiplicitydistributionafterallcutshavebeenapplied. Since every event contains multiple particles at low p , the correlations are constructed by T considering every particle in the event as a trigger particle in succession and associating it with everyotherparticleintheevent. Correlationsconstructedinthismannerareauto-correlations [10]. Thecorrelationamplitudesreportedherearenormalizedbin-by-binasfollows:C= Ndata/Nevents,data , Nmixed/Nevents,mixed where N and N are the number of pair counts in a given p and/or D f bin. Correlations data mixed T shown for the near-side are defined as the integrated correlation amplitude over the range D f < | | 60o. Correlationamplitudesplottedasafunctionofthetransverserapidity,y =ln((m +p )/m ) T T T 0 with the pion mass assumed for m , for like-sign pairs on the near-side, are shown in Fig. 8 for 0 minimumbias200GeVd+AucollisionsandinFig. 9for0-5%central200GeVAu+Aucollisions. They variableischoseninordertoemphasizethedistributionatlow p withrespecttothatathigh T T p andtofacilitate comparisons tomeasurements bytheSTARCollaboration [10]. Forreference, T y =1.5corresponds to p =300MeV/candy =2.7corresponds to p =1.0GeV/cforpions. T T T T There are two primary features observed in these correlations. First, there is the expected large correlation amplitude primarily due to hard scattering processes when either particle in the pair has a large p along with a small fractional contribution due to elliptic flow. Second, there is a T peak when both pairs have low p . This peak is dominated by HBTcorrelations, which has been T confirmed by observing a sharp reduction in the amplitude of the peak for unlike-sign pairs and by simultaneously observing a peak in the Q distribution in this region for like-sign pairs. invariant 4 FluctuationsandlowtransversemomentumcorrelationresultsfromPHENIX JefferyMitchell Closer xamination of the low p peak reveals that there is a difference in the location of the peak T iny between d+AuandAu+Aucollisions. Ind+Aucollisions, thepeakamplitude risesuptothe T low p edge of the PHENIXacceptance. This holds for p+p collisions, also. However, there is a T maximuminthepeakaty 1.4(p 250MeV/c)inAu+Aucollisionsatboth200and62GeV. T T ≈ ≈ Fig. 10showsthepeaktakenalong the p = p diagonal fornear-side like-sign pairs. Possible T,1 T,2 explanations forthesedifferences requirefurtherstudy. Tofacilitate amore detailed direct comparison of the d+Auand Au+Au correlations over the entire p range, it is necessary to subtract the flow component from the Au+Au azimuthal corre- T lation distributions. This is done by fitting the near-side region (D f <90o) of these distributions with a function containing a harmonic cos(2D f ) term and a Gaussian distribution with a mean of D f =0. Forp+p andd+Au collisions, the Gaussian fitisperformed, but theharmonic term isnot included. Fig. 11showsthecorrelation amplitudefromthenear-sideGaussianfitforlike-signpairsasa functionofcentrality. Forthisplot,allpairshavea p between200and500MeV/c. Inordertobest T isolate the HBT contribution to the peak, all pairs are required to be within D h <0.1. For both | | 200 and 62 GeV Au+Au collisions, the amplitude drops exponentially as a function N . participants Only asmall fraction of the decrease in the amplitude isdue to random dilution ofthe correlation amplitude [11]. Fig. 12 shows the standard deviation of the near-side Gaussian fit for like-sign pairs as a functionofcentrality. Again,bothparticlesinallpairshavea p between200and500MeV/cand T D h <0.1. Theerror bars are dominated by systematic errors due to the fitting procedure. There | | isalargedifferenceobservedinthewidthbetweenp+pandd+Aucollisions. InAu+Aucollisions, particularly forthe higher statistics 200 GeVAu+Audataset, asignificant increase inthe width is seeninthemostcentralcollisions. Fig. 13 shows the correlation amplitude for the near-side Gaussian fit for like-sign pairs as a function of transverse momentum. Here, p < p < p and p < p < p (p T,min T,1 T,max T,min T,2 T,max T withinthelimitsofthebin, p and p )and D h <0.1. Thepointsareplottedinthegeomet- T,min T,max | | ric center of the bin. The bins are exponentially distributed in order to nullify any variations due torandomdilutionofthecorrelation amplitudeswithineachcollisionspecies. Inboththep+pand d+Audatasets,theamplitudesarerelativelyflatasafunctionof p uptoabout1-1.5GeV/c,where T theamplitudesbegintorisesignificantly. Thisriseislikelyduetotheinfluenceofcorrelations due to jets, which has been confirmed by the appearance of an away-side component in the azimuthal correlations. A rise in the correlation amplitudes for Au+Au collisions is also seen starting at the same p . However, unlike the p+p and d+Au datasets, the Au+Au data exhibit an exponential T decreaseintheamplitudeasafunctionof p below1GeV/c. Thisdecreaseiscontrarytothetrend T inthereferencedatasets, andcontrarytotheansatzofsignificantcontributions fromjetproduction atlow p [10]. Moredetailed studiesofthecauseofthiseffectareunderway. T 3. Summary PHENIX has completed a comprehensive survey of charged hadron multiplicity fluctuations forseveraldifferentcollisionspeciesandenergies, allofwhichdemonstrateauniversalpower-law scaling as a function of N . Also presented is a survey of two-particle correlations for several part 5 FluctuationsandlowtransversemomentumcorrelationresultsfromPHENIX JefferyMitchell collision species at 62 and 200 GeV focusing on the behavior of the near-side peak for like-sign pairs, which is dominated by HBT correlations. Examination of spatial HBT correlations shows severalstatistically significantdifferencesbetweenp+pandd+AucollisionsandAu+Aucollisions thatwillwarrantfurtherstudy. References [1] RybczynskiMetal(NA49Collaboration)2004Preprintnucl-ex/0409009. [2] AdcoxKetal(PHENIXCollaboration)2003Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A499469. [3] AdcoxKetal(PHENIXCollaboration)2002Phys.Rev.C66024901. [4] AbbottTetal(E-802Collaboration)1995Phys.Rev.C522663. [5] WangXandGyulassyM1991Phys.Rev.D443501. [6] AdlerSetal(PHENIXCollaboration)2005Phys.Rev.C71034908. [7] StanleyH1971OxfordUniversityPress,Inc.. [8] StephanovMetal1999Phys.Rev.D60114028. [9] S.Adleretal.(PHENIXCollaboration),Phys.Rev.C72(2005)014903. [10] AdamsJetal(STARCollaboration)Pre-printnucl-ex/0509030. [11] VoloshinS.Pre-printnucl-th/0410024. 6 FluctuationsandlowtransversemomentumcorrelationresultsfromPHENIX JefferyMitchell 200 GeV Au+Au 62 GeV Au+Au e e c c n2.2 n2.2 a a ari 2 ari 2 V V ed 1.8 ed 1.8 al al c1.6 c1.6 S S 1.4 1.4 100 100 1.2 150 1.2 150 200 200 10.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 353002N050participants 10.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 302N050participants pT,max [GeV/c] pT,max [GeV/c] Figure2: PHENIXPreliminarymultiplicityfluctua- Figure3: PHENIXpreliminarymultiplicityfluctua- tionsfor inclusivechargedhadronsin termsof s 2/m tionsforinclusivechargedhadronsin termsof s 2/m as a function of N and the transverse mo- as a function of N and the transverse mo- participants participants mentumrange0.2<p <p GeV/cfor200GeV mentum range 0.2< p < p GeV/c for 62 GeV T T,max T T,max Au+Au collisions. The data have been corrected to Au+Au collisions. The data have been corrected to remove impact parameter fluctuations and have been remove impact parameter fluctuations and have been extrapolatedto2p azimuthalacceptance. extrapolatedto2p azimuthalacceptance. 200 GeV Cu+Cu 62 GeV Cu+Cu e e2.8 c c an2.2 an2.6 ari 2 ari2.4 V V d 1.8 d 2.2 e e cal1.6 50 cal 2 50 S 60 S1.8 60 1.4 70 1.6 70 1.2 80 1.4 80 10.5 1 1.5 2 pT,ma2x. 5[GeV/c]3 10900Nparticipants 1.20.5 1 1.5 2 pT,ma2x .[5GeV/c]3 10900Nparticipants Figure4: PHENIXpreliminarymultiplicityfluctua- Figure5: PHENIXpreliminarymultiplicityfluctua- tionsfor inclusivechargedhadronsin termsof s 2/m tionsforinclusivechargedhadronsin termsof s 2/m as a function of N and the transverse mo- as a function of N and the transverse mo- participants participants mentumrange0.2<p <p GeV/cfor200GeV mentum range 0.2< p < p GeV/c for 62 GeV T T,max T T,max Cu+Cu collisions. The data have been corrected to Cu+Cu collisions. The data have been corrected to remove impact parameter fluctuations and have been remove impact parameter fluctuations and have been extrapolatedto2p azimuthalacceptance. extrapolatedto2p azimuthalacceptance. 7 FluctuationsandlowtransversemomentumcorrelationresultsfromPHENIX JefferyMitchell 2 1 m22/ 1 PHENIX Preliminary ms2/ PHENIX Preliminary s 10-1 10-1 200 GeV Au+Au 62 GeV Au+Au 200 GeV Cu+Cu 200 GeV Au+Au 62 GeV Cu+Cu 62 GeV Au+Au 22 GeV Cu+Cu 200 GeV Cu+Cu 10-2 10-2 62 GeV Cu+Cu 22 GeV Cu+Cu 102 102 N Nparticipants participants Figure 7: Multiplicity fluctuations for inclusive Figure 6: Multiplicity fluctuations for inclusive charged hadrons in the transverse momentum range charged hadrons in the transverse momentum range 0.2< p <0.75GeV/cintermsofs 2/m 2 asafunc- 0.2<p <2.0GeV/cintermsofs 2/m 2asafunction T T tion of N for 200 GeV Au+Au, 62 GeV ofN for200GeVAu+Au,62GeVAu+Au, participants participants Au+Au, 200 GeV Cu+Cu, 62 GeV, and 22 GeV 200 GeV Cu+Cu, 62 GeV, and 22 GeV Cu+Cu col- Cu+Cu collisions. Thedata havebeenscaled byfac- lisions. The data have been scaled by factors of 1.0, tors of 1.0, 0.73, 1.43, 0.73, and 1.0, respectively, in 0.73, 1.43, 0.73, and 1.0, respectively, in order to ordertoemphasizetheuniversalscalingofallspecies. emphasize the universal scaling of all species. The Thedashedcurveisapowerlawfitasdescribedinthe dashedcurveisapowerlawfitasdescribedinthetext. text. Figure 8: Near-side correlation amplitudes for like- Figure 9: Near-side correlation amplitudes for like- sign pairs as a function of the transverse rapidity of sign pairs as a function of the transverse rapidity of each particle in the pair for minimum bias 200 GeV each particle in the pair for 0-5% central 200 GeV d+Aucollisions. Au+Aucollisions. 8 FluctuationsandlowtransversemomentumcorrelationresultsfromPHENIX JefferyMitchell PHENIX Preliminary: |D h |<0.7, Like-Sign, Near-Side e 1.4 d 200 GeV Au+Au, 0-5% Central u Correlation Amplit 1.21 6220 0G GeVeV A du++AAuu,, M0-i5n%. B Ciaesntral Near-side Correlation Amplitude (flow subtracted)10-1 P00MM--H55iinn%%E.. N BBCCiiIeeaaXnnss tt22Prraa00rll00 e26 GGl02i0 eemGVV Gei ndpVe++Va AAp rA,uuy |u+D,, +A| DLhAu |ih<u,k |0,|<De .|0D1 -h.s 1h|<i|g<0.0n1. 1pairs 0.8 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 11 11..55 22 22..55 N participants yy TT Figure11: Near-sidecorrelationamplitudesforlike- sign pairs with p between 200 and 500 MeV/c and T D h < 0.1 for p+p, d+Au, and Au+Au collisions. Figure10: Near-sidecorrelationamplitudesforlike- | | Flow hasbeensubtractedfromtheAu+Audata. The signpairswithp binschosensuchthatp =p for T T,1 T,2 errorsaredominatedbysystematicerrorsduetothefit Au+Auandd+Aucollisions.Thesecorrelationampli- procedure. tudes include contributions from flow in the Au+Au collisions. The error bars include statistical and sys- tematicerrors. w subtracted) [degrees] 12235500 PHENIX Preliminary, Like-sign pairs Amplitude (flow subtracted)10-11 PHENIX Preliminary. Like-sign pairs. s (floNear-side peak 1050 0MM0--55iinn%%.. BBCCiieeaannss tt22rraa00ll00 26 GG020 eeGVV Ge dpVe++V AAp A,uu |u+D, +A| DhAu |h<u, |0,|<D .|0D1 h. 1h|<|<0.01.1 Near-side Correlation 1100--32 00MM--55iinn%%.. BBCCiieeaannss tt22rraa00ll00 26 GG020 eeGVV Ge dpVe++V AAp Auuu++AAuu 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 1 Nparticipants pT [GeV/c] Figure12: Near-sidecorrelationwidthsforlike-sign Figure13: Near-sidecorrelationamplitudesforlike- pairswithpT between200and500MeV/cand D h < sign pairs both with pT within the given pT bin and 0.1 for p+p, d+Au, and Au+Au collisions. Flo|w h|as with D h < 0.1 for p+p, d+Au, and 0-5% central | | beensubtractedfromtheAu+Audata. Theerrorsare Au+Aucollisions. Flowhasbeensubtractedfromthe dominated by systematic errors due to the fit proce- Au+Audata. Theerrorsaredominatedbysystematic dure. errorsduetothefitprocedure. 9