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Preview First Reported Case of Classical Polyandry in a North American Woodpecker, the Northern Flicker

Short Communications Wilson Bull., 114(3), 2002, pp. 401-403 First Reported Case of Classical Polyandry in a North American Woodpecker, the Northern Flicker Karen L. Wiebe* — ABSTRACT. During a study ofNorthern Flickers which typically is monogamous (Moore (Colaptesaiiratus) nesting incentral BritishColumbia, 1995). 4I4d7ismcovaeparretd.aThpeolpyhaenndorloousgyfeatmatlhee tatwtoenndeisntgstwwaosnsetsatgs- I studied Northern Flickers during 1998- gered so that the female took incubation shifts and fed 2001 at Riske Creek, British Columbia, Can- nestlings at both trees. Hatching success was typical ada (51° 52' N, 122° 21' W). For details ofthe but the female appeared to divide her provisioning ef- study area see Wiebe (2000, 2001) and Martin fort between the broods. At one nest, only about 20% and Eadie (1999). Each year, reproduction at ofvisits were by thefemale, comparedtoatypicalrate 80-90 nests was monitored closely and >95% of50%. Polyandrous matingbenefitedthefemale,who of adults on the site were color banded for tfhleedogtehdera.llTshiex mneesatnlinngusmibneronoefbfrloeodgdlianngdsaflolrsmeovnenogi-n individual identification. Two bands were amous females in this population was 5.9. Two other placed on each leg and an individual bird was cases of polyandry possibly related to human distur- known by four letters standing for its color bance are discussed. These results suggest exceptions combination. Trapping methods and details totheideathat, inPicidae, thefull contributionofboth about reproduction and morphology are in genders during incubation and brood rearing is re- Wiebe and Swift (2001) and Wiebe and Bor- quired to fledge young. Received 1 October2001, ac- cepted5 June 2002. tolotti (2001). I discovered the case of polyandry when female RAGG, known to have incubated at Nest A with male AGKG, was recorded on Classical polyandry is a mating system in videotape on 14 June performing incubation twmiahalillecyhdourarissniignmgullaetabfnreeemoeaudslilenygmwasiteteahssomneoirtwheheirltehsaenmqauolenenes- dmuatlieesBaAtKNGest(EiBg.(14).47Thme ffirrsotmneNsetsitngAa)ttweimtpht BAKG mate with no more than one female. In addi- of male that season had been at Nest tion, each male has his own nest and cares for C and had failed about 28 May after he was his own young (Oring 1982, 1986; Ligon evicted by European Starlings {Sturnus vul- 1993). Bird species practicing classical poly- garis). His original mate, female BAKY, was RAGG andry are rare, most examples being within not seen again and he renested with the order Charadriiformes (Ligon 1993). Most who laid her first egg at Nest B on 4 June RAGG woodpeckers, family Picidae, are socially mo- (Eig. 1). While laying eggs in Nest B, nogamous (Short 1982, Cramp 1985) although continued daytime incubation shifts at Nest A. 2 of the 22 North American woodpecker spe- Chicks at Nest A hatched on 8 June and cies have unusual mating systems: cooperative RAGG then spent most ofher time incubating breeding in the Red-cockaded Woodpecker at Nest B until the chicks there hatched on 20 RAGG {Picaides borealis) and Acorn Woodpecker June. Between 20 June and 2 July, fed (Melanerpesformicivorus), and also polygyn- chicks at both nests but accounted for only 2 andry in Acorn Woodpeckers (Ligon 1970, of 12 feeding visits at Nest A (8 h of obser- Walters et al. 1988, Koenig et al. 1998). Here vation over 3 days). At Nest B during one day I report a case of classical polyandry in the (14 h) of filming, she fed the chicks on 6 of Northern Flicker {Colaptes auratus), a species 23 visits. All six chicks that hatched at Nest A fledged on 5 July and all seven chicks fledged from Nest B on 14 July. ‘ Dept, of Biology, Univ. of Saskatchewan, Saska- toon, SK S7N 5E2, Canada; E-mail: Classical polyandry is rare in Northern [email protected] Elickers. With intensive nest monitoring and 401 402 THE WILSON BULLETIN • Vol. 114, No. 3, September2002 RAGG seen incubating RAGG feeds chicks 1 i A laying o B RAGG feeds chicks C laying Nest destroyed by starling, male renests at Nest B 16 20 24 28 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 May June FIG. 1. Reproductive phenology ofthree Northern Flicker nests during 2001 at Riske Creek, BritishColum- bia. Polyandrous female RAGG attended two nests at Nest A and Nest B and paired with two males. Hersecond nest, at Nest B, was the renesting attempt of the male originally from Nest C. color banding, I should be efficient at detect- nor) out of 68 breeding attempts over six ing polygynous relationships, but have uncov- years, and those were associated with a sex ered only this one “spontaneous” case among bias toward males in the population. Noctur- 352 nesting attempts monitored during four nal incubation by only males within Picidae years. Two other cases involved females that may predispose woodpeckers to polyandry, abandoned their mates during incubation and but Ligon (1999) suggested that the evolution renested with a neighboring male. However, of such a mating system was constrained be- these two females may have abandoned as a cause both members of a woodpecker pair result of being trapped at the nest; they did were necessary during incubation and provi- not continue to attend chicks at their hrst nests sioning to fledge young. This may be the case although their first males successfully fledged generally, although in two cases at Riske a small portion ofthe brood alone. In contrast, Creek, male flickers that were abandoned by female RAGG was banded in 2000 and was their mates during late incubation successfully not retrapped in 2001 until after initiating a raised young alone. The case of spontaneous polyandrous relationship; therefore, human polyandry I observed was advantageous for disturbance was not a proximate cause. the female flicker, which fledged 13 young There are only a few reports of polyandry compared to a mean of5.9 in the general pop- in other woodpeckers. Willimont et al. (1991) ulation in = 227 including only broods where KLW and Kotaka (1998) each observed one case in some nestlings hatched; unpubl. data). the West Indian Woodpecker {Melanerpes su- Both sexes typically feed nestlings at similar perciliciris) and the Great Spotted Woodpeck- rates (Wiebe and Elchuk in press), but in this er {Demirocopos major), respectively. Wik- case the males apparently compensated forre- tander et al. (2000) reported five polyandrous duced provisioning by the polyandrous female female Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers (D. mi- at both nests because no nestlings starved. SHORT COMMUNICATIONS 403 A number of proximate factors may pro- Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos major. Ibis mote polyandry in woodpeckers. The skewed 140:335-336. population sex ratio observed by Wiktander et Ligon, j. D. 1970. Behavior and breeding biology of the Red-cockaded Woodpecker. Auk 87:255-278. al. (2000) was not apparent at Riske Creek, Ligon, J. D. 1993. The role ofphylogenetic history in but breeding densities were high: 13 other the evolution of contemporary avian mating sys- flicker pairs nested within 1.2 km ofthe poly- tems. Curr. Ornithol. 10:1-46. androus group. Female RAGG was two years Ligon, J. D. 1999. The evolution of avian breeding old according to molt criteria in Pyle et al. systems. Oxford Univ. Press, New York. (1997) and her first male at Nest A was six Martin, K. andJ. M. Eadie. 1999. Nest webs: acom- years old. Since flickers typically mate with munity-wide approach to the management and individuals in their own age class (KLW un- Eccoonls.erMvaatniaogne.of11c5a:v2i4ty3--n2e5s7t.ing forest birds. For. RAGG publ. data), it is unlikely that initiated Moore, W. L. 1995. Northern Flicker (Colaptes au- a second nest with BAKG, a yearling male, ratus). No. 166 in The birdsofNorth America(A. because of his quality or experience. It is un- Poole and F. Gill, Eds.). Academy ofNatural Sci- certain whether BAKG knew the reproductive ences, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and the Amer- status offemale RAGG when he renested with ican Ornithologists’ Union, Washington, D.C. Oring, L. W. 1982. Avian mating systems. Pp. 1-92 her, or whether he was duped; the motivation in Avian biology. Vol. 6 (J. R. King and K. C. to renest quickly may be great given the short Parkes, Eds.). Academic Press, New York. summers at this relatively high latitude. Since Oring, L. W. 1986. Avian polyandry. Curr. Ornithol. home ranges of flickers overlap extensively 3:309-351. (Elchuk and Wiebe 2002), it is almost certain Pyle, P, S. N. G. Howell, D. E DeSante, R. P. Yu- the two males were aware of each other and NiCK, AND M. Gustafson. 1997. Identification nest sites in the area. Regardless, the timing gduaiedteotPoloNcoeritdhae.AmSelratiecaCnrebeikrdsP.resPsa,rtBoI.liCnoals,umCbail-- of the two nests was staggered sufficiently so ifornia. that the female could incubate at both, con- Short, L. L. 1982. Woodpeckers of the world. Dela- tributing parental care during a critical time of ware Museum of Natural History, Greenville. reproduction. Walters, J. R., P. D. Doerr, and J. H. Carter, III. 1988. Thecooperativebreeding system ofthe Red- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS cockaded Woodpecker. Ethology 78:275-305. Wiebe, K. L. 2000. Assortative mating by colorwithin I thank C. Elchuk and numerous undergraduate as- a population of hybrid Northern Flickers. Auk sistants over the years for assistance in fieldwork, and 117:525-529. I thank J. A. Jackson and L. Oring for thoughtful re- Wiebe, K. L. 2001. Microclimate oftree cavity nests: views of the manuscript. The flicker project is sup- is it important for reproductive success in North- ported by NSERC research grant 770953. ern Flickers? Auk 118:412-421. Wiebe, K. L. and G. R. Bortolotti. 2001. Variation LITERATURE CITED incolourwithinapopulationofNorthernFlickers: a new perspective on an old hybrid zone. Can. J. Cramp, S (Ed.). 1985. Handbook of the birds of Eu- Zool. 79:1046-1052. rope, the Middle East and North Africa. Thebirds Wiebe, K. L. and C. E. Elchuk. In press. Correlates of of the western Palearctic. Vol. 4: Terns to wood- parental care in Northern Flickers: dothe sexescon- peckers. Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford, United tribute equally while provisioning young? Ardea. Kingdom. Wiebe, K. L. and T. L. Swift. 2001. Clutch size rel- Elchuk, C. E. and K. L. Wiebe. 2002. Eood and pre- ative to nest size in Northern Flickers using tree dation risk as factors influencing foraging loca- cavities. J. Avian Biol. 32:167-173. tions of Northern Elickers (Colaptes auratus). Wiktander, U., O. Olsson, and S. G. Nilsson. 2000. Wilson Bull. 114:349-357. Parental care and social mating system in the Koenig, W. D., J. Haydock, and M. T. Stanback. Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos minor. 1998. Reproductive roles in the cooperatively J. Avian. Biol. 31:447-456. breeding Acorn Woodpecker: incest avoidance WiLLiMONT, L. A., J. A. Jackson, and B. J. S. Jack- versus reproductive competition. Am. Nat. 151: son. 1991. Classical polyandry in the West Indian 243-255. Woodpecker on Abaco, Bahamas. Wilson Bull. Kotaka, N. 1998. Classical polyandry in the Great 103:124-125.

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