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INTERNATIONAl. CENTRE FOR MECHANICAL SCIENCES COURSES AND LECTURES- No. 301 FINITE ELEMENT AND BOUNDARY ELEMENT TECHNIQUES FROM MATHEMATICAL AND ENGINEERING POINT OF VIEW EDITED BY E. STEIN UNIVERSITAT HANNOVER W.WENDLAND UNIVERSITAT STUTTGART Springer-Verlag Wien GmbH Le spese di stampa di questo volume sono in parte coperte da contributi del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. This volume contains 99 illustrations. This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned specifiCally those of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction by photocopying machine or similar means, and storage in data banks. ISBN 978-3-211-82103-9 ISBN 978-3-7091-2826-8 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091-2826-8 © 1988 by Springer-Verlag Wien Originally published by CISM, Udine in 1988. PREFACE The finite element methods •· FEM'' and the more recent boundary element methods ''BEM" nowadays belong to the most popular numerical procedures in computational mechanics and in many engineering fields. Both methods have their merits and also their restrictions. Therefore, the combination of both methods becomes an impro ved numerical tool. The development of these methods is closely related to the fast development of modern computers. As a result. one can see an impressive growth of FEM and BEM and also a rapid extension of the applicability to more and more complex problems. Nowadays, everywhere people are working on the improvement of the FEM and BEM methods which also requires detailed research of the mathema ti<"al and engineering background and of the properties of these methods. Currently, the refinement and formulation of algorithms and also the error analysis are the main fields of mathematkal research in FEM and BEM in order to dassify reliability and performance. Existing algorithms in engineering are extended and modified and also new engineering problems are tat'kled with FEM and BEM. Clearly this type of work requires the dose interadion of engineers and mathematicians since sometimes even small improvements require rather deep knowledge of modern mathematical analysis and also the physical background as well as significant applications. The <"ombina tion of mat.hemat.i<"s, mechanics aud numeri<"al methods makes this field particularly attrat'tJve and interesting. However, there are not" too many mathematicians and engineers who are willing to cooperate in this field. It was one of the goals of this course to encourage and initiate such a cooperation which requires much patience from both sides. The aim of the course was to present significant basic formulations of FEM and BEM and to show their common practical and mathematical foundations, their dif ferenct"s as well as possibilities for their t'ombination." These include: 1) Variational foundations in the general framework of complementary variational problems, whi<"h <"over dassical variational problems, variational inequalities as well as mixed and hybrid formulations. 2) A survey on non-linear finite element methods in continuum mechanics and on algorithms for the corresponding large systems of non-linear equations, furthermore the techniques of FEM in non-linear shell theory and in problems with elasto-plastir deformations and with constraints. 3) An introduction into the boundary element. mehtods for classical potential theory, the Laplace equation, the treatment of time-dependent problems and the coupling of boundary elements and finite elements in the domain. (This lecture is not in these Notes. See:[Brebbia C.A., Telles J.C.F. and Wrobel L.C. (1984), Boundary Element Techniques, Springer-Verlag Berlin] Chapters 2 and 13 and [Brebbia C.A. and Nar dini D. (1986), Solution of Parabolic and hyperbolic time dependent problems using boundary elements, Comp. and Maths. with Appls. 12B, pp. 1061-1072]. 4) An introduction to the boundary element method in elastostatics and linear frac ture mechanics in problems with body forces and thermal loading. 5) The numerical treatment of corner and crack singularities is still a problem in both methods, FEM and BEM. In particular, the pollution effect, graded mesh re finements, the singularity-subtraction method and the method of dual singularities and iteration procedures are presented. Some of these results are completely new providing significant improvements of FEM as well as BEM, in particular, for the efficit>nt and accurate computation of stress intensity factors. 6) The application of BEM to plastic analysis combines the linear BEM technique with increme-ntal and iteradtive methods involving the updating of field integrals. This method is based on variational BEM formulations leading to new algorithms. 7) The asymptotic error analysis of FEM as well as of BEM ran both be based on the Galerkin method for variational problems. This allows also the analysis of some roupled FEM and BEM methods. Some current results are surveyed in this general framework, some of them are new. The course was an exciting experience, all participants tried hard to develop mu tual understanding and cooperation which c.ulminated in a lively panel discussion on urgent open problems such as: Nonlinear BEM, Smoothing of singular boundaries, Time depending problems, Nonuniqueness of solutions, Symmetrization in BEM, Coupling of FEM and BEM, Fundame-ntal solutions for dynamic problems, Nonhomogen~us bodies in the BEM, Numerical intt'gration in BEM. After the course it took us almost two years to finish these Lecture Notes for two rt'asonli: 1. The authors tried again to close .the languagt' gap between mathematics and engineering. 2. FEM and BEM develop so fast that the authors were tempted to include very c."Urrent developments - a procedure without limits. The more we are grateful to all the co-authors for their energetic engagement and the completion of these Lecture Notes. We also express our gratitude to all the par ticipants in the course and to all the lecturers for the stimulating and encouraging discussions. We thank the International Center for Mechanical Science-. and its stafF for the excellent organization of the course, the lovely surrounding, good working conditions and cordial care. We are grateful to the city of Udine, the "Stiftung Volkswagenwerk" and the "German Research Foundation" for their support and last not )east to the Springer-Verlag for this splendid publication. Erwin Stein and Wolfgang Wendland CONTENTS Page Preface Complementary Variational Principles by W. Velte .•.•.••.•••.•.••..•........•..•••..••••..•.•.•...•.•.••••.••••.••••• I Five Lectures on Non~near Finite Element Methods by E. Stein, D. Bischoff, N. Miille.,..Hoeppe. W. Wagner, and P. Wriggers ....•••••••• 33 Boundary Element Technique in Elastostatics and Linear Fracture Mechanics by G. Kuhn •.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 109 Numerical Treatment of Comer and Crack Singularities by H. Blum ...•••..•.•.••.•.•..••.••••••.•..•••••.•..•••.• •.•.•••••.•••••••.•• 171 Plastic Analyis by Boundary Elements by G. Maier, G. Novati, and U. Perego ••.•••.••••••••.•••.••••••.•••.•••••.••••• 213 On Asymptotic Error Estimates for Combined BEM and FEM by W.L Wendland .•••••..••..•••••.•.••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 273 COMPLEMENTARY VARIATIONAL PRINCIPLES W. Velte Univesitit Wiirzburg, Wiirzburg, F.R.G. INTRODUCTION As is well known, variational methods belong to the fundamen tal principles in mathematics and in mechanics. They are of interest not only from the theoretical but also from the nu merical point of view. Indeed, when discretized the variatio nal principles immediately provide numerical schemes for sol ving the underlying problem numerically. In particular, varia tional principles in various forms are videly used in order to establish Ritz - Galerkin schemes in finite element spaces. In what follows, we will restrict ourselves to problems in- volving linear elliptic partial differential operators. There is now an abundance of papers on variational principles and .finite element schemes, both, for classical boundary value problems and also for problems involving inequality constraints as, for instance, obstacle problems or problems involving unilateral boundary conditions. In order to establish variational characterizations of the solution under consideration, various techniques have been introduced. It is the aim of.these lectures to present, as fare as linear symmetric differential operators are .concerned, a unified and strai~htforward approach to some of these varia tional characterizations and to exhibit the relations between them. In addition, emphasis is given to a posteriori error estimates in energy norm. 2 W. Velte LINEAR BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS In this chapter, we will consider a certain class of linear boundary value problems for elliptic partial differential equations where the solution can be characterized by two different extremal principles, known as dual or complementary extremal principles. In the applications we have in mind, the first of these two principles will always be the principle of minimal potential energy. Complementary principles, however, are not uniquely determined. As we will see, there is often some freedom to vary the complementary functional in a ~atural manner. pairs of dual or complementary extremal principles have been introduced long time ago: Dual to the principle of minimal potential energy is, for instance, Thomson's principle in electrostatics and Castigliano1s principle of complementary work in linear elasticity. (See, for instance, Courant and Hilbert [1l, vol.1.) The numerical methods of Ritz and of Trefftz rest upon dual extremai characterizations for the solution of the boundary value problem under consideration. There are different techniques to establish pairs of dual extremal principles. Widely used are methods of convex ana lysis, in particular the theory of duality in convex optimi zation. This approach is very general, but it requires some knowledge in this field. (See, for instance, Ekeland and Temam [JJ and the references given there.) Another approach is due to Noble and Sewell. It applies to linear boundary value problems that can be written in the form T* Tu = f , where T and T* denote adjoint linear opera tors defined in appropriate function spaces. In Noble's and Sewell's approach, the problem is reformulated in terms of a Hamiltonian or a·Lagrangian system of equations, respecti vely. (See, for instance, [4], [5], [6], [7) and the refe rences given there.) Complementary Variational Principles 3 Here, we will present a simple and straightforward approach to dual extremal principles starting from the principle of mini mal potential energy and the related variational equation (boundary value problem in weak form). This approach is very natural by two reasons: Firstly, the principle of minimal po tential energy is fundamental for many problems in mechanics and in physics. Secondly, the related variational equation, which has to be satisfied by the solution, is the basis for a first important numerical method, namely the well known Ritz Galerkin method. When appropriate finite element spaces are introduced, this approach yields so called conforming finite element methods. From the variational equation we will construct in a straight forward manner dual functionals and dual extremal principles. Using both, the original and a dual principle, it will be possible to establish a posteriori error estimates for approximate solutions. (See also Velte (8].) As we will see in chapter 2, the approach can be extended to a certain class of problems involving unilateral constraints, as obstacle problems or problems exhibiting unilateral boun dary conditions. (In that case, hovewer, the solution has to satisfy a variational inequality. Nevertheless, there is a similar approach to dual extremal principles.) In this chap ter , however, we will consider classical problems without ~nilateral constraints. 1.1 EXTREMAL FUNCTIONALS AND VARIATIONAL EQUATIONS In this section, we will consider a certain class of linear boundary value problems for (systems of) elliptic partial differential equations where the solution can be characterized by the principle ~f minimal potential energy. However, in or der to exhibit the essential features we will introduce the class of problems under consideration in the following manner:

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