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Preview Final Results from phase II of the Mainz Neutrino Mass Search in Tritium $β$ Decay

EPJ manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) Final Results from phase II of the Mainz Neutrino Mass Search in Tritium β Decay Ch. Kraus1,8a, B. Bornschein1,2a, L. Bornschein1,3a, J. Bonn1, B. Flatt1, A. Kovalik4, B. Ostrick1,6, E.W. Otten1b, 5 J.P. Schall1, Th. Thu¨mmler1,6, and Ch. Weinheimer1,5,7 0 0 1 Institut fu¨r Physik derJohannes Gutenberg-Universit¨at Mainz, D-55099 Mainz, Germany 2 2 present address: Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Tritiumlabor, D-76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany 3 present address: Universit¨at Karlsruhe (TH), Institut fu¨r exp. Kernphysik,Postfach 6980, D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany n 4 on leavefrom theNuclear Physics Instituteof theAcad. Sci. Czech Republic,CZ-25068 Reznear Prague a J 5 Helmholtz-Institut fu¨r Strahlen und Kernphysik,Universit¨at Bonn, D-53115 Bonn, Germany 6 present address: Helmholtz-Institut fu¨r Strahlen undKernphysik,Universit¨at Bonn, D-53115 Bonn, Germany 6 7 present address: Institut fu¨r Kernphysik,Universit¨at Mu¨nster, D-48149 Mu¨nster, Germany 2 8 present address: departement of physics, Queen’s university,K7L3N6 Kingston, Canada v 6 the dateof receipt and acceptance should beinserted later 5 0 Abstract. The paper reports on the improved Mainz experiment on tritum β spectroscopy which yields 2 a 10 times’ higher signal to background ratio than before. The main experimental effects and systematic 1 uncertainties have been investigated in side experiments and possible error sources have been eliminated. 4 Extensive data taking took place in the years 1997 to 2001. A residual analysis of thedata sets yields for 0 / thesquare of theelectron antineutrinomass thefinal result of m2(νe)=(−0.6±2.2stat±2.1syst) eV2/c4. x We derivean upperlimit of m(νe)≤2.3 eV/c2 at 95% confidencelevel for themass itself. e - p PACS. 1 460.PqNeutrinomassandmixing-23.40.-sBetadecay-2930.DnElectronspectroscopy-2930.Aj e Charged particle spectrometers: electric and magnetic h : v i 1 Introduction from a hierarchical ordering with m21 or m23 being much X smaller than either of the measured ∆m2 values to a ij r In recent years observations of atmospheric, solar and re- quasidegenerate situation where these differences are sit- a actor neutrinos [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] in large underground ting on a much higher socket m2 ∆m2 (see e.g. [10]). ≫ ij detectors have discovered and established strong mixing Assuming m 0 eV/c2, the former case would yield 1 ≈ ianmwonegakthdeeca3ysn.euTthrienomigxeinnegramtiaonnisfesνt1s,iνts2e,lfν3inpnreoudturcinedo meV2/c≈2.pA∆nmex21p2e≈rim0e.0n1taelVh/inc2t taonwdamrd3s ≈a dpeg∆enme22r3at≈e s0o.l0u5- flavour oscillations whose wave numbers are proportional tioncamerecentlyfromareanalysis[11,12]ofearlier,and tothedifferencesofthesquaredmasses∆m2ij =|m2(νi)− from new data of the Heidelberg Moscow experiment on m2(ν ) ofthemixinggenerations.Neutrinoflavoureigen- neutrinolessdoubleβdecayof76Ge.Ifduetovirtualemis- j | states ν , ν , ν produced in weak interactions with elec- sionandreabsorptionofMajorananeutrinostheobserved e µ τ trons,muonsortausarethusconnectedtothemasseigen- rate would correspond to a so-called effective neutrino states ν , ν , ν through a unitary mixing matrix U. So mass 1 2 3 far oscillations ν ν and ν ν have been observed m = m(ν ) U 2 eiφj (1) e µ µ τ ee j ej yielding mass diff→erences 5.5 1→0−5 eV2/c4 ∆m2 |X | | | 11.09−·31e0V−42/ecV4,2/tca4keanndfro1m.4·a10re−·c3enetV2c/ocm4b≤ine∆d≤ma22n3al≤ys1i62s.0o≤f· [i1n2t].heThliemφitsar0e.1pheVas/ecf2ac≤tomrseeof≤th0e.9meixVi/ncg2m(9a9tr.7ix%UC..AL.l)- though based on a 4σ signal, this decay mode could still oscillation parameters [10]. be modified by the exchange of some other non-standard The fundamental discovery of finite mass differences particles. between neutrino generations has re-stimulated the ques- Since inthe universeahugeamountofabout336relic tion about their absolute scale which is left open by any neutrinos/cm3 are supposed to be left over from the Big kindofinterferenceexperiment,necessarily.Itcouldrange Bang, a sufficient rest mass could play an important role a This paper comprises principal parts of the PhD thesises in the total mass balance, in particular as so-called hot of Christine Kraus, Beate Bornschein and LutzBornschein. dark matter during the early phase of cosmic evolution. b corresponding author: e-mail: [email protected] Here the fine granulation of fluctuations, observed in the 2 Ch. Kraus et al.: Final Resultsfrom theMainz NeutrinoMass Experiment temperature of the cosmic microwavebackground(CMB) 2 β-spectrum and neutrino mass measured by as well as in the large scale structure of the distribution an integrating electrostatic filter. of galaxies (LSS), constrains the neutrino mass. Com- bined analyses of recent surveys yield upper mass lim- 2.1 β-spectrum in T2 decay its of 0.23 eV/c2 [13] or somewhat more conservatively 0.33 eV/c2 [14,15] assuming 3 degenerate neutrino gener- SinceweobserveonlythekineticenergyEoftheβparticle ations.Anotheranalysisquotesafinitemassof 0.2eV/c2 wearemeasuringactuallyasumofβ spectra,leadingeach ∼ even [16]. Still there is a caveat in this kind of analysis: withprobabilityP to a finalstate ofexcitationenergyV i i it results from fitting a parametrized cosmological model of the daughter and with probability U 2 to a neutrino ej | | in which 95% of the gravitational potential have to be mass eigenstate m(ν ). Hence the differential decay rate j attributed to unknown sources of matter and energy. (Fig.1) is From the above discussion we conclude that a model dR = N G2f cos2(Θ )M 2F(E,Z+1) independent,absolutemassmeasurementisindispensable dE 2π3¯h7c5 c | | · even if the sensitivity limit of alternative, model depen- p(E+m c2) P (E V E) e i 0 i dent methods is not reached yet. − − · Xij Among the model independent measurements, the in- Uej 2 (E0 Vi E)2 m2(νj)c4 (2) | | q − − − vestigationofthe β spectrum oftritium nearits endpoint has yielded by far the most sensitive limits on the neu- Here N is the number of mother nuclei, Gf the universal trino mass (strictly speaking the mass of the electron an- Fermi coupling constant, Θc the Cabibbo angle, M the tineutrino) in the past. Until the early nineties magnetic nucleardecaymatrixelement,F(E,Z+1)theFermifunc- β spectrometersprevailed(reviewedin[17,18]);thereafter tion,ptheelectronmomentum,me theelectronmassand electrostatic filters with magnetic adiabatic collimation E0 the Q value ofthe T2 decayminus the recoilenergyof (MAC-E-Filters) took over thanks to their higher trans- thedaughter.E0 markstheendpointoftheβ spectrumin missionandresolution(reviewedrecentlyin[19,20]).They caseof zeroneutrino mass.For the decayof molecularT2 were proposed and realized independently in Mainz [21] tothegroundstateofthedaughtermolecularion(3HeT)+ andTroitsk[22,23].Ourspectrometeryieldedfirstresults one derives from the most precise direct determination of in 1991 from which we have extracted an upper limit themassdifferencem(T) m(3He)=(18590.1 1.7)eV/c2 − ± of m(νe) < 7.2 eV/c2 (95% C.L.) [25]; it improved to [30] an endpoint energy of E0=(18574.3±1.7) eV [24] by 5.6 eV/c2 at the end of phase I of this experiment [26]. taking into account the effects through recoil energy and These early results still suffered from small spectral dis- apparative effects1. This is in good agreement with [25]. tortionsfarerofftheendpointwithatendencytodrawthe With respect to the required energy resolution, this observable m2(ν ) into the unphysical negative sector the rather low endpoint favours the choice of tritium. More- e more, the farer the spectral interval, used in the analysis, over, the minimal number of electrons in the daughter was extended below the endpoint. molecule facilitates the precise calculation of its excita- tion spectrum (P ,V ) in β decay. Another advantage of i i tritium decay is its superallowed character with a matrix After the reasonfor this effect had been identified, we element as large as M= 5.55 [17]. This leads to a reason- performedintheyears1995-97asubstantialimprovement ably short half life of 12.3 a and high specific activity of program. It solved not only that problem but also im- about 3 MBq per cm2 and monolayer from a frozen T proved the signal to background ratio by a factor of 10. 2 source, in use here. In 1997 we started phase II of running, yielding in the firstyearalimitdownto 2.8eV/c2 (95%C.L.)[27]which The Fermi function can be approximated by [31] was published in parallel to a 2.5 eV/c2 limit (95% C.L.) x F = (1.002037 0.001427 v /c) (3) from Troitsk [28]. In the second year of data taking our β 1 exp( x) · − · valueimprovedto2.2eV/c2(95%C.L.),communicatedin − − [29].Thislimitwasobtainedfromtheexperimentalresult withx=2π(Z+1)αc/v ,α=finestructureconstant,v = β β m2(ν ) = ( 1.6 2.5 2.1 ) eV2/c4. In the present velocity of the β-particle. Radiative corrections to the e stat sys − ± ± paper we are giving a final report on this experiment, its β spectrum are been applied [32,33]. However, they are analysis and its results. rather smallwithin our presentaccuracy limits, they give rise to a shift of m2(ν ) of a few percent of our total sys- e The paper is organized as follows: In section 2 we re- tematicuncertainty.Onemayalsoraisethepointwhether sume briefly the principle of the experiment and discuss 1 The apparative effects are a combination of electric po- its sensitivity. In section 3 we describe the improvement tentialdepression,workfunctionsfrom substrateandelectode programcarriedoutforphaseII.Insection4wereporton system and polarization shift. In the given references [24,25] the data taking periods in the years 1997-2001.The data the notation E0 represents the difference in the electrostatic are analyzed and discussed in section 5. In section 6 fol- potential of the point the electron starts on the source and lows a discussion of the results. Conclusions and outlook the point it crosses the analyzing plane, which we will later are given in section 7. describe as eU0 (see Table 1). Ch. Kraus et al.: Final Resultsfrom theMainz NeutrinoMass Experiment 3 contributions from right handed currents might lead to measurablespectralanomalies[34].Wehavecheckedthat the present limits on the corresponding right handed bo- son mass [35] rule out a sizeable contribution within our present experimental accuracy [36]. The excitation spec- trum(P ,V )ofthedaughter(3HeT)+hasfirstbeencalcu- i i latedbyKolos,followedbyanumber ofrefinednumerical calculations, e.g. [37]. We are using here the most recent onesbySaenzetal.[38].Theexcitationspectrumisshown in Fig. 2. The first group concerns rotational and vibra- tionalexcitationof(3HeT)+ initselectronicgroundstate; it comprises a fraction of P =57.4% of the total rate. Its g mean excitation energy is 1.73 eV for a β energy close to the endpoint. The same amountofrecoilenergygoesinto the center of mass motion of the molecule and is consid- ered already in the E value given above. In solid T the 0 2 recoilmayexcitesomephononsinaddition.Butinsudden approximation,whichisquitevalidhere,themeanoverall Fig.1.Tritiumβ spectrumclosetotheendpointE0.Thedot- recoil energy will even then – for a β energy close to the tedandthedashedlinecorrespondtom(νe)=0,thesolidone endpoint–remainat3.76eV,whichistheballisticenergy to m(νe)=10 eV/c2. In case of the dashed and the solid line onlythedecayintotheelectronicgroundstateofthedaughter the decayingnucleus wouldreceiveinclassicalmechanics. is considered. For m(νe)=10 eV/c2 the missing decay rate in After this first so-called elastic group we observe an thelast10eVbelowE0(shadedregion)isafractionof2·10−10 importantgapinthespectrumuptothefirstexcitedelec- of thetotal decay rate, scaling as m3(νe). tronic state of (3HeT)+ at 24 eV. This gap could in prin- ciple be filled by a 3He + T+ continuum which starts at the dissociation energy of 4 eV. But dissociation on the cost of the β- energy is strongly disfavoured in the Born Oppenheimerapproximation.At30eVthefirstelectronic continuumopensupinwhichweobservestillstrongreso- nances until complete ionisationis achievedin the second continuum beyond 80 eV. In solid T the sudden appearance of an additional 2 nuclear charge may also excite a neighbouring molecule. Kolos et al. [39] have calculated the chance of this spec- tator excitation to be approximately 5.9% which is taken intoaccountwithsomemodification(seealsosection5.6). 2.2 Sensitivity of the β-spectrum to m2(ν ) e Thelast2termsin(2)arethetotalenergyE andthemo- ν mentum p of the neutrino. They represent the neutrino ν phasespaceandgiverisetotheparabolicincreaseoftheβ spectrumbelow E for vanishingneutrino mass,shownin 0 Fig.1 bythe dottedanddashedline.Thesolidline shows the effect of degenerate neutrino masses m(ν )=m(ν )= j e 10eV/c2.Incaseofthe dashedandthesolidlineonlythe decay into the electronic ground state of the daughter is Fig. 2. Excitation spectrum of the daugther (3HeT)+ in β- considered. For m(ν )= 10 eV/c2 the missing decay rate decay of molecular tritium [38]. e in the last 10 eV below E is a fraction of 210−10 of the 0 total decay rate, scaling as m3(ν ). · e We learnfromthesenumbersthatthe tiny usefulhigh Actually,them(ν )relevantsignatureofthespectrum e energyend ofthe spectrumis threatenedby anenormous extendsfurtherbelowtheshadedtriangleofmissingcount majority at lower energies. However, it can be rejected rate in (Fig. 1) into the region where m(ν ) causes an e safely by an electrostatic filter which can be passed only asymptotically constant offset. Let us investigate this for by electrons with a kinetic energy E larger than a poten- a sharp filter which integrates the spectrum for energies tial barrier qU to be climbed. Any momentum analyzing, E > qU . For short intervals we may treat all factors in | | e.g.magneticspectrometercannotguaranteethisstrictre- front of the sum in (2) as constant. In this interval it is jectionsincescatteringeventsmayintroducetailstoboth sufficient to consider only the dominant decay mode into sides of the resolution function. the electronic ground state (Fig. 1). We then obtain the 4 Ch. Kraus et al.: Final Resultsfrom theMainz NeutrinoMass Experiment integral count rate Bs Bmax Ua Bd E0−m(νj)c2 dR S2 S3 S4 S5 R(E) = dE′ S1 Z dE′ Xj E Us =CR Uej 2((E0 E)2 m2(νj)c4)32 +b Ba | | − − Xj T2 −source spectrometer detector = S+b (4) Fig.3. TheimprovedMainzMAC-E-Filterisshownschemat- ically. The distance between source and detector is about 6 m where b is the background rate, supposed to be indepen- andthediameterofthespectrometervesselis1m.Fromleftto dent of the filter setting and CR is a specific signal rate. right:Frozen T2 source housed in thetilted solenoid S1;guid- Under practical conditions the signal rate S integrated ing solenoids S2, S3; the vessel with altogether 27 electrodes; over the measurement time t separates from the back- refocussing solenoid S4, S5 housing the detector. The shown ground noise √bt only at distances E E considerably magnetic field lines confine the flux tube within which the β 0 larger than the sensitivity limit on the−mass. There we particles are guided. may develop (4) to first order 3 Hence δm2(ν ) increases in proportion to the distance R(E)=C ((E E)3 (E E) U 2m2(ν )c4)+b. e R 0− −2 0− Xj | ej| j tfrhoemcrtuhxe oefndapnoyinmt,isis.ien.gthmeansseuetxrpineorimeneenrtgyinErνe.laTtihviisstiics (5) kinematics where (10) follows quite generally from the Besides the leading cubic term this approximate integral quadratic mass energy relation m2c4 = E2 p2c2. That spectrumdisplaysaproductoftheintervallength(E0−E) underlines again the necessity of measuring−the neutrino and a weighted squared mass masscloseto the β endpointanddisfavoursanyotherex- m2(ν )= U 2m2(ν ) (6) perimental concept involving energetic neutrinos in order e ej j | | to gain phase space, i.e. rate. Xj Instead of fitting E together with the other parame- 0 which is our observable. Hence we call the square root of ters from the data one could consider to use the known (6) the electron antineutrino mass m(ν ) (see also [20]). Q value instead [30]. Its error of 1.7 eV, however, would e Thestatisticalnoise√N onthenumberofcountsN = causethrough(10)inthemostsensitiveregion,i.e.around (S+b)tafterameasuringtimetwillbedominatednearE0 14 eV below the endpoint, an error in m2(νe) of about by the background and further below by the cubic term. 50 eV2/c4. This is far beyond our present value obtained Thenoiseofthelatterriseslike(E0 E)32 andhencefaster fromaninclusivefit.Thelatterissensitiveonlytotheeas- thanthemassdependentsignal.In−betweentheremustbe ily measured small voltage differences in the scan rather a point with optimal sensitivity on m2(ν ); it is found at than to the absolute energy scale. e On the other hand, we learnfrom(10) that E should 0 S =2b. (7) be fitted including somewhat larger distances from E , 0 since its uncertainty δE decorrelates from δm2(ν ) like Froma measurementatthat point for a time t one would 0 e 1/(E E). Altogether, there are in principle three spec- calculate [40] a statistical uncertainty by the help of (5) tralr0eg−ionsfromwhichthebasicparameters:b,m2(ν ),E e 0 1/6 arefittedmostsensitivelyandwithaminimumofcrosstalk: δm2(νe)c4 =(cid:18)1267(cid:19) CR23 b61 t−12. (8) ((iii)) aarreeggiioonnsbheoyrotnlydbEe0lofiwxiEngfib,xing m2(ν ) and 0 e We see that the dependence on the background rate is (iii) a region further below E0 fixing E0. fortunately much weaker than that on the specific signal In the latter region, however, the inelastic components of rate. For the characteristic parameters of our experiment thespectrumandtheiruncertaintiesstarttomatterwhich C = 1.1 10−5/eV3s, b = 0.015/s, one finds the optimal finallydominatethesystematicerror.Henceweexpectan R point at 1·4 eV below E and for the value of (8) optimallengthofthemeasuringintervalatwhichwemeet 0 a proper balance between the systematic und statistical δm2(νe)c4 =920(t/s)−21eV2. (9) uncertainty of the result. Within 10 days measuring time (9) drops to 1 eV2. In an actual experiment one needs of course quite a number of 3 Improvements of the Mainz MAC-E-Filter measuring points within a reasonable interval in order to fix also the other parameters C , E , b and to check the R 0 spectral shape in general by a χ2 fit. β-spectroscopy in the endpoint region by an electrostatic filter is particularlyadvantageousin combinationwith an AtaparticularmeasuringpointE,anendpointuncer- tainty δE correlates to δm(ν )2 according to (5) as electron optics based on the principle of magnetic adia- 0 e baticcollimation(MAC-E-Filter)[21,22].Particlesofcharge (∂R/∂E ) q are transported from the source to the detector by spi- δm2(ν )= 0 δE =2(E E)δE /c4. (10) e (∂R/∂m2(ν )) 0 0− 0 raling along the lines of a magnetic field B connecting e Ch. Kraus et al.: Final Resultsfrom theMainz NeutrinoMass Experiment 5 both (Fig. 3). Hence they can be accepted in the full for- B can be varied independently and hence the resolution a wardsolid angle of 2π, in principle. An electrostatic filter through (11, 13). A ratio potentialU inbetweenispassedifthelongitudinalenergy Ek alongthe guiding B-line is largerthanqU. Inorderto Ba/Bs >As/Aa (14) filter the full energy sharply the particle momenta have to be well collimated along B. This is achieved by low- hastobeobserved,however,inordertokeepthecrosssec- ering the field strength from a very high value B to tion ofthe beam carryingflux in the analyzingplane well max a quite small one Ba in the region of the analyzing po- inside the cross section Aa of the cylindrical electrodes. tential. Thereby the transverse energy in the cyclotron As= 2 cm2 is the cross section of the T2 source. We have motion E⊥ is reduced adiabatically in proportion to the been running at field ratios down to Ba/Bs = 3.3·10−4, magnetic field strengthandtransformedinto longitudinal whichlimitsthe flux tube diameterto 88cmascompared energy E along B. The non relativistic limit the trans- to the diameter of 94 cm of the central electrode. k formation reads: These relations play a role for the background since theelectrodeswillemitsecondaryelectronswhentheyare E⊥a Ba ∆U hit by cosmic rays or any other particles originating from = = . (11) E B U radioactivity.Ifacceleratedtowardthedetectortheseelec- ⊥max max tronswillarrivewith anenergycloseto thatofthe trans- (11) defines the relative width ∆U/U of a MAC-E-Filter. mitted β-particles and cannot be discriminated by the If the field maximum is placed at the source, B =B , 1.4 keV (FWHM) resolution of the detector. It is impor- max s then it accepts the full forward solid angle ∆Ω =2π. tant, therefore, that these secondary electrons are being In reality we have limited the acceptance to a maxi- guidedadiabaticallyalongmagnetic fieldlines which pass mumstartangleΘ byplacingafieldmaximumB > bythe detector.Still weobserveenhancedbackgroundon max max B in between source and analyzing plane acting as mag- its outermost ringsegments. Moreover the central guiding s netic mirror for particles starting at angles Θ > Θ fieldshouldnotbe loweredbelowB 5 10−4 Tinorder max a ≈ · with to guarantee full transmissionof the 200 eV energy inter- Θ =arcsin B /B . (12) valunderstudy[40].Anothersetofcorrectioncoilsaround max s max the spectrometer annuls the transverse component of the p Moreover,theangulardistributionisslightlymodifiedfrom earth’smagneticfieldandsteerstheβflux.Runswereper- isotropybyascanningpotentialUs onthesource.Stillthe formed at settings Bmax = 2.211 T, Ba = 5.67 10−4 T, transmission function is analytic [41]. For charges q= e B = 1.087 T (Θ = 44.5◦) or B = 1.693 T·(Θ = − s max s max it is given in the 4 adjacent intervals 61.6◦), U = 18690V, -20V U -320V. More details a s − ≥ ≥ on the general setup and function of the Mainz MAC-E- Filter have been given in [21,41], and on its recent im- (i):E eU eU provements and performance in [42,43,44]. s a − ≤− (ii): eU <E eU < e U B /(B B ) a s a max max a − − − · − (iii): eU B /(B B ) E eU EB /B − a max max− a ≤ − s ≤ max s 3.1 The new source section (iv):(E eU )/E B /B s max s − ≥ Inthefollowingwewillfocusonthevariousimprovements by of the apparatus, performed in the years 1995-97 [42]. A decisiveimprovementconcernsthereplacementoftheLHe bath cryostat by a flow cryostat which allowed to cool 0 (i) down the T -carrying substrate below 2 K by a horizon- 2 1 1 E−eUs+eUa Bs (ii) tal cooling section, designed and built by Oxford Instru- T =1−−qq1−− E−EeUEs BBas Ba (iii) (13) msheonctksoconncduesntsoemde,ra’smdoermphaonuds.BTe2l-ofiwlmthsahtatveembpeeerantuprreovthene 1 (iv). tobe stableintime.Earlierthe sourcehadbeenoperated  afitlmtsemtuprenreadtuoruets tboetdweweeent f3roKmathneds4ubKst,raattewahnidchtothcoense- The second line of (13) describes the sharp rise of the tract into small crystals with an average thickness much transmission from 0 to a plateau within the filter width larger than that of the original film [45,46,47]. Within ∆U = ∆U. The third line describes a further, slow rise these crystals the chance for multiple inelastic scattering s ofthe transmissionintheplateauregionasfunctionofan eventsofβ-particlesisenhanced,shiftingtheirenergyloss accelerating,thusforwardfocussingscanningpotentialU spectrumtowardshigherlosses.Undiscovered,thisshiftis s onthesourceuntilthemirrorfunctionofB isruledout faking a lower endpoint in the fit which in turn drives max in (iv). Transmitted electrons are refocussed by solenoid m2(ν )through the correlation (10) into the unphysical e S4 and hit a silicon detector in the centre of another negative sector. solenoid S5 at a reduced field strength B = 0.31 B . This effect is the stronger, the more the data interval d max This limits the angle of incidence to 34◦. By the ·help of extends towards lower energies where it takes in more of auxiliarycoilsaroundthecentralpartofthespectrometer, these multiple scattered particles. This trend was clearly 6 Ch. Kraus et al.: Final Resultsfrom theMainz NeutrinoMass Experiment seen in our first publication, already, and attributed to a yet unidentified additional energy loss component at 75 eV[25].Actually,thisnumbermakessensetothemultiple scattering explanation, since the average energy loss per scattering event is (34.4 3.0) eV [48] and double scat- ± tering prevails in these tiny crystals. Duly later, how- ever, we learned about the dewetting possibility of hy- drogen films [49] which was not expected to occur below the triple point. We were thus forced to study this phe- nomenon also for tritium films, determined the decisive activation energy for surface migration to be 45 K and concludedfromthatonadewetting time constantτ 1 d ≫ yearatT <2K[47].Thesubstratetemperaturethrough- out running was (1.86 0.01) K 2. Moreover, the source section was upgraded±to house a larger (2 cm2 instead of 1 cm2) and thicker source ( 140 instead of 30 mono- ≈ layers of T ) in order to cope with the strong gaseous 2 Fig. 4. Scheme of the tritium source with setup for growing T source of the competing experiment at Troitsk [23]. 2 theT2 film and controlling its thickness by ellipsometry As substratewehaveusedagainhighlyorientedpyrolytic graphite (HOPG) which combines three advantages: (i) low backscattering due to the low Z, 5 D ellipse 2 (ii) atomic flat surface over wide terraces, T ellipse 2 (iii) high purity [50]. D2 fit Thesubstratewasgluedtothecopperheadofthecryostat 0 T2 fit with the silverloaded, heat conducting glue H20E (sup- plied by Polytec,D-76337 Waldbrunn). It withstood cryo start -5 as well as baking temperatures of 410 K. a-a Alsothesourcepreparationsectionhasbeenmodified: -10 T gaswasreleasedfromaheatedtitaniumpelletandfed 2 through a vacuum baked stainless steel capillary and by -15 helpofa mechanicalUHV manipulatorinto acold(20K) radiation shielding tube which surrounded the substrate -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 (Fig.4).The precooledgasthenenteredatefloncupwith b-b an inner cross section of 2 cm2 which was pressedagainst start thesubstrate.Akindofdiffusoratthe inletensuredaho- Fig. 5. Control of film growth by ellipsometry for D2 (open mogenousmolecularflow ontothe substrate.The isotopic circles) and T2 (full circles). On the axes are given the corre- compositionwascheckedbyaquadrupolemassfilter.The sponding shifts of light extinguishing (α, β)- pairs. The lines are fits to the data. The loop closes at the first interference isotopicTcontentoftheindividualsourcesvariedbetween order. 63% and 84%. It was considerably improvedas compared to phase I. Radiation shield and evaporation cup were provided angle (β) for which the reflected beam is extinguished. withquartzwindowspassedbyaHe-Nelaserbeamwhich They are functions of the above parameter set [51]. monitored on line the growth of the source film by ellip- Except for k 0 the indices are not known a priori f sometry. For a given polarization status of them incident ≈ with sufficient accuracy. Hence we have grown stepwise beam, the status of the outgoing beam depends through rather thick films of D and lately also T up to the first 2 2 Fresnel’s formulason the reflectionfromboth sides of the interference order at d=4200 ˚A, determined (α,β) pairs film and on the interference of the partial waves. Hence of extinction (Fig. 5) and fitted the parameter set to the thecomplexrefractiveindices(n +ik )ofthefilm(f) f(s) f(s) data with the results (for the example of Fig. 5) [43]: and the substrate (s) enter as well as the film thickness D film: n (D ) = 1.148, n = 2.75, k = 1.34; T film 2 f 2 s s 2 d and the angle of incidence φ. Ellipsometry is performed ((65 10)%T,(35 10)%H):n (T )=1.156.φismeasured f 2 by help of a polarizer and a λ/4 compensator in the inci- geom±etrically to b±e (59 0.3)◦; the fit yields about equal dentbeamandananalyzerintheoutgoingbeamaheadof ± value and precision for φ. a photocell (Fig. 4). Fixing the easy axis of the compen- TheT filmsusedintherunsarelessthan500˚Athick satortoγ =45◦ withrespecttotheplaneofincidenceone 2 and the measured (α,β) pairs cover only a small section searches for that pair of polarizer angle (α) and analyzer of the full loop, indistinguishable there between D and 2 T . The only parameter safely extracted from this short 2 2 This number corresponds to the reading at the cryostat section is the optical film thickness nfd. For our experi- itself, the absolut precision of the temperature is known to ment, however, counts the number column density ρNd, 0.1 K. connectedto the refractiveindex by the Clausius Masotti Ch. Kraus et al.: Final Resultsfrom theMainz NeutrinoMass Experiment 7 relation field ratio B /B . Consequently it has sharp B gradi- max a n2 1 3 entswhichendangeradiabaticmotion.Therefore,wehave ρ = − (15) N n2+2 4πα tried to compensate this drawback by decelerating and reacceleratingthe particles partly in the high field within with α=0.81(1)˚A3 [52] being the polarizabilityof hydro- the solenoids S3 and S4. This was provided by a series of gen molecules (for any isotope). From our ellipsometric ring electrodes. n values we thus determine a molar volume of shock- f However,fieldemissionbythe strongelectricfieldand condensed D : V =21.32 cm3 and of 2 molD2,shock particle storage by the strong magnetic field, together T : V = 20.27 cm3 [43]. The respective lit- 2 molT2,shock favour the development of plasmas even under UHV con- erature values for solid (closely packed) D and T are 2 2 ditions. Such plasmas lead to an untolerable background 19.95 cm3 [53] and 18.9 cm3 [54] respectively. The latter rateatfield settings B 2 T.Hence the spectrometer is basedoncalculations.Hence ourshock-condensedfilms max ≥ could not be operated up to its limit of B = 8.6 T exhibit a porosity of max where adiabaticity would be observed best [21]. V Therefore, the improvement phase also included a re- molc,p p=(1 )=6.4% (D ) and 6.8% (T ). (16) − V 2 2 designofelectrodesNo.E6toE11inthehighB field[42]. mol,shock Their number was increased by 2 (E12,E13) in order to This is considered in our later discussion on energy loss. smoothenthepotentialdropsandtitaniumwaschosenin- Uptotheyear2000,wehaveanalysedtheellipsometry steadofcopper forreasonsoflowerfield- andX-rayemis- ofT filmsusingrefractiveindexandmolarvolumeofour sion. The latter was suspected to produce through sec- 2 shock condensed D films. This lead to a systematic un- ondaryreactionsabackgroundcomponentobservedabout 2 derestimationoftheT columndensityby1%.Note,how- 5 keV above the filter potential whose tail still extends 2 ever, that the isotopic composition of our T film varies into the accepted energy window of the detector [55,56, 2 up to 20%leavingstilla slightresidualuncertaintyabout 21]. Moreover, these electrodes were reshaped such that the molar volume of the actual film [43]. Moreover, we they include about the same magnetic flux ( 6 Tcm2) ≈ mention that an alternative calculation of the T -column everywhere. The new electrode system performed better 2 density from the measured count rate leads to qualitative in so far, as the mentioned backgroundcomponent disap- agreementbutisnotsufficientlypreciseforaquantitative peared,indeed,andabreakdownvoltageof-30keVcould check. be reached safely within a shorter conditioning phase. The optical quality of the graphite surface apparently But still the plasma induced backgroundrate rose be- deteriorated somewhat in time, and led to an increase of yond B 2 T. In the presently running phase III of max ≈ the relative error of the film thickness from 3% (usual theexperiment,whichcomprisesanextensivebackground ± case) to +7%/-6%for the worst case of run Q8 (for more explorationand reduction programto prepare the follow- details see [42,43,44]). It is a major contribution to the upexperimentKATRIN[57],we haveremovedthe multi- systematic error through the resulting uncertainty in the electrode system from the high field region and retained energy loss within the source. only a few central electrodes, all set to the full analyzing After film preparation the source is pushed into the potential. Now the spectrometer is stable up to the high- front end of a LHe-cooled chikane, which spans through- est B field, in accordance with earlier experience at the outthekinkedsolenoidsS1undS2.Itisthesecondimpor- Troitsk spectrometer. For this latter, non-bakable instru- tantimprovementofthesourcesection.EvaporatingT is ment no stable running mode was found at all with the 2 adsorbedonitscarboncoatingandthestraightflightinto original multielectrode system [58]. thespectrometerispreventedbyits20◦ bent,whereasthe The filterpotentialU wasprovidedbyahighlystabi- a magnetized chargedparticles follow the equally bent field lized HV power supply (model HNC5 30000-5 by Knuerr lines. The cryotrap totally rejected any source dependent Heinzinger,D-83026Rosenheim)directlyconnectedtothe backgroundwhichearliermade uphalfofthe background central electrode. The potentials of the other electrodes rate, even for much thinner sources. (requiringlessprecision)werederivedfromU byahome- a The cryotrapalso suppressed condensation of rest gas maderesistivevoltagedivider.U wasmonitoredandread a (predominantly H2) from the spectrometer onto the T2 outcontinuouslybytwodifferentsystems:Thefirstsystem film. Still we have observed by an ellipsometric check at comprisesahigh-precisiondigitalvoltmeter(modelDMM the end of a run a certain growth of the film thickness 6048 by PREMA, D-55129 Mainz) which was connected by 0.14 monolayer/day.The source activity, on the other toU viaaprecisionvoltagedivider1:5000(modelKV50 a hand,decayedwithanapparentlifetimeofaboutoneyear. byJulieResearch,NewYork,USA).Inthesecondsystem Obviouslytherecoilingdaughtermoleculeseachsputtered thevoltageU wasdividedby1:50byasecondvoltagedi- a a handful of neighbouring molecules off the source. vider (model KV 50 by Julie Research, New York, USA) and the difference to a voltage standard (model 335A by Fluke) was measured by a precision digital voltmeter 3.2 Electrode and HV system (modelDMM5040byPREMA,D-55129Mainz).Theob- served short- and long-time fluctuations comply with the Thedesignofourspectrometerhasbeenaimingatashort, specifications of the instruments. To check the HV equip- economic instrument with high resolution, that is a high ment the K(32) conversion line of 83mKr was measured 8 Ch. Kraus et al.: Final Resultsfrom theMainz NeutrinoMass Experiment before or after each tritium run. The values show a small 10000 drift from Q2 to Q12 but the difference to the fit values for U (given in Table 1) of 1998-2001 can be summer- 0 8000 ized as 749.5 0.5 eV and appear reasonable compared ± to the specification of the HV chan. To control the sta- bility during a measurementperiode, we analysedshorter s 6000 nt time intervals and compared the resulting retarding volt- u o ages which are found by the fit for the endpoint values. c 4000 They agree within their statistical uncertainties. The scanning potential in the range -320 V Us - 2000 ≤ ≤ 20 V was provided by a fast computer controlled power supply model HNC10 3500-10 by Knuerr Heinzinger, D- 0 83026Rosenheim)andappliedtotheelectricallyinsulated 12 14 16 18 20 22 source. A high-precision divider (Fluke) and a high pre- electron energy [keV] cision digital voltmeter (model DMM 5017 by Prema, D- Fig. 6. Detector response to the last 200 eV of tritium β de- 55129 Mainz). The minimum negative bias of -20 V pre- cay.Theperpendicularlinesindicatetheacceptedwindow(15- vents, that recoil ions emmitted from the source are ac- 21 keV). celerated into the spectrometer where they cause a high background rate through rest gas ionization [25]. each. Usually only the three inner segments are consid- ered for data evaluation, the fourth displays already en- 3.3 Spectrometer vacuum and conditioning hancedbackgroundwhichincreasestowardsthespectrom- eter walls. The radial segmentation is also useful for ac- The improvement program also comprised electropolish- countingforthe potentialdropwhichoccursinthecentre ingofthespectrometertankanditselectrodes,inorderto of the analyzing plane and achieves 410−5 U on axis. reduce outgassing and field emission but also for remov- · a For phase II the possibly contaminated old detector inganytritiumcontaminationfromphaseIwhenwewere was replaced by a new one with a still thinner dead layer running without the protection by the cryotrap. Also the but otherwise identical specifications (B1256 by Eurisys 80 m of getter strip (type ST 707/CTAM/30D by SAES, Mesures, France).The energy loss in the dead layer was Milano, Italy), mounted onto the inner surface of elec- determinedtobeabout200eVatE=18keV,correspond- trode E2 were renewed. It represents a pumping speed of 18 m3/s for hydrogen. The spectrometer was pumped in ing to a mass layer of about 15 µg/cm2. The detector to- gether with the attached preamplifiers were cooled down addition by 2 turbomolecular pumps at 500 l/s each. to 80◦C. The preamplified signals were fed out of the Once a year the spectrometer was baked for about a ≈− weekreachingamaximumtemperatureof330◦Cto420◦C vacuum for further amplification and pulse height analy- sis. Details are given in [59,60]. forabout24hours,atwhichalsothegetterwasactivated. Thereafter the rest gas pressure (mainly H ) reached a Backscatteredelectronsareremirroredontothedetec- 2 level of better than 10−10 mbar. Although we could not torwithinitsintrinsictimeresolution.Theycontributeto observe any deterioration of the vacuum in between, the the low energy tail of the signal with an energy loss by performance of the spectrometer apparently improvedaf- multiple passagethroughthe deadlayer.Fig.6 showsthe ter a very intense rebaking in 2001 in the sense that tiny detectorresponsetothelast200eVofthetritiumβ spec- anomaliesappearinginthespectraofrunsQ9andQ10in trum.TheFWHMis1.4keV,theacceptedenergywindow 2000, did not occur anymore, thereafter. 15 keV to 21 keV. Reinforcement of low level lead shield- In addition to electropolishing and baking, condition- ing and removal of some potassium containing material ingofthespectrometerupto 30kV,wellabovetheoper- reduced the backgroundfrom environmentalradiation by atingvoltageof18690V(neg±.),provedtobe necessaryto a factor of 3 down to a rate of 4.610−5/(s keV) on each · prevent any sparkings or minisparkings during runs. The segment. Moreover, the vacuum conditions of the detec- latter arenot observedin the electric circuitbut manifest tor housing were improved to UHV standards in order to themselvesbyanoutburstofbackgroundeventswhichdie allow removal of the thin foil which earlier had separated out quite slowly such that a whole scan (passing all mea- it from the much better spectrometer vacuum. It had de- surement points twice) has to be rejected. In the runs of teriorated the energy distribution of the passing β’s [21]. 2001 (Q11,Q12), not a single background burst has been Instead an open, getter coated tube was installed serving observed. In all earlier runs they appeared about once a as an active differential pumping section [42]. week. At fixed energy window of the detector its efficiency slightly increases with β energy due to the asymmetric signal slope. By offsetting the β spectrum at the source 3.4 β-detection and data acquisition the respective coefficient was determined to be α =(4 d ± 2)%/keV. It is considered in the analysis withn marginal Transmitted β-particles are detected by a silicon detec- effect. The low count rate of less than 250 Hz allows to tor which is segmented into 5 circular rings of 1 cm2 area acquirethedataeventbyeventwithoutsufferingsubstan- Ch. Kraus et al.: Final Resultsfrom theMainz NeutrinoMass Experiment 9 12 Q11 + Q12 10 evaluation segment 3 u. window a. 8 CR = 4.25 mHz s 18.35 18.4 18.45 18.5 18.55 18.6 18.65 18.7 unt 6 o c energy [keV] 4 Fig.7.Distributionofthe45measurementpointsinrunsQ11 2 and Q12. In thedense region their spacing is 1 eV. 0 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 energy [eV] tial losses by signalprocessing and readout, requiring al- together 63 µs 3. Pile up rejection rises no problem in Fig. 8. Spectrometerbackgroundspectrum,collected for13h view of the time constant of 3 µs of the analogue circuit. on detector segment 3. The perpendicular lines indicate the accepted energy window for evaluation. Since any enhanced pile up rate points to electronic noise orsome other pertubationit is recordedinorderto reject such periods in the off line analysis. The event protocol comprisesheightandrealtime of the event.Moreover,its said before. On top of a smooth continuum one observes time difference to the foregoing event is recorded with a a single peak. A high statistics analysis has shown that resolutionof100µsforthe purposeofcorrelationstudies. its mean coincides with the filter potential within an un- Scanning of the spectrum via the source potential U is certainty of about 30 eV. Most probably this peak is a s PC controlled. Usually a measuring time of 20 s per data sharp line, actually, stemming from electrons, produced point was chosen.Their distribution has been adjusted to at low energy somewhere in the large analyzing volume ensure a properly weighted sensitivity to the decisive fit- of the spectrometer or at the surface of the respective tingparameters.Fig.7showstheexampleofrunsQ11and electrodes,andthen acceleratedby the filter potentialto- Q12.Other runs had somewhatdifferent distribution and wards the detector or the source. According to (11) this numberofmeasuringpoints.Thepotentialdifferencesbe- is possible, if their transverse energy E⊥a is less than the tween data points are ramped with soft slopes over 3 s in filterwidthofabout4eV.Otherwisetheywillbetrapped ordertopreventparticletrappingbysharplyrisingpoten- magnetically within the B field minimum in the centre. tial walls.A total scancomprises an up and a down scan. The rate of this background, which we cannot distin- At the end of eachdata point the filter andsource poten- guish from the β particles, ranges from about 12 mHz in tials U , U are read out and stored. Moreover a number the very best cases of the last runs Q11 and Q12 up to a s of other important control parameters such as the source the orderof50mHz atpoorerperformance.The numbers temperature, the He throughput through the cryostats, fromthesimilarTroitskexperimentarequitecomparable. the status of the vacuum system etc. are monitored. The phenomenology of our spectrometer background Any considerable deviation from normal status acti- has been studied extensively in a number of thesises over vates an automatic control and safety system which com- the years [21,56,61,62,63,64,65,66]. The qualitative in- municates the malfunction as short message via mobile sight obtained thereby was very instrumental for improv- phonetotheoperatorsincharge.Italsoperformsasafety ing to the present satisfactory status. But the various shutdown if necessary. Vice versa the operators could ac- mechanisms at work are complex, apparently, such that cessthecontrolsystematanytimeandreadouttheessen- they could not be identified and disentangled clearly and tial parametersremotely.Exceptfor serving hours,there- pinned down quantitatively, neither by experiment nor fore, the experiment was running around the clock in a by simulation. Only the radical hardware measures dur- stand alone mode, a necessity in view of the small crew ing the presently running, background dedicated phase involved. III are giving experimental access to a somewhat bet- ter understanding of the underlying mechanisms [63,64, 65,66]. Thus routes for further background suppression 4 Measurements in phase II, 1997-2001 are opened for KATRIN. Since this will be subject of a forthcoming paper [67], we will confine the background discussion in this paper to the context of phase II runs 4.1 Spectrometer background and results. From background studies with external γ and X-ray Fig.8showsatypicalbackgroundspectrumfromthespec- sourcesand from coincidence with passing cosmic muons, trometer as measured by the detector with the T source 2 it seems to be clear that an important background com- closedoff, either mechanicallyby a valvein the beamline ponent – if not all of the observed”hardcore” of 12 mHz or just with respect to the β particles by a filter poten- – consists of secondary electrons emitted from the inner tial above E . The installation of the bent cryotrap has 0 surfaceofthelargecentralelectrodes.Inperfectadiabatic totally suppressed any source dependent background as motiontheywouldspiralalongperipheralfluxlineswhich 3 From 2000 on this number was decreased to 50 µs due to passbythedetector.However,the actualelectromagnetic a faster computerfor data aquisition. configurationwith its rather weak central B field in com- 10 Ch. Kraus et al.: Final Resultsfrom theMainz NeutrinoMass Experiment 20 tle or only at one of them and electrostatic reflection at 1124 Q5 15 Q11 the central filter potential. frequency 1 4680 frequency 1 05 dcriaomsOseeudttesritdwoeifcteehleebcysternomsdiaetgsivnefeotflrimcuxsfietshlmdeaslliltneeepqsw.uiisTpeohtiinesncritseiaatlsheceoorfenlteehcres- 2 tromagnetic configurationof Penning traps. Electrons re- 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 leased from plasmas in such traps may eventually find count rate [mHz] count rate [mHz] their way to the detector. Also ions from such plasmas, Fig. 9. Histograms of background rates during the measure- positive as well as negative ones, can contribute to the ments Q5 and Q11. Each entry is an average over 8 scans, backgroudby secondary reactions as said before. where the measurement time in the background region adds If trapped plasmas are fed at least partly by β parti- up to 600 sfor each scan. cles from the source, then the background they produce will depend on the β-flux therein, which varies with the scanning potential of the source. Such kind of cross talk bination with radial E field inhomogenities seems to give between scanning and background could be the origin of them a chance to drift into the sensitive flux tube on a the tiny residual spectral anomalies which have been ob- non adiabatic path. From muon coincidences we learned served in few of the runs and reported already in [27]. thatatleastpartofthem arrivewithinafewµs.AtUHV Their amplitude is on the level of mHz, i.e. of order 10% conditions, these events cannot be affected any more by ofthetotalbackgroundrate.Theslowbuild-upanddecay restgascollisions.Recently we havefound that suchelec- ratesofstoredparticlesmayalsogiverisetothehysteresis tronscanberejectedbyagridatsomerepellingpotential of these anomalies which has been observed between up [63]. and down scanning in run Q9. Contrary,asinglehighenergyelectron,ase.g.fromT 2 In a pulsed mode of running, the technique of which decay within the sensitive flux tube of the spectrometer, has been described in [68], we have searched for a back- may well be stored magnetically for minutes and cause grounddependenceonthescanningvoltageinatimewin- background events by rest gas ionisation with an average rateoftheorderoftheobservedoneatavacuumof10−10 dowrangingfromafewµsto30minaftershuttingoffthe signal rate by a positive pulse on the source. Within sta- mbar.At10times higherpressurethis backgroundsource tisticallimitsof1mHz wedidnotobserveanycorrelation canbe recognized(andalsoeliminated atlowsignalrate) betweenthe backgroundrate inthe pauses andthe signal as a relatively fast chain of correlated events [23]. Also ratesintheopenphasesofthespectrometer[62].Thisneg- minisparksorfieldemissionmayendupeventuallyinsuch ativeresultdoesnotreallycontradictourpresumptionson trapped high energy electrons. thepossibleoriginoftheresidualspectralanomalies,since Guided by such hypotheses we have applied rf pulses these haveonly rarelyoccured at nonoptimal conditions. of (1.0-1.8) MHz and up to 180 V amplitude onto par- Totalstabilityofthebackgroundrateoverthefullrun- ticular electrodes in order to heat up such trapped elec- ning period has been observed for runs Q11 and Q12. trons stochasticallyandexpel them [27,61]. This attempt turned out successful, in fact, when the rf pulse was ap- plied to electrode E8 on the detectorside which is at a DC potential of 0.86 U . The rf was applied for (1-2) s 4.2 Discussion of Runs Q1 to Q12 a each time, during the pause when the scanning voltage was changed. In run Q5 for example we thus managed to In Table 1 we have listed characteristic parameters of all reduce the background rate from an unsatisfactory level 12 runs Q1 to Q12 performed with the improved setup in of 50 mHz down to 20 mHz [27]. ≈ the period 1997 to 2001. They covered an interval from Fig. 9 shows two histograms of background fluctua- 18370 V up to 18860 V, i.e. from 200 eV below to 90 eV tions, the one from run Q5 with pulsing, the other from above E (Fig. 7). 0 run Q11 without pulsing. In the former case pulsing did Weshouldmentionthatwefittedtheparameterm2(ν ) reduce an enhanced backgroundto an acceptable average e as really free parameter without constraints. In order to rate of ¯b = 21.6 mHz. But the fluctuation is apparently account for statistical fluctuations of the data the fitting wider than √bt, expected from ordinary statistics. This routine4requiresamathematicalcontinuationofthespec- makes sense, since enhanced backgroundrates during the trumintotheregionm2(ν )<0whichprovidesasymmet- e occasional presence of ionizing trapped electrons obey a ric χ2 parabola around m2(ν ) = 0 for a statistical data e kind of Levi statistics with irregular fluctuations. On the sample.This purpose is fulfilled quite well by introducing otherhand,thelowandsteady”hardcore”backgroundof ¯b=12.6mHz,achievedinQ11,displaysanearlyordinary 4 The shape of the β spectrum near the endpoint is mainly fluctuation. defined by the factor (E0 −E) (Q−E)2−m2(νe)c4 which At UHV conditions, also the build-up and decay of can be expanded for (Q−E) ≫p m(νe)c2 into (E0 −E)2 − trapped plasmas will occur on longer time scales [21]. A m2(νe)/2.Thereforeforaneutrinomassaroundzeroanyfluc- certainphasespaceofelectronscanbetrappedeverywhere tuation of the count rate downwards yields a positive value within the sensitive flux tube of the spectrometer, either for m2(νe) and vs. any fluctuation upwards should result in a by magneticmirroringatbothnecksofthe magneticbot- negative valueof the parameter m2(νe).

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