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Nicolai N. Vorobiev iba aeei um~ers Translated from the Russian by Mircea Martin Springer Basel AG t Nicolai N. Vorobiev Russian Academy of Sciences Leningrad-St. Petersburg Originally published under the title of "Chisla Fibonacci" by Nauka, Moscow. @ 1992 (6th edition) Nauka, Moscow 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification 00A05, 11839 A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress, Washington D.C., USA Bibliographic information published by Die Deutsche Bibliothek Die Deutsche 8ibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data is available in the Internet at <http://dnb.ddb.de>. This work is subject to copyright. AII rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in other ways, and storage in data banks. For any kind of use permission of the copyright owner must be obtained. Cover iIIustration: The idea for the cover picture has been taken from the article "Phyllotaxis or Self-Similarity in Plant Morphogenesis" by F. Rothen (in: Fractals in Biology and Medicine, ed. by T.F. Nonnenmacher, G.A. Losa, E.R. Weibel; Birkhăuser 1994). The scales of the pineapple have been numbered from the bottom upward. They are regular Iy disposed along spirals, in three different directions. The differences between neighbouring scales in a spiral are constant, namely, 5, 8 and 13, respectively, and the Fibonacci sequence begins with 1, 1,2,3, 5,8, 13,21,. .. @ 2002 Springer Basel AG Originally published by Birkhauser Verlag in 2002 Printed on acid-free paper produced from chlorine-free pulp. TCF 00 Cover design: Micha Lotrovsky, Therwil, Switzerland ISBN 978-3-7643-6135-8 ISBN 978-3-0348-8107-4 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-0348-8107-4 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 www.birkhauser-science.com Contents Foreword, Vll Introduction, 1 1 The Simplest Properties of Fibonacci Numbers, 5 2 Number-Theoretic Properties of Fibonacci Numbers, 51 3 Fibonacci Numbers and Continued Fractions, 89 4 Fibonacci Numbers and Geometry, 125 5 Fibonacci Numbers and Search Theory, 149 Index, 175 Foreword In elementary mathematics we encounter many challenging and interesting problems, which are not connected with somebody's name but rather bear the trait of a kind of "mathematical folklore." Such problems are scattered throughout the existing popular, or purely recreational, mathematical liter ature and often it is quite difficult to pinpoint the provenience of a specific problem. These problems frequently circulate in several versions. Sometimes a few such problems come together as a single, more complex, problem; some other times, on the contrary, a single problem is split up into a few simpler problems. In other words, it is seldom possible to figure out where a particular problem ends and another one begins. More to the point, we may think of each such problem as a succinct mathematical theory with its own history, own top ics, and own methods, by and large connected with the history, themes, and methods of "great mathematics." The theory of Fibonacci numbers is just one of this kind. Originating from the famous Rabbit Problem, and going back in time about 770 years, Fibonacci numbers provide one of the most captivating chapters of elementary mathematics. Problems referring to Fibonacci numbers can be found in many popular publications on mathematics, are studied at meetings of mathematical school societies, and featured in mathematical competitions. The present booklet addresses an array of issues which have served as themes of several study sessions for the high school students enrolled in a "mathematical circle" at the Leningrad State University. Granting the wishes expressed by those who attended these meetings, the discussion mainly focused on topics related to number theory, a subject developed in greater detail in this text. The first edition of this booklet was published in the early 1950's. Since then a good many changes took place. First of all, and this is really important, we witnessed a change in the level of mathematical skills and interests of the traditional group of readers of popular mathematical books, which includes, among others, high school students and their instructors alike. The newly cre ated network of schools and classes, with highly specialized curricula in mathe matics and physics, helped to considerably widen the mathematical horizon of generation after generation of students and teachers who now are much more interested in deep and complex results rather than in entertaining elementary facts. Moreover, and this seems to be a fundamental feature of the history of contemporary mathematics, the center of impact of mathematical research as a whole underwent a striking relocation. For instance, number theory lost its viii Foreword paramount position and the interest in optimization problems gained a sud den specific weight. Game theory arose as a new and self- determined branch of mathematics. Numerical mathematics experienced an essential structural change. Altogether, such mutations reshaped the subject matter of what one refers to as popular literature on mathematics. Furthermore, Fibonacci num bers showed up in the meantime in several mathematical issues. Among them we wish to single out the proof due to Yu. V. Matiyasevich of the 10th Hilbert Problem, as well as the less involved but widely publicized theory of search for the extremum value of a unimodal function first developed apparently by J. Kiefer. Finally, an immense amount of previously unknown properties of Fi bonacci numbers was established, and the interest in the study of these num bers grew at a rapid rate. A lot of people from different countries, professional or amateur mathematicians, supported the honorable hobby of "fibonaccism." The most convincing evidence in this regard may be found in The Fibonacci Quarterly, a journal published in the U.S.A. since 1963. All these trends brought along several changes in the subject matter of this book from one edition to another. In the present edition we included a chapter on the Fibonacci search, as well as some related theoretical and computational questions. Moreover, we added new topics on number theory to Chapter 2, and this material served as useful information for proving the Tenth Hilbert Problem. In addition, we "pushed" to the general level the contents of Chapters 3 and 4. In Chapter 3 we present a few classical theorems that address the accuracy of approximating real numbers by continued fractions, and describe the role of Fibonacci numbers in this regard. Chapter 4 includes an analysis of the game "tzyan-she-tzy" in the broader perspective of game theory, that relies on a detailed investigation of the Fibonacci representation of natural numbers. Finally, we responded to the request to complement the book with some specific material illustrating connections between Fibonacci numbers and topics in computer science. This has been done by including in Chapter 1 a general presentation of the implementation and uses in computer technology of the Fibonacci numeration system, as well as its refined analog, the "golden" numeration system. The book, as before, does not presuppose that the reader's knowledge extends beyond the average limits of high school courses. The more difficult parts dealing with the issues mentioned above could be skipped at a first reading with no harm to the understanding of the remaining material. I took advantage of an amiable observation made by Professor N. 1. Feld man from Moscow, who pointed out a logical oversight at the end of Chapter 3 in the previous editions that concerned the special status of the limiting value of ratios of neighboring Fibonacci numbers in approximating real numbers Foreword ix by continued fractions. His constructive advice helped me to get rid of this omission. This just makes it more pleasing for me to express my gratitude to Naum Ilich who a long time ago in the academic year 1940-1941, as head of a mathematical circle at the Leningrad State Univesity, strove to convey to me, a high school student, the skills of number-theoretic reasonings. Vyritza, 1989 N.N. VOROBIEV Translator's Note: I would like to thank my wife, Larisa Martin, for typeset TEX, ting the manuscript in Merrie Skaggs for checking the accuracy of the translation, and Dr. Thomas Hintermann for constant support and assistance. To them all lowe a debt of gratitude. MIRCEA MARTIN Baker University Introduction 1. The early history of mathematics abounds in accounts of prominent mathe maticians. Many of the accomplishments of ancient mathematics are yet highly regarded for the sharpness of mind of their authors, and the names of Euclid, Archimedes, and Heron are nowadays known to every educated person. Things look quite different when we check over the mathematics of the Middle Ages. Except for Viete, who actually lived in the sixteenth century, and apart from mathematicians much closer in time to us, current school courses of mathematics do not record any single name connected with the Middle Ages. As might be expected, this is not an accident. During that epoch, mathematics developed extremely slowly and there were very few notable mathematicians. The greater then should be our interest in the work Liber abaci - "A book on abacus" - written by an outstanding Italian mathematician, Leonardo of Pisa , who is better known by his nickname Fibonacci, short for filius Bonacci, which means son of Bonacci. This famous book, published in 1202, is known to us through a second edition that appeared in 1228. Liber abaci is a voluminous compendium including almost all the arith metical and algebraic knowledge of those times. The book played an important part in the development of mathematics in Western Europe through many sub sequent centuries. In particular, it was from this book that Europeans became acquainted with the Hindu-Arabic numerals. The material collected in Liber abaci is illustrated by a large number of problems that makes up a significant part of the treatise. We confine ourselves to presenting one of Fibonacci's problems, known as the Rabbit Problem. It can be found on pages 123-124 of the 1228 manuscript. "How many pairs of rabbits can be bred from a single pair in one year?" "Someone put a pair of rabbits in a certain place, entirely surrounded by a wall, to find out how many pairs of rabbits can be bred from it in one year. The nature of these rabbits is such that every month a pair of rabbits produces another pair, and rabbits start breeding in the second month after their birth. As the first pair breeds a pair in the first month, then duplicate it and there will be 2 pairs in a month. From these pairs, one - namely the first - gives birth in the following month to another pair, and thus there are 3 pairs in the second month. From these three pairs in one month two will become pregnant, so that two more pairs of rabbits will be born in the third month, and the number of pairs will reach 5. From these in the same month three will be pregnant, so that there will be 8 pairs of rabbits in the fourth month. From these pairs five will breed five other pairs, which added to the eight pairs will N. N. Vorobiew (ed.), Fibonacci Numbers © Birkhäuser Verlag 2002 2 Introduction give 13 pairs in the fifth month. From these the five pairs which Pair were born during the fifth month will not conceive in that month, 1 but the other eight will, so that there will be 21 pairs in the sixth month. Adding these to the 13 pairs that will be born in the next month, there will be 34 pairs in the seventh month. Adding these First to the 21 pairs born in the next month, gives 55 pairs in the eighth 2 month. Adding these to the 34 pairs born in the next month, gives 89 pairs in the ninth month. Adding these to the 55 pairs born Second in the next month, gives 144 pairs in the tenth month. Adding 3 these to the 89 pairs born in the next month, gives 233 pairs in the eleventh month. To these we finally add the 144 pairs born Third next month and so there will be 377 pairs in the twelfth month. 5 This is the number of pairs produced from the first pair at the given place by the end of one year. Fourth You can see in the margin how we have done this, namely by 8 adding the first number to the second, hence 1 and 2, the second to the third, the third to the fourth, the fourth to the fifth, and Fifth so on, one after another, until the tenth is added to the eleventh, 13 hence 144 and 233, and so we got the total number of pairs of rabbits, namely 377, and in this way you can do it for the case of Sixth an indefinite numbers of months." 21 2. We now pass from rabbits to numbers and examine the follow ing numerical sequence Seventh 34 (1) Eighth in which every term equals the sum of the two preceding terms, 55 that is, (2) Ninth for any n > 2. 89 Such sequences, in which every term is defined as a function of previous terms, are often encountered in mathematics and are Tenth called recurrent sequences . The process of consecutively comput 144 ing terms of a recurrent sequence is called a recurrence process, and the specific equation that describes a recurrence process, like Eleventh equation (2) above, is called a recurrence relation. The reader can 233 find additional details concerning the general theory of recurrent sequences in the already mentioned book by A. I. Markushevich Twelfth (see page iv). 377 A first point we want to make is that the recurrence rela tion (2) by itself does not enable us to calculate the terms of Introduction 3 sequence (1). We can form infinitely many different numerical sequences sat isfying that condition, such as, 2, 5, 7, 12, 19, 31, 50, ... , 1, 3, 4, 7, 11, 18, 29, ... , -1, -5, -6, -11, -17, ... , and so on. Therefore, whenever the uniqueness of sequence (1) is required, condition (2) is obviously insufficient, so we must impose certain additional conditions. For example, we can indicate the first few terms of the sequence. How many initial terms of sequence (1) should be listed so that the computation of all its subsequent terms is possible by employing condition (2) alone? To answer this question we notice that not each term of sequence (1) can be obtained from (2) if only because not all the terms of (1) have two preceding terms; for instance, the first term of the sequence has no preceding terms at all, and the second term is preceded by just one term. It follows that besides condition (2) we must know the first two terms of the sequence in order to produce it. This will actually suffice in allowing us to compute all the other terms of sequence (1). Indeed, U3 can be calculated as the sum of the two prescribed terms, Ul and U2; next, U4 equals the sum of U2 and the previously calculated U3; further, U5 is the sum of the two already calculated U3 and U4, and so on, "for the case of an indefinite number of terms." In this way, by merely passing from two consecutive terms to their immediately following term, we can reach every term with a prescribed subscript, and calculate it. 3. We now turn our attention to the important particular case of sequence (1) subject to condition (2), where Ul = 1 and U2 = 1. As we just pointed out above, condition (2) allows us to successively calculate all the other terms of this sequence. It is easy to verify that in this case the first fourteen terms are the numbers 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, which we met before in the Rabbit Problem. In honor of the author of this problem, the recurrent sequence (1), when Ul = U2 = 1 and the recurrence relation is given by equation (2), is called the Fibonacci sequence ,and its terms are referred to as Fibonacci numbers . Fibonacci numbers enjoy a great deal of both interesting and important properties, and this booklet is entirely devoted to their investigation.

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