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Preview Fermi edge polaritons in a highly degenerate 2D electron gas: a diagrammatic theory

Fermi edge polaritons in a highly degenerate 2D electron gas: a diagrammatic theory Maarten Baeten1 and Michiel Wouters1 1TQC, Universiteit Antwerpen, Universiteitsplein 1, B-2610 Antwerpen, Belgium (Dated: January 18, 2013) We present a theoretical study on polaritons in highly doped semiconductor microcavities. In particular,wefocusonacavitymodethatisresonantwiththeabsorptionthreshold(‘Fermiedge’). In agreement with experimental results, the strong light-matter coupling is maintained under very 3 high doping within our ladder diagram approximation. While the lower polariton is qualitatively 1 unaltered, it acquires a finite lifetime due to relaxation of the valence band hole if the electron 0 densityexceedsa certain critical value. On theotherhandtheupperpolariton has afinitelifetime 2 for all densities, because it lies in the electron-hole continuum where no bound state exists. Our n calculationsshowthatanarrowupperpolaritonquasiparticlestillexistsasaresultfromtheinterplay a between light-matter coupling and finalstate Coulomb interaction. J 7 1 Microcavity polaritons are bosonic quasiparticles that butions. It is still an active topic of research that has appear in a semiconductor microcavity with an embed- recently attracted the attention of the community work- ] s ded quantum well (QW) when the cavity is tuned to ing on ultracold atomic gases [12–14]. a an excitonic transition in the QW. In the last decade The purpose of this Letter is to study the different g theyhaveemergedasquasiparticleswithmanyfavorable - regimes of light-matter coupling in highly doped semi- t properties for studying quantum optics and many-body n conductor QWs, see Fig. 1. The regime of low doping physics in integrated photonic structures. Bose-Einstein a density,wheretrioniccorrelationsaredominant,isnotin u condensationofpolaritonsandtheirsuperfluidproperties thescopeofthiswork. Afirsteffectofthepresenceofthe q havebeeninvestigatedindetailbothexperimentallyand highdensityelectrongasisthatthelow-lyingmomentum . t theoretically [1]. In these studies, the tunability of the states cannot be used for the formation of the exciton, a polariton properties is often exploited. For example, the m because of the Pauli principle. More importantly, the numberofquantumwellsisvariedtochangetheRabifre- electron gas has, in contrast to the empty QW, low ly- - d quency; etching, strain and surface acoustic waves have ingparticle-holeexcitations. Theyareresponsibleforthe n been used to create potentials for the polaritons. screeningoftheelectron-holeCoulombinteraction. Both o A tuning parameter that has received relatively little the Pauli blocking and the screening reduce the exciton c [ attention is the introduction of charges in the QW that binding energy [15, 16]. As long as the particle-hole ex- interact with the polaritons. In the case of low charge citations are virtual, they do not qualitatively alter the 1 concentration, trionic bound states exist and a trionic light-matter coupling, but merely renormalize the Rabi v polariton is observed [2, 3]. An experiment with high frequency. Qualitativechangesoccurwhen the polariton 9 1 density modulation doping was performed by Gabbay et energy becomes sufficiently high to excite free electron- 1 al. [4]. They have shown that strong light-matter cou- hole pairs. 4 pling is possible, even though neither an excitonic nor a A systematic approach to study the different regimes 1. trionic state could be resolved. isdiagrammaticperturbationtheory[17]. Inthisformal- 0 From the theoretical side, the mixed electronic- ism,excitonic effects aretakenintoaccountby including 3 polaritonic system was proposed to reach supercon- 1 theelectron-holeCoulombinteractionthroughladderdi- ductivity at higher temperatures, possibly even room : agrams(seeFig. 2). ThescreeningoftheCoulombinter- v temperature, thanks to a strongly attractive electron- actioncanbetakenintoaccountbyadielectricfunction, i electron interaction mediated by the polaritons [5]. For X that we approximate by the RPA result for the jellium whatconcernstheeffectoftheelectrongasonthepolari- r model. Furthermore, we assume that the quantum well a tons, it has been suggested to facilitate polariton lasing electrons and holes are purely two-dimensional. To be thanks to the polariton-electron scattering [6]. In this specific, we will consider n-doping, so that only a free work, the polariton quasiparticle itself was assumed not electron gas is present and a single photo-created hole. to be affected by the electron gas. A first theoretical The primary physical quantities of interest, the absorp- study on the modification of the single particle polari- tion and photoluminescence spectrum, canbe character- ton properties due to the electron gas started from an ized through the photon spectral function, defined as estimate of the oscillator strength computed in the con- text of the Mahan singularity [7, 8]. Indeed, the optical 1 excitation of an electron gas (metal or doped semicon- A(ω)=− ImDret(ω), (1) ductor) is a central problem in many-body physics that π was introduced by Mahan [9] and to which Nozi`eres, De Dominicis [10] and Anderson [11] made seminal contri- with Dret(ω) = D(iω → ω +iη+) the retarded photon 2 agrams is already taken to be the RPA screened inter- action, indicated by the double dashed lines. While for DBR the electrona complete Dysonseriesforthe screenedex- QW changeinteractionistakenintoaccount,fortheholeboth the Dyson series for the propagator and the dynamical Figure 1. Microcavity containing a highly n-doped QW.The self energy are expanded to lowest order to keep the cal- system oscillates coherently between thestate with a photon culations manageable: inthemicrocavityandthestatewithavalencebandholeand an additional electron in the QW. G (k,iν )=G0(k,iν ) h n h n +G0(k,iν )ΣRPA(k,iν )G0(k,iν ) (3) h n n h n propagator,given by D(iω)= 1 . (2) ΣRPA(k,iνn)=Σexchange(k)+Σ1bubble(k,iνn). (4) iω−ω −Π(iω) c Hereωc correspondstothecavitymodewhichisassumed Obviously, this expansion is only valid for small self en- tobelossless. Thephotonmomentumistakentobezero ergy. The approximation (3),(4) can be shown to be for simplicity. The photon self energy Π(iω) originates equivalent to the use of Fermi’s golden rule to calculate from the material excitations within the quantum well the linewidth of a polariton due to the relaxation of the and thus contains all many-body physics of the electron holebythe creationofoneparticle-holeexcitationinthe gas. We will approximate it by the Feynman diagrams electron Fermi sea (see supplemental material). The dy- shown in Fig. 2. The Coulomb interaction in these di- namicalselfenergyoftheelectronisomitted,becauseits relaxation is suppressed by Pauli blocking. D(iw) (a) = + P(iw) Under the assumption that the final state Coulomb interaction (FSI) is frequency-independent, a Bethe- Salpeterequation(BSE)fortheelectron-holepropagator (b) P(iw) = + + + . . . can be derived [9]. It reads G G0 [ω−H (k,k′)]P(k,iω)=g, (5) X (c) e = e + with G G0 (d) h = h + ~2k2 H = +Σ (k)+Vs(k,k′)+iΣ (k,ω) (6) Figure 2. (a) Dyson series for the photon propagator D(iω). X 2m x C h r (b)ThephotonselfenergyΠ(iω)isobtainedintheladderdi- agramapproximation. (c,d)ElectronGe andholeGhGreen’s functions used in thecalculations. and n (εe )[1−n (εe )]n (−εh +εe −εe ) Σ (k,ω)∝ (Vs)2 F K+q F K F −k+q K+q K δ[ω−εh +εe −εe −εe −Σ (k)].(7) h q (εh −εe +εe −εh )2 −k+q K+q K k x Xq,K −k+q K+q K −k ∗ Here,theHamiltonianH (6)describestherelativepart with a being the effective Bohr radius. Specifically for X 0 of the two-particle system; the reduced mass is m = this problem, it means that RPA is not able to capture r 1/(m−1+m−1). trionic effects that become important at low density. e h The photon self energy is finally related to the vertex To arrive at the BSE, we had to make the static ap- factor P(k,iω) as proximation for the FSI, for which we used the 2D RPA expression of Stern [18]. This static approximation sim- g Π(iω)= P(k,iω). (8) plifiesthesubsequentcalculations,butitwillbeinterest- S Xk ing to explore the physical consequences of relaxing this approximation. A well known limitation of RPA is that Here g is the light-matter coupling and S the quantum ∗ itisonlyvalidforahighdensityelectrongas a k >>1 well surface. 0 F 3 It can be seen from Eq. (5) that the bound excitonic find that the exciton is stable for arbitrary density and levels show up as poles of P(k,iω) and consequently as corresponds to the bound state that always exists for an poles in the photon self energy Π(iω). For an undoped attractive potential in 2D. QW this can be calculated analytically [19]; here we im- Whentheexcitonismetastable,theholeselfenergy(7) plement it numerically. The lowest lying exciton level is is nonzeroatthe excitonenergy. Itis seento correspond depicted in Fig. 3a as a function of aXkF (blue line), to a relaxationprocessthroughthe emissionof a lowen- ∗ where aX/a0 =(1+me/mh)/2 holds. Its energy is mea- ergeticparticle-holepair,seeFig. 3b. Notethatonlythe sured in exciton Rydbergs RX =~2/2mra2X. lifetimecontributionofthisprocessistakenintoaccount Afirstimportantenergyscaleinthe excitonphysicsis and the associated energy shift has not been considered thelowestenergyofafreeelectron-holepair,indicatedas in this work. The delta function in (7) expresses energy Eeh inFig. 3bandbyaredlineinpanela. Tobe consis- and momentum conservation for this process, while the tentwiththecomputationoftheboundexciton,wehave occupation factors describe the amount of phase space included the renormalization of the Fermi energy due to thatis availablefor the decayprocess. Belowthe critical the exchange interaction. The zero of energy in Fig. 3a Fermi wave vector kc, this phase space factor vanishes F waschosenastheenergyofafreeelectron-holepairwith when energy and momentum are conserved. The relax- bothparticlesattheFermiwavevector. Thisenergycor- ation of the hole by plasmon emission was considered responds to the absorption threshold Eth (‘Fermi edge’) in the plasmon-pole approximation [20]. However, this in Fig. 3b. relaxation channel does not contribute because it does not conserve energy and momentum. Unfortunately, the hole self energy (7) diverges for all energies higher than 0 Eth (‘thecontinuum’)sothatwecannotuseourprevious -0.2 mh approachtoincludetheholeselfenergy. Amoresophisti- catedapproachisnecessary. Asafirstapproximation,we R]X -0.4 mh followSchmitt-Rink[21]andobtainafirstmeaningfulre- E [th -0.6 Eeh Eth sultbyomittingtheholeselfenergyaltogether. Actually E- a kc above Eth, the photon self energy acquires an imaginary X F -0.8 part even when the Hamiltonian (6) is real. Physically, this finite lifetime comes from the conversionof photons -1 a) b) intofreeelectronsandholes. Therefore,asalowestorder 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 approximationto the spectralfunction in this regime we a k k k X F F calculate the spectral function exactly in the same way as before, summing up all ladder diagramsto infinite or- Figure 3. Below aXkFc the exciton forms the groundstate der, but the self energy for the hole is now discarded. of the optically excited quantum well. Above the critical The solution of the BSE equation can now be calculated wavevectortheexcitonbecomesmetastable(dashedline)and analytically to some extent [21] but we implemented it obtainsafinitelifetimeduetorelaxationoftheholeviaemis- sionofaparticle-holepair(rightfigure). aXkFc isdetermined straightforwardly numerically. For the exciton, we re- by me/mh. In thefigureme/mh=0.13 is used. coverthe ‘excitonicenhancement’[21,22],anincreasein the absorption close to Eth. This is a many-body mod- Below a critical density, the electron and hole form ification, due to final state interactions, to the constant a stable bound state below Eeh, the well-known exci- absorption obtained in a single particle picture. ton. In this case, the hole self energy (7) vanishes at the A summary of the exciton physics is presented in Fig. bound state energy, corresponding to an infinite exciton 4a. Itshowsthephotonspectralfunctionasafunctionof lifetime. Beyondthecriticalvaluea kc,whichdepends energy and the electron Fermi wave vector, in the limit X F ontheratiom /m (trendindicatedwithablackarrow), of very large positive cavity detuning. In this limit, we e h theexcitoncrossesthefreeelectron-holeenergyandisno recover the exciton physics. The exciton is blue shifted longerthelowestenergystate,butbecomesametastable when the electron density increases. It is also clear that bound state (blue dashed line). It is the hole kinetic en- the excitonic linewidth then increases. The excitonic en- ergythatisresponsibleforthefactthattheexcitonisnot hancement for ω > Eth is not very clear on this figure thegroundstate. Whentheholeisboundtotheelectron and is shown in more detail in the inset on Fig. 4c-e. ina zeromomentumexciton, the momentumofthe elec- It is an intriguing question whether this excitonic effect tron has to be compensated by an opposite momentum mayleadtotheformationofpolaritons. Experimentally, of the hole. Because the low momentum electron states this question was answered positively in Ref. [4] where are Pauli blocked, there is a minimal kinetic energy cost the observation of ‘Fermi edge polaritons’ was claimed. k2/2m fortheholetoformaboundstatewiththeelec- To answer this question theoretically, we plot in Fig. F h tron. Obviously, this cost vanishes in the limit where 4b the photon spectral function when the cavity photon the hole becomes infinitely heavy mh → ∞. We then isinresonancewiththeFermiedgeEth. Differentdetun- 4 E [R]thX b.u.] ω - ) [ar ω ( A a k a k ω-E [R ] X F X F th X Figure4. a)PhotonspectralfunctionasafunctionofelectronFermiwavevectorandenergy(arb. units). Thefreeelectron-hole energyEehisindicatedwiththesolidwhitelineintheleftlowercorner. b)showsthephotonspectralfunctionatωc =Eth. The lowerandupper‘Fermiedgepolaritons’ areclearly visible. DifferentcutsalongaXkF (whitedashedlines)showthenarrowing ofthephotonspectralfunction(blacksolid)underthecontinuum(redline)withrespecttotheexcitonspectralfunction(black dashed). The excitonic enhancement is shown in more detail in the insets. Note the different scales showing that the upper polariton has a much narrower lineshape as compared to theexcitonic enhancement. ingsareshowninthesupplementalmaterial. Severalcuts the final state interactions on this upper polariton. To at fixed electron densities, indicated with white dashed this purpose, we have turned off the final state Coulomb lines, are shown in the panels (c-e). As expected, the interaction[Vs =0inEq. (6)]inourcalculations. With- C lower polariton is pushed below the excitonic resonance. outFSIamuchsmallerenergyshiftfromthecavityreso- The shift of the polariton with respect to the exciton is nanceisobservedandalargerlinewidthisobtained. Itis howeverreduced due to the presence of the electron gas. really the final state Coulomb interactions between the This is expected since the light-matter coupling is pro- photo-excited electron-hole pair that pushes the quasi- portional to the electron-hole overlap, which is reduced particleabovethecavityfrequency. Wehavealsochecked due to Pauli blocking and screening. Importantly, the thatthe ‘Rabisplitting’vanisheswhenthe cavityenergy linewidth of the polariton is strongly reduced with re- is blue detuned with respect to Eth. It is indeed the spect to the excitonic linewidth. This narrowing can be Fermi edge Eth that is responsible for the formation of attributed to the reduced final state phase space that an upper polariton in the continuum, see supplemental slows the hole relaxation. For low electron gas densities material. Finally, it is worth mentioning that when the it is even possible for the polaritons to decrease their light-matter coupling is increased, the upper polariton energy below the free electron-hole energy Eeh making is further blue shifted and its linewidth increases. For their linewidth vanish (on the figure a very small non- a good visibility of the upper ‘Fermi edge’ polariton, it zero value is added to make the resonance visible). The is actually advantageous if the Rabi splitting is not too linewidth reduction can be seen more clearly from the large(nottoomanyquantumwells). This trendisoppo- various cuts taken for different values of a k (Fig. 4c- sitetotheoneofthelowerpolariton,wherealargerRabi X F e). Qualitatively however the lower polariton is entirely splitting leads to a lower energy and therefore a longer similar to the one in the empty quantum well. lifetime. Thisisnotthecasefortheupperpolaritonthatcanbe Notethatthe upper polaritonenergydecreasesinFig. clearlyidentifiedinFig. 4b,abovetheabsorptionthresh- 4b for increasing k , even though the photon energy is F old. Above Eth bound states do no longer exist and one constantandtheexcitonenergyincreases. Inanundoped shouldthinkoftheexcitonicenhancementasthevalence quantumwell,theoppositedependenceisobservedforin- band hole interacting with all electrons in the Fermi sea creasingexcitonenergy. Weattributethedecreaseofthe simultaneously. Nevertheless, this polaritonic resonance upper polariton energy to the reduction of the electron- has a linewidth that is much smaller than the excitonic hole overlap when the density is increased. enhancement feature (see insets of Fig. 4c-e). 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(9) Xk1 The solution of this equation yields the photon polarization by the following relation g Π(iω)= P(k,iω), (10) S Xk whereforsimplicitywehavesetthephotonmomentumequaltozero. ThefunctionF (k,iω)isgivenbytheMatsubara summation overthe internal fermionic frequency iν of the electronand hole propagators,defined in Fig. 2. Because n we consider a zero photon momentum, only electrons and holes with opposite momentum contribute. Hence we have 1 F (k,iω)=− G (k,iω−iν )G (−k,iν ). (11) e n h n β Xiνn For the electron we use the free Green’s function 1 G (k,iν )= , (12) e n iν −ξe n k withξe =εe+Σ (k)−µ . Here,εe =~2k2/2m isthe singleparticledispersionintheparabolicmassapproximation k k x e k e and Σ (k) stands for the screened exchange interactionof the optically excited electronwith the Fermi sea. Also the x electron chemical potential µ is renormalized due to exchange interaction. e For the hole Green’s function, we include the interactions with the electron Fermi sea perturbatively as follows: G (k,iν )=G0(k,iν )+G0(k,iν )ΣRPA(k,iν )G0(k,iν ). (13) h n h n h n n h n Here,for the dynamicalself energyΣRPA, describinghole relaxationthatis responsible fora finite polaritonlifetime, we use the 2D RPA result. The free hole Green’s function is given by 1 G0(k,iν )= . (14) h n iν −ξh n k The hole dispersion is also assumed to be quadratic, so ξh = ~2k2/2m −µ . No exchange contribution shows up k h h because we consider a single hole (µ =0). h In order to be able to perform the Matsubara summation in eq. (11) exactly, we further approximate the RPA resultto lowestorderin the Lindhardpolarization(‘1 particle-holebubble’), so only emissionofa singleparticle-hole pair is taken into account: ΣRPA(k,iνn)=Σ1bubble(k,iνn)+O(2bubbles). (15) Using the 2D expression of the Lindhard polarization function, the dynamical self energy is given by 1−n ξh +n (εe −εe ) Σh (k,iν )=− 2 Vs 2 n (εe )−n (εe ) F h k−qi B K+q K . (16) 1bubble n S2 q F K F K+q iν −ξh −εe +εe XK,q (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:2) (cid:3) n k−q K+q K Here, the exchange correction to the electron energy was neglected to simplify the subsequent calculations. Further- more, the double summation runs over the center-off-mass momentum and relative wavevector of the particle-hole pair, resp. q,K. Combining the expressions (11)-(16) we can do the Matsubara sum over iν . The result is given by n S1 F(k,iω)=S0 1+ , (17) (cid:18) S0(cid:19) 7 where we have 1−n (ξe)−n ξh S0(k,iω)= iFω−kξh −Fξe(cid:0) −k(cid:1) (18) −k k and S1(k,iω) = 2 Vs 2 n εe [1−n (εe )] S0(k,iω) S2 Xq,K(cid:0) q(cid:1) F (cid:0) K+q(cid:1) F K 1 1 1 1−nF(ξke)−ξ−hk−(−iω+ξke)−ξ−hk−(−ξ−hk+q+εeK+q−εeK)  + 1 1  × −iω−ξ−hk−ξke 1n−Fn(F−(ξξ−hkek)+[q−+ξε−heKk+−q(−−εξeK−hk)+q+εeK+q−εeK)]12  (19) Upon analytical continuation iω →ω−1−EnF−(ξkeµ) −−ξ−hµk++q+iεηeK++qo−nεleKy+tihω−eξlkeas(t−ξli−hnke+qy+ieεleKd+sqa−nεeKim+ξa−hgki)n2ary part and thus the g e h lifetime of the hole. The other terms correspond to the energy shift, but these are beyond the scope of this work. One has ImS1 = 2πω−εh−k−εek−Σx(k) S0 S2 1−nF (ξke) n −εh +εe −εe × Vqs 2 nF εeK+q [1−nF (εeK)] F (cid:16) −k+q K+q K(cid:17)2δ ω−εh−k+q+εeK+q−εeK−εek−Σx(k) , Xq,K(cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) εh−k+q−εeK+q+εeK−εh−k (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:16) (cid:17) where the delta-function expresses conservation of energy and momentum. This is in fact expression (7) used in the article. The 4-fold summation can be worked out further to a 2-dimensional integral which we than compute numerically. This leads to the following result (all energies expressed in exciton Rydbergs R ): X ImS1 =Ξ(k) Σhole(k) (20) S0 ω−k2−Σx(k) where the Pauli blocking factor Ξ(k) is k2 Ξ(k)=Θ(k>k )Θ ω > +Σ (k)/R . (21) F x X (cid:18) 1+m /m (cid:19) e h Here the hole self energy is Σ (k)= 1 me ∞dq πdθ kF2 −a−Km2in− max(Kmin,kF)2−Km2inΘ(a<0)Θ k2 −a>K2 ) (22) hole πmr Z0 Z0 p [qp+s(q)]2 (cid:0) F min (cid:1) whith s(q) the inverse screening length as defined in [18]. The functions a(k,q,θ),Kmin(k,q,θ) are given by m m m a(k,q,θ)= eq2−2 ekqcosθ+ e k2−ω+Σ (k) x m m m 1h h r (cid:0) (cid:1) Kmin(k,q,θ)= a(k,q,θ)−q2 (23) 2q (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) For the BSE the inverse of the function F(k,iω) was needed, see eq. (9). Combining eqs. (17), (18) and (20) we find −1 F−1(k,ω)=S−1 1+iImS1 0 (cid:18) S0(cid:19) −1 Σ (k) = ω−k2−Σ (k) 1+iΞ(k) hole . (24) x (cid:18) ω−k2−Σ (k)(cid:19) (cid:0) (cid:1) x For a small hole self energy, we can use the following Taylor expansion: 1/(1+x) ≈ 1−x for x << 1. Identifying x=iΞ(k)Σ (k)/ ω−k2−Σ (k) we obtain Fermi’s golden rule: hole x (cid:0) (cid:1) Σ (k) F−1(k,ω)= ω−k2−Σ (k) 1−iΞ(k) hole x (cid:18) ω−k2−Σ (k)(cid:19) (cid:0) (cid:1) x 8 =ω−k2−Σ (k)−iΞ(k)Σ (k). (25) x hole Plugging this expression into. eq. (9) the identification with eq. (6) from the article is straightforward. It is worth noting that the Taylor series is consistent with the expansion of the RPA self energy to lowest order in the Lindhard polarization. Moreover,thepolaritonspectruminfigure4fromthearticleshowsthatthelinewidthsaremuchsmaller than the exciton binding energy. Hence, the current results and approximations are selfconsistent. INFLUENCE OF FINAL STATE INTERACTIONS AND FERMI EDGE Both finalstate interactionsand the presence of the Fermiedge arenecessaryfor the formationof the upper Fermi edge polariton. This is illustrated quantitatively in Fig. 5 (a-b) and (c-d) for two electron densities and cavity detunings. The blue lines indicate the single-particle results while the red lines contain the final state Coulomb interactions. Figures a,c show the photon spectral function on resonance with the Fermi edge Eth (black dashed line) for two different electron gas densities. A clear suppression of the spectral function linewidth when taking into account final state interactions (FSI) is observed as compared to the single-particle result. ToestimatetheimportanceoftheFermiedge,thecavitymodeislargelybluedetunedfromtheabsorptionthreshold energytoEth+100(blackdashedlines),seefiguresb,d. Itisclearthatboththe singleparticletheoryandfinalstate interaction results now coincide (same scales are used to facilitate comparison). The Fermi edge is thus responsible for the ‘Rabi splitting’, meaning that it really pushes the upper polariton into the electron-hole continuum. As a last remark, for very large blue detuning of the cavity mode from the Fermi edge, a red shift from the cavity mode is seen in figures b, d. This can be attributed to a different index of refraction in the electron-hole continuum in comparison with the excitonic region (see also Ref. [23]). ak=1.0135 ak=2.5946 X F X F 1 a) ω=E 1 c) ω=E u.] 0.8 c th 0.8 c th b. ) [ar 0.6 0.6 (ω 0.4 0.4 A 0.2 0.2 0 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1 5.75 5.8 5.85 5.9 5.95 1 1 b.u.] 0.8 b) ωc=Eth+100 0.8 d) ωc=Eth+100 ) [ar 0.6 0.6 ω ( 0.4 0.4 A 0.2 0.2 0 0 100.6 100.65 100.7 100.75 100.8 100.85 105.7 105.75 105.8 105.85 105.9 ω [R] ω [R] X X Figure 5. Comparison of photon spectral functions with (red) and without final state interactions (blue) for different Fermi wavevectors. InordertoappreciatetheimportanceoftheFSItheredandbluecurvesinfiguresa-caretobecompared. There a significant narrowing of the linewidth can be observed when FSI are taken into account. The role of the Fermi edge for the formation of the upper Fermi edge polariton is clear from the comparison of a-b and c-d. The ‘Rabi splitting’ vanishes for a highly bluedetunedcavity mode. Both the FSI and theFermi edge are necessary for theformation of theupperpolariton.

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