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ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSTY SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES FACULTY OF SCIENCE DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY THE EFFECTS OF STOCKING DENSITY AND FEED ON THE GROWTH PERFORMANCE OF Oreochromis niloticus IN SUSPENDED CAGE IN LAKE BABOGAYA, ETHIOPIA BY KEMAL MOHAMMED June, 2008 THE EFFECTS OF STOCKING DENSITY AND FEED ON THE GROWTH PERFORMANCE OF Oreochromis niloticus IN SUSPENDED CAGE IN LAKE BABOGAYA, ETHIOPIA A THESIS PRESENTED TO THE SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN BIOLOGY By Kemal Mohammed June, 2008 Acknowledgement I am very grateful to Dr. Abebe Getahun, my advisor, for his keen interest in my work and for the financial and technical support that enabled me start the research in time. I appreciate and thank him for the prominent suggestion and critical reading of the manuscript and consistent support while writing the paper. I gratefully thank Dr. Seyoum Mengistu for his support inthe selectionofthe culturesiteand providingboat. I am grateful to Dr. Zenebe Tadesse in his consultancy starting from project design to the end of the project. I also thank Redeat H/Selassie for his technical support, and as a whole, Sebeta Fish and Other Aquatic Life Research Center in providing cage construction materials and enthusiastic technical support in the construction of cages, and IRLI (Debre-Zeyit) in providing access to the culture site, guarding service and other cooperation in the whole experimental period. I wish to thank my colleagues, Getachew Tadesse, Afework Kara, Denbere Belay and Moges Beletew for their cooperation and moral support. Moreover, my great thanks should go to my beloved friends Ato Solomon G/Tsadik and Ato Fasil Dawit for their unreserved help and support. Especially, my family Munir Nesredin and Haji Nesredin Yesuf and my beloved wifeRadya Workuarethanked for theassistance inallnecessities. Finally, my thank go to Addis Ababa University, Department of Biology and the Development Innovative Fund (DIF) through the Zoological Natural History Museum, for thefinancial assistance and forbothfield andlaboratory facilities. Praise be to Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful i Table of Contents Acknowledgement................................................................................................................i List of Tables......................................................................................................................iv List of Figures......................................................................................................................v ABSTRACT......................................................................................................................vii 1.INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................1 2.LITRATURE REVIEW...................................................................................................9 3.OBJECTIVE..................................................................................................................14 3.1. General objective.................................................................................................14 3.2. Specificobjectives...............................................................................................14 4.DESCRIPTION OFTHE STUDYLAKE....................................................................15 4.1. Lake Babogaya (Bishoftu-Guda).........................................................................15 4.2. Meteorological data.............................................................................................17 5.MATERIALS AND METHODS..................................................................................19 5.1. Jettyconstructionandplacement.........................................................................19 5.2. Structural designand constructionofcages........................................................19 5.3. Sourceof Juveniles..............................................................................................20 5.4. Stocking...............................................................................................................20 5.5. Feedand feedingrate...........................................................................................20 5.6. Physicochemical parameters................................................................................22 5.7. Identificationand estimationofphytoplanktonand zooplanktonspecies...........22 5.7.1.Estimatingthebiomass ofphytoplankton....................................................22 5.7.2.Estimatingthebiomass ofzooplankton.......................................................23 5.8. Gut analysis.........................................................................................................23 5.9. Durationof theexperiment..................................................................................24 5.10. Data collectionandanalysis................................................................................25 6.RESULT........................................................................................................................27 6.1. Physico- chemical parameters.............................................................................27 6.2. Majornatural feed at theculture site...................................................................28 6.3. Gut contents.........................................................................................................29 6.4. Growth performance............................................................................................30 ii 6.5. Meanweight........................................................................................................30 6.6. Dailygrowthrate.................................................................................................32 6.7. Specificgrowth rate.............................................................................................33 6.8. Feedconversionratio...........................................................................................35 6.9. Production............................................................................................................36 6.10. Lengthofdifferent stocking densities duringthesamplingtime........................36 6.11. Fultonconditionfactor........................................................................................37 6.12. Length-weigh relationship.................................................................................38 7.Discussion......................................................................................................................39 8.CONCLUSIONAND RECOMMENDATION............................................................49 REFERENCES:.................................................................................................................51 APPENDICES...................................................................................................................67 iii List of Tables Table1: Somemorphological,physical andchemical characteristics ofLake Bishoftu-Guda (Babogaya).....................................................................................................................................17 Table2: Stockingdensity, initial mean weight andlengthofthe stock........................................20 Table3: Percentage ofcarbohydrate, fat andproteinfoundineachfeeditem............................21 Table4: Compositionoffeed(%).................................................................................................21 Table5: Physical parameters result at theculture siteofLake Bishoftu-Guda.............................27 Table6: Identified zooplanktons oftheculture siteofLake Bishoftu-Guda................................29 Table7: The T–test values andstatistical relations of Feedand ControlStocks........................31 Table8: Five-monthsummarydataof different stockingdensities..............................................34 Table9: Summarydata ofthestocks after five months................................................................35 Table10: Average length values ofdifferent stockingdensities ofsamplingperiod..................37 Table11: Lengthweight relationshipofthestocked fishes after fivemonths..............................38 Table12: Percentage ofstockedand wildfishes (obtained from eachstockat harvestingtime).38 iv List of Figures Figure 1: LocationofBishoftu-Guda (Babogaya),inrelationtoother Bishoftucrater lakes after Lamb(2001) 16 Figure 2: Annual monthlyair temperature in°C,oftheculture site(Source: EIAR,2007). 18 Figure 3: Annual monthlyaverage rainfall inmmofthe culturesite(Source: EAIR,2007). 18 Figure 4: Annual monthlyaverage windspeed m/s ofthe culturesite(Source: EIAR,2007). 18 Figure 5: Pictureshowingthejettyconstructionand cageanchoringsite 19 Figure 6: Surface water temperature result ofculture site 27 Figure 7: Proportionof majornatural feed(from water analysis oftheculture site). 28 Figure 8: Volumetricproportionof majornatural feed(in thegut part). 29 Figure 9: Growthpattern ofdifferent stockingdensities andcontrol stock 31 Figure 10: DGR change pattern of different monthsof stocks inrelationtocontrol 32 Figure 11: Themonthlypercentage DGR ofdifferent stocks 33 Figure 12: MonthlySGRof different stocks inrelationtocontrol 33 Figure 13: Fultonconditionfactor ofthefour feed treatments 37 Figure 14: Fultonconditionfactors oftheST/50feed andST/50non-feed treatments 38 v List of Appendices Appendix 1:Correlations: ComparisonofDGR,MWT,FCR, SGR,TIMEand G Appendix2: Volumetricandrelative number proportionsof majornatural feed of gut analysis. Appendix3: Percentage proportionofnumber ofmajornatural feed (wateranalysis of culturesite) Appendix4: T-Test comparisonrelationship ofFCR tostockingdensity Appendix 5:T-Test comparisonoflengthrelationshipof thestocks Appendix 6: Productionof O.niloticus incages andpens, withoutsupplementary feeding*, inCardona, Laguna deBay, Philippines,1982–83.Cages are 3–5m deep. Appendix7: Meanweight ofthestocks indifferent samplingmonths vi ABSTRACT The effects of stocking density and supplementary feeding on growth performance of Nile tilapia, O. niloticus in cage culture in Lake Babogaya were investigated for five months from February 2007 to July 2007.Juvenile of O. niloticus havinga mean bodyweight of 30 gm andmean length of 12.5 cm were stocked in duplicates of five cages, with stocking densities of 50 (with and with out feed), 75, 100 and 125 per meter cube. The feed treatments were providing supplementary feeds with a composition of 60% sweeping meal, 20% crushed seedcotton and 20% pea flour, witha feeding rate of 2% of the body weight. The feed was divided equally into two and was fed twice a day. Growth changeandfeedconversionratioofthestockedfishwerestudiedforthesamplingperiods. The survival rates of the stocks were high in all treatments and were not affected by difference in stocking density. The results of this experiment indicated that significantly higher mean weight (MWT) and daily growth rate (DGR) were obtained from the lower stocking densities with feed (50 fish/m³),thanthosefromthehigherstockingdensities(125fish/m³)andthecontrolstock(50fish/m³) (P < 0.05).This resultrevealedthat growthperformance was negativelyaffectedbystocking density. Moreover; feed had a strong positive effect on growth performance. The gut analysis result indicates the importance rank of natural feed (phytoplankton: Microcystis aeruginosa, Bacileariacaea and dinoflagellates)were1st,2ndandthe3rdrespectively.ThebiodynamicoftheLakechangedafterApril; dinoflagellates became more dominant and Microcystis aeruginosa became more decreased, but the importance rank remain the same throughout the sampling periods, which indicated O. niloticus is selectivefeeder andMicrocystis aeruginosa,andBacileariacaeaarethepreferrednaturalfeedinLake Babogaya. The least growth performance coincided with the decline of primary production, the change in biodynamic of the Lake and the vertical shifting of the natural feed to metalimnetic region. The negative growth of the control stock in May andJune indicates that extensive cage culture practice is impossible while the primary production is decreasing and the natural feeds (phytoplankton and zooplankton) are shifted tothe lower depth (metalimnetic region) from April to September unless the size of the cage is big enough to reach to the feed richer site of lower depth, but this has to take the DOconcentrationintoconsideration. A nematode parasite worm Contracaecum sp. with length of 2.6 to 4.5 cm and 5 to 7 in number per fish were identified in the gill cavity of the stocked fishes with size of 60 –100 g; however, frequent longer sized worms were not common in natural wild fishes of comparable size. But these parasites rarely occurred in bigger sized wild fish. The competition for feed of the wild fishes was very high which bring stress and competes for feed and space; during sampling and harvesting times between 17– 89% extra wildfishes were identified. Relativelyimproved growth was observed inthose cages that were fixed toward shore side and in shallow water than the front linedcages that were hanged in deeperpositionwhichindicatesthepositionofthecageshaseffectongrowthperformance. Keywords/phrases:Cageculture,LakeBabogaya,stockingdensity vii 1.INTRODUCTION The world population is on the rise, as is the demand for aquatic feed products, but production from capture fisheries at the global level is leveling off and most of the main fishing areas have reached their maximum potential. Meeting basic human needs for protein feeds in the future will be a difficult challenge. Approximately 1.3 billion people live on less than a dollar a day and half of the world's population lives on less than 2 dollars a day (Watson, 1999). For this, aquaculture not only addresses the challenge efficiently but also gives analternativemeans ingiving jobopportunityand reducingpoverty. Aquaculture production is highly dominated by Asian countries, China accounted over 90% of world production, but aquaculture activities are not well developed in Africa. According to Aguilar-Manjarrez and Nath (1998) Africa has big potential for fish farming with 37 percent of its surface area suitable for artisanal fisheries and 43 percent suitable for commercial fish production. Africa has suitable bio-physical resources for aquaculture activities, i.e. the warm tropics with elevated temperatures and abundant rainfall, unutilized or under utilized land and low-cost labor as well as high demand for fishery products (Aguilar-Manjarrez and Nath, 1998). Between temperate (23°–67°) and tropical (23°N–23°S) zones, there is a considerable increase in the range of production values and thus tropical water bodies offer better opportunities for extensive and semi-intensive cage and pen culture (Le Cren and Lowe- McConnell,1980). Despite the favorable conditions in most parts of the continent, the contribution of Africa to global aquaculture products is low and the contribution of sub Saharan African (sSA) counties are very low. The contribution of Africa to global aquaculture products is less than 1% and the contribution of sSA in 2003 was a mere 13.6 percent to the African total or 0.13 percent of the world total (FAO, 2006; FISHSTAT Plus, 2005). However, in Africa aquaculture production has increasing as increasing world aquaculture production. Although Africa contributed less than 1 percent to global aquaculture production (251 000 t in 1999) the production has been expanding since 1984 at a rate equal to or greater than the global rate, albeit from a muchsmallerbase (FAO,1997). 1

father Melake Selam Haile Melekot Abraha, my brothers and sisters. Things Fall Apart (1958) have also treated the representation of women in.
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