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Volume 308, number 3 FEBS LETTERS August 1992 Author index to volume 308 Adachi, H. see S. Oguchi 308 (1992) 22 Chabasse, D. see G. Larcher 308 (1992) 65 Akutsu, H. and M. Hirasawa, Non-equivalent na- Clarke, D.J. see L. Sutherland 308 (1992) 161 tures of the coordinated imidazole rings of cyto- Cleuziat, P. see A. Awadé 308 (1992) 70 chrome c; from D. vulgaris Miyazaki F as studied Cockram, C.S. see V.T.F. Yeung 308 (1992) 301 by 'H NMR 308 (1992) 264 Cohen, B.N. see A. Figl 308 (1992) 245 Albalat, R., Gonzalez-Duarte and S. Atrian, Protein Cohen, P. see S. Nakielny 308 (1992) 183 engineering of Drosophila alcohol dehydrogenase: Correas, I. see M.D. Ledesma 308 (1992) 218 The hydroxyl group of Tyr'? is involved in the Criado, M. see M. Garcia-Guzman 308 (1992) 283 active site of the enzyme 308 (1992) 235 Dalet-Fumeron, V. see N. Guinec 308 (1992) 305 Albertyn, J., A. van Tonder and B.A. Prior, Purifica- Davidson, N. see A. Figl 308 (1992) 245 tion and characterization of glycerol-3-phosphate de Kruijff, B. see R. Kusters 308 (1992) 97 dehydrogenase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae 308 (1992) 130 de Meis, L., M.A.B. Grieco and A. Galina, Reversal Allende, C.C. see R. Tellez 308 (1992) 113 of oxidative phosphorylation in submitochondrial Allende, J.E. see R. Tellez 308 (1992) 113 particles using glucose 6-phosphate and hexoki- Anderson, S., V.D. Appanna, J. Huang and T. nase as an ATP regenerating system 308 (1992) 197 Viswanatha, A novel role for calcite in calcium De Strooper, B., F. Van Leuven and H.V. Den homeostasis 308 (1992) 94 Berghe, «2-Macroglobulin and other proteinase in- Andersson, K. see A.M. Eriksson 308 (1992) 211 hibitors do not interfere with the secretion of amy- Annaix, V. see G. Larcher 308 (1992) 65 loid precursor protein in mouse neuroblastoma Appanna, V.D. see S. Anderson 308 (1992) 94 cells 308 (1992) 50 Aranda-Anzaldo, A. and D. Viza, Human immu- Den Berghe, H.V. see B. De Strooper 308 (1992) 50 nodeficiency virus type 1 productive infection in den Dunnen, J.T. see H.B. Ginjaar 308 (1992) 293 staurosporine-blocked quiescent cells 308 (1992) 170 DePierre, J.W. see A.M. Eriksson 308 (1992) 211 Aranyi, P. see C. Salamon 308 (1992) 215 Dianzani, I. see M. Parola 308 (1992) 267 Arseniev, A.S. see K.V. Pervushin 308 (1992) 190 Diaz-Nido, J. see M.D. Ledesma 308 (1992) 218 Atrian, S. see R. Albalat 308 (1992) 235 Dieter, P. see F. Totzke 308 (1992) 125 Avaeva, S.M. see A.V. Raznikov 308 (1992) 62 Duda, E. see G. Lazar Jr. 308 (1992) 137 Avila, J. see M.D. Ledesma 308 (1992) 218 Easton, E.W., I. Blokland, A.A. Geldof, B.R. Rao Awadé, A., T. Gonzalés, P. Cleuziat and J. Robert- and D.H. van den Eijnden, The metastatic poten- Baudouy, One step purification and characteriza- tial of rat prostate tumor variant R3327-MatLyLu tion of the pyrrolidone carboxyl peptidase of Strep- is correlated with an increased activity of N-ace- tococcus pyogenes over-expressed in Escherichia tylglucosaminyl transferase III and V 308 (1992) 46 coli 308 (1992) 70 Ebner, T. see L. Sutherland 308 (1992) 161 Bakker-Grunwald, T. see C. Wéstmann 308 (1992) 54 Eizirik, D.L., E. Cagliero, A. Bjérklund and N. Barrera, G. see M. Parola 308 (1992) 267 Welsh, Interleukin-18 induces the expression of an Baybis, M. and S.R.J. Salton, Nerve growth factor isoform of nitric oxide synthase in insulin-produc- rapidly regulates VGF gene transcription through ing cells, which is similar to that observed in acti- cycloheximide sensitive and insensitive pathways 308 (1992) 202 vated macrophages 308 (1992) 249 Bendinelli, P. see M. Parola 308 (1992) 267 Eriksson, A.M., B. Lundgren, K. Andersson and Berni, R. and F. Formelli, In vitro interaction of J.W. DePierre, Is the cytosolic catalase induced by fenretinide with plasma retinol-binding protein and peroxisome proliferators in mouse liver on its way its functional consequences 308 (1992) 43 to the peroxisomes? 308 (1992) 211 Berthiaume, F. and J.A. Frangos, Flow-induced Esumi, H. see S. Oguchi 308 (1992) 22 prostacyclin production is mediated by a pertussis Fehlmann, M. see J. Tesarik 308 (1992) 116 toxin-sensitive G protein 308 (1992) 277 Fekete, M.I.K. see C. Salamon 308 (1992) 215 Besson, F. and G. Michel, Biosynthesis of bacillomy- Fénichel, P. see J. Tesarik 308 (1992) 116 cin D by Bacillus subtilis: Evidence for amino acid- Fesik, S.W. see A.M. Petros 308 (1992) 309 activating enzymes by the use of affinity chroma- Figl, A., B.N. Cohen, M.W. Quick, N. Davidson and tography 308 (1992) 18 H.A. Lester, Regions of 84-82 subunit chimeras bin Senafi, S. see L. Sutherland 308 (1992) 161 that contribute to the agonist selectivity of neu- Bjorklund, A. see D.L. Eizirik 308 (1992) 249 ronal nicotinic receptors 308 (1992) 245 Blokland, I. see E.W. Easton 308 (1992) 46 Fitzke, E. see F. Totzke 308 (1992) 125 Bouchara, J.-P. see G. Larcher 308 (1992) 65 Formelli, F. see R. Berni 308 (1992) 43 Boyd, G., F.S. Mathews, L.C. Packman and N.S. Frangos, J.A. see F. Berthiaume 308 (1992) 277 Scrutton, Trimethylamine dehydrogenase of bacte- Freiberg, A. see A.A. Moskalenko 308 (1992) 133 rium W;A,: Molecular cloning, sequence determi- Friedrich, T. see T. Niidome 308 (1992) 7 nation and over-expression of the gene 308 (1992) 271 Gagey, M.-J. see F. Schoumacher 308 (1992) 231 Brenner, H.C. see A.E. Tringali 308 (1992) 225 Galina, A. see L. de Meis 308 (1992) 197 Brittenham, G.M. see V.R. Gordeuk 308 (1992) 4 Garcia-Guzman, M., S. Calvo, V. Cefia and M. Burchell, B. see L. Sutherland 308 (1992) 161 Criado, Molecular cloning and permanent expres- Cagliero, E. see D.L. Eizirik 308 (1992) 249 sion in a neuroblastoma cell line of a fast inactivat- Calvo, S. see M. Garcia-Guzman 308 (1992) 283 ing potassium channel from bovine adrenal me- Campbell, D.G. see S. Nakielny 308 (1992) 183 dulla 308 (1992) 283 Cefia, V. see M. Garcia-Guzman 308 (1992) 283 Geldof, A.A. see E.W. Easton 308 (1992) 46 320 Published by Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. Volume 308, number 3 FEBS LETTERS August 1992 Author index to volume 308 Adachi, H. see S. Oguchi 308 (1992) 22 Chabasse, D. see G. Larcher 308 (1992) 65 Akutsu, H. and M. Hirasawa, Non-equivalent na- Clarke, D.J. see L. Sutherland 308 (1992) 161 tures of the coordinated imidazole rings of cyto- Cleuziat, P. see A. Awadé 308 (1992) 70 chrome c; from D. vulgaris Miyazaki F as studied Cockram, C.S. see V.T.F. Yeung 308 (1992) 301 by 'H NMR 308 (1992) 264 Cohen, B.N. see A. Figl 308 (1992) 245 Albalat, R., Gonzalez-Duarte and S. Atrian, Protein Cohen, P. see S. Nakielny 308 (1992) 183 engineering of Drosophila alcohol dehydrogenase: Correas, I. see M.D. Ledesma 308 (1992) 218 The hydroxyl group of Tyr'? is involved in the Criado, M. see M. Garcia-Guzman 308 (1992) 283 active site of the enzyme 308 (1992) 235 Dalet-Fumeron, V. see N. Guinec 308 (1992) 305 Albertyn, J., A. van Tonder and B.A. Prior, Purifica- Davidson, N. see A. Figl 308 (1992) 245 tion and characterization of glycerol-3-phosphate de Kruijff, B. see R. Kusters 308 (1992) 97 dehydrogenase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae 308 (1992) 130 de Meis, L., M.A.B. Grieco and A. Galina, Reversal Allende, C.C. see R. Tellez 308 (1992) 113 of oxidative phosphorylation in submitochondrial Allende, J.E. see R. Tellez 308 (1992) 113 particles using glucose 6-phosphate and hexoki- Anderson, S., V.D. Appanna, J. Huang and T. nase as an ATP regenerating system 308 (1992) 197 Viswanatha, A novel role for calcite in calcium De Strooper, B., F. Van Leuven and H.V. Den homeostasis 308 (1992) 94 Berghe, «2-Macroglobulin and other proteinase in- Andersson, K. see A.M. Eriksson 308 (1992) 211 hibitors do not interfere with the secretion of amy- Annaix, V. see G. Larcher 308 (1992) 65 loid precursor protein in mouse neuroblastoma Appanna, V.D. see S. Anderson 308 (1992) 94 cells 308 (1992) 50 Aranda-Anzaldo, A. and D. Viza, Human immu- Den Berghe, H.V. see B. De Strooper 308 (1992) 50 nodeficiency virus type 1 productive infection in den Dunnen, J.T. see H.B. Ginjaar 308 (1992) 293 staurosporine-blocked quiescent cells 308 (1992) 170 DePierre, J.W. see A.M. Eriksson 308 (1992) 211 Aranyi, P. see C. Salamon 308 (1992) 215 Dianzani, I. see M. Parola 308 (1992) 267 Arseniev, A.S. see K.V. Pervushin 308 (1992) 190 Diaz-Nido, J. see M.D. Ledesma 308 (1992) 218 Atrian, S. see R. Albalat 308 (1992) 235 Dieter, P. see F. Totzke 308 (1992) 125 Avaeva, S.M. see A.V. Raznikov 308 (1992) 62 Duda, E. see G. Lazar Jr. 308 (1992) 137 Avila, J. see M.D. Ledesma 308 (1992) 218 Easton, E.W., I. Blokland, A.A. Geldof, B.R. Rao Awadé, A., T. Gonzalés, P. Cleuziat and J. Robert- and D.H. van den Eijnden, The metastatic poten- Baudouy, One step purification and characteriza- tial of rat prostate tumor variant R3327-MatLyLu tion of the pyrrolidone carboxyl peptidase of Strep- is correlated with an increased activity of N-ace- tococcus pyogenes over-expressed in Escherichia tylglucosaminyl transferase III and V 308 (1992) 46 coli 308 (1992) 70 Ebner, T. see L. Sutherland 308 (1992) 161 Bakker-Grunwald, T. see C. Wéstmann 308 (1992) 54 Eizirik, D.L., E. Cagliero, A. Bjérklund and N. Barrera, G. see M. Parola 308 (1992) 267 Welsh, Interleukin-18 induces the expression of an Baybis, M. and S.R.J. Salton, Nerve growth factor isoform of nitric oxide synthase in insulin-produc- rapidly regulates VGF gene transcription through ing cells, which is similar to that observed in acti- cycloheximide sensitive and insensitive pathways 308 (1992) 202 vated macrophages 308 (1992) 249 Bendinelli, P. see M. Parola 308 (1992) 267 Eriksson, A.M., B. Lundgren, K. Andersson and Berni, R. and F. Formelli, In vitro interaction of J.W. DePierre, Is the cytosolic catalase induced by fenretinide with plasma retinol-binding protein and peroxisome proliferators in mouse liver on its way its functional consequences 308 (1992) 43 to the peroxisomes? 308 (1992) 211 Berthiaume, F. and J.A. Frangos, Flow-induced Esumi, H. see S. Oguchi 308 (1992) 22 prostacyclin production is mediated by a pertussis Fehlmann, M. see J. Tesarik 308 (1992) 116 toxin-sensitive G protein 308 (1992) 277 Fekete, M.I.K. see C. Salamon 308 (1992) 215 Besson, F. and G. Michel, Biosynthesis of bacillomy- Fénichel, P. see J. Tesarik 308 (1992) 116 cin D by Bacillus subtilis: Evidence for amino acid- Fesik, S.W. see A.M. Petros 308 (1992) 309 activating enzymes by the use of affinity chroma- Figl, A., B.N. Cohen, M.W. Quick, N. Davidson and tography 308 (1992) 18 H.A. Lester, Regions of 84-82 subunit chimeras bin Senafi, S. see L. Sutherland 308 (1992) 161 that contribute to the agonist selectivity of neu- Bjorklund, A. see D.L. Eizirik 308 (1992) 249 ronal nicotinic receptors 308 (1992) 245 Blokland, I. see E.W. Easton 308 (1992) 46 Fitzke, E. see F. Totzke 308 (1992) 125 Bouchara, J.-P. see G. Larcher 308 (1992) 65 Formelli, F. see R. Berni 308 (1992) 43 Boyd, G., F.S. Mathews, L.C. Packman and N.S. Frangos, J.A. see F. Berthiaume 308 (1992) 277 Scrutton, Trimethylamine dehydrogenase of bacte- Freiberg, A. see A.A. Moskalenko 308 (1992) 133 rium W;A,: Molecular cloning, sequence determi- Friedrich, T. see T. Niidome 308 (1992) 7 nation and over-expression of the gene 308 (1992) 271 Gagey, M.-J. see F. Schoumacher 308 (1992) 231 Brenner, H.C. see A.E. Tringali 308 (1992) 225 Galina, A. see L. de Meis 308 (1992) 197 Brittenham, G.M. see V.R. Gordeuk 308 (1992) 4 Garcia-Guzman, M., S. Calvo, V. Cefia and M. Burchell, B. see L. Sutherland 308 (1992) 161 Criado, Molecular cloning and permanent expres- Cagliero, E. see D.L. Eizirik 308 (1992) 249 sion in a neuroblastoma cell line of a fast inactivat- Calvo, S. see M. Garcia-Guzman 308 (1992) 283 ing potassium channel from bovine adrenal me- Campbell, D.G. see S. Nakielny 308 (1992) 183 dulla 308 (1992) 283 Cefia, V. see M. Garcia-Guzman 308 (1992) 283 Geldof, A.A. see E.W. Easton 308 (1992) 46 320 Published by Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. Volume 308, number 3 FEBS LETTERS August 1992 Georgaki, A., B. Strack, V. Podust and U. Hiibscher, Kléppel, K.-D. see M. Riidiger 308 (1992) 101 DNA unwinding activity of replication protein A 308 (1992) 240 Kohsaka, S. see K. Nakajima 308 (1992) 179 Giannattasio, B., K. Powers and A. Scarpa, Charac- Kusters, R., R. Huijbregts and B. de Kruijff, Elevated terization of myocardial extracellular ATP recep- cytosolic concentrations of SecA compensate for a tors by photoaffinity labelling and functional as- protein translocation defect in Escherichia coli cells says 308 (1992) 327 with reduced levels of negatively charged Ginjaar, H.B., H.B.M. van Paassen, J.T. den phospholipids 308 (1992) 97 Dunnen, N.t. Man, G.E. Morris, A.F.M. Larcher, G., J.-P. Bouchara, V. Annaix, F. Symoens, Moorman and G.J.B. van Ommen, Construction D. Chabasse and G. Tronchin, Purification and of dystrophin fusion proteins to raise targeted anti- characterization of a fibrinogenolytic serine pro- bodies to different epitopes 308 (1992) 293 teinase from Aspergillus fumigatus culture filtrate 308 (1992) 65 Godefroy-Colburn, T. see F. Schoumacher 308 (1992) 231 Lazar, G. see G. Lazar Jr. 308 (1992) 137 Godik, V.I. see A.A. Moskalenko 308 (1992) 133 Lazar Jr., G., E. Duda and G. Lazar, Effect of RU Gonzales, T. see A. Awadé 308 (1992) 70 38486 on TNF production and toxicity 308 (1992) 137 Gonzalez, J. see T. Yutsudo 308 (1992) 30 Ledesma, M.D., I. Correas, J. Avila and J. Diaz- Gonzalez-Duarte, see R. Albalat 308 (1992) 235 Nido, Implication of brain cde2 and MAP2 kinases Gordeuk, V.R. and G.M. Brittenham, Bleomycin- in the phosphorylation of tau protein in Alz- reactive iron in patients with acute non-lympho- heimer’s disease 308 (1992) 218 cytic leukemia 308 (1992) 4 Lee, C.M. see V.T.F. Yeung 308 (1992) 301 Goto, S. see K. Motojima 308 (1992) 207 Leistler, B. see M. Herold 308 (1992) 26 Grieco, M.A.B. see L. de Meis 308 (1992) 197 Leonarduzzi, G. see M. Parola 308 (1992) 267 Guinec, N., V. Dalet-Fumeron and M. Pagano, Lester, H.A. see A. Figl 308 (1992) 245 Quantitative study of the binding of cysteine pro- Lloberas, J. see A. Planas 308 (1992) 141 teinases to basement membranes 308 (1992) 305 Loeb, J. see A.V. Vener 308 (1992) 91 Gussakovsky, E.E. and E. Haas, The compact state Luly, J.R. see A.M. Petros 308 (1992) 309 of reduced bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor is Lundgren, B. see A.M. Eriksson 308 (1992) 211 not the compact molten globule 308 (1992) 146 Maira, M. see F. Schoumacher 308 (1992) 231 Haas, E. see E.E. Gussakovsky 308 (1992) 146 Makgoba, M.W. see T.S. Pillay 308 (1992) 38 Hawrot, E. see A.E. Tringali 308 (1992) 225 Malkin, R. see W.-Z. He 308 (1992) 298 He, W.-Z. and R. Malkin, Specific release of a 9-kDa Man, N.t. see H.B. Ginjaar 308 (1992) 293 extrinsic polypeptide of photosystem I from spin- Marmé, D. see F. Totzke 308 (1992) 125 ach chloroplasts by salt washing 308 (1992) 298 Martin, R.B., Cooperative proton and calcium bind- Hengeveld, T.M. see L. van der Voorn 308 (1992) 75 ing by sarcoplasmic reticulum ATPase 308 (1992) 59 Herold, M. and B. Leistler, Coenzyme binding of a Masemola, A.M. see E.M. Tyobeka 308 (19921)6 5 folding intermediate of aspartate aminotransferase Mathews, F.S. see G. Boyd 308 (19922)7 1 detected by HPLC fluorescence measurements 308 (1992) 26 Mendoza, C. see J. Tesarik 308 (19921)1 6 Hinuma, Y. see T. Yutsudo 308 (1992) 30 Messens, E. see N. Verbruggen 308 (19922)6 1 Hirasawa, M. see H. Akutsu 308 (1992) 264 Michel, G. see F. Besson 308 (1992) 18 Hiyane, Y. see T. Isobe 308 (1992) 121 Mishina, M. see S. Uchino 308 (19922)5 3 Ho, S.K.S. see V.T.F. Yeung 308 (1992) 301 Mistry, S.C. see D.A. Priestman 308 (1992) 83 Horvath, E.J. see C. Salamon 308 (1992) 215 Miyoshi, S.-i. and S. Shinoda, Activation mechanism Huang, J. see S. Anderson 308 (1992) 94 of human Hageman factor—plasma _ kallikrein— Hiibscher, U. see A. Georgaki 308 (1992) 240 kinin system by Vibrio vulnificus metalloprotease 308 (1992) 315 Hug, H. see F. Totzke 308 (1992) 125 Moorman, A.F.M. see H.B. Ginjaar 308 (1992) 293 Huijbregts, R. see R. Kusters 308 (1992) 97 Moos, J. see J. Tesarik 308 (1992) 116 Hutchens, T.W. see T.-T. Yip 308 (1992) 149 Mori, Y. see T. Niidome 308 (1992) 7 Hutchinson, E.G. see H.J. Stirk 308 (1992) 1 Morris, G.E. see H.B. Ginjaar 308 (1992) 293 Ichimura, T. see T. Isobe 308 (1992) 121 Moskalenko, A.A., O. Toropygina, V.I. Godik, K. Ideguchi, H. see S. Kato 308 (1992) 175 Timpmann and A. Freiberg, Investigation of spa- Igarashi, H. see T. Yutsudo 308 (1992) 30 tial relationships and energy transfer between com- lida, S. see S. Oguchi 308 (1992) 22 plexes B800—850 and B890—RC from Chromatium Isobe, T., Y. Hiyane, T. Ichimura, T. Okuyama, N. minutissimum reconstituted into liposomes 308 (1992) 133 Takahashi, S. Nakajo and K. Nakaya, Activation Motojima, K. and S. Goto, Rat liver BiP/GRP78 is of protein kinase C by the 14-3-3 proteins homolo- down-regulated by a _peroxisome-proliferator, gous with Exol protein that stimulates calcium- clofibrate 308 (1992) 207 dependent exocytosis 308 (1992) 121 Muraca, R. see M. Parola 308 (1992) 267 Juncosa, M. see A. Planas 308 (1992) 141 Murai, H. see T. Yutsudo 308 (1992) 30 Kato, S., J. Nishimura, Y. Yufu, H. Ideguchi, T. Nagahari, K. see S. Uchino 308 (1992) 253 Umemura and H. Nawata, Modulation of expres- Nagata, K. see K. Nakajima 308 (1992) 179 sion of multidrug resistance gene (mdr-1) by adri- Nakajima, K., N. Tsuzaki, K. Nagata, N. Takemoto amycin 308 (1992) 175 and S. Kohsaka, Production and secretion of plas- Katunuma, N. see M. Takahashi 308 (1992) 79 minogen in cultured rat brain microglia 308 (1992) 179 Kawai, M. see A.M. Petros 308 (1992) 309 Nakajo, S. see T. Isobe 308 (1992) 121 Kerbey, A.L. see D.A. Priestman 308 (1992) 83 Nakaya, K. see T. Isobe 308 (1992) 121 Kim, M.-S. see T. Niidome 308 (1992) 7 Nakielny, S., D.G. Campbell and P. Cohen, MAP Kiss, Z., The protein phosphatase inhibitor, okadaic kinase kinase from rabbit skeletal muscle: A novel acid, potentiates the stimulatory effect of phorbol dual specificity enzyme showing homology to yeast ester on phosphatidylcholine synthesis, but not on protein kinases involved in pheromone-dependent phospholipid hydrolysis, in fibroblasts 308 (1992) 290 signal transduction 308 (1992) 183 321 Volume 308, number 3 FEBS LETTERS August 1992 Nawata, H. see S. Kato 308 (1992) 175 Saeki, Y., S. Ueno, N. Takahashi, F. Soga and T. Nicholls, M.G. see V.T.F. Yeung 308 (1992) 301 Yanagihara, A novel mutant (transthyretin Ile-50) Niidome, T., M.-S. Kim, T. Friedrich and Y. Mori, related to amyloid polyneuropathy: Single-strand Molecular cloning and characterization of a novel conformation polymorphism as a new genetic calcium channel from rabbit brain 308 (1992) 7 marker 308 (1992) 35 Nishimura, J. see S. Kato 308 (1992) 175 Sakimura, K. see S. Uchino 308 (1992) 253 Norén, O. see L.K. Vogel 308 (1992) 14 Salamon, C., E.J. Horvath, M.I.K. Fekete and P. Oguchi, S., S. lida, H. Adachi, H. Ohshima and H. Aranyi, A novel specific binding site for anxiolytic Esumi, Induction of Ca?*/calmodulin-dependent homophthalazines in the rat brain 308 (1992) 215 NO synthase in various organs of rats by Propioni- Salton, S.R.J. see M. Baybis 308 (1992) 202 bacterium acnes and lipopolysaccharide treatment 308 (1992) 22 Scarpa, A. see B. Giannattasio 308 (1992) 327 Ohshima, H. see S. Oguchi 308 (1992) 22 Schoumacher, F., M.-J. Gagey, M. Maira, C. Stussi- Okuyama, T. see T. Isobe 308 (1992) 121 Garaud and T. Godefroy-Colburn, Binding of Ozawa, E. see A. Suzuki 308 (1992) 154 RNA by the alfalfa mosaic virus movement protein Packman, L.C. see G. Boyd 308 (1992) 271 is biphasic 308 (1992) 231 Pagano, M. see N. Guinec 308 (1992) 305 Scrutton, N.S. see G. Boyd 308 (1992) 271 Pangburn, M.K., Spontaneous thioester bond forma- Shimonishi, Y. see T. Yutsudo 308 (1992) 30 tion in a,-macroglobulin, C3 and C4 308 (1992) 280 Shinoda, S. see S.-i. Miyoshi 308 (1992) 315 Parola, M., R. Muraca, I. Dianzani, G. Barrera, G. Sjéstrém, H. see L.K. Vogel 308 (1992) 14 Leonarduzzi, P. Bendinelli, R. Piccoletti and G. Sklyankina, V.A. see A.V. Raznikov 308 (1992) 62 Poli, Vitamin E dietary supplementation inhibits Soga, F. see Y. Saeki 308 (1992) 35 transforming growth factor 61 gene expression in Stirk, H.J., D.N. Woolfson, E.G. Hutchinson and the rat liver 308 (1992) 267 J.M. Thornton, Depicting topology and handed- Pearce, S.F.A. see A.E. Tringali 308 (1992) 225 ness in jellyroll structures 308 (1992) 1 Pervushin, K.V. and A.S. Arseniev, Three-dimen- Strack, B. see A. Georgaki 308 (1992) 240 sional structure of (1—36)bacterioopsin in metha- Stussi-Garaud, C. see F. Schoumacher 308 (1992) 231 nol-chloroform mixture and SDS micelles deter- Sugiura, M. see F. Yokoi 308 (1992) 258 mined by 2D 'H-NMR spectroscopy 308 (1992) 190 Sutherland, L., S. bin Senafi, T. Ebner, D.J. Clarke Petros, A.M., M. Kawai, J.R. Luly and S.W. Fesik, and B. Burchell, Characterisation of a human Conformation of two non-immunosuppressive bilirubin UDP-giucuronosyltransferase stably ex- FK506 analogs when bound to FKBP by isotope- pressed in hamster lung fibroblast cell cultures 308 (1992) 161 filtered NMR 308 (1992) 309 Suzuki, A., M. Yoshida, H. Yamamoto and E. Piccoletti, R. see M. Parola 308 (1992) 267 Ozawa, Glycoprotein-binding site of dystrophin is Pillay, T.S. and M.W. Makgoba, Enhancement of confined to the cysteine-rich domain and the first epidermal growth factor (EGF) and insulin-stimu- half of the carboxy-terminal domain 308 (1992) 154 lated tyrosine phosphorylation of endogenous sub- Symoens, F. see G. Larcher 308 (1992) 65 strates by sodium selenate 308 (1992) 38 Takahashi, M., T. Tezuka and N. Katunuma, Planas, A., M. Juncosa, J. Lloberas and E. Querol, Phosphorylated cystatin @ is a natural substrate of Essential catalytic role of Glu'™ in endo-f-1,3-1,4- epidermal transglutaminase for formation of skin p-glucan 4-glucanohydrolase from B. licheniformis cornified envelope 308 (1992) 79 as determined by site-directed mutagenesis 308 (1992) 141 Takahashi, N. see T. Isobe 308 (1992) 121 Plessman, U. see M. Riidiger 308 (1992) 101 Takahashi, N. see Y. Saeki 308 (1992) 35 Ploegh, H.L. see L. van der Voorn 308 (1992) 75 Takao, T. see T. Yutsudo 308 (1992) 30 Podust, V. see A. Georgaki 308 (1992) 240 Takeda, Y. see T. Yutsudo 308 (1992) 30 Poli, G. see M. Parola 308 (1992) 267 Takemoto, N. see K. Nakajima 308 (1992) 179 Pottosin, I.I., Single channel recording in the chloro- Tannich, E. see C. Wéstmann 308 (1992) 54 plast envelope 308 (1992) 87 Tellez, R., C.C. Allende and J.E. Allende, Folylpoly- Powers, K. see B. Giannattasio 308 (1992) 327 glutamate analogs can inhibit casein kinase II from Priestman, D.A., S.C. Mistry, A.L. Kerbey and P.J. Xenopus laevis 308 (1992) 113 Randle, Purification and partial characterization Tesarik, J.,C. Mendoza, J. Moos, P. Fénichel and M. of rat liver pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase activa- Fehlmann, Progesterone action through aggrega- tor protein (free pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase) 308 (1992) 83 tion of a receptor on the sperm plasma membrane 308 (1992) 116 Prior, B.A. see J. Albertyn 308 (1992) 130 Tezuka, T. see M. Takahashi 308 (1992) 79 Querol, E. see A. Planas 308 (1992) 141 Thornton, J.M. see H.J. Stirk 308 (1992) 1 Quick, M.W. see A. Figl 308 (1992) 245 Timpmann, K. see A.A. Moskalenko 308 (1992) 133 Randle, P.J. see D.A. Priestman 308 (1992) 83 Toropygina, O. see A.A. Moskalenko 308 (1992) 133 Rao, B.R. see E.W. Easton 308 (1992) 46 Totzke, F., H. Hug, E. Fitzke, D. Marmé and P. Raznikov, A.V., V.A. Sklyankina and S.M. Avaeva, Dieter, Over-expression of human phospholipase Tyrosine-89 is important for enzymatic activity of C-y2 enhances platelet-derived growth factor-in- S. cerevisiae inorganic pyrophosphatase 308 (1992) 62 duced mobilization of intracellular Ca** and the Robert-Baudouy, J. see A. Awadé 308 (1992) 70 release of arachidonic acid and prostaglandins in Riidiger, M., U. Plessman, K.-D. Kléppel, J. NIH 3T3 fibroblasts 308 (1992) 125 Wehland and K. Weber, Class II tubulin, the major Tringali, A.E., S.F.A. Pearce, E. Hawrot and H.C. brain £ tubulin isotype is polyglutamylated on glu- Brenner, Phosphorescence and ODMR study of tamic acid residue 435 308 (1992) 101 the binding interactions of acetylcholine receptor a-subunit peptides with a-cobratoxin 308 (1992) 225 Volume 308, number 3 FEBS LETTERS August 1992 Tronchin, G. see G. Larcher 308 (1992) 65 Weber, K. see M. Riidiger 308 (1992) 101 Tsuzaki, N. see K. Nakajima 308 (1992) 179 Wehland, J. see M. Riidiger 308 (1992) 101 Tyobeka, E.M. and A.M. Masemola, Protein synthe- Welsh, N. see D.L. Eizirik 308 (1992) 249 sis in HL-60 cells treated with DMSO and hy- Wéstmann, C., E. Tannich and T. Bakker-Grunwald, poxanthine 308 (1992) 165 Ubiquitin of Entamoeba histolytica deviates in six Uchino, S., K. Sakimura, K. Nagahari and M. amino acid residues from the consensus of all other Mishina, Mutations in a putative agonist binding known ubiquitins 308 (1992) 54 region of the AMPA-selective glutamate receptor Woolfson, D.N. see H.J. Stirk 308 (1992) 1 channel 308 (1992) 253 Yamamoto, H. see A. Suzuki 308 (1992) 154 Ueno, S. see Y. Saeki 308 (1992) 35 Yanagihara, T. see Y. Saeki 308 (1992) 35 Umemura, T. see S. Kato 308 (1992) 175 Yeung, V.T.F., S.K.S. Ho, C.S. Cockram, C.M. Lee van den Eijnden, D.H. see E.W. Easton 308 (1992) 46 and M.G. Nicholls, Activation of protein kinase C van der Voorn, L., T.M. Hengeveld and H.L. Ploegh, attenuates the cyclic GMP responses to C-type Subunit interactions of the Go protein 308 (1992) 75 natriuretic peptide in cultured mouse astrocytes 308 (1992) 301 Van Leuven, F. see B. De Strooper 308 (1992) 50 Yip, T.-T. and T.W. Hutchens, Mapping and se- van Montagu, M. see N. Verbruggen 308 (1992) 261 quence-specific identification of phosphopeptides van Ommen, G.J.B. see H.B. Ginjaar 308 (1992) 293 in unfractionated protein digest mixtures by ma- van Paassen, H.B.M. see H.B. Ginjaar 308 (1992) 293 trix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of- van Tonder, A. see J. Albertyn 308 (1992) 130 flight mass spectrometry 308 (1992) 149 Vener, A.V. and J. Loeb, Zinc-induced tyrosine phos- Yokoi, F. and M. Sugiura, Tobacco chloroplast ribo- phorylation of hippocampal p60°*" is catalyzed by somes contain a homologue of E. coli ribosomal another protein tyrosine kinase 308 (1992) 91 protein L28 308 (1992) 258 Verbruggen, N., M. van Montagu and E. Messens, Yoshida, M. see A. Suzuki 308 (1992) 154 Synthesis of the proline analogue [2,3-*H]azetidine- Yufu, Y. see S. Kato 308 (1992) 175 2-carboxylic acid: Uptake and incorporation in Ar- Yutsudo, T., H. Murai, J. Gonzalez, T. Takao, Y. abidopsis thaliana and Escherichia coli 308 (1992) 261 Shimonishi, Y. Takeda, H. Igarashi and Y. Viswanatha, T. see S. Anderson 308 (1992) 94 Hinuma, A new type of mitogenic factor produced Viza, D. see A. Aranda-Anzaldo 308 (1992) 170 by Streptococcus pyogenes 308 (1992) 30 Vogel, L.K., O. Norén and H. Sjéstrém, The apical sorting signal on human aminopeptidase N is not located in the stalk but in the catalytic head group 308 (1992) 14

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