feature feature feature SportS Hiking and biking apps, Follow the German Street food markets — moving feasts Royals get 4th straight DODEA crown, page 4 Timber-frame Road, page 10 you don’t want to miss, page 11 page 12 March 30, 2018 | Volume 42, Number 13 Read the KA also online at KaiserslauternAmerican.com Photo by Dominik Hladik / Shutterstock.com Page 2 KaiserslauternAmerican March 30, 2018 m StpriAng Fbestivlals e������� ��o��������f������� ���c������o��������n���������t������e�������n���������t������s�����������������2 Photo by photohunter / Shutterstock.co Flea markets — hunting for treasures ������������������������������������������������������������3 Hiking and biking apps ������������������������������������������������������������������������������4-5 Romance on a budget �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������6 Wine Festivals Fairs • Freinsheim: Blütenfest Looking for a little more adren- Discover the Black Forest in a Porsche 911 �������������������������������������������������7 Apr. 14 – 15 aline than the average town ‘Fest’ • Flonheim: Trullo in Flammen offers? Visit these fairs for carnival A newbie guide to food and fun in the KMC �������������������������������������������8-9 Apr. 20 rides like roller coasters, free fall • Bad Dürkheim: Mai-Weinfest towers, haunted houses and more. Follow the German timber-frame road — part one ���������������������������������10 Apr. 21 - 22, 28 - May 1 • Bad Bergzabern: Fest der • Mainz: Rhein-Frühling Street food markets — moving feasts you don’t want to miss ��������������������11 Mandelblüte until Apr. 8 Apr. 27 – 29 • Frankfurt: Dippemess Another comeback helps Ramstein topple Kaiserslautern ��������������12-13 • Kallstadt: Fest der 100 Weine until Apr. 15 Apr. 27 - May 1 • Kaiserslautern: K-Town commits new energy to rivalry �����������������������������������������������������13 • Hambach: Andergasser Fest Wochenmarktfest Apr. 27 - May 1 Apr. 21 Dog-friendly hiking in the KMC �������������������������������������������������������������������14 • landau: Maimarkt mit • stuttgart: Frühlingsmesse Weindorf Apr 21. - May 13 m AWmeeakzeinngd t fruene toonp a w sahlokes s��t�r��i�n��g��� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������1��6��-�1178 • BMArpaury.c 2h18m –ü hMlbaayc 7h: Maifest • WFArpeüri.hs 2lei0nn hg-e s2ifm4es ta m sand: Milan Ilic / Shutterstock.co Religious Services������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������20 • nMeauys 4ta –d t1: 0Haardter Weinfest • KMiarcyh 1h3eimbolanden Maimarkt Photo by • eckelsheim: Tag des offenen Special Spring offers �������������������������������������������������������������������������������21-24 Dorfes May 20 Off the beaten path — Day trips to some of Germany’s hidden gems �����������25 • Flonheim: Weinmarkt May 26 - 27 At the movies ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������26 Was ist los? Cultural highlights �����������������������������������������������������������������������27 by Leonie Milde contributing writer Neunkirchen Zoo — An experience for the whole family �����������������������������28 Spring is upon us with exciting festivities in tow. Though Cooking with Klaus — Marinated Lamb ������������������������������������������������������29 spring festivals may be sneakily disguised as Weinfest, Stadtfest, Frühlingsfest, Frühlingsmesse and other blossoming terms, we Kids Korner �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������30 have uncovered their true identities: sunny and delicious fun for the whole family. Find culinary delicacies, regional wine, Ad pages ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������31-44 kids entertainment and live music along with unique shopping m oabvnipen-dpem oyarairtsorusduensndi.td ih etishg eha tlK igaMhrttsCs a fanrrodem ac wrEaiftuthsr oompuear’r sgk ubetiidgs egi entso tp tifhcateiur sgreeraossquounned’ s ctniotoi etc-sot oziny- w Photographer / Shutterstock.co Photo by Dominik Hladik / Shutterstock.com Photo by Ks MAstheAd The Kaiserslautern American is pub- not constitute endorsement by the DOD, the geographically separated units. To place classified ads, visit Layout lished by AdvantiPro GmbH, Kaiserslautern, Department of the Air Force or the AdvantiPro AdvantiPro staff reserves the right to edit all FindItGuide.com. Alexander Pütz, Manuel Flaetgen Germany, a private firm in no way connected GmbH of the products or the services submitted material. For display ads, email with the Department of the Air Force or the advertised. [email protected] Sales Team Department of the Army, under exclusive con- Everything advertised in this publication DeADlines: or call 0631-30 33 55 36. Armand Derderian, Karin Flick, Anita Köhler tract with the 86th Airlift Wing. shall be made available for purchase, use or • News, feature, school articles and photos – This commercial enterprise newspaper is patronage without regard to race, color, reli- noon Thursday for the following week’s edition Ad Design & Layout an authorized publication for members of the gion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, • Sports articles and photos – noon Thursday Manuel Flaetgen, Alexander Pütz, military services overseas. physical handicap, political affiliation or any for the following week’s edition Kaiserslautern American Team Marina Richter, Jaqueline Samad Contents of the KA are not necessarily the other non merit factor of the purchaser, user • Free (space available) classifieds – noon official view of, or endorsed by, the U.S. govern- or patron. Tuesday for that same week’s KA General Manager Classified Ads ment, Department of Defense or Department Editorial content is based on news releases, Bret Helenius Jaqueline Samad of the Air Force. features, editorials and reports prepared by AdvantiPro staff encourages reader comments. The appearance of advertising in this pub- Department of Defense, Air Force and Army Send questions, comments, article and photo sub- Editor, Quality Control & Display ads Printer lication, including insert or supplements, does agencies, KMC military units and missions to: [email protected]. Jennifer Holdsworth Oggersheimer Druckzentrum March 30, 2018 KaiserslauternAmerican Page 3 Flea markets TTrreeaassuurreess —— hhuunnttiinngg FFoorr by Thomas Warner Eguelshardt, where you can also enjoy historic contributing writer castle ruins and beautiful hiking trails in the Moselle region. A huge brocante is held once a month W e live in an area where lots of attention in Metz and other ones much further away is given to the reselling of old goods. happen in towns along the east coast on the If flea markets are your thing, there is a wide Atlantic. These might seem too far with regard selection of places to go and look around from to driving distance but they afford chances, too, weekend to weekend. Some markets happen to find inexpensive lodging along the way and in giant fields while others take place inside explore some of Europe’s historic areas. Check Photo by Matej Kastelic / Shutterstock.com buildings. The European way is also to see out the site www.agendadesbrocantes.fr for market settings with vendors taking up space info as you plan your trip. on the sides of long streets. Belgian Flea Markets Local Flea Markets One of the best area markets happens at Locally in the Kaiserslautern Military Silenrieux, Belgium, operating every Sunday Community, each weekend there is a flohmarkt and featuring lots of antiques and collectibles (flea market) staged in the parking lot of the in a large, indoor market hall. The market has REAL mall complex in west Kaiserslautern, grown immensely from the days in the 1970s across the street from Kleber and Daenner and 80s when cars would just pull up, throw kasernes on Mannheimer Strasse. Another open the trunk, and sell whatever they had. flea market in an enclosed hall in Ramstein Today, there are often close to 150 vendors village is open every Saturday while near offering their treasures. Photo by g215 / Shutterstock.com the library on Ramstein base, a market with In Rochefort, Belgium, visiting the brocante about 30 vendors happens one Saturday each is worth it if only for the time spent in the month. In the Saar region, a popular market quaint little village and surrounding area. Red happens on the first Saturday of each month marble quarries in the area offer tours, and scat- in Homburg. Another good one takes place tered small breweries offer locally brewed beers. in Saarbruecken, however dates vary. Check Rochefort has an annual outdoors flea market the regular Was ist los feature in the paper for Sunday, this year July 15, and will have up to local flea market listings. 80 vendors. Household goods to collectibles to Still, these pale in comparison to what you antiques are for sale, the only thing is there is can find if you have a bit of time up your sleeve no electricity to test appliances, so there is no to drive a little. Many people routinely enjoy guarantee it will work when you get it home. driving into France and Belgium on weekends, In Tongeren, Belgium, it was previously heading to various markets they know about. possible to buy an entire solid wood office set, There are trade papers and community bulletins including a swivel chair and beautiful desk, plus that come to mailboxes advertising where many shelving for less than 300 dollars. Vans contain- good flea events take place. ing all types of office furniture arrive early in the morning on market days to set up their dis- French plays. Tongeren also has a lot of newish-looking Flea Markets clothing that sells cheap and there are booths with lots of household furnishings. Called “brocantes” or “braderies” in French, flea markets attract people who seek to find A good number of French and Belgian bro- bargains on antiques, post-modern home fur- cante listings can be found on the Internet at nishings, household goods, and other bric-brac. www.quefaire.be/brocantes or www.francebro- These are events that have something for just cante.fr/. Be sure to use a browser that allows about anyone who truly enjoys flea markets. translation to English. The site is easy enough At these types of markets, sellers must to read and discern information about where obtain permits with local authorities and are and when to go to specific markets. Planning generally asked to pay a small fee in order to ahead and doing research to find out if you will do business on the day of the market. Brocante make a long weekend out of it, or just a day and braderie dates are good for local economies trip, is the top priority when trying to get the and the fee for the seller is usually not too high best experience from your brocante quest. And for this reason. of course always ensure you have plenty of euro BIO-CLEANING VAT-forms A medium-sized but super market hap- with you and don’t forget to bargain for that PET ODOR REMOVAL accepted pens once a month 30 kilometers south of gorgeous piece. Spittelstr. 3 (near Stiftsplatz) • 67655 Kaiserslautern Zweibruecken, in the French town of Happy haggling! Tel: 0631-37 35 60 10 Page 4 KaiserslauternAmerican March 30, 2018 Photo By Dudarev Mikhail / shutterstock.com to modern-day exploration. Hiking and bik- ing apps that can gnbanoeo dwwd hohheweranenv. l ioinDtag odc noep’dmte leatesoca e vt yeoo ohupfor la mmne-i nwdi tPhhoto B-y Pan Xunbin / Shutterstock.com outw hyoinluein rp oghu trotu ynisonetu yat rrh esem a tmdhaverit edpwndhtaluoey nr toeeosf. It’s an essential piece of survival gear. But only if you know what apps to preload and have enough backup bat- tery power. I have downloaded and used a variety of hiking and biking apps that give a detailed description of available options. Too much information and time-con- suming thumb use is the reason that I narrowed down the below apps for you to spend more time on the trail, and less time navigating your outdoor experience via technology. by Ronnie Juhans MAPS 3D PRO contributing writer I found this app to be a great tool for all season outdoor adventurers. You can As an oldschool outdoor adventure guide, I am used to leading hiking and bik- record trails and use them offline if you have no connection while in remote loca- ing adventures throughout Europe based on knowledge of the trails, terrain, points tions. You can also see your surroundings in 3D so that you know your elevation. of interest, rest stops, and evacuation routes in the event of an injury or medical Great for biking, hiking, and navigating your way through city streets, as well as emergency. a variety of Winter sports. The only drawback for me is that the search function However, not everyone wants to pay for a guide and be led around all day with- is not on the main screen. Although it’s only a menu below I don’t like stopping out being able to explore on their own. You are the risk takers, adventurers, and and having to figure out how to find an option especially if there is an emergency explorers that stumble upon hidden caves, rock formations, wildlife eco-systems, in the field. Maps 3D PRO is a 22MB download, but data requirements grow as and quiet places to get away from civilization for a few hours. you download those detailed maps. What seems only a few years ago was the introduction of handheld GPS units MAP MY HIKE with options such as a compass, viewing your coordinates, tracking your steps, marking waypoints to get you back on track, and Geocaching. That was a great Map My Hike is another GPS mapping app that tracks your route and dis- device. However, the options are limited and becoming obsolete when it comes tance. You can also connect with friends, compete with them, get feedback on your March 30, 2018 KaiserslauternAmerican Page 5 Photo by Jens Ottoson / Shutterstock.com Photo by Maxpro / Shutterstock.com progress. A great app to track your progress during your ture that takes you from home, a campsite, or start points from outdoor adventures. Audio feedback, choosing different a parking lot or train station. After 2 years of trial and error and sports, saving favorite paths, and tracking your pace, distance, trying out an extensive list of hiking and biking apps, View Ranger duration, calories burned, and setting personal goals are also is my number one pick. notable features. However, there are a lot of discrepancies when it View Ranger Buddy Beacon (internet connection required) allows you to comes to distance traveled, time, location, and more. I have been using share your actual location with friends and family via phone and computer. This GPS devices for years and know that you get different feedback based on option allows others to know your last location if contact was lost with you, there your surroundings and losing signals. However, when I put this app to the test is an emergency, and where to dispatch a rescue team. It also provides you with a by hiking the same trail 3 times with friends that had different phones and using PIN protection so that only certain people know who you are and where you are. Android and iPhone versions of Map My Hike, we were not too impressed while Other features include Go Anywhere that works offline without mobile comparing data. This could be a great app if a little more work can be done by get- and data signals. Worldwide Maps that include streets, aerial, satellite images, ting out in the field with groups and seeing reality. Topographic as well as a Skyline feature to pan the landscape using your phone ALL TRAILS camera. No need to have a separate GPS device to see your location on a map, record tracks, go to points of interest, and track time, speed, bearing, sunrise, and All Trails is packed with over 50,000 maps, review, and photos for hikers and sunset because View Ranger handles those tasks faster and more accurate. bikers. You can also find trails that are a dog, kid, and wheelchair friendly. You can If you want to track your workouts such as steps, heart rate and more the View also check out ratings, photos, share adventures with friends on social media, and Ranger allows you to transfer your data to Apple Health and owwther high-tech track your progress, download maps to review offline, and more. One of my favor- fitness apps. ite options are the filters that let you quickly narrow down the trails that you are These are a few of the many View Ranger features available with this hiking interested in or capable of trekking if there are many in your area. The accuracy is and biking app that is my favorite app when it comes to exploring areas nearby or great, and the app is easy to use. In addition to the above features, you can subscribe while traveling around Europe. to All Trails Pro, which gives you access to a variety of National Geographic infor- mation on maps, trails, and routes that have been tested and reviewed by outdoor Instead of making a choice based on my reviews, take the time to search around adventurers from all over the world. for more apps, and find out what suits your needs instead of paying for a bunch of VIEW RANGER mind cluttering, battery draining options that you will never use. Be sure to also check out system requirements. Prices to download vary on options as well as one View ranger is an amazing app that allows you to search for trails and maps time or monthly fees. Go to Apple App Store, Google Play, and Amazon for the with very little effort. A must for creating your own daytime or weeklong adven- best information. Most apps will let you figure out your needs with free trials. Page 6 KaiserslauternAmerican March 30, 2018 m MERRY Paper Art / Shutterstock.co Photo by KENG by Sallee Miller contributing writer ed walk in a beautiful place is the No one disputes the plain fact that goal! There’s nothing wrong with relationships are hard, especially when walking in the snow either! It’s beauti- certainly) and there are children involved. Day-to- ful and usually quiet for your whisper- will add a spark to your rela- day life becomes a series of logistical ing to each other. Near Ramstein you tionship. Edelweiss Lodge Photo by Dragon Images / Shutterstock.com challenges, where one of you is asking could go to Am Seewog for a walk and Resort in Garmisch is the other to pick up this, take the kids around this small lake and then have a definite favorite, winter or there, make that yummy thing for a some delicious pizza at the place (Am summer. school party and after all that you’re Seewog Holzofen Pizzeria) right across Of course, the “go-to” for supposed to find romance?! the street! In the summer months, you romantic moments are to be place. I hear they can eat outdoors on their deck. had beside any large body of have a great happy hour. Right. Not going to happen. There is a trail around this lake that is water…a lake, an ocean, or even a small These are just a few ideas to develop Hopefully, you got through this last beautiful in spring and summer. When body of water – poolside. Bostalsee into your own special time with your Valentine’s Day unscathed. You could you’re both tired, relax on the deck at the Reservoir is a fantastic place to “play” partner. plan ahead now to make next year’s spe- restaurant. in the water. Bostalsee is a municipality Connecting over something other cial day memorable, or you could make With a bigger budget for special of Nohfelden in northern Saarland but than the details of raising a family is a plain old Saturday special…in June… occasions, try the Ölmühle Hotel and really only takes about 45 minutes from what you want to do. If you don’t con- or September…or once a week for- Restaurant in Landstuhl. You are guar- Kaiserslautern. The length of the lake is nect in some manner or fashion such as ever. If you want to keep your relation- anteed to have a special night when you about 500 meters so it’s definitely big the ways described above, it’s going to be ship pleasant and rewarding for both are dining at this beautiful place instead enough for all kinds of water activities. It a sad day when you have nothing left to of you, it can be done. You just have to of grabbing something quick on the way even has an amusement park and camp- talk about except those pesky logistics. be creative and plan ahead. It doesn’t home. Take a couple hours, linger over ing. Camping can be quite romantic but Don’t let that happen between you and require artistic ability, glue sticks or glit- your wine and your meal. Look into don’t forget the bug spray! your sweetheart! ter (though that would be fun too!) and each other’s eyes and really talk. It’s a bit of a drive to the seaside in Plan a date… lunch and walking the element of surprise is almost always A weekend event that could require Belgium but you will be rewarded by barefoot in the grass, a surprise weekend welcome. Show your partner that you’re a substantial dollar commitment, would beautiful boardwalks along the beach- with/for your partner, or putting on your thinking about them and you are mak- be to make reservations at a hotel/B&B/ front to allow you time to spend togeth- good clothes for a fantastic dinner out. ing an effort to please them, make them lodge out of town and don’t tell your er. Again, holding hands and smiling Something. One doesn’t cost but a few happy, and make them feel special. You’ll partner where you’re going. Most people at each other might seem like obvious dollars and might even be the BEST create something that will also make you love surprises but you know your partner advice but think about how often you choice! The others might cost more happy! and if they don’t, give them substantial actually do that! Laughing together is but the return on your investment will One suggested little surprise, and one hints so they know what kind of clothes a guaranteed good evening. Find some- be worth it. Intimacy, laughter, shared that takes into account a limited budget, to pack, and what kind of activities (gen- thing to laugh about that happened that experiences. Make it a priority for your might be to pick up lunch and go to erally speaking) are planned. The exact day or even just watch some stand-up relationship. your partner’s workplace. Whisk them locale could still be a surprise. Speaking comedy on Netflix! away for 30 minutes to a park where for myself, the more surprises, the bet- There’s a very nice lounge in down- Sallee Miller, CPC is an American you can eat and maybe take your shoes ter! I just need to know if it’s going to town Kaiserslautern, on the 21st floor short story writer who has been writing off and walk in the grass (while holding be cold or hot there and how long we’ll of the Rathouse, called 21Twenty One about her experiences in Germany since hands of course). In Germany this could be gone. The fact that you had the idea lounge and if you want to stare at each the summer of 2017. Her home prior be tough at any time other than sum- all on your own and then saw it through other and out the window to a beautiful to Kindsbach, Germany, was in Seattle, mer but you get the idea. An unexpect- to fruition will be appreciated (almost view of the city lights, then this is the Washington, USA. MEET PEOPLE AT U.S. LOVE’S SINGLES MIXERS MAY 12/JUN 9: Singles social in Wiesbaden MAY 19/JUN 23: Singles social in Kaiserslautern FIND YOUR START: 7:30 PM PERFECT MATCH Connecting single members of the U.S. Forces in Germany with local singles IN GERMANY SIGNUP TODAY: WWW.USLOVEWIESBADEN.COM March 30, 2018 KaiserslauternAmerican Page 7 m Photo by ER_09 / Shutterstock.co by EPIKdrives Stretching from the spa town Keep it simple instead and Visit the Hohenzollern Castle — the crown of Baden-Baden in the north, all stick to Road B500 on your of jewel of the Black Forest with over 1000 the way down to the Swiss border map. And in only two days years of history is still owned by the family of in the south, the landscapes of of driving you can visit many Hohenzollern, offering spectacular views over the German Black Forest made of the enticing attractions the the forest out of splendid state rooms. Photo by Sergey Novikov / Shutterstock.com of gently rolling hills, valleys, Black Forest has to offer. blue lakes and of course endless Ideally start your driving tour Stay classy at Baden-Baden — a small elegant trees are truly inviting. However, from Stuttgart, where two of town with thermal springs and maybe the the cuckoo clock idyll with the the most important car muse- most beautiful casino in Europe. The charm- scary name that refers to slight- ums, the Porsche-Museum and ing town was often visited by the Russian tsars ly threatening evergreens can be the Mercedes-Benz Museum, where they spent their summer holidays, and so much more then a charming are based and take your chance somehow the town has managed to preserve an postcard picture. to visit holy halls of the fin- air of that long-gone era. Photo by EPIKdrives The fast sweeping roads of the est German car brands. At the Black Forest are just as inviting Porsche and Mercedes museums Eat well — Germany is not necessarily famous as any of the hiking trails. And you will get even more inspired for haute cuisine, but when in the Black Forest those roads are here to impress. for a drive trough the Black eat like the locals and enjoy some of the best Imagine exploring those fantastic Forest. Soon after leaving the stews, soups and Spätzle you have ever had. driving roads in a convertible car. city of Stuttgart on a short, but Photo by EPIKdrives It feels right to choose a Porsche derestricted stretch of German 911 being so close to the car Autobahn you will find yourself Paddle Boating — after all that delicious food brand’s home in Zuffenhausen, surrounded by wonderful driv- stop at one of the many lakes in the Black Forest near Stuttgart. Your main ori- ing grounds and a scenery out to do some paddling to get rid of some of the entation point should always of a Brother Grimm fairy tale. extra calories that without a doubt will sneak up be the almighty Black Forest However you decide to discover on you while discovering the Black Forest. Photo by Oscity / Shutterstock.com High Road, don’t waste any the Black Forest, under no cir- time trying to pronounce cumstances you should miss to For those who want to save time on researching the best routes the the original German name incorporate the following into driving tour agency EPIKdrives has it all planned out for you. What gets “Schwarzwaldhochstrasse.” your itinerary: your pulse racing? If you dreams are about a Porsche 911, Mercedes AMG or Lamborghini, these guys have it and put you on the best roads in the Black Forest. You can check out what they have to offer and discounts on epikdrives.com. Gute Fahrt! Photo by EPIKdrives Page 8 KaiserslauternAmerican March 30, 2018 A newbie guide to food and fun in the KMC by Katie F. Boltuch taste buds, Safari is the place. With a contributing writer variety of meal options from lamb to chicken to vegetarian, and vegan, Safari One of the most difficult aspects of moving to a new area, especially an entirely also offers interesting drink choices from new country and continent, is figuring out the “usual” or “favorite” spots. The places their incredibly strong coffee (served in that the locals and residential veterans know but a recently PCS-ed person or fam- a thimble-sized cup) to the Dju Dju ily has yet to find. Beer that comes in Banana, Mango, and The good thing is, there are a ton of amazing places near the KMC that are Pineapple flavors. All meals are served excellent for food, entertainment, and adventure. The only bad part is that you with injera (a sourdough-risen flatbread might not get to visit all of these amazing places prior to your next PCS. That being with a slightly spongy texture) as a form said, the options introduced in this piece are just a small selection of the “good of utensil. Don’t worry, though, they do Photo by Dereje / Shutterstock.com finds” in the KMC area. Your best bet is to ask your neighbor or work associate for offer regular utensils if you prefer not to suggestions. That’s how I found most of these gems. eat with your hands. The staff is incredibly kind and welcoming. The atmosphere is designed to bring Food you to Africa with a slideshow of pictures from the continent. A typical meal for If you’re a creature of habit and prefer to stay on post or base, there are just a two can cost anywhere between 25 Euro to 40 Euro, depending on what is ordered. few options available to you – Chili’s, Macaroni Grill, etc. But if you’re ready to eat Reservations are encouraged, as they get incredibly busy. Try to call a few days some of the best food of your life, go – go now to these places! ahead of the desired date. Or you can always press your luck at the tiki shaped bar where it’s first come first served. Safari Restaurant Bonus: If you enjoy the food (I have a hard time believing you won’t) and you What can I say about this place? Everything. If you look on Trip Advisor for enjoy cooking, you are in luck! Just down the street, Greenland Afro & Asia Shop the best restaurants in Kaiserslautern, Safari is number 2 (some days it is num- sells most of the ingredients and spices you’ll need to cook your own Ethiopian cui- ber 1). Safari is a family-owned and operated Ethiopian restaurant in downtown sine. It’s guaranteed you’ll find what you’re looking for because Greenland is owned Kaiserslautern. If you’re looking for an adventure and something to wake up your and operated by the mother of the Safari Restaurant’s owner. March 30, 2018 KaiserslauternAmerican Page 9 Mr. Lian EntErtainmEnt If you have a hankering for sushi, One of the great things about living in the KMC area is there are plenty of the majority of people will probably activities and experiences to be had. Conversely, figuring out how to partake in said tell you to go to Mr. Lian. Now in two activities can be difficult and overwhelming. That being said, the following options locations (downtown Kaiserslautern are just a smattering of what the KMC has to offer its newest residents. and Einsiedlerhof), these restaurants 1.FCK – Football Club Kaiserslautern are usually packed! Open seven days a week, it is recommended to call Due to the time difference, it can be for a reservation on the weekend. pretty tough to keep up with your favor- Serving the traditional to extrava- ite sports team back home. What about gant, the sushi is always fresh and if adopting another? 1.FCK or 1st Fussball you’re lucky, your plate will come with Club Kaiserslautern is the local soc- a dry-ice volcano! If you prefer your cer team. Their home games are played food cooked, Mr Lian offers several at Fritz-Walter-Stadion on the cusp of hot dishes as well as traditional Pho. downtown Kaiserslautern. Although their Photo by Oleksandr Osipov / Shutterstock.com Carnivores and herbivores have many season started in August, there are still menu options. plenty of home games to attend through Aside from the creative food dis- May. Fun for the whole family and tickets are pretty inexpensive. plays, be sure to try the freshly made lemonades that include but are not For more information on match dates and times, visit their website at www.fck.de. limited to Thai-basil, apple, and ginger FSZ Saar (Sky diving) flavoring. A typical meal will cost two people Skydiving season begins April 1. For those that are looking to kick it up a notch, anywhere from 30 Euro to 60 Euro, just about an hour away from the KMC area is the FSZ Saar Skydiving Center. depending on drinks and appetizers. Take the biggest leap of your life from 4,000 meters (just over 13,000 feet)! Tandem The atmosphere is dark and cozy. It jumps are required for all newbies. All tandem instructors and jumpers have had at can get rather warm, so be sure to least 500 jumps of experience and most of the staff are former German paratroop- dress in layers. As the weather gets ers. Knowing that you’re safe isn’t even the best part – it’s jumping out a plane and warmer, the Einseedlerhof location being able to see both Germany and France all at once. Appointments are required offers outdoor seating on their porch. for jump planning purposes. Mythos Von Delphi Greek Restaurant For more information, check out their website at www.fsz-saar.de. Besides Mr. Lian and Safari, The German Wine Road Mythos is a must-visit restaurant. A hidden gem, literally – Mythos is Germany has some of the best wine tucked away on a side street from and a large portion of that wine comes Sankt Martin’s Platz. Just off the main from right here in Rheinland-Pfalz. The fussgangerzone, or walking street, German Wine Road is the country’s Mythos Von Delphi is an incredible, oldest scenic drive, spanning 50 miles. family-owned Greek restaurant. From One of the most charming parts of the the greeter (who is also the owner) to experience is the cute old towns and the cook, everyone that works there villages you’ll drive through. Towns like Photo by nnattalli / Shutterstock.com is family. Bad Duerkheim, where in September Their pièce de résistance is the the largest wine festival in the world is Photo by Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock.com mushrooms. The stuffed mushrooms hosted, and small villages like Rhodt unter Rietburg, known for being the world’s are on the menu as an appetizer but oldest vineyard (more than 400 years and still producing fruit), are just a few gems can take the place of an entire meal. Stuffed with your choice of shrimp, lamb, along the way. Bonus Tip: Every last Sunday in August, the wine route is closed for or just cheese – these are an absolute must-try! A simple description does these traffic and only open to walkers, hikers, bikers, and in-line skaters who can visit the incredible pillows of tastiness no justice. Go and experience them for yourself. open-air wine bars on the way. You will not regret it. Of course, there are plenty of other options on their menu. As it is a Greek For more information visit www.germanwineroute.com restaurant, lamb and beef are very prominent. And if you can save some room Gartenschau Kaiserslautern for dessert, the Baklava is hand-made and out of this world. A typical meal for two will cost between 25 Euro and 50 Euro, depending Families and singles are sure to enjoy the Gartenschau, located close to the center of on drinks and dessert. Kaiserslautern, offering something for everyone! Kids of all ages will enjoy the sports areas that include a skate park, beach volleyball area, basketball courts, miniature golf, a soccer Spinnraedl field, playgrounds and a variety of children’s programs. As the temperature heats up, there’s As delicious as the aforementioned restaurants are, maybe you want to expe- even a water playground to cool off on a hot day. rience traditional German food. While there are hundreds of options to choose If you’re more interested in a stroll and to literally stop and smell the flowers, from, it’s usually best to go where it’s busy and the locals go. Open seven days Neumuehle Park is right up your alley. Located in Gartenschau are these well-kept walk- a week, Spinnraedl is a great place for anyone and everyone from couples to ing trails surrounded by beautiful flowers, cacti, and dinosaur replicas. When you’re ready singles to families. Known for its friendly service and Oma-style (grandmoth- for a break, there are plenty of shady areas to rest as well as a beer garden. In warmer er-style) cooking, it’s no wonder this place is always busy. months, you can often find open-air theater and free classical concerts on the weekends. Offering German classics such as liver dumplings and juicy rump steaks, every week there is a new menu of specials. Palates of all kinds will be pleased For more information on opening times and ticket prices, visit their website at with the variety of large portions - from spinach dumplings to the traditional www.gartenschau-kl.de. schnitzel and fried potatoes. Spinnraedl is located in downtown Kaiserslautern near the Stiftskirche. About the author: Katie teaches English Language Arts at Kaiserslautern High School. She is A meal for two will cost anywhere from 40 Euro to 60 Euro, depending on an avid runner, reader, and writer. In her free time she spends as much time as possible with drinks, appetizers, and desserts. her husband and newborn daughter. Page 10 KaiserslauternAmerican March 30, 2018 Follow the German Timber-frame Road m w / Shutterstock.co 1. Stade: Photo by travelvie by Ruth Cuevas to 1000 years old and some, older. Beginning at the was quickly able to begin rebuild- contributing writer Timber-framing involves building a northernmost tip of the German ing. During this period, it devel- structure with notched beams secured Timber-Frame Road, and oped its own style of half-timbered For many a road-tripper, travel- by wooden pegs. The gaps between about 45 km west of Hamburg construction. Diamond cuts at ing through Germany evokes images the beams are called panels (Facher in (approximately 650k north of the ends of the horizontal beams of storybook villages surrounded by German). The panels are filled with Kaiserslautern), is the village of and projecting bays mark the lush forests, castles perched high on any of a variety of materials that con- Stade. Stade sits on the river Elbe, construction style of this period. mountaintops, or mysterious Roman tain insulating properties such as: brick, in Lower Saxony. The first men- In addition to being one of the or Celtic artifacts in unsuspecting sticks, hay, or more commonly, wattle tion of Stade was in 934, but three cities in Germany known locations. Aside from having some of and daub. The coating of daub has traces of human settlers have been for holding the most important the best road conditions throughout many recipes, but generally was a mix- found in the area that date back collections of church treasures, Europe, Germany has taken a lot of the ture of clay and chalk with a binder to 30,000 BC. If you’re plan- Quedlinburg houses the tomb guess-work out of planning by naming such as grass or straw and water or ning a trip along the Deutsche of the 10th Century German routes that highlight particular inter- urine. The panels were then covered Fachwerkstrasse, Stade is a good King Henry in the Church of St. ests. Would you like to see castles? Take with a type of plaster and sometimes place to begin, especially if your Servatius. Quedlinburg is located a drive on the Burgenstrasse (German painted, but the timber beams were left trip is only going to be one-way. approximately 500 km north of Castle Road). Want to travel in the exposed, creating a stylistic effect. https://www.stade-tourismus. Kaiserslautern, direction Leipzig. footsteps of the Romans? Follow the In Germany, the timber structure de/en/home http://www.quedlinburg.de/en/ Romantische Strasse (Romantic Road). usually sits on a base of concrete or the_romanesque_route.html 2. Quedlinburg: Do you like medieval villages or tim- brick so that the exposed timber beams Southeast ber-framed houses? If you answered, begin well above ground level. These of Stade and slightly off the About the author: Ruth Cuevas is a yes, then read on. historical half-timbered structures are Deutsche Fachwerkstrasse, is the freelance writer, Adjunct Professor and The Deutsche Fachwerkstrasse protected in Germany and should the village of Quedlinburg. In 1994, Yoga instructor who has lived in six (German Timber-Frame Road) was owner of a historical timber-framed UNESCO designated the village countries in three continents since 2008. created in 1990 by the Historische house want to renovate, they must first of Quedlinburg a World Heritage Her writing can be seen in ATOD Fachwerkstadte e.V. or ARGE seek approval from the German gov- site. Even though it is not located Magazine www.atodmagazine.com and (Association of Historic Timber- ernment. on the Deutsche Fachwerkstrasse, Elephant Journal www.elephantjournal. Framed Towns). The ARGE connected Many of the villages on the German the village of Quedlinburg deserves com. You can follow her travels on historic villages from the northern- Timber-Frame Road remain intact a mention and to be added to instagram at @mymotorcyclediaries. Her most part of Germany to the south- even after hundreds of years which the list of the most beautiful goal is to keep her blog updated www. ernmost tip overlooking the Bodensee. only helps to draw tourists and increase German timber-frame villages. mymotorcyclediaries.net. The German Timber-Frame Road is their popularity. Below, is a list of ten Like much of Germany, approximately 3,000km long and is of the most beautiful timber- Quedlinburg suffered Read more in next divided into seven sections and crosses frame villages in Germany, extensive damage through six states. most of them, can be locat- during the 30 Years’ week's edition! The process of timber-framing is ed along the Deutsche War. However, one that has clearly stood the test of Fachwerkstrasse: the village time. Many of the timber- framed villages in Germany are close Photo by Raymond Thill / Shutterstock.com