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Family Trees and the Roots of Politics: The Prosopography of Britain and France from the Tenth to the Twelfth Century PDF

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cover cover next page > title : Family Trees and the Roots of Politics : The Prosopography of Britain and France From the Tenth to the Twelfth Century author : Keats-Rohan, K. S. B. publisher : Boydell & Brewer Ltd. isbn10 | asin : 0851156258 print isbn13 : 9780851156255 ebook isbn13 : 9780585165080 language : English subject Great Britain--Politics and government--1066-1485-- Historiography, Great Britain--Politics and government--449- 1066--Historiography, France--Politics and government--987- 1328--Historiography, Kinship--Political aspects--Great Britain, Kinship--Political a publication date : 1997 lcc : DA130.F36 1997eb ddc : 941/.0072 subject : Great Britain--Politics and government--1066-1485-- Historiography, Great Britain--Politics and government--449- 1066--Historiography, France--Politics and government--987- 1328--Historiography, Kinship--Political aspects--Great Britain, Kinship--Political a cover next page > file:///C|/Documents and Settings/••••/••• •••••••••/Istfuck/Articles and books/Keats-Rohan. Family trees/files/cover.html29.06.2009 22:55:15 page_i < previous page page_i next page > Page i Family Trees and the Roots of Politics The Prosopography of Britain and France from the Tenth To the Twelfth Century In recent decades historians have become increasingly aware of the value of prosopography as an auxiliary science standing at the crossroads between anthropology, genealogy, demography and social history. It is now developing as an independent research discipline of real benefit to medievalists. The geographically and chronologically wide-ranging subjects of the essays in this collection, by scholars from the British Isles and the Continent, are united by a common theme, namely the significance of genealogy and kinship ties in determining political events in the Middle Ages. The papers, including a review of the history of prosopography and some of its major successes as a method by Karl Ferdinand Werner, range from general considerations of prosopographical and genealogical methodology (including discussion of Anglo-Norman royal charters) to specific analyses of individual political and kinship groups (including the genealogy of the counts of Anjou and a rehabilitation of the prosopographical material in Wace's Roman de Rou). The main geographic focus is England and France from the tenth to the twelfth century, but other areas as diverse as Celtic Ireland and the Latin Principality of Antioch also come under prosopographical scrutiny. Dr K. S. B. KEATS-ROHAN is Director of the Linacre Unit for Prosopographical Research. < previous page page_i next page > file:///C|/Documents and Settings/••••/••• •••••••••/Istfuck/Articles and books/Keats-Rohan. Family trees/files/page_i.html29.06.2009 22:55:18 page_iii < previous page page_iii next page > Page iii Family Trees and the Roots of Politics The Prosopography of Britain and France from the Tenth To the Twelfth Century Edited By K. S. B. Keats-Rohan THE BOYDELL PRESS < previous page page_iii next page > file:///C|/Documents and Settings/••••/••• •••••••••/Istfuck/Articles and books/Keats-Rohan. Family trees/files/page_iii.html29.06.2009 22:55:19 page_iv < previous page page_iv next page > Page iv © Contributors 1997 All Rights Reserved. Except as permitted under current legislation no part of this work may be photocopied, stored in a retrieval system, published, performed in public, adapted, broadcast, transmitted, recorded or reproduced in any form or by any means, without the prior permission of the copyright owner First published 1997 The Boydell Press, Woodbridge ISBN 0 85115 625 8 The Boydell Press is an imprint of Boydell & Brewer Ltd PO Box 9, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP12 3DF, UK and of Boydell & Brewer Inc. PO Box 41026, Rochester, NY 14604-4126, USA A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Family trees and the roots of politics : the prosopography of Britain and France from the tenth to the twelfth century / edited by K.S.B. Keats-Rohan. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 0-85115-625-8 (hardback : alk. paper) 1. Great Britain Politics and government 1066-1485 Historiography. 2. Great Britain Politics and government 449-1066 Historiography. 3. France Politics and government 987 1328 Historiography. 4. Civilization, Medieval 12th century Historiography. 5. Kinship Political aspects Great Britain. 6. Kinship Political aspects France. 7. Eleventh century Historiography. 8. Tenth century Historiography. 9. Great Britain Genealogy. 10. France Genealogy. 11. Prosopography. I. Keats-Rohan, K. S. B., 1957 DA130.F36 1997 941'.0072 dc21 97-4272 This publication is printed on acid-free paper Printed in Great Britain by St Edmundsbury Press Ltd, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk < previous page page_iv next page > file:///C|/Documents and Settings/••••/••• •••••••••/Istfuck/Articles and books/Keats-Rohan. Family trees/files/page_iv.html29.06.2009 22:55:19 page_v < previous page page_v next page > Page v Contents Foreword vii K. S. B. Keats-Rohan List of Illustrations ix 1 1 L'apport de la prosopographie à l'histoire sociale des élites K. F. Werner 2 23 Kings, Chronicles and Genealogies: Reconstructing Mediaeval Celtic Dynasties David E. Thornton 3 41 A West-Country Magnate of the Eleventh Century: the Family, Estates and Patronage of Beorhtric Son of Ælfgar Ann Williams 4 69 Joining the Dots: a Methodology for Identifying the English in Domesday Book C. P. Lewis 5 89 The Prosopographical Study of Anglo-Norman Royal Charters David Bate 6 103 Wace as Historian Elisabeth van Houts 7 133 Religious Patronage and Lordship: the Debate on the Nature of the Honor Emma Cownie 8 147 Family Matters: Family and the Formation of the Empress's Party in South-West England Judith A. Green file:///C|/Documents and Settings/••••/••• •••••••••/Istfuck/Articles and books/Keats-Rohan. Family trees/files/page_v.html (1 of 2)29.06.2009 22:55:20 page_v 9 165 Prosopographical Problems of English libri vitae John S. Moore 10 189 'Un vassal sans histoire'?: Count Hugh II (c.940/955-992) and the Origins of Angevin Overlordship in Maine K. S. B. Keats-Rohan < previous page page_v next page > file:///C|/Documents and Settings/••••/••• •••••••••/Istfuck/Articles and books/Keats-Rohan. Family trees/files/page_v.html (2 of 2)29.06.2009 22:55:20 page_vi < previous page page_vi next page > Page vi 11 211 Les comtes d'Anjou et leurs alliances aux Xe et XIe siècles Christian Settipani 12 269 Combour: proto-histoire d'une seigneurie et mis en uvre de la reforme gregorienne Hubert Guillotel 13 299 The Formation of the County of Perche: the Rise and Fall of the House of Gouet Kathleen Thompson 14 315 Quelques exemples de carrières abbatiales en Normandie aux XI-XIIe siècles Véronique Gazeau 15 333 De quelques champenois dans l'entourage français des rois d'Angleterre aux XIe et XIIe siècles Michel Bur 16 349 How Norman was the Principality of Antioch? Prolegomena to a Study of the Origins of the Nobility of a Crusader State Alan V. Murray 17 361 Between the Angevin and Capetian Courts: John de Rouvray and the Knights of the Pays de Bray, 1180- 1225 D. J. Power < previous page page_vi next page > file:///C|/Documents and Settings/••••/••• •••••••••/Istfuck/Articles and books/Keats-Rohan. Family trees/files/page_vi.html29.06.2009 22:55:20 page_vii < previous page page_vii next page > Page vii Foreword No collection of prosopographical essays could hope for a finer introduction to the history, meaning and purpose of prosopography than that provided here by the essay of Karl Ferdinand Werner, 'The Prince of Prosopography'. The following 16 essays take on a wide range of subjects, sometimes for the first time in print and often dealing with some very difficult evidence. Several illuminate important issues from apparently very obscure subjects. Despite the range of subject matter, the essays are inextricably interlocked at a methodological level, as each author tames his subject by applying different aspects of prosopographical theory. For historians of France and Britain from the tenth to the twelfth century, the importance of the result will surely speak for itself (even if some authors might have changed their mind on certain points in the interval between writing and publication). I need only say that is with a sense of great privilege that I put my name as editor to this book. The seventeen papers collected here were read at the Oxford Prosopography Conference, held at Manchester College, Oxford, 27-31 March 1995. It was organized by me and Dr David Thornton, as part of our work in the Linacre Unit for Prosopographical Research labouring on the Continental Origins of English Landholders 1066-1166 project. Many debts were incurred, which are here gratefully acknowledged. First, to all the participants, who came from all over the British Isles and from France and Germany, to the staff of Manchester College for their splendid hospitality, and to Lord Saye and Sele for an unforgettable outing to Broughton Castle. Secondly, to the learned bodies which helped with funding: the British Academy, which funded Professor K.F. Werner, the Maison Française at Oxford, which funded Professor M. Bur, and the Royal Historical Society which provided bursaries for post-graduate participants. Finally, to Dr Richard Barber of Boydell and Brewer, who not only agreed to publish this ambitious volume, but has also, as publisher and historian, been a tower of strength to the Unit and its even more ambitious COEL project over several years. K. S. B. KEATS-ROHAN LINACRE COLLEGE, OXFORD < previous page page_vii next page > file:///C|/Documents and Settings/••••/••• •••••••••/Istfuck/Articles and books/Keats-Rohan. Family trees/files/page_vii.html29.06.2009 22:55:21 page_ix < previous page page_ix next page > Page ix List of Illustrations Maps 1. Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire 52 2. Beorhtric's estates in Devon 56 3. Names mentioned in Wace's Roman de Rou 3e p., lines 8329-8705 104 4. The world of Hugh I and II of Maine 190 5. La région de Dol-Combour 270 6. The Perche Gouet 300 7. Les abbayes lexoviennes et coutançaises 316 8. Situation des comtés de Blois, de Champagne et du duché de Normandie 334 9. Position relative des différents intervenants 336 10. North-eastern Normandy in the Late Twelfth Century 366 Genealogical tables 1. Clann Cholmáin kings of Meath 34-5 2. The 'Second Dynasty of Gwynedd' to Circa 1000 38-9 3. The families of Beorhtric son of Ælfgar and Æthelweard the Chronicler, Chronicler, 42 ealdorman of the western shires 4. The De Vere Family 180-1 5. The De Trailli and Espec Families 180-1 6. Suggested relationships of the Hugonide counts of Maine c. 900-1015 194 7. Les Fulco de Champagne, Les Adelard et les Widonides 220, 223, 224, 225 8. La famille de Gerberga selon B. Bachrach (1987) 227 file:///C|/Documents and Settings/••••/••• •••••••••/Istfuck/Articles and books/Keats-Rohan. Family trees/files/page_ix.html (1 of 2)29.06.2009 22:55:22 page_ix 9. Les comtes de Gâtinais selon M. Chaume (1925) 232 10. Les comtes de Gâtinais selon O. Guillot (1972) 235 11. Les comtes de Gâtinais selon B. Bachrach (1987) 235 12. Les comtes de Gâtinais 236 13. Les Alberic et les Burchard 238 14. Les Alberic-Burchard-Gaufred-Walthar 241 15. Les Alberic-Burchard-Gaufred-Walthar: hypothèse de travail 244 < previous page page_ix next page > file:///C|/Documents and Settings/••••/••• •••••••••/Istfuck/Articles and books/Keats-Rohan. Family trees/files/page_ix.html (2 of 2)29.06.2009 22:55:22

In recent decades historians have become increasingly aware of the value of prosopography as an auxiliary science standing at the crossroads between anthropology, genealogy, demography and social history. It is now developing as an independent research discipline of real benefit to medievalists. The
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