FALSE MEMORY SYNDROME FOUNDATION NEWSLETTER -- ---! ' . ' '·. JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2003 Vol. 12 No. 1 Dear Friends, in 1993. By and large, these suits seem to be riding in the wake of the avalanche of clergy-abuse cases that have come A new year invites comparisons. In January of 1993, the to light in the past year. The scandal involving clergy abuse country was still trying to make sense of FMS. A large num is based primarily on the inadequate response of the ber of families were being devastated. Legal cases against Catholic Church to reports of abuse of adolescent boys parents abounded with no other evidence than a claim of made at the time, cases in which memory and the facts of recovered repressed memory. Media reports reflected abuse are not an issue. unskeptical belief in the stories of abuse. These abuse sto It remains to be seen how the current crop of "tag ries were constructed on a trauma model: 1) The abuse was along" repressed memory claims will be resolved. On the so traumatic that it led to memory loss (repression, traumat one hand, scientific evidence shows the need for great cau ic amnesia, dissociation). 2) The forgotten memories leaked tion in evaluating claims based solely on recovered memo in some mysterious way and caused symptoms. 3) ry evidence. On the other hand, passions are running high Therapists could tell from the symptoms that a past trauma and, even in the courts, emotion sometimes overwhelms rea had occurred even if the person was unaware of it. 4) son. In the legal section of this issue, for example, you can Therapists had special powers to uncover the memories. 5) read that the Louisiana Supreme Court has opened the door A person would heal after recovering the memories. wide for acceptance of repressed memory cases. As Bob A decade later the climate is changed. Although it is still Herbert recently noted, "when a desire is strong enough it difficult for many to grasp the ease with which almost any can overwhelm such flimsy stuff as facts and truth." IIJ person may come to believe something for which there is no At a recent conference in Boston, Richard McNally, evidence, much is now known about the causes and spread of the FMS phenomenon. Almost all introductory psychol Ph.D., 12! reviewed some of the problems with the trauma model and emphasized the many ways in which research ogy textbooks include a section on false memories. data do not support it. For example, the model assumes the Scholarly articles and media documentaries about false memory will be banished from awareness, but most abused memories are readily available. Only a few new families people remember it. The model assumes that (a) the more contact the FMSF with reports of recent accusations, and traumatic the incident, the more likely it will be forgotten many families are now concerned with reconciliation or and (b) the more frequent the trauma, the easier to forget. exoneration. Yet these two beliefs go against all psychological research. Legal cases based on claims of recovered repressed He noted that the model says that remembering the abuse memories, however, have again exploded all over the coun aids in healing; yet this has never been shown empirically. try. after showing some decline in number since the heyday MeN ally also described new research that seems to bury other beliefs associated with the trauma model. He noted Is this your last newsletter? that Gail Goodman and colleagues l3J have studied 175 sub jects with legally documented abuse as children, and found If you have not responded to our annual letter, we will assume that you no longer wish to receive the printed version of the newsletter. If you have a ques tion about your newsletter, please contact the FMSF office. Call: 215-940-1041 Email: [email protected]. 1955 Locust Street. Philadelphia. PA 19103-5766,215-940-1040, Fox 215-940-1042. www.FMSFonline.org that the more severe the abuse and the older the child was at several cases in Wenatchee. (See Roberson, page 9.) the time of the abuse, the more likely the abuse was to have With awareness about the unacceptable number of false been disclosed. They also found that the relationship of the convictions growing - perhaps because of high-profile child to the abuser was not related to whether or not the mistakes such as the "New York Jogger" case and the more child disclosed the abuse. That result goes against a com than I 00 death-row convictions overturned because of DNA monly uttered belief that people repress memories of abuse evidence - the need for new laws is being discussed. In by a close family member. Massachusetts, legislation has been introduced that would Speaking at the same conference, anthropologist Alan allow wrongly convicted persons to sue the government (see Young, Ph.D.,141 reminded the audience that only a minority page 8). In England, the Mullin Report urges a review of all of people who experience significant trauma go on to devel possible cases of wrongful convictions (see page 3). op PTSD. He provided evidence that PTSD is actually a het Most families long to be exonerated. A note we received erogeneous classification, not a unitary mechanism as most in December captured the anguish, "When I read that there currently assume. may not be a need for FMSF any longer. I am reminded that This issue contains a review of a paper suggesting an we are still 'pariahs' in the eyes of our daughters- and I alternative to the trauma model of child abuse (see page 3). shudder." For the fortunate families in which there is a The trauma model is a "one-size-fits-all" model that pre retraction, parents can feel exonerated. For the rest of our dicts an inevitable course after a child has been abused. A falsely accused families, exoneration is impossible. They "Life Course Perspective" model, however, predicts an indi were never legally charged, so there can be no court review. rect course. It suggests that the impact to the child from There can never be a DNA review because there was never abuse is a function of poor decisions that are made later any crime in the first place. These families will continue to because a child does not have the emotional and cognitive do what they have been doing: Rise above the stigma, and skills needed to manage the sexual ramifications of the work to change the climate surrounding accusations. abuse. This model can account for the fact that not all who Education, education, education. Each person, profes are abused seem to suffer adverse outcomes later in life. sional or family member, whose life has been touched by For the past decade, this newsletter has reported on the false-memory tragedy can help to continue improving research that has thoroughly undennined the foundation of the climate. Continue to educate people with whom you the trauma model of child abuse. Yet, proponents of the come in contact about the tragic consequences when science model cling tenaciously to their beliefs, ignoring the abun and evidence-based therapies are ignored. The alternative to dance of contradictory evidence. On page 6 in this issue, education is a "Legacy of 'Junk Science'" (See page 3.) there is a note about a continuing education program that Thank you for your generous support. promotes discredited notions. "Continuing miseducation" would be a more apt description. There is still, unfortunate I. Herbcrt, B. "That terrible time", New York limes, Dec. 14, 2002. ly, no mechanism within the professions to prevent continu 2. McNal\y, R. "Science and Folklore of Traumatic Amnesia." Talk pre ing miseducation. sented at conference: Expert Testimony and Justice Gone Astray FMS news at the start of 2003 hints that some people Trauma, Memory, and Child Sexual Abuse, Boston University, Nov. I, are initiating efforts to find ways to exonerate people who 2002. 3. Goodman, G., et al.(in press) "A Prospective Study of Memory for have been falsely convicted. Stanley Fisher 151. speaking at Child S!!xual Abusl!: New Findings Relevant to the Repressed/Lost the Boston conference mentioned previously, noted that Memory Controversy," Psychological Science. there is currently no process in our legal system for exoner 4. Young, A. "Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: The Harmony of ating someone and that the stigma of a false accusation and Illusions." Talk presented at conference: Expert Testimony and Justice conviction does not go away. People who have been Gone Astray - Trauma, Memory, and Child Sexual Abuse, Boston University, Nov. I, 2002. released from prison receive freedom, not exoneration. Over 5. Fisher, S. "Wrongful Convictions of Child Sexual Abuse: What Can Be the years, many people released from prison have filed law Done?" Talk presented at conference: Expert Testimony and Justice Gone suits hoping that they might find exoneration. The case of Astray-Trauma, Memory, and Child Sexual Abuse, Boston University. George Franklin on page 8 falls into that category. So do Nov. I, 2002. 0 ...... """"" "Ask an Expert," We extend a very special ''Thank you" to all of the people who help This American Life - June 14, 2002 prepare the FMSF Newsletter. Editorial Support: Toby Feld, Alien About people who tumed to experts and got horrible advice.- Feld, Janet Fetkewicz, Howard Fishman, Peter Freyd, Members of Features the Rutherfords and a retracting therapist. the FMSF Scientific Advisory Board and Members who wish to remain anonymous. Leners and infonnation: Our Readers. www.thislife.org. [email protected] Tapes: "Ask an Expert,"# 215, 6/14/02, $12 . 2 FMS Foundotlon Newsleffer January/February 2003 Vol. 12 No. 1 The Legacy of ••Junk Science" and adult pathology, and they present have a greater number of sexual part data to support it. Their Life Course ners in adulthood. They also are more Elizabeth Loftus, who recently Perspective model contains two key likely to contract sexually transmitted moved from Seattle, WA to Irvine, CA, concepts: The first is "Trajectories" infections. received a letter from a mother in that are the marked pathways through Browning and Laumann suggest Laguna Hills, CA, who wrote that her life: for example, marital or work his that for females, sexual abuse seems to daughter had been estranged from the tories are considered trajectories. The provide access to sexuality in the family for three years. She had accused second, "Transitions," are specific absence of the emotional and cognitive her parents, uncle, and grandmother of events or turning points that are skills needed to manage sexual behav sexual abuse. The accusations were embedded in the trajectories; for exam ior. They note that the sexual script vague, and they came after the daugh ple, a marriage is considered a transi developed during adult-child sex fonns ter had recovered memories with a new tion. the basis on which other sexual experi therapist. The mother said that her The authors observe that "within ences are understood and that it pulls daughter's therapist had come highly the context of a child's unfolding life, these women into sexual trajectories recommended by the Orange county adult-child sexual contact can be seen that pose long-term risks. They suggest therapeutic community. The therapist's as a transition to coupled sexual activ that "the impact of adult-child sex is a name was Holly Ramona. ity with an adult." For a number of rea function, primarily, of the sexual path In case you have forgotten, the sons, adult-child sex may "eroticize" way taken to adulthood - those who Ramona trial in 1994 was the first in the child and make him or her vulnera avoid more active and riskier sexual which a father sued his daughter's ther ble to later sexual experiences that lives are significantly less likely to apist. It is the subject of an excellent result in adverse effects in adulthood. report adverse outcomes later in life." 1997 book about the trial and the The "psychogenic" model leads to The psychogenic, event-centered recovered memory phenomenon: the prediction that the mental condition approach to the long-term effects of Spectral Evidence by Moira Johnston. resulting from adult-child sexual con child abuse implies an inevitability of Holly, the daughter in the case, did not tact directly affects the outcome of the adverse effects; but this model cannot retract her accusations and went on to child's life. The Life Course account for the wide variation in become a therapist. Perspective model, on the other hand, human response to child abuse, includ Wilson. A. "War & remembrance," suggests that the effect is indirect. It ing many instances in which long-term Orange County Register, Nov. 3, 2002. predicts that adult-child sexual contact serious consequences are not observed. 0 increases the likelihood that the child The Life Course Perspective model Sexual Contact Between will engage in potentially harmful sex provides a framework that not only can Children and Adults: ual behavior in adolescence or early explain the wide range of response to A Life Course Perspective adulthood that, in turn, creates adverse child sexual abuse, but can also pro Browning, C.R. & Laumann, E.O. American Sociological Review, August long-term consequences. vide a guide for interventions. It is a The "psychogenic" explanation model that merits further study and 1997. Vol. 62, 540-560 predicts that the more traumatic the consideration. Adult-child sex has been related to sexual experience, the more severe 0 a host of later "symptoms," such as low long-term consequences will be. Notes from England self-esteem, depression, anxiety, and However, the Life Course Perspective Mullin Committee Urges Review of sexual dysfunction. But "why" this looks at the extent to which adult-child Suspected Wrongful Convictions may be the case has not been clear. The sexual contact reinforces a sexual most familiar explanation has been For a number of years, England script that encourages high-risk sexual what the authors of this article call the has had a rash of aallegations of long activity in adolescence. "psychogenic" model, a perspective past sexual abuse occurring in state The authors used data from the that views adult-child sex mostly as a children's homes; the government has National Health and Social Life traumatic event that has consequences offered compensation to the people Survey (1992, University of Chicago). throughout the child's life. This is the who claimed to be victims. Recently, From this large body of data, they ana model associated with Post-Traumatic under the chairmanship of Mr. Chris lyzed responses from 1,749 women. Stress Disorder: The worse the trauma, Mullin, MP, the Home Affairs They found that women who were sex the worse the symptoms. Committee of the House of Commons ually abused are more sexually active Browning and Laumann suggest reviewed the situation and issued a in both adolescence and adulthood; an alternative model to explain the report. A press release dated October they have sex at earlier ages; and they relationship between adult-child sex FMS Foundation NewsleHer January/February 2003 Vbl. 12 No. I 3 30, 2002, highlighted some of the cant witnesses. Memory Society is registered as a observations and recommendations in stakeholder organization, which 2. Given the prejudicial nature of that report. They seem relevant in the the offenses, and the serious evidential enables it to contribute to the process. broader context of false accusations difficulties, we believe there is a The NICE was set up as a Special and false memories. strong case for establishing special Health Authority for England and The report calls for a range of new safeguards for trials in historical child Wales in April 1999. It is part of the safeguards and says that "a new genre abuse cases. Although we reject the National Health Service, and its role is proposal for a statutory time limit, we of miscarriages of justice" has arisen to provide patients, health profession believe that some form of time limita from what it calls "the over-enthusias als, and the public with authoritative tion is necessary. For this reason, we tic pursuit" of abuse allegations in chil and reliable guidance on current "best have recommended that, after a period dren's homes, many relating to inci practice." Organizations that represent of 10 years, prosecutions should pro dents said to have occurred 20 or 30 people whose cases are described in ceed only with the court's permission. years ago. It also says that a large num the guidelines are referred to as ''stake 3. The use of similar allegations, as ber of people who are not charged may holders." evidence to corroborate a charge, is a have had their lives ruined or seriously 0 particularly sensitive issue. However, damaged by unfounded allegations. Note from Denmark given the dangers of prejudice, we Mr. Bob Rullell, MP, commented: believe it is necessary to tighten the About 30 FMS families in "As this inquiry progressed, I rules for excluding such evidence, so Denmark joined the Nordic FMS became increasingly alarmed that that "similar fact" evidence is admit Society FFI. Over the years there have ted only if it bears a striking similarity there are many men in prison who are been five returners and just recently the almost certainly innocent of the seri to the evidence relating to the charged first retractor. She is a 39 year old ous crimes for which they were con offense. woman whose parents have been mem victed. The manner in which evidence 4. The potential for compensation to bers of FFI for many years. Nine years was given to the courts, with several act as an inducement for giving false ago when she was depressed, she went people making near identical allega or exaggerated evidence during inves tions against one individual, helped tigations of this kind, is another area to a charismatic regression-therapist create a climate where the truth was of real concern. To minimize this risk, and soon was emeshed in recovering difficult to determine ... " we have recommended that the work memories - the typical story. Her The Committee noted: "No one ing relationship between personal condition worsened so much that she wishes to minimize the suffering of injury solicitors and the police be believed she was faced with commit victims of abuse or the damage that it guided by a "model relationship," to ting suicide or returning to her parents. can do their lives" but went on to point be drawn up by the Home Office. Fortunately, she decided to do the lat out that in too many cases there was 5. We are conscious of the fact that ter. Just this fall, she returned home to not "evidence of sufficient quality to many of these recommendations are her overjoyed parents. Since then a satisfy the burden of proof." simply closing the door after the horse great deal has happened. Main recommendations in the has bolted. All the more important, •Danish television produced a report: therefore, that the Criminal Cases story about the woman and her family. Review Commission and the appeal They included Swedish FMS expert, I. Few would dispute the claim that court take a robust approach to the Dr. Lena Hellblom Sjogren. child-abuse allegations require careful review of suspected wrongful convic •On November 17, the leading and sensitive investigation. We tions. In the meantime, much can be believe, however, that when those alle done to improve the conduct of future Danish newspaper Politiken described gations relate to long-past events, the investigations and prosecutions. the problems of recovered memory investigation should proceed with cau therapy. (In fact, the reporters for this 0 tion. Although some guidance has article came to Philadelphia and inter a1ready been produced, there remains BFMS Helping Set Guidelines viewed Dr. Harold Lief, a retractor, and a need for a clear set of prescriptive Great Britian's National Institute the FMSF Executive Director.) guidelines governing the conduct of •The Scandinavian Journal of of Clinical Excellence (NICE) has police investigations and subsequent Psychology that anived on November prosecution proceedings. announced that it has commissioned the National Collaborating Center for 29 had its lead article on the subject of In particular, there is an urgent need recovered memories. Mental Health to develop a clinical for the proper recording-either visu guideline on depression in children and •The Finnish newspaper Huvud al or audio-of police interviews of stadbladet interviewed a Danish fami young people. The British False the complainant and of other signifi- ly and had an article about false mem- 4 FMS Foundation Newsletter January/February 2003 Vol. 12 No. 1 ories during the first week of Christopher Lillie won a libel suit him in 2000. December. against Newcastle City Council and Last June, Saskatoon policeman What viewers and readers have were awarded the maximum amount of John Popowich received a $1.3-million seen was a revelation. In the last ten money possible. See FMSF Newsletter settlement in the Martensville case. years Norway has had 15 cases involv Vol. 11, No. 5, for a brief account of (See FMSF Newsletter Vol 11. No. 5.) ing wrongful convictions, all of them their incredible story. Klassen thought this decision might be involving false sexual abuse allega Jennings, L. "Cleared nursery workers taken helpful to his own case but that has not tions. In Norway, such people have the off paedophiles list," Northern Echo (GB). happened. Klassen said that financial right to be compensated and so far $2.5 Dec. 7, 2002. compensation is important in bringing D million has been paid. More cases are his lawsuit, but that his two main Fight to Clear Name pending. Because of this, the objectives are getting an apology and Norwegian government has fonned a On July 10, 1991, in Saskatoon, having a public inquiry. His upcoming committee to prevent false allegations Saskatchewan, the police rounded up trial should provide a public inquiry. from causing havoc. Kari and Richard Klassen along with Warick. J. "Klassens await their day· in court: 11 other people and charged them with D A decade after the child abuse charges. they Nursery Workers Taken OfT molesting three foster children in their are geuing a chance to clear their names," Star Pedophile List care. The couple's six-month-old baby Phoenix (Saskatoon), Nov. 2. 2002. and their two-year-old daughter were D Eight years after they were acquit U.S. Supreme Court Will Review taken away along with their other chil ted by a judge on charges that they had Laws' dren. The three foster children had told ~Megan's molested children in their care at a police that Richard and Kari had Megan's Laws refer to laws that nursery in Newcastle, England, Dawn forced them to eat human eyeballs and require sex offenders to make their Reed and Christopher Lillie have had feces and have sex with animals in whereabouts known, and to find a way their names removed from the govern bizarre satanic rituals. to get that information to the public. ment's pedophile list. There was no satanic cult and no They were instituted during the 1990s Reed and Lillie were originally ritualistic abuse. The foster children after a particularly heinous crime in charged in 1994, but they were acquit have stated recently that they lied to New Jersey. Megan's Laws reflect the ted because of a lack of credible evi investigators and stated that the inves belief that sex. offenders are more like dence. After the trial, however, the tigators knew the truth for a long time. ly to repeat their crimes than are other Newcastle City Council commissioned However, at one point Klassen took a criminals. According to an article in an independent review team to write a plea bargain and served a year in the New York Times, J!l the number of report. That report, issued in 1998, prison because he thought this would people imprisoned for sex crimes from accused Reed and Lillie of being exonerate the other people who had 1980 to 1994 grew at a faster rate than pedophiles. After several years trying been charged. for any other category of violent crime. to clear their names, Reed and Lillie The prosecution finally abandoned The laws have had many constitu discovered that they were still on the the case and Richard Klassen then tional challenges at state levels. Two Department for Education's secret began his fight to clear his name. He Megan's Laws appeals are currently dossier of people who are convicted or noted that the way the charges had before the U.S. Supreme Court and suspected of abusing children. That been disposed of left the impression were argued on November 13. One was meant that even if they had wanted to, that he and the others who had been brought by Alaska in which arguments they could not work with children. In charged were guilty. He started by were based on whether that state's laws fact, the pair have vowed never to work putting up posters in downtown are punitive-121 The other, brought by with children again. Saskatoon and protesting in front of Connecticut, addresses due process Richard Osborne, attorney for the courthouse in an effort to get rid of issues.l31 Lillie and Reed, said that they "felt as the stigma of having been labeled as a I. Greenhouse, L. "States' Listings of Sex if it was an unwarranted accusation child abuser. Klassen also filed a $10- Offenders Raise a Tangle of Legal Issues," which was very much a weight on their million lawsuit for malicious prosecu New York Times, Nov 4, 2002. shoulders. The fact that they have had tion. He has been acting as his own 2. Smjth v. Doe. No. 01-729, U.S. Ct. of App. the humiliation of being on the list lawyer even though he has only a grade gth Cir. shouldn't have happened, and it is seven education. Klassen's fight got a 3. Connecticut Depmt of Public Safety v Doe, something of a great relief to have their big boost when the CBC program Fifth No. 01-1231. names removed." Estate did an in-depth feature about D In July 2002, Dawn Reed and FMS Foundation Newsletter January/February 2003 Vbl. 12 No. 1 5 Continuing Education? A flyer for the following continuing education workshop crossed our desk: "it Wasn't a Dream: Recognizing and Analyzing, in Adult Palients, the Symptoms of Childhood Sexual Abuse: A Workshop led by Robert R. Barry, Ph.D., Saturday, Nov. 23, 2002" "Training Institute for Mental Health Chartered by the Board of Regents of the University of the State of New York, 22 West 21 Street, New York." "The most careful and well conducted psychoanalyses and psychotherapies may fail to uncover traumatic sexual abuse that i§ .!U the heart Qf the patjent's difficulties. Rarely do memories of abuse occur clearly anQ directly. Instead they are reproduced as symp toms, mental distortions. or reenactments ..." * (Emphasis added] "Or. Barry is a training analyst at the Training Institute for Mental Health, also at the New York Freudian Society and NPAP. He is a Fellow and Past President of the Council of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapists and a member of the International Psychoanalytical Association." Obviously Dr Barry has not read what the professional organizations have said about "symptoms" as signs of abuse. Continuing "miseducation" might be a better description for this workshop. 0 Professional Organizations' Comments on Symptoms as Indicators of Past Abuse "No specific unique symptom profile has been identified that necessarily correlates with abuse experiences." American Psychiatric Association Positiol! Statement on Therapies Focused on Memories of Childhood Physical and Sexual Abuse, Approved 2000. "There is no single set of symptoms which automatically indicates that a person was a victim of childhood abuse. There have been media reports of therapists who state that people (particularly women) with a particular set of problems or symptoms must have been victims of childhood sexual abuse. There is no scientific evidence that supports this con clusion." American Psychological Association. Questions and Answers about Memories of Childhood Abuse, 1995. "Psychologists recognize that there is no constellation of symptoms which is diagnostic of child sexual abuse." Canadian Psychological Association, Position Sratemel!t 011 Adult Recovered Memories of Childhood Sex110/ Abuse. 1996. "Previous sexual abuse in the absence of memories of these events cannot be diagnosed through a checklist of symp toms." Royal College of Psychiatrists, Reported Recovered Memories of Sexual Abuse, 1997. (UK) 0 Are Evidence·B ased Psychological Interventions Practiced by Clinicians in the Field? Sanderson, W.C. Medscape Mental Health 7(1), 2002. Reprinted from Mar/Apr 2002 FMSF Newsletter Vol 11 No. 2 The author notes that even though there are now many evidence-based treatments (EBT) for specific psychiatric dis orders and even though these are recommended for use by professional organizations, practitioners typically do not use them. Sanderson uses treatment for panic disorder as an example. In a previous study the author found that only 15% to 38% of patients with this condition received an evidence-based psychological intervention. Even more disturbing is that an identical study done 5 years later showed that the use of EBT treatment had declined for this disorder. Why don't therapists use therapies that have been shown to be safe and effective? Sanderson suggests that (I) they do not have the skill to administer these treatments; (2) continuing-education programs do not require training in EBTs and (3) many clinicians have a negative bias toward them. (emphasis added) The author concludes that the failure to adopt evidence-based therapies may have a "disastrous impact on the viabil ity of psychotherapy as the healthcare system evolves." 0 6 FMS Foundation NewSletter January/February 2003 Vol. 12 No. I I' Archdiocese of New Orleans et al. L E G Gyan, J. "Man to get hearing in abuse case," The Advocate, Nov. \3, 2002. "Lawsuit against priest cleared for trial," Associated Press Wire Service, Nov. 13,2002. FMSF Staff Nolan, B. "Suit charging priest with sex abuse OK'd; Man says he repressed memories for years." 1imes-Picayu11e, May \I, 2002. Louisiana Supreme Court Opens Door for Repressed Rom, L. "A ruling in the case of John Doe v Father Gerald Prim: sets a Memory Cases state precedent in the controversial use of recovered memory," The Times Doe v. Archdiocese of New Orleans ofA cadiana, May 28, 2002. 2001-0739 (La. App. 4 Cir, 5/8/02) 0 2002 La. App. LEXIS 1757 In 1995, John Doe filed a civil suit alleging that Gerald Comments on Doe v. Archdiocese of New Orleans A. Prinz, a former Roman Catholic priest, had sexually Appeal Decision, May 2002 r rr abused him. Doe alleged that he had only recently recovered "Judicial skepticism is something that seems to very often the memories of this abuse by Father Prinz when he was go out the window in these cases." nine years old in 1973 in New Orleans and later in 1978 in Tana Dineen, Ph.D. St. Louis. The plaintiff sued not only Prinz but also the Author. Manufacturing Victims Roman Catholic Church in New Orleans and in St. Louis. At the recommendation of his lawyer, John Doe was "How do you disprove or prove that somebody influenced examined by Edward H. Shwery, Ph.D., to determine a child 10, 15 years after the fact ... or did not? How do whether Dr. Shwery thought that this was a legitimate case you sort out what you experienced yourself from other of abuse, amnesia, and memory recovery. Dr. Shwery stated people's perceptions that may have shaped your recollec in depositions and testimony that he believed that the plain tions? Basically, I think this is a new type of spectral evi tiff was abused, that the plaintiff had repressed the memo dence." Peter Scharf, Director of the Center for Society, Law, and ries of it, and that the plaintiff had accurately recovered Justice at the University of New Orleans those memories in 1994. The only corroborating evidence in the case is that Doe's parents could place him at the rectory "All of the medical associations have said the same thing when the. molestations allegedly occurred on Easter week -that in the absence of external corroboration, there's no end in 1973. way to know the truth or the falsity of any memory. People Church attorneys tried to have Dr. Shwery's testimony recover memories all the time. They recover things that excluded as unreliable and not scientific. However, the trial are historically accurate, and they very frequently have court judge ruled that the psychologist's methods had met what seem to be memories that are not historically accu minimum legal tests. Church lawyers appealed this deci rate." sion, arguing that the trial court had failed to subject the Pamela Freyd, Ph.D. general theory of repressed memory to a process of full sci Executive Director, FMS Foundation entific scrutiny and thus had failed in its gatekeeping func "If these Catholic cases start hinging on repressed memo tion. They argued that the trial court had erred in finding that ry, then we're going to see a new rash of cases brought the general concept of repressed memory is reliable and in against the Church." not excluding Dr. Shwery's general opinions regarding Elizabeth Loftus. Ph.D., Distinguished Professor, repressed memory. University of California, 1rvine In May 2002, a three-judge panel of the state's 4th I. Rom, L. "A ruling in the case of John Doe 1'. Father Gerald Prinz sets Circuit Court of Appeal in New Orleans upheld the trial a state precedent in the controversial use of recovered memory," Tire judge's decision that Doe's memories were authentic and Times ofA mdiana, May 28, 2002. had been repressed for years. The church attorneys then appealed to the Louisiana Supreme Court, which refused to consider the case. This means that the John Doe case can now go to trial. "We know ... that the longer the period of time that elaps Dwight C. Paulsen Ill, David E. Redmann, Jr., and es, the greater the inaccuracy of memory and the more vul Terrance A. Prout of New Orleans represented the defen nerable that memory is to suggestion." dants. Jill Trahan and Mike Gertler of New Orleans repre Don Thomson, quoted in Osbome, P., Australian Assoc. Press, sented the plaintiff. Dec., 12, 2002. Church Defendant~' Application for Supervisory Writs, No. 202-C, .QQ!:: FMS Foundation Newsletter January/February 2003 Vol. 12 No. 1 7 Court Rules George Franklin May to Richard Diestel of San Francisco, statute of limitations to refile. It does Not Sue Police and Attorneys the attorney for Eileen Franklin not seem to have a bearing on cases of Franklin v. Fox No.Ol-15052 U.S. App Lipsker, Franklin's daughter, "there interest to the FMSF. In California, a 9th Cir. 2002 U.S. App. LEXIS 24254, will be additional discovery undertak lawsuit for recovery of damages from Nov. 27, 2002, Filed. en as to the issue of whether in fact childhood sexual abuse must be George Franklin committed the murder brought within 8 years of the date the After a highly publicized trial in of Susan Nason." plaintiff reaches the age of majority or 1990, George Franklin was convicted Dennis P. Riordan of San within 3 years of the date the plaintiff of the 1969 murder of his daughter's Francisco and Andrew C. Schwartz of discovers that the psychological injury childhood friend, Susan Nason. The Walnut Creek, CA, represented George or illness occurring after the age of only evidence in the trial was Franklin. majority was caused by sexual abuse. Franklin's daughter's memories that Richman, J. "Court blocks suit in county The new exception to the law states she had recovered with the help of a repressed memory case," San Matea County that the current statutes of limitations therapist and hypnosis. The Franklin Times, Nov. 28, 2002. do not apply case was the nation's first murder con 0 viction based on repressed memory, Proposed Massachusetts Law "if the person or entity knew or had and it inspired similar prosecutions, Would Help Wrongfully Imprisoned reason to know, or was otherwise on notice, of any unlawful sexual conduct books, documentaries, and a TV 2002 Massachusetts HB 5199 by an employee, volunteer, representa movie. The Massachusetts House of tive, or agent, and failed to take rea After serving six years of a life Representatives is considering a pro sonable sleps, and to implement rea sentence, Franklin was released in sonable safeguards, to avoid acts of posed law that would allow people 1995 because of errors in his state unlawful sexual conduct in the future who have been wrongfully imprisoned court trial. Although a new trial was by that person, including, but not lim the right to get compensation from the ordered for Franklin, San Mateo ited to, preventing or avoiding place Commonwealth. County District Attorney James Fox ment of that person in a function or declined to retry him, letting him go The drafters of the proposed legis~ environment in which contact with a lation noted that "innocent persons free. child is an inherent part of that func who have been wrongly convicted of tion or environment. For purposes of Soon after his release, Franklin crimes and subsequently imprisoned this subdivision, providing or requir filed a civil suit in federal district court have difficulty achieving legal redress ing counseling is not sufficient, in and alleging that his daughter conspired because of a variety of substantive and of itself, to constitute a reasonable with detectives to arrest him without step or reasonable safeguard." technical obstacles in state law." They probable cause. He also claimed that wrote that the "criminal justice appara I. 2002 Cal ALS 149: 2002 Cal SB 1779; Stats his daughter conspired with the assis 2002 eh 149. tus has seriously failed when an inno tant district attorney and a jail official Goodstein, L. "California Dioceses Brace for cent person is convicted and incarcer~ to violate his rights. The district court New Abuse Suits as Law Allows Litigation of ated." The law would pennit a person granted summary judgment for the dis Old Cases," New York Times, Dec. 6, 2002. who was wrongfully convicted and trict attorney, detectives, and a jail offi 0 who has demonstrated that he or she cial, because they met the criteria for did not commit the crime to make a "Research on false memories qualified immunity in that they reason claim against the Commonwealth. shows how easy it is to implant ably could have believed his daughter The Massachusetts House memories of things that never hap at the time. The judges said that no evi Committee on Public Safety has rec~ pened, while studies on perception dence of a conspiracy had been pre ommended that the bill be passed. show that we regularly fail to see sented. The district court did not grant what is there in front of our eyes - summary judgment to the claims 0 California Waives Statute of a truth that keeps stage magicians in against Franklin's daughter. On Limitations for Sexual Abuse work. Under the influence of drugs, November 27, 2002, the Ninth Circuit Lawsuits Against Organizations sleep and disease, the brain can con Court of Appeals agreed with the dis jure up a range of visions to rival trict court's decisions. In July 2002, the Governor of anything found at Hogwarts." Still pending are allegations that California approved a bill I 11 waiving Bume, J., "Hogwash, genealogy: a the daughter conspired with her thera the statute of limitations in civil sexual muggle's guide: Is there any use in pist to concoct the damaging abuse cases for the year 2003 only, to explaining how magic works?" repressed-memory testimony. There is allow people whose lawsuits were pre Financial Times (London) no trial date set in that case. According viously dismissed on the grounds of Dec. 14, 2002. 8 FMS Foundation Newslette1 Janua!Y/February 2003 Vol. 12 No. 1 Wenatchee Update: Excerpts from FMSF Newsletter, Vol. 7 No. 6, July/Aug. 1998, About the Reinstated Case Roberson Suit Reinstated Wenatchee Civil Rights Case Sent to the Jury On October 30, 2002, Spokane Rodriguez. et al. 1'. Perez. et al. Superior Ct., Chelan Co., Washington. No. 96-2-00704-2. County Superior Court Judge Michael The primary plaintiffs in the $60 million civil lawsuit allege their rights were violated when E. Donohue reinstated the civil rights they were accused of child rape and molestation in a 1994-95 sex-ring investigation. The defen dants in the case are the city ofWenatchee and two city police officials, including Roben Perez, lawsuit brought by Pastor Robert the lead detective in the case; the state of Washington and Child Protective Services; and Douglas Roberson and his wife, Jonathan and County and three representatives of its Sheriff's Department. Honnah Sims, and Donna Rodriguez On June I, Judge Michael Donahue denied all motions from the City of Wenatchee to dis against the city of Wenatchee, WA. miss claims against it, ruling that the city was given enough notice of problems with its child sex ring investigations that its failure to address them may be evidence that it violated the civil rights The judge said that key files concern of those accused. The judge also let stand civil-rights claims against three members of the ing Wenatchee police detective Bob Douglas County Sheriff's Department but threw out a defamation claim against Douglas County. Perez had never been turned over to In an I l-page ruling made just prior to defendants' presentation of their case, Judge Donahue the lawyers for the plaintiffs. He said ruled there was evidence that Perez both coerced witnesses to make accusations and retaliated that the lawyers for Wenatchee had against critics. The judge said the evidence could show the city's responsibility went to "the highest poli "blindsided and misled the plaintiffs" cy-making levels" when it allowed Perez. its lead sex-abuse investigator, to function in "a con and also the court. He said that flict of interest" by "acting at the same time as foster father of the primary complaining witness ... Wenatchee was liable for all legal fees When faced with a conflict of interest, Wenatchee defendants had the power to do something incurred by the plaintiffs in pursuing about it. The Wenatchee defendants made a conscious decision to permit that circumstance to continue." the case. The rulings on the civil-rights claims are significant because those claims allow jurors to In I 994 and 1995, Wenatchee award big-money punitive damages if they find authorities trampled the plaintiffs' rights. received national attention for what Late in May, the judge dismissed four state Department of Social and Health Services was then said to be the nation's most employees and a private counselor from the trial. All five will be tried in a separate trial on sim extensive child sex-abuse investiga ilar claims. Plaintiffs argue that Andrews used recovered memory therapy in treating several of the children, including a girl who was one of the chief accusers in the investigation. tion. Sixty adults were arrested and The defense surprised the courtroom when it rested its case on June 4, after calling 14 wit charged with 29,726 counts of child nesses over a span of 5 days. In opening arguments at the trial, Pat McMahon had told jurors he sex abuse involving 43 children. would prove with medical evidence that the children were raped and molested in the Wenatchee Higher courts have now freed all area by plaintiffs. The defense did not, however, call any of the physicians who had performed colposcopic exams of seven girls. McMahon said he only needed to prove "probable cause." of the 18 people who had been con The plaintiffs, meanwhile, had emphasized themes of negligence and constitutional rights victed. The Innocence Project at the violations by authorities, particularly evidence so tainted that the accused could not fairly con University of Washington Law School front their accusers. Detective Perez's name came up often in testimony. was deeply involved with this work. A former social worker who said he was fired for criticizing the investigation testified that Many of the accused were poor, devel Perez wa..<> abrasive and threatening when he questioned people. Once in 1994, Perez placed his gun on a table as he repeatedly told a third-grader that she wouldn't be allowed to go back to opmentally disabled and illiterate. school until she told him about abuse. "She was very scared, and she started to cry." he said. According to news reports, files in The jury heard from the oldest brother of two of Perez's foster daughters. The boy said his another fanner defendant's civil law sisters probably made up their accusations under pressure from Perez and other authorities suit against Wenatchee indicated that "because I felt pressure when I was in an interview, and so I believe they could have been pres sured." One of the boy's younger sisters, now 15, implicated dozens of people in the sex-abuse Wenatchee Police Department officials probe and was the foster daughter of Perez. In 1996 she recanted the allegations, saying she had at the time were concerned about been pressured by Perez into making them. She was then taken into state custody and placed in Perez's emotional stability and his fit a series of group homes and psychiatric hospitals. In June 1998. the defense argued that she was ness for duty. too ill to testify at the civil trial. A deposition was taken on Feb. 19. 1998, in which the girl Robert Van Siclen, the attorney claimed she recanted because Pastor Roberson threatened to kill her- but said she couldn't remember the words Roberson used to threaten her or how he did it. The jury viewed the 1996 representing Robersun, tuld video tape recantation and heard the 1998 deposition. Wenatchee reporters that "The people The biological parents of two foster children in Perez's home confessed to sexual abuse dur running your city should be ashamed ing the scandal, but their mother-who is illiterate, with an IQ of 68 -told the civil jury she of what they've done to these people." confessed only because "I was scared and I didn't know what to do." She said Perez told her "if I would tell him something, he would let me go- he wouldn't put me in jail." A veteran Barber, M. "Suit against Wenatcbee in sex Wenatchee police sergeant who was assigned to assist detective Perez testified about implausi cases reinstated," Seaule Post-lntelligencer, ble details he documented in his repons of interviews the two had conducted. Perez had habitu Nov. I, 2002. ally destroyed not only his notes of interviews but also the notes of other officials. The sergeant's Smith. L. "Judge reinstates 'sex ring' lawsuit; notes survived and contradicted some points in Perez' reports. DonohLJe: City's defense lawyers misled the Elizabeth Loftus, a psychologist at the University of California, lrvine, testified that author plaintiffs and the court," Wenarchee World, ities in Wenatcbee should have been more skcptical. "The sheer number of rapes and sodomies Nov. 1, 2002. going on for so many years while nobody noticed. you'd think would have raised a red flag in D someone's mind." FMS Foundat#on Newsletter January/February 2003 Vol. 12 No. 1 9 about all kinds of things- as if noth~ BCSW. In the second year of therapy, ing had happened. The point is that he said that I had a dissociative disor~ necessary, unavoidable circumstances der" and that I was "fragmented." I had made us be together. never heard these tenns before. He After Fourteen Years Since my wife has become totally stated point blank: "You were abused." The FMSF staff has done a won~ unable to handle household matters I thought this was odd because my par~ derfuljob. You are indeed a solid back~ and our finances, my daughter and I ents never hit me or touched me inap~ bone and treasure beyond words in the have been working very closely at least propriately, or drank, or anything. He lives of those who are near complete once a week. She has been truly won~ asked me how many times a week my darkness and loss of hope. Your delful in handling things. Since I'm parents talked to their parents, and said Foundation was our only ray of hope acutely aware of her limited time and that once a week was normal. Since that no one else was able to offer. energy, our dealings have been mainly they didn't talk once a week, that After approximately 14 years, our business, but very open and cordial. meant that they were estranged from daughter did return on her own. Now The "problem" has never come up, so I their family. He said that my mother we are once again a family. This was have no idea how deeply her new view had emotionally crippled me in order beyond our dreams at one time. She of me goes or if she's actually come to to keep me living at home. doesn't talk about what happened, and separate fact from fantasy. But she is Things got worse in the third year. we don't pry; we are just delighted to definitely a returner. Keep in mind that I had experienced have her back. I do believe she wants A dad emotional problems all my life; I was to talk about it but is not quite ready; 0 so tired of being sick that I was willing that can wait. Here It Is to do anything to get better. The thera~ She is back on track in real life. pist said that I had multiple personality I didn't think I would address this She bought a small house for herself disorder (MPD) and instructed me to news to you ever-but here it is. Two and has a job in her field. She is taking "map" my "system" and to refer to weeks ago my son called and suggest~ responsibility for herself and all her myself as "we." He told me to read ed that I call my daughter. Since I had present undertakings. Uncovering the Mysteries of MPD by not had any contact with her for years Please continue to work, even if it James Friessen. I was told I had to get after she demanded an apology for var~ is only to save one more child of God. worse before I could get better. ious misdemeanors and threatened her I am sure He will reward you. I had always been a hard worker, mother and me, I hesitated; but my son Grateful and happy mother and I threw myself into MPD culture. I was quite insistent, and so I called. 0 read everything I could get my hands She seemed instantly overjoyed Circumstances Made Us Be on. I went to therapy twice a week in and thanked me profusely for taking Together addition to group therapy. MPD cui~ the initiative. We have since talked ture became my whole life. If I said Part of my reason for not writing with her and the grandchildren many that it didn't make sense, I was assured sooner has been the increasingly corn~ times, and we maintain e~mail contact. that it was just my "denial" alter trying plicated and time~consuming details However, we still have not met in per~ relative to my wife's great mental and son, and I am quite anxious about an One Parent In Touch physical deterioration because of her eye~to~eye meeting. We are in the process of forming a Parkinson's. Caring for her is a 24~ Our sincere thanks for your support. group for those families where only hour matter. I've been going down hill A happy dad one parent is in touch with the accuser. a lot physically, too, unfortunately. 0 The aim is for these families to share Last summer I saw my daughter Excepts from experiences and advice by or e~mail briefly when she brought her mom Susan's Story mail. Any such family anywhere in [Complete story can be found at back from an appointment. It had been the world may join. www.StopBadTherapy.com] some nine years since I'd seen her. A To participate send your name, few weeks later, after bringing her When I was in my mid~twenties, I address, phone number., and e~mail mom home, I heard her voice, since we began long~term therapy for depres~ address (if you have one) to: were in close proximity. Her mom was sion. I was working in a Civil Service OPIT, Illinois-Wisconsin FMS giving her some heirloom plates. Then position and doing quite well except Society, P.O. Box 3332, Joliet, IL a few weeks later, during her mom's that I was in an abusive relationship. I 60434 or e~mail pre~surgery exam, my daughter and I went to a Christian therapist who had a president@ IllinoisFMS.org had a long chat out in the waiting room Larry Koszewski, President, lWFMSS TO FMS Foundation Newstettet January/February 2003 Vol. 12 No. 1