OUTP-11-50-P Extending the CRESST-II commissioning run limits to lower masses Andrew Brown,1,∗ Sam Henry,1 Hans Kraus,1 and Christopher McCabe2 1Department of Physics, University of Oxford, Keble Road, Oxford OX1 3RH, UK 2Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, University of Oxford, 1 Keble Road, Oxford OX1 3NP, UK (Dated: January 24, 2012) Motivated by the recent interest in light WIMPs of mass ∼O(10GeV/c2), an extension of the elastic, spin-independent WIMP-nucleon cross-section limits resulting from the CRESST-II com- missioning run (2007) are presented. Previously, these data were used to set cross-section limits from 1000GeV/c2 down to ∼17GeV/c2, using tungsten recoils, in 47.9 kg-days of exposure of cal- cium tungstate. Here, the overlap of the oxygen and calcium bands with the acceptance region of the commissioning run data set is reconstructed using previously published quenching factors. The 2 resulting elastic WIMP cross-section limits, accounting for the additional exposure of oxygen and 1 calcium, are presented down to 5GeV/c2. 0 2 3 Jan Among the oIu.tstIaNnTdiRngODpUroCblTemIOsNin astro-particle Light yield00..34 ATCATCuuccaannccllccggeeiissuuppttmmtteeaann nn11 cc11sseess rreeggiioonn ooff [[22]] 2 physics is to identify the non-baryonic dark matter that OOxxyyggeenn 11ss makesup∼80%ofthematterintheUniverse[1]. Awell- 0.2 ] motivated class of dark matter candidates are Weakly O Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs), which may be 0.1 C directly detected via their elastic scattering with nuclei h. in terrestrial detectors. 0 In the CRESST-II commissioning run of 2007 [2], lim- p its on elastic, spin-independent, WIMP-nucleon cross- - o sections for WIMP masses from 1000GeV/c2 down to -0.1 tr ∼17GeV/c2 were presented. However, light WIMPs, as with a mass ∼O(10GeV/c2) have been suggested as -0.20 10 20 30 40 50 Energy [keV] [ a possible interpretation to the experimental results of DAMA, CoGeNT and CRESST-II (2011) [3–5]. At the 2 FIG. 1: Acceptance region and nuclear recoil band diagram same time, several other experiments [6–11] partially or v for Zora/SOS23. The black line indicates the light yield 9 completely exclude the light WIMP interpretations of (L /E)limitfortheacceptanceregionin[2],andthevertical γ 8 [3–5]. Therefore, it is of interest to see how data from dashed lines the acceptance region’s lower and upper energy 5 the commissioning run compare to these results when thresholds. 1σregionsforobservingrecoilingoxygen(green), 2 extended to examine such light WIMP scenarios. calcium (red) and tungsten (blue) nuclei are indicated, using 9. light detector resolution parameters in Table I and quench- 0 ing factors from [13]. A similar diagram may be drawn for 1 Verena/SOS21. II. INCLUDING OXYGEN AND CALCIUM 1 : v The CRESST-II commissioning run data set [2] con- i tron recoils, produce more light than nuclear recoils. By X sists of 47.9 kg-days exposure of calcium tungstate r (CaWO4),takenbetweenthe27th ofMarchandthe23rd convention the light produced per unit energy (the ‘light a ofJuly,2007. Thedatawereobtainedfromtwoindepen- yield’) of electron recoils Lγ/E, is calibrated to those of gamma interactions at 122.06keV, which is normalised dent modules, labelled by their phonon detector / light to a value of one. Nuclear recoils see a reduction in light detector names: “Zora/SOS23” and “Verena/SOS21”, compared to electron recoils, quantified by a quenching collecting 23.8 and 24.1 kg-days respectively [12]. factor, Q , dependent upon the species i of recoiling nu- In CRESST-II, the phonon detector is used to mea- i cleus. sureenergyandthelightdetectortodistinguishbetween event types, as different types of interaction in CaWO The limits of [2] resulted from assuming all recoils 4 producedifferentamountsoflight, relativetotheenergy in the acceptance region, the region in which WIMP- deposited. Gamma and beta interactions, causing elec- nucleon interactions are searched for, were from tung- sten alone. However, due to the effects of a finite light detector resolution, recoils from both calcium and oxy- gen may also be seen within the same acceptance re- ∗Electronicaddress: [email protected] gion. This effect is illustrated in Figure 1. The addi- 2 Parameter Zora/SOS23 Verena/SOS21 n 1 o σ0(keV) 0.784 1.508 gi e σ1(keV12) 1.064 0.610 e r0.8 c σ2 0.192 0.154 an pt P0(keV) 0.56 0.11 ce0.6 c P 0.0040 0.0065 a 1 h wit p 0.4 a TABLEI:Resolutionvaluesusedinthiswork. σ0,σ1 andσ2 erl are light detector resolution parameters determined from [2], v Tungsten in [2] O usingthemethodoutlinedinAppendixA.P0 andP1 arethe 0.2 Tungsten Calcium phonon energy resolution parameters from [14]. Oxygen 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Energy [keV] tional exposure provided by the parts of calcium and oxygen bands that fall within the acceptance region can FIG. 2: Estimates of the fraction of recoils of a given target strengthen cross-section limits for light WIMPs, with nucleusthatfallwithintheacceptanceregionforZora/SOS23 mass ∼O(10GeV/c2). In [2], the acceptance region was in [2] as a function of energy. Oxygen is shown by green chosensothattungstenrecoilswouldhavebeenseenwith diamonds,calciumbyredcrossesandtungstenbybluecircles, minimalelectronrecoilbandoverlap. Inenergy, thiswas withblackshowingtheinitialassumptionof90%oftungsten between 10 and 40keV. In light yield, the upper limit recoils falling within the acceptance region. Vertical dashed was set so that 90% of tungsten recoils would occur in lines at 10 and 40 keV indicate acceptance region limits in theacceptanceregion. Here,weusethissameacceptance recoil energy. region, so that we do not introduce non-blind elements into the analysis. To consider oxygen and calcium recoils in this region, for calcium and 3.91+0.478% for tungsten.1 It should be −0.430 thefractionofeachnuclearspecies’recoilsthatfallwithin notedthatthemorerecentmeasurementsoflightoutput the acceptance region must be estimated. This requires fortungstenrecoilsinCaWO in[13]arehigherthanthe 4 severalpiecesofinformation. Thefirstisthelightdetec- 2.5%usedin[2]. Thismeansthattheamountoflightfor tor resolution of the observed electron recoil band, as a tungstenrecoilsisonaveragehigherthanthatwhichwas function of energy. This resolution is expressed as: expectedin[2], causinglessthantheexpected90%ofall tungsten recoils to fall within the acceptance region, as σ2(E)=σ2+σ2E+σ2E2, (1) can be seen in Figure 2 for Zora/SOS23. γ 0 1 2 One last piece of information would be required for a where E is the energy in the phonon channel. The reso- complete description of detected light. This is the small lutionoftheelectronrecoilbanddependsonthreeterms: deviation of observed light in the electron recoil band σ , reflecting electronic noise; σ , related to the Poisson from the normalisation of one unit of light per unit en- 0 1 distributionoftheexpectednumberofdetectedphotons; ergy. Two effects can cause this deviation: the depen- andσ ,incorporatingpositiondependenceandotherpos- dence of light yield on energy in inorganic scintillators 2 sible effects seen in CRESST-II light detectors. [15], and an overall calibration error. Such adjustments as used in the analysis of [2] are unavailable, although it An additional piece of information needed is the res- isstatedin[2]thatthelightyieldisalwaysnearthenor- olution of each quenched band. At energy E, events in malisation of one. Here we use the approximation that the quenched band produce an average amount of light themeanelectronrecoillightyieldisoneeverywhere. In L (E) = Q L (E). The resolution of a quenched band Qi i γ an independent analysis of the commissioning run data is assumed to be equal to the resolution of the electron recoil band at energy E(cid:48), where L (E) = L (E(cid:48)). The [14], the electron recoil band behaviour and light detec- Qi γ tor resolution were parameterised, with results repeated exact light detector resolutions used in [2] are unavail- inAppendixB.Asacheckonourresults,wealsoconsid- able. However, these resolutions may be obtained by ered the resulting WIMP cross-section limits with these fitting to the acceptance region figures in [2], using the parameters. They are consistent with those presented methodoutlinedinAppendixA.Theselightdetectorres- here to within a few percent. olutions are given in Table I. Separately, the energy res- olution of the phonon detector was modelled in [14] by ∆E =P +P E, with energy resolution parameters also 0 1 shown in Table I. 1 Anoxygenquenchingfactorof10.4+0.5%wasusedin[5]. Limits The next piece of information is the quenching factor −0.5 calculatedusingthisquenchingfactorareslightlystrongerthan of each target nucleus. For this, the measurements in thosepresentedhere,aresultofalargerfractionofoxygenrecoils [13] are used, with 11.09+0.909% for oxygen, 6.38+0.619% beingobservablewithintheacceptanceregion. −0.908 −0.653 3 pb] 10-1 ATulln rgesctoeinls pb] n [10-2 Calcium n [10-4 ctio Oxygen ctio (CloDwM Sen I.I) e e s-s10-3 s-s10-5 s s o o Cr10-4 Cr (XSE2N oOnNly1)0 Extended 10-6 CRESST-II (2007) 10-5 10-7 C(2R0E1S1)S 2Ts-II CDMS II 10-6 CoGeNT 90% 10-8 DAMA 90% XENON100 10-7 10 102 103 5 10 20 50 100 WIMP mass [GeV/c2] WIMP mass [GeV/c2] FIG. 3: 90% confidence limits on elastic, spin-independent, FIG. 4: The combined 90% confidence limit on the elastic, WIMP-nucleon cross-sections from data in [2], considering spin-independent WIMP-nucleon cross-section from extend- all possible nuclear recoils within the acceptance region. ing the analysis of commissioning run data to lower WIMP The green dashed-dotted, red dashed and light-blue dotted masses (solid blue). For comparison, the favoured regions lines result from considering WIMP interactions with oxy- from DAMA, derived from [3], CoGeNT [4] and CRESST- gen, calcium and tungsten individually, and the solid blue II (2011) [5] are shown. Also shown are WIMP cross- line the total rate. The WIMP halo properties used are section limits from, CDMS II [6], CDMS II (low energy) [7], ρ = 0.3GeV/cm3, v = 544km/s, v = 220km/s and XENON100 [8] and XENON10 (S2 only) [9]. DM esc 0 v = 232km/s. Resolutions from Table I and quenching sun factors from [13] were used to derive these limits. well modelled by considering interactions from tungsten alone. At lower masses, calcium, then oxygen recoils be- With these pieces of information, the fraction of re- come dominant, such that below ∼7GeV/c2, nearly all coiling nuclei from each constituent of CaWO that falls 4 WIMP-nucleon interactions in the acceptance region are within the acceptance region of [2] can be estimated, as with oxygen nuclei. Considering all possible nuclear re- showninFigure2forZora/SOS23. Withthesefractions, coils then provides a significant strengthening of cross- the interaction rate of WIMPs with oxygen and calcium sectionlimitsatlowmassescomparedtotungstenalone. in the commissioning run acceptance region may now be In Figure 4, a comparison of the combined limit is calculated. Herewefollowamethodanalogoustothatin made to the elastic WIMP interpretation of other ex- [2]. The elastic, spin-independent WIMP-nucleon inter- periments [3–9]. The CoGeNT, CRESST-II (2011) and actionratesarecalculatedfollowing[16], usingtheHelm DAMAresultswerealreadyintensionwiththeresultsof form factor parameterisation as suggested in [17]. The XENON100,XENON10(S2only),CDMSII,andCDMS total rate expected from all target nuclei is then: II (low energy). The extended CRESST-II commission- ingrunlimitsintroducefurthermildtensionwithDAMA dR dR dR dR dETot =AW dEW +ACa dECa +AO dEO , (2) and CRESST-II (2011). As the commissioning run and CRESST-II (2011) re- for the fractions Ai of each species’ nuclear recoils that sults are with the same target nuclei with similar en- may be seen in the acceptance region. This rate is con- ergy thresholds, it is difficult to reduce this mild tension volved with the observed phonon energy resolution, ∆E, by choosing different astrophysical parameters or parti- as described in [17]. clephysicsmodels. However, itshouldbenotedthatthe CRESST-II commissioning run and CRESST-II (2011) run do not use the same acceptance region definitions. III. RESULTS In thiswork, we have used the acceptanceregion defined in the original commissioning run analysis. While this Three events are observed in [2], at 16.89keV, ensures that we have not introduced non-blind elements 18.03keV and 33.09keV. The Maximum Gap method into the analysis, this region has not been optimised for [18] is used to calculate the resulting elastic, spin- lightmassWIMPdiscovery. Anadditionaldifferencebe- independent, WIMP-nucleon cross-section limits. The tween runs is the design of clamps in direct contact with results are shown in Figure 3. The extended 90% confi- thetargetcrystals,whichasnotedin[5]introducedaddi- dencelimitimprovessensitivitytolowmassWIMPswith tional backgrounds into the CRESST-II (2011) data set. commissioningrundata. InteractionswithWIMPsheav- Since the commissioning run live-time is much smaller ier than ∼17GeV/c2 in the acceptance region are dom- than in the CRESST-II (2011) run, repeating the com- inated by tungsten recoils, and the cross-section limit is missioning run experimental conditions for a longer pe- 4 riod would allow stronger conclusions to be drawn. oxygen quenching factor, given as ∼11.1% in the text of [2]isallowedtovaryinthefit. Avalueof11.0%isfound from fitting to both modules’ acceptance regions. IV. CONCLUSIONS The WIMP cross-section limits for the 47.9 kg-days Appendix B: Alternative light detector resolutions exposure of CaWO in the CRESST-II commissioning 4 run [2] have been extended down to a WIMP mass of In [14], the electron recoil behaviour was modelled by: 5GeV/c2. Our analysis has accounted for possible oxy- gen and calcium recoils within the commissioning run L (E)= l1E , (B1) acceptance region, using light and phonon detector reso- γ 1+e−leE lutions in Table I and quenching factors from [13]. The giving electron recoil band behaviour parameters improvementofcross-sectionlimitsatlightmassesoccurs and light detector resolutions for Zora/SOS23: because recoiling oxygen and calcium nuclei dominate over tungsten recoiling nuclei for light WIMPs. Extend- Parameter Zora/SOS23 ing the commissioning run limits results in mild tension l 1.068±0.003 with the recent CRESST-II [5] and DAMA [3] results. 1 l (keV−1) 0.180±0.007 e σ (keV) 1.1±0.3 0 Acknowledgments 1 σ1(keV2) 0.46±0.03 σ 0.178±0.004 We wish to thank Franz Pr¨obst for providing the 2 favoured region contours of recent CRESST-II results, Jens Schmaler for numerous helpful comments on this Light detector resolution for Verena/SOS21 was mod- work, and Felix Kahlhoefer for useful discussions. We elled by three time-separated noise regions with differ- alsowishtoacknowledgetheScienceandTechnologyFa- inglightdetectorresolutions,labelled“High”,“Medium” cilities Council, UK who funded this work. and “Low” noise regions. The electron recoil band be- haviour and light detector resolution parameters were: Appendix A: Reconstructing light detector Parameter Verena/SOS21 resolutions High Low Medium l 1.021±0.005 1.035±0.003 1.036±0.002 To estimate light detector resolutions, oxygen and 1 l (keV−1) 0.169±0.001 0.171±0.008 0.22±0.01 tungsten acceptance regions were modelled by: e σ (keV) 3.5±0.6 1.18±0.37 1.26±0.13 0 Acc(Qi,E)= QiLγ(E)+ENsigσQi(E), (A1) σ1(keV12) 1.00±0.15 0.72±0.07 0.76±0.04 σ 0.03±0.08 0.09±0.01 0.106±0.006 2 where Q is the quenching factor of the considered nu- i cleus, and N ≈1.28 is the number of standard devia- The live-time distribution between regions is taken sig tions allowing 90% of quenched recoils to be seen in the from Figure 9.22 of [14] at 20%, 32% and 48% respec- acceptance region. These equations were fitted simulta- tively. 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