1 Experimental Investigation of Stub Resonators Built in Plasmonic Slot Waveguides Solmaz Naghizadeh, Adeel Afridi, Ongun Arısev, Aziz Karas¸ahin and S¸u¨kru¨ Ekin Kocabas¸ Member, IEEE Abstract—Inthiswork,wefocusonstubresonatorsembedded (a) input (b) w 17 iatnhpepplsilcaaamstmipoolnenssicibnyslooeptleticwctaraolvneingbtueeirdacmeosn.nliTethchtoesgraranepsdhonysaeantonsrodsrsl.ihfatW-voeeff.fpaWobtreeincutaisateel Lout LL12 0 a scattering matrix based model to quantify the optical power T1 T2 Lin 2 output from the samples. We measure the properties of the w Au SiO2 r resonatorsbycouplinglightinandoutoftheslotwaveguidesby a optical antennas, making use of a cross-polarization based setup output M utilizingasupercontinuumsourceandahighnumericalaperture objective lens operating in the telecom-wavelength range. Our (c) 8 monodtheelastgurbeersewsoenllatwoirtshctahnebmeemasaudreedbydautsai.nFgutrhtehemredtheovdelsopinmtehnist aa11−+ (cid:20)SS1112SS1222(cid:21) L=Lin+w+Lout (cid:20)SS2122SS1121(cid:21) b1− ] paper. ics parIanmdeexterTse,rmanst—enNnaanmopehaosutorneimcse,ntosptical resonators, scattering aa22−+ (cid:20)SS1112SS1222(cid:21) Lin (cid:20)rtrt(cid:21) Lout (cid:20)SS2122SS1121(cid:21) b2− t p InputAntenna Resonator OutputAntenna o . I. INTRODUCTION Fig.1. SEMimagesoffabricateddevicesbeforeSU8coatingfor(a)samples s withoutresonators,(b)sampleswithresonators.(c)Scatteringmatrixmodels c CURRENT microprocessors have hit a speed limit due to forthedevices. i s energy dissipation constraints. Most of the dissipation y is on the electrical wires used to form the circuits. Optical h light sources [15], [16] for the slot waveguide geometry have interconnectsofferaviablewaytoreduceenergyconsumption p been demonstrated. The use of low-Q resonators that do not by eliminating the loss on electrical wires and by enabling [ requireactivetuningcanfurtherimprovethepropertiesoflight high data rates over large distances with high density path- 2 emitters, modulators and photodetectors without incurring an ways [1]. Such an interconnect system requires a number of v energy penalty [1]. Stub based resonators built in plasmonic optoelectronic components such as waveguides, light sources, 7 slot waveguides can provide small mode volumes and be 8 modulators and detectors. When these components are tightly more compact compared to ring and Fabry-Perot counterparts 0 integrated with the transistors, it becomes conceivable to [17]. Stub resonators have been experimentally investigated 2 transfer a bit at the sub-femtojoule level, surpassing electrical 0 in U-shaped plasmonic channel waveguides [18] and in a interconnects[1].Nanophotonicdevicesthattakeadvantageof . hybrid plasmonic slot–photonic crystal waveguide geometry 1 the optical properties of metals can have deep subwavelength [19].Straight,L-andT-shapedunconnectednanoslotresonator 0 dimensions, and they can provide both optical and electrical 7 propertieswereexperimentallyprobedin[20].Recently,prop- connectivity at the same time [2]—these properties are very 1 erties of 3D stub resonators based on plasmonic slot waveg- relevant for intimate integration with transistors. : uides have been modeled using scattering matrix theory and v There are a number of different plasmonic waveguide i verified via FDTD simulations [21]. In this letter, we exper- X proposals, with different propagation lengths and mode sizes imentally investigate stub resonators built in plasmonic slot [2]. Of these proposals, the plasmonic slot waveguide [3] is r waveguides and compare measurements with the predictions a a very promising candidate for integration. Free-space [4], of the model in [21]. [5] and fiber based [6] couplers, interference based optical logic gates [7], photodetectors [8], mode converters [9], [10], directional couplers [11], [12], modulators [13], [14] and II. FABRICATIONANDMODELING Figure1showsthe SEM imagesofthetwotypesofsamples This work was supported by the Scientific and Technological Research usedinthecharacterizationofthestubresonators.Weusegold CouncilofTurkey(TUBITAK)underGrantNo:112E247. S. Naghizadeh was with the Department of Physics, Koc¸ University, (Au) as the metal layer and quartz (SiO2) as the substrate. Sarıyer, Istanbul, TR34450 Turkey. A. Afridi, O. Arısev and S¸. E. Kocabas¸ We employ dipole antennas [11] to couple in and out of are with the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Koc¸ the slot waveguides. We build samples with no resonators in University(email:[email protected]).A.Karas¸ahiniswiththeDepartment ofElectricalandComputerEngineeringattheUniversityofMaryland,College ordertocharacterizetheantenna–slotwaveguidecouplingrate ParkMD20742USA. and the modal properties of the slot waveguide [Fig. 1(a)]. Copyright (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. We also build samples with double-stub resonators with stub However, permission to use this material for any other purposes must be [email protected]. lengthsL1 andL2 embeddedintheslotwaveguide[Fig.1(b)]. 2 The slot width is fixed at w=220 nm and is also equal to the stub width. The distance between the resonator and the D2 Lock-in input (output) antenna is L (L ). Total length of the slot in out waveguideisthesameinsampleswithandwithoutresonators 2f3 and is given by L=L +w+L . in out f3 The fabrication of the samples starts with spin coating of 4%inanisole495KPMMA(Microchem)at5000rpmfollowed CAM flipmirror 2f3 by 2% in anisole 950K PMMA at 5000 rpm to form a bi- f4 iris/imageplane layer resist on piranha cleaned quartz pieces. A thin (15 nm) f2 aluminum layer is then evaporated to prevent the charging of f2 the transparent substrate during e-beam lithography. A 100 kV e-beam lithography system (Vistec EBPG5000plusES) is Laser M3 operated at the 850–950 µC/cm2 dose level. The aluminum M4 LED layerisremovedbya TMAH baseddeveloper(MicrochemAZ AOTF P2 f5 f1 726). Standard PMMA development is made in 1:3 MIBK:IPA M2 solutionfor1min.4nmofTiand115nmofAuarethermally fiber mple evaporated at 2×10−6 Torr pressure, at the rates 0.2 A˚/s and Sa 0.5 A˚/s, respectively. These parameters have recently been chopper P1 NPBS pefllliipcle f1 found to be optimal for Au [22]. Lift-off procedure is done in heated (∼50 °C) acetone, as well as room temperature NIR acetone with ultrasonic agitation. Finally, a ∼500 nm layer λ/2 M1 D1 of SU8 2000 resist (Microchem) is coated on the samples to improve the coupling rate of the dipole antenna to the slot Fig. 2. Sketch of the optical measurement setup. Components enclosed in dashedrectanglesareremovedduringmeasurements. waveguide [6] and to increase the propagation length of the slot waveguide mode. Weuseascatteringmatrixbasedmodelinordertoquantify the waveguide mode is injected towards the antenna and the the transmitted optical power from the samples in Fig. 1(a)- reflection is measured. (b). The input and output antennas have the same structure, therefore, they use the same set of matrix elements [Fig. 1(c) III. OPTICALMEASUREMENTSETUP top]. However, compared to the input antenna, the waveguide is on the opposite side of the output antenna which leads to We use the cross-polarization based measurement method the S ↔S switch for the output antenna scattering matrix. introduced in [4] to characterize the samples. The dipole 11 22 The off-diagonal matrix elements are equal due to reciprocity. antennasemitandreceivelightinalinearlypolarizedmanner. Samples with resonators have an additional scattering matrix We shine laser light polarized parallel to the input antenna composed of the reflection, r, and the transmission, t, coeffi- and collect the light from the output antenna which is rotated cients of the double-stub resonator [Fig. 1(c) bottom]. 90° with respect to the input antenna [Fig. 1(a)]. We suppress The power transmission ratio of the devices without a the leakage from the input to the output through the use of resonator (T ) and those with a double-stub section (T ) a crossed polarizer in the output beam path, hence increase 1 2 can be estimated based on the scattering matrix model via thesignal-to-noiseratio.Weborrowthedipoleantennadesign T =|b−/a+|2 for i=1,2 as shown in Fig. 1(c). In order to from [11] and use a radius of curvature of 3 µm for the 90° i i i getclosedformresultsforT,weconverttheSmatrixforeach bends with negligible radiation loss [11]. i sectioninthemodelintothecorrespondingT matrix,multiply Thesketchoftheopticalsetupusedinthemeasurementsis the T matrices to obtain the overall T matrix of the system provided in Fig. 2. Our setup is a modified version of the (see e.g. [23]) and from the inverse of the upper-left element ones used in [4], [11], [14], primarily due to the lack of of the overall T matrix we arrive at an infrared InGaAs CCD camera. We use a vidicon infrared camera Electrophysics Micronviewer 7290A (CAM) to locate T =|S2 e−ikL/(1−S2 e−i2kL)|2, (1) 1 12 22 the samples and align the laser beam to the input antenna. (cid:12)(cid:12) tS2 e−ikL+ (cid:12)(cid:12)2 We then use a single pixel, 2 mm diameter Thorlabs DET20C T2=(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)1−S222(t2−r2)e−i2k1L2+−2rS22cos(kL−)e−ikL+(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) , (2) IannGteanAnas.dWeteecatlosro(uDs2e)atoThmoerlaasbusreS1th2e2CligGhet fdreotmecttohre(Dout)ptuot 1 where L± = L ±L , and k is the wave vector of the account for any fluctuations in the laser power level. in out plasmonic slot waveguide mode. We use a supercontinuum source (Fianium SC 450-4) con- A thorough analysis of the r and t coefficients of the nected to an acousto-optic tunable filter (AOTF) to get laser double-stub geometry, as well as the characterization of the light in the 1200–1700 nm wavelength range. The AOTF has slot waveguide mode and its k value are available in [21]. a long-pass filter installed before its fiber output (Thorlabs We obtain S12 and S22 from COMSOL simulations. When FELH1000). Two mirrors (M1,2) are used to align the laser obtaining S12 we illuminate the antenna with a Gaussian beam to the high NA microscope objective lens (Leica HC beam and calculate the modal coupling coefficient. For S , PL FLUOTAR 100x/0.90 POL) with f = 2 mm, used to 22 1 3 focus light onto the input antenna. The polarizer P1 (Thorlabs (a) (b) cloverpattern LPNIR050-MP2) is set parallel to the input antenna whereas resonator P is set parallel to the output antenna. A Thorlabs BS015 2 non-polarizing beam splitter (NPBS) is used to ensure that the polarization state of the light from the output antenna is preserved. An achromatic doublet (Thorlabs AC254-200-C) output with f =200mmisusedtoformanintermediaryimageplane 2 where magnification is f /f =100. Mirrors M position the 2 1 3,4 lightfromtheoutputantennaatthecenteroftheintermediary λ=1325nm λ=1550nm image plane, and an iris is used to filter out all the light except that from the output antenna. We used a removable Fig.3. Adouble-stubresonatorsamplewithstublengthsL1=L2=0.98µm (a)excitedatλ=1325nmandimagedwiththeLEDlighton.(b)Thesame reticle (Thorlabs R1DS2P) at the image plane to help with sample excited at λ=1550 nm and imaged without LED lighting and with the alignment. Another achromatic doublet (Thorlabs AC254- thepellicleremoved. 100-C) with f =100 mm is used to relay the image to D . 3 2 Similarly, the lens with f =75 mm (Thorlabs AC254-075- 4 C) is used to get an overall 150–200x magnification at the incident power which is obtained by measuring the reflection camera. A 3W red LED (Edison ES S1) is used to illuminate of laser light from a large metal patch on the sample while the sample surface with the help of a pellicle beam splitter. P2(cid:107)P1.Weobtaindatafromninedifferentsamples,similarto Our measurement protocol is as follows. We mount the Fig. 1(a), with a total waveguide length L=12 µm. Although sample on a piezo stage (Thorlabs NanoMax-TS) with pitch the nine samples had exactly the same e-beam mask, due and roll control (Thorlabs APR001) and make sure that the to variations during the fabrication, we see variations in T1. sample surface is perpendicular to the laser beam. We set We average over the measurements to obtain the thick red the wavelength to 1550 nm, rotate the Thorlabs AHWP05M- line in Fig. 4(a). We also calculate T1 via (1), where in S12 1600 half-wave plate (λ/2) and maximize the power through simulations we take into account the changes in the Gaussian P. We set P (cid:107)P, and focus the laser light on the quartz beam width and center position as the wavelength is scanned 1 2 1 substrate by minimizing the beam width via adjusting the (measured experimentally from camera images of the beam sample distance to the objective lens by the piezo controller. reflecting off of a blank quartz section on the sample). We We then set P2⊥P1 and observe the formation of the clover normalize the calculated T1 (black curve) so that it has the patternonquartz,typicalofGaussianbeamswhenfocusedby samemaximumvalueastheaveragemeasurementresults(red ahigh NA objective[11].Wemovethecloverpatternoverthe curve). The fringes in T1 are due to the low-Q cavity formed input antenna, observe some light from the output antenna, by the antennas and the L=12 µm waveguide. As reported in use the iris to block the clover pattern and get light only from [8]thefringespacinganddepthcanbeusedtoobtainthereal the output antenna. We turn-off the LED, remove the pellicle, andimaginarypartsofk,respectively.Thecalculatedk values switch to D , and get a reading from the lock-in amplifier correctlygaveusthefringespacingwhichisafunctionofthe 2 (SRS SR830). We maximize the lock-in reading by moving real part of k; to match the fringe depths, we had to increase the sample via the piezo controller in the plane perpendicular theimaginarypartofkby50%togiveusapowertransmission to the laser light, without changing the sample to objective length, 1 ,of5.3µmforthewaveguidemodeat1550nm. 2Im(k) lens distance. We then scan the wavelength and record D We get very good correspondence between the measurements 1,2 readings. and the model around 1550 nm, the wavelength at which we focus our laser beam. The correspondence deteriorates IV. RESULTS,DISCUSSIONANDCONCLUSION at lower and higher wavelengths, probably due to the non- orthogonality of the sample surface to the laser beam and We characterized a number of different samples with and chromatic aberrations. without resonators. Fig. 3(a) shows the captured camera image1 for a double-stub resonator sample when the stub We measure the power transmitted through samples with is resonant and has a large |r| [equivalently |t| is near its stub resonators (T2) for three different sets of stub lengths minimum, see dashed line in Fig. 4(c)]. There is considerable (L1,2)fromsamplessimilartoFig.1(b).Weplotmeasurement leakagefromthestubsection,andtheantennaoutputintensity results for T2/T1 for each L1,2 set in Fig. 4(b–d) where T1 is is quite low, ashighlighted bythe white-dashedcircle. Onthe taken to be the average measurement in Fig. 4(a). In each other hand, when the wavelength moves away from the stub subplot, we have three different samples with the same e- resonance and |t| increases, leakage from the stub decreases beam mask dimensions (thin pink lines) with variations in and the antenna output becomes more pronounced [Fig. 3(b)]. the measurements due to fabrication. We plot the average We show the results for the power transmission through of the experimental measurements with thick red lines. We waveguides without stub resonators (T1) in Fig. 4(a). We also plot calculated T2/T1 from (1)–(2) (thick black lines) and normalize the experimental curves with an estimate of the calculated |t|2 from [21] (black dashed lines). 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