OURNAL OF J The Lepidopterists' Society Volume 56 2002 Number 4 JournaloftheLepidopterists'Society 56(4),2002, 193-198 EXPERIENCE-RELATED CHANGES IN THE BRAIN OF AGRAULIS VANILLAE (NYMPHALIDAE) (L.) Vadim Kroutov 123 Bartram Hall, DepartmentofZoology, UniversityofFlorida, Gainesville, Florida32611, USA Roger L. Reep CollegeofVeterinaryMedicine, Health ScienceCenter, P.O. Box 100144Gainesville, Florida32610-0144, USA AND TOK FUKUDA Centerfor Medical, AgriculturalandVeterinaryEntomology,Agricultural Research Service, U.S. DepartmentofAgriculture, Gainesville, Florida32604, USA ABSTRACT. In thebrain ofAgraulis vanillae, the size ofthe brain regions involvedin theprocessingofolfactoryinformationwas found to dependon the butterfly's experience. Butterflies collectedin naturehave olfactoryglomeruli and mushroom bodycalyxes oflargerrelative sizethan do butterflies reared and kept in the laboratoryin isolation from normal environmental stimuli. No size differencewas found in the opticlobesorthecentralbodyin eithermalesorfemales. Additional keywords: mushroom body, neuropil, olfactorylobes. The brain of an insect is the principal associative nals to the mushroom bodies, cells that deliver signals center of the body. It receives sensory information from the mushroom bodies to other parts ofthe ner- from a variety of sense organs, processes it and con- vous system, and the intrinsic cells (Kenyon cells) that trols all functions ofthe organism, including complex connect the first two types between themselves. The forms ofbehavior. Several regions ofthe brain differ- Kenyon cells occupy the area around the mushroom ingin morphologyand function are recognized and re- body neuropil. ferred to as neuropils (Fig. 1). Neuropils are the cen- All information from the organs ofsmell (olfactory ters of the regions and are formed by a complex of organs) is received in another brain region: antennal denselypackednerve fibers. The neurons, which com- lobes, which are critically important in the delivery of pose a region, lie at its periphery. On histological sec- olfactory information to the mushroom bodies. An- tions of the brain neuropils appear as much denser, tennal lobes are composed of a series of neuropils- darker than the rest ofthe brain areas. olfactory glomeruli, which receive and process olfac- The neuropils ofparticular significance in the pro- tory signals from the antennae. cessing of information in insect brains are the mush- Insect species with complex and flexible behavior room bodies and antennal lobes. Mushroom bodies possess well-developed mushroom bodies and anten- receive signals from different sense organs and experi- nal lobes, and larger insects have larger brains and ments on Drosophila (Heisenberg et al. 1985, Han et more complex histological brain structure and gener- al. 1992) and Apis (Erber et al. 1980, Menzel et al. ally exhibit greater complexity of behavior (Goossen 1974, Hammer & Menzel 1998) suggest that they are 1949, Bernstein & Bernstein 1969). The largest mush- implicated in olfactory memory formation. They are room bodies (relative to the rest of the brain) are composed ofthree types ofcells: cells that direct sig- found in social Hymenoptera. The morphological plas- 194 Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society ant ments were collected duringthe 3-4 dayperiod ofthe Opt.lbs abundance peak ofthe species. Larvae were reared in the laboratoryon their natural host-plant Passifiora in- carnata (L.), picked in the same areawhere the larvae were found. Laboratory reared adults spent 48 hours aftereclosion in25 x 25 x 25 cm screen cages. The lab- oratory conditions were 25°C, 65% relative humidity, L:D 16:8 h. Butterflies were fed a 25% sugar solution. For the preparation of the histological specimens butterfly heads were removed and fixed in Bouin's fix- ative, prepared 24 hours prior to usage, for 2 days. Theywere then rinsed in 70% ethanol and embedded in paraffin. Heads of 16 reared males, 10 reared fe- Fig. 1. Diagram—ofthebutterflybrainsh—owingthemostimporta—nt males, 17 wild males and 22 wild females were sec- neuropils. Opt.lbs. —optic lobes, Ant.lb—s. antenna] lobe—s, tnb tioned. The frontal microtome sections were 10 |lm mushroombodi—es, Kc Kenyoncells,—cb central—body,be backof thick and were stained with hematoxylin-eosin. theeye,ant.n. antennalnerve,ant. antenna,es esophagus. Volumetric analysis was performed with an AIS/C ticity ofthese brain structures has been demonstrated image analysis system (Imaging Research, Inc.) inter- in bees (Withers et al. 1993, Wilmington et al. 1996, faced to a Zeiss Axiophot microscope via a Dage 72 Robinson 1998) and ants (Gronenberg et al. 1996). CCD camera. The following areas were measured in Mushroom bodies increase in size when these insects selected spaced sections on both sides of the brain: begin to perform complex and behaviorally more de- whole brain, antennal lobes, olfactory glomeruli, optic manding tasks. Neuropil growth related to behavioral lobes, central body, mushroom body calyces, and the changes has also been observed in non-social insects, regions occupied by Kenyon cells. When areas were such as fruit flies and rove beetles (Bieber & Fuldner measured, this was done without awareness of the 1979, Technau 1984, Heisenberg et al. 1995). This group to which that individual belonged. The volume growthwas foundto represent the further arborization ofa brain structure was calculated using the formula and proliferation of existing brain cells, and not the ZAxtxN Vol production ofnew neurons. (object) i=i > Flexibility of behavior and learning have been where n is die number ofsections on which measure- demonstrated in different species of Lepidoptera ments were made, Ais die area ofa measured section, & (Swihart Swihart 1970, Papaj 1986, Weiss 1995, t is the distance between adjacent sections (e.g., sec- 1997, Hartlieb 1996, Fan et al. 1997). Butterflies and tion thickness), and N is the number ofsections repre- moths have well-developed mushroom bodies (Ali sented by the section A.. Between 10 and 20 evenly 1974, Sivinsky 1989), and large antennal lobes (Mat- spaced sections were used to determine the volume of sumoto & Hildebrand 1981). Both olfactory andvisual each region. This corresponded to 50-100% ofall the learning have been described in Agraulis vanillae sections containingeach measured structure. The rela- (Weiss 1995, Kroutov et al. 1999). tivevolume ofeach brain structure was calculated as a Here we studied brain morphology in two groups of percentage ofthe volume ofthe whole brain. Agraulis. One group comprisedbutterflies collectedin For statistical analysis ofthe data a fixed effects lin- nature ("experienced" group) and the other groupwas ear model (ANOVA) was fit with PROC GLM (SAS reared and maintained in the laboratory in isolation v.8). That is, size was modeled as a function of the from normal environmental stimuli ("naive" group). fixed effects 'brain region', 'butterflygender' and 'but- We investigated the hypotheses that the sizes ofbrain terflygroup' ("experienced", "nai've" and "control"). All structures involved in information processing and relevant assumptions such as constant variance and learningvaryaccordingto the individual experience of normality were formally assessed. Due to the large butterflies, and that such structures shouldbe largerin numberofmultiple Bonferroni comparisons we tested butterflies exposed to various environmental stimuli at the 0.01 level ofsignificance throughout. than in butterflies deprived ofthose. To exclude the possible effect ofage on the changes in Agraulis brain, a control group of 10 males and 10 Materials and Methods females, reared in the laboratorywas kept in cages for Adults and larvae ofAgraulis vanillaewere collected 20-25 days aftereclosion underthe same conditions as in Gainesville, Florida. All butterflies used in experi- described for the experimental group. The heads of Volume 56, Number 4 195 & Fig. 2. Sections ofthebrain ofAgraulisvanillae. a: mushroom body—calyx (ca) andKenyon cells (Kc);b: opticlobes (Opt.lbs); c: antennal lobe wit—h glomeruli (Olf.gl.—); d: central body (cc); e: m—ushroom body calyx (ca), pedunculus (p), (3-lobe (B) and antennal lobe (Ant.lb.). a,b,c,d frontalsections, e sagittal section. Scalebars 100(im. controlbutterflies were sectioned, sections stained and mushroom bodies and olfactory glomeruli than did brains measured as described above. "naive" or "control" individuals (Fig. 4; Table 1). The relative volume ofmushroom body calyces in "experi- Results enced" butterflies was greater than in "naive" ones by Figure 2 shows die sections ofthe measured brain 36% in males, and by 38% in females. Olfactory structures in Agraulis vanillae. Most ofthe regions ex- glomeruli were larger in "experienced" Agraulis by hibit clearly defined boundaries. Because of the ab- 48% in males, and 24% in females. sence of a clear boundary between the mushroom The Kenyon cells region and antennal lobes showed body's pedunculus andlobes, andthe surroundingneu- mixed outcomes. Within the Kenyon cells region, ropil, attributable tothe staining method chosen fordie therewere no significant differences involume among study, only mushroom bodycalyces were measured. the male groups, but "experienced" females exhibited Whole brain volume ofAgraulis showed no signifi- smaller volumes than did "controls". For the antennal cant variation according to group (Fig. 3). There was lobes, "experienced" males have larger volumes than foundto be a significant interaction ofgender *group* do "naive" males. There were no differences among brain region (p < 0.0001). Multiple pairwise compar- the female groups. The central bodyand optic lobe re- isons revealed the following patterns: "experienced" gions exhibited no significant difference for any pair- individuals ofboth sexes exhibited significantly larger wise comparison. Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 196 memory of the location of the host Passiflora patch, because butterflies ofthis species utilize vast habitats and linger at one spot for no longer than is necessary to complete either feeding or egg-laying. Males, in turn, need to locate the host-plant area to encounter females and mate. Detailed analysis of the captivity conditions and their specific influence onAgraulis's experience, learn- p 1 - ing and associated morphological changes in its brain was not attempted. However, it seems evident that captive laboratory-reared butterflies would have a greatly reduced range of external stimuli, being de- prived of space, visual stimuli, contacts with host- — Fig. 3. Wholebra—involumeinAgraulisva—nillae. EF "experi- plant, flowers and sex partners. It was also impossible ence—d" females, NF "naive" f—emales, CF "control—" females, to determine precisely the age of "experienced" but- EM "experienced" males, NM "naive" males, CM "control" terflies, collected in nature. But because we collected males. them in a period of 10-14 days after the beginning of For most brain regions assessed, there was no sig- their abundance peak, we can estimate all collected nificant difference between male and female volumes. butterflies to be ofapproximatelythe same age. However, the antennal lobes exhibited the following Generally, measured brain structures were larger pattern: "naive" and "control" females have larger an- (relative to the volume ofthe whole brain) in "experi- tennal lobes than their male counterparts (p < 0.0001 enced" butterflies. But no difference in the relative in each case), but "experienced" females do not differ volume ofoptic lobes and central body was recorded significantly from "experienced" males. between two groups ofAgraulis. The most dramatic For all brain regions, the "naive" and "control" increases in relative volume occurred in the mush- groups exhibited no significant differences in volume, room bodies and olfactory glomeruli, whereas no size within males or females. difference in optic lobes between "experienced" and "naive" butterflies was observed. Therefore, olfactory Discussion stimuli may be of primary importance in driving the The results of our research demonstrate that in structural changes indieAgraulis brain. Although but- Agraulis differences in experience are correlated with terflies reputedlyrelyheavilyonvisual stimuli (Swihart changes in thevolume ofseveral ofits brain regions in- 1970, Silberglied 1979, 1984), andAgraulis is capable volved in sensoryinformation processing and memory of visual as well as olfactory learning (Weiss 1995), formation. During their adult stage (2-4 weeks), their optic lobes only pass visual information to the Agraulis vanillae butterflies must perform various ac- central brain, where processing and integration ofthis tivities, the success of which can be enhanced by information takes place. Therefore such a resultis pre- learning. Location offeeding sites with flowers thatof- dictable. fer sufficient nectar reward, and recognition ofpoten- The relative decrease in volume ofthe Kenyon cells tial danger are of importance to both sexes. Female region is rather hard to explain. However, because Agraulis need to find suitable host-plants on which to there was no change in the whole brain volume, this lay eggs. This involves not only recognition of the region's relative decrease could represent an actual properplant amongst avarietyofotherplants, but also compression of the Kenyon cell clusters by the ex- Table 1. Relativevolumes ofbrain regions as percentage ofthewhole brainvolumeinAgraulis vanillae. Within each box, differentsmall case lettersindicate significantdifferences,whereasthesameletters indicatenodifference. Mushroom Olfactory Kenyon cells Antennal Central Optic bodycalyx glomeruli region lobes body Lobes "Experienced" males 2.01 ± 0.08 a 1.45 ± 0.09a 0.69 ± 0.07a 3.74 ± 0.35b 0.61 ± 0.09a 64.4 ± 3.0a "Naive"males 1.48 ± 0.05b 0.98 ± 0.05b 0.75 ± 0.05 a 3.41 ±0.10a 0.68 ± 0.04a 69.7 ±8.3a "Control" males 1.38 ± 0.07b 0.98 ± 0.09 b 0.72 ± 0.04a 3.50 ± 0.10ab 0.66 ± 0.05 a 65.1 ±2.3a "Experienced"females 2.18 ±0.10a 1.44 ± 0.08 a 0.56 ± 0.03a 3.90 ±0.10 a 0.63 ± 0.07a 61.8 ±2.6a "Naive" females 1,58 ± 0.05 b 1.16 ± 0.05b 0.73 ± 0.05ab 4.00 ± 0.20 a 0.64 ± 0.03 a 62.4 ± 2.2a "Control"females 1.58 ± 0.12b 1.11 ± 0.04b 0.84 ± 0.08b 4.00 ± 0.12 a 0.66 ± 0.02 a 61.1 ± 1.9a — Volume 56, Number 4 19" Mushroom Body Olfactory glomeruli Kenyon cells a b a 6 c T 'ra i_ JO a JL o j= JL JL 5 c 0o> uk_ a. i i i EM NM CM EF NF CF EM NM CM EF NF CF EM NM CM EF NF CF Antennal lobes Central body Optic lobes 1.0 b a al1 a a a a a a a a a a a = 4 .E 0.8 nIbaoS. 3 X9rOI1a 06 I T L . aaO 60 - T .5c S3I o ««- £ 2 ° 04 f 40 c c ao> 0o) °- 1 8.0.2 i i EM NM CM EF NF CF EM NM CM EF NF CF EM NM CM EF NF CF — EM NM Fig. 4. Relativ—evolumesofbrain regi—ons aspercentageofthewhol—ebrainvolumeinAgrau—lis oanillae. "experienced"males, "naive" males, CM "control" males. EF "experienced" females, NF "naive" females, CF "control" females. Different small case letters indicatesignificantdifferences,whereas thesameletters indicatenodifferenceforeach sex. panding mushroom body calyces. This problem could ference in olfactoryglomerulivolume between "naive" be addressed by more detailed experimental analysis, and"experienced" males beingtwice as great as that in for example assessment ofcell packing density. females, can perhaps be explained by the differences The datapresentedhere are similarin manyways to in behavior ofmales and females. Females need to lo- those ofstudies in other species ofinsects, which mea- cate host-plants and determine their suitability for sured the size differences in brain regions caused by oviposition, and males need to search for females and different experience and behavioral repertoire. As in recognize proper chemical cues from suitable part- the present study an increase in relative volume of ners. Thus, each sex may rely on different environ- mushroom bodies, and decrease in relative volume of mental stimuli. The change in the intensity of these the Kenyon cells region were reported for ants (Gro- stimuli may effect butterflies ofdifferent sexes differ- nenberg et al. 1996) and bees (Withers et al. 1993). ently, and cause the observed dissimilarityin the brain Also, there was no increase in the relative volume of reconstruction. This dimorphism correspondswith our the optic lobes in either of these insects. 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