EXERCISE INDUCED ENDOCANNABINOID AND IMMUNE SYSTEM ALTERATIONS A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES OF MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY BY RABİA HÜRREM ÖZDURAK IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORTS NOVEMBER 2009 Approval of the Graduate School of Social Sciences Prof. Dr. Sencer Ayata Director I certify that this thesis satisfies all the requirements as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Assoc. Prof.Dr. Settar Koçak Head of Department This is to certify that we have read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Prof. Dr. Feza Korkusuz Supervisor Examining Committee Members Prof. Dr. Sevim Ercan (GAZI, MP) Prof. Dr. Feza Korkusuz (METU, PES) Prof. Dr. Duygu Uçkan (HU,BMT) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Petek Korkusuz (HU,HE) Assist. Prof. Dr. Sadettin Kirazcı (METU, PES) I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work. Name, Surname: Rabia Hürrem Özdurak Date: Signature: iii ABSTRACT EXERCISE INDUCED ENDOCANNABINOID AND IMMUNE SYSTEM ALTERATIONS Özdurak, Rabia Hürrem Ph.D., Department of Physical Education and Sports Supervisor : Prof. Dr. Feza Korkusuz November 2009, 186 pages Endocannabinoid and immune system alterations at moderate (18 m/min) and endurance (32 m/min) exercise intensities were assessed and compared to controls. Rats were exercised for 60 minutes/day, 5 days/week for 16 weeks. Immune effector cell proportions (T cell subtypes, B cells, NK cells, and neutrophils) and endocannabinoid serum levels were determined. Anandamide (ANA) and 2 arachidonyl-glycerol (2-AG) serum levels increased with endurance type of exercise. mRNA expression of the CB1 receptor increased together with ANA in the same group. Apoptotic index increased while immune effector cells responded divergently. B lymphocyte percentage decreased while T lymphocyte and NK cell percentage increased in blood. CD8+ subtypes increased whereas CD11b+ cell and CD25+ cell numbers decreased in the spleen in the endurance type of exercise group. Rats were grouped as the control, the endurance type of exercise, the AM281 (CB1 receptor antagonist) and the AM281+AM630 (CB2 receptor antagonist) groups in the second part of the study. Flow cytometry and microarray analyses of the spleen and the thymus were conducted. Endurance type of exercise associated significantly to immunological changes particularly to that of the T lymphocytes. T lymphocytes increased whereas cytolytic T lymphocytes decreased in blood. T cell and double positive T cell percentages significantly increased in the spleen. Activated T cells and NK like T cells iv furthermore decreased in the spleen. AM281 and/or AM630 could partially reverse the effect of exercise in blood but not in the spleen. Alterations in the thymus were not observed. Exercise altered 302 genes, some of them related with the immune system. Up-regulation of heat-shock protein coding genes was the most significant ones. Keywords: Anandamide, 2-arachidonylglycerol, T lymphocytes, exercise intensity, spleen v ÖZ FĠZĠKSEL EGZERSĠZE DAYALI ENDOKANNABĠNOĠD VE ĠMMÜN SĠSTEM DEĞĠġĠKLĠKLERĠ Rabia Hürrem Özdurak Doktora, Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. Feza Korkusuz Kasım 2009, 186 sayfa Endokannabinoid ve imün sistemdeki değiĢiklikler orta Ģiddet (18 m/min) ve endurans (32 m/min) egzersizde ölçülerek control grubu ile karĢılaĢtırılmıĢtır. Sıçanlar günde 60 dakika ve haftada 5 gün olacak Ģekilde 16 hafta boyunca egzersiz yaptırılmıĢlardır. Imün efektör hücre oranları (T hücre alt tipleri, B hücreler, NK hücreler ve nötrofiller) ve endokannabinoid serum düzeyleri belirlenmiĢtir. Anandamid (ANA) ve 2 araĢidonilgliserol (2-AG) serum düzeyleri endurans tipi egzersiz ile artmıĢtır. CB1 reseptörünün mRNA ekspresyonu ANA ile aynı grupta artmıĢtır. Kanda imün efektör hücreler değiĢken tepkiler verirken apoptotik indeks artmıĢtır. B lenfosit yüzdesi azalırken T lenfosit ve NK hücre yüzdesi artmıĢtır. Endurans tipi egzersiz sonrasında CD8+ alt tipi artarken CD11b+ hücre ve CD25+ hücre sayıları dalakta azalmıĢtır. Sıçanlar çalıĢmanın ikinci bölümünde control, endurans tipi egzersiz, AM281 (CB1 reseptör antagonisti) ve AM281+AM630 (CB1 ve CB2 reseptör antagonisti) olacak Ģekilde gruplandırılmıĢlardır. Dalak ve timus dokularında akıĢkan hücre tekniği ve microarray analizleri yapılmıĢtır. Endurans tipi egzersiz T hücreleri baĢta olmak üzere imünolojik değiĢiklikler ile iliĢkilendirilmiĢtir. Kanda T lenfositler artarken sitolitik T lenfositler azalmıĢtır. Double pozitif T hücreler dalakta anlamlı Ģekilde artmıĢtır. Dalakta aktive T vi hücreler ile NK benzeri T hücrelerde azalmıĢtır. AM281 ve/veya AM630 kanda egzersizin etkisini kısmen ortadan kaldırabilirken dalakta etkili olamamıĢtır. Timusta değiĢiklik gözlenmemiĢtir. Egzersiz 302 genin ekspresyonunda değiĢikliğe sebep olmustur. Ġçerisinde bağıĢıklık sistemi ile iliĢkili olan genlerinde bulunduğu grupta en çok değiĢikliği heat shock proteinlerini kodlayan genler oluĢturmuĢtur. Keywords: Anandamide, 2-arachidonylglycerol, exercise intensity, T lymphocytes, spleen vii To My Dad viii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to express my deepest gratitude and thanks to my supervisor Prof. Dr. Feza Korkusuz for his invaluable supervision, patience, insight, suggestions, comments and red pen not only during this thesis, but also in my life. The completion of this degree would have been impossible without his guidance. I would like to express my very special thanks to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Petek Korkusuz for inspiring me and opening a very interesting window in to my science life. and for her endless patient and assistance during this thesis. I also wish to thank the members of examining committee, Prof. Dr. Sevim Ercan, Prof. Dr. Duygu Uçkan and Assist. Prof.Sadettin Kirazcı for their valuable suggestions and infinitive support throughout this study.I also wish to thank Assoc. Prof. Dr.Çetin for his valuable support and assistance during this study. I would like to express my special thank to Dr. Dilara Zeybek and Irem Akar for their support and valuable comments during this thesis. I wish to extend thanks to the staff of the Department of Medical Biology of Hacettepe University, Heamatology Laboratory of Gazi University, Pediatric Heamatology Laboratory and Animal Research and Production Laboratory of Hacettepe University, Medical Center and Molecular Biology and Biotechnology R & D Center of Middle East Technical University for allowance to use their facility, machinery and resources. In addition, I would like to express my special thanks to Dr. Tamay ġeker, Emine Kılıç, Uğur Akpulat and Sezin Dağdeviren for their valuable comments, suggestions and sincerity nearby their sleepless nights with enourmous patience. ix Special thanks are to my husband Mehmet, my friends Sevil Ünlütürk and Dilek AlataĢ for their moral support and infinite patience in completing this thesis and taking care to my little angel Defne while I was busy with this thesis. Finally, I would express my special thanks to Middle East Technical University Scientific Research (Grant #2007(R)081103), the Scientific and Technical and Research Council of Turkey (Grant # 107S211) and Hacettepe University Scientific Research (Grant # 07-01-101-010) for their grants and support x