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Preview Evolution of Living Organisms. Evidence for a New Theory of Transformation

EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS Evidence for a New Theory of Transformation PIERRE-P. GRASSE Université de Paris VI Laboratoire d'Évolution des Êtres Organisés Paris, France ACADEMIC PRESS New York San Francisco London 1977 A Subsidiary of Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers First published in the French language under the title "L'Évolution du Vivant" and copyrighted in 1973 by Éditions Albin Michel, Paris, France. COPYRIGHT © 1977, BY ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS, ELECTRONIC OR MECHANICAL, INCLUDING PHOTOCOPY, RECORDING, OR ANY INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEM, WITHOUT PERMISSION IN WRITING FROM THE PUBLISHER. ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. Ill Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10003 United Kingdom Edition published by ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. (LONDON) LTD. 24/28 Oval Road, London NW1 7DX Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Grasse, Pierre Paul Evolution of living organisms. Translation of L'évolution du vivant. Bibliography: p. Includes index. 1. Evolution. I. Title. QH36.2.G713 575 7-80786 ISBN 0-12-295550-1 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Preface Some biological problems are equally appealing to the scientist and philosopher. The evolution of living organisms is one of them. We should rejoice at such a meeting of interest and curiosity, but the philosopher does not have an accurate, extensive, and "assimilated" knowledge of existing data. This may also be said of the biochemist, geneticist, or laboratory worker who lacks direct contact with nature, the essence of evolution in action. Nevertheless, the philosopher's participa- tion in evolutionary studies is not to be underestimated. He boldly plunges into the field of metaphysics where the naturalist "fears to tread." I would like to think that this book serves both the needs of the biologist and the philosopher. In reality, though, to write such a book exceeds the scope of a biologist, which is all I claim to be. Yet, I believe the philosopher will find in this work a source of thought and criticism of not only my ideas but those of my illustrious predecessors. In this book I have made an effort to present only those propositions that have been well established by scientific study or directly observed in my own experiments. Half a century of research in various disciplines of zoology and general biology has given me some insight into the realities of the living world. A proper understanding of evolutionary phenomena requires a thorough knowledge of zoology, paleontology, cytology, genetics, biochemistry, and even mathematics. No one could hope to master such a wide range of scholarship. Yet without it how can evolution be treated pertinently? "Book knowledge" is not enough. A practical, concrete knowledge of fossils and of living animals, preferably observed in their natural environment, is of prime importance to the evolutionist. Who, having seen a seal or walrus swimming, would dare to claim that these animals survived merely because chance led them to adapt to an aquatic ix X Preface habitat? One need only observe a giant Brazilian otter swimming with unrivaled grace and ease to realize that (of course simplifying some- what) an evolutionary process that started with a carnivorous fissiped of amphibious habits gradually led to pinnipedal carnivores restricted to living in water. Any account of evolution that loses sight of paléontologie data is but a theory dominated by the imagination. It would seem that paleon- tologists, zoologists, and botanists have not yet recovered all the infor- mation stored in the paléontologie record. It is likely that a fresh survey, conducted with a fully open mind, would bring to light unknown facts and orient research into yet unexplored realms. Many of the ideas expressed in this book will seem disconcerting to the English or American reader schooled in orthodox Darwinism. With this caveat, let him overcome initial reluctance and read the book. He will, I maintain, discover the unavowed weakness of a doctrine that falls far short of universal explanation. To guarantee a well-founded knowl- edge of evolutionary phenomena and to demonstrate the failure of cur- rently held doctrine to account for them is no vain enterprise. I consider it to be a supremely useful and fundamentally scientific one. In this book, I attempt to prove that the traditional interpretations assigned to evolution are not the only ones offered the biologist or natural philosopher. I propose one which, while also based on paléon- tologie and molecular biological data, aspires to give a rational and gen- eral account of real evolutionary phenomena. My sincere thanks are due Professor Bruce M. Carlson and Ms. Roberta Castro, without whose efforts this book could not have been published in English. They accepted the task of revising my English translation to eliminate language problems, a difficult task in which they have succeeded admirably. Pierre-P. Grasse An Introduction to the Study of Evolution GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ON THE LIVING WORLD To say that living beings are composed of the same elements as inert bodies, that they are subject to the same chemical and physical phenomena, is in fact extremely commonplace and rather meaningless. How could the composition of living beings be different when there exists a single multiform matter? What would their properties be if they did not depend on physicochemical laws? Would they be ruled by Melusina's magic wand or by Merlin's incantations? Such suppositions are absurd. To know that living beings share with material bodies the same basic chemical composition and obey the same physicochemical laws does not teach us anything fundamental about the originality of life. One of the radical differences between physical and biological phenomena lies in the fact that the former must necessarily and abso- lutely obey the laws of matter. Gravity exerts its action on all material bodies; nothing in the gravitational field escapes its universal influence. The living being reacts to physical law, escaping from it to a greater or lesser extent. For instance, the wings of birds and insects allow them to defy the law of gravity without violating it. Necessity does not imperatively impose its laws on the living world. Proof of this is seen in the morphological and functional variety of plants and animals that succeed in overcoming the greatest physical difficul- ties, living in polar or torrid zones; they manifest, within the same environment, a great diversity in form and behavior. Therefore, the living being, because of its structural complexity, its mechanisms, and 1 2 An Introduction to the Study of Evolution its "inventions"* partly escapes physical laws or eludes them. One of its constant victories is indeed to avoid the law of entropy and to become a "machine" which permanently opposes it. Every living being obeys its own law, which is to remain as it is and to produce new beings identical to itself. Oak trees remain oak trees (in themselves and in their offspring). Only another law, the specific law of the line, makes the living being violate its own law, forces change upon it, and pushes it into the cycle of biological evolution. The living world is thus governed by rules to which the Universe of inert matter is not subject. We rarely discover these rules because they are highly complex; they are not easily expressed in mathematical terms because the number of parameters they involve is so great. The calcium carbonate, silicates, plaster, iron, copper, silver, and gold which form St. Peter's Basilica in Rome do not differ essentially from the same materials found in the mines and quarries of the four continents, and yet how different they are. The layout, plan, protective devices, decoration, and adaptation to a given purpose have all come into play; all this was conceived by man, created by his mind, without which there would be nothing but "raw" material. Any living being possesses an enormous amount of "intelligence," very much more than is necessary to build the most magnificent of cathedrals. Today, this "intelligence" is called "information," but it is still the same thing. It is not programmed as in a computer, but rather it is condensed on a molecular scale in the chromosomal DNA or in that of any other organelle in each cell. This "intelligence" is the sine qua non of life. If absent, no living being is imaginable. Where does it come from? This is a problem which concerns both biologists and philosophers, and, at present, science seems incapable of solving it. When we consider a human work, we believe we know where the "intelligence" which fashioned it comes from; but when a living being is concerned, no one knows or ever knew, neither Darwin nor Epicurus, neither Leibniz nor Aristotle, neither Einstein nor Parmenides. An act of faith is necessary to make us adopt one hypothesis rather than another. Science, which does not accept any credo, or in any case should not, acknowledges its ignorance, its inability to solve this problem which, we are certain, exists and has reality. If to determine the origin of informa- tion in a computer is not a false problem, why should the search for the information contained in cellular nuclei be one? *The use of this term in biology has been forbidden by some, but there is no better word to express adaptations. Since I avoid talking about transcendant powers, I use 'invention" without metaphysical connotation, expressing only an actual fact. Biological Evolution and Its Occurrences 3 The powers of invention in the living world are immense. In our opinion, they are nothing but the capacity to process information in a given direction and perhaps toward a given goal. We do not know their inner mechanism and their underlying sources: biologists grope in darkness. Plants and animals themselves build the organs which bring them into contact with the outside world and enable them to survive or improve their existence. Such construction, achieved by continuing efforts over tens of millions of years, does not surprise us: it seems so common, so natural to us, and yet what a huge difference from nonliving matter! Has a stone ever acquired anything other than a crust of decomposi- tion? The physicochemical laws which it obeys prevent its acting inde- pendently. It is, of course, true that living beings are subject to the laws common to all matter, but they also obey certain rules which, although still de- pendent on physicochemical laws of a particular type, are specific to them alone. Both types of law complement each other, and if discord occurs between them, the living being dies. Life results from the adjunc- tion of complementary systems to some determined material systems, the former being likewise determined but specific to organized beings. Niels Bohr's principle of complementarity applies not only to the cor- puscular and vibratory aspects of light, but also to living beings. One of the essential tasks of biochemists and biophysicists is to recognize in living beings what belongs to the nonliving and what belongs to the living. BIOLOGICAL EVOLUTION AND ITS OCCURRENCES The term "biological evolution" refers to the succession and variation in time of plant and animal forms. It implies that to parental continuity be added an internal tendency to modify certain structures and to create new ones. Zoologists and botanists are nearly unanimous in considering evolution as a fact and not a hypothesis. I agree with this position and base it primarily on documents provided by paleontology, i.e., the his- tory of the living world. The study of contemporary species does not establish the existence of evolution; it provides facts which support it, but which do not fully demonstrate its existence. This is understandable, since at present we cannot show the series of successive stages which make up evolution, but only a fleeting picture of evolution. To maintain that structures, functions, and behaviors can only be 4 An Introduction to the Study of Evolution understood if they take part in an evolutionary process is a method to which I sometimes have recourse. It is not altogether reliable since it postulates implicitly that our logic is that of the living world, of which we have no certainty. Naturalists must remember that the process of evolution is revealed only through fossil forms. A knowledge of paleontology is, therefore, a prerequisite; only paleontology can provide them with the evidence of evolution and reveal its course or mechanisms. Neither the examination of present beings, nor imagination, nor theories can serve as a substitute for paleontological documents. If they ignore them, biologists, the philosophers of nature, indulge in numerous commentaries and can only come up with hypotheses. This is why we constantly have recourse to paleontology, the only true science of evolution. From it we learn how to interpret present occurrences cautiously; it reveals that certain hypotheses considered certainties by their authors are in fact question- able or even illegitimate. Embryogenesis provides valuable data to anyone who knows how to interpret it with circumspection and subtlety. Ernst Haeckel's funda- mental biogenetic law, despite overwhelming criticisms by various biologists, has not lost any of its value. Its author has been credited with opinions that he never held. He perfectly understood that ontogeny is indirectly influenced by environmental adaptations and changes, al- though it exhibits a great resistance to variations. It is not certain that a planktonic larva, such as the trochophore of annelids, of mollusks and of other allied groups, represents an ancestral state; it is possible that it is only a slate adapted to the dissemination of the species and inscribed in its genetic code. However, it can be inferred from its structural plan that annelids and mollusks have fairly close affinities and probably common, although remote, ancestors. The panchronic species, those relics which preserve ancient forms and are the vestiges of extinct faunas, throw light not only on evolution as such, but also on its mechanism. Biology has not yet recovered all the relevant information that they contain in the history of the animal king- dom and on the mechanisms of evolution. Certain chemists, wanting to find in both kingdoms facts proving evolution and revealing the relationships between the various groups of plants or animals, have undertaken some highly interesting studies. For example, phosphagens which occur in great quantity in muscles (up to 0.5% of the muscle mass) are the main "reservoir" of phosphoric links, releasing great energy available for the work of muscular contraction. In invertebrates, the phosphagen is phosphoarginine, whereas in verte- Interpretation of Evolutionary Facts 5 bra tes and prochordates it is phosphocreatine. However, annelids pos- sess a particular phosphagen (phosphoglycyamine or phos- photaurocyamine), and some echinoderms possess phosphocreatine (Ophiura) or a compound of phosphoarginine or phosphocreatine (Ur- chins). Moreover, differences in the enzymes catalyzing the chain of reactions are added to these differences in the chemical composition. Certain serological and immunological reactions and the determina- tion of "specific proteins" allow us to define with increasing accuracy the limits of systematic groups. Chemistry, through its analytical data, directs biologists and provides guidance in their search for affinities between groups of animals or plants. It makes presumptions supporting given interpretations, and in this respect plays an important part in the approach to genuine evolution. It is to be deplored, however, that biochemists, finding the same substance or observing the same reaction in distinct groups, too often decide on the existence or relationships which are contrary to zoological and paleontological data. The discovery of fundamental biochemical processes common to all living beings (the citric acid cycle, for example) has reinforced the monis- tic conception of the two kingdoms. Until 1970, molecular biology had not really contributed anything new to evolution; information on genes, genetic mutations, and on chromosomes was new. The discovery of the molecular structure of nucleic acids and of the genetic code has allowed a better understanding of the nature and action of the gene. But genetics is the science of "heredity," of the preservation of the specific gene pool; its relationships to evolution are known only through theories. INTERPRETATION OF EVOLUTIONARY FACTS It is surprising to note that present-day theories explaining evolution are based on the same principles as in the past. This practice has in no way weakened the claims of the advocates of these theories; on the contrary, many Anglo-Saxon and a few French biologists so strongly believe in these doctrines that they write without the slightest hesitation that the evolutionary mechanism is known in detail with a high degree of certainty. We have gone from Darwinism into neo-Darwinism, and, very recently, to ultra-Darwinism, which not only claims to be the sole custodian of truth in regard to evolution, but to be evolution itself. Darwin himself did not display so much confidence when writing to one of his grandsons: "But I believe in natural selection, not because I can prove in any single case that it has changed one species into another, but because 6 An Introduction to the Study of Evolution it groups and explains well, it seems to me, a lot of facts in classification, embryology, morphology, rudimentary organs, geological succession and distribution... ."* Present-day ultra-Darwinism, which is so sure of itself, impresses incompletely informed biologists, misleads them, and inspires fallacious interpretations. The following is one of the numerous examples found in books today: "In microorganisms, the generation time is rather short and the size of the population can be enormous. Therefore, mutation acts as a very powerful evolutionary process during a shorter lapse of time than in populations of higher organisms" (Lévine, 1969, p . 196, the italics are mine). This text suggests that modern bacteria are evolving very quickly, thanks to their innumerable mutations. Now, this is not true. For millions, or even billions of years, bacteria have not transgressed the structural frame within which they have always fluctuated and still do. It is a fact that microbiologists can see in their cultures species of bacteria oscillat- ing around an intermediate form, but this does not mean that two phenomena, which are quite distinct, should be confused; the variation of the genetic code because of a DNA copy error, and evolution. To vary and to evolve are two different things; this can never be sufficiently em- phasized, and we will try to prove that this proposition is correct later in the book. Bacteria, which are both the first and the most simple living beings to have appeared, are excellent subject material for genetic and biochemical study, but they are of little evolutionary value. Through use and abuse of hidden postulates, of bold, often ill- founded extrapolations, a pseudoscience has been created. It is taking root in the very heart of biology and is leading astray many biochemists and biologists, who sincerely believe that the accuracy of fundamental concepts has been demonstrated, which is not the case. Wishing to point out this type of misconception, we quote P. T. Mora, an American biochemist, who writes about polysaccharides contained in the cell membrane: "Of course we know that such specific structure is the result of the working of enzymes, which in turn is a reflection of the genetic information transmitted by nucleic acids through cycles of reproduction as selected by evolution (Mora, 1965, p . 40, the italics are mine). To admit that the action of enzymes and, more important, that their formation is directed by the genetic code should not permit one to maintain that the information was selected by evolution (the consequence is mistaken for the cause); no one knows anything about this. Today, the evolutionary "This letter is in the British Museum. It was published with a facsimile by Vernet (1950).

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