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Evaluation of Large-Volume Carbon Sequestration Test in Central PDF

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Preview Evaluation of Large-Volume Carbon Sequestration Test in Central

Phase II-Task 10: Evaluation of Large- VVollume CCarbbon SSequesttrattiion TTestt SSiittes in Central Appalachia Nino Ripepi Assistant Research Professor VViirrggiinniiaa CCeenntteerr ffoorr CCooaall aanndd EEnneerrggyy RReesseeaarrcchh Virginia Tech and Edward K. Diminick Sr. Petroleum Engineer Marshall Miller & Associates, Inc. SECARB 6th Annual Stakeholders' Briefing, Atlanta, GA, March 9-10, 2011 AAcckknnoowwlleeddggeemmeenntt This material is based upon work supported by the Department of Energy National Energy  Technology Laboratory under DE‐FC26‐05NT42590 This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal lliiaabbiilliittyy oorr rreessppoonnssiibbiilliittyy ffoorr tthhee aaccccuurraaccyy, ccoommpplleetteenneessss, oorr uusseeffuullnneessss ooff aannyy information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States GGoovveerrnnmmeenntt oorr aannyy aaggeennccyy tthheerreeooff.. Phase II Update – Final Reports SSubbmiittttedd (cid:153) Task 2 – Central Appalachian Basin Field Validation Test in Coal - 2009 • (Host: CONSOL/CNX Gas) – Black Warrior Basin Field Validation Test iinn CCooaall - 22001100 • (Host: El Paso) (cid:153)(cid:153) TTaskk 1100 – Evaluation of Large-Volume Carbon SSequesttrattiion TTestt SSiittes iin CCenttrall Appalachia SECARB Coal Group - Research Team (cid:153) Southern States Energy Board (cid:153)(cid:153) MMaarrsshhaallll MMiilllleerr aanndd AAssssoocciiaatteess (cid:153) VCCER/Virginia Tech (cid:153)(cid:153) GGeeoollooggiiccaall SSuurrvveeyy ooff AAllaabbaammaa (cid:153) Kentucky Geological Survey (cid:153) Advanced Resources International (cid:153) CONSOL Energy (cid:153) West Virginia University SECARB Coal Groupp – Phase II Partners (Cost Share, Data, Wells) (cid:153) Alawest (cid:153) EPRI (cid:153) Alpha Natural Resources (cid:153) Equitable Production (cid:153) GeoMet (cid:153) AMVEST (cid:153)(cid:153) IIntternattiionall CCoall GGroup (cid:153) Appalachian Production Serv. (cid:153) McJunkin Appalachian (cid:153) Buckhorn Coal (cid:153) Norfolk Southern (cid:153) CCP2 Project (cid:153)(cid:153) NNaattuurraall RReessoouurrccee PPaarrttnneerrss (cid:153) CDX Gas (cid:153) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (cid:153) Clean Energy Tech. Inst (MSU) (cid:153) Penn Virginia (cid:153) CNX Gas (cid:153)(cid:153) PPiinnee MMoouunnttaaiinn OOiill && GGaass (cid:153) CONSOL Energy (cid:153) Piney Land (cid:153) Cumberland Resources (cid:153) Pocahontas Land (cid:153) Dart Oil & Gas (cid:153) Praxair (cid:153) RMB Earth Science Consultants (cid:153) Denbury Resources (cid:153) Univ. British Columbia (cid:153) Dominion TTaasskk 1100 TTeeaamm LLeeaaddeerrss Geologic Storage Options Depleted Devonian Oil & Gas Unmineable Saline Stacked SShale Fields CCoal SSeams ECCBM Aquiffers SStorage KGS MM&A MM&A VCCER WVU GSA Technical Tasks Legal, Monitoring, Permitting Verification Public and and Outreach Regulatory Accounting Modeling Closeout VCCER CONSOL VCCER ARI MM&A PPrriimmaarryy OObbjjeeccttiivveess (cid:153)(cid:153) CChhaarraacctteerriizzee ppootteennttiiaall llaarrggee vvoolluummee tteesstt ssiitteess iinn Central Appalachian Basin for coal seam sequestration and ECBM recovery (cid:153) Identify depleted oil and gas fields that could support a large volume test (cid:153)(cid:153) SSttuddy salliine fformattiions tto ddevellop a seconddary storage option (cid:153)(cid:153) AAnnaallyyzzee tthhee ppootteennttiiaall ooff sshhaallee rreesseerrvvooiirrss ffoorr sequestration PPrriimmaarryy OObbjjeeccttiivveess ((ccoonntt..)) (cid:153) Model potential CO injection test sites and 2 ddeevveelloopp iinnjjeeccttiioonn pprrooffiilleess ffoorr llaarrggee-ssccaallee tteesstt (cid:153)(cid:153) IIddeennttiiffyy ooppttiioonnss ffoorr ssttaacckkeedd ssttoorraaggee rreesseerrvvooiirrss (cid:153)(cid:153) SSeelleecctt sseevveerraall tteesstt ssiitteess ffoorr aa llaarrggee vvoolluummee sequestration project Stacked Storage TTarget FFormatiions Target Formations

Mar 10, 2011 Phase II-Task 10: Evaluation of Large-. V l. C b. S t ti T tSit. Volume Carbon Sequestration Test Sites in Central Appalachia. Nino Ripepi.
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