Evaluating chemical exposure and effect models for aquatic species with a focus on crude oil constituents Lisette de Hoop De Hoop, L., 2016. Evaluating chemical exposure and effect models for aquatic species with a focus on crude oil constituents. PhD thesis, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Cover & layout: Roel van den Heuvel Printed by: Ipskamp Drukkers, Nijmegen © 2016 Lisette de Hoop, all rights reserved. ISBN 978-90-9029883-2 Evaluating chemical exposure and effect models for aquatic species with a focus on crude oil constituents Proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen op gezag van de rector magnificus, volgens besluit van het college van decanen in het openbaar te verdedigen op vrijdag 2 september 2016 om 16.30 uur precies door Lisette de Hoop geboren op 22 augustus 1988 te Vlissingen Promotoren Prof. dr. ir. A.J. Hendriks Prof. dr. M.A.J. Huijbregts Copromotoren Dr. A.M. Schipper Dr. F. de Laender (Université de Namur, België) Manuscriptcommissie Prof. dr. A.M. Breure (voorzitter) Prof. dr. A.P. van Wezel (Universiteit Utrecht) Dr. R.S.E.W. Leuven Paranimfen Stephanie van Dalen Thomas van Goethem CONTENTS Chapter 1 General introduction 7 Chapter 2 Modelling bioaccumulation of oil constituents in aquatic species 17 Chapter 3 Time-varying effects of aromatic oil constituents on the survival of 35 aquatic species: deviations between model estimates and observations Chapter 4 Crude oil affecting the biomass of the marine copepod Calanus 55 finmarchicus: comparing a simple and complex population model Chapter 5 Modelling toxic stress by atrazine in a marine consumer-resource system 77 Chapter 6 Sensitivity of polar and temperate marine organisms to oil components 97 Chapter 7 Synthesis 109 Appendices A. Appendix to chapter 2 123 B. Appendix to chapter 3 131 C. Appendix to chapter 4 147 D. Appendix to chapter 5 155 E. Appendix to chapter 6 165 Literature cited 177 Summary 203 Samenvatting 209 Acknowledgements - Dankwoord 215 About the author 221 Chapter 1 General introduction Chapter 1 1.1 Ecological risk assessment 1.1.1 General concept Ecological risk assessment (ERA) aims at predicting the probability of occurrence and the magnitude of adverse effects of chemicals on plants, animals, and ecosystems. Two main factors determine whether a chemical is a potential risk, namely its concentration in the environment and the sensitivity of the organisms exposed, i.e. the chemical dose or concentration that induces an adverse effect, such as lethality (Figure 1.1). The chemical concentration in an environmental compartment, such as water, soil or air, is measured or modelled in the exposure assessment. In the effect assessment, the toxicity of a chemical is determined by establishing concentration-effect relationships. These relationships can be used to derive an environmental concentration at which no effect or a generally acceptable effect occurs, for instance the concentration affecting no more than 5% of the species in an ecosystem. In standard ERA the risk of a chemical is typically characterized by dividing the environmental exposure concentration by the no effect or acceptable effect concentration. If the ratio exceeds a value of 1, the chemical may pose an unacceptable risk to the species or ecosystem of concern. Chemical in environment Exposure Effect assessment assessment Risk characterization Figure 1.1 The standard risk characterization process for chemical substances (modified after Van Leeuwen and Hermens [1]). Ecological risks can also be based on internal effect thresholds and body burdens in biota instead of external exposure and effect concentrations of chemicals [2- 4]. One advantage of the so-called tissue residue approach (TRA) is that the bioavailability and toxicokinetics (i.e. rates of uptake and elimination) of a chemical are considered. Because internal thresholds are relatively independent of the variability in toxicokinetics, differences in species characteristics are less important in the TRA than in the external concentration approach [4, 5]. Furthermore, internal concentrations integrate exposure over time and space providing a more stable exposure assessment [4]. Yet, limitations to using the 8 General introduction TRA include for instance the assessment of highly biotransformable chemicals, reactive chemicals (e.g. phototoxic chemicals) and inorganics, such as metals [4]. 1 1.1.2 Bioaccumulation A chemical substance can be taken up by an organism via contact with environmental compartments and via its food. Bioaccumulation occurs when an organism is unable to eliminate all of the absorbed chemical substances. The elimination can include different routes, such as via water, faeces, dilution with biomass and biotransformation of parent compounds into metabolites (Figure 1.2) [6]. Accumulation of a persistent chemical occurs in the fat fraction of the organism if the chemical has a higher affinity to fat compared to water. The potential of organic chemicals to bioaccumulate is therefore often assessed as the octanol-water partition coefficient K , which represents the lipophilicity of ow a chemical and how it thermodynamically partitions between aqueous and lipid phases [7]. The accumulation of a chemical from the water phase can be expressed as a bioconcentration factor (BCF), which is the ratio of the chemical concentration in the organism to the chemical concentration in the water [7]. Body burdens may increase from prey to predator due to dietary absorption, which can be quantified with the biomagnification factor (BMF), that is the ratio of the chemical concentration in an organism to that in the organism’s diet [8]. Figure 1.2 Schematic representation of different mechanisms that can carry chemicals into or remove chemicals from aquatic organisms: assimilation from food, absorption from water, transformation in the organism, dilution with biomass, egestion with food, and excretion with water. 9 Chapter 1 Models can be used to estimate the bioaccumulation for organic chemicals and species that have remained untested, in order to limit animal tests and inform regulatory decision making. Relationships between bioconcentration parameters (absorption and elimination rate constants) and the lipophilicity of a chemical substance provide a means for estimating its bioconcentration behaviour [9]. There are different mass-balance models which quantify the bioaccumulation of chemicals in organisms based on the environmental concentration and first- order uptake and elimination rate constants: 1. One-compartment models, in which the body is treated as one unit, since an immediate distribution and equilibrium of the chemical is assumed throughout the organism’s body [6, 9]. An example is the bioaccumulation model OMEGA (Optimal Modelling for EcotoxicoloGical Applications), which has been used for a variety of aquatic and terrestrial vertebrates and invertebrates exposed to metals and organic chemicals [10, 11]. 2. Multi-compartment models, in which extra compartments are added into which the chemical may distribute. Some models divide the organism into a number of compartments (water compartment, target compartment, and others) with a permanent chemical equilibrium among them [12, 13]. 1.1.3 Single-species effects Accumulation of a chemical can result in an adverse effect on the organism if its body burden exceeds a critical internal threshold level. Concentration-effect relationships can be used to determine a threshold value, such as the critical body burden (CBB), e.g. the internal concentration of a chemical at which 50% of the individuals are negatively affected regarding for instance their growth or survival. Additionally the concentration-effect curves represent the variation in sensitivity between individuals, i.e. the intraspecies variation. The CBB concept is often used for assessing the potential toxicity of chemicals with a narcotic toxic mode of action (TMoA), i.e. a baseline toxicity [2]. Many organic compounds, like aromatic hydrocarbons, are expected to exhibit a non- polar narcotic TMoA, which is believed to be the result of nonspecific disturbance of membrane integrity and functioning due to partitioning of toxicants into biological membranes [14]. It is assumed that chemicals with the same TMoA exhibit a similar CBB, for example 0.1 (0.04-0.16) mol/kg lipid for narcotic chemicals [5]. 1.1.4 Multi-species effects Multi-species population models are important for ecological risk assessment as effect estimates on a population level usually lie closer to the interest of risk assessors than individual-level effect estimates. The abundance of organisms changes when the demographic vital rates that drive population dynamics, 10